Formation of the concept of innovative sports management in Ukraine
The research problem is the concept of innovative sports management in Ukraine as the transformation of sports into a global, universal phenomenon that has a significant impact on all aspects of society. processes of modern reality related to sports.
Рубрика | Менеджмент и трудовые отношения |
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 09.04.2022 |
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Formation of the concept of innovative sports management in Ukraine
Vlada Bilohur
Melitopol State Pedagogical University named after Bohdan Khmelnitsky (Melitopol, Ukraine)
The relevance of the study lies in the fact that in modern conditions globalization acts as the main trend in the development of the modern world; this is noted at the Davos forum in 2019. Development of all spheres of society, the state and the person - from politics, economics - to sports and gender equality. The problem of the research - globalization in sport - is transformation of sport into a global phenomenon, universal in nature, which has significant impact on all aspects of society. Therefore, the scope of dispute and sports culture act as an object of scientific research. Sport stimulates and forms social and cultural reflection on a world scale, reviving the idea of interdependence of humankind in sport and through sport. Unity is formed due to a variety of factors, including a network of communication technologies of financial, political and cultural interdependencies, new cultural forms of interaction that give impetus to sports interactions, forming a single global market for goods, services, behavioral standards, models of sociality, formation of modern values achieving sports success. Problem of globalization in sports is associated with Eurocentric's, based on formation of European values of sports, sports culture and sports success, and in general sports management. The object of the research is sports management as a condition for the development of sports culture in the context of globalization 4.0. The objectives of the research are to analyze new trends in the global mankind development that influence sports development and culture, contribute to self-fulfillment of a person from the physical and spiritual side as a priority of creative person. Methods - analysis and synthesis, abstraction, cross-cultural analysis, logical and historical, comparative analysis contribute the penetration into complex phenomena and processes of modern reality associated with sports in context of globalization. Results. Globalization is changing usual way people in sports, along with many advantages, has number of negative, painful problems associated with overt commercialization. Globalization has entered single microsystem structure as a process of integration and economic (sports) exchange; global artifacts are present in sports management, to extent that sport is institutionalized on the scale of global sports communities. The form of sports globalization refers to specific way that structuring problems of sports take place and their transfer to the globalization level of (regional) problem solving, that is, global and local integration takes place. Conclusion. Globalization means increase in available methods of organizing sport events, which requires formation of sports concept management - transnational, international, interregional, macro-rational, regional municipal, local organizations require improvement of sports management. This ladder of administrative levels is cut through the functional networks of corporations, international organizations and non-governmental organizations, as well as number of professional international organizations. Internationalization of sports is being determined by globalization.
Keywords: conception of innovative sporting management, globalization 4.0, commercialization of sport, self-perfection of man.
БІЛОГУР, В.Є. - доктор філософських наук, професор, завідувач кафедри теорії і методики фізичного виховання та спортивних дисциплін, Мелітопольський державний педагогічний університет імені Богдана Хмельницького (Мелітополь, Україна)
Актуальність дослідження полягає в тому, що в сучасних умовах концепція інноваційного спортивного менеджменту в Україні виступає як основна тенденція розвитку сучасного світу; це відзначено на Давоському форумі в 2019 році. Набувають розвиток всі сфери життєдіяльності суспільства, держави і людини - від політики, економіки - до спорту і тендерної рівності. Проблема дослідження - концепція інноваційного спортивного менеджменту в Україні як перетворення спорту в явище глобального, загальнолюдського характеру, яке має суттєвий вплив на всі сторони життєдіяльності суспільства. Тому сфера спорту і спортивної культури виступають як об'єкт наукового дослідження. Спорт стимулює і формує соціальну та культурну рефлексію світового масштабу, відроджуючи ідею взаємозалежності людства в спорті і через спорт. Єдність формується завдяки безлічі чинників, серед яких мережа комунікаційних технологій, фінансових, політичних і культурних взаємозалежностей, нових культурних форм взаємодії, які дають поштовх спортивним взаємодіям, формуючи єдиний світовий ринок товарів, послуг, поведінкових стандартів, моделей соціальності, модерних цінностей у досягненні спортивного успіху. Проблема глобалізації у спорті пов'язана з європоцентризмом, в основі якого - формування європейських цінностей спорту, спортивної культури та спортивного успіху, а в цілому-спортивного менеджменту. Об'єкт дослідження - концепція інноваційного спортивного менеджменту як