Reflection of the women rights in the Turkish literary tradition of the 20th century
Analysis of the work of Turkish writers in the context of ensuring rights of women in human life and activity. The image of the heroine from the point of view of the associative-figurative, metaphorical meaning of prototypes. Causes of gender inequality.
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Reflection of the women rights in the Turkish literary tradition of the 20th century
Zeynally Jale Elshan gizi PhD student at the Department of Literature of the Turkic Peoples of the Faculty of Philology of the Baku State University, a teacher of the Azerbaijani language and literature, Baku Ataturk Lyceum
The aim of the study is to identify the causes of social problems reflected that women face and cannot find their solution in the writings of Turkish writers. Author tried to draw conclusions from the analysis of the works of these writers, notes that, having the possibility of equal constitutional rights in all areas of human life, in education, social security and social status, there are still certain traditional forms of discrimination against women.
It is emphasized that women can no longer withstand the onslaught of infringement and began to fight for their voices to be heard. Unfortunately, in many countries this struggle continues today. From this point of view, literature is an indispensable tool for influencing people and an artistic and figurative way to show these problems.
The object of the study is the issues of women's rights, and the subject is the analysis of the work of Turkish writers in the context of ensuring these rights of women in human life and activity.
Methods and methodology. The work uses a structural analysis based on the methodology of the universal declaration of human rights. Particular attention is paid to figurative comparisons. The idea of the connection of each of the listed heroines with the time and place of their stay is substantiated.
The scientific novelty in this article lies in the consideration of the images of the heroines from the point of view of the associative-figurative, metaphorical meaning of the prototypes used by the authors of the novels when creating and describing the characters of their characters. The compositional roles of these characters are compared. Separately, the fate of girls who fell into the abyss of morality and morality (which is an important location in the novel and plays a significant compositional role in the text) and the nature of the causes of this process are considered. The presented article reveals some intertextual connections in the historical-literary and cultural-historical context. This research work highlights gender inequality in a patriarchal society and the issue of social structure analysis and sociological assessment based on this topic. The reflection of such issues as the position of women in society, social inequality and the violation of women's rights in the Turkish literature of the twentieth century is the main core of the research work.
Conclusions. In conclusion, the author summing up the results of his research notes that, as in the literature of many peoples of the world, the description of these problems is widely considered in the literature of Turkey. It is noted that the inclination towards the West and the need to adapt to the modernizing world led to the adoption of legal and social laws relating to women and steps aimed at softening the patriarchal thinking of society in Turkey. Undoubtedly, these innovations were reflected in the way of life and the position of women in society.
Keywords: Turkish literature, romance, traditions, women's rights, declaration of universal human rights, inequality, discrimination.
Відображення прав жінок у турецькій літературі: традиції 20 століття
Зейналли Жале Ельшан гизи докторант на доктора філософії з філології кафедри літератури тюркіських народів філологічного факультету Бакинського Державного Університету, викладач азербайджанської мови та літератури, Бакинський Ататюркський Ліцей
Мета дослідження полягає у виявленні причин соціальних проблем, із якими стикаються жінки і не можуть знайти їх вирішення у працях турецьких письменників. Автор спробував зробити висновки з аналізу праць цих письменників та зазначає, що маючи можливість на рівні конституційні права у всіх сферах людського життя, у суспільстві, все ще є певні традиційні форми дискримінації щодо жінок.
Наголошується, що жінки вже не витримують тиску, утиску і почали боротися за те, щоб їхні голоси були почуті. На жаль, ще у багатьох країнах ця боротьба продовжується і сьогодні. З цієї точки зору література є незамінним інструментом впливу на людей і художньо- образним способом показати ці проблеми.
Об'єктом дослідження є питання прав жінок, а предметом є аналіз творчості турецьких письменників у контексті забезпечення цих прав жінок у людському житті діяльності.
