Management of innovative processes in preschool educational institutions

Research of management principles in preschool educational institution. The need to update the content of the pedagogical process and insufficient competence of teachers. Ensuring the implementation of the main stages of innovative educational processes.

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Management of innovative processes in preschool educational institutions

Rozman Iryna, Samouliuk Svitlana


The article deals with the principles and structures of the innovation process, knowledge of which is necessary for effective management of an educational institution. The normative model of management of innovative processes in a preschool educational institution is proposed.

Key words: management, innovation process, management principles, management model, pre-school educational institution.

У статті розглянуто принципи управління в дошкільному навчальному закладі, структуру освітнього закладу та труднощі, які пов'язані з вирішенням низки суперечностей між недостатньою розробленістю методичних засад управління педагогічним процесом і потребою педагогічної практики; стереотипізації діяльності і пошуків творчих підходів; необхідністю оновлення змісту педагогічного процесу і недостатньою компетентністю педагогів. Дано характеристику принципів, які відображають конкретні закони й закономірності реалізації інноваційних процесів: принцип інноваційної зміни станів системи освіти; принцип переходу від стихійних механізмів перебігу інноваційних процесів до свідомо керованих; принцип інформаційної забезпеченості реалізації основних етапів інноваційних освітніх процесів; принцип прогнозування зворотних або незворотних структурних змін в інноваційному -педагогічному середовищі; принцип стійкості інноваційних освітніх процесів; принцип розвитку інноваційних процесів у системі освіти.

Ключові слова: принципи управління, освітній процес, інноваційний процес, модель управління, дошкільний навчальний заклад

Management of innovative processes is an important precondition for qualitative changes in the system of pedagogical education. The main indicators of the quality of management of innovative educational processes are defined: indicators of the level of development of the innovative space of an educational institution, indicators of the quality of innovative processes, indicators of the quality of the pedagogical process. In the researches of domestic and foreign scientists (L. Vashchenko, L. Danylenko O. Marmaza, Yu. Konarzhevskyi, H. Kunts, V. Lazariev, O. Moiseiev, S. ODonnel, S. Piekharieva, M. Potashnyk, R. Shapoval, O. Yanko etc.), the problem of managing innovation processes has become one of the priorities. In their works the experience of management of innovation processes is systematized, the target aspect of such management is emphasized, pedagogical conditions of formation of managerial competence of the head of the preschool educational institution are determined. According to scientists, for the successful management of innovation processes, it is necessary to know the preconditions for their effectiveness, that is, factors that promote or stimulate their effective flow and development [1; 2; 3].

The purpose of the article is to identify and analyze the conditions for effective management of innovative processes in a preschool educational institution, to highlight the principles of such management.

The development of any educational institution (ie, its transition to a new qualitative state) can not be carried out otherwise, as through the development of innovations, through the innovation process. To manage this process effectively, it needs to be understood and recognize. And this involves studying its state, or structure.

In the management of the innovative pedagogical process in a preschool institution, there are difficulties that are associated with solving a number of contradictions between:

insufficient development of theoretical and methodological principles of pedagogical process management and the need for preschool pedagogical practice in substantiating the mechanism of its management;

tendencies in managerial practice, pattern action, stereotyping of activities and the need to seek creative approaches in the management of the pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions;

the need to update the content of the pedagogical process and the spontaneous nature of administrative actions, lack of competence of managers and teachers in management.

In our opinion, for the organization of an innovative pedagogical process in a preschool institution, a new management model is needed that reflects the modern level of scientific knowledge. The content of the normative model of the management of the pedagogical process acts as a way of knowing the mechanism of its management and is an essential prerequisite for the management of the pedagogical process in the conditions of its intensive renewal and development.

Such a model of management of an innovative pedagogical process in a preschool institution reproduces the properties of the original and delivers new information about the object being studied. The main requirements for a management model is characterized by integrity are adaptability to the socio-economic and pedagogical conditions of an alternating society; Openness, which allows management entities to integrate into the system new structures in a timely manner. This model is based on the separate elements of management activity, existing in the practice of management, as well as the theoretical positions of management science. The composition of the model determines those positions, the study of which reveals the essence of management pedagogical process in a preschool institution of innovative type. The main structural components of the pedagogical process are primarily its participants, as well as goals and objectives, content, means, forms, methods and result

Management of innovative educational processes is carried out according to certain principles, which appear as norms, guidelines of activity. The basic principles of management of innovative educational processes express the common organization of management of them, covering all their stages and determines their success and effectiveness. In pedagogical innovation, the principles that reflect the specific laws and laws of the implementation of innovation processes are singled out. educational competence innovative management

Principle of organized innovative change of states of the education system. This principle focuses on the need for conscious activity during the transition from one state of the education system to another, more perfect. Its application involves a certain system of activities that covers the stage of preparation for changing the state of the education system and the stage of implementation of these changes. Preparations for changes in the education system include the nomination, justification of the main goal of the planned changes, the definition of the means and conditions by which this goal will be implemented. The most difficult and most important is the provision of changes in the education system by appropriate means: new textbooks, methodological developments, trained personnel, the necessary material and technical equipment. The principle of organized change in the state of the education system should be the basis for the preparation and implementation of various reforms and modernizations.

