The essence of entrepreneurial motivation in the agrarian sector

Characteristics of the state of the agricultural sector of entrepreneurship and identification of factors that negatively affect the business climate in the agricultural sector of the region. Determining the main motives of entrepreneurial activity.

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Дата добавления 09.10.2020
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Vinnytsia Cooperative Institute

Member of the Sector of the strategy of development of the Agro-industrial complex of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences

The essence of entrepreneurial motivation in the agrarian sector

Yarova Yuliia, Lecturer, Department of Marketing and Entrepreneurship

Midliar Alla, PhD in economics


The subject of research - an analysis of the state of the agrarian sector of entrepreneurship and the identification of factors that negatively affect the business climate in the agrarian sector of the region. The purpose of the articleis to study the main problems of motivation of entrepreneurship in the agrarian sector. Methodology of work - a method of cognition and a systematic approach to the study of the fundamental provisions of economic science in relation to the development of entrepreneurship in the agrarian sector. The results of the work - the essence of the motivation of entrepreneurial activity in the agrarian sector is revealed, problems of using entrepreneurial potential are considered, the mechanism of entrepreneurship motivation is given; the efficiency of the functioning of the entrepreneurial structures of the agrarian sector is investigated; the definition of the motivation of entrepreneurship and the main motives of entrepreneurial activity are considered; the main directions of support for the development of rural areas are presented. Conclusions - any final result of the motivation of entrepreneurial activity in the agrarian sector affects the components of entrepreneurial activity, improving them and even leading to a change in their foundations, therefore, one can say that motivation is one of the factors that ensures the qualitative performance of the work.

Keywords: entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial activity, motivation, motivation mechanism, motivation of entrepreneurship, an agrarian sector, depressive rural territories, stimulation of development.

Предмет дослідження: аналіз стану аграрного сектора підприємництва та визначення чинників, що негативно впливають на підприємницький клімат в аграрному секторі регіону. Метою написання статті є дослідження основних проблем мотивації підприємницької діяльності в аграрному секторі. Методологія проведення роботи: метод пізнання та системний підхід до вивчення фундаментальних положень економічної науки стосовно розвитку підприємництва в аграрному секторі. Результати роботи: розкривається суть мотивації підприємницької діяльності в аграрному секторі, розглядаються проблеми використання підприємницького потенціалу, наводиться механізм мотивації підприємницької діяльності; досліджується ефективність функціонування підприємницьких структур аграрного сектора; розглядається визначення мотивація підприємництва та основні мотиви підприємницької діяльності; наводяться основні напрямки підтримки розвитку сільських територій. Висновки: будь- який кінцевий результат дії мотивації підприємницької діяльності в аграрному секторі впливає на складові підприємницької діяльності, вдосконалюючи їх і навіть призводячи до зміни їх основ, отже можна говорити про те, що мотивація є одним із чинників, який забезпечує якісне виконання робіт.

Ключові слова: підприємництво, підприємницька діяльність, мотивація, механізм мотивації, мотивація підприємництва, аграрний сектор, депресивні сільські території, стимулювання розвитку.

Предмет исследования: анализ аграрного сектора предпринимательства и определение факторов, негативно влияющих на предпринимательский климат в аграрном секторе региона. Целью написания статьи является исследование основных проблем мотивации предпринимательской деятельности в аграрном секторе. Методология проведения работы: метод познания и системный подход к изучению фундаментальных положений экономической науки по развитию предпринимательства в аграрном секторе. Результаты работы: раскрывается суть мотивации предпринимательской деятельности в аграрном секторе, рассматриваются проблемы использования предпринимательского потенциала, приводится механизм мотивации предпринимательской деятельности, исследуется эффективность функционирования предпринимательских структур аграрного сектора; рассматривается определение «мотивация предпринимательства и основные мотивы предпринимательской деятельности»; приводятся основные направления поддержки развития сельских территорий. Выводы: любой конечный результат действия мотивации предпринимательской деятельности в аграрном секторе влияет на составляющие предпринимательской деятельности, совершенствуя их и даже приводя к изменению их оснований, так что можно говорить о том, что мотивация является одним из факторов, который обеспечивает качественное выполнение работ.

