Analysis of the work as the basis of literary education of students
The development of critical thinking of students in the lessons of the subject "Foreign literature". Trained pupils to creative analysis of the author's idea. The formation of one's own approach to evaluating the actions of the heroes of artistic works.
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Analysis of the work as the basis of literary education of students
Rushanski Julia, Rozman Iryna
Аналіз твору як основа літературної освіти учнів
Рушанскі Ю., Розман І. I.
У статті розглядаються важливі аспекти роботи над аналізом художнього тексту. Наголошено, що вміння аналізувати твір є однією з базових навичок, які учні отримують та розвивають під час вивчення шкільної програми з предмету «Зарубіжна література». Зауважено, що цей процес варто починати поступово, вводячи учнів у стан справ, по черзі пояснюючи кожен з існуючих нюансів. Тільки за таких умов в учнів не зникне бажання розвиватися в цьому аспекті й надалі. занадто інтенсивне залучення школярів до нової для них роботи дуже легко знеохочує. Зазначено, що необхідно звертати увагу на типові помилки та проблеми шкільного аналізу твору. Більшість науковців та методистів схиляються до думки, що художній аналіз твору повинен відповідати таким основним критеріям: виховувати морально-етичні норми та правил, розвивати критичне та творче мислення, вказувати на необхідність розуміння авторського задуму, формувати власний підхід до оцінювання вчинків літературних героїв.
Ключові слова: зарубіжна література, освіта, аналіз, системне навчання, розвиток мислення.
The article discusses important aspects of working on the analysis of a work of art. It is noted that the ability to analyze an essay is one of the main skills that students receive and develop when studying the school curriculum in the discipline "Foreign Literature". It is noted that this process should begin gradually, introducing students to the state of affairs, explaining each of the existing nuances in turn. Only under such conditions will students not lose the desire to develop in this aspect in the future. It is indicated that it is necessary to pay attention to typical errors and problems of analyzing school work. Most scientists and methodologists are inclined to believe that the artistic analysis of a work should meet the following basic criteria: to educate moral and ethical norms and rules, to develop critical and creative thinking, to indicate the need to understand the author's idea, to form one's own approach to evaluating the actions of literary characters.
Key words: foreign literature, education, analysis, system learning, thinking development.
In order for a student to analyze a work of art, they need to read it carefully. The method of creative reading is most specific for literature as an academic subject. It is in the activation of artistic perception, the formation of artistic inclinations and abilities of schoolchildren by means of art that the purpose and specifics of this method of teaching lie. At the same time, artistic perception and aesthetic experiences are the first and necessary step in the scientific understanding of literature. student literature critical thinking hero artistic
In the process of perception of a work, its artistic abilities are acquired. Reading a work of art is qualitatively different from reading a scientific or journalistic text. This requires special attention to the word, phrase, rhythm; it causes the work of the imagination, emotional arousal. It is necessary to teach students to listen and hear an artistic word, appreciate it, enjoy it, and learn to speak and write expressively themselves.
Fiction is a huge resource for educating young people. And in order to form a generation of truly educated readers, it is necessary to understand how to attract students to study literature. Without a doubt, the initial stage is the analysis of a work of art. The teaching methods and techniques chosen by the teacher should depend on the actual work and the specifics of its analysis [5].
Miroshnichenko L., Voloshina N., Isaeva A., Kizenko V., Kovbasenko Yu., Bogdan L., Kutsevol A. are engaged in the development of innovative technologies in the methodology of teaching foreign literature. Classification and characterization of modern methods and techniques was carried out by V. Andrushchenko, I. Zyazyun, V. Kremen, V. Lugovoy, O. Sukhomlinskaya, V. Shadrikov, Yu.Sultanov.
Today, there is no teacher who does not think about how to make the lesson interesting and bright, in order to attract children to the subject, so that they work not only actively, but also creatively. Each creative teacher has their own set of modern teaching methods that contribute to the active learning of students and the development of their thinking [2].
A work of fiction is a way of expressing the author, where he conveys to readers not only his own views on certain life situations, but also his perception of our world. It is the analysis of the literary text that makes it clear how competent the teacher is in his field. After all, the inability to analyze the text forces teachers to replace the concept of «analysis of the work» with «detailed retelling of the text» [1].
The ability to analyze an essay is one of the main skills that students receive and develop when studying the school curriculum on the previous topic "Foreign Literature". It should be clearly understood that for a qualitative analysis of the work, it is necessary to comprehend it, and not to perceive it passively, inert. An equally important factor is the desire and ability to evaluate the work, enjoy the reading process and understand its contribution to world literature [3].
Teaching the analysis of a work is one of the most important tasks of a teacher of foreign literature, but one of the most difficult. This process should begin gradually, introducing students to the state of affairs, explaining each of the existing nuances in turn. Only under such conditions will students not lose the desire to develop in this aspect in the future. After all, too intensive involvement of schoolchildren in a new job is very easily confusing.
There are different ways to analyze a work of art: "following the author", figurative, problem- thematic, stylistic, comparative, and others.
The type of analysis depends on the age characteristics of students and their level of readiness. For example, historical and cultural analysis is aimed at identifying little-known and incomprehensible facts of the history and culture of another country. Linguistic comments on incomprehensible words and their meanings, elements of poetic speech. Geography explains the features of the climate, flora and fauna, as well as the topography of the country that the author tells about. The biographical book is devoted to the main important facts from the writer's life [4].
