Conceptual foundations of the program for the formation of individual styles in managerial activities of managers-educators
The socio-psychological conditions and factors influencing on the dynamic process of the formation of individual style in managerial activity of the teachers. The stages of the style formation and its intensity for the head of an educational institution.
Рубрика | Менеджмент и трудовые отношения |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 14.05.2018 |
Размер файла | 23,2 K |
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Conceptual foundations of the program for the formation of individual styles in managerial activities of managers-educators
Chubova I.I.
UDK 159.9
Chubova I.I.
The article analyzes, within the framework of the developed theoretical research model, socio-psychological conditions and factors influencing the dynamic process of the formation of the individual style in the managerial activity of the teacher leaders. The conceptual foundations of the program for the formation of individual styles in the managerial activity of managers and teachers are defined. The stages of the formation of the individual style of the head of an educational institution are determined, and the individual intensity of this style is revealed.
Key words: individual style, management activity, program of forming individual styles in management activities.
Чубова Ірина Іванівна - здобувач кафедри практичної психології та соціальної роботи Східноукраїнського національного університету імені Володимира Даля, м. Сєвєродонецьк.
У статті здійснено аналіз, у рамках розробленої теоретичної моделі дослідження, соціально-психологічних умов та чинників, які впливають на динамічний процес становлення індивідуального стилю в управлінській діяльності керівників-педагогів. Визначено концептуальні основи програми формування індивідуальних стилів в управлінській діяльності керівників-педагогів. Окреслено етапи становлення індивідуального стилю керівника освітнього закладу та виявлено індивідуальну інтенсивність цього стилю.
Ключові слова: індивідуальний стиль, управлінська діяльність, програма формування індивідуальних стилів в управлінській діяльності.
Чубова И.И.
В статье осуществлен анализ, в рамках разработанной теоретической модели исследования, социально-психологических условий и факторов, влияющих на динамический процесс становления индивидуального стиля в управленческой деятельности руководителей-педагогов. Определены концептуальные основы программы формирования индивидуальных стилей в управленческой деятельности руководителей-педагогов. Определены этапы становления индивидуального стиля руководителя образовательного учреждения и выявлена индивидуальная интенсивность этого стиля.
Ключевые слова: индивидуальный стиль, управленческая деятельность, программа формирования индивидуальных стилей в управленческой деятельности.
Problem definition. The crisis in Ukrainian society caused by social-and- economic model changing takes place in all branches of social activity. Despite of the new social and economic structure exists over 20 years, the way to come out of a recession is still not found. At first, the crisis refers to the personal self-consciousness in our society and exhibits an inability to develop the new economic and business activity models. Therefore, the new crisis managers who are able to find the way out of the crisis due to their personal management style improvement are needed.
Recent research and publication review. The theoretical and methodological base for research, which has been made in this branch, suggests comprehensive approach for the social determination development principles, regarding to personal mental process and the psychological analysis of personality [1; 2; 4; 7; 10].
Careful literature review of related literature demonstrates that the leader's activity has some special characteristics, which can be studied as a separate subject [5; 6; 8].
The individual leadership style is currently considered as the main determinant of effective management. The general leadership style is an interaction of the functionally dependant management methods and the ways to arrange a manager's activity in polyvariant management conditions. [3;9].
Main points and findings
The process of manager's personal leadership style development has following stages: analysis and retrieval (entry), integration, statement and mastery. Analysis and data retrieval (entry) Originality of this period consists in first manager's impression which correlates with his (her) own idea about manager's activity. This stage gives rise to the first assessment and conclusions, which are mostly one-sided, contradictory and unstable. Though the first impression efficiency makes influence to further development.
To master the work a leader is needed to be deeply aware of main methods of activity and its circumstances and must also have relevant practical skills. The novelty of situation, which managers come to be in - is the specific feature for the stage of Analysis and data retrieval. During this period the manager is used to adapting to his work and colleagues and employees. The situational thinking with its trials and errors is typical at this stage. At the beginning the manager usually makes decisions according to directives from above using instructive and methodological samples. The period is attended by emotional stress of the leader; mistakes and failures cause feelings of regret, sadness and irritation. Meanwhile the first success and high results can raise the emotional tone.
The period of integration is the time for manager's general professional conceptions formation, related to activation of professional and value attitudes and development of dominating activity motives. This period is characterized by identification of problems in own activity and gathering data relating to the team work. The manager starts to identify problems of the team and tries to solve them. He/she establishes relationship with heads of departments and guides by this in the work activity. The matter of principle is a moment, when the manager starts feeling his (her) unity with the team.
The stage of statement is a period of firm professional behavior of the manager.
He (she) becomes more active and purposeful in the situations to be solved. During this period the manager is used to being followed by the professional aims. Then the manager sees not only certain team problems, but whole related complex, solves a lot of tasks and begins winning authority and colleagues' approval. On this stage the general professional related feelings are raised self-confidence and satisfaction.