умова розвитку спортивної культури в умовах України. Цілі дослідження - проаналізувати нові тенденції глобального розвитку людства, які впливають на розвиток спорту та спортивної культури, сприяють самовдосконаленню людини фізично та духовно, піднімають пріоритет творчої особистості. Методи - аналізу і синтезу, абстрагування, кроскультурного, логічного, історичного, порівняльного аналізу- сприяють проникненню в складні феномени і процеси сучасної дійсності, пов'язані зі спортом в умовах глобалізації. Результати. Концепція інноваційного спортивного менеджменту як умова розвитку спортивної культури в умовах України змінює звичайний спосіб людей в спорті, разом з багатьма плюсами має низку негативних, хворобливих проблем, пов'язаних з відвертою комерціалізацією. Концепція інноваційного спортивного менеджменту як умова розвитку спортивної культури в умовах України увійшла в єдину структуру мікросистеми як процес інтеграції і економічного (спортивного) обміну; глобальні артефакти присутні в спортивному менеджменті, остільки спорт інституціоналізований в масштабах глобальних спортивних спільнот. Під формою спортивної глобалізації мається на увазі конкретний спосіб, в якому відбувається структурування проблем спорту і переведення їх на рівень глокалізації (регіонального) вирішення проблем, тобто відбувається єднання глобального і глокального. Висновок. Концепція інноваційного спортивного менеджменту як умова розвитку спортивної культури в умовах України означає збільшення доступних способів організації спортивних заходів, що вимагає формування концепції спортивного менеджменту, - транснаціональних, інтернаціональних, міжрегіональних, макронаціональних, регіональних муніципальних, локальних організацій, які потребують вдосконалення спортивного менеджменту. Ці сходи адміністративних рівнів розсікають функціональні мережі корпорацій, міжнародних та неурядових організацій, а також ряд професійних міжнародних організацій. Формується інтернаціоналізація спорту, яка детермінується глобалізацією.
Ключові слова: концепція інноваційного спортивного менеджменту, глобалізація 4.0, комерціалізація спорту, самовдосконалення людини.
БИЛОГУР, В.Е. - доктор философских наук, профессор, заведующая кафедрой теории и методики физического воспитания и спортивных дисциплин, Мелитопольский государственный педагогический университет имени Богдана Хмельницкого (Мелитополь, Украина)
Актуальность исследования заключается в том, что в современных условиях глобализация выступает как основная тенденция развития современного мира; это отмечено на Давосском форуме в 2019 году. Приобретают развитие все сферы жизнедеятельности общества, государства и человека - от политики, экономики - к спорту и гендерного равенства. Проблема исследования - глобализация в спорте - это превращение спорта в явление глобального, общечеловеческого характера, которое оказывает существенное влияние на все стороны жизнедеятельности общества. Поэтому сфера спорта и спортивной культуры выступают как объект научного исследования. Спорт стимулирует и формирует социальную и культурную рефлексию мирового масштаба, возрождая идею взаимозависимости человечества в спорте и через спорт. Единство формируется благодаря множеству факторов, среди которых сеть коммуникационных технологий, финансовых, политических и культурных взаимозависимостей, новых культурных форм взаимодействия, которые дают толчок спортивным взаимодействиям, формируя единый мировой рынок товаров, услуг, поведенческих стандартов, моделей социальности, современных ценностей в достижении спортивного успеха. Проблема глобализации в спорте связана с евроцентризмом, в основе которого - формирование европейских ценностей спорта, спортивной культуры и спортивного успеха, а в целом спортивного менеджмента. Объект исследования - спортивный менеджмент как условие развития спортивной культуры в условиях глобализации 4.0. Цели исследования - проанализировать новые тенденции глобального развития человечества, которые влияют на развитие спорта и спортивной культуры, способствуют самосовершенствованию человека физически и духовно, поднимают приоритет личности. Методы - анализа и синтеза, абстрагирования, кросскультурного, логического, исторического, сравнительного анализа- способствуют проникновению в сложные феномены и процессы современной действительности, связанные со спортом в условиях глобализации. Результаты. Глобализация меняет обычный образ людей в спорте, вместе со многими плюсами имеет ряд негативных, болезненных проблем, связанных с откровенной коммерциализацией. Глобализация вошла в единую структуру микросистемы как процесс интеграции и экономического (спортивного) обмена; глобальные артефакты присутствуют в спортивном менеджменте, поскольку спорт институционализирован в масштабах глобальных спортивных сообществ. Под формой спортивной глобализации имеется в виду конкретный способ, в котором происходит структурирование проблем спорта и перевода их на уровень глокализации (регионального) решения проблем, то есть происходит единение глобального и глокальном. Вывод. Глобализация означает увеличение доступных способов организации спортивных мероприятий, требует формирования концепции спортивного менеджмента, - транснациональных, международных, межрегиональных, макронациональных, региональных муниципальных, локальных организаций, которые нуждаются в совершенствовании спортивного менеджмента. Эта лестница административных уровней рассекают функциональные сети корпораций, международных и неправительственных организаций, а также ряд профессиональных международных организаций. Формируется интернационализация спорта, которая детерминируется глобализацией.