Principle of transition from spontaneous mechanisms of the course of innovative processes to consciously managed. The implementation of this principle involves identifying and working out an effective mechanism for conscious management of state change. Creating an effective mechanism should take place in different directions. One of them is connected with the combination of the processes of creating a new one, its development by teachers and application in practice in one educational institution. Such an institution can become a school as a managed innovation system.

Principle of information, material and technical, staffing implementation of the main stages of innovative educational processes. It provides for mandatory informational, material, personnel support of innovative processes at each of the major stages.

The principle of prediction of inverse or irreversible structural changes in the innovative socio-pedagogical environment. This principle takes into account the law of irreversible destabilization of the pedagogical innovation environment, as well as its integrity and adaptive capabilities. An innovation environment without such opportunities could not exist and under the pressure of pedagogical innovations would be destroyed. In this sense, the resistance of the innovation environment to the innovation, which can take the form of conservative actions in relation to new, natural and even natural to maintain the integrity of the environment as a system. The acceptance or rejection of the new can be seen from the standpoint of the qualitative state of the innovation system, the possibility or impossibility of its preservation, fatigue and ability to self-development. The action of this principle is aimed at preventing spontaneous, unpredictable changes that can significantly delay the implementation of innovative processes. Therefore, their management should include foresights, predictions of changes that may occur with the invasion of pedagogical innovation in the innovation environment. It is about how innovators will adopt teachers, about their readiness to master the new, whether it will provoke conflict in the pedagogical team, how it will affect the usual connections in the content of education and upbringing etc.

The principle of strengthening the sustainability of innovative educational processes. Its essence is manifested in the fact that in the transition from spontaneous processes to managed, the stability of innovative processes, their ability to peculiar self-defense, self-adaptation should be strengthened. The current dynamics of social life has led to an increase in the number of innovative processes that cover the various parts of the education system, a significant change in their quality. The dominant factor in changing the quality of innovation processes is the growth of their sustainability. This is manifested in the recognition of their non-randomness, the laws necessary for the educational system. As a result, innovative processes receive the necessary informational, logistical and personnel support. The attitude of educators-innovators also changes, the degree of expectation of a new one in pedagogy increases, that is, there is a mechanism for the necessary implementation of a new one.

The principle of accelerating the development of innovative processes in the education system. The action of this principle reveals the effectiveness of the organization and mechanisms for the implementation of innovative processes. It means the progression of innovation changes due to their rational introduction into the practice of educational institutions. All principles are the elements of an integrated system of organization and management of innovative processes in the field of education and upbringing. They interact closely with each other, which thanks to the synergistic effect enhances the effect of each of them. Finally, it should be noted that the management of innovation processes in preschool educational institutions is a complex dynamic system, which is based on the operational-activity approach, and the implementation of the pedagogical conditions for the management of such institutions and adherence to the relevant principles ensures the efficiency of their management [4].

Research and experience of innovation activities show that the main reserves of intensification and increase of its efficiency should be sought in the improvement of management. The external conditions determine the level of opportunities for innovation. When organizing innovation processes it is necessary to ensure the availability of information necessary to the performers, the timeliness of its receipt, its reliability, favorable for professional communication climate in the team, timely detection and conflict resolution.


1. Vashchenko, L. M. 2005. Upravlinnya innovatsiynymy protsesamy v zahal'niy seredniy osviti rehionu [Management of innovative processes in the general secondary education of the region]. Kiev.

2. Danylenko, L. I. 2004. Upravlinnya innovatsiynoyu diyal'nistyu v zahal'noosvitnikh navchal'nykh zakladakh [Management of innovative activity in general educational institutions]. Kiev.

3. Moyseev, A. M., Kapto, A. E., Lorensov, A. V. and Khomeryky O. H. 1998. Novovvedenyya vo vnutryshkol'nom upravlenyy [Innovations within the school management]. Moscow.

4. Dychkivs'ka, I. M. 2012. Pryntsypy upravlinnya innovatsiynymy protsesamy u doshkil'nykh navchal'nykh zakladakh [Principles of Management of Innovation Processes in Pre-School Institutions]. Herald of Taras Shevchenko National University of Lviv, 22 (257), І, pp. 114-116.

Список використаних джерел

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2. Даниленко Л. І. Управління інноваційною діяльністю в загальноосвітніх навчальних закладах: монографія / Л. І. Даниленко. - К., 2004. - 358 с.

3. Моисеев А. М. Нововведения во внутришкольном управлении / А. М. Моисеев, А. Е. Капто, А. В. Лоренсов, О. Г. Хомерики. - М., 1998. - 272 с.

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