To the question of science approach to the construction of outsourcing business model of modern enterprise structure
A business model - a set of organizational routines and management technologies that explain how a company is "designed" to satisfy the needs of key customers. Outsourcing - one of the instruments of increasing of competitiveness of the enterprise.
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To the question of science approach to the construction of outsourcing business model of modern enterprise structure
Kurpayanidi Konstantin Ivanovic, Mamatova Zarnigorkhan Matqulbekqizi, Tolibov Islombek Shuhratjonogli, Nishonov Farkhod Musajonovich
Abstract: this paper analyzes the different approaches to the definition of business model development business structures. The author substantiates the need for outsourcing business model as an effective tool to improve business competitiveness, the intensification of business on the acquisition, retention and development of competitive advantages.
Keywords: outsourcing, model, business model, infrastructure, scientific analysis, entrepreneurship micro business.
In view of the escalation in the domestic market of Uzbekistan, the competitive struggle for customers and resources, actualizarea the problem of creating local entrepreneurs effective models of business development.
Many entrepreneurs have gone the way of copying best practices applied in the developed markets. As this practice describes outsourcing as the instrument of increasing of competitiveness of the enterprise. Without going into a detailed description of the outsourcing process, we will note that the fundamentals of its origin are linked to global shifts, characteristic for the period of the scientific-technological revolutions. In the 60-ies of the last century were actively engaged in computer technology, including qualitative transformation of communications and content employees. Business structures needed in technical-technological conversion production base. Not less important was the question of staffing to implement these processes in production.
In this regard outsourcing as outside experts, was caused, on the one hand, the needs for specialized professionals in the field of information technology and, on the other hand, information itself has provided the technological possibility of creation and the development of the Institute of the remoted workers and provided technical and technological side of outsourcing. Change in technological structure has led to radical changes in organizational and economic relations at the level of microeconomic units. Appeared the possibility of concentrating all resources and assets of concentrating all resources and assets of the company on the development of products that provide a competitive advantage in a highly competitive market. The concentration of the forces on the key products demanded “liberation” from self-perform many other important, but in relation to the key, auxiliary business function. outsourcing business organizational management
The outsourcing process, thus, in theory question gives the possibility of increasing business competitiveness and to intensify the work of businessmen on the acquisition, retention and development of competitive advantages. However, we support the view that “copying (tracing) of social-economic models as successful for specific countries is obviously a dead end” in the development of domestic enterprises [5, 11]. It is natural that the practical application western entrepreneurial practices, in particular, outsourcing, without scientific generalization by the domestic economists, cannot bring the expected effect.
Scientifically verified is the question not to introduce outsourcing, but to build a complete outsourcing business model. In our opinion, the key to success is precisely the scientific approach to the question of choosing outsourcing as a tool to improve the competitiveness of domestic enterprises. It is known that in the microsystem all elements must be an organic part of the integrity. In this regard, we note that western scholars and practitioners have developed approaches to building business models, as a reflection of the integrity of all elements and their interconnections of the enterprise.
There are fundamental and applied works on the construction of the competitiveness of domestic business structures in Western management theory. First of all, the works of such researchers as R. Amit, C. Zott, [1], M. Johnson [2], H. Chesbrough, A. K. Crowther [3], M. W.Johnson, C. M. Christensen, H. Kagermann [4], C. S. Lim, M. Z. Mohamed [5], C. Zott [6] and others.
The positions and conclusions of their works are the theoretical and methodological prerequisites for the development of an outsourcing business model of an entrepreneurial structure.
However, at present, an unified approach to the definition of the concept, composition and structure of the business model has not developed if we consider the definitions of the very concept of “business model”, then in general, researchers have an understanding that the business model describes the key characteristics of the business, meets the challenges of the business and allows the entrepreneur to create unique ones for a given business organization advantages. We share the following definition: ”A business model means a set of organizational routines and management technologies that explain how a business is “designed” to satisfy the needs of key customers: how its factors (resources) are combined, functions are organized institutes, business flows are directed: how target market segments are determined (niches): What are the mechanisms for extracting economic benefits and how the company manages its value”[7]. From this point of view, an outsourcing business model is a model that solves the issue of gaining competitive advantages by an enterprise by expanding the resource base by using non-financial opportunities of firms providing outsourcing services in the market, since in the modern economy the boundaries of the market are extended to the scale of the global economy, the potential advantages of such a scheme of resource support for the development of the microsystem are obvious. Business modeling is an extremely flexible tool for building effective business models. In order to build an outsourcing business model, we systematized the main approaches to the construction of business models of the business structures. The most well-known, or “cracked-out” approach to building business models is the component approach. Its active developers are economists Alexander Ostervalder and Yves Pigne, as part of their business consulting activities, have created the main methodological foundations of this approach.
