Conceptual fundamentals of contemporary management paradigm: theoretical and methodological analysis
Analysis of methodological and praxeological potential of management theory. Improving the system of training managers. Creative combination of goals of the organization. Formation of innovative, conceptual thinking of the subject of managerial activity.
Рубрика | Менеджмент и трудовые отношения |
Вид | статья |
Язык | русский |
Дата добавления | 12.07.2021 |
Размер файла | 27,0 K |
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Conceptual fundamentals of contemporary management paradigm: theoretical and methodological analysis
Fedir Vlasenko, Yevheniia Levcheniuk, Dmytro Tovmash
Aim. Implementation of theoretical and methodological analysis of management as a complex socio-cultural phenomenon; disclosure of the methodological and praxeological potential of the theory of management in the training of specialists in the field of management activities.
Methods. During the research, there were used such methods as analysis, synthesis, systemic, comparative, structural-functional, and dialectical methods. A synergistic methodological approach was used to managing as a complex, multilevel, open system. The theoretical basis of the research is the views of such researchers as K. Matsusita, P. Drucker, I. Adizes, L. Yakokka.
Results. The authors prove that the contemporary theory of management appears in at least three dimensions: the methodology, the art of management activity and the discipline in the system of training specialists in the field of public management and administration. It is substantiated that the methodological function of the theory of management is realized through the formation of the cultural-semantic, the intellectual basis for the making of innovative, conceptual thinking of the subject of management activity. As an art, the philosophy of the administration forms the subject's ability to creatively determine priorities, calculate all possible variants of events in conflict situations and make constructive decisions. As a subject matter, the theory of management was developed and implemented in the educational process by the authors within the program of “The Philosophy of Management”.
Scientific novelty. For the first time in the scientific discourse, the theory of management was considered in three dimensions: methodology, art of administration, as well as an important academic discipline in the structure of modern education. It was demonstrated that the necessary condition for effective administration of systems of any level of complexity is the interaction of the three main factors. First factor, this is the world outlook factor that determines the role of values, traditions, customs, culture, mentality in the implementation of effective management activities. Secondly, this is a scientific-methodological factor that consists of a variety of theories and concepts where the mechanisms, methods and regularities of management are revealed.
Thirdly, this is a praxeological factor, which is essentially represented by various recommendations, guidelines and enactments of contemporary management. The unity of these factors generates the effect of synergy, which leads administration to the level of art creative and productive combination of organization goals, knowledge, skills and abilities of employees, the expectations of customers in certain socio-cultural conditions of life. The authors proposed the idea of a new paradigm in the preparation of future managers: reorienting the training of the individual manager to the administrator as a team member, which, due to communication, relevant qualifications, professional skills and creativity, will work effectively and execute team decisions.
Practical significance. The obtained results are able to serve as a benchmark for improving the training system of professional managers, shifting attention from the analysis of the technical components of management (structure, strategy) to the consideration of its intellectual, spiritual potential, where a person becomes the main capital and an understanding of its capabilities and scopes is an important condition for success.
Key words: management, administration, management activity, theory of management, system, globalization processes.
Концептуальні основи сучасної парадигми менеджменту: теоретико-методологічний аналіз
Федір Власенко, Євгенія Левченюк, Дмитро Товмаш
Мета. Здійснення теоретико-методологічного аналізу управління, як складного соціокультурного явища; розкриття методологічного і праксеологічного потенціалу теорії управління у підготовці фахівців у сфері управлінської діяльності.
Методика. Під час дослідження використовувалися такі методи, як аналіз, синтез, системний, компаративний, структурно-функціональний, діалектичний. Застосовувався синергетичний методологічний підхід до управління як складної, багаторівневої, відкритої системи. Теоретичною основою дослідження є погляди таких дослідників, як: К. Мацусіта, П. Друкер, І. Адізес, Л. Якокка.