Ключевые слова: концепция спортивного менеджмента, глобализация 4.0, коммерциализация спорта, самосовершенствования человека.
The relevance of the study lies in the fact that in modern conditions globalization acts as the main trend in the development of the modern world; this is noted at the Davos forum in 2019. Development of all spheres of society, the state and the person - from politics, economics - to sports and gender equality.
The relevance of the research into the concept of innovative sports management in Ukraine is due to the fact that any branch of knowledge, including sports, reaching a certain stage of maturity, requires reflection of their own sports life bases. Among these reasons are the following:
first, in context of global society, sports development an individual and the whole nation is brought to the fore, which is conditioned by formation of the modern sports development concept, which is a continuation of post-industrial society related to globalization, integration, migration trends requiring state regulation of the sports sector; innovative sports management
secondly, in the modern scientific socio-philosophical literature there is a deficiency reflection of sports development problems,
methodological techniques and techniques of its research, structuring on institutional influence of the state in sports sphere, possible variants of its solution;
thirdly, the transformation of Ukrainian society and its integration into the European and the world space require adequate scientific support; therefore, there exists a need of state regulation in sports development transformation conditions of the world economy, and national sports development priorities of Ukraine should be oriented towards the formation of a modern concept of competitiveness;
fourth, the relevance of scientific research on sports at the level of thestate is due to lack of theoretical elaboration of specific topic related to an increase of its phraseological importance in situation of transformation the society and determination of theoretical reflection vectors of changes in sports development, including development of the Olympic movement.
The problem of the research - globalization in sport - is transformation of sport into a global phenomenon, universal in nature, which has significant impact on all aspects of society.
In most countries of the modern world, sports policy is one of the most important, priority areas of activity of the state, which is constantly carried out taking into account its opportunities in political, social, economic, legislative and organizational levels to create favorable prerequisites of sports selfdetermination, both as a person and as a nation, to solve urgent problems of sports society, that is necessary studying ontological causes, since life itself requires the improvement of ontological, anthropological, axiomatic, metaphysical principles of sports development caused deepening knowledge of its nature, essence, dynamics, structure and optimization;
Fifth, despite the widespread use concept of "sports development", "sports policy", "sports activity" in modern philosophical literature, it is not currently developed and undergoing a period of its formation and development; there is terminological uncertainty about the subject matter of sports development research, as most researchers dedicate their work to particular sportselements, or focus on one aspect (usually economic or social), regardless of other, equally important, facets of phenomenon;
sixth, the state regulation of sports development is caused by practical reasons, that are, large-scale transformations in context of globalization and globalization of the modern global world, which significantly actualize sports development, which is determined by economic principles;
seventh, cognitive reasons are that sports development theory cannot be created without developing of modern sport market foundations, and there are universal civilizational reasons that have embraced sports life from all sides and direct it to a single evolutionary level of all sports developments;
eighth, the determinants of public administration optimization in the field of sports development in crisis need improvement, as national opinion of public administration, contributing to the establishment of Ukrainian statehood, should explain the principles of development and content of sports strategic development in modern Ukrainian society, determine material and spiritual priorities, risks and disadvantages or threats that stand in the way of affirming sport as a universal civilization phenomenon.
The object of the research is sports management as a condition for the development of sports culture in the context of globalization 4.0.