It all starts in grades 5-6. At the initial stage, children are just beginning to distinguish and find the features of the work, understand their meaning and importance in the work of art. Students begin to describe the main and secondary characters, describe them, and find out their common and distinctive features. At this age, it is necessary to start introducing students to such concepts as «interior” and “exterior”, “landscape” and “still life». It should be noted that this information should be metered out, and children should not be overwhelmed by new concepts in the classroom [3].
In grades 7-8, the situation is somewhat different. Students already have a certain level of knowledge and knowledge of terminology. Therefore, the skills of artistic analysis of a work need to be improved and developed. At this age, in addition to retelling the text (which is also a necessary component when studying literature), students should understand the problems of a particular work, be able to compare the plots and characters of different works. Also understand the difference between the concepts of ''epic”, ''yrics” and “drama”, and determine their properties and features. In the 7th grade students begin to distinguish between genres of works and give a description of each of them.
In grades 8-9, the educational and emotional components are most important, because teenagers are too emotional and, accordingly, perceive everything emotionally. Most of all, they are fascinated by adventure novels, amazing events, characters whose actions carry an educational purpose.
The system literature course starts in high school. In high school, students should be able to evaluate the work from beginning to end, fully and comprehensively analyze the work of art. All this happens only under the condition of systematization of knowledge, constant improvement and accumulation of knowledge from the beginning of the secondary level of school.
In addition, all of the above is true only if students and teachers cooperate. In grades 9-11, students should analyze the work in the unity of content and form, understand the theme of the work, storylines, give characteristics to the characters and their images, understand the differences in genres and compare the works with each other. During this period, the most important thing for students is the cognitive aspect of work analysis. Emotional and educational aspects are also present, but to a lesser extent [2].
In the middle classes of the school, oral forms of work predominate, such as conversation, oral description of the characters of the work and description of events. But gradually, in the lessons of foreign literature, they begin to consider written forms of analysis. It all starts with drawing up a simple performance plan. Over time, the plan expands, and there are works-reflections on the works read and characterized.
In high school, the types of job analysis are radically different. According to the age of students, it is worth offering students such a form of work analysis as discussion. No less relevant are the problem situation, analysis of the plot and composition of the work. Poems and poems are usually analyzed orally. It is allowed to perform written work. Now students need to logically and holistically argue their own attitude to certain characters or situations, motivate the assessment of the work. Written works will vary depending on the genre (essay description, essay reflection), and there will be works such as, for example, a brief overview of a literary article [3].
It is necessary to pay attention to typical mistakes and problems of school work analysis. First, the planned lessons are not enough. Secondly, the teacher believes that the main thing is the plot, content and artistic means of the work, and the analysis should be carried out in the unity of content and form. Third, students do not systematically read software papers.
Most scientists and methodologists are inclined to believe that the artistic analysis of a work should meet the following criteria: develop critical and creative thinking, indicate the need to understand the author and form your own approach to evaluation.
There are two vital conditions for successful analysis of school work: the teacher's own understanding and experience, and the selection of material according to the age level of students.
The first method of analyzing the work-following the author-is most often used, provided that the work is small in volume. It is used in both middle classes (in the initial stages) and high school. Most often, the teacher divides the work into semantic parts, makes up questions for each of them. It is necessary to make students understand that in addition to images and events in the work, an important part of such analysis is also the author's vision, regardless of whether he is telling the story on behalf of the main character, or the author's vision of the world does not correspond to the position of the narrator.
Methodological science during its existence has solved many issues and problems related to the study of essays in schools. However, the search for the best method for analyzing a work of art continues, as it requires a modern and comprehensive analysis [2].
Список використаних джерел
1. Алексеева Т. Аналіз художнього тексту [Електронний ресурс] / Таміла Алексеева // Волинь - Житомирщина. 2002. - № 9. - С. 273-278. - Режим доступу:
2. Гричаник Н.І. Проблема шкільного аналізу епічного твору в методичній науці [Електронний ресурс] / Н.І. Гричаник. - 2013. - С. 205-206. - Режим доступу: owed=y.
3. Лиценко Н. М. Проблеми аналізу художнього твору на уроках зарубіжної літератури в школі [Електронний ресурс] / Н. М. Лиценко. - 2018. - Режим доступу: shkoli-28037.html.
4. Методика організації та проведення групової роботи на уроках іноземної мови [Електронний ресурс]. - 2009. - Режим доступу: lit/3415/.
5. Слуцька Я. М. Художній текст: сприйняття, аналіз, інтерпретація [Електронний ресурс] / Я. М. Слуцька. - Режим доступу: http://slutskanm.blogspot.Com/p/blog-page 21.html.
1. Aleksyeyeva, T., 2002. Analiz khudozhn'oho tekstu [Analysis of artistic text]. Volyn - Zhytomyr region, 9, pp. 273-278. Available at:
2. Hrychanyk, N. I. 2013. Problema shkil'noho analizu epichnoho tvoru v metodychniy nautsi [The problem of school analysis of an epic work in methodological science]. Available at: owed=y.
3. Lytsenko, N. M. 2018. Problemy analizu khudozhn'oho tvoru na urokakh zarubizhnoyi literatury v shkoli [Problems of analysis of a work of art in the lessons of foreign literature at school]. Available at: zarubizhno-literaturi-v-shkoli-28037.html.
4. Metodyka orhanizatsiyi ta provedennya hrupovoyi roboty na urokakh inozemnoyi movy [Methods of organizing and conducting group work in foreign language lessons]. 2009. Available at: lit/3415/.
5. Sluts'ka, Ya. M. Khudozhniy tekst: spryynyattya, analiz, interpretatsiya [Artistic text: perception, analysis, interpretation]. Available at: page 21.html.
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