Motivation as an effective personnel management factor
Motivation - a combination of internal and external driving forces that encourage people to work, set the border and forms of this activity and provide direction that focuses on achieving goals. The best production results - the purpose of business.
Рубрика | Менеджмент и трудовые отношения |
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 10.01.2019 |
Размер файла | 21,4 K |
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The economic transformation in our country will not be successful if the system of enterprises doesn't change radically, to be specific, management. It happens so because, the company, as an employer, should be attractive to its potential employees. Only this circumstance may encourage population for education and further work in enterprises [1].
In recent years, the motivation of employees as a cause of their behavior starts to play the central role in staff management. The main task of management is employees targeting to achieve certain goals of the organization. In today's society development, education improvement, automation and computerization of production, and social expectations of the company's employees, the importance of motivation grows up as an inspiration to work, to achieve personal and organizational goals through the identification and satisfaction of each individual employee in personnel management [2].
A lot of management theorists and practitioners, regardless the area of their interest -commercial or public administration, social sphere, culture, etc., have realized the inadequacy of traditional methods and techniques in recent years, and what is more, the philosophy of the traditional system of personnel management, the current situation on the labor market and have begun radically revision of the human resource management. The theory and practice of management has accumulated vast experience connected with employees' motivation, their productive activities stimulation. In this area worked such famous national and foreign scholars as G.A. Dmitrenco, A.L. Eskov, H.T. Kulikov, M.V. Semykina, G.L. Hayet, V.G. Aseyev, V.G. Afanasyev, V. Baranov, I.V. Bestuzhev-Lada, A.G. Welsch, F.S. Rainbow, G.H. Hendler, G. Zhuravlev, A. Zdravomyslova, Y. Kozlovsmsvell, V. Magun, T.N. Muhambetov, G.H. Popov, A.A. Handle, V.I. Sokolov, V. I. Speranskii [2], V.A. Poisons, P.M. Jacobson, and J. Adams, C. Barnard, V. Vroom, A. Maslow, P. Martin, S. Ritchie [3], G. Simon, R.J. Hekman, G. Oldham [4] and others.
Today, few people in developed countries have doubts that the Chief executive officer of any company takes employee management as a priority, an urgent task. The term "personnel management" is gradually giving way to a new concept - human resource management that characterizes the modern concept of HR. In Eastern Europe countries, the former socialist states due to objective circumstances often have these problems risen. To convert them into practice it is necessary to improve business culture and introduce the modern management technology ubiquitously.
At present, in most enterprises system of motivation is imperfect, because it is hardly bound to employee's results. Employee's motivation continues to be the main topic of organizational psychology and organizational behavior. Since knowledge of key motivation aspects allows firms to create optimal conditions for good productivity and employees' potential realization. The purpose of research is to explain and research the theoretical recommendations for the personnel motivation development and implementation and motivational potential of the company.
The employees' behavior gives a significant impact on the company's success. At the core of labor behavior are the next reasons: internal aspirations and values that define the direction of human's activity. To solve this problem it is necessary to consider the personnel's work motivation.
Clear organizational structure, employees' rights and responsibilities determination, establishment of information channels dissemination, etc. - all that is the necessary for foundation of an effective team activity. However, the labor behavior of employees' has a decisive influence on the success of the organization.
Effective employees' labour behavior implies, that a person safely and conscientiously performs the duties according to the Job Description, is prepared, in the interests of business and the team, in a rapidly changing situations and emerging, to go beyond their immediate responsibilities making the extra effort, showing activity, cooperation and assistance, shows satisfaction with the work and is not going to change it for another one. As usual in such cases a person is thought to work in a good faith and is sick to work.
At the core of labor behavior there are such reasons: internal aspirations and values that define the direction of human activity and its forms.
Modern psychology identifies the following main reasons as a basic motivation to work well:
- firstly, profession and work enthusiasm;
- secondly, material compensation maximizing focus;
- thirdly, awareness of the work importance and necessity even if it is not too material attractive for the employee.
The following elements or indicators of job satisfaction should be mentioned:
- the content and kind of the work (its intensity, importance, results);
- working conditions;
- wages, material compensation;
- the rate of prestige;
- management (management style, work assessment, mental stimulation, employees selection and placement system);
- career and self development, the prospects for discharge increasing, training, etc;
- collective environment and psychological climate.
