Author and style: intellectualization of Victor Domontovych`s artistic discourse
The linguopoetics of Viktor Domontovych's prose discourse. The features of the idiostyle of Victor Domontovych, a writer of 1920s, a representative of modernist artistic discourse. Exposition of spirituality, low culture, meanness in art of Domontovych.
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Дата добавления | 15.09.2022 |
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In the mind of the writer figurative representations of Kyiv are deeply connected with the history of the city, mostly with the baroque culture period, they are overflown with the spirit of Ukrainian antiquity, its former greatness: Захоплення бароко входило, як обов'язковий складовий елемент, у світогляд Вер та її приятелів. Весняна прогулянка в теплий березневий день оберталась у паломницьку мандрівку до барокових пам'яток Києва XVII- XVIII віків. Блакитне небо, голі дерева, мереживо барокових вигинів, білі хмарки й втома від прогулянки пішки з Печерського через Поділ до Кирилівської церкви [The worldview of Ver and her friends incorporated their interests in baroque as a mandatory component. The spring stroll on a warm March day turned into a pilgrimage to the baroque monuments of Kyiv of the XVII- XVIII centuries. Blue skies, bare trees, laces of baroque curves, white clouds and fatigue from walking from Pechersky and to the St. Cyril's Monastery, including Podil] ( "Doctor Seraficus”). Fascination by Baroque art is a clear evidence of sophistication the author's spiritual interest; the mentions of the constructivist- style buildings in the text of the novel are accompanied by connotations of alienation and internal rejection, if not condemnation.
The background of the story is gradually expanding; the author describes the cultural situation on the "turn of the epochs"; the romanticized description of Kyiv's streets changes into a journalistic, dry story. Reflections on the events of the 1920s became a fundamental analysis on the part of an attentive observer, a scientist capable of making a conclusion: Студентська молодь у своєму складі була аморфна, дезорієнтована, малокультурна. Курсистки читали графа Аморі, Вербіцьку й Брешко- Брешковського, у кращому разі -- Винниченка, Андреєва й Купріна. Інтелектуальний рівень був дуже низький [In general student youth were amorphous, disoriented, and uncultured. The female students read Count Amori, Verbitska and Breshko-Breshkovsky, at best - Vynnychenko, Andreiev and Kuprin. The intellectual level was very low]; the keywords intellectual level become a fundamental principle of authorial axiology.
Besides the novel prose, when we pay attention to the writer's stories and essays, we can single out the establishment of mental activity as the highest human vocation; the antithesis - "intelligence" versus "low culture" - falls into the stylistic reserve of the author as a credo, a testament; e.g. characteristics of the character: Він філософ, і, як філософ, він намагається усвідомити те буття, що він його веде, знайти для нього раціональне визначення, підпорядковувати його абстрактно загальній формулі [He is a philosopher, and as a philosopher, he tries to understand the being that he leads, to find a rational definition for him, to subordinate it to an abstract general formula] ("Enamel Bowl").
The stylistic devices in the text of the stories are used to a limited extent, their selection is dosed and weighed, verified by strict authorial preferences, it is determined by a principle "better less but purposeful"; one can witness the desire to minimize the usage of bright paths, elaborate metaphors, colorful comparisons, and, thus, get rid of excessive "beautification", ornamentation, and artificially heated emotions. Let's consider some examples. The story on biblical themes contains a number of actualized epithets in the form of adjectives of the highest degree of comparison: Ввечері того дня й наступного їх [апостолів] приймали найповажніші люди в місті. Частували найдорожчими винами й годували найвишуканішими стравами. Найгарніші жінки мили їм ноги й мастили дорогими ароматами. З найвіддаленіших кутків країни надходили все нові й нові юрби народу, збудженими чутками про Месію [In the evening of that day and the next day, the most respected people in the city welcomed them [apostles]. They were treated with the most expensive wines and fed the most exquisite dishes. The most beautiful women washed their feet and treated them to expensive fragrances. From the farthest corners of the country there were coming bigger and bigger crowds of people, excited by rumors of the Messiah] ("Apostles"). The key point of the fragment - the Messiah in his theological interpretation defines the elevated tone, epithets most respectful, most expensive, most exquisite, most distant add some expressiveness to the text. In this context, there are few means of actualization: У цьому таки контексті наведено нечисленні засоби актуалізації: Народ заповнив усі майдани, усі ринки в місті, і з вулиць доносилися, як глухе гуркотіння моря, радісні крики. Народ вітав Ісуса, обітованого пророками Месію (ibid.) [The crowd filled all the squares, all the markets in the city, and from the streets, like the deafening roar of the sea, one could hear joyful cries. The people greeted Jesus, the promised prophet of the Messiah]. Both comparisons like the deafening roar of the sea and the bookish promise ('promised, cherished') [DUL, 5, 507] support the creation of connotations of highness, solemnity.
