Synergetic foundations of the methodology of modern bibliography

The interaction between bibliography and synergetics. The methodology of scientific research in the field of bibliography. The ways of developing and developing the methodology of bibliography, bringing it to the forefront of the science of bibliography.

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Дата добавления 20.08.2023
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Baku State University

Synergetic foundations of the methodology of modern bibliography

Ismayilov Nadir Ph.D., Assoc. Prof., Head of the

Department of Bibliography,

Sadigova Solmaz Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.



bibliography synergetics scientific research

The main goal of the research is to explain the interaction between bibliography and synergetics. A particularly noticeable attention to the methodology of scientific research in the field of bibliography intensified in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. The article mentions that scientists used to see bibliography as a reliable tool for scientific work, an effective tool for solving theoretical problems, and an invaluable source for acquiring and increasing new knowledge about bibliography. From this point of view, the ways of developing and developing the methodology of bibliography, bringing it to the forefront of the science of bibliography were shown, and as a result, the necessity of a unified design of the methodology of bibliography as an independent leading scientific discipline was emphasized.

Synergetics is also a new, rapidly developing field that attracts a large number of scientists from different fields of scientific knowledge with their worldview perspectives. This attraction comes from the vastness of the subject itself. Synergetics, its interdisciplinary nature, content, etc. is related to.

Unlike traditional fields of scientific knowledge, synergetics is interested in the general patterns of evolution of systems of any nature. By abstracting from the properties of systems, synergetics acquires the ability to describe their evolution in a generalized language. Interaction, which is a prerequisite for the creation of various processes, objects, systems, is carried out in the form of activity. Therefore, all information activities within the entire information space and each of its stages occur at the levels of creation and operation of oral, documentary and bibliographic information. Since the content of the information space is an information activity, bibliography as an activity becomes the content of the bibliographic space, which finds its basis in synergetics.

Keywords: methodology of bibliography, synergetics, information activity, interaction, information provision


Синергетичні основи методики сучасної бібліографії

Ісмайлов Надір, Садігова Солмаз Бакинський державний університет (Баку, Азербайджан)

Основна мета дослідження - пояснити взаємодію бібліографії та синергетики. Особливо помітна увага до методології наукових досліджень у галузі бібліографії посилилася наприкінці ХХ - на початку ХХІ ст. У статті зазначається, що раніше науковці вважали бібліографію надійним засобом наукової роботи, ефективним засобом розв'язання теоретичних завдань, безцінним джерелом здобуття та поповнення нових знань про бібліографію. З цієї точки зору було показано шляхи розвитку методології бібліографії, виведення її на передній план бібліографознавчої науки, і як наслідок - необхідність єдиного оформлення методології бібліографії як самостійну провідну наукову дисципліну.

Синергетика також є новою галуззю, яка стрімко розвивається і приваблює своїми світоглядними поглядами велику кількість вчених із різних галузей наукового знання. Ця привабливість походить від величезності самого предмета. Синергетика, її міждисциплінарний характер, зміст та ін.

На відміну від традиційних галузей наукового знання, синергетику цікавлять загальні закономірності еволюції систем будь-якої природи. Абстрагуючись від властивостей систем, синергетика набуває здатності описувати їх еволюцію узагальненою мовою. Взаємодія, яка є передумовою створення різноманітних процесів, об'єктів, систем, здійснюється у формі діяльності. Тому вся інформаційна діяльність у межах усього інформаційного простору та кожен її етап відбувається на рівнях створення та функціонування усної, документної та бібліографічної інформації. Оскільки змістом інформаційного простору є інформаційна діяльність, бібліографія як діяльність стає змістом бібліографічного простору, що знаходить свою основу в синергетиці.

Ключові слова: методологія бібліографії, синергетика, інформаційна діяльність, взаємодія, інформаційне забезпечення

The main text

The local methodology of bibliographic science has long roots. His questions were theoretically understood in the 20s of the XX century. Since then, the methodology of bibliography has undergone a long and complex evolution. Thus, in 1976, it was noted that it was almost not developed, but ten years later, scientists noted that the attention to the methodological problems of bibliographic science increased. Many works have appeared in which various methodological issues are emphasized. In recent years, prominent Russian bibliographer M. G. Vokhryshev's name should be mentioned.