In philosophical aspect of innovative sports management concept in Ukraine are analyzed in the works of G. Gorak, M. Moklyak, O. Panchenko, V. Tabachkivsky; sports development conversions - V. Tkachenko; conceptions of the "sports spirit of people" - V. Vilkov, V. Zhadko; sports archetypes - V. Tabachkovsky, S. Krymsky, R. Dodonov; ethno-cultural sports paradigm - V. Andrushchenko, M. Popovych, S. Grabovsky, O. Zabuzhko, V. Kremen, V. Lisovy, V. Skuratovsky, V. Gorsky, V. Volynka, V. Andrushchenko, E. Bistritsky. In foreign literature there are such authors as G. Anamonis, F. Brodel, Z. Brzezinski, U. Beck, E. Giddens, D. Geld, K. Denchev, A. Etzioni, M. Kastels, U. Mak-Bryde, D. Meadows, E. MacGrew, J. Nesbitt, A. Smith, A. Toffler, L. Tourow, F. Fukuyama, L. Fallers, S. Hoffman, R. Higgins, A. Schweitzer and K. Jaspers. The complexity of solving sports development problems is explained by the peculiarities of socio-economic and political development.
Purpose of the research: formation of innovative sports management concept in Ukraine in conditions of globalization. To achieve this goal, the following tasks have been set: to develop theoretical and methodological foundations of sports development in context of modern sports paradigm; to study foreign experience of sports development in developed countries of the West; to form domestic paradigm of innovative sports management concept in Ukraine in conditions of global instability [1, 186 p.].
In modern theory and history of social philosophy, there is a cognitive problem that is associated with the lack of theoretical and practical study of sports development, center of which would be a human, his indiscretion, the need to formulate concept of transformation of sports reality in the conditions of social change. It is determined that in Ukraine in coming years, one of the varieties of European strategy of thesports state policy will be professed, taking into account the mentality of the Ukrainian people, the tradition of implementing such sports policy in Ukraine, which presupposes leading role of the state in determining its priorities and realization. State policy should be aimed at the formation of such sports culture, which is one of the leading factors in solving strategic problems in the field of competitiveness Ukrainian, the formation of civil society, ensuring decent living conditions for citizens. In turn, state sports policy considers it as the basic strategic resource of the state and society and economic policy of the state.
According to V. Voronkova, "The state has a leading role in the development of humanistic management in Ukraine, so the state humanitarian component of humanistic management needs rehabilitation, modernization and systematization, which provides solution to a number of problems that result from long-term conflicting sociocultural" [2].
According to the analysis, the development of society, the use of its potential, directly depend on the level of management in sports processes. The systemic crisis of the Soviet Union, which accelerated Ukraine's gaining independence, at the same time adversely, affected the reproduction and development of its sports potential. As a result of the crisis processes that took place in Ukraine in 1980s and 1990s, the weakness and inadequacy of economic, social and humanitarian policies during this period saw sharp deterioration of sports development in Ukraine. So, during the period from 1990 to 2007 in the world index of human development, Ukraine from 45th moved to 76th place among 173 countries. In terms of quality of life, Ukraine ranks 98th among 111 countries.
Only Ukraine's return to the precrisis GDP level in 2007 opens up economic opportunities for improving the situation, the main characteristics of which are as follows. Ukraine is on the verge of a demographic crisis, and there is a decrease in population. The current birth rate is half that required to ensure simple reproduction of the population. Ukraine has crossed the line of declining fertility rates, which is destroying demographic potential, which has had an impact on ensuring a healthy nation. Accordingly, other demographic characteristics of the population deteriorated. According to the WHO Regional Office for Europe, in terms of mortality, Ukraine ranks first in Europe.
The average life expectancy in Ukraine is about 66 years. According to this indicator, Ukraine lags behind Germany by 11 years, France by 12, Sweden - by 13, as well as by its closest European neighbors - Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria and Slovakia. Projections by UN experts indicate that population of Ukraine will continue to tend to decline and demographic characteristics to deteriorate. Population reductions are high, complemented by migratory losses of productive age and high vocational qualifications.
Further analysis revealed that environmental pollution, deterioration of living conditions, poor diet, the spread of bad habits and the weakness of public health policies demonstrating the inability to control the spread of diseases such as tuberculosis and AIDS, reduced service In general, the health of Ukrainian citizens was adversely affected. As a result, the overall morbidity of population has increased significantly. The resumption of economic growth since 2000 has led to positive shifts in wages, resulting in both nominal and real wages. However, its size, especially in comparison with European countries, remains low. Because of this, work in Ukraine has not yet become a universal means of guaranteeing a decent standard of living for citizens. "This indicates that humanistic component in our country has been forgotten" [3, p.148-154].
Of particular concern is the exacerbation of socio-sporting problems, among which are the limited access to sports education and employment, the difficulty in providing housing. One in three young people is not satisfied with their social status and only one third see their own social perspective in Ukraine. The highest level of unemployment, most often forced, prevails in the youth environment. There is a disproportion between the needs of the labor market and the number of specialists trained by educational institutions. The prospects of rural youth remain unattractive in the labor market and it is impossible to improve them without quality changes in education and social policy.