Результати. Автори доводять, що сучасна теорія управління постає щонайменше в трьох вимірах: методологія, мистецтво управлінської діяльності та навчальна дисципліна в системі підготовки фахівців у сфері публічного управління й адміністрування. Обґрунтовано, що методологічна функція теорії управління реалізується через формування культурно-смислового; інтелектуального підґрунтя для становлення новаторського, концептуального мислення суб'єкта управлінської діяльності. Як мистецтво філософія управління формує у суб'єкта здатність креативно визначати пріоритети, прораховувати всі можливі варіанти подій у конфліктних ситуаціях і приймати конструктивні рішення. Як навчальна дисципліна теорія управління розроблена і впроваджена авторами в освітній процес в межах програми «Філософія управління».
Наукова новизна. Уперше в науковому дискурсі теорію управління розглянуто у трьох вимірах: методологія, мистецтво управлінської діяльності, а також як важлива навчальна дисципліна в структурі сучасної освіти. Продемонстровано, що необхідною умовою ефективного управління системами будь-якого рівня складності є взаємодія трьох основних чинників. По-перше, це світоглядний чинник, який визначає роль цінностей, традицій, звичаїв, культури, ментальності в здійсненні ефективної управлінської діяльності. По-друге, це науково-методологічний чинник, що складається з різноманітних теорій і концепцій, в яких розкриваються механізми, методи і закономірності управління. По-третє, це праксеологічний чинник, що по суті представлений різними рекомендаціями, вченнями і положеннями сучасного менеджменту. Єдність означених чинників породжує ефект синергїї, що виводить управління на рівень мистецтва креативного і продуктивного поєднання цілей організації, знань, вмінь та навичок працівників, очікувань клієнтів у тих чи інших соціокультурних умовах буття. Авторами запропоновано ідею нової парадигми у підготовці майбутніх управлінців: переорієнтація навчання з менеджера-індивідуала на управлінця як члена команди, котрий завдяки комунікації, відповідній кваліфікації, професійній майстерності і креативності ефективно працюватиме й виконуватиме командні рішення.
Практична значимість. Отримані результати здатні постати орієнтиром для вдосконалення системи підготовки фахівців-управлінців, зміщуючи увагу з аналізу технічних компонентів управління (структура, стратегія) до розгляду його інтелектуальних, духовних потенціалів, де людина стає головним капіталом, а розуміння її можливостей і меж - важливою умовою успіху.
Ключові слова: менеджмент, управління, управлінська діяльність, теорія управління, система, глобалізаційні процеси.
The problem of effective management in the field of public administration, entrepreneurship, local self-government and education reaches high actuality in the context of modern socio-cultural transformations, foreign policy and economic development strategies of Ukraine. This is due to several of reasons, among which the leading place is occupied by those circumstances that most of the reforms, which have been proclaimed and started today, have not yielded the desired fast result. The main reason for this, in our opinion, is the lack of effective managers with creative thinking and organizational skills at different levels of power. The second, not less important cause, by the way, which is closely connected with the first cause, is the use of non-adapted to the present time methods of administration of complex, nonlinear systems in the new conditions of the world globalization. These circumstances require not only personnel rotation, but also the search and development of the effective methodologies, management technologies and, especially, training of specialists in the field of management activities.
Today, in the literature, there are various recommendations, concepts, approaches to the explanation of nature and administration functions, methods of effective management activity, etc. At the present, all these views are combined by the theory of management, which is primarily focused on the management practice and it does not pretend to a comprehensive synthesis of knowledge about the nature and phenomenon of management, especially its emergence, structure, functioning and development. Indeed, the lack of theoretical conceptualization and methodological reflection, in our opinion, prevents «scientific management» from becoming a general theory and method of administration. As regards this, the occidental scientist D. E. Zand justly points out:
The vast majority of management theories are effective in solving a narrow range of practical problems, explaining only some sphere or part of reality. As soon as we go beyond specific boundaries, management theories do not work or they give distorted results [1, 122].