Note that M. G. Vokhrisheva and distinguishes "cognition", that is, the methodology of research activity, with the methodology of practical bibliographic activity, and at the same time considers both of these components in unity, as a whole, expressed by the term "bibliographic methodology". ". "Bibliographic methodology is the study of methods used in bibliographic activity (practical and cognitive)" (Vokhrysheva, 2004. p. 202).

The correctness and expediency of such an approach cannot be denied in any way, which states that the concepts of "bibliographic methodology" and "bibliographic activity" combine the fields of practical and research activities, that is, include them as their components. Also, in Vokhrysheva's work, only some new directions are considered, which are only related to the modern research methodology of Russian theoretical bibliography.

In the last century, a large number of theories have been created that can be the basis for bibliographic science because, like modern general scientific approaches, they are relevant, understandable and efficient in terms of analysis and generalization of bibliographic phenomena. Thus, the fundamental level of the methodology of bibliographic science arises, which scientists refer to dialectics as a general, universal science cognitive method, as well as general scientific theory and approaches. Among them, system, system-activity and information methods were used more often. As a result of this, significant progress has been made in the study of bibliographic reality. As a result, a situation has arisen where the research potential of certain methods has become outdated or exhausted, and it is necessary to switch to other, more powerful methods, provided that the previously used theories are related to each other and are compatible with them. Therefore, in bibliographic studies, it is appropriate to use such methodological approaches, which can both give a new explanation to the bibliography, as well as check and evaluate the accuracy of existing theoretical propositions, criticism and conclusions.

This requirement is fully satisfied by the theory of self-organization (synergetics). The term "synergetics" comes from the Greek word "synergeia" (synergeia) - joint action, cooperation. The name of this new scientific direction was given in 1969 by theoretical physicist, professor of Stuttgart University, Hermann Haken.

He and his followers are engaged in the application of synergetics to the problems of physics, computer science and psychology. The term "self-organizing system" was first coined by W. R. Ashby used it in 1947 to describe a certain behavior pattern of cybernetic systems. A great contribution to the development of synergetics in Russia and Europe was made by Ilya Romanovich Prigozhin (1917 - 2003) - physicist, chemist, philosopher, winner of the Nobel Prize in 1977 and his Brussels school, which studied self-organization in the physical and chemical field. In France, this scientific direction is primarily represented by Edgar Morin, president of the Complex Thinking Association, which studies the methods of understanding the complex in the world. (Tarasov, 2017).

Currently, synergetics is a relatively young interdisciplinary scientific direction that studies the general laws of self-organization, the coordinated interaction of parts in the formation of the structure of the whole.

The research objects of synergetics are various systems formed in the process of exchange of constant flow of matter, energy, and information with the environment in non-equilibrium conditions (from atom to person).

The essence of self-organization is that particles begin to participate in cooperative actions, dissipative structures (from French dissipation - transfer, waste) are formed both in time and space. As matter approaches equilibrium, this self-organizing ability weakens and eventually disappears.

It is important for synergetics to determine the spatiotemporal structure of the organization, the conditions of its creation and development.

Synergetics is primarily based on philosophy, so it is closely related to dialectics. Within its framework, the bibliography is theoretically restored by the method of rising from the abstract to the concrete. This method provides the finding and analysis of the initial starting point for the emergence of bibliography as a system. Dialectic and synergetics are combined with a systemic approach, which itself is based on dialectics. In turn, the systems approach as a general theory of systems is recognized as one of the sources of synergetics.

The action approach is related to synergism through the interaction of two elements of the primary structure of the system that occurs in the form of action. The active principle of synergetics in bibliography is provided by the second side of the system-creating factor of the selforganizing system that determines the result, processes and types of bibliographic activity under the influence of social needs.

The information approach is organically connected with the theory of self-organization, so it is possible to understand all information phenomena from its standpoint. According to the general theory of information, which is also the source of this scientific direction, it is combined with synergetics. The main point that unites both theories is that entropy decrease during the transition of the system from the non-equilibrium state to the maximum stable state serves as a source of negative entropy (negentropy) as a measure of order accepted by synergetics. In this sense, synergetics emerges as a theory of information because it posits the origin of information itself. Accordingly, many events in the field of information are explained from his point of view. Thus, although synergetics has been long and actively understood, its concept seems to be relatively new, serving as the methodological basis of an informational outlook. According to the current development, two main aspects are defined, in our opinion, of this term information outlook that requires clarification of its content.

