Strategic guidelines for the development of management of sports organizations in Ukraine
Foundations for the formation of the content, functions of sports management. Ensuring the character of physical culture, sports, the affordability of their services. The introduction of innovations in the process of providing, implementing management.
Рубрика | Менеджмент и трудовые отношения |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 23.01.2022 |
Размер файла | 75,5 K |
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Strategic guidelines for the development of management of sports organizations in Ukraine
Ihnatenko Mykola, Irtyshcheva Inna
Стратегічні орієнтири розвитку менеджменту фізкультурно-спортивних організацій в Україні
Ігнатенко М.М., Іртищева І.О.
Предметом дослідження є теоретичні, методичні та практичні засади формування змісту й функцій спортивного менеджменту, досягнення ефективності та стратегічних орієнтирів його розвитку на перспективу.
Метою роботи є визначення змісту, функцій, технологій й ефективності менеджменту у сфері фізичної культури і спорту та аналіз існуючих напрямів зарубіжного менеджменту з метою обґрунтування стратегічних орієнтирів розвитку спортивного менеджменту в Україні.
Методологічною основою статті стали як загальнонаукові, так і спеціальні методи наукового пізнання. Були використані методи: історичний, діалектичний, монографічний, системно структурного аналізу і синтезу; економічних порівнянь, експертних оцінок, графічний.
Результати роботи. У статті здійснено ідентифікацію спортивного менеджменту як менеджменту фізкультурно-спортивних організацій. Виявлено його особливості, основні функції та їх зміст. Визначено стратегічні орієнтири менеджменту фізкультурно-спортивних організацій на перспективу з урахуванням досвіду зарубіжних країн. Вони направлені на забезпечення масовості фізичної культури і спорту, цінової доступності їх послуг, впровадження інновацій у процесі надання та здійснення менеджменту, розвиток супутньої діяльності.
Галузь застосування результатів. Висновки і результати статті можуть бути використані у науково-навчальному процесі економічних факультетів, факультетів фізичної культури і спорту закладів вищої освіти; в управлінні та діяльності закладів і організацій фізичної культури і спорту.
Висновки. Фізична культура і спорт, - це значно більше, ніж події із спортивними рекордами, перемогами й медалями, що зберігають свою привабливість для багатьох. Спорт представляється як радість, що приносить фізичну активність мільйонам людей при величезній кількості добровільних помічників та кваліфікованих кадрів. Адже головним принципом «спорту для всіх» та його менеджменту є забезпечення доступності занять спортом і фізичними вправами для всіх соціальних верств і груп населення незалежно від їхньої расової, етнічної й культурної належності, від займаного ними місця в системі виробничо-трудових відносин, соціального статусу й доходів та майнового й суспільного стану в цілому.
Ключові слова: фізкультурно-спортивні заклади й організації, спортивний менеджмент, стратегічні орієнтири, функції, управлінські рішення.
Игнатенко Н. Н.
Иртыщева И. А.
Предметом исследования являются теоретические, методические и практические основы формирования содержания и функций спортивного менеджмента, эффективности и стратегических ориентиров его развития на перспективу.
Целью работы является определение содержания, функций, технологий и эффективности менеджмента в сфере физической культуры и спорта и анализ существующих направлений зарубежного менеджмента с целью обоснования стратегических ориентиров развития спортивного менеджмента в Украине.
Методологической основой статьи стали как общенаучные, так и специальные методы научного познания. Были использованы методы: исторический, диалектический, монографический, системноструктурного анализа и синтеза; экономических сравнений, экспертных оценок, графический.
Результаты работы. В статье осуществлена идентификация спортивного менеджмента как управления физкультурно-спортивных организаций. Выявлены его особенности, основные функции и их содержание. Определены стратегические ориентиры менеджмента физкультурно-спортивных организаций на перспективу с учетом опыта зарубежных стран. Они направлены на обеспечение массовости физической культуры и спорта, ценовой доступности их услуг, внедрение инноваций в процессе предоставления и осуществления менеджмента, развитие сопутствующей деятельности.
Область применения результатов. Выводы и результаты статьи могут быть использованы в научно-учебном процессе экономических факультетов, факультетов физической культуры и спорта высших учебных заведений; в управлении и деятельности учреждений и организаций физической культуры и спорта.