The authors propose an original concept of analyzing, building and improving business models that is used by the largest companies in the world, including Google, IBM, and Ericsson. This intentionally simplified approach allows you to get common steps. Using short wording stickers is an efficient and fast way to build the basic elements of a business plan into a complete system. This technique helps to present the work of the organization as a whole, and not a set of separate functional units and production operations [8].
This approach follows logically from the approaches to analyzing the business of Peter F. Drucker and his famous questions about who the client is, for whom value is created, how income from value is formed. However, these questions arise themselves, from the functional paradigm of economic knowledge: “What, how, where and for whom to produce?” [9].
Ostervalder-Pigner's model reveals the need to determine the internal composition of the enterprise. As components in their famous construction “Canvas”. The authors distinguish nine components, characterizing the competitive product as a central element, key partners, customer resources, market segments, product delivery channels to the market, cost structure, revenue stream [10]. American researcher Henry W. Chesbororough focuses on the need to create innovative potential and an innovative business model, including the characteristics of competitors, and accordingly, a competitive strategy[3]. Along with the models of A. Osterwalder, I. Pigne and G. Chezboro, the model was described by the model ”7c” by MckKinsey [6,8,11]. This model, as the name implies, also has a component nature, like other models aimed at identifying the structural components of an entrepreneurial business model.
Other well-known approaches to the construction of business models are the streaming income to the formation of the business model of the enterprise. With regard to the construction of an auto-sourcing business model, the “strategic core” business model of Yu. B. Rubin seems important. Key product, and, secondly, its environment, ensuring the functioning of the enterprise. This in our opinion is not basic, but the infrastructure product- its creation is transferred to outside organizations [12].
Factor approach to building a business model is promising. It echoes the component, but focuses on the factors of benefit, cost, and in physical terms. From the analysis of the literature, we can conclude about the possibility of a resource approach, such as building a model of innovations, a model of unique resources, technological superiority and others [4,6,7,13,14].
The management approach is also widespread, which allows us to build models of strategic management, corporate strategies, a matrix model, and others. Deserves special attention the result of the search for their approach, which is conducted by representatives of transnational business or for marketing purposes, or an approach that can be called “competition of slogans”. The mottos fix the key component of the business models of modern TNCs. For example, as a result of the implementation of the value approach in business modeling, the model of Rolls-Royce Corporation-Trusted to deliver excellence can be characterized (Trust our superiority).
For highly competitive markets, the most productive is an integrated approach to building a business model. Despite the differences, in the analyzed business models it is possible to identify common elements without regard to the types of business models and their interspecific variants: components, flows, function, factors, institutions, structures.
In our opinion, it is necessary to apply a multi-level approach to the development of an outsourcing business model with the separation of analytical levels:
¦ a conceptual level at which strategic decisions are made on the choice of key elements of a business model, around which a model of a competitive business structure is built, the role and place of other elements in finding unique, peculiar only given competitive advantage organizations;
¦ operational level at which the specific features(options) of the business model for the purposes of the operating activities of the business structure are specified.
Thus, the construction of a modern outsourcing model should be based on a scientific analysis of the accumulated knowledge in the field of the business modeling and the selection of the most effective schemes for improving competitiveness in the national economy of the Uzbekistan and the global market.
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3. Chesbrough H., Crowther A. K. Beyond high tech: early adopters of open innovation in other industries //R&d Management. 2006. Т. 36. №. 3. С. 229-236.
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5. Lim C. S., Mohamed M. Z. Criteria of project success: an exploratory re-examination //International journal of project management. 1999. Т. 17. №. 4. С. 243-248.
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