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- . . , , . : 1) 1933-1953 ., ; 2) 1953-1958 ., "4 " (1919 .) ; 3) 1958-1980 . - " ", "" ; 4) 1980 . , . . , . 1942 ., , - , . , - "4 " - , , , " ". ', . , , . , . , , , , , .
: , , , " ", , .
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- . . ' , , . : 1) 1933-1953 ., ' ; 2) 19531958 ., "4 " (1919 .) ; 3) 1958-1980 . - " ", "" ; 4) 1980 . , . 䳿 . , 䳺 . 1942 ., , - / , . , _ - "4 " - . , , " ". , . , , . , . , , , , .
: , , , " ", , .
Tong Lili, trainee
The aim of this paper is to show a way of development of the theory of social realism in China and to reveal an extent of influence of soviet theory of social realism to the literary process in this country in XX century. The article is descriptive by its plan. The object of study is the theory of social realism, and the subject of stUdy is transformations of this theory in Chinese context. The research is based on the next model of periodization of the process of development of the mentioned theory in China: 1) 1933 - 1953 years, when the theory of realism was borrowed and started to gain ground in China; 2) 1953 - 1958 years, when Chinese literary critics had reconsidered the literature of "May 4th" Movement (1919) from the social realism point^ of view; 3) 1958 - 1980 years, when "cultural revolution" took place and the term "social realism" had got out of use from Chinese literary critic; and 4) 1980 year - till now, when revival of interest to the classic form of realism as the method of writing occurred. In addition to this, most important events or contentious issues for each mentioned period were underlined in the paper. In particular, it was recognized, that the most important event for Chinese literary circles during the first period was the Mao Zedong's speech in Yan'an city in 1942; because since then, the theory of socialist realism had officially become the key method of literary writings in China, with works of soviet literature, based on it, as a main pattern. As for the second period, it is stated, that considering the main representative of the "May 4th" literature Lu Xun as a social realist is a matter of opinion, lacked sufficient arguments. Speaking about the third period, it is underlined, that the shift from the social realism to the mix of revolutiona^ romanticism and revolutionary realism occurred in method orientation during this period, with the last setting dominated till the end of the "cultural revolution". About fourth period it is stressed, that the interest of writers returned to the classical realism as a method of writing during this period. Then, the next features of the theory of socialist realism in the Chinese context were determined as a result of this research: an intention to estimate the described reality, clearly explicate the essence of the victory of socialist revolution and propagate the spirit of fight for the better future among the readers. Thus, It is noted in conclusions to the article, that socialist realism in China in the xX century went through raise and decline of theoretical interest during the process of adaptation to the new context, and finally gave way to the classical realism. So, the new wave of interest to the letter, in the field of theory in particular, is expected in future.
Keywords: literary theory, borrowing, revolutionary romanticism, "cultural revolution", mass character, proletariat.
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