Методи та методологія. Діяльність застосовується структурний аналіз із опорою на методологію загальної декларації людських прав. Особливу увагу приділено образним порівнянням. Обґрунтовується ідея про зв'язок кожної з перерахованих героїнь з часом та місцем їхнього перебування.
Наукова новизна у цій статті полягає у розгляді образів героїнь з погляду асоціативно-образного, метафоричного значення прототипів, які використовуються авторами романів при створенні та описі характерів своїх персонажів. Дається порівняння композиційних ролей цих персонажів. Окремо розглядаються долі дівчат потрапили на прірви моральності та моралі (який є важливою локацією в романі і відіграє значну композиційну роль у тексті) та характер причин цього процесу. У поданій статті виявляються деякі інтертекстуальні зв'язки в історико-літературному та культурно-історичному контексті. У цій роботі на перший план висувається гендерна нерівність у патріархальному суспільстві та питання аналізу соціальної структури та соціологічної оцінки на основі цієї теми. Відображення таких питань, як становище жінки у суспільстві, соціальна нерівність та порушення прав жінок у туреччинній літературі ХХ століття, є основним стрижнем дослідницької роботи.
Висновки. У висновку автор підбиває підсумки свого дослідження зазначає, що як у літературі багатьох народів світу, опис даних проблем широко розглядається і в літературі Туреччини. Зазначається, що схильність до Заходу і необхідність адаптуватися до світу, що модернізується, привели до прийняття правових і соціальних законів, що стосуються жінок, і кроків, спрямованих на пом'якшення патріархального мислення суспільства в Туреччині. Безсумнівно, ці нововведення відбилися на спосіб життя та становище жінок у суспільстві.
Ключові слова: туреччинна література, романістика, традиції, права жінок, декларація загальних прав людини, нерівність, дискримінація.
Problem statement (setting tasks)
Social, political and economic rights are rights granted by the state to people not only because they are people, but also because they are citizens. However, in a number of cases it is possible to encounter cases of legal inequality between women and men. Until the beginning of the 20th century, in many countries of the world, there was a clear distinction between women and men. Women in all respects lagged behind men by several steps. The concept of gender equality in the international legal system began to find its place only at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries. It is an indisputable fact that women are affected by the process of cultural construction, which increases gender inequality in social life, in a social environment dominated by patriarchy. Women, who face the consequences of gender inequality to a greater extent than men, have been the focus of not only feminism, but also many areas of literature and philosophy in different historical periods.
Analysis of the recent research and publications
Despite the role of women in society, business life, politics, family, art, science, etc., they are still inferior to men in many areas of life and hardly find a place for themselves. These problems are still being studied and researched for many years, but no solution has been found. For this reason, while working on the topic of women's rights and gender inequality, a lot of research has been done on discrimination in the social sciences and literature.
The aim of the study is to identify the causes of social problems reflected that women face and cannot find their solution in the writings of Turkish writers. The author tried to draw conclusions from the analysis of the works of these writers, notes that, having the possibility of equal constitutional rights in all areas of human life, in education, social security and social status, there are still certain traditional forms of discrimination against women.
Methods and methodology
The work uses a structural analysis based on the methodology of the universal declaration of human rights. Particular attention is paid to figurative comparisons. The idea of the connection of each of the listed heroines with the time and place of their stay is substantiated.
The scientific novelty in this article lies in the consideration of the images of the heroines from the point of view of the associative-figurative, metaphorical meaning of the prototypes used by the authors of the novels when creating and describing the characters of their characters. The compositional roles of these characters are compared. Separately, the fate of girls who fell into the abyss of morality and morality (which is an important location in the novel and plays a significant compositional role in the text) and the nature of the causes of this process are considered. The presented article reveals some intertextual connections in the historical-literary and cultural-historical context. This research work highlights gender inequality in a patriarchal society and the issue of social structure analysis and sociological assessment based on this topic. The reflection of such issues as the position of women in society, social inequality and the violation of women's rights in the Turkish literature of the twentieth century is the main core of the research work.
