System of training specialists in the sphere of document support of management (from the experience of the department)

Training system for specialists in the field of document management. The list of documents in which the internal activity of the organization is fixed. Content of the curriculum in the discipline "Documentation management". Systematization of documents.

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Дата добавления 03.01.2021
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System of training specialists in the sphere of document support of management (from the experience of the department)

Danylyuk Serhiy,

Doctor in Pedagogy, Professor, Chair of Pedagogical Sciences, Educational and Socio-Cultural Management Department,

Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University at Cherkasy

Tkachenko Vadym,

Ph.D in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Pedagogical Sciences, Educational and Socio-Cultural Management Department,

Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University at Cherkasy

Zanora Volodymyr,

Ph.D in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of

Management and Economic Safety Department, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University at Cherkasy

The article reveals the specific features of the system of training specialists in the field of document support of management (DSM). Attention is focused on the list of documents in which the internal activities of the organization are recorded. They include:1 )organizational-and-legaldocuments; 2) administrative documents; 3) infor- mation-and-reference documents. The content of the curriculum in the discipline "Document Support of Management" is also disclosed, which includes the following sections: 1) the purpose of the course, sources and literature; 2) documentation of management activities; 3) organization of work with documents.

Attention is focused on the DSM service and its role in the organization of information-and- document management; the concept of "document flow", organization and stages of document circulation.; organization of work with citizens' appeals; organization of documentation with the help of information technologies. Students get acquainted with the preparation and execution of official documents, registration forms, deadlines.

Particular attention is paid to the systematization and storage of documents, the compilation of nomenclatures of cases, the functions of archival departments, the principles and criteria of examination of the value of documents, the organization of expert commissions. practical issues of formation and registration of cases, compilation of descriptions of cases, acts, the order of accounting of archival documents and preparation of certificates of social-and-legal nature at the request of citizens are also considered.

Practice in the organization and technology of DSM gives students the opportunity not only to consolidate theoretical knowledge, but also to master the professional skills of a specialist in organizing all stages of working with documents from receipt to archival storage in a particular institution.

It is noted that the adoption of an effective management decision significantly affects the efficiency and quality of management, contributes to achieving this goal. Modern technologies allow you to successfully solve the problem of effective work with a huge number of documents (including reception, registration, performance monitoring, information analysis, creation of information retrieval systems).

Keywords: document management; document flow; management decision; information-and- communication technologies.


ДАНИЛЮК Сергій Семенович,

доктор педагогічних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри педагогічних наук, освітнього і соціокультурного менеджменту,

Черкаський національний університет імені Богдана Хмельницького

ТКАЧЕНКО Вадим Володимирович,

кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри педагогічних наук, освітнього і соціокультурного менеджменту,

Черкаський національний університет імені Богдана Хмельницького

ЗАНОРА Володимир Олександрович,

кандидат економічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри менеджменту та економічної безпеки, Черкаський національний університет імені Богдана Хмельницького


(з досвіду роботи кафедри)

У статті розкрито особливості системи підготовки фахівців у галузі документного забезпечення управління (ДЗУ). Увагу сконцентровано на переліку документів, в яких зафіксовано внутрішню діяльність організації. До них належать: 1) організаційно-правові документи;2) розпорядчі

документи;3) інформаційно-довідкові документи.

Також розкрито зміст навчальної програми з дисципліни «Документаційне забезпечення управління», яка включає в себе такі розділи: 1) призначення курсу, джерела і література; 2) документування управлінської діяльності; 3) організація роботи з документами.

Увагу закцентовано на службі ДЗУ та її ролі в організації інформаційно-документного забезпечення управління; понятті «документообіг», організації та етапах документообігу; організації роботи зі зверненнями громадян; організації документування за допомогою інформаційних технологій. Студенти знайомляться зі складанням й оформленням службових документів, реєстраційними формами, строками виконання документів.