In the first case, the information worldview is perceived by scientists as the understanding of information processes, the laws of distribution of social information, the understanding of its role in the context of culture, and knowledge about the information resources of society. In this regard, the basis of its formation is the analysis of all available information resources. On the other hand, the information worldview is interpreted as a special type of worldview based on the analysis of all knowledge collected by humanity and aimed at the development of an integrated system of knowledge about reality.

Thus, the information worldview appears both as a system of knowledge about the movement of information and as a basis for understanding the world in terms of the category of information.

The following types of outlooks are usually distinguished in philosophy - mythological, religious, naturalistic, social-political, aesthetic, etc. Each type of worldview has its basis - myths, religion, creativity, science that serves as a starting point. To understand the world in terms of relevant starting positions. Based on this, the information worldview should also be based on its foundation, especially the category of information, in the light of which reality is understood in the form of processes and results of information movement. Therefore, it must be based on a theory that explains the origin, development and transformation of information.

From the point of view of synergetics, since the organization of the chaos of elements in the system, its transition from imbalance to the most stable state is considered the beginning of information, it is logical to accept the information worldview as a way of understanding. A single and whole world, considering the processes taking place in it essentially as information events. Further study of the phenomenon of information worldview from the point of view of synergetics, in our opinion, will contribute to the development of a more complete and accurate definition of its content and essence.

From the point of view of synergetics, a hierarchy of self-organizing systems of information is established. So, the first information chaos in the social sphere is knowledge organized in documents, its chaos is then organized by bibliographic information (BI), which creates a new system - bibliography. This seems to be a methodological justification of the initial conditions for the creation of bibliography, its place, scope, and role in the general information process as signs of its uniqueness and independence.

Accordingly, the hierarchy of elements of the information space is built as a single complex open system that develops according to the laws of selforganization. From the point of view of synergetics, its evolution can be represented as a non-linear process characterized by the disequilibrium of each stage of the existence of information. According to the sequence and independence of the stages, all levels of the information space that are adequate to them are open systems, where the development of the main, core element of the system, expressed by the appropriate type of information, takes place. Accordingly, entropy (accumulation and distribution) of knowledge (information) at the first level of the information space leads to the chaos of social information, which is regulated through its material fixation. On this basis, a new document-information system is created for the production and use of fixed information - document-information space. The entropy of the documents already developed in its framework and sorted in bibliographic information serves as the beginning of a new system of bibliographic space.

The legality of studying the bibliography from the point of view of synergetics is determined by the object of this science, which is complex open-type systems of various nature - natural, artificial, physical, biological, social systems. Their openness is the connection of systems with each other and with the external environment, thanks to which there is an exchange of matter, energy, and information between them. This exchange carries out the influence of external factors on each system, which is the source of its self-development along with the changes that occur within it. Such systems include bibliography as an open social system with a very complex structure.

The openness of the bibliography manifests itself in the influence of the achievements of all fields of knowledge, culture, science, and science on its object, especially the document. Technical progress causes changes in the forms and number of documents and the information recorded in them. At the same time, its other object in the system of documentary communications - the consumer is the bearer of the need for bibliographic information, acting as a condition for the emergence and change of external environment and needs due to the nature of his activity.

From the point of view of synergetics, it is possible to determine the starting point and internal mechanism of the creation of self-organizing systems. Thus, according to the methodological foundations of self-organization, the starting point of self-organizing systems is the system-creating factor that acts as a substantive basis for the interaction of their contradictory elements and expresses the system's tendency to maximum stability and uniqueness. - protection. This factor is an abstract universal initial cell in the construction of the system, its main function is to build its own structure and, therefore, the structure of system education as a whole. It represents the elementary, simplest structure of self-organizing systems, which includes two interacting, contradictory sides, their mutual transition is carried out with the help of an intermediary relationship formed during their interaction.

This ring acts as a ring, a synthesis of both sides of this contradiction, it is the core of the system, the main core element, it determines its intra-system relations and interaction with the external environment. As a dialectical synthesis of opposites, the core of the system includes their commonality, reflects the structural and functional position of the central element of the system, and also determines its specificity, properties, and structure. As the system evolves, it takes on a different form, but its essence remains the same.

