Patent strategy as a key component of innovation development in universities

The problem of failure of most Russian universities to develop intellectual property management strategies capable of meeting the challenges of the market. Formulation of the structure of the strategic goals of universities in of intellectual property.

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Дата добавления 09.12.2021
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An analysis of IP management performance indicators in Russian universities showed that at present the main indicators determining patent activity are quantitative. So far, only a few indicators directly or indirectly reflect the commercial results of the activities of Russian universities and these show that the effectiveness of universities is very low.

5. A generalisation of the publication analysis, as well as the structure of patent profiles offered by analytical patent systems, provides the basis for a determination of patent strategy as the development vector of the university in the field of intellectual property across such coordinates as: the competitive behaviour model; the volume, geography and structure of the patent portfolio; target audiences (key consumers); target markets; strategic partnerships.

6. It was not possible to identify formalised patent strategies carried out by Russian universities within the framework of the study. However, an analysis of university policies in the field of intellectual property along with patent performance indicators demonstrates that most Russian universities choose development strategies for R&D projects based on state grants and direct agreements with business as priority strategies for commercialising technologies, as well as supporting regional development for the basis of acceleration programmes for innovative projects and the creation of start-ups based on university technologies.

Consequently, from the point of view of global classification practice, patent strategies of the Russian universities are mainly aimed at the formation and presentation of key competencies in the information space and the provision of competitive advantages in the research and development market.


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