The mastery stage is the period when the leader develops the most suitable system for current conditions and has the say-so and respect among colleagues.
On this stage the manager is doing his (her) best for qualification improvement, devotes the time to self-education in respect to know-how exploration. All activity of the leader is associated with new shapes, methods and ways finding to increase enterprise efficiency.
According to our study, the rate of the personal style development varies from different managers. So, some leaders need 1-2 years to create their individual "style", whereas another one could have much more time.
The stages of development as described make it possible to go over to description of acmeological conditions and factors which make an influence to individual management style development.
The research of individual style development shows that factors and conditions of development are linked together and have complex structure. Such interconnection is stipulated by the law of psychology and personality development, social relationships and forms of public conscience.
The conditions of individual management style development are category to express relationships between development process and reality where the manager lives in. The term "conditions" is defined as a background for individual style development during management activity.
Conditions mean the environment the factors appear and develop and obtain.
Acmeological conditions are circumstances which make an influence to the high level of individual management style achievement.
The factors of individual management style development are defined as the circumstances which are necessary for individual management style development or just the ones which make an influence to such development at any stage. In contrast to the conditions of development, which can precede the process of development or at least come into being simultaneously, the factor acts exactly while formation of the style.
Acmeological factors are mean reasons to determine the individual management style.
Acmeological conditions have mainly objective nature referring to subject of activity, whereas acmeological factors could have both objective and subjective-and- objective nature. That means that factors can be either external or internal conditions.
Acmeological conditions contain individual and typological features, gender, age, general and special aptitudes, the possibility of getting education etc.
Acmeological factors which have an immediate influence to personal management style development are: self-regulation maturity, auto-psychological competence, reflection competence, mental furniture, practical knowledge, motives, interests, activity directedness, working experience etc. These features have an objective nature and define professional self-actualization of the manager and express internal norms and relations.
External factors (for the manager) are associated with organization of the professional environment, social-and-psychological climate etc. That means they are subjective-and-objective and expresses norms, relations and attitudes which are established for the team and organizational and administrative system.
Individual-and-typological, gender and age features also play essential role in individual management style development.
So, temperament and properties of the nervous system put emphasis to the individual management style. The following features have especial influence on management activity: 1) strength or weakness of nervous system, which express a fortitude level, working capacity of the nervous system, and resistance. Managers with week nervous system are mostly unable to manage effectively. 2) mobility and passivity of the nervous system, as a change rating of nervous process. 3) lability - low lability of the nervous system means that nervous processes appear and disappear with quick rate. 4) dynamic - low dynamic of nervous system means low speed of nervous links formation. 5) activity means balance between irritation and inhibition which determine the general tone of the nervous system.
Gender features play essential role in the management process. To be succeeding in the management process, woman should have character trait.
According to the study Yu. Sinyagin, psychological distance in the team is age- related. The managers of 44-47 years old have a tendency to surround themselves with especially close people. Such age probably is the point to change own management set.
Aptitudes make influence to the individual management style development. Certain abilities define the period of time is needed to master the relevant activity, style of activity, or some difficulties which appears while individual management style development. In addition, the unique combination of different aptitudes defines the style individuality.
Undoubtedly, the type of special training also has an influence to the individual management style development. Studying at university or postgraduate courses gives the special professional and psychological knowledge and guideline for their future management activity. The managers solve certain management situation or problem guided by both knowledge and experience, which always interact. But unfortunately sometimes the beginners underestimate the role of theory for management process.
Thereby, to develop their individual management style the managers need the high level of theoretical knowledge, innovative thinking and should be a highly cultured person.
Practical skills - is a demonstration of deep integrated personal formations, with closely combined theoretical and practical knowledge.
Such circumstance should be taken into account while making programs of special training for managers. According to the research, the managers who have taken the special training or courses has their individual style developed more successfully, intensively and quickly; the period of adaptation also pass quicker, as compared with ones who had not attended courses.
Moreover, specific character of the organization, its corporate culture and management style also has an influence to the personal leadership style development. individual style managerial educational
The main subjective factors of individual management style formation are development of auto-psychological competence, reflection and self-regulation ability. Auto-psychological competence is based on the readiness to work for changing the individual style. It is manager's ability to improve and use his psychological resources for the purpose of favorable management situation achievement. Due to changing his internal state the manager establishes volitional set according to high results achievement. Auto-psychological competence means the development of self-diagnostic and self-correction readiness.
Self-analysis and self-concept are attended by reflection process. This provides feedback with colleagues and employees according to manager's individuality and interaction style. Thereby with help of reflection the manager analyzes his personal experience and individual management style and tackles self-regulation improvement.
The self-regulation is a mechanism, which displays interaction of internal conditions; it provides activation, programming, control and assessment and correction of the activity. The self-regulation plays role in the individual management style development due to connection of activity style with objective conditions of activity.
The self-regulation process provides making and dynamic existence of holistic model to describe individual management style development.
