Factor and expert analysis in the management system of the socio-cultural sphere of rural areas of Ukraine

The purpose of the article is to study the practice of managing the institutions of the socio-cultural sphere of rural territories of Ukraine. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation and functioning of controlling in the management system.

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Язык английский
Дата добавления 12.09.2020
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Shmorgun Leonid,

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Professor Department of Art Management and Event Technology National Academy of Leadership in Culture and Arts

Atamanyuk Oleksandr,

Postgraduate Student, National Academy of Leadership in Culture and Arts

The purpose of the article is to study the practice of managing the institutions of the socio-cultural sphere of rural territories of Ukraine, and to determine the role of factor and expert analysis in making optimal management decisions. methodology - the formation of readership and researchers' management skills, as well as systemic knowledge on management optimization and management approaches in institutions of the socio-cultural sphere of the rural territory of Ukraine. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the fact that the author uses new settlement and management mechanisms that increase management and administration in the institutions of the socio-cultural sphere of the rural territory of Ukraine.

Also, scientific novelty includes original formulas for further optimization of managerial activity on the basis of assessing the progressiveness and effectiveness of a particular institution in the socio-cultural sphere of the rural territory of Ukraine conclusions. The proposed set of measures (settlement and expert mechanism) and original management decisions based on the introduction of a controlling department can significantly improve the functioning of enterprises in the social and cultural sphere of rural Ukraine.

In practice, this approach in the long term will contribute to the systemic socio-economic development of rural communities in Ukraine, especially to young and active citizens.

Keywords: Factor and expert analysis, personnel management, management of socio-cultural sphere of rural territories.

Шморгун Леонід Григорович,

доктор економічних наук, професор, професор кафедри арт-менеджменту та івент-технологій, Національна академія керівних кадрів культури і мистецтв

Атаманюк Олександр Олександрович,

аспірант Національної академії керівних кадрів культури і мистецтв

Факторний і експертний аналіз в системі управління соціо-культурною сферою сільської місцевості України

Мета статті - дослідити практику управління закладами соціокультурної сфери сільських територій України, а також визначити роль факторного і експертного аналізу в прийнятті оптимальних управлінських рішень. Методологія - формування у читачів і дослідників управлінських навичок, а також системних знань з оптимізації управління і адміністрування в установах соціокультурної сфери сільської території України. Наукова новизна статті полягає в тому, що автором задіяні нові розрахункові та управлінські механізми, що підвищують управління і адміністрування в установах соціокультурної сфери сільської території України.

Також наукова новизна включає в себе оригінальні формули для подальшої оптимізації управлінської діяльності на основі оцінки прогресивності та ефективності конкретної установи в соціокультурній сфері сільської території України. Висновки. Пропонований комплекс заходів (розрахунково-експертний механізм) і оригінальні управлінські рішення на основі введення відділу контролінгу дозволяють істотно підвищити ефективність функціонування підприємств соціально-культурної сфери сільської місцевості України.

На практиці цей підхід в довгостроковій перспективі сприятиме системному соціально-економічному розвитку сільських громад України, особливо - молодим і активним її громадянам.

Ключові слова: факторний і експертний аналіз, управління персоналом, управління соціально-культурною сферою сільських територій.

Шморгун Леонид Григорьевич,

доктор экономических наук, профессор,

профессор кафедры арт-менеджмента и ивент-технологий, Национальная академия руководящих кадров культуры и искусств

Атаманюк Александр Александрович,

аспирант Национальной академии руководящих кадров культуры и искусств, Министерство образования и науки Украины, Україна

Факторный и экспертный анализ в системе управления социокультурной сферой сельской местности Украины

Цель статьи - исследовать практику управления учреждениями социокультурной сферы сельских территорий Украины, а также определить роль факторного и экспертного анализа в принятии оптимальных управленческих решений. Методология - формирование у читателей и исследователей управленческих навыков, а также системных знаний по оптимизации управления и подходам к администрированию в учреждениях социокультурной сферы сельской территории Украины. Научная новизна статьи состоит в том, что авторами задействованы новые расчетные и управленческие механизмы, повышающие управление и администрирование в учреждениях социокультурной сферы сельской территории Украины.

