Effects of product network relationships on demand in Russian ecommerce

This research analyzes the relationship and influence of the values contained in the Product Recommendation Network, and how they impact on an e-commerce’s demand. We carried out an empirical analysis of the TV category in a major e-commerce from Russia.

Рубрика Менеджмент и трудовые отношения
Вид дипломная работа
Язык английский
Дата добавления 27.08.2020
Размер файла 3,4 M

Отправить свою хорошую работу в базу знаний просто. Используйте форму, расположенную ниже

Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.

if "Купили более" in name:

salary_all_count = name.split()[2]

elif "за сегодня" in name and "покуп" in name:

salary_today_count = name.split()[0]

elif "за неделю" in name and "покуп" in name:

salary_week_count = name.split()[0]


"ID:" + id + " Name:" + item_name + " Price:" + item_price + " Score:" + item_score + " Sale:" + item_sale + " salary all count:" + salary_all_count + " salary today count:" + salary_today_count + " salary week count:" + salary_week_count + " Reviews:" + reviews)



data = ",".join(

[id, item_name, item_price, item_score, item_sale, salary_all_count, salary_today_count, salary_week_count,


connect = sqlite3.connect("database.sqlite") # или :memory: чтобы сохранить в RAM

connect.cursor().execute("""INSERT INTO items VALUES (?,?)""", [id, data])



return data + "," + type

def parse(url, pack, reload=0):


driver = webdriver.Firefox(options=options)


driver.set_window_size(1366, 9000) # because firefox not scroll to element

driver.implicitly_wait(wait_time) # seconds


main_data = load(url, "main")

if main_data is None:



recommends = driver.find_elements_by_css_selector('[data-widget="skuShelfCompare"]>div>div>div>div>div>div>a')

current_sleep = 0

while len(recommends) == 0:

current_sleep += 1

if current_sleep > 2:

if reload > 1:




parse(url, pack, reload+1)




recommends_data = []

for element in recommends:

recommends_temp_data = load(element.get_property("href").split("?")[0], "recommends")



sponsored = driver.find_elements_by_css_selector('[data-widget="skuShelfGoods"][title="Спонсорские товары"] a')

current_sleep = 0

while len(sponsored) == 0:

current_sleep += 1

if current_sleep > 2:

if reload > 1:




parse(url, pack, reload+1)





sponsored = driver.find_elements_by_css_selector('[data-widget="skuShelfGoods"][title="Спонсорские товары"] a')

sponsored_data = []

for element in sponsored:

sponsored_temp_data = load(element.get_property("href").split("?")[0], "sponsored")



also_buyed = driver.find_elements_by_css_selector(

"#__nuxt>div>div.block-vertical>div:nth-child(6)>div>div:nth-child(2)>div>div:nth-child(4) a")

also_buyed_data = []

for element in also_buyed:

also_buyed_data_temp = load(element.get_property("href").split("?")[0], "also_buy")




with open('data/data' + pack + '.csv', 'a') as csvfile:

writer = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=';')

writer.writerow([main_data] + recommends_data + sponsored_data + also_buyed_data)


def get_id(url):

return list(filter(lambda e: e != '', re.split(r'[\-/]', url)))[-1]

# parse("https://www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/154925584/", "test")

Appendix B

Code of clustering data

ozon_tv <- read.csv("ozon_finalv3.csv", header=TRUE, sep=",")

#CLustering analysis for main products

library(dplyr) # for data cleaning

library(ISLR) # for college dataset

library(cluster) # for gower similarity and pam

library(Rtsne) # for t-SNE plot

library(ggplot2) # for visualization

# Remove college name before clustering and little bit prepare the data

main_ozon_tv<-ozon_tv[, c(-1, -9: -17)]

main_ozon_tv$Brand = as.factor(main_ozon_tv$Brand)

main_ozon_tv$Product.Name = as.factor(main_ozon_tv$Product.Name)

main_ozon_dist <- daisy (main_ozon_tv, metric = "gower", type = list(logratio = 3))

# Check attributes to ensure the correct methods are being used


#Create matrix

df_mat <- as.matrix(main_ozon_dist)

# Output most similar pair

main_ozon_tv[which(df_mat == max(df_mat[df_mat != max(df_mat)]),

arr.ind = TRUE)[1, ], ]

#Choosing a clustering algorithm #Calculate silhouette width for many k using PAM

sil_width <- c(NA)

for(i in 2:12){

pam_fit <- pam(main_ozon_dist,

 diss = TRUE,

 k = i)

sil_width[i] <- pam_fit$silinfo$avg.width


# Plot sihouette width (higher is better)

plot(1:12, sil_width,

xlab = "Number of clusters",

ylab = "Silhouette Width")

lines(1:12, sil_width)

#Now we understand, that we have to use 7 clasters, let`s do it!