Выводы. Физическая культура и спорт - это гораздо больше, чем события со спортивными рекордами, победами и медалями, сохраняющие свою привлекательность для многих. Спорт представляется как радость, что приносит физическую активность миллионам людей при огромном количестве добровольных помощников и квалифицированных кадров. Ведь главным принципом «Спорт для всех» и его менеджмента является обеспечение доступности занятий спортом и физическими упражнениями для всех социальных слоев и групп населения независимо от их расовой, этнической и культурной принадлежности, от занимаемого ими места в системе производственно-трудовых отношений, социального статуса и доходов, имущественного и общества в целом.
Ключевые слова: физкультурно-спортивные учреждения и организации, спортивный менеджмент, стратегические ориентиры, функции, управленческие решения.
!hnatenko Mykola Irtyshcheva Inna
The subject of the research is the theoretical, methodological and practical basis for the formation of the content and functions of sports management, achieving efficiency and strategic guidelines for its development in the future.
The purpose of the work is to determine the content, functions, technologies and effectiveness of management in the field of physical culture and sports and to analyze the existing directions of foreign management in order to justify the strategic guidelines for the development of sports management in Ukraine.
The methodological basis of the article is both general scientific and special methods of scientific knowledge. Methods were used: historical, dialectical, monographic, system-structural analysis and synthesis of economic comparisons, expert assessments, graphic.
Result of work. The article identifies sports management as the management of sports organizations. Its features, main functions and their content are revealed. Strategic guidelines for the management of sports organizations for the future are defined, taking into account the experience of foreign countries. They are aimed at ensuring mass availability of physical culture and sports, affordability of their services, introduction of innovations in the process of providing and implementing management, and development of related activities.
Scope of the results. The conclusions and results of the article can be used in the scientific and educational process of economic faculties, faculties of physical culture and sports of higher education institutions; in the management and activities of institutions and organizations of physical culture and sports.
Conclusions. Physical culture and sports are much more than events with sports records, victories and medals, which retain their appeal for many. Sport is presented as a joy that brings physical activity to millions of people with a huge number of volunteers and qualified personnel. After all, the main principle of «sport for all» and its management is to ensure access to sports and physical exercise for all social strata and groups of the population, regardless of their racial, ethnic and cultural affiliation, their place in the system of industrial and labor relations, social status and income, and property and social status in General.
Keywords: physical culture and sports institutions and organizations, sports management, strategic guidelines, functions, management decisions.
Problem statement
In the conditions of commercialization of physical culture and sports, the formation of a set of their types as a separate economic category and branch of activity takes place. On the other hand, with the development of society and increasing requirements for the quality of human capital, physical activity and sport are increasingly penetrating into all spheres of life of the population, becoming an integral part of life. Currently, millions of people in our country, in all advanced countries of the world lead a healthy lifestyle, which includes physical exercises and health-improving gymnastics, fitness practices, crossfit, aerobics, pilates, participation in amateur sports competitions, marathons, relays, etc.
In recent decades, Amateur and professional sports of the highest achievements have been developing rapidly, gradually turning into a real industry of sports, advertising and entertainment events. Physical culture and sport in modern society are important factors for supporting and strengthening people's health, improving their lifestyle and culture, a way of communication, active leisure, and an alternative to bad habits. At the same time, they significantly affect the socio-economic sphere of the country and society: the quality of the labor force, foreign economic activity, tourism, entertainment activities and other socio-economic indicators.
These radical changes in the functioning and development of physical culture and sports enterprises require a rethinking of their management and the development of its new components - sports management, marketing, system management and the definition of strategic guidelines for their development. Sports management or management of a sports organization is an independent type of professional activity. It is aimed at effectively achieving the goals of a physical culture and sports organization operating in market conditions, through the rational use of material, labor and information resources.
Analysis of recent research and publications. The origin of sports management is associated with the emergence of positions of heads of physical culture and sports organizations, the development of their functions and tasks. These issues are relatively new to the national economic science. It was studied by Galkin V. V., Guskov S. I., Zholdak V. I., Zolotov M. I., Ihnatenko M. M., Kvartalnov V. A., Kuzin V. V., Perevezin I. I., Platonov V. N., Sysoev V. I., Stepanova A. N. However, the issue of clarifying the content, functions and strategic guidelines for the development of management of physical culture and sports institutions and professional sports requires further development.