Также научная новизна включает в себя оригинальные формулы для дальнейшей оптимизации управленческой деятельности на основе оценки прогрессивности и эффективности конкретного учреждения в социокультурной сфере сельской территории Украины. Выводы. Предлагаемый комплекс мер (расчетноэкспертный механизм) и оригинальные управленческие решения на основе введения отдела контроллинга позволяют существенно повысить эффективность функционирования предприятий социально-культурной сферы сельской местности Украины.

На практике этот подход в долгосрочной перспективе будет содействовать системному социально-экономическому развитию сельских общин Украины, особенно - молодым и активным ее гражданам.

Ключевые слова: факторный и экспертный анализ, управление персоналом, управление социально-культурной сферой сельских территорий.

Introduction. The dynamic development of rural production in Ukraine over the past 10-15 years, when its share in the country's GDP increased from 3-5% to 12-14%, determines the development of rural communities in Ukraine (State Statistics Service of Ukraine, 2019). Unfortunately, the increase in economic production in Ukrainian villages does not affect the development of social capital in the countryside, and the improvement of the corresponding socio-cultural sphere. According to the instructions of international financial organizations (IMF, MB, EBRD) liberalization and the imposition of ineffective market relations led to socio-cultural degradation in the countryside and generally did not contribute to the stable social and economic development of Ukraine (Redzyuk, 2019). Thus, the share of education in the GDP of Ukraine decreased from 6.1% in 2013 to 5.2% in 2018, and the share of art, sports, entertainment and recreation decreased from 1% to in 2013 to 0.7% in 2018. In general, the GDP of Ukraine in 2015-2019 raises very slowly (2-3% per year), as for developing country (State Statistics Service of Ukraine, 2019). Such asymmetric processes provide the basis for conducting research on the management of the socio-cultural sphere of rural areas of Ukraine. In addition, financial and economic globalization, the development of information and digital technologies, Internet networks and communication tools determine the dynamic development of modern enterprises based on the constant introduction of innovations, digitalization, improvement of technology and management techniques. Therefore, with the current paradigm of a significant reduction in the number of rural population in Ukraine, there is a need to study the management of the sociocultural sphere and provide suggestions for improving the existing situation [1].

Research analysis and problem statement. The task of our study is to analyse the development of socio-cultural sphere of rural territories of Ukraine. This subject by modern foreign researchers such as Bole D., Pipan P., Komac B. (2013), Hor6kov6 H. (2013), Woods M. (2007). In their scientific works, the specifics of the impact of globalization, industrialization, and the active development of the tourism sector on the socio-cultural sphere of various European countries is examined [2;3;4].

In the scientific literature, such researchers of Ukraine as T. Azarova (2013), V. Boyko (2013), V. Kutsenko (2014) dealt with the development of the socio-cultural sphere of rural areas of Ukraine. Given their developments on this issue, we note that the issues of modern sustainable revival and management of socio-cultural enterprises in rural areas of Ukraine remain insufficiently studied [5;6;7].

Unlike other similar studies, this article attempts to identify the specific effective management tools, especially emphasized attention on factorial and expert analysis, in personnel management in the sociocultural sphere of the countryside.

The purpose of the article is, taking into account the experience and features of the formation of the socio-cultural sphere of rural areas of Ukraine, to offer original and effective approaches to improving governance in this area.

The first part of the article contains facts, statistics and trends that characterize the current state of the socio-cultural sphere of rural areas of Ukraine.

In the second part of the article, it is proposed to use calculations, tables and original formulas for further optimization of managerial activity based on assessing the progressiveness and effectiveness of a particular institution in the socio-cultural sphere of the rural territory of Ukraine.

The results of the study. Social and cultural conditions are basic for unlocking human potential. Therefore, the development and effectiveness of agricultural production, as well as the possibility of the revival of the Ukrainian village in general, depend on socio-cultural conditions. However, now the majority of rural settlements in Ukraine are not able to provide their residents with the necessary range of social and cultural services. Due to the lack of a significant number of objects of socio-cultural sphere in Ukrainian villages, the vast majority of the population is forced to get them outside the place of permanent residence. Therefore, the availability of such services for each villager is one of the determining indicators of the social characteristics of settlements and rural territories. It should be noted that the main types of socio-cultural activities include: education, culture and art, health and social welfare, physical education, sports, recreation.