Main material
Among living beings, there are a number of characteristics that make man a superior species with consciousness and distinguish him from other beings. These characteristics are based on human values. Each person reacts differently to situations and events. This diversity is the main feature that distinguishes us from each other. Entwistle, J noted that “Human rights are also based on human values. Since man is a valuable being, he has a number of rights” [1, p. 9]. According to Ioanna Kuchuradi, "ethical values are the most important characteristic of a person" [2]. People acquire these values in their relationships with themselves and others. Human rights can be divided into two groups according to the ways of protection. The first category means that we should not be prevented from engaging in purely human activities. People should be free and not to meet obstacles, taking a step in any creativity or field of science, expressing their opinion. The second category is such rights as the right to education, the right to work, the right to health, etc. The protection and protection of the rights of both categories is the responsibility of the state. In order to protect these rights, the State must at all times exercise some of its most important duties.
On the whole, the 20th century was a period of strengthening Westernization tendencies in Turkey, as well as the period of the highest flowering of the novel genre. Thus, the genre of the novel is one of the tools that help us the most in studying Turkish society and the way of life of the people of the 20th century, the difficulties and the main problems of that time.
The female characters in novels were an important example for social analysis. The political processes, social and economic changes that took place during the republican period found wide expression in literature, especially in novels and poems written in free poetic expression. “In order to assess society more correctly, one must use realistic literature. Because the indisputable fact is the close connection between art and life, between art and man. People's lives are visible in the art he created, their art reflects them more vividly. That is why they say that art is a mirror of life, people, era” [3 p. 279]. The works depicting the problems women face and the consequences of these problems are still an invaluable resource for research on the topic of women's rights and gender inequality. The rise of the Tanzimat period, the reforms of the Republic period and the fundamental changes in society led to an increase in the role and status of women. But besides this, many problems have not yet been resolved, and women have begun to be treated in the usual way as second-class people. From this point of view, the female characters created by Yasar Kemal are especially noteworthy (the social novels Support (1960), The Earth is Iron, the Sky is Copper (1963), Efe from Chakyrdzh (1972), Legend of the Mountain (1970)), “If you kill a snake” (1976), “Voice of Blood” (1991), the dilogy “The owners of the Akchasaz estate” (“Crime at the Kovalsky Bazaar” (1973), collections of stories “Heat” (1952) and reports “This country from end to end" (1971)), Fakir Baykurt (his books "Anadolu Garaji" ("Anatolian Garage") and "Tyrpan" ("Swat"). Baykurt received the TRT Literary Prize for the novels "Synyrdaki Olyu" and "Tyrpan" during the coup d'etat, Baykurt was arrested twice and convicted by a military tribunal.