The texts metaphorization is what distinguishes Domontovych's system of artistic thinking against the background of imagery traditional for the Ukrainian literature. His use of stylistic devices is original and unique, his symbolism has hidden depth, there are not many epithets, but they are well- calculated and accurate in associative relations. For example, reading audience is familiar with numerous descriptions of the Dnipro (starting from T.Shevchenko's description and up to the M.Gogol's one), but Domontovych found new linguistic and stylistic colors; therefore, there comes forward an illusory impression that the writer perceives the unique image of the main river of Ukraine in a different way.
Consider: Дніпро блищить на сонці лускою якоїсь величавої срібної риби. Роздріблюючись на променисті краплі, сонце пливе в тремтінні хвиль. Очі сліпнуть від нестерпного сяйва [the Dnieper shines in the sun with the scales of some majestic silver fish. Crushing into radiant drops, the sun floats in the trembling waves. The unbearable radiance blinds the eyes] ("Girl with a Teddy Bear”). The visual perception of the river's radiance with the help of the image of the sun is refined by an "unexpected" comparison with the scales of silver fish ( both fish and the Dnipro are associatively close images); the impression from sunshine is intensified by means of the metaphor that the sun floats in the trembling of the waves (the trembling of the waves is an internal metaphor). Thus, a number of logically connected descriptive components ( Dnipro, sun, radiance, fish scales, waves ) create a holistic conceptual and semantic field.
In continuation of the line of figurative perception, there comes another river description in a different prose text: О третій годині сонце ще являло картину дикої оргії. Річка засліплювала очі в тремтячому миготінні струмків тим, що за швидкість цього вогненного коливання не можна було стежити. Тисячі сонць у скаженому коловороті полум'яніли, крутились, променювали. Палке блищання берегового піску було таке ж нестерпне, як і ця фантасмагорія сонць у хвилях річки. Мозок божеволів, природу трясло в полум'ї гарячки [At three in the afternoon the sun was still a picture of a wild orgy. The river blinded the eyes in the trembling flicker of the streams as the speed of this fiery oscillation could not be clearly followed. Thousands of suns in a mad whirlwind were blazing, swirling, radiating. The wild glitter of the shore sand was as unbearable as this phantasmagoria of suns in the waves of the river. The mind went berserk, as the nature shook as if in the flames offever]("Doctor Seraficus"). Notably, the fragment includes associations similar to the ones found in the previous text: the central image - the sun, a to reference to radiance expressed through the wild orgy of the sun, blinded eyes, the flickering waves are shown with the help of flickering streams, fiery oscillations. However, these similarities and echoes are not repetitions; they are more of the author's expression of the same linguistic picture, a component of the holistic perception of the image. At the same time, the fragment proves the strengthening of the connotations of expression (the previous fragment deals with the summer day observation, while the latter one tells the story of a meeting at the beach). The hyperbolic images of the second fragment (wild orgy, blinded eyes, fiery oscillations, unbearable radiance; phantasmagoria of suns) are only logical; the sun becomes so striking that it is perceived as a thousand suns.
V.Domontovych's artistic discourse stands out against the background of the culturological search of the 1920s due to the uniqueness of its linguistic and stylistic manifestations based on the principles of intellectualization of the text as well as on its representation in linguistic and aesthetic signs of culture [3, 8-9]. Being the writer of deep philosophical thought, he creates a mono-paradigm of means that reproduce artistic reality as a system of contradictions, antitheses and mythologems. Various phenomena of the rational and irrational, the real and unreal, conditional appear in the author's intentions as a reflection of the ontology of existence and categories of essence. Ironically and mockingly the writer addresses the issues of human spiritual existence, intolerance to selfishness, arrogance, and meanness. The writer's idiostyle reflects his desire not so much to depict events and situations, but to analyze, reflect and evaluate. The originality and specificity of V.Domontovych's intellectual prose found a wide resonance in the texts of modernist writers, in particular in postmodern discourse.
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