Особливу увагу приділено систематизації та зберіганню документів, складанню номенклатур справ, функцій архівних підрозділів, принципам і критеріям експертизи цінності документів, організації діяльності експертних комісій. розглядаються також практичні питання формування та оформлення справ, складання описів справ, актів, порядку обліку архівних документів і підготовки довідок соціально-правового характеру на запити громадян.

Практика з організації і технології ДЗУ дає студентам можливість не лише закріпити теоретичні знання, а й опанувати професійними навичками фахівця з організації всіх етапів роботи з документами від отримання до архівного зберігання в конкретній установі.

Зазначено, що ухвалення ефективного управлінського рішення істотно впливає на оперативність і якість управління, сприяє досягненню поставленої мети. Сучасні технології дозволяють успішно вирішувати завдання ефективної роботи з величезною кількістю документів (включаючи прийом, реєстрацію, контроль виконання, аналіз інформації, створення інформаційно-пошукових систем).

Ключові слова:документне забезпечення управління, документообіг, управлінське рішення, інформаційно-комунікаційні технології.

Formulation of the problem

management document discipline

With the development of new information technologies, the emergence of modern methods and means of documentation, the introduction of electronic document management in the field of management, the problem of a shortage of qualified specialists in the field of inf- ormation-and-document support of management arises.

It is no coincidence that Educational-and- Scientific Institute of Pedagogical Education, Social Work and Arts of Bohdan Khme- lnytsky National University at Cherkasy, while training specialists for state and regional authorities in the field of education, enterprises and organizations, considers it mandatory to include full-time and part-time students in the curriculum, students of professional retraining and advanced training programs studying the course "Document Support of Management" (DSM). And this is quite natural, since graduates of Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University at Cherkasy, carrying out their professional activities in specific institutions and organizations, will be directly related to the documentation.

Analysis of recent research and publications. DSM as a reflection of the system and management technology was studied by such scholars as T.V. Kuznetsova, Yu.G. Kyryukhin, L.N. Solyankina, I.A. Podol- ska, B.V. Albrekht, N.A. Khramtsovska, V.A. Kudryayev, E.M. Kameneva, etc.

The purpose of the proposed study is to describe the system of training specialists in the sphere of document support of management.

Presenting main material. The term "document support of management" is synonymous with the term "office work" and appeared in connection with the introduction of automated systems in management. Today, a term that has a broader meaning is used - information-and-document support of management. It covers all stages of working with documents, shows the importance of this area of activities and the need to organize work with documents.

According to M.V. Larin: “Document management appears as a full-fledged managerial function of the organization, the implementation of which extends to all stages of the life cycle of documents (from the emergence of documents to their destruction or transfer to archives), all types of documents and the organization's documentation systems. Documentation management is based on the principles of economy and efficiency and on the widespread use of new information technologies that provide quality management in relation to the organization's documentation as a full-fledged management resource” [1].

It is in the field of management that the overwhelming number of documents is created, which record the internal activities of the organization. They include:

1) organizational-and-legal documents: charters, regulations on the organization and structural units, regulations on collegial and advisory bodies, staffing tables, instructions for certain types of activities, rules, etc. They establish the legal status of the organization, functions, structure and staffing, rights and obligations of employees, etc.;

2) administrative documents: decisions, resolutions, orders and instructions, the main purpose of which is the regulation and coordination of activities and which allow the management body to ensure the implementation of the tasks assigned to it, to get the maximum effect from its activities;

3) information-and-reference: acts, reports and explanatory notes, certificates, service letters, etc. - contain information about the actual state of affairs in the management system. Collegial activities are documented in protocols. “Thus, - as T.V. Kuznetsov, - documentation, being closely related to all forms of management activities, reflects these activities and at the same time is used by the management apparatus to implement the functions assigned to it. In addition, documentation in many cases is mandatory, prescribed by laws and acts of public administration” [2].

The development of information technologies and their use in the management process have caused significant changes in the functioning of the system of document support for management, making qualitatively new requirements for the level of specialists' professional training.

