Personal policy: concept, types, peculiarities in the state border service of Ukraine

Generalization of approaches to defining the content of the concept of "personnel policy". A complex of legal, organizational and managerial decisions and social and psychological measures aimed at the formation of the necessary human resources.

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Дата добавления 20.09.2020
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Personal policy: concept, types, peculiarities in the state border service of Ukraine

S. Sharap

Deputy Director of the Department

Head of the organization of operational and

investigative activities

Department of Operational Activities of the

Administration of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

Kyiv, Ukraine


The purpose of the paper is to summarize scientific approaches to the definition of the content of the concept of "personnel policy"; determine the types of personnel policy and peculiarities of the state personnel policy and personnel policy in the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.

The analysis of problems of formation of the state personnel policy in law-enforcement bodies is made, since the security of the state depends on the quality of personnel potential.

Novelty is the author's definition of the concept of "personnel policy in the State Bolder Guard Service " in the broad sense is a complex of legal, organizational and managerial decisions and socio-psychological measures aimed at the formation of the necessary human resources and ensuring their effective work on solving tasks entrusted to the SBGS. In the narrow sense, we propose to understand the personnel policy of the State Tax Administration in the form of a complex of adopted state decisions regarding the provision of SBGS by highly skilled specialists through the implementation of a set of scientifically based methods of work with personnel.

The practical significance of the research results is that they can become the basis for further scientific and theoretical research of personnel policy.

Keywords: security and defense sector, law enforcement bodies, State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, personnel policy, types of personnel policy, peculiarities of personnel policy.


Узагальнено наукові підходи до визначення змісту поняття "кадрова політика"; визначено види кадрової політики й особливості державної кадрової політики та кадрової політики в Державній прикордонній службі України.

Зроблено аналіз проблем формування державної кадрової політики в правоохоронних органах, оскільки від якості кадрового потенціалу залежить безпека держави.

Визначено поняття "кадрова політика в ДПСУ" у широкому розумінні, що є комплексом правових, організаційно-управлінських рішень та соціально-психологічних заходів, спрямованих на формування необхідних кадрових ресурсів і забезпечення ефективної їх діяльності з вирішення покладених на ДПСУ завдань. Кадрову політику ДПСУ у вузькому розумінні запропоновано розуміти як комплекс загальнодержавних рішень щодо забезпечення ДПСУ висококваліфікованими фахівцями шляхом реалізації сукупності науково обґрунтованих методів роботи з персоналом.

Результати дослідження можуть стати основою для подальших науково-теоретичних досліджень кадрової політики.

Ключові слова: сектор безпеки і оборони, правоохоронні органи, Державна прикордонна служба України, кадрова політика, види кадрової політики, особливості кадрової політики.


personnel policy human

Обобщены научные подходы к определению содержания понятия "кадровая политика"; определены виды кадровой политики и особенности государственной кадровой политики и кадровой политики в Государственной пограничной службе Украины.

Сделан анализа существующих проблем в этой сфере и определение путей их дальнейшего решения.

Дано авторское определение понятия "кадровая политика в ГНСУ" в широком смысле представляет собой комплекс правовых, организационно-управленческих решений и социально-психологических мероприятий, направленных на формирование необходимых кадровых ресурсов и обеспечение эффективной их деятельности по решению возложенных на ГНСУ задач. Кадровую политику ГНСУ в узком понимании предложено понимать как комплекс принятых общегосударственных решений по обеспечению ГНСУ высококвалифицированными специалистами путем реализации совокупности научно обоснованных методов работы с персоналом.

Результаты исследования могут стать основой для дальнейших научно-теоретических исследований кадровой политики.

Ключевые слова: сектор безопасности и обороны, правоохранительные органы, Государственная пограничная служба Украины, кадровая политика, виды кадровой политики, особенности кадровой политики.

The development of Ukraine as a powerful European state is impossible without real security and defense reforms. Reform and modernization of the security sector in general and law enforcement agencies in particular today are one of the strategic priorities of the Ukrainian state. One of the important components of these priorities is staffing of reforms, activation and improvement of professionalism of employees, qualitative training of human resources, since the efficiency of public administration in the security sector depends on its human resource provision.

Analysis of the recent achievements. Personnel policy acts as an important factor in the policy of the state, especially in the security sphere, its main tool of selection and education of personnel. The solution of personnel issues is one of the most pressing problems in Ukraine in the conditions of Russian aggression, a crucial aspect of the formation of an effective policy, the functioning and consolidation of the legitimacy of state power.