The initial "document-consumer" relationship accepted in the concept of documentary communication is only two opposite sides of the elementary structure, the conflict between them is realized through bibliographic information, which is the basis of the future system - bibliography. As a synthesis of the elements of the simplest structure of the bibliographic system, BI is their binary expression, it expresses the unbreakable connection between D and P, and is designed to ensure a stable balance between the bibliographic system as a result of interaction in the bibliographic system. document flows and their consumers. Bibliographic information develops in the direction of the complexity of its structure, which is formed under the influence of changes on both sides of the system, is influenced by external factors and is inherent in the system of unique development laws, and thus leads to the complex structure of the bibliography.

Bibliographic information is the central common element of a bibliography, since the essence of the core of any system does not change in whatever form it takes in the future. Expresses its essence, defines its structure, properties, and relations with the external environment and determines its main function. This function acts as a mediator between the elements of the original conflict of this system, which consists of information about documents. Thus, the provisions of synergetics justify the origin, essence, main function of bibliography, as well as the duality of bibliographic information and its status as a criterion for distinguishing bibliographic phenomena from non-bibliographic phenomena, that is, the specificity of bibliography. it is the basis of its independence, integrity and, therefore, the theoretical reproduction of the bibliography.

Two stages can be distinguished in the process of formation of self-organizing systems, the first of which is characterized by a constant increase in the number of (hidden) elements and their concentration, leading to the second (open) stage. is carried out in the form of a leap, the essence of which is the formation of a new organization, the integration of the elements of the original system into the new system (Korshunov, Likhovid, & Novozhenova, 2009). According to this, as a result of the increase in the number and variety of documents in the hidden stage of self-organization, document circulation gradually spreads in time and space (entropy), becomes boundless and ultimately practically inaccessible to society.

From this point of view, representing an unbalanced, unstable system characterized by the weakening of typological, subjective, temporal and other relations between its elements (documents), it continuously moves towards the turning point defined as the bifurcation point of the system in synergetics.. This point represents the crisis, critical, threshold, extremely unstable state of the system, the solution of which can occur in two directions.

One of them is the movement of document circulation through the previous development, in which case it will become more and more inaccessible to society, acquiring characteristics of increasing chaos, which will ultimately lead to its destruction. system, that is, the loss of connections within the system and, as a result, the ability to fulfill its mission - to preserve and transmit human experience, knowledge (information). Another way of the existence of a system of documents, the arrangement of relations within the system, is related to the leap as an "obvious" stage in the emergence of a new self-organizing system with a higher organization than the previous one, this is bibliography.

In this process, the principle of synergy is implemented, according to which such evolution of the system is carried out with the maximum saving of resources, which is expressed in the properties of the bibliography to collapse its object through the means of bibliographic information. This allows him to economically organize document circulation, relationships between its elements in the form of information about the documents themselves. As a result, bibliography in terms of sources can be viewed as a system of documents presented in an economic form, it becomes a new level of the document system, in which the flow of documents tending to entropy is observed, and the bibliography itself turns into its own semantics - bibliographic information. a more secure means of storing his genetic information. Thus, synergetics is the methodological basis for justifying the main quality of bibliography - covering your object in bibliographic information as the basis of its secondary and auxiliary nature.

The increase in the number and diversity of documents in terms of form, typology and content corresponds to one of the central concepts of synergetics - the source of order, the natural stage of its emergence, and chaos, which is considered one of the sides of the work as a whole. a synthesis of chaos and order whose form is dissipative structure. A bibliography is such a destructive structure with all its unique features and properties, such as the synthesis of chaos in document circulation and its self-ordering. It also exists in the external environment - the metasystem where it exchanges matter, energy, and information, resulting in a complex open non-equilibrium system as it combines order with chaos.

Bibliography as a dissipative structure is an integral system defined by the unity of the structural elements of the substance, essence and main function embodied in the bibliographic information and the mediating role in the documentary communication system. The interrelationship of the structural components of the bibliography provides the discipline that allows it to respond adequately to external factors and maintain its stability.