The article aims at defining the content, features, technologies and management efficiency in the sphere of physical culture and sports and the analysis of the existing directions foreign management to justify the strategic development guidelines of management of sports organizations in Ukraine
Presentation of the main research material
Sports management is a type of industry-specific management that deals with the management of sports organizations. In connection with this approach, the organization is a key concept of sports management. From the point of view of management, physical culture and sport are not only «appropriate motor activity of a person», not only a set of special means and methods for the directed development of physical capacity of people, as stated in the theory of physical culture.
Physical culture and sport as an object of social management is not only legitimate, but also necessary to be considered as a certain set of physical culture and sports organizations - sports schools, sports clubs, sports teams in sports (football, hockey, basketball, volleyball, etc.), stadiums, sports and recreation centers, sports federations, etc. It should be noted that in our time, physical culture and sports work is carried out by about 100,0 thousand different types of physical culture and sports organizations, which employ more than 241,8 thousand people specialists-coaches, teachers, physical culture teachers, methodist instructors, scientists and other categories of employees, as well as more than half a million service employees and technical personnel [1, р. 176]. The product of their labor activity is physical culture and sports services, i.e. organized forms of physical exercises and sports, programs of sports training and physical culture and health classes, sports shows, etc. Thus, organization is the key concept of sports management.
There is another characteristic feature of general and special management. Management is related to the presence of professional managers in the organization, who are called managers. A sports manager is a specialist who, as a rule, holds a managerial position in a sports organization and has the art of scientific management. The art of management is characterized by the features of the ability of a sports manager to apply generally accepted or creative principles, methods and technologies of management in their specific management activities.
Thus, sports management is a special theory and practice of managing physical culture and sports organizations in market conditions. This is one of the branch types of management, one of the branch spheres of management activity in the market conditions [2, p. 327].
The object of sports management as an independent science is a set of physical culture and sports organizations of the country, the product of which is physical culture and sports services. The subject of sports management are the management of relations in the process of interaction between subject and object of management within organizations of sports orientation and interaction of these organizations with the external environment in the production process and the provision of sports services.
It should also be noted that functional varieties of classical management can be distinguished within sports: strategic management, financial management, personnel management, project management, innovation management, marketing approach in sports management, etc.
This is indicated by the data in table 1, which show that a sports or fitness club is a fairly structured organization with a wide range of additional services.
Table 1 Additional types of services provided by sports and recreation institutions
Services |
Number of clubs, % |
Changing rooms with storage cameras |
72,9 |
Physical fitness testing |
59,7 |
Sauna / baths |
47,6 |
Physiotherapy |
31,4 |
The creation of programs of physical training and workouts |
29,1 |
Sporting goods stores and nutrition |
39,8 |
The objectives of sports management as a discipline are to provide a holistic view of the industry management system, principles, laws and management technologies in organizations of the physical culture and sports industry in modern market conditions [3, p. 209]. Given the tradition that has long been established, in the future it is advisable to use the term «sports management» in the same meaning as the long-known phrase «management of physical culture and sports», as well as «management of sports organizations».
Sports management is closely related to the main factors and attributes of the market economy - forms of ownership, the system of free pricing; competition; the right of free choice for both sports entrepreneurs and consumers of services, the dependence of the entrepreneur's income on the results of his work and the situation on the market of sports and sports services, etc. The inclusion of physical culture and sports in the system of market relations determines the corresponding features of the management of this service sector.
A market economy promotes the development of entrepreneurship in the sphere of physical culture and sports, increase in the number of owners of sports organizations to increase the diversity of their legal forms, expand the range and improve the quality provided to the population, physical culture and sport services. At the same time, the more important both industry and market are the strategic guidelines for their development [4, p. 34]. Of course, their definition is based on the principles of taking into account the features of sports and professional health services.