Nowadays the management permeates all levels and spheres of social life, and in this sense appears appropriate «super reality», where a person constitutes himself and the surrounding world. A number of disciplines have been formed in current social science, where the object of studying is the management as a complex education (the theory of management, sociology and logic of management, psychology of management, etc.). However, questions remain in abeyance about the nature and functions of management, its typology, the generalization of various conceptual approaches to the study of management, selection and substantiation of the most effective managerial methods.
Analysis of the recent research
In the scientific literature, there is a large amount of definitions of the concept of «management». In the most general sense, the management is defined as: the function of highly organized systems (social, biological, technical) that provides structural, integrity, support of adjusted regime of activity, realization of the program of a goal achievement [2, 657].
The management is also characterized as a kind of human activity in relation to the transformation of an object in order to realize the goal set by the subject. Such an awareness of the management has been existing since the moment when it becomes necessary to explain the nature of the joint activity of people. That is, the management has been existing during the historical development of humanity. Actual scientific discourse pays great attention to the questions of determining the direction, effectiveness of managerial relations, both at the local level of their existence, and on the global one. A peculiarity of the present time is a reorientation from the authoritarian leadership to formation of a team system of the management. In this context, it is worth to note the work of such theorists and practitioners as K. Matsusita [3], P. Drucker [4; 5]. They define the basic methodological principles of the management (the most effective is a team where levels of the management should be minimized; each employee must work in the specific structural units of the organization to identify his talents and competence). I. Adizes [6; 7], F. Fukuiama [8] argue that the local values inherent those civilizational choice or other, culture and traditions are effective and resultant equally with the general regularities of administrative processes. In his turn, L. Yakokka [9] describes the management as a special kind of human activity, without clearly defined quantitative characteristics. Therefore, he calls the management as an art. In his opinion, the main criteria of effective management activity are the ability to interact with people, to use time efficiently, to determine the goals and terms of their implementation, to make constructive decisions opportunely and so on. It is also necessary to mention the works of L. Bessonova [10], V. Diev [11], A. Tikhonov [1], which emphasize that it is not necessary to identify administration with management. Since the latter is mainly aimed at solving specific problems under the appropriate conditions, and administration appears as a complex, open system based on a powerful theoretical and methodological background that concurs enhancement of the productivity of human activity.
The outline of the research of this problem allows us to assert that in the present time the current management issues that require generalization remain the definition of the social role of the management, the development of an effective methodology of the management complex, nonlinear systems, consideration and substantiation of the axiological, gnoseological, and methodological principles of human managerial activity.
The purpose of the article. To carry out theoretical and methodological analysis of the management as a complex socio-cultural phenomenon; to clarify the difference in the theory of management (as a philosophical reflection) from the theory of administration; to reveal the methodological and praxeological potential of the management in the training of specialists in the field of managerial activity.
The methodology of this research involves a comprehensive analysis of such varieties of the management as theory, methodology, and art of the management. That is, an attempt is made to substantiate the methodological and praxeological potential of the theory of management in the process of training specialists in the field of management activity.
Presentation of the main results of the research
In the context of modern globalization processes, the problem of efficient management of systems of various levels of complexity becomes more and more important.
A peculiar interpretation of management activity is represented by the views of the famous Japanese businessman, «son of the pre-war and father of the post-war Japanese economy» K. Matsusita. In his book «Principles of Success», he presented 105 principles for success, dividing them into 3 parts: management, work and life. The author notices that true wisdom and success are born from nowhere they are acquired through constant efforts. He also stresses, «If you constantly strive to be ahead, you will surely find the way to success” [3, 55]. Thus, spiritual values, persistence and purposefulness as the ability and skills are systematically to direct own efforts to realize certain goals of the activity play an extremely important methodological role in the management activity. However, it should be remembered that none of the best- planned activities cannot exclude errors, the selection of false ways to achieve the desired goal. In case of error, a person acquires his own experience, knowledge; improves the ways of realization of the planned actions. K. Matsusita notes that taking into account own weaknesses, you can find the best way to make efforts. That is why, persistence, purposefulness, and aspiration to avoid mistakes foresee an internal person's direction for constant improvement of his skills and abilities in the management activity. P. Drucker proposed the important methodological principles in the research of the management. Criticizing traditional methods of management, the thinker gives the following original ideas.
