Enterprise`s strategic potential

Critical analysis and definitions systematization of the "enterprise’s strategic potential" concept. Key components of strategic potential of trade enterprises. Development of the model of improving the construct of enterprise’s strategic potential.

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Язык английский
Дата добавления 20.02.2022
Размер файла 132,8 K

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29. Voronova, A. Je. (2000). Strategicheskoe upravlenie konkurentosposobnym poten- cialom predprijatija: diagnostika i organizacija [Strategic management of the enterprise's competitive potential: diagnostics and organization]. Lugansk: Izd-vo Vostochnoukrainskogo nacional'nogo universiteta [in Russian].

30. Dovgan', L. Je., Karakaj, Ju. V., & Artemenko, L. P. (2009). Strategichne uprav- linnja [Strategic management]. Kyiv: Centr uchbovoi' l-ry [in Ukrainian].

31. Kuncevych, V. O. (2004). Ponjattja finansovogo potencialu rozvytku pidpryjemstva ta jogo ocinky [The concept of financial potential of enterprise development and its evaluation]. Aktual 'ni problemy ekonomiky - Actual problems of the economy, 7 (37), 123-130 [in Ukrainian].

32. Krasnokuts'ka, N. S. (2005). Potencial pidpryjemstva: formuvannja ta ocinka [Enterprise potential: formation and evaluation]. Kyiv: CUL [in Ukrainian].

33. Fedonin, O. S., Rjepina, I. M., & Oleksjuk O. I. (2003). Potencial pidpryjemstva: formuvannja ta ocinka [Enterprise potential: formation and evaluation]. Kyiv: KNEU [in Ukrainian].

34. Turylo, A. M., & Bogachevs'ka, K. V. (2014). Potencial pidpryjemstva: sutnist', klasyfikacija, vydy [Enterprise potential: nature, classification, types]. Biznes- Inform - Business Inform, 2, 259-263 [in Ukrainian].

35. Pypenko, I. S. (2012). Obg'runtuvannja struktury potencialu pidpryjemstva [Substantiation of the structure of enterprise potential]. Ekonomika transportnogo kompleksu - Economy of the transport complex. (Vol. 20), (pp. 28-36) [in Ukrainian].

36. Sohac'ka, O. M., & Proboi'v O. A. (2004). Metodychni aspekty upravlinnja stra- tegichnym potencialom akcionernyh tovarystv [Methodical aspects of managing the strategic potential of joint stock companies]. Problemy i perspektyvy rozvytku bankivs 'koi ' systemy Ukrai 'ny - Problems and prospects of development of the banking system of Ukraine: zb. nauk. prac' (Vol.11). Sumy: VVP "Mrija-1" LTD UABS [in Ukrainian].

37. Stabryta, A. (2000). Zarzadzanie strategiczne w teorii I praktyce firmy. PWN, Warszawa-Krakow [in Polish].

38. P'jatnyc'ka, G. T. & Penjuk V. O. (2017). Dyvergentnist' pidhodiv do diagno- styky kadrovogo potencialu na malyh ta velykyh pidpryjemstvah torgivli [Divergence of approaches to diagnostics of human resources in small and large enterprises of trade]. Nauk. visn. Poltav. un-tu ekonomiky i torgivli - Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. Serija "Ekonomichni nauky", 5(84), 236-248 [in Ukrainian].

39. P'jatnyc'ka, G. T. (2006). Upravlinnja pidpryjemstvom v epohu globalizmu [Enterprise management in the era of globalization]. Kyiv: Logos [in Ukrainian].

40. Jacyshyna, K. V. (2015). Transformacija pidpryjemstv torgivli do proektno- orijentovanyh sub'jektiv gospodaijuvannja [Transformation of trade enterprises into project-oriented business entities]. Naukovyj visnyk Mizhnarodnogo gumani- tarnogo universytetu - Scientific Bulletin of the International Humanitarian University. (Vol. 13), (pp.139-141). Serija "Ekonomika i menedzhment" [in Ukrainian].

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