#Cluster Interpretation



pam_fit <- pam(main_ozon_dist, diss = TRUE, k = 7)

# IT works

main_ozon_tv[pam_fit$medoids, ]

#Plotting the results


tsne_obj <- Rtsne(main_ozon_dist, is_distance = TRUE)

tsne_data <- tsne_obj$Y %>%

data.frame() %>%

setNames(c("X", "Y")) %>%

mutate(cluster = factor(pam_fit$clustering))

#Plot the results

ggplot(aes(x = X, y = Y), data = tsne_data) +

geom_point(aes(color = cluster))

#Save the segments inside our dataset

main_ozon_tv$segments = tsne_data$cluster

#Create dataset with relusts of our segmentation

seg_main_ozon=main_ozon_tv %>% group_by(segments) %>%summarise(avg_rating_main = mean(Rating_main), avg_price_main = mean(Price_main),avg_discout_main = mean(Discount_main),avg_review_main = mean(Reviews_main),avg_sales_main=(mean(Sales_main)))

main_ozon_tv$Brand = as.character(main_ozon_tv$Brand)

main_ozon_tv$Product.Name = as.character(main_ozon_tv$Product.Name)

seg_main_sales = main_ozon_tv %>% group_by(segments) %>% count(mean(Sales_main)) %>% filter(n==max(n))

seg_main_brand = main_ozon_tv %>% group_by(segments) %>% count(Brand) %>% filter(n==max(n))


#Final cluster

seg_main_all = main_ozon_tv %>% group_by(segments) %>% count(Product.Name, mean(Sales_main),mean(Price_main), mean(Rating_main),mean(Discount_main), mean(Reviews_main)) %>% filter(n==max(n))


#Numbers of our users by segments

main_ozon_tv%>% group_by(segments) %>% tally()

#Clustering analysis for also viewed products 

library(dplyr) # for data cleaning

library(ISLR) # for college dataset

library(cluster) # for gower similarity and pam

library(Rtsne) # for t-SNE plot

library(ggplot2) # for visualization

# Remove college name before clustering and little bit prepare the data

av_ozon_tv<-ozon_tv[, c(-1, -4: -8, -14:-17)]

av_ozon_tv$Brand = as.factor(av_ozon_tv$Brand)

av_ozon_tv$Product.Name = as.factor(av_ozon_tv$Product.Name)

av_ozon_dist <- daisy (av_ozon_tv, metric = "gower", type = list(logratio = 3))

# Check attributes to ensure the correct methods are being used


#Create matrix

av_df_mat <- as.matrix(av_ozon_dist)

# Output most similar pair

av_ozon_tv[which(av_df_mat == max(av_df_mat[av_df_mat != max(av_df_mat)]),

 arr.ind = TRUE)[1, ], ]

#Choosing a clustering algorithm

#Calculate silhouette width for many k using PAM

sil_width <- c(NA)

for(i in 2:10){

pam_fit <- pam(av_ozon_dist,

 diss = TRUE,

 k = i)

sil_width[i] <- pam_fit$silinfo$avg.width


# Plot sihouette width (higher is better)

plot(1:10, sil_width,

xlab = "Number of clusters",

ylab = "Silhouette Width")

lines(1:10, sil_width)

#Now we understand, that we have to use 7 clasters, let`s do it!