Therefore, in his opinion, there is no single correct type of organizational structure and a universal way of personnel administration. At the same time, people are better not to manage at all, but to direct. The second original thought is the statement that different groups of workers need to be managed differently in different situations. Most often employees need to be managed as «partners». The partnership implies the equality of the participants, therefore, it is impossible to command, coerce each other. Partners can only persuade each other. Another interesting idea is that the technologies and the methods of the management are not constant and unchanged. The manager should not be limited to the internal environment of the organization, he must aspire to influence on the external conditions of existence with a sense of responsibility.
Therefore, the important methodological principles of the management after P. Drucker are as follows: the organizational structure should be transparent and clear for employees; there must necessarily be the person who makes final decisions within limits of his competence; each employee must have only one manager; the number of levels of the management should be kept to a minimum; each employee must be able to work simultaneously in different structures of the organization; need to work in a team; focus on partnership, and not competition; it is necessary not only to predict possible changes, but also to consciously build and implement own development scenario in the context of changes in the environment; awareness of the necessity for constant updating and improvement; the same information must be organized indifferently for different employees and for different purposes; workers of mental activity must manage themselves, they need freedom; first of all, productivity of the employee of mental activity should be aimed at achieving maximum quality, etc [4, 21].
According to P. Drucker, the feature of higher management is that it requires different abilities, and the most importantly, different characters. Manager is a hired professional administrator who is engaged in organizing activities in the administration of an enterprise, firm, institution, which has been entrusted by the subject with certain powers. An effective manager must be able to analyze, think, weigh alternatives and coordinate the opposite points of view. In addition, he must be capable of quick and decisive action, entrepreneurship and intuitive courage. He needs the ability to use abstract ideas and concepts, numbers and calculations at ease. He also needs understanding of people, sensitivity, empathy, deep interest and respect to people. Some tasks require person to be able to work independently, sometimes to need to love others and know etiquette. Sufficiently long period of time the concepts of «management» and «administration» have been identified in the publicistic and scientific literature. In our opinion, this is not correct. Firstly, management does not have sufficient theoretical and methodological basis of research, not only in improving the efficiency of managerial functions, but also a phenomenon of administration as a problem object in connection with its ambiguity and more fundamental role in the transformations of modern society.
The theory of pragmatism and empiricism, which forms the foundation of American theories and concepts of management, it narrows the possibility of creating a methodological basis for the development of a general theory of administration. European science, which has stronger philosophical position, does not have such a rich empirical experience in branch of management as the USA [10]. Secondly, the theories of management are generally aimed at solving specific tasks and practical problems, explaining this or that part of reality. Thirdly, traditional management approaches do not distinguish between the styles and factors that need to be taken into account for the planning and effective development of organizations.
For doing this, it needs harmoniously combining style and strategy with the current stage of the life cycle of the organization, making regular corrections, since what is necessary and effective at this stage of development can be destructive, disastrous for the next. The traditional management theory does not recognize just that, but applies the same foundations, formulas and theories to any organization, regardless of the stages of its development. It must be admitted that despite the claims of «scientific management», system analysis, cybernetics and synergetics for the role of the theory of administration, science does not have the theoretically detailed phenomenology of administration, the idea of the regularities of its generation, structure, functioning and development1. Fourthly, almost all management schools implement an unrealistic paradigm (the teaching of an ideal single manager who alone can manage large groups of people without team support). That is why it forces manager to endure humiliating defeats in the future.
Thus, the textbooks represent students an exemplary manager without disadvantages, an unattainable ideal that cannot be found, reproduced or prepared, because there is nothing like this and cannot be. Of course, in reality, we cannot find the perfect person [7, 231].