As of 2018, a modern network of such enterprises in the rural territories of Ukraine covers 8900 preschool institutions; 13,200 comprehensive schools; 248 rural vocational schools; 118 higher educational institutions of the III level of accreditation and 23 higher educational institutions of the III-IV level of accreditation; 500 hospital facilities; 3.4 thousand medical outpatient facilities; 14,900 feldsher-midwife stations; 175 ambulance stations (departments) of 270 stadiums; 13,400 retail stores; 3000 stalls; 7500 restaurant establishments; 2761 markets for the sale of consumer goods; 16500 cultural institutions of club type; 1,600 film demonstrators; 14900 mass and universal libraries [8;9].

Historically, for the most part, enterprises of the socio-cultural sphere of rural territories of Ukraine (except for the basic state educational and medical institutions) constitute cultural houses. Recently (2005-2019), on the territory of active rural communities, they have been replaced by centers of local activity, which work in partnership with public organizations, practically without budget support, flexibly responding to the real needs of citizens.

Since at this stage of the development of the socio-economic base of the Ukrainian village it is local communities that are interested in developing such enterprises and keep most of the cultural houses in rural areas, the question naturally arises as to how capable they are of solving social problems at the local level, what do they have for that, and what is missing, with whom and in what forms it is necessary to interact, and what should be discarded. A particularly urgent problem of effective management of enterprises of the socio-cultural sphere of the rural territories of Ukraine is now, because the traditional forms of financing cultural houses have been ineffective. This is evidenced by state statistics: the number of cultural institutions is declining, their relative share in the budget is decreasing, and less and less people are working in this area.

According to the author's and expert conclusions, it is possible to group the factors of curtailing the development of rural socio-cultural and cultural enterprises in their composition by dividing them into objective (reduction of the rural population, globalization of mass culture, the introduction of digital technologies, telecommunications) and subjective (low social responsibility of large agricultural corporations or its absence, indifference rural communities, incompetence of local leadership and managers of socio-cultural institutions). Identification of these factors allows us to group priority areas to eliminate problems in this area and find reserves for the revival of socio-cultural enterprises in rural communities of Ukraine. The most optimal in the existing conditions is to use the existing potential on the ground and search for internal reserves to improve the management of enterprises in the socio-cultural sphere.

The effectiveness of socio-cultural enterprises is determined through indicators of their quantity; the available number of services offered to the population; availability of services; the dynamics of the reproduction of services; level of controlling the provision of services.

The given indicators make it possible to form a model of the functioning of a modern socio-cultural enterprise of Ukraine adapted to external conditions. Controlling function is crucial in the provision of services, since the quality of the service and its dynamics of reproduction directly depends on the contractor. In this context, the introduction of an effective controlling system in compliance with certain standards is essential. The multi-factor model takes into account the reduction of unproductive administrative staff, eliminating duplication of management functions, accelerating the implementation and streamlining of creative and business processes, increasing labor productivity by reducing the number of repetitive functions and automation.

The basis of the model is an indicator of the return on investment in the controlling department, and the signs characterize the factors of production productivity, the cost of management and the share of the expenses of the controlling department in the total management expenses (factors affecting the effectiveness of controlling). Thus, the model for assessing the effectiveness of controlling, taking into account the influence of these factors, has the form:

E ef = F (R + Nst + Ccontr + Cast + LPr + C + ShEcontrl) (1.1)

E ef - the effectiveness of the functioning of the department (specialist work) on controlling issues

R - revenue of cultural institution (enterprise), thousands UAH

N st - number of staff, persons

Ccontr - controlling costs, thousands UAH

Cast - expenses for the maintenance of administrative personnel, thousands UAH

LPr - labor productivity is determined by the ratio of income to the number of employees of administrative staff (H = К / N st), thousands UAH / persons

C - the cost of labor management, which is determined by the ratio of the costs of the administrative apparatus to the number of employees (Cast / N st), thousands UAH / persons

ShEcontrl - share of the expenses of the controlling department in the total expenditures of the administrative apparatus (Ccontr / Cast), % The research of the effectiveness of the functioning of the controlling department showed its direct dependence on labor productivity and an inverse relationship with the expenditure of management and the share of the expenses of the controlling department in total management expenses. The effectiveness of the activities of the controlling department can be determined taking into account the costs of the administrative apparatus before and after the implementation of controlling tools. It is determined by the following formula:

rural territory ukraine management

ECD = Caft - Cpr (1.2)