The next essential factor is the managers' attitude to their professional activity, which is a complex integrated structure to express the degree of the person's involvement to its professional activity. This dynamic characteristic is formed and changed during different stages and situations of activity.
Besides, the attitude to profession can not be separated from general value system and orientation of the person, so it expresses the entire administrative position of the manager.
Our research included assessment managers' attitude to their professional activity. According to the survey, 45.4 % of responders like their profession very much, 45.6 % responders rather like, than unlike heir profession and 9 % do not know.
To explore managers' attitude to their activity the experiment has been conducted. The workers of the department have been invited to the experiment as experts.
Data analysis shows that managers with positive attitude to their professional activity are more succeed in their individual management style development. Such managers do not have intention to leave their activity or change it. Their progress is associated with positive intentions. They see promotional track in perspective, have public recognition, and have been motivated for the positive result in their activity. If the activity begins from dissatisfaction, all difficulties are associated with previous experience and becomes to negative argument. Indifferent attitude to the profession is not a logical category, but both an internal accelerator of external actions and the measure of personal responsibility for made decisions. This meaning of attitude to the profession acts as a professional behavior regulator.
The reasons of occupational choice may demonstrate the attitude to the profession. So, 63 % of responders answered the question "Why have you chosen the occupation of civil servant?" as "According to my education and work experience, coincidence of circumstances". 19 % of responders have given an answer "To improve my social status". 14 % - "To change the public administration system"; 4 % responders have had difficulties with the answer.
As data analysis shows we have made a conclusion that the managers who has indifferent attitude to their profession can just formally assimilate related norms and skills. Eventually it will have an influence to both administrative activity results and the level of individual management style.
The next important conditions to succeed in individual management style development are practical experience and social experience of the activity. According to the survey results, one of ineffective management activity is absence of practical experience (21 %). The managers who have wide experience in administration activity are characterized by the high level style (above local and modulating), whereas the less- experienced ones are found at the adaptive and reproductive stages of the individual management style development.
The social experience is also takes place in the developed individual management style. The positive experience promotes more successful style development, whereas negative one inhibits it due to the defense mechanisms. The base to achieve the firm and fixed social experience is firm motivation personality sphere, stereotypes and fixed attitude. Positive social experience does not need the working out new forms of communication with employees, whereas negative one demands significant in structural changes, or at least, there is a need to make new ways of communication with employees.
The factors of justice must be emphasized among external factors. The justice regarding to remuneration of labor, a level of the salary, and attitude to one's duty have dominant importance in the structure of this factor. Besides, relation to the top manager is also significant for this factor. It is associated with commutability, feeling of safety while discussing negative information. This factor is associated with one more factor, as a social and material security. That mean intention to make favorable physical, social and material conditions, like healthcare, acceptable work conditions, material security, favorable moral and psychological climate in the team.
One more factor to succeed in individual management style development is type of relations with team workers. According to the study, the leader can not always be on good relations with employees or win their approval. So, 39 % of responders have announced, that one of the difficulties in their activity is an absence of employees' approval. This indicates inability to interrelate with employees, make teams and inspire them to successful work; that is considered as not enough developed communicative and social-and-perceptive competence.
The leader's authority is an indicator of relationship between the team and the leader. It expresses a positive level of relationship with employees and indicates successful individual management style achievement.
This study demonstrates direct relation between the level of individual management style development and leader's authority with the employees and top managers.
The importance of winning the authority is needed to stimulate employees' activity. The communicative function of the authority is so-called "indirect argument" which may compensate the absence of direct arguments.
According to the study, the most authority belongs to the managers who have achieved a high level of the individual management style as against ones whose level is under local-and-modulating. The administrative position of the manager is a base and preconditions to win the authority. This is an objective side. The subjective side depends on individual management style and established relationship with employees.
The development of individual management style is a dynamic process, which depends on the great number of objective and subjective factors. These factors are linked together and develop under the impact of defined conditions. The significant conditions which make an influence to individual management style development are individual and topological factors, gender and age, aptitudes, kind of the special training, specific character of the organization, corporate culture, leadership style which are established at the organization. The process of personal management style development is determined by following subjective factors: auto-psychological, reflection competence, self-regulation skills, high theoretical knowledge, innovative thinking, practical skills, and relation to professional activity, motives and working experience. The social aspects of the individual management style development are defined by following subjective and objective factors such as social experience in activity, justice, social and material safety, a type of relations with the team, manager's authority, social and psychological competence of the manager. The essential conditions for successful development of the individual management style are: auto-psychological competence and reflection improvement, development of self-regulation skills, increasing the communicative and social-and-perceptive competence, enlargement of theoretical knowledge. Especial importance for individual style realization have such conditions as independence of the manager in his activity, the ability to set a goal, modulating of the activity, behavior in accordance with aims and expectations of the human environment, norms and regulations to achieve success in management activity, ability to get rid of the stereotypes in activity.
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