At the same time, all people have both their merits and their disadvantages. Mastery in one area can be a «weak spot» in another. For the same reason, teaching and training in management schools mislead students at the best, and in the worst case, they are futile. As soon as the choice was made for the favor of abstraction, and as an example for imitation some superhuman was presented to students that is why an unrealistic, unhealthy model was formed. It inevitably began to distort theory and practice, which instead of finding the necessary constructive approaches switched to false values and unrealistic goals.
Whereas above mentioned, it is worth to revise approaches to learning, taking into account new requirements to management. The main idea of a new paradigm should be that absolute perfection does not exist, and therefore it has a rational and realistic alternative -- the creation of a complementary team. The starting point in this strategy is that the leader as an administrator cannot be perfect and ideal, so realizing that it is worth moving from tasks that do not have solutions to completely different level, both within the organization and in the schools of management. Most of all this is reorientation in the system of learning -- from the individual to the team which the administrator creates due to his skills, which then effectively works and actualizes assigned tasks.
Another significant point in the preparation of managers is that the instructor should introduce innovative achievements in this field into the educational process and apply all his creative potential. Students get used to programmability, predictability during learning after all. However, this has a range of negative consequences for future administrators. Firstly, future managers become accustomed and dependent on a clear set of ready-made and reliable models, and fail to distinguish between those decisions that can be made automatically from those which need creative approaches. Secondly, instructors should radically revise the level of scientific and practicality of the lecture material, and as much as possible actualize them in accordance with new realities and conditions, introduce creative forms and innovative technologies into the educational process, which would correspond to the latest theory of management and social practice of the present time. In our opinion, among the most authoritative contemporary theorists in the field of management, it is necessary to distinguish occidental scientist I. Adizes. The author distinguishes three methodologically important points in this process. methodological praxeological management
The first is the interaction between different people. The second-- ideal people, including leaders does not exist and cannot exist. The third one -- everyone should realize that changes are the basis and mover of any activity [7, 245]. Absolutely right, that the author, first of all, tries to find the answer to the question: what does manage mean? I. Adizes refers to the linguistic analysis of the term and concludes that the verb «to manage» has no translation in French, Swedish, Serbian-Croatian languages. These languages use verbs that have the following meanings: direct, lead, command. In Spanish language, there is a verb that means «behave with something, manage something» and it is used mainly to control machines, horses.
Spaniards have the closest translation to the American verb «to manage» that is the term «to administer» or «to manage affairs». I. Adizes himself works in the Anglo-Saxon tradition and emphasizes that the processes of the executive are directly dependent on national peculiarities conditioned by the specificity of mentality and culture of different peoples.
Completing the reflection on the meaning of the term «to manage, » the author suggests the following synonyms, including the following: to decide, act, plan, guide, control, organize, rule, achieve goals, lead, motivate, complete, etc5. But he concentrates on words such as «to motivate» and «to direct» because he believes that in order to make constructive decisions it is necessary to create a capable team of managers who in their essence are different people, and in its turn, this is a conflict of different interests, styles of thinking, behavior and so on. The mastery of the leader is precisely the ability to rally these people for a common purpose. Therefore, considering I. Adizes's approach, it is necessary to pay attention to the modern sense of the concept of the management. Firstly, the management is the interaction between people. An ideal manager does not exist and cannot exist, who is able to perform all kinds of different administrative activities equally well; secondly, any organization is structurally a «living» organism, the existence of which elapses several life cycles.
Managers need to change approaches and methods of the management at each of them. In addition, processes of the administration are conditioned by national peculiarities, the specificity of mentality, and culture of different peoples; thirdly, the purpose of the management is the desire to make the organization effective in the short and long term.
To achieve the goal it can be only, if four main functions are successfully performed: production of results for which the organization exists; administration, which ensures the effectiveness of its operation; entrepreneurship that enables control of alteration; integration, uniting elements in the whole to ensure the life activity of the organization in the future.
The organization should be aimed at the result, be flexible and well adapted to changes, and such flexibility should be monitored and produce predicted results. In addition, the system must be capable of self-organization and self-reproduction; fourthly, a talented manager at a high level can perform only two of four functions, others are enough possessed an acceptable level. However, for successful functioning of the organization, all four functions need to be perfectly implemented [6].
