Employer’s social responsibility for staff development
Analysis of the employer's social responsibility in the field of personnel development, the definition of training needs in accordance with the company's strategy, the choice of programs, methods of training. Service-professional promotion of employees.
Рубрика | Менеджмент и трудовые отношения |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 14.10.2018 |
Размер файла | 21,6 K |
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Employer's social responsibility for staff development
Diakiv, O.,
PhD in Economics, associate professor dyakiv0225@ukr.net
social responsibility training personnel
The article defines the social responsibility of the employer in the field of personnel development, which covers the definition of training needs in accordance with the enterprise strategy, the choice of programs, forms and methods of training.
It has been mentioned that social responsibility in the field of personnel development includes: training and professional development of employees; eleboration of employee development plans; determining the effectiveness of learning; professional promotion of workers; career planning; career management (moving to higher positions); the formation of a skill pool, etc.It has been revealed that the employer's social responsibility implies a rational combination of principles of economic efficiency, a balance between the interests of corporate governance, the formation and development of human capital.
It has been established that in present-day innovative enterprises, special attention is paid to the identification and development of talented employees who have high potential, and are their key active resource.
For personal and professional development of the employee, considerable investments are needed both from the employer and the worker. The latter will be socially responsible to the employer if decent working conditions and decent wages are guaranteed.
The characteristic features of such components of personnel development as training programs, advanced training, internships and corporate universities have been singled out and described.
The authors conclude that the staff development programs need to take into account the effect of training employees in relation to costs based on quantitative, qualitative and combined methods for assessing the effectiveness of skills training. The employer is currently interested in securing a skilled and valuable worker enhancing his professionalism.
Key words. Personnel development, social responsibility, personnel training, human capital, training programs.
Соціальна відповідальність роботодавця за розвиток персоналу
У статті визначено соціальну відповідальність роботодавця у сфері розвитку персоналу, яка охоплює визначення потреби у навчанні відповідно до стратегії підприємства, виборі програм, форм і методів навчання. Зазначено, що соціальна відповідальність у царині розвитку персоналу включає: навчання й підвищення кваліфікації працівників; розроблення індивідуальних планів розвитку працівників; визначення ефективності навчання; службово-професійного просування працівників; планування кар'єри; управління кар'єрою; формування кадрового резерву тощо. Виявлено, що соціальна відповідальність роботодавця передбачає раціональне поєднання принципів економічної ефективності, досягнення балансу між інтересами корпоративного управління, формування та розвитку людського капіталу. Встановлено, що на теперішніх інноваційних підприємствах особливу увагу приділяють виявленню й розвитку талановитих співробітників, які володіють високим потенціалом., є їх ключовим активним ресурсом.
Для розвитку особистості, професіонала у своїй справі необхідні значні інвестиції як з боку роботодавця, так і самого працівника. Саме останній буде соціально відповідальним перед роботодавцем, якщо для нього будуть створені гідні умови праці та гідна заробітна плата.
Автор доходить до висновку, що у програмах розвитку персоналу необхідно враховувати ефект від навчання працівників у співвідношенні з витратами на основі кількісних, якісних та комбінованих методів оцінювання ефективності професійного навчання. Оскільки роботодавець у даний час зацікавлений закріплювати кваліфікованого і цінного працівника, підвищуючи його професіоналізм.
Ключові слова. Розвиток персоналу, соціальна відповідальність, навчання персоналу, людський капітал, навчальні програми.
Социальная ответственность роботодателя за развитие персонала
В статье определена социальная ответственность работодателя в сфере развития персонала, которая охватывает определение потребности в учебе в соответствии со стратегией предприятия, выборе программ, форм и методов обучения. Было отмечено, что социальная ответственность в области развития персонала включает: обучение и повышение квалификации работников; разрабатывание индивидуальных планов развития работников; определение эффективности обучения; служебно-профессионального продвижения работников; планирование карьеры; управление карьерой; формирование кадрового резерва и тому подобное. Выявлено, что социальная ответственность работодателя предусматривает рациональное сочетание принципов экономической эффективности, достижения баланса между интересами корпоративного управления, формирования и развития человеческого капитала.
Установлено, что на нынешних инновационных предприятиях особенное внимание уделяют выявлению и развитию талантливых сотрудников, которые владеют высоким потенциалом, есть их ключевым активным ресурсом.
Для развития личности, профессионала своего дела необходимы значительные инвестиции как со стороны работодателя, так и самого работника. Именно последний будет социально ответственным перед работодателем, если для него будут созданы достойные условия труда и достойная заработная плата.
Автор делает вывод, что в программах развития персонала необходимо учитывать эффект от обучения работников в соотношении с расходами на основе количественных, качественных и комбинированных методов оценивания эффективности профессионального обучения. Поскольку работодатель в данное время заинтересован закреплять квалифицированного и ценного работника, повышая его профессионализм.
Ключевые слова. Развитие персонала, социальная ответственность, обучение персонала, человеческий капитал, программы обучения.