Personnel policy was covered in the works by domestic and foreign scholars, namely: M. Armstrong, O. Banchuk-Petrosova, O. Voronko, Y. Kovbasyuk, K. Vashchenko, Y. Surmin, V. Oluiko, O. Dyomin. J. Zhovnirchik, N. Zhuk, K. Izbash, A. Krushelnytska, V. Malinovsky, N. Nyzhnik, O. Parkhomenko-Kutsevil, V. Pleshhkin, O. Sardak, Titarenko, G. Shchokin, V. Yatsuba and other.

The analysis of publications suggests that from the time of independence the issue of personnel policies was the subject of research by domestic scientists, and the creation of a state personnel policy was identified as one of the priorities of the national security of Ukraine. It should also be noted that the theoretical and applied aspects of the state personnel policy are devoted to a large number of scientific studies, however, modern modernization and reform processes in the security and defense sector require not only an effective system of personnel management in this field, which includes a set of institutions that will effectively manage human resources processes, but also thorough scientific research and definition of perspective directions of personnel policy development of law enforcement agencies.

Presentation of the main research. Personnel policy as a social phenomenon, having a multi-level structure, is much broader in content than the state human resources policy, where the subject is a state that can not solely take on the resolution of all personnel problems. Personnel policy reflects the patterns of development of objective personnel processes, relationships and relationships that give them a certain qualitative characteristics, determine the main features and principles of personnel work [7].

An important feature of the formation of personnel policy is "a set of principles, methods, forms of an organizational mechanism for the formation, reproduction, development and use of personnel, the creation of optimal working conditions, its motivation and stimulation" [10]. Such an approach is also contained in the following definition: "human resources policy as a system of principles, ideas and requirements defining the main directions of work with personnel, its forms and methods", the author of which emphasizes that "the main goal of personnel policy is to ensure the timely provision of an optimal balance of manning processes, preservation of personnel, its development in accordance with the requirements of the enterprise, the current legislation and the state of the labor market "[15].

According to K. Izbash, scientists are united in the fact that the personnel policy is: the strategy and tactics of work with personnel; a set of principles, methods and forms of work with personnel; a set of goals, tasks and priorities of work with personnel; the ideology of work with personnel, that is, define it as a certain concept of work with personnel in a certain system of bodies, or in a separate organization. However, the term "personnel policy" as a social phenomenon has a multi-level structure and is much wider in content than adjacent categories. Personnel policy is: in the development of strategy and tactics; creation of activity programs on their basis; definition of the course; providing for results of activity [9].

Therefore, the personnel policy is divided into types by domestic scientists - in the sphere of activity: state personnel policy, personnel policy in the NPU, military state personnel policy, personnel policy in the SBGS, etc. [4].

Serving to achieve the purpose of this article, consider such types of personnel policy as "state personnel policy" and "personnel policy in the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine".

Thus, the authors of the manual "European Integration" define the personnel policy as a direction of activity of the state, institutions of the organization for the implementation of measures aimed at the formation of personnel and the improvement of labor potential, which includes a set of principles, methods, forms, organizational mechanism for the development of goals and objectives, aimed at the preservation, strengthening and development of human resources, the creation of a highly productive, cohesive team able to respond in a timely manner to changing market demands [6].

The problem of staffing of state policy and management needs to determine the features of the state personnel policy as a separate type of personnel policy. To this type include the following definitions.

Personnel policy is one of the most important areas of public administration focused on the need for public administration in the personnel, which is strategic in defining the goals, ideological and software for the formation, development and use of human resources as a determining factor in the effectiveness of the system of public authorities [11].

Personnel policy as a component of the internal and external policy of the state and the means of its implementation is formed on the basis and within the limits of state policy. It is developed in the interests of the latter. Objectives, priorities and principles of personnel policy depend to a large extent on the role of the state in society, on solving the main problems of the formation of Ukrainian statehood, the type of government, the level and democratization of the mechanisms of the state, the division and interaction of the branches of power, the delimitation of their functions and powers, the prospects for the transformation of central, regional and local authorities [8].

Understanding of personnel policy as "the system of officially recognized, legally established national goals, tasks and priorities, organizational principles, approaches and methods of forming the personnel potential of the state apparatus of management" characterizes, in our opinion, the essential features of state policy in this area.

Under the state personnel policy, they also understand "the state strategy expressing the will of the people, the political course of work with personnel at the national level, the strategy for the formation, development and rational use of personnel, all human resources of the state" [5].

The same approach defines the following definition: "State staffing policy is a purposeful national state strategy that is designed for a long period of strategic activity of the state, aimed at the search, formation, development and rational use and reproduction of human capital to ensure the realization of national interests: the interests of the individual, society and state in various spheres of their life, the realization of which guarantees the preservation of national values, state sovereignty, territoriality cal integrity in the context of Ukraine as a democratic, social state with a developed market economy [2].