Therefore, the progress of the organization depends on the ability of the management to form so-called «complementary team», whose participants would perform all the functions at the highest level. To form a complementary team, it is important to remember that team members are different people, which in its turn involves conflict of different interests, styles of thinking, behavior, and so on. Therefore, the mastery of the manager is to rally these people for the sake of action for the common good purpose. According to I. Adizes, the main disadvantage in contemporary training of managers is that they are not taught to make team decisions. They do not know how to resolve conflicts between people with different interests; they do not understand that it is extremely important to solve such conflicts with the participation of administrators with different styles and basic management functions (productivity, administration, entrepreneurship, integration) and that only in this way they can succeed.
Consequently, management is not the only theory, but the practice is an equally important component in which it is revealed as art. Integrating different interests, goals, individual preferences and differences in the management process is a complex and creative process that requires not only logic but also imagination and intuition. The theory provides confidence, specifics, and in practice, it is often necessary to trust intuitions in order to take risks. For instance, if a long period of time a decision is delayed, even it seemed correct, it will not bring the desired results. Considering this, it enables the manager to act effectively. The Management as an art is the ability of a subject creatively determining priorities, to calculate all possible variants of events and to make constructive decisions. The manager reveal and applies his own individual and creative source in particular in such cases. That is why the management of the organization and the team cannot be reduced to the implementation of clear and sequential algorithms. Any activity subject is obliged to rely on his own mind and intuition in the process of finding a way out of crisis and lack of information and time to make a decision. Afterwards, a native scientist A.O. Pryiatelchuk rightly notes:
Analysis and intuition are for the firm like elements of the mechanism of a peculiar time machine, through which it is possible «to get into the future», that is, to decide with the strategy. However, the part of these elements may vary depending on the environment of business functioning. For example, a prediction strategy is more appropriate for a complex and dynamic environment, and a strategy based on an extended plan is suitable for a stable and enough simple environment [12, 65]. Consequently, the art of the management is a creative activity with such foundations as freedom, responsibility, creativity, entrepreneurship and professionalism. From synergetics point of view, such traditional principles as conformity to plan, determinism and predictability in the today's management, taking into account the complexity of the world, they are replaced by diversity, alternative, necessity of choice, and nonequilibrium, fluctuations, bifurcations and randomness become important links in the mechanism of self-organization of management activity.
The prominent American manager Li Yakokka, who worked in Ford and Chrysler corporations, he argued that management is a special kind of human activity that resist clear logical analysis. That is kind human activity, which can bravely be called art. He accentuated that the main demand to the manager is the ability to interact and communicate with people; rationally and efficiently use own time, while the very important point is that the manager must plan this time, determine the goals and deadlines of their implementation; clearly set priorities. He must not only have the ability to make timely decisions, but also act as a motivator who inspires and put people in energetic and productive activities.
The success of any company depends on a well-organized team, where each participant will perform his work. The effectiveness of the employees' activity is caused by two important factors: the first -- the manager opportunely identifies potentialities and opportunities of the employee and confirms him to a corresponding post; the second -- worker himself realizes his ability and therefore performs his duties with pleasure, completely devotes himself to work. It is better for everyone when an employee comes to such a decision on his own.
Any company loses good employees who are not in their respective places. They may have gained more pleasure and would have achieved great success if they were not given the sack, but moved them into work that was appropriate to their abilities. It is obvious that the earlier the essence of the problem is revealed, and then it is a better chance of its resolving [9, 40]. Consequently, the manager must be prepared for change. The purpose of management, leadership, education or administration is to solve the problems of the present and to be prepared for their solution tomorrow. This is necessary because the world is constantly changing. No management is needed where there is no problem, and problems will not happen when we are dead. To manage means to be alive, and to be alive means to deal with changes and caused problems by them [6, 15].
