Content analysis of professional preparation for managers of foreign economic profile in Ukraine and abroad

Comparison of the model of professional training of managers of foreign economic profile in Western Europe and the USA, with the model of training of foreign trade managers in Ukraine. General and differences in the construction of the learning process.

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Content analysis of professional preparation for managers of foreign economic profile in Ukraine and abroad

A specialist in the field of foreign economic activity is an actual profession for the modern development of economy of Ukraine. The state, taking active part in the world processes of integration and globalization, requires preparation and higher education from future managers of foreign economic activity, who should be capable to react flexibly on the requirements of the time. Thus the special value acquires forming for students - managers of foreign economic activity - professional preparation necessary for valuable realization in future professional activity.

Literature review. The problem of forming professionally of significant qualities of specialists is widely investigated in modern psychological literature. This problem was investigated by N. Babkova-Pilipenko, V. Golikova, T. Koknova, O. Vinograd and others.

Researchers offer the different approaches to the decision of forming professionally significant qualities of future specialists. N. Zamkova and O. Trofimova consider, for example, that in forming of significant qualities of future specialists an important roleis played by the process of studyof foreign- languages. Н. Ivanov suggests using the system of problem educational situations, typical for professional activity managers and active methods of studies, that help students get around the decision of professional tasks in the conditions of the real reality. Efficiency of the system of preparation of managers largely depends on an analysis and account of world experience of preparation of such specialists in foreign establishments of higher education.

The aim of the article is an exposure of problems of professional preparation of managers determining of further steps on the way of perfection of Ukrainian management-education

The main body. Gaining tasks of the educational program of studies for bachelors on speciality international “business Management” is built on principles of integral scientifically-economic approach, strong connection of theory and practice, international orientation of studies, development of leader skills, social competence and achievement of high level of effectiveness of studies and research work [1, p. 4].

Analysing curriculum and programs of preparation of managers in foreign establishments of higher education, we discovered that the studies of bachelors from the mantioned speciality lasted from 6 to 8 semesters (180-240 credits of ECTS or 120-130 credits of USCS). The amount of credits includes the expenses of time on all kinds and forms of educational work: lectures, practical reading, seminars and consultations, independent work with educational material, internships, training, excursions and tests. The list of educational disciplines is divided into the modules to the obligatory and non-obligatory (students choose some subjects from the list).

On the first stage of studies (2-4 semesters primary professional preparation during which they study fundamental subjects (to 55 credits of ECTS) is given) to the students. The cooperation of these subjects assists forming and development of professional skills and acquaints with a social and legal environment in economic patterns and economic processes. Professional subjects (10-20 credits of ECTS) are taught to students for getting methodical and instrumental knowledge that will be necessary for studying of fundamental disciplines and disciplines of professional preparation in this period. Considerable attention is paid to disciplines of the block “Key qualifications” (to 30 credits of ECTS) within the framework of the foreign languages studying and administrative skills forming. Thus, at the end of the first stage of studies students get main theoretical and professional knowledge on the basical level of the speciality, extend their communicative, social skills within the limits of key qualifications.

During the second period of studies (3-4 semesters) scientific-practical and economic preparation of students takes place. A practical orientation will be realized through such forms of studies as business and role-play games, development of projects, where professional situations are imitated. Large attention is spared to disciplines of professional preparation (to 35 credits of ECTS), disciplines of specialization (to 40 credits of ECTS) and practice (to 30 credits of ECTS). This stage of studies foresees forming by students skills of decision of economic problems, that arise up during professional activity, ability to accept practical and innovative decisions, operate independently and responsibly, collect actual information and accept scientifically reasonable decisions on its basis.

The American model of professional preparation of managers differs from the curriculum by the block of general disciplines (General Education, 4560 credits of USCS), that consists of fundamental disciplines, courses of interdisciplinary research and research practical works [2].

On the first stage of studies students study introductory disciplines of professional preparation (to 36 credits of USCS). To choose the future specialization and basic disciplines of corresponding curriculum related to it, students attend optional disciplines. These can be introductory disciplines in the field of the informative systems, general and professional disciplines. At the end of the first stage of studies students must be determined with the future specialization, whereupon by means of teacher-consultant to make the specialized on-line tutorial.

Next two years students study deeply disciplines of professional preparation and discipline of specialization (major, from 15 credits of USCS). Specialization is possible in following spheres: international management, global management of deliveries and logistics, international management marketing, international skilled policy and others [3; 4; 5].

Except basic specialization students can choose additional specialization for pleasure, and it will be witnessed in a diploma. Additional specialization consists of 4-5 obligatory disciplines and 1-2 optional. Additional specialization can be finances, marketing, global management of deliveries and others.