Ключевые слова: предпринимательство, предпринимательская деятельность, мотивация, механизм мотивации, мотивация предпринимательства, аграрный сектор, депрессивные сельские территории, стимулирования развития.

Formulation of the problem.Today, the need to solve problems related to the motivation of entrepreneurship in the agrarian sector and the identification of factors that negatively affect the entrepreneurial climate in the agrarian sector is important.

Relevance of research topic.The state of the agrarian sector depends on the development of entrepreneurial activity. Today, the need to solve the problems associated with the motivation of entrepreneurship in the agrarian sector of the depressed region, as well as the analysis of the state of entrepreneurship and the identification of factors that negatively affect the business climate in the agricultural sector of the region is very important.

Setting objectives.The purpose of the article is to study the main problems of motivation of entrepreneurship in the agrarian sector.

Analysis of recent research and publications.The study of the motivation of entrepreneurial activity in the agrarian sector was studied in the writings of well-known economists D. Bogin, O. Bugutsky, V. Diesperova, L. Dmytrychenko, M. Malik, O. Mykhailova, V. Parsiak, P. Sabluk, O. Stozhok, M.Stepura, V. Yakymenko, and others. agricultural business motive entrepreneurial

Presenting main material. A number of provisions of great scientific and practical importance for the development of entrepreneurial activity require deepening at the regional level. Particularly important is the study of the issue of creating a mechanism for motivating entrepreneurship in the agrarian sector.

In economic science, various definitions of the essence of entrepreneurial motivation have been formed.

Entrepreneurship motivation isthe complex of motives (external and internal) and the mechanism of their use, which prompts the entrepreneur to active activities in order to achieve a certain goal. Such motivation includes a number of socio-economic levers and value orientations of entrepreneurs, business activity for the purpose of preservation and multiplication of property by appropriating maximum profit, ensuring the stable development of the enterprise, optimal combination of its own goals with the interests of society and labor collective, and therefore includes a complex motivational mechanism that is based on biosocial (above all economic) needs and values of an individual, socio-professional groups and labor collectives [3]. It is such an economic relationship in which the future economic entity enters into the search for the necessary resources for the establishment and implementation of entrepreneurial activity, the choice of methods for reducing business risks and the reconciliation of the objectives of the entrepreneur and the employee.

The mechanism of motivation is a complex and holistic tool for its transformation into direct action. He implements the set of factors, principles, incentives, motives, value orientations, and expectations of behavioral responses from a linear, discrete value to a continuous, continuous process; is a system of realization and reproduction of dialectical unity of the main objectives of entrepreneurship, its original driving force (Fig. 1) [5, p. 6].

Fig. 1. Mechanism of motivation of entrepreneurial activity

The need for satisfaction of a number of diverse needs encourages the individual to start an entrepreneurial activity. Upon actualization, needs are formed by internal motivational factors - motives of micro level. The external motivational field, which was formed naturally or artificially, consists of metalevel motives and external stimuli. They enhance the motivating effect of the entrepreneur's internal motives, influencing the forms of entrepreneurial activity and its results.

An entrepreneurial environment is an element of an external motivational field. In the agrarian sector, the business environment has two parts: one part - meeting the needs of all strata of the population by consuming products with high consumer qualities at affordable prices; the other is the realization of the economic interest of agrarian commodity producers.

Motives as an element of a motivational system can be grouped by sources of origin. As for agrarian production, on this basis, four main groups of motives of activity can be distinguished: material, spiritual, production-domestic, social [5, p. 5].

Motives are an active driving force that motivates people to work, that is, an incentive to get desired. They can be internal and external. The first is related to the satisfaction of what the person owns, what he wants to save or what he wants to get rid of. Internally motivated forms of activity express the impression of lack of purpose; motivates the process, not the result of the activity. Externally motivated is everything that is aimed at achieving some final result or goal.