State personnel policy is the most important factor in preserving and strengthening the integrity of the state, socio-political stability of society, a strategic component of the regulation of citizens' livelihoods. An important part of the state personnel policy is the creation of a balanced human capital management system that should ensure the optimum use of the country's labor resources. The objectives of the state personnel policy are to define a set of basic provisions that should protect the national interests of Ukraine in various areas of national security of the state. The main objective of the state personnel policy is to create a balanced human capital management system, which should provide all fields of life of the state with skilled personnel for realization of national interests in the context of Ukraine's development as a democratic, social state with a developed market economy [2].

State personnel policy is a system of organizational, legal and other measures authorized by the state of entities on the formation of staffing, that is, the staffing of trained specialists of bodies that ensure the fulfillment of state functions. In other words, the state human resources policy is a nation-wide strategy for the formation, development and rational use of professional human potential [1].

Today, the most important issue is the staffing of law enforcement agencies, which depends on the content of their personnel policy, which is a separate form of state policy.

The State Border Guard Service of Ukraine is a special law enforcement body that is protected against any attempts to cross the state border of Ukraine illegally, armed conflicts and other provocations at the border. This task is realized in cooperation with the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations in repelling an invasion or attack on the territory of Ukraine of another state or group of states.

The important tasks of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, which the law pertains to its competence, are:

detection and termination of crimes and administrative offenses, conducting of inquiry, conducting of proceedings in cases of administrative offenses,

implementation of border control and passage of persons, vehicles, cargo and other property in the established order,

registration of foreigners and stateless persons who arrive in Ukraine according to the established procedure and their passport documents at border crossing points,

prevention of entry into or departure from Ukraine of persons who, according to the law, are not allowed to enter Ukraine or are temporarily restricted in the right of departure from Ukraine, including in accordance with the order of law enforcement agencies,

searching for at the border crossing points of persons who are hiding from the bodies of inquiry, investigation and court, evade criminal punishment,

execution of other orders of law enforcement agencies in accordance with the established procedure.

In the interest of protecting the border, protecting the interests of citizens and the state, the border service carries out intelligence-analytical and operational-search activities, as well as counter-intelligence activities in the interests of ensuring the protection of the state border of Ukraine.

The bodies of the department are also responsible for the fight against illegal migration.

Personnel policy at the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine is formed on the basis of these powers and with the aim of high-quality personnel protection of the border.

The signs of personnel policy in the bodies of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine are as follows: 1) it is a part of the nationwide personnel policy in public authorities in general and law enforcement, including the bodies of the State Border Guard Service, in particular; 2) the formation of personnel policy in the bodies of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine is the exclusive right of the specially authorized central executive authority on matters of state border guarding, which are the Administrations of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine; 3) is detailed in its purpose, tasks and principles of work with the personnel of the State Border Guard Service, specific directions of work with it, which in the complex should be fixed in a single normative act - the Program of personnel policy in the bodies of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine; 4) defines the general line (strategy) and the fundamental principles in working with personnel for the long-term perspective; 5) the mechanism of its implementation is a system of plans, norms and norms, organizational, administrative and social measures aimed at solving personnel problems and meeting the needs of bodies and units of the State Tax Administration in personnel of a certain qualification; 6) provides for the definition of general requirements for personnel of the DPS; 7) is aimed at solving both national and departmental (internal and external law enforcement) problems; 8) is formed taking into account the influence of both external and internal factors; 9) its general principles are formed in the concept of development (work, reform) of the State Border Guard Service [16].

Conclusions. The analysis of publications on the issues of personnel policy and legal acts regulating the activity of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine made it possible to draw the following conclusions:

The fundamental changes in the security of Ukraine in recent years, including in the personnel policy, make it necessary to analyze existing problems in this area and determine the ways of their further solution. Of particular importance is the analysis of the problems of the formation of state personnel policy in law enforcement agencies, since the security of the state depends on the quality of human resources. Such analysis envisages, first of all, the study of the state of scientific developments in personnel policy. Domestic scientists in determining the personnel policy focus on its various features and components.

The problem of staffing of state policy and management needs to identify the features of the state personnel policy as a separate type of personnel policy. Today, the most important issue is the staffing of law enforcement agencies, which depends on the content of their personnel policy, which is a separate form of state policy.

Personnel policy in the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine in the broad sense is a complex of legal, organizational and managerial decisions and socio- psychological measures aimed at the formation of the necessary human resources and ensuring their effective activity in resolving the tasks entrusted to the State Border Guard Service. In the narrow sense, the personnel policy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine is understood as a complex of adopted national decisions regarding the provision of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine by highly skilled specialists through the implementation of a set of scientifically based methods of work with personnel.

The prospect of further research is to determine the peculiarities of the formation and implementation of personnel policy in the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine in the context of a hybrid war.


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