In 1973, Baikurt was banned from leaving the country. During these years, his books "About Binlerche Kagni" (Tens of thousands of tumbrels), "Kan Parasi", " Koygyochuren (Destroyer of the Village), Keklik (Partridge) and igerdeki Ogul (Boy in Prison)), Re§at Nuri Guntekin (Qaliku§u (1922) (Bird and the song song translates as “The Autobiography of a Turkish Girl”), Gizli El (1924 or 1922), Damga (1924) (Brand), Dudaktan Kalbe (1923 or 1925?), Ak§am Gune§i (1926), Bir Kadin Du§mani (1927) ( Enemy of Women), Ye§il Gece (1928) (Green Night), Acimak (1928) (Pity), Yaprak Dokumu (1939 or 1930) (Leaf fall), Degirmen (1944) (Mill), Kizilcik Dallari (1944 or 1932) (Branches Dogwood), Miskinler Tekkesi (1946), Harabelerin Qigegi (1953) (Flower of Ruins), Kavak Yelleri (1961 or 1950), Son Siginak (1961) (Last Refuge), Kan Davasi (1962 or 1955) (Bloody Fight), Ate§ Gecesi (1953) (Night of fire)) and Orhan Kemal (novels: Father's house \ Baba Evi (1949), Cemile \ Cemile (1952), Why so \ Neden Boyle (1956), Guilty \ Suglu (1957), Luck \ Devlet Ku§u (1958), House of Peace \ Dunya Evi (1958), Daughter of a Christian \ Gavurun Kizi (1959), Tiny \ Kugucuk (1960), Thrown into the Abyss \ El Kizi (1960), Lady's Mansion \ Hanimin Qiftligi (1961), Migratory birds \ Gurbet Ku§lari (1962), Child streets \ Sokaklarin Qocugu (1963), Once upon a time Filiz \ Bir Filiz Vardi (1965), Friendly whistles \ Arkada§ Isliklari (1968), Girl from the street \ Sokaklardan Bir Kiz (1968), Bad way \ Kotu Yol (1969), Fugitive \ Kagak (1970 posthumously), The World Inside Out \ Tersine Dunya (1986) and others), which occupy an important place in Turkish literature. These writers captured the spirit of that period in their works with great skill and managed to reflect the Turkish way of life, family structure and attitude towards women during the period of the republic. One of the factors that make their works valuable is that in the works of these writers we get objective information about the attitude towards women through the eyes of men, the value attached and the position of the Turkish woman of the twentieth century in the family and society. At the same time, it is very common for a woman to defend the rights of another woman, to talk about women's freedom. However, these topics are not often touched upon by the language and pen of male writers.
The growth of the feminism movement in the West has continued to grow since the 1950s. “At this time, supporters of the feminist movement criticize the patriarchal culture and call for a change in the entire existing system of social relations between the sexes. More attention is paid to the implementation of electoral and other political rights, as well as the elimination of all existing forms of discrimination” [4]. In Turkey, research on gender inequality and women's movements became popular after the 1980s. During this period, the oppression of women's rights and the resulting conflicts were widely expressed in many forms of art, including literature. Many social problems, such as the theme of the family and everyday life, the socioeconomic position of women in society, the lag of girls in the field of education, violence against women, constituted the main line of realistic novels of this period.
Before proceeding to the analytical part of the study, it is necessary to clarify and delineate some concepts. The sources distinguish between gender and social gender. “Gender is a concept associated with biological and physiological differences between men and women. Public gender in a broad sense is associated with the concept of a woman and a man in society and includes the mutual construction and interpretation of relations between men and women of different ages from a sociocultural point of view” [5, p. 7].
These ideas found their expression in the literature of that period, including in the works of the Tanzimat era (Z.J. - the literary name for the modernization reforms (and the very period of their implementation) in the Ottoman Empire from 1839 to 1876, when the first Ottoman constitution was adopted) in Turkic literature. Thus, in the novels written during this period, “women in Turkish novels of the Tanzimat era are reflected in a way that corresponds to family and moral ideas, traditions and modernization of that period” [6, p. 2]. in the novels of that period, the role and importance of female characters in the family came to the fore. The writers of this period reflected in their works a typical Turkish Muslim woman, tried to minimize the “negative” impact of rapid changes in society, the desire to become European, not to be subjected to moral degeneration. If we look at the novels written during the Republican period, we will see that the place and importance of a woman, not only in her home, but also in society, is illuminated more, and what she can bring to society as a person comes to the fore. It was also associated with changes in society and the legal system with the establishment of the republic. During this period, we are seeing some easing of attitudes towards women as a gender and the adoption of measures to protect women's rights.
Cardinal changes in society since the beginning of the 20th century have left no trace in the literature that best reflects life. Representatives of feminism suggest that not only in everyday life, but also in literary works, novels and poems, women are humiliated, relegated to the background, thereby maintaining and continuing the patriarchal system. Therefore, to eliminate this approach to women in literature, a critical branch of feminism was born. In particular, the works of male writers and female characters in these works were identified and analyzed. A connection is made between the problems of female images in works and the problems of women in society, the degree of relevance of these problems is assessed.