The main motives of entrepreneurial activity are:

material interest, the opportunity to receive benefits, allowances and awards;

the desire of the authorities, the desire to be always the first, the spirit of competition;

an opportunity to make managerial decisions on their own;

the ability to form own team of like-minded people for the creation and conduct of business;

the opportunity to get a position increase;

dissatisfaction with his past work, his official position, the distant location of the place of employment from his place of residence, etc.;

the need for respect, self-expression;

the desire to spread their own style and lifestyle, their interests in business.

In recent years peasants have preferred employment in their own business, despite the amount of labor involved, because it ultimately brings the main income, provides a certain level of well-being. As a result, a dominant factor in property creates an appropriate motivational climate, the peasant feels himself the owner of both the means of production and the income earned. Labor in the personal peasant economy is carried out individually; here the best manifestation of motivation takes place, because the peasant works exclusively on himself, there is no alienation from the results of his own work. It is also established that the motivation of entrepreneurial activity depends on the state of the existing entrepreneurial potential of the territory and the ability of entrepreneurs to use it as much as possible.

The effectiveness of the functioning of the agrarian sector's entrepreneurial structures depends on the quality of regional development programs and the monitoring of their implementation. Positive effect is shown by indicators such as the size of the average monthly wage, which for the analyzed period has a tendency to increase; reducing the unemployment rate in rural areas. Negative is the situation with regard to the structure of institutional formations in the agrarian sector: there is a decrease in the number of existing agricultural enterprises in general, as well as in farms in particular.

In the process of forming a favorable business environment in the agrarian sector, the priority is to create equal organizational and economic conditions for the functioning of entities of all forms of ownership and management, to increase the efficiency of production, to stimulate the association of commodity producers in the production and service sectors, which will contribute to their strengtheningcompeti- tiveness[7].

According to the pace of development of the number of individual forms of entrepreneurial activity in the agrarian sector of the region, it can be argued that the prospective direction for their further development is the spread of agricultural servicing cooperation. Cooperatives in rural communities can become developers of programs for socio-economic development of rural settlements, as the rural development method suggests “from below” or provide advisory services to executive authorities and local self-government on the issues of preparation and implementation of plans for socio-economic development of rural areas.

One of the main directions of support for the development of rural areas, as the basis of the entrepreneurial environment of the agrarian sector, should be the creation of favorable legal, economic, organizational and other conditions for the revival of economic activity on them. It is important that immediate and significant results of such support are the increase in the number of farms, jobs and incomes, the strengthening of social protection of the rural population, the improvement of the functioning and reproduction of human capital of the village, as well as the rational use and preservation of its natural resource potential. The implementation of this direction is related to the diversification of agrarian support programs and the improvement of participation of economic entities in them in order to strengthen the social and environmental aspects of their activities; distribution of agrarian programs to farmers and private peasant farms; full support to the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the non-agrarian sector of the economy as an additional source of household incomes, and hence the financial resources of private economy and farms.

A special role in rural areas development of service cooperatives in rural communities and advisory services, which can become the core of the formation of training cents on rural development and the process of improving the business environment in the agricultural sector. Other groups of active citizens, representatives of public organizations and local self-government may be the initiators of entering into program activities. Obligatory participation in rural development programs of local residents will encourage the activation of local initiatives and community engagement to formulate a strategy for the development of the territory.

Motivation of entrepreneurial activity in the agrarian sector should be based on synergistic motivation of entrepreneurial activity and stimulation of regional development. This synergistic effect contributes

to the formation of a mechanism of state stimulation of entrepreneurial activity in the agrarian sector, operating through the prism of the organizational and economic mechanism of entrepreneurial activity in the agrarian sector and affects all forms of agrarian entrepreneurship.

Conclusions. Any result of the motivation of entrepreneurial activity in the agrarian sector affects the components of entrepreneurial activity, improving them, and even leading to a change in their foun- dations.Thus, it can be said that motivation is one of the factors that ensures the qualitative performance of activity.


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