#Cluster Interpretation



pam_fit <- pam(av_ozon_dist, diss = TRUE, k = 7)

# IT works

av_ozon_tv[pam_fit$medoids, ]

#Plotting the results


av_tsne_obj <- Rtsne(av_ozon_dist, is_distance = TRUE)

av_tsne_obj <- av_tsne_obj$Y %>%

data.frame() %>%

setNames(c("X", "Y")) %>%

mutate(cluster = factor(pam_fit$clustering))

#Plot the results

ggplot(aes(x = X, y = Y), data = av_tsne_obj) +

geom_point(aes(color = cluster))

#Save the segments inside our dataset

av_ozon_tv$segments = av_tsne_obj$cluster

#Create dataset with relusts of our segmentation

seg_av_ozon=av_ozon_tv %>% group_by(segments) %>% summarise(avg_sales_av=mean(SAL_av),avg_price_av = mean(AP_av),avg_rating_av = mean(AR_av),avg_discount_av = mean(AD_av),avg_number_of_reviews_av = (mean(ANR_av)))

av_ozon_tv$Brand = as.character(av_ozon_tv$Brand)

av_ozon_tv$Product.Name = as.character(av_ozon_tv$Product.Name)

seg_av_sales = av_ozon_tv %>% group_by(segments) %>% count(mean(SAL_av)) %>% filter(n==max(n))

seg_av_brand = av_ozon_tv %>% group_by(segments) %>% count(Brand) %>% filter(n==max(n))

#Final cluster

seg_av_all = av_ozon_tv %>% group_by(segments) %>% count(Product.Name, mean(SAL_av),mean(AP_av),mean(AR_av), mean(AD_av)) %>% filter(n==max(n))


#Numbers of our users by segments

av_ozon_tv%>% group_by(segments) %>% tally()


#LM for seg_mean_ozon + seg_av_prod


LM_main <- lm(avg_sales_main ~ avg_review_main + avg_rating_main + avg_sales_av + avg_price_av + avg_rating_av + avg_discount_av + avg_number_of_reviews_av, data=seg_lm_ozon)


#Clustering analysis for co-purchased products

library(dplyr) # for data cleaning

library(ISLR) # for college dataset

library(cluster) # for gower similarity and pam

library(Rtsne) # for t-SNE plot

library(ggplot2) # for visualization

# Remove college name before clustering and little bit prepare the data

cp_ozon_tv<-ozon_tv[, c(-1, -4: -14)]

#here I deleted CO-purchase coloumn (binary)

cp_ozon_tv$Brand = as.factor(cp_ozon_tv$Brand)

cp_ozon_tv$Product.Name = as.factor(cp_ozon_tv$Product.Name)

cp_ozon_dist <- daisy (cp_ozon_tv, metric = "gower", type = list(logratio = 3))

# Check attributes to ensure the correct methods are being used


#Create matrix

cp_df_mat <- as.matrix(cp_ozon_dist)

# Output most similar pair

cp_ozon_tv[which(cp_df_mat == max(cp_df_mat[cp_df_mat != max(cp_df_mat)]),

 arr.ind = TRUE)[1, ], ]

#Choosing a clustering algorithm

#Calculate silhouette width for many k using PAM

sil_width <- c (NA)

for(i in 2:15){

pam_fit <- pam(cp_ozon_dist,

 diss = TRUE,

 k = i)

sil_width[i] <- pam_fit$silinfo$avg.width


# Plot sihouette width (higher is better)

plot(1:15, sil_width,

xlab = "Number of clusters",

ylab = "Silhouette Width")

lines(1:15, sil_width)

#Now we understand, that we have to use 11 clasters, let`s do it!

#Cluster Interpretation



pam_fit <- pam(av_ozon_dist, diss = TRUE, k = 11)

# IT works

cp_ozon_tv[pam_fit$medoids, ]

#Plotting the results


cp_tsne_obj <- Rtsne(cp_ozon_dist, is_distance = TRUE)

cp_tsne_obj <- cp_tsne_obj$Y %>%

data.frame() %>%

setNames(c("X", "Y")) %>%

mutate(cluster = factor(pam_fit$clustering))

#Plot the results

ggplot(aes(x = X, y = Y), data = cp_tsne_obj) +

geom_point(aes(color = cluster))