Their main types are the following: organized forms of physical exercises and sports in the form of specific classes, sports and Wellness sections, sports teams and clubs; training, etc.; sports shows; development of methods, methodical complexes of physical culture and health classes, programs of physical education and systems for training athletes, rehabilitation. It should be noted the peculiarities of functioning of physical culture and sports in market conditions. The main ones are:
- transformation of physical culture and sports into the sphere of services as a specific set of socio-pedagogical forms of activity carried out for the purpose of physical education and health improvement of the population;
- decentralizing the management of the physical culture and sports industry;
- increased variety of organizational and legal forms of physical culture and sports organizations;
- legal consolidation of the official status of professional sports and its development in the country;
- all-important economic value of physical culture and sports, developing mainly on the basis of commercial calculation;
- the emergence of competition between physical culture and sports organizations and free pricing for physical culture and sports services.
In the end, it is advisable to indicate that market conditions socio-economic activity increases significantly the role of physical culture and sports in the self-affirmation and self-realization as important social value, to meet the needs of people in the physical improvement in the rational use of free time. Therefore, in sports management, it is important to define the purpose or mission of sports institutions and organizations.
They are usually captured in three documents - the charter organization concept and the target program of development of physical culture and sports (federations, for the sports - relevant sport) in the territory included in the service sector of that organization (district, city, federation subject, etc.). Along with a common purpose in a sport organization are formulated specific objectives, which the founding documents often referred to by the task [5, p. 76]. It is on their achievements that the strategic guidelines of physical culture and sports activities are oriented.
At the same time, a number of requirements are imposed on the formulation of strategic guidelines, the main of which are: concreteness (formed result); visibility (short-term, long-term); reality (achievability); interconnectedness, consistency and effectiveness. They are also implemented in the process of implementing the main functions of sports management. Functions in sports management are relatively independent, specialized types of management activities that are isolated in the process of division of labor, expressing the directions or stages of purposeful influence of the management subject on the managed object.
They include: planning, organization, stimulation and motivation, control and coordination. Let's look at the content of each of these functions of management. Planning is a stage of management activity, the content of which is to determine the goals of the organization's activities for the upcoming period and the resources necessary for this (material, financial, labor, information). Organizations for the upcoming period, activities, a set of necessary resources with their distribution by goals and tasks, responsible performers and deadlines for the implementation of planned activities. Distinguish between strategic and operational planning [6, p. 83]. The basis of strategic planning is the preparation of forecasts showing possible directions of development of the object.
In the long-term and current plans of physical culture and sports organizations determine the markets of potential consumers of their services, set specific goals, objectives and targets for providing physical culture and sports services and achieving results, determine the necessary labor, financial, material resources, etc. Planning as a function of sports management also includes the development of targeted integrated programs, business plans, calendar plans for competitions and sporting events, organizational work plans, etc.
Organization is the second function of management. Its task is to form the structure of the organization, as well as to provide it with everything necessary for normal operation-personnel, premises, facilities, materials, equipment, etc. Motivation and stimulation is a stage of management that provides for the creation of incentives and sanctions, material and moral interest in order to activate the staff of a sports organization to work effectively. In sports management, motivation also includes, in our opinion, activities aimed at stimulating the population's interest in various sports and physical exercises, and the consumption of sports and sports services [7, p. 227].
Control and accounting - stage control, the objective of which is to assess the quality of implementation, quantitative assessment of the impact of physical culture and sports organizations, and records of the organization's work. Coordination is a stage of the management process that ensures its continuity and continuity. The main task of coordination is to achieve coherence in the work of all parts of the organization by establishing rational relations between them, as well as with the public. Scientific analysis and classification of the component composition of physical culture and sports allow us to distinguish for a sports (fitness) club a set of strategic guidelines and the most significant functions of sports management, presented in table 2.
