Reflection of socio-historical and literary-cultural environment in Azerbaijani memoir literature

Study of works of the memoir genre of Azerbaijani writers. Analysis of elements reflecting the socio-historical and literary-cultural environment in the authors' memoirs. Reflection of memory as a practical activity and creativity of the memoirist.

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Дата добавления 09.03.2023
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These are the writer's astonishing confessions that made the novel “Caucasian days” sincere and loved by the readers. Thus, Banin describes the events of the period she witnessed naked, unadorned, and does not hide anything from the reader.

“Caucasian Days” realistically revives the atmosphere in Baku and the way of life of both aristocratic and lower strata of this environment, including the early twentieth century, the republican period, the first years of the overthrow of the republic, as well as the historical and political events in Azerbaijan.

In “Caucasian Days”, Banin is proud to be Eastern, Asian, Azerbaijani, and prefers ethnographic details and details to acquaint Western readers with her homeland, Azerbaijan. The writer longed for her homeland throughout all her life. In an interview with “Literaturnaya Gazeta”, one of Russia's most popular newspapers, Banin said she always followed the current events in the Caucasus and Azerbaijan, and in addition to the second edition of “Caucasian Days” she added that she regretted not being able to come to Azerbaijan during the years of emigration.


The article examines the works of Azerbaijani writers in the memoir genre, analyzes the memoirs of each author we study, revealing elements that reflect the socio-historical and literary-cultural environment. In the works we researched in the article, the basis of memoirs is the reflection of events through memory.

Analyzing the works of Azerbaijani writers in the memoir genre, we have come to the conclusion that the memories have acquired a new meaning along with the continuation and development of past traditions, enriched by the results of each author's personal creative initiative. Memoir literature plays an important role in the more accurate and detailed study of the memoirs of Azerbaijani writers, their lives and activities, as well as in the documentary coverage of the socio-historical and literary-cultural situation of the period.


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