#Save the segments inside our dataset

cp_ozon_tv$segments = cp_tsne_obj$cluster

#Create dataset with relusts of our segmentation

seg_cp_ozon=cp_ozon_tv %>% group_by(segments) %>% summarise(avg_price_av = mean(AP_cp),avg_rating_av = mean(AR_cp),avg_number_of_reviews_av = (mean(ANR_cp)))

cp_ozon_tv$Brand = as.character(cp_ozon_tv$Brand)

cp_ozon_tv$Product.Name = as.character(cp_ozon_tv$Product.Name)

seg_cp_price = cp_ozon_tv %>% group_by(segments) %>% count(mean(AP_cp)) %>% filter(n==max(n))

seg_cp_brand = cp_ozon_tv %>% group_by(segments) %>% count(Brand) %>% filter(n==max(n))

#Final cluster

seg_cp_all = cp_ozon_tv %>% group_by(segments) %>% count(Product.Name, mean(AP_cp), mean(AR_cp), mean(ANR_cp)) %>% filter(n==max(n))


#Numbers of our users by segments

cp_ozon_tv%>% group_by(segments) %>% tally()

#First regression attempts


LM_control <- lm(Sales_main ~ Price_main + Rating_main + Discount_main + Reviews_main, data=ozon_tv)


LM_sales <- lm(Sales_main ~ .-ID -Brand -Product.Name -Co_purchase, data=ozon_tv)


LM_rating <- lm(Rating_main ~ .-ID -Brand -Product.Name -Co_purchase, data=ozon_tv)


LM_reviews <- lm(Reviews_main ~ .-ID -Brand -Product.Name -Co_purchase, data=ozon_tv)


LogM_sales <- lm(log(Sales_main) ~ log(Discount_main), data=ozon_tv)


#Descriptive statistics



descriptive <- stat.desc(ozon_tv[, 4:13])

round(descriptive, 2)




decriptive_table <- table(descriptive)






ggboxplot(ozon_tv, y = "Rating_main", width = 0.5)


ggboxplot(ozon_tv, y = "Reviews_main", width = 0.5)


ggboxplot(ozon_tv, y = "Discount_main", width = 0.5)


ggboxplot(ozon_tv, y = "Price_main", width = 0.5)


ggboxplot(ozon_tv, y = "Sales_main", width = 0.5)



gghistogram(ozon_tv, x = "Sales_main", bins = 9, 

add = "mean")

gghistogram(ozon_tv, x = "Rating_main", bins = 9, 

add = "mean")

gghistogram(ozon_tv, x = "Discount_main", bins = 9, 

add = "mean")


ggqqplot(ozon_tv, x = "Reviews_main")

ggqqplot(ozon_tv, x = "Rating_main")

ggqqplot(ozon_tv, x = "Sales_main")

#Sales by brand

ozon_brands <- read.csv("Ozon_brands.csv", header=TRUE, sep=",")

ggboxplot(ozon_brands, x = "Brand", y = "Sales_main",

color = "Brand")

ggstripchart(ozon_brands, x = "Brand", y = "Sales_main",

color = "Brand",

add = "mean_sd")

ggbarplot(df, x = "Brands", y = "Sales",

color = "Eye", position = position_dodge(),

palette = c("brown", "blue", "gold", "green"))

#Fitting the model

#Regression without outliers

#Without outliers first attempt

ozon_outliers <- read.csv("Ozon_outliers.csv", header=TRUE, sep=",")

LM_sales_outliers <- lm(Sales_main ~ .-ID -Brand -Product.Name -Co_purchase, data=ozon_outliers)


LM_rating_outliers <- lm(Rating_main ~ .-ID -Brand -Product.Name -Co_purchase, data=ozon_outliers)


LM_reviews_outliers <- lm(Reviews_main ~ .-ID -Brand -Product.Name -Co_purchase, data=ozon_outliers)


#Without outliers second attempt

ozon_outliers2 <- read.csv("Ozon_outliers2.csv", header=TRUE, sep=",")

LM_sales_outliers2 <- lm(Sales_main ~ .-ID -Brand -Product.Name -Co_purchase, data=ozon_outliers2)


LM_rating_outliers2 <- lm(Rating_main ~ .-ID -Brand -Product.Name -Co_purchase, data=ozon_outliers2)


LM_reviews_outliers2 <- lm(Reviews_main ~ .-ID -Brand -Product.Name -Co_purchase, data=ozon_outliers2)


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