The adequacy of the bibliography to the diversity of the environment affecting it implies its division and specialization, realized by increasing its own diversity. Therefore, by organizing separate parts of document circulation distinguished by different formal and meaningful features in a scattered form, it itself acquires diversity at the level of one of its structural elements - types of bibliographic resources. This process corresponds to the differentiation of system elements on the basis of individual differences and the nature of the external environment that affects them, acts as a mechanism for maintaining the stability of the system and a form of the existence and development of its elements. into. The process of integration against differentiation, which is carried out on the condition and basis of the differentiation of the elements of the system, ensures their unification in the general structure of the complex system organization. Integration and differentiation correspond to system hierarchization and dehierarchization, which are interrelated aspects of the mechanism of existence and development of self-organizing systems (Korshunov, Likhovid, & Novozhenova, 2009).

Integration and differentiation, which are the development laws of self-organizing systems, determine their formation as a complex structural organization. According to the provisions of synergetics, the intermediary link of the system-creating factor of a selforganizing system is its foundation, and its complexity towards diversity constitutes a complex structure of system elements. This complexity is caused by the influence of changes in the external environment on the intermediary relationship, which, due to its duality, occurs in two directions. In the light of this theory, the systemforming factor of the bibliography is the D-P system, and the mediating relationship is the bibliographic information, so the complex structure of the bibliography as a self-organizing system is formed under the influence of changes occurring on both sides. of the factor creating the system - the document and the consumer organically connected with bibliographic information. he impact of the diversity of documents on bibliographic information, consisting of the many types and types, subjects, authors, periods, territories, languages, publishers, institutions, etc., that form the basis of the complex. relationships in the circulation of documents, forms, respectively, the diversity of the source, documentary, resource part of the bibliography and, therefore, similar complex relationships in the system of bibliographic resources. Due to its impact on bibliographic information, the demand for information about documents is formed, which tends to diversify and become complicated depending on the purpose, task, interests of consumers, types, processes, and directions of bibliographic activity. The influences on bibliographic data from the document side and the needs for BI, which are organically interwoven with each other, together ensure the formation of a complex structure of bibliography.

Bibliography, as any self-organizing non-equilibrium system, is already characterized by the emergence of new chaos at the level of bibliographic information sources, but also by the increase in their number and variety, which leads the whole system to a new stage of development. its development. This is the spiraling, cyclic nature of selforganizing systems, referred to in synergetics as their nonlinearity.

The non-linearity of the bibliography appears at a new level of its self-organization, when its object is not documents as carriers of primary information, but BI sources whose development is subject to the processes of chaos and order. Researchers of the core of selforganizing systems identified its two branches: the first, as a solution to the conflict between the elements of the simplest system relationship, and the second, which arose as a result of the further development of the first branch. Its growth leads to a new conflict that can be resolved with the help of the second branch of the nucleus, which essentially corresponds to the first branch and is functionally a mediator in the interaction with other components of the system. It is a criterion of maturity, completeness of systematic education, and thanks to the feedback, it affects it and marks the continuity of the evolution of the system. Thus, while the system develops itself, it goes through two stages based on two branches of its core, in the order of their formation, the non-linear character of the self-organizing systems, the cyclical character of their formation is based (Khalilov, 2011).

In the bibliography, its non-linearity is realized at the level of the bibliography (BB) of the bibliography, which affects its object through feedback with bibliographic information sources as one of the structural components of the bibliographic system. BB simplifies the development processes of this component, which creates the prerequisites for bibliography self-management. The bibliography of the bibliography is closely related to bibliographic research by systematizing ideas about its object in organizational, methodological, historicaltheoretical aspects. This provision has been mentioned many times by scientists studying the phenomenon of bibliography of bibliography, and it has been scientifically confirmed in synergetics.

As an open system, bibliography interacts with other social systems - knowledge, science, culture, education, each of which determines the main mission of bibliography in these systems - its external environment. Nevertheless, these metasystem functions - ensuring the homeostasis of science, reflecting knowledge and cultural values, managing information, or reading activities, etc. - It is carried out through bibliographic information as its essence and the main function of bibliography provided by the mediating role of BI. in the document communication system. Since the mediating relationship of the system-forming factor of the selforganizing system determines not only its intra-system relationships, but also its relationships with the external environment, the provisions of bibliographic information are determined as a means of interaction of bibliography with bibliography, language. other social systems have also been scientifically proven by self-organization theory.