The appeal to study employees' behavior in the company is based on the fact that not every impact to influence human behavior activates its activity, but the one that immediately becomes a personally meaningful and consistent with his inner desire. In this case, a staff member's interest in its activities and its psychological tendency towards compliance appear and therefore the motivations to do the job better.
Stimulation should include not only the creation of the external situation but much more the attractive choice behaviors, and the structure compliance to the individual employee. And this internal structure in interaction with external stimulation, will form the immediate action motive.
The research should consider on such a thing as "motive", "motivation", "to motivate", "motivational activity" and so on.
Since the motive is as inclination, willingness and propensity for an act a worker to act in a specific way and task activities that are directly related to the external stimulus is precisely in the formation or activation of this condition. Motive is considered as a method that helps the individual being in a particular situation, to explain or justify their behavior, in other words, reflects his attitude to certain situations, and different objects of the environment.
When we speak about motivated activity, we mean the free human actions, which are caused by internal motives and aimed to achieving the objectives and the interests. In this situation the employee is free to determine the extent of actions that depend on its internal motivation and of course environmental conditions.
The Company's employee actions motives functions are like the following:
- orientates the motive, which aims to choose the organization's behavior, which is most appropriate for its particular situation;
- sense-making motif that defines the importance of a subjective kind of activity for employees;
Indirect motif that occurs just at the junction of the external and internal action agents by indirecting them in relation with employee and influencing its behavior;
- mobilizing motif that mobilizes internal reserves of the employee if it is important to realize the significant activities for him;
- justifying motif, which lies directly to the regulatory treatment of the employee, or brought in from outside the model, a standard of behavior and social norms.
With regard to the management motivation [5] - is the process of encouraging staff to work. Any director, if he wants to achieve efficient operation of his subordinates should not forget that there are incentives to work. Motivation is the process of creating an incentives system to achieve the goals set for before the employee on the basis of accounting and the use of its needs, values, beliefs, ideology [5].
Properly motivated staff is interested in the efficient and productive work, makes a big impact on the company. Therefore, successful motivation and incentives increase the firm's chances of prosperous to 50%.
Motivation that is based on positive incentives is called positive. Motivation that is based on negative stimul, respectively is called negative.
Positive reinforcement creates a setting in which the employee seeks to fulfill these objectives, to the quality of work by which his expectations of fair reward (praise) are justified. At the same time, it naturally avoids such actions that may come to an end with unpleasant consequences. Positive measures are more effective than negative (negative reinforcement). But there are often situations when it is simply impossible to avoid the use of negative measures. It should be borne in mind that such sanctions applied alone with subordinates, give much better results comparing with being used in the presence of other employees. Competent leaders know: there is no negative result, there is a result to work with, and then defeat revolves victory. Therefore, you should never reduce intrinsic motivation of staff. But to rely solely on it is impossible, too. Because human is a social being and the need to be recognized is extremely strong. But there is an important balance. Internal and external motivations must be balanced. Internal motivation is that's why people invest their efforts, why they work from day to day, trying to make their lives and the lives of others better. Internal motivation is that "fuel" that supports and prevents from giving up in difficulties and failures [6]. The intrinsic motivation includes: dream, desire for self-realization, desire for creativity, self-expression, relevance, confidence, curiosity, personal growth, the need to communicate.
The external motivation includes [6]: money, career, status, recognition, prestige items (house, car, etc.), the ability to travel.
External motivation is constantly changing, it is growing in success and decreases in failure, that brought happiness yesterday, today can be annoying, and vice versa. It depends on the prevailing type of motivation: "motivation FROM " or " motivation TO".
"Motivation FROM" is a female type of incentives aimed at getting rid of hunger, poverty, etc. by reviewing inventories transition to the regime of austerity and so on.
"Motivation TO" is a male type of motivation aimed at finding reserves and the desire to increase profits rather than to cut costs. If one focuses on "ON", it is usually fixated on the past and his problems, if "TO" is more important, he is directed to the future, focused on achieving while walking on current issues.
Labour motivation is employee's striving to meet the needs (get certain benefits) through work [6].
Although the individual approach to each employee in terms of motivation is important, in general particular system should be introduced. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which is based on the systematic and targeted approach to managing an organization, approached this question closely.