The important component of professional preparation of future managers is practice that approaches students to future professional activity and helps to get the first work experience. Duration of practice on the average is 1218 weeks (to 30 credits of ECTS or 3 credits of USCS). A term and duration of passing of practice are determined by the curriculum of higher educational establishment [6, p. 2].

Bachelor diploma project or examination (10-15 credits of ECTS and according to 3 credits of USCS) summarize studies. On completion of studies students get the bachelor degree.

Thus, getting a baccalaureate, students get wide professional knowledge from scientific bases, principles and management methods, extend the cognitive, social and cross-cultural skills within the limits of key qualifications.

An aim and tasks of the educationally-professional program of preparation of bachelors from a management in Ukrainian establishments of higher learning is preparation of future specialists to the role of leaders in business and society; development of their intellectual possibilities, ability to analyse past and modern experience in economy and management with the aim to foresight future; acquisition of competence in economic analysis, acceptance of optimal decisions and estimation of activity of state and private organizations, understanding of value of growing social aspects of economy [7].

Realization of marked higher aim and tasks of studies in native establishments of higher learning is built on principles of scientific character, system, humanism, sequence, activity, individualization, electivity, availability, connection of theory with practice and reflection [8, p. 45].

According to the standard of higher education the general volume of educational time on preparation of bachelors for the direction of preparation 6.030601 “Management” contains 240 credits of ECTS and lasts 8 semesters [9]. In the afore-named amount of credits the charges of time are plugged on all kinds and forms of educational work: lectures, laboratory, practical, seminars, consultations, independent work with educational material, control measures. All credit modules are distributed after the cycles of preparation (socialhumani- tarian, fundamental, naturally-scientific and general economic preparation, professional and practical preparation) and after status (normative, after the choice of establishment of higher learning, after the free choice of students).

Studies include: normative part of theoretical preparation (113 credits of ECTS), practical preparation (9 credits of ECTS), state attestation (state examination - 1,5 credits of ECTS or diploma project (work) - 15 credits of ECTS; state examination and diploma project (work) - 16,5 ECTS). Variant part presents according to 116,5 - 103 - 101,5 credits of ECTS (depends on the type of state attestation, time on that is distinguished from the budget of educational time of variant part of the educational programme) [9].

Normative and variant parts of the educational programme include next cycles: disciplines of social humanitarian preparation (25 creditsof ECTS - normative part and 11 credits of ECTS is variant part); disciplines of fundamental, naturally-scientific and general economic preparation (accordingly 19,5 credits of ECTS and 16,5 credits of ECTS); disciplines of professional and practical preparation (accordingly 79,5 creditsof ECTS and 88,5 credits of ECTS) [9].

The first stage of studies in native establishments of higher learning is sanctified to the study of disciplines of cycles of socialhumanitarian, fundamental, naturally-scientific and general economic preparation. Also on this stage disciplines of cycle of professional and practical preparation are entered. Combination of these disciplines assists forming and development of professional skills and internals, gives students methodical and instrumental knowledge needed, continues forming of interpersonality, cognitive and social skills.

The second stage of studies is taken disciplines of economic and administrative aspiration (cycle of professional and practical preparation), capture gives an opportunity to the future specialists on management to lay hands on modern knowledge and form skills of ground and acceptance of administrative decisions in terms close to the real productive and administrative situations. The important component of this stage are also disciplines of speciality (about 25 credits of ECTS) and specialization that is possible in such fields of business as: international investment management, management of international business, management of international air transportations and others.

Inalienable part of studies of future managers of foreign economic activity is practice that is divided into educational (1 week, 1,5 ECTS) and productive (five weeks, 7,5 ECTS) [9]. The aim of practice is an acquaintance of students with the features of future profession, her maintenance and tasks of administrative activity, by the role of leaders of different levels in a management modem enterprises; the students of professional skills and abilities independently to make decision in the process of professional activity in the real market terms have forming; deepening and fixing of theoretical knowledge, capture students by modern receptions and methods in industry them future profession; the students of necessity constantly to fill up the knowledge and creatively to apply them in practical activity have education.

Practical preparation assists adaptation of students to the real terms of future profession, gives an opportunity to apply the purchased knowledge, skills and abilities for the acceptance of administrative decisions in difficult economic situations, exposes all groups professionally meaningful internalss of future specialist on the management of foreign economic activity and allows objectively to estimate professional accordance.

The receipt of baccalaureate state attestation summarizes studies. After the successful passing of state attestation a diploma about higher professional education with the appropriation of degree “bachelor from a management”, “manager-administrator” is given to the graduating students. Specialists with an educational baccalaureate are potential managers-practices able to work at basic level of management (lower management) in linear and functional subdivisions of organizations of different patterns of ownership and legal forms. Basic directions of professional activity of bachelors from management are: informatic- analytical, organizationally-administrative and administrative.