The problem outline and its relevance to important scientific and practical tasks. The development of the Ukrainian economy in the corporate governance system necessitates the formation of social responsibility of the employer. When studying the corporate social responsibility system of a company in a developed economy countries, one can observe that several areas of companies' activity may be singled out:
- salaries and wages: on time payment and provision of decent wages, introduction of transparent programs for its increase;
- assistance in critical situations (in case of a complicated illness, dismissal, staff reduction, etc.);
- personnel development: its training, various programs of professional development, provision of future employment or assistance to it, retraining of personnel;
- staff motivation: additional health insurance, social benefits, non-material rewards programs, etc;
- proper working conditions (guarantee of safety and labor protection, infrastructure of work place, etc.);
- decent attitude to employees (respect for the person, absence of racial, religious, political or gender discrimination at the time of recruitment).
It is the development of staff considered as an urgent need and as a factor in the success of the enterprise. This is due in large part to the intensive formation of a knowledge-based economy, the introduction of innovative technologies. Personnel training, accumulation and development of human capital occupy a special place among the branches of social responsibility of business.
Social responsibility of businesses in the field of training and staff development lies in training and retraining of employees; elaboration of individual employee development plans; choice of forms and methods of employees training; determining the effectiveness of training; professional promotion of workers; planning a career; career management (moving to higher positions); the formation of a skill pool, etc. [1, p. 347].
Analysis of research and publications dealing with a solution of the problem.
The world practice has accumulated some experience in the field. Among the Ukrainian scientists investigating the problem, it is necessary to mention
O.Hrishnova, A. Hrinenko, A. Kolot, A. Leontenko, V. Petiukh, V. Savchenko, O. Stelmashenko, H. Sinenko, S. Tsymbaliuk. Taking into account the relevance of the mentioned topic, it is necessary to deepen scientific research in the field of social responsibility of the employer regarding the personnel development.
Presentation of the main research material. The social responsibility of the employer implies a rational combination of the principles of economic efficiency and responsibility to the society. The activities of the company, thus, are aimed not somuch at implementing the classic principle of maximizing profits and reducing costs as at achieving a balance between the interests of corporate governance, the formation and development of human capital. Social financing instruments are extremely diverse and directly or partially related to investing in human capital.
By human capital we mean the stock of knowledge and skills necessary for an individual to maintain competitiveness in the labor market; in other words these are the knowledge and skills that can bring revenues to their owner.
According to S. Tsymbaliuk, "... many domestic enterprises face a permanent loss of their human capital as a result of increased staff turnover, increased mobility of workers, and increased employment opportunities, particularly abroad" [5, p. 149]. Therefore, the important task that faces various subjects of social and labor relations (owners, managers, labor collectives of enterprises, state authorities) is the upbringing and development of a socially responsible person.
The peculiarities of the development of national economies in the US and Europe have made it possible to identify a new form of investment in human capital at the level of individual companies and corporations. This form of investment is the basis of the concept of social responsibility, and in modern terms it becomes one of the ways to achieve competitive advantages in the long run. Along with the traditional areas of investment in human capital, such as vocational training and retraining of employees in the context of technological modernization and investment in other types of continuing education enterprises pay attention to investments of social importance and those aimed at the preservation of skilled employees and increase of their level of protection against unforeseen situations in the labor market.
In modern innovation enterprises, special attention is paid to the discovery and development of talented employees who have high potential and are their key active resource. Talented leaders will give their corporations the names that become famous throughout the world, shaping their philosophy and culture.
This is precisely the importance of timely detection and targeted development of talented young professionals with a leadership potential at the enterprises. The factors that encourage talented workers to develop include not only natural qualities (personality abilities), but also living and social conditions, measures for staff career management and planning and the formation of a skill pool of the enterprise. Therefore, the processes of talent management become important, since the knowledge economy, high technology allocate among the factors of production the crucial role of the human factor, especially of a talented and intellectual person [3, p. 419].
At the same time, the formation of such a person requires significant investment. It is practically impossible to educate an employee who is socially responsible to his employer, leader, team, and state without ensuring a high quality of life, establishing conditions for the development of a person as an individuality and a professional in his sphere [5, p. 149-150].
One of the main areas of social responsibility of the employer is the development of general and special human capital. Enterprises play a vital role in supporting the concept of lifelong learning throughout the world, not only by stimulating their employees to self-education, but also attracting a significant amount of funding for internal and external qualification programs for advanced training. The development of personnel at the enterprise is through training programs, advanced training, internships, corporate universities, obtaining grants, scientific and practical developments, introduction of innovative employment through the "knowledge economy", favorable conditions for workers' creative potential growth.
In the field of education the most popular forms are advanced training (short-term training which requires a relatively small amount of financial and organizational resources) and professional retraining of staff (long-term training) in educational institutions, for example, universities and colleges.
The urgent issue is what forms and directions of learning make a significant contribution to support corporate social responsibility.
First, the content of the training, except for compliance with the strategy of development of the main activity, should take into account alternative technologies that would enable employees to effectively apply innovative approaches in the development of enterprises.