Table 2 Interaction of strategic development guidelines and management functions in physical culture and sports institutions and organizations
Strategic guideline |
General function |
Planning |
Organization |
Motivation |
Monitoring and accounting |
Coordination |
1. Organization of mass sports and recreation activities among the population |
Х |
Х |
Х |
Х |
Х |
2. Organization of industrial physical culture |
Х |
Х |
Х |
Х |
Х |
3. Marketing of the main work, related products and attributes, advertising |
Х |
Х |
Х |
Х |
Х |
4. Training of professional athletes and sports reserves |
Х |
Х |
Х |
Х |
Х |
5. Sports events |
Х |
Х |
Х |
Х |
Х |
6. Training, effective use of personnel and improving their skills |
Х |
Х |
Х |
Х |
Х |
7. Financial management in the organization |
Х |
Х |
Х |
Х |
Х |
8. Effective use of sports facilities |
Х |
Х |
Х |
Х |
Х |
The carrier of General strategies and functions of sports management is a physical culture and sports organization as a whole. The bearer of specific strategic guidelines and functions are its structural divisions (management, departments, etc.). It is Important to emphasize that the cost of labor to achieve the overall strategy and functions of management is equal to the cost of performing individual strategic guidelines and specific functions. Achieving strategic goals and performing management functions, managers of a sports organization have to make a large number of decisions. The process of making managerial decisions is cyclical: it begins with the detection of non-compliance of the parameters of the managed object with the goals or planned task, that is, the identification of the problem [8, p. 34]. Then comes the decision-making aimed at eliminating the identified problem and, finally, organizing the implementation of the decision.
Therefore, it is important that every specialist of physical culture and sports has mastered the theoretical knowledge and skills of developing management decisions. Management decision - making should be scientific in nature and based on the application of scientific knowledge methods. The technological process of preparing and making a management decision can be represented as several logically consecutive stages and stages: 1. Identification of a problem situation to be solved and setting a goal. 2. Monitoring, processing and analyzing the information necessary for a comprehensive justification of the decision. 3. Development of alternative solutions and selection of the most effective and optimal option. 4. Organization of implementation of the decision. 5. Control over the decision implementation process.
Management decisions are made in different circumstances: in terms of certainty, in terms of risk, in terms of uncertainty. Therefore, an important task in the process of their adoption is the skilful choice of methods for their development and justification. To develop solutions, most often used methods of commissions, brainstorming (brainstorming )and expert assessments. The main form of implementation of management decisions is organizational and administrative activity, which is carried out using a set of different management methods.
In the process of implementing management decisions, the effectiveness of their implementation is evaluated. Based on this, the management of a physical culture and sports organization makes a conclusion about the feasibility of correcting decisions or removing them from control, that is, moving to the preparation of new decisions, a new cycle of management work. Summarizing the above, it can be noted that the management decision serves as a tool for implementing the strategic guidelines of physical culture and sports organizations.
We have carried out a comprehensive analysis of the activities of foreign sports organizations, in particular, Germany and the United States, as well as their management. It is revealed that the strategic guidelines of their activities can be formulated as follows:
- programs in physical culture and sports clubs, fitness halls are complex and diverse; great attention is paid to women and children;
- systematic training of personnel to work as sports managers on a voluntary basis;
- establishments are focused on the interests of mass consumers and target groups;
- services are provided at affordable prices;
- promotes an individual approach to the client;
- there is a high level of salary for athletes and coaches in professional sports;
- the rapid development of television did not negatively affect the attendance of competitions;
- sports competitions and other events are accompanied by rituals and ceremonies that attract spectators.
People are engaged in sports more often, more diverse and longer. Society is becoming more athletic, but the
original significance of physical culture and sport as a means of comprehensive development and healthy lifestyle of each individual is lost [9, p. 28]. To prevent this from happening, we need to make some changes in the daily and strategic activities of sports and recreation institutions. The future should only be for those that are truly focused on the public interest, and not just for commercial gain. To improve the above-mentioned processes, taking into account domestic and foreign experience, we justify the following strategic guidelines for sports organizations and their management:
- the emerging sports movement should become more Autonomous and free, taking into account the importance of sports in the life of society, actively defend its interests, determine the priorities of its activities and withstand the pressure from an ever-increasing business;
- the dynamics of changes can no longer be differentiated in the form of high-performance sports, mass sports and rehabilitation sports. A physical education and sports institution and, above all, a kindergarten or school must remain their Foundation;
- organizational unity of physical culture and sport can be ensured only in new forms and with a new ranking of tasks and strategic guidelines.
sports management service innovation
Physical culture and sports are much more than events with sports records, victories and medals, which retain their appeal for many. Sport is presented as a joy that brings physical activity to millions of people with a huge number of volunteers and qualified personnel. After all, the main principle of «sport for all» and its management is to ensure access to sports and physical exercise for all social strata and groups of the population, regardless of their racial, ethnic and cultural affiliation, their place in the system of industrial and labor relations, social status and income, and property and social status in general.
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