ECD - Efficiency of the controlling department

Caft - Costs for the maintenance of administrative apparatus after the introduction of the controlling department, thousands UAH

Cpr - Costs for the maintenance of the administrative apparatus prior to the implementation of the controlling department, thousands UAH

The proposed performance indicators of controlling allow us to evaluate it at all stages of activity, namely:

1) When the company implements the concept and tools of controlling

2) Evaluates the effectiveness of certain application tools for the period when the controlling department was functioning

3) Evaluate the effectiveness of functioning when there are plans for its use in the future or with the necessary modernization.

The adequacy of the recommended indicators for assessing the effectiveness of controlling implementation is confirmed by the calculations given in table 1.

Table 1

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation and functioning of controlling in the management system of the Plyskivsky sociocultural house of the Chernihiv region, Ukraine







The cost of maintaining the administrative apparatus before and after the introduction of controlling, thousand UAH




Number of staff, persons




Labor productivity, thousands UAH / persons




Controlling costs, thousands





The њst of labor management, thousands UAH / persons




Share of the expenses of the controlling department in the total expenditures of the administrative apparatus




The effectiveness of the functioning of the controlling department, taking into account the influence of factors




The data in Table 1 show that the recommended performance calculations are quite detailed and reliable. They confirm the growth in the efficiency of activities, primarily due to the expansion and development of new types of activities, as well as due to the growth of employed 2,1 times. In addition, the introduction of controlling will contribute to increasing the profitability of the enterprise, ensuring its financial and economic stability while reducing the cost of maintaining administrative and managerial personnel [10].


The proposed approach to assessing the effectiveness of the activities of the controlling department in practice will allow the socio-cultural enterprise of the rural areas of Ukraine to significantly increase the efficiency of functioning due to the timely adoption of sound management decisions, quick response to market changes, and cost reduction. It also allows the manager at every moment to imagine the state of affairs of the enterprise and understand how effectively it works. Performance indicators of controlling use are an original management tool, which is laid down in the planning and reporting system, as well as in the motivation system that mobilizes employees for the necessary labor behavior - makes their work more meaningful and significant.


1. Redzyuk E. Cooperation with IMF: The impact on the economic growth of the countries of the world and Ukraine // The scientific professional journal “Economy of Ukraine” No.5 (690), 2019. - P.57-67

2. Bole D., Pipan P., Komac B. Cultural values and sustainable rural development: A brief introduction // Acta geographica Slovenica, 53-2, 2013 // [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: https://www.researchgate.net/publica-

tion/273171383_Cultural_values_and_sustainable_rural_development_A_brief_ introduction

3. Hor6kov6 H. 2013: Whose countryside? Contested development in the new rural recreational localities in Czechia from the perspective of the countryside capital. European Country side 1-2013. Berlin. DOI: 10.2478/euco-2013-0002

4. Woods M. 2007: Engaging the global countryside: globalization, hybridity and the reconstitution of ruralplace. Progress in Human Geography 31-4. Thousand Oaks. DOI: 10.1177/0309132507079503

5. Azarova T.V. Investigation of the activity of cultural houses to meet the needs of citizens / 19 September 2013 / [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access: http://www.lacenter.org.ua/2013-09-10-08-52-50/64-2013-09-10-08-51-24/608- 2010-10-05- 09-16-49.html

6. Boyko V.I. The level and efficiency of the development of the socio-cultural sphere of rural areas // rubric “Economy” / scientic magazine “Biznes Navigator” / №3 (32). - 2013. - p.11-15

7. kutsenko V.L Social vector of development of Ukrainian village: state, problems and ways of their overcoming / V. І. Kutsenko // Economics of Ukraine. - 2014. - № 3. - p. 83-93

8. official site of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine // [Electronic resource] / Access mode: http://www.ukrstat.gov.ua/

9. The official site of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine // [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: http://www.me.gov.ua/?lang=uk-UA

10. Data of financial and economic activity of the Plyskivsky sociocultural house of the Chernihiv region, Ukraine

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