Secondly, training programs, along with special competencies that can be applied only at this enterprise, should be oriented towards the support of universal human capital, that is, universal knowledge.
Third, the company must maintain a high culture of teaching through the transparent positioning of its effectiveness, both at the general organizational level and at the individual level. This will help not only to increase motivation for learning, but also to form an idea of the company as a dynamically developing organization.
Fourthly, the enterprise must include in its reports information about the training programs, and the scope of their application [4, p. 50]. Registration of these approaches to employee training in the company's social policy will enable to implement the principles of social responsibility into human capital management processes at the basic level.
The high significance of workers' advanced training is more of a desirable level for which businesses may strive in future. Employers, lacking personnel, make social enquiries to the Employment Service and pay tuition fees mainly in the sphere of trade programs. At the same time, surplus of managers and lawyers at the labour market is observed nowadays.
It is important to choose the right technology for training personnel, that is, competently build the process of knowledge formation to develop human competences. Technology of personnel training is an interconnected set of actions in the process of learning with the observance of comfortable environment and the use of modern tools of the pedagogical system to achieve the intended purpose [6]. The task of a teacher or manager of an enterprise (department), while developing methods and types of training, is to choose such forms of teaching material that increase the interest of the audience in obtaining knowledge.
Modern staff teaching methods include:
1. Video training, implemented through the provision of personnel with audio and video programs, electronic documents and other information resources.
4. Distance learning, the use of telecommunication technology for the training personnel at a distance3. Modular training, a training program consisting of separate thematic units (modules), aimed at achieving a certain result (solving a specific business problem, developing skills). The course can cover theoretical knowledge as well as practical work, and final projects.Case study, the analysis of practical situations from the experience of different enterprises, which involves analysis and group discussion of hypothetical or real situations. It allows you to develop analytical, diagnostic, and decision-making skills. This method has best proved itself as a training program for managers of different levels.
5. Training, teaching focusing on the practical training of skills, theoretical blocks of material being minimized. It provides for simulation of situations for the purpose of development or consolidation of certain skills, development of new models of behavior, changes in attitude to tasks fulfillment, etc.
6. Business game involves working out of educational subjects on the basis of situations and material modeling certain aspects of professional activity of learners.
7. The metaphorical game is aimed at developing new forms of activity, changes in attitudes in behavior, and the formation of non-standard approaches to solving problem situations. It involves choosing a metaphor as a problem situation, finding a solution and further implementation of effective decisions into practical activity.
8. Role-play, a method that simulates real or typical working situations, with the definition of the roles of participants to find solutions to a problem situation. It enables one to get skills of interpersonal communication, hence being useful for managers and applicants for leadership positions.
9. Brainstorming, a method that helps generate a large number of ideas for solving the problem situation over a short period of time with further analysis and the choice of the most appropriate options.
10. Behavioral modeling, a method designed to produce a model of behavior in standard situations. It teaches specific skills and settings related to the pursuit of professional activities. The method is realized through the search of an example to emulate ("behavioral model"), the analysis of this model of behavior, and its reproduction in practice.
The main element of a well-elaborated program of personnel development is intellectual resources, that is, employees with their knowledge and competencies. As the latter become outmoded, they may not be sufficient for a certain period to achieve strategic goals. Personnel development programs must take into account the effect of training employees in relation to costs on the basis of quantitative, qualitative and combined methods for assessing the effectiveness of expertise training. The assessment of the latter should be based on the qualitative characteristics of the personnel (creativity, experience, knowledge, maximum initiative in the creation and implementation of new processes and technologies) [2, p. 232].
A modern employer is interested in securing a skilled and valuable worker enhancing his professionalism, however, with a focus on the purposeful acquisition of special knowledge and skills, thereby limiting the staff labor mobility. Such a policy affects the limited rational behavior of the employees themselves, due to the expansion of non-standard forms of labor mobility, which impedes the increase of labor productivity and the growth of human capital in the region as a whole.
A modern employer is interested in securing a skilled and valuable worker enhancing his professionalism, however, with a focus on the purposeful acquisition of special knowledge and skills, thereby limiting the staff labor mobility. Such a policy affects the limited rational behavior of the employees themselves, due to theexpansion of non-standard forms of labor mobility, which impedes the increase of labor productivity and the growth of human capital in the region as a whole.
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2. Дяків О.П. Корпоративна соціальна відповідальність у стратегії управління персоналом / О. Дяків // Сучасні тенденції розвитку економічних систем: моногр. / за заг. ред. В. І. Гринчуцького. -- Тернопіль: ТНЕУ, 2015. -- С. 223-234.
3. Савченко В.А. Розвиток персоналу: підручник / В. Савченко . -- 2-ге вид., пере- роб. і доп. -- К.: КНЕУ, 2015. -- 505 с.
4. Синенко Н. Підвищення професійного рівня працівників як фактор ефективності виробництва / Н. Синенко // Довідник кадровика. -- 2009. -- № 3. -- С. 44-55.
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