For quite a long time the thesis dominated in scientific and everyday discourses: who owns information -- owns the world! Today it is archaic, as the new effective category is the time. The time, for which one or another idea will be realized, it determines the success and enrichment of the company. In Li Yakokki's opinion: too many managers allow themselves to be a long-running in the decision-making process, especially those who are too busy with vocational education. At your disposal of 95 percent of the facts, but you spend another six months to get the last 5 percent. By the time you finally got them, it turned out, that they had already outdated as the market situation had changed.
All life is a factor of time [9, 42].
In our opinion, a successful and effective team is like a «ship crew» in a long voyage, where each member of the team is interested in each other. Moreover, holding different people within a team is not easy enough. The management must accurately calculate and determine the staff of the team; provide employees with such tasks that will fit their abilities; form their feelings of need to work together. Combined efforts of the absolute team guarantee not only excellent results, but also form a sense of solidarity and complicity.
The key to success is not in information at all, it is in people [9, 49].
Therefore, the team's working capacity includes two main points: the first is the cohesion of the group and the second is the concentration on the common aim. The art of management consist in the fact that the manager must involve employees in various occupations in order to identify their talents and abilities, employ new work methods that will be more productive, bring in new tools, technologies, etc. The manager should delegate his duties to the most efficient members of the team who are ready to take responsibility, show initiative, energy and creativity. Thus, the important methodological principle of modern approaches to the problem of the management is the emphasis of necessity to shift attention from the analysis of technical components of the management (structure, strategy) to the consideration of its intellectual, spiritual potential.
Person becomes the main capital in a competitive struggle in business, politics, and a comprehension of his possibilities and scope is an important condition for success. Today, in the world, there is an extensive system of managerial education has been formed on the basis of these principles.
The system of professional training of managers and administrators develops in higher educational institutions of Ukraine. The percentage of graduates, highly skilled managers is increasing in Ukraine, in view of professionalization policy of the public service.
Taking into account above mentioned, it is necessary to state the following. In foreign and domestic literature, there is a large array of information about the nature, content and functions of the management, the features and qualities that an effective manager should possess.
However, it is obvious that a complete, generalized methodology of the management activity does not exist, although its formation is a requirement for the successful life activities of a person and society. In this connection, it is necessary to summarize the various concepts of the management, practical management recommendations in order to know the essence, sense and value of managerial human activity. The theory of the management realizes methodological and praxeological functions in such a way that it does not demonstrate how to act, but indicates that without ones it is impossible to reach the highly effective and resultant levels of the management activity. An important condition here is the interaction in the managerial process of the three main factors.
First factor is the world outlook factor that determines the role of values, traditions, customs, culture, mentality in the implementation of effective management activities. Secondly, it is a scientific and methodological factor consisting of a variety of theories and concepts, in which the mechanisms, methods and regularities of the management are revealed. Thirdly, it is a praxeological factor, which is essentially represented by various recommendations, teachings and regulations of contemporary management.
It is just the interaction of these factors and their unity generates the effect of synergy, which leads the management to the level of art, creative and productive combination of organizational aims, knowledge, skills and abilities of employees, the expectations of customers in certain socio-cultural conditions of life.
A manager is a person who has such abilities as talent, will, mind, intuition, ability to risk and rely on, which is the source of socio-cultural determination and the organization of this or other social structure for providing the life activity of a person and society. The manager works as the master, in other words, he is able, and can realize the optimal use of resources and infrastructure on the way to one or another aim. The manager works as a director, because he is capable of feeling and realizing exactly those levers that need to be used in the activity. The manager acts as the owner because he realizes the ability to effectively appropriate (by the structure which he manages) the basic conditions of the social organization of labor and its results.
Thus, social practices require the training of future managers, taking into account new requirements of the present time. The main idea of the new paradigm in preparing future managers should be training re-orientation to formation of the manager as a team member, who, will work effectively and perform the tasks due to his qualification and professional skills. Another significant point in the preparation of managers is that innovative achievements in this area should be introduced to the educational process and should use a creative potential.
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