Based on this, the institute has developed a curriculum for the discipline "Document Support of Management", which includes the following sections:

1. Purpose of the course, sources and literature.

It gives the concept of the subject, objectives and content of the course, terminology, reveals the role of the document in the life of a person and society, the importance of organizing document support of management in the modern economic life of Ukraine, highlights the issues of legislative regulation of management activities.

2. Documenting management activities.

The study of this section involves

acquainting students with the basic properties, functions and structure of the document, the classification of management documents by type, the concept of "information". Particular attention is paid to highlighting the issues of documenting management activities, familiarization with the types, preparation and execution of organizational, administrative and informational documents.

3. Organization of work with documents.

When studying the topic "Organization of

Document Flow" attention is focused on the service of the preschool educational institution and its role in the organization of information-and-document support of management [3; 4]; the concept of "workflow", organization and stages of workflow; organization of work with citizens' appeals; organization of documentation using information technologies. Students get acquainted with the preparation and execution of official documents, registration forms, deadlines for the execution of documents.

Particular attention is paid to the systematization and storage of documents, the compilation of nomenclatures of cases, the functions of archival departments, the principles and criteria for the examination of the value of documents, the organization of the activities of expert commissions. Practical issues of the formation and registration of cases, the compilation of inventories of cases, acts, the procedure for recording archival documents and the preparation of certificates of a social-and-legal nature at the request of citizens are also considered.

In the training course, considerable attention is paid to the procedure for organizing and documenting the activities of collegial management bodies of both state and non-state organizations (collegia, conferences, general meeting of participants, board of directors, board).

Theoretical knowledge gained during lectures is supported by seminars and practical classes, as well as students' independent work.

At practical classes, students draw up organizational, legal, administrative and information-and-reference documents. In addition, each student receives a package of documents for analysis. They need to identify errors and shortcomings in the prepared and executed documents. Separate types of independent work have been developed for students in the educational process. Business games and testing are the logical continuation of practical exercises. These forms of practical training help one to acquire real skills in working with documents.

In the discipline "Document Support of Management”, students are presented with educational and methodological recommendations: a list of recommended sources and literature, programs of lectures, practical and seminars, topics of coursework and tests, assignments for independent work and knowledge control, questions of intermediate testing, a short course of lectures on discipline (in electronic form).

Document support of management largely affects the quality of decisions taken by public authorities and management, the promptness of their implementation and effectiveness [5].

For students, it is of particular importance to study official documents of representative and executive bodies of power and local governments, as well as those that regulate the technology of creating, processing, storing and using documents in their current activities.

As part of the course, students get acquainted with the legislative and regulatory acts of documenting the activities of organizations of various structures, special literature on this topic, the practice of developing and using relevant documentation in modern conditions.

It is important for students to be guided by modern legal acts, to be able to determine the impact of certain norms of laws, regulations, etc. for the documentation of enterprises and the organization of work with it.

Every year, students of Pedagogical Sciences, Educational and Socio-Cultural Management Department have practical training in the executive bodies of Cherkasy region, in educational organizations and at enterprises of various levels. The student practice program provides for the issues of documentary support of the organization's management. At practice, students study organizational-and-legaldocuments regulating the legal status of an organization, its organizational-and-legal form, organizational structure, acquire practical skills in working with documentation systems, types of official documents used in documentation activities of an organization, the procedure and features of their preparation and execution.

Practice in the organization and technology of DSM gives students the opportunity not only to consolidate theoretical knowledge, but also to master a specialist's professional skills in organizing all stages of working with documents from receipt to archival storage in a specific institution.

Part-time students experience certain difficulties in studying DSM. They are deprived of the opportunity to regularly communicate with the teacher. The number of classroom hours is significantly less than that of full-time students. At the same time, part-time students must complete practically the same curriculum. One of the most important conditions ensuring the success of part-time students' training is its methodological support.

