Стратегія управління діяльністю кластера молочного профілю

Дослідження економічних кластерів і бенчмаркінгу. Досвід їх практичної реалізації. Методика чисельно-аналітичного забезпечення діяльності регіональних кластерів. Оцінка експортного потенціалу. Стимулювання молочної галузі. Розробка стратегії управління.

Рубрика Менеджмент и трудовые отношения
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 25.07.2015
Размер файла 655,9 K

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Ключевые слова: экономический кластер; методология бенчмаркинга; стратегия управления деятельностью; молочно-сыродельный сектор АПК; модель Леонтьева «затраты - выпуск»; синергетический эффект; стимулирование конкурентоспособности; адаптация АПК Украины к ВТО.


Bronshpak G.К. Control Strategy of the Activity of the Milk Section Cluster. - Manuscript.

Economic candidate's thesis in the department 08.00.05 - the development of the productive forces and the regional economics. - Kharkiv National Academy of Municipal Economy, Kharkiv, 2009.

In the thesis it was proved that the statements of the economic clusters theory can be used as a basis of the practical building-up of the cluster type organizations in the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine.

It was proved that the system strategy of the cluster combines two important components - the mechanism of an activity optimization and the mechanism of the development control. For an analytic investigation of the situation in the milk and cheese-making sector of the ago-industrial complex it was offered to use the methods of the benchmarking and the system of the modern methods of the mathematic modeling.

It were elaborated the recommendations which allow to realize the state support of the agro-industrial complex with its adaptation to the rules of WTO through the system of the cluster initiatives. The Leontiev's model “cost-output” was used for the formation of the regional clusters and for the control of its activity. The method of the stimulation of the cluster participators estimating their influence on the final results of the activity was elaborated.

It was studied the concrete object - “The cluster of Great Burluk and Vovchansk” and it was elaborated the document for it: “The strategy of creation and development of the milk and cheese-making cluster in Kharkiv region”. The materials given in the thesis can be used in the wide spectrum of targets of the formation and control of the milk cluster activity.

Key words: economic cluster; methodology of benchmarking; control strategy of activity; milk and cheese-making sector of agro-industrial complex; Leontiev's model “cost-output”; synergetic effect; stimulation of competitiveness; adaptation of agro-industrial complex of Ukraine to WTO.

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