Common Conclusion

Let's summarize what has been said. In conclusion, let us note that "Synergetics" is applicable to the analysis of any system as a universal scientific paradigm and the basis of a new outlook. Due to its information nature, it plays the main role for the justification of all information events, including bibliographic events. It is a way to rise from the abstract to the concrete because it allows to determine the starting point of the bibliography, its essence, main function, structure, development regularities, relations with the external environment. Accordingly, synergetics emerges as a means of theoretical recovery of bibliography from the point of view of ideas of selforganization as the basis of synergetic bibliographic concept. This concept allows a new way

To understand the phenomenon of bibliography, which embodies the latest achievements in the field of epistemology and science in general, in the light of the language of self-organization. But the methodological importance of the synergetic concept of bibliography is not limited to this, because the universality of the language of synergetics plays a key role for testing many existing bibliographic concepts. In relation to them, the synergetic concept of bibliography acts as a metatheory in this case.

The scientific evaluation of the existing concepts of bibliography by means of metatheory implies the connection of their main points and provisions with similar points and provisions of the synergistic bibliographic concept. The current stage of the development of science is characterized by universal integration, which is the basis for the formation of the general scientific picture of the world.

A necessary condition for its creation is an integrated system of knowledge about every fragment of reality. This problem is very relevant, because in almost all social sciences and humanities there is a pluralism of ideas, which leads to many conflicting ideas about the same object of research. From this point of view, the methodology attaches great importance to the development of a single scientific language as a means of implementing the synthetic direction of scientific research.

The pluralism of theoretical concepts in the Russian bibliography is no less intense. This situation has led to a very difficult situation in this field of science. On the one hand, creating a general theory of bibliography as a general line of modern bibliographic science is considered as the most important task of internal bibliography. On the other hand, there are different views on the issue of general bibliographic theory. In particular, the fact of its absence is noted, which is precisely related to the conceptual set of studies in the field of bibliography. On the contrary, it is argued that the diversity of aspects of bibliographic research contributes to the collection of theoretical material about it in order to study it comprehensively and comprehensively.

This idea is consistent with the scientists' understanding of the cumulative way of formation of the general theory of bibliography, the condition for its formation is the mastery of all theoretical foundations.

Established theoretical and methodological directions, existing conceptual constructions, achievements of previously formed theories. So, in this case, we are talking about the synthesis of theoretical ideas about bibliography as a direction of creating a general bibliographic theory. In this sense, all theoretical descriptions of bibliography from different perspectives and aspects deepen and expand its scientific understanding, which allows for the formation of comprehensive and unified knowledge about bibliography.

Synergetics, which justifies the multitude of connections between the elements of the unified system of the universe, also justifies the multitude of scientific explanations of one and the same phenomenon. From his point of view, the multiplicity of interpretations of the same object appears as a natural and necessary point in the integration of modern scientific knowledge. Based on the principle of the general worldview of an infinite number of connections between the elements of a single and whole world system, it methodologically confirms the interaction and connection of special, separate systems among themselves, their inclusion in each other, hierarchy. This explains the regularity of studying systems in different aspects, depending on which relationships and with which system are taken as the starting point of scientific reasoning. At the same time, synergetics proves the possibility of creating a unified theory of any object based on multiple and diverse concepts due to its universal character, which becomes a unified language for many scientific fields.

In philosophy, the synthesis of various cognitive practices, views, ideas, etc., explaining the same object of cognition, is associated with dialogue, with the complementarity of different approaches based on the initial principles of one of them, acting in interaction.

to other approaches in the status of criticism.analytical. Based on this, the criterion for the synthesis of conceptual ideas about bibliography is a scientifically proven bibliographic concept, which is possible through dialogue on the principle of complementarity by identifying common and different aspects in them.

The synergetic model of bibliography theory, being a means of scientific confirmation of all existing bibliographic concepts, will allow to determine the dominant theoretical construction that most adequately explains the phenomenon of bibliography. The origin, nature, regularities, etc. of the development of bibliographic science. As an integral and consistent system of scientifically proven ideas about, it will in turn serve as a benchmark for scientific testing of other bibliographic concepts in order to identify similarities and differences. will determine the possibility of their synthesis on dialogue based on the principle of complementarity.

The synergetic concept of bibliography, acting as a metatheory, also becomes a means of solving many controversial issues and theoretical problems, which is a prerequisite.


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