System-target approach in managing has proven itself in practice. The introduction of quality management systems according to the requirements of ISO 9001 "Quality Management System" can be mentioned as obvious example in system management. Requirements "of environmental management systems according" to ISO 14001and safety management systems and health personnel working in accordance with the requirements of BS OHSAS 18001 standard. In Ukraine there are companies that have implemented an integrated management system. For example, one organization may operate a quality management system and environmental management system.
Satisfaction with the content and nature of work plays the central role. Interest in the process activities can be an important motivating factor. The set of features that encourage people to its implementation in psychology is called procedural - content (or intrusive) motivation.
The researchers identified the following indicators procedural - contents motivation while studying the people who enjoy their work [7]:
- feeling of involvement in the activity;
- full attention of thoughts and feelings on the activity;
- the feeling that you know well how to act at one time or another, a clear sense of purpose;
- lack of fear of possible mistakes and failures;
- loss of the usual sense of awareness of themselves and their surroundings, as if the "dissolution" of the business.
Focusing on these figures, executives, managers can adjust their administrative actions as well as the process of employees.
American scientists, behaviorists [3] identify three "mental states", in which the employee stays and which are determining his job satisfaction and professional motivation: a sense of importance (employee must feel that his work is important and what is accepted in his value system); sense of responsibility (he must be sure that he is solely responsible for the outcome of his actions), knowledge of result (he should be able to evaluate the results of his work).
In accordance with these views T. Solomanidina and B. Solomanidina [8] suggest design principles in terms of the satisfaction of its performers. They have included the following requirements to this list:
- the work must have a purpose, that leads to a certain result;
- employees' should evaluate the work as important and worth to be done;
- the work should enable the employee to take the decisions necessary for its implementation, or to be autonomous within the prescribed limits;
- performing duties, the employee must receive feedback, evaluated according to the performance of the work;
- the work should bring fair compensation in terms of employee.
Western psychologists and sociologists suggest some other factors system that determines the sense of job satisfaction and motivation.
1. Workspace. There is no doubt that atmosphere in which the work is performed and can significantly influence the attitude and energy of workers. This means that the company should invest its time, resources and interest in creating such a climate conducive to the achievement of its objectives and meet the needs of employees.
2. Reward. It includes the salary and benefits, weekends and fringe benefits. Fringe benefits became widespread in recent years. The company can offer many of these benefits that generally have more value for employees than the equivalent amount of wages: housing, private medical insurance, life insurance and accident insurance, paid meals, opportunities for fun, free goods, the provision of clothing, treatment programs, participating in profits, low rate loans, reimbursement for education, holiday trips for employees and their families, social functions.
3. Security. It is hard to wait for productive work from employees in an atmosphere of insecurity. Sense of security is not simply connected with the presence or absence of work. People are also afraid of losing their position or losing respect that others feel to them. Many people like the sense of security that they experience in the group, they belong to.
4. Personal development and professional growth. One of the most effective ways to increase the employee's contribution to the work of the organization is to help their personal development. Development and experience are inseparable and although training and education may be useful, it is impossible to find a replacement increasing responsibility and new experiences. Feedback is inseparable from the work of people and it can be a strong motivation for even greater achievements.
5. Feelings of belonging. Most people like the feeling of their work usefulness, and they want to be a part of the organization that employs them. In some organizations, quite openly communicate to employees' information that helps them understand what is happening. However, others seem to do everything as long as possible to keep their employees in the dark. As a sense of belonging is a two-way process, you must be interested in opinions, judgments and views of employees. Psychologists say that in organizational groups there is usually someone who is the most influential and the most important, and it's very important to involve him in issues affecting the group.
6. Interest and challenge. Striving to achieve significant results is widespread in many organizations. Most people are looking for a job, that would have placed "call" which would require skill and would not be too easy. The content of work can encourage employees. Unfortunately, a lot of jobs are boring and do not impose specific requirements. Even obviously run activities such as filling shelves or cleaning can often be rebuilt so that they bring more fun. If there is a situation in a company that meets the needs of the employee, it opens the possibility for self-realization, it brings a work satisfaction, which largely determines the effective labor behavior.
Based on the concepts of positive mental states motivating people, American scientists Richard J. Hekmanom, Greg Oldham etc. [4] has developed a model of motivational characteristics (Fig. 1). In this model, certain parameters are considered as the sources or causes of positive psychological states, feelings of employees, which in turn determines various aspects of motivation.