In recent years, a number of laws have been adopted, a certain regulatory-and- methodological base has been created, which is a set of laws, regulatory legal acts and methodological documents governing the basic processes of creating, processing, storing and using documents, including electronic ones, namely:

- legislative acts of Ukraine in the field of information and documentation;

- legal acts of executive authorities and local government bodies;

- legal acts of a normative and instructive nature, methodological documents on the office work of institutions, organizations, enterprises;

- state standards for documentation, unified documentation systems and some others.

In the context of the rapid development of information processes, it is necessary to maintain uniform principles, methods and rules for creating, processing, storing and using information and documentation, regardless of the type of document, its form and medium.

Making an effective management decision significantly affects the efficiency and quality of management, contributes to the achievement of the goal. Modern technologies make it possible to successfully solve the problem of effective work with a huge number of documents (including reception, registration, execution control, information analysis, creation of information retrieval systems). Electronic documents have firmly entered the life of organizations. Electronic document management systems are actively used in state and regional structures, at large and medium-sized enterprises, and interest in them is constantly growing [6; 7]. The market for automated management documentation systems is large enough. automated preschool educational institutions Specialists should participate in the selection, design and implementation of DSM.

In connection with a sharp increase in the volume of documented information, the problem of document management has become especially urgent. In organizations, institutions, enterprises, special structural units are created for the management of documents:department of affairs, department of information-and-document support, general department and office work department, DSM service, office, secretariat. In small organizations, all work with documents is assigned to secretaries- assistants. In the context of the introduction of computer technologies, the role of these structural units is especially growing. Increased requirements are imposed on them and their staff. The quality of the orga nization's management functions and tasks, the effectiveness of the entire management process, largely depends on specialists' qualifications.

Modern DSM services are designed to:

- create a unified corporate system for documentary support of the organization's management activities based on the latest information technologies;

- to assist specialists in the preparation of documents, managers - in the selection of reference and regulatory materials on issues of interest to them;

- develop draft documents;

- improve the forms and methods of working with documents, the control system, influence the strengthening of performing discipline, contribute to the improvement of the style and methods of work of the management apparatus.

Professionally trained staff of document specialists for the organization and maintenance of DSM in institutions of all levels are becoming in demand at the labor market.

According to T.V. Kuznetsova, managers are increasingly beginning to realize that only a professionally trained specialist can be trusted withinformation-and-document services (office work) of a company. In addition, the widespread introduction of computer technologies into the management sphere also required a completely different level of training of employees of management documentation support services [8].

The academic discipline "Document Support of Management" is closely interconnected with other disciplines such as Personnel Management, Information Technologies of Management.

The current legislation includes a significant number of mandatory norms, rules and requirements for documenting various areas of activities of state and nonstate organizations, for the design of certain types of documents, for their content and text structure [9; 10 ]. In particular: the civil legislation regulates the legal status of legal entities and individuals in the processes of professional activities, as well as docu menting the various relationships arising between its participants; fixes the types and varieties of documents, establishes requirements for their registration [10].

The Labor Code of Ukraine obliges organizations to adopt local legal acts (collective agreement, internal labor regulations, job descriptions, etc.); names the documents that document labor relations, the procedure for drawing up and processing personnel documents.

Improvement of document support of management activities is unthinkable without the use of information technologies in all areas of document support of management.


Thus, in the system of training specialists of Educational-and- Scientific Institute of Pedagogical Education, Social Work and Arts of Bohdan Khme lnytsky National University at Cherkasy, the course "Document Support of Management" takes a certain place in the system of disciplines of the institute, since it allows to solve the problem of providing the authorities and administrations, organizations of all levels with qualified specialists in the documentation of management activities.

Further directions of research. These results can form the basis for the development of a model of successful document support of management in the socio-cultural activities industry.


1. Larin, M.V. (2008). On the Professional Training of Document Specialists in the 21st Century. Documentation in the Information Society: Document Management as a Field of Professional Activities: reports and messages on the 14th intenational scientific-practical conference. November 20-21, 2007. Moscow, 50.