Native and foreign establishments of higher learning have the same next link of sedate education - “master's degree”. The pre-condition for the entering in European establishments of higher learning is: the diploma of bachelor, preliminary examination (test of GMAT) or competitive selection and certificate of TOEFUL (TOEIC), that confirms corresponding level of knowledge of English. American establishments of higher learning require next documents: diploma about higher education, appendix to the diploma, two recommendations from an university, for the programs of МВА there should be professional recommendations, resumes, results of test of TOEFL.

Duration of studies in magistracy lasts 2-4 semesters (60-120 credits of ECTS or 30-60 credits of USCS). The list of educational disciplines embraces the modules to the obligatory and variative. An aim and tasks of studies in magistracy is preparation of specialists for leading positions (middle management) in international and national companies that carry on foreign economic activity, and also preparation of specialists for scientific activity in the field of management.

The models of the master's degree programs offered by western establishments of higher learning are very various and on the whole consist of such components: base or basic disciplines (to 30 credits of ECTS or 9-18 credits of USCS), disciplines of specialization (27-50 credits of ECTS or 15 credits of USCS), writing of final work or preparation of project and stowage of qualifying examination (15-30 credits of ECTS or 3-6 credits of USCS).

The program of magistracy is orientated on the decision of operative and tactical questions, deepening basic professional and methodical knowledge, on preparation of specialists to the decision of strategic questions important for management in international enterprises.

During studies in magistracy students deepen and extend theoretical knowledge and practical skills of their future speciality, which they got during studies for bachalor's degree. To that end students study base disciplines that make basis of the master's degree program and discipline of specialization. Specialization is possible in such industries of business, as: international management, international tourist management, international marketing and communications and others like that. Within the limits of the specialization students elect optional disciplines for expansion and deepening of knowledge from the select sphere of business.

Students also take part in seminars, business-games, analyse examples from practice, deepen economic knowledge, acquire competense in the field of leadership, communication and social responsibility, develop projects for companies, applying all knowledge and skills purchased during studies. The worked out projects are part of future master's degree work.

Master's degree dissertation (to 30 credits of ECTS or 3-6 credits of USCS) summarizes studies. After defence of this work students get a master's of business administration (Master of Business Administration), master's degree of humanity sciences (Master of Art) or master's degree of natural sciences (Master of Science) degree.

Thus, in the process of professional preparation of future managers such abilities and skills are formed: to analyse an enterprise, going out a strategic prospect; to identify, to determine and analyse the economic factors of productive surroundings and find out factors that will help to adapt oneself to the changes and accept a correct decision; to accept active position in relation to the aims of enterprise; flexibly and creatively to determine, to analyse and plan new whole enterprises; to manage a command and organize productive resources for realization of successful projects [10].

The conducted analysis allowed us to come to the conclusion, that preparation of future managers of inernational economic profile in foreign establishments of higher learning has such general features: dualness of studies (the process of preparation of managers is related to practical activity, establishments of higher learning closely work with enterprises and organizations); flexibility and individualization of studies (a student gets maximal freedom in organization of the educational process, all curricula have auxiliary and recommendation character); possibility of receipt of “double” diploma, in case of studies during 1-2 semesters abroad in universities-partners; high technologicalness of organization of educational process (use of active methods of studies, preparation of projects, seminars on enterprises and others).

Discussion of the research results. The comparative analysis of professional preparation of future managers of foreign economic activity in Ukraine and specialists in international business management in foreign establishments of higher learning allowed to us to distinguish and generalize problems, that the system of preparations of native specialists has:

- problem of professional specialization and insufficient level of adaptation to the quick-changing requirements of world market of labour;

- limited and insufficient time that is taken on practical preparation of future managers of foreign economic activity;

- insufficient flexibility and individualization of studies: the Ukrainian students have the limited possibilities in relation to the independent adjusting of the educational loading, active, group, extra curriculum forms and methods of studies are used not enough, such as: design, business games, training, development of projects, seminars on an enterprise, excursions, computer conferences, “case-study” (study of a situation) and others;

- absence of obligatory studies abroad and possibilities of receipt of “double” diploma in most Ukrainian establishments of higher learning.


By further steps on the way of improvement of native education, taking into account positive descriptions in relation to professional preparation and standard realization of quality of studies in western establishments of higher learning, there is introduction of flexible curriculum, increase of practical orientation of studies and use of active, group, extra curriculum forms and methods of studies. To our opinion, introduction of the above-mentioned components of studies in practice of home establishments of higher learning, positively will influence on an educational-educator process and will perfect him, as such components represent principle of account of individually-personality features of students.


training manager professional

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2. Міжнародний науково-технічний університет ім. академіка Ю. Бугая. URL:

3. Отрощенко Л. С. Формування професійної компетентності майбутніх фахівців зовнішньоекономічного профілю у вищій освіті Німеччини : монографія. Суми, 2009. 207 с.

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