Fig. 1. Work motivational characteristics model
Work that meets all the requirements described, a feeling of satisfaction with job content, motivating employees, gives a sense of belonging. Such work or professional activity, according to the authors of this model has a high motivational potential. It should be mentioned that it doesn't have an equal encourage for people to work more efficiently. Scientists have found a direct dependence between the need for personal growth and high motivation when working with high motivation potential. People who do not have a pronounced need for personal development, work with high motivation potential but are not motivated [9].
Model-based motivational characteristics of the authors of the concept proposed technology enrichment work, which is a set of methods of improvement of operation parameters and the specific sequence of their use.
There are five methods: increasing skills diversity, improving the integrity of the work, increasing the importance of the work, increase autonomy; feedback optimization.
In order to increase the diversity of used skills certain features or supplements that still are not performed in work may be combined. Improving the integrity of the work can be accomplished by adding the final operations in the course of which the employee will have to deal with visible results. However, it is necessary to remember that adding business operations of a lower level that do not do work more valuable usually causes a feeling of dissatisfaction and lowers motivation. The increasing importance of the work is associated with informing the employee about how specifically are the results of his work used. In any task formulating psychologists recommend to think about goals that really will depend on the speed and quality of this work. To increase the autonomy some administrative functions can be transformed to subordinates. Of course, the transfer functions can be successful only in case of sufficient qualifications and employee awareness. Employee is enable to plan ahead himself and to allocate work according to his inclinations, to choose the optimal pace of work that will also contribute to the improvement of this parameter. Feedback optimization requires a mechanism that would allow regular and adequate information providing to employee (true, accurate, detailed and timely) about the success of his activities.
The process of enrichment is a clear sequence of steps comprising diagnosis motivational potential of work and then it changes to monitor the status of employee motivation is proposed to use motivational potential that characterizes the employee's willingness to maximum employment impact, the development of competitiveness in the implementation of the acquired knowledge, skills, skills and reflects the degree of satisfaction of motivational needs of the worker. The higher is the value of the motivational potential, the greater is the satisfaction of employees motivational needs. The greater is the employees' satisfaction of motivational needs, the better for the company may be the work of such employees.
To determine the employee's motivation potential (M employee), you must add all the values of satisfaction (UIS). That means that the motivational potential through motivational needs satisfaction is determined from the formula [1]:
С + С2 + С3 + Су (1)
Motivational potential of the company (Company M) can be defined in the next way: Add all the values motivating potential employees and divide that amount on their number. Of course, in terms of motivation there should be an individual approach to each employee, but the motivational potential of the company describes the overall management performance in the personnel management.
Satisfaction value undertakes ranges from 0 to 1 with the step in 0,1. Thus, the motivational potential value - is the number to the nearest one decimal place.
Traditional methods of staff testing and motivation were reviewed in this article. However, given the current approaches, identifying the motivational needs of the staff is a consistent mechanism for increasing the motivational potential of employees, which is a necessary approach in order for qualified staff to be recruited. It is also of a particular importance to make skilled professionals become interested in the job in order for them to realize their full potential.
Understanding the needs of job applicants is one of the main aims of human resources management in order to achieve such a goal.
First of all, the diversity of needs is an important factor to consider. Therefore, the first step in this direction should be assessing employees' motivational needs satisfaction. At the individual level, each employee job satisfaction is directly associated with a unique pleasure received from fulfillment of an employee's actual needs. The methods of studying the motivational profile of the individual, developed by American scientists Sh. Ritchie, and P. Martin [3] can be promising, practical and very effective tools, considering the further development of modern human resource management areas. These scientists have identified twelve basic human needs and proposed a test to examine their relative importance (relevance) to each employee. A technique that quantitatively evaluates the importance of these needs was named as the motivational profile by the authors. The motivational profile is used by employers during both the assessment of candidate's suitability for the advertised position and in the implementation of measures aimed at increasing job satisfaction. The motivational profile allows for the principle of leading motive which incentivizes the employee to remain committed to the company.
The combination of traditional techniques with modern methods of personnel motivation enables a human resources team to make rather effective management decisions when using motivational potential tool as a criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the motivation.
business motivation production
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