Along with female characters, writers are also criticized. For example: “Virginia Woolf notes that in England women writers have always been looked down upon. Samuel Johnson compared women writers to acrobatic dogs walking on their hind legs [7, p.115].
In conclusion, it can be concluded that women's rights were violated before and after the twentieth century, women were considered inferior to men, and they lagged behind in many areas of education, politics and public life. Although this way of thinking, which has taken root in society since the end of the 20th century, has shaken, it can be said, it has not completely disappeared. For centuries, society considered women to be housebound and ruled, while men were seen as an integral part of society, the ruling class. Thus, the man was perceived as free, the woman as dependent, the man as dominant, and the woman as submissive. The role of women in society has always been critical. It means that it was either a sacred or a humiliated society. In order to change this attitude towards women, to eliminate the concept of gender inequality, it is necessary to educate future generations in a healthy spirit, teach them to treat women and men not as heterosexual, but as a single being, as the highest creation of nature. It goes without saying that this process is not the result of a few years, but a process that requires many years and a lot of effort. In order for society to acquire a healthy and modern way of thinking, it is necessary to manage and direct this process in the most correct way.
women right turkish writer gender
1. Entwistle J. “Cinsiyet/Toplumsal Cinsiyet”, Temel Sosyolojik Dikotomiler. Ankara: Birle§ik Yayinlari, 2012. 235 s.
2. Kuguradi І. insan ve Degerleri. Ankara: Turkiye Felsefe Kurumu Yayinlari, 2013. 112 s.
3. Mengu§oglu T. Felsefeye Giri§. Ankara: Dogu Bati Yayinlari, 2017. 380 s.
4. Uluocak S., Gokulu G. Toplumsal Cinsiyet E§itsizligi ve Kadina Yonelik §iddet. Edirne: Paradigma Yayinlari, 2014. 234 s.
5. Has-Er M. Tanzimat Devri Turk Romaninda Kadin Kahramanlar, Ankara: Ataturk Kultur Merkezi Yayinlari, 2000. 420 s.
6. Beauvoir S. Geng Kadin Kizlik Qagi. istanbul:Payel Yayinlari, 1980.420 s.
1. Entwistle J. (2012), Entwistle, J. [“Sex/Gender”, Basic Sociological Dichotomies. Ankara: United Publications], “Cinsiyet/Toplumsal Cinsiyet”, Temel Sosyolojik Dikotomiler. Ankara: Birle§ik Yayinlari, 235 s. (in turkish)
2. Kuguradi І. (2013) Kuchurady, [І. People and their Values. Ankara: Turkish Philosophy Institution Publications], insan ve Degerleri. Ankara: Turkiye Felsefe Kurumu Yayinlari, 112 s.
3. Mengu§oglu T. (2017) Mengushoglu, T. [Introduction to Philosophy. Ankara: Dogu Bati Publications], Felsefeye Giri§. Ankara: Dogu Bati Yayinlari, 380 s.
4. Uluocak S., Gokulu G. (2014) Uluojac S., Goukulu G. [Gender Inequality and Violence Against Women. Edirne: Paradigma Publications], Toplumsal Cinsiyet E§itsizligi ve Kadina Yonelik §iddet. Edirne: Paradigma Yayinlari, 234 s.
5. Has-Er M. (2000) Has-Er M. [Heroes in Turkish Novel in the Tanzimat Era, Ankara: Ataturk Cultural Center Publications], Tanzimat Devri Turk Romaninda Kadin Kahramanlar, Ankara: Ataturk Kultur Merkezi Yayinlari, 420 s.
6. Bovuar S. (1980) Beauvoir, S. [Female Teenage Maiden. Istanbul: Payel Publications], Kadin Geng Kizlik Qagi. istanbul: Payel Yayinlari, 420 s.
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