2. Kuznetsova, T.V. (2003). Introduction to the Specialty "Documentation and Document Management": textbook. Moscow, 8.

3. Documentation of management activities of organizations: a textbook (2012). In O.V. Popchuk (Comp.). Rivne: Rivne State University for the Humanities.116 p.

4. Korbutyak, VI, Tolchanova, ZO, Butnik, OO (2013). Documentary support of the organization: a textbook. Rivne: National University of Water Management and Nature Management. 149 p.

5. Цимбалюк, О.В. (2006). Documentary management. University Scientific Notes, 1 (17): 215-221.

6. Tukalo, S.M. (2012). Features of automation of electronic document management in scientific institutions. Information Technology and Teaching Aids, 2 (28). Retrieved from

7. Manilenko, I. Documenting the management of the educational institution in a new way. Universal Education: A community of active educators. Retrieved 12/05/2020, from dokumentuvannia-upravlinskoi-diialnosti-zakladu- osvity-po-novomu-4779.html.

8. Kuznetsova, T.V. (2008). Training of Highly Qualified Personnel for the Field of Document Support of Management. Office Work, 3: 8.

9. Goryashko, RV, Onipko, TV (2018). Organization of documentary support of management activities of the enterprise. Collection of scientific articles of masters of the Institute of Economics, Management and Information Technologies. Poltava: PUET. 1: 141-146.

10. State classifier of administrative documentation (DK 010-98): Approved by the order of the State Standard of Ukraine dated 31.12.98 N 1024. Retrieved 12/05/2020, from =02Y148D4FA.

Список бібліографічних посилань

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2. Кузнецова Т.В. Т.В. Введение в специальность «До- кументоведение и документационное обеспечение управления»: учеб. пособие. М., 2003. С. 8.

3. Документне забезпечення управлінської діяльності організацій: навч.-метод. посіб. Уклад. О.В. Попчук. Рівне:Рівнененський державний гуманітарнийуніверситет, 2012. 116 с.

4. Корбутяк В.І., Толчанова З.О., Бутник О.О. Доку- ментне забезпечення діяльності організації: навч. посіб. Рівне: НУВГП, 2013. 149 с.

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7. Маніленко І. Документування управлінської діяльності закладу освіти по-новому. Всеосвіта: Спільнота активних освітян. URL: /news/dokumentuvannia-upravlinskoi-diialnosti- zakladu-osvity-po-novomu-4779.html.

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10.Державний класифікатор управлінської документації (ДК 010-98): Затверджено наказом Держстандарту України від 31.12.98 N 1024. URL: http: //

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  • Leaders are those who can make others perform tasks without being coerced through force or formal authority. Conflict Management Styles. Teambuilding is essential in the workplace and highly desirable skills to possess when seeking a new job, promotion.

    реферат [23,7 K], добавлен 04.01.2016

  • Составление проекта по методологии Oracle (комплекс методологий "Oracle Method") и по стандарту PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge). Сравнение проектов, выявление их достоинств и недостатков, преимущественные сферы использования каждого.

    контрольная работа [2,8 M], добавлен 28.05.2014

  • Сущность CRM-систем - Customer Relationship Management. Преимущества клиенториентированного подхода к бизнесу. Формы функционирования и классификация CRM-систем. Основные инструменты, которые включает в себя технология управления отношениями с клиентами.

    реферат [30,9 K], добавлен 12.01.2011

  • Рассмотрение концепции Customer Relationship Management по управлению взаимоотношениями с клиентами. Возможности CRM-систем, их влияние на эффективность бизнеса. Разработка, реализация и стоимость проекта внедрения CRM-системы для ЗАО "Сибтехнология".

    дипломная работа [5,5 M], добавлен 15.09.2012

  • Organizational legal form. Full-time workers and out of staff workers. SWOT analyze of the company. Ways of motivation of employees. The planned market share. Discount and advertizing. Potential buyers. Name and logo of the company, the Mission.

    курсовая работа [1,7 M], добавлен 15.06.2013

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