The need to regulate complex problems in sports environment, first of all, relations between large social groups, gives political management process. In this sense, sports development management is a specific governance form that is exercised through the use of authority to improve sports relations. This means that the essence of sports development management is conscious, deliberate influence of the state subjects on the society or its parts in order to optimize them (ordering, improving, developing) in order to achieve established goals in the world of sports. Briefly, the management of sports development is understood as a kind of executive and administrative activity of the state bodies.
The essence of governing in sports is the influence on social relations in economic, political, social, spiritual, cultural and other spheres of activity and through the use of state-powers. Sport development management, particularly, is functional, that is, function management, which implies that each functional leader performs a specific set of functions, roles (production, technological, project, financial, information, marketing, etc.). Functional approach in the state regulation of sports development is a set of ways, techniques and mechanisms using the functions of sports management in the process of management at its various levels in order to achieve the mission and goals of sports development in the country. Functional approach in sports development management involves an implementation of the following stages:
1) classification of sports development management functions;
2) forming aninterconnectedmodel of different groups of sports development management functions;
3) developing a model for building the organization based on the implementation of specific sports development management functions in accordance with the mission and goals.
As a European nation by its civilization affiliation, Ukraine must base its development on a European sports value system that has repeatedly proven effective. Another confirmation of this is the success of our neighbors, the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, which are demonstrating dynamic advancement through integration into European political, economic and security structures. In the European sports world, intelligence, education, professional experience, social mobility is undoubtedly recognized as the main component of national wealth and main resource of socioeconomic development (particularly, practical experience of sports in Germany).
In recent decades, these traditional indicators of the nation's competitiveness have been supplemented by indicators such as the ability to innovate in professional and social life. Based on its European choice, Ukraine embarks on a process of change, sharing the basic ideas and principles of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and the European Social Charter, laying the foundation for its further development of human interests, its desire to live and create in harmony with its values, with society and nature [3, 398 pp.]. Based on this approach, Ukraine needs to change its vision of the human role in sports life of the country significantly. The Ukrainian state needs a coherent policy of sports development, adequate to modernization challenges.
Sports development of the state is a development model, focused on the maximum disclosure of each person'spotential and the society in the world of sports, creation of decent conditions for realization of all physical, physiological and spiritual capabilities of human and nation. In socio-anthropological dimension, the transition to high sports results implies the achievement of the highest degrees of personal freedom and at the same time its willingness to take responsibility for itself, for its further sports development.
In economic terms, sports development means a steady increase in share of both sports product and national one, an affirmation of nationalsporting ideal that has not recently been created. In social dimension, sports development means creating conditions ofhuman, as a main strategic resource, to realize all its opportunities. Based on this approach, policy of opportunities in sports education, professional implementation, health care and social protection should be formed [4].
The purpose of forming innovative sports management concept in Ukraine is in order to determine the principles and priorities, to substantiate socio-economic and socio-cultural foundations of Ukraine's sports development as a necessary prerequisite for realizing potential of everybody, to ensure the competitiveness of the nation in the modern world. In the globalized world of the third millennium, the only chance to succeed before Ukraine is to realize its effective sporting potential. As a European nation by its civilization affiliation, Ukraine must base its development on a European sports value system that has repeatedly proven effective.
Another confirmation of this is the success of our neighbors, the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, which are demonstrating dynamic advancement through integration into European political, economic and security structures. In the European outlook, sporting achievements and achievements are undoubtedly recognized as a major component of national wealth and a major resource for socio-economic development. In recent decades, these traditional indicators of competitiveness have been supplemented by the ability to win Olympic races.
Based on its European choice, Ukraine embarks on a process of change, sharing the basic ideas and principles of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and the European Social Charter and all other Charter of Sport, laying the basis for its further development of human interests, its desire to live and create in harmony with their values, with society and nature. Based on this approach, Ukraine needs to significantly change the vision of the role of sport in the political, economic and social life of the country [8; 9; 10; 11].
The Ukrainian state needs a coherent policy of innovative management in field of sports management, adequate to modernization challenges. The human-centered system of sports management values is formed in the context of interdisciplinary space as the basis of such management mechanism that effectively influences the development of sports potential. The human-centered system of sporting values contributes to the development of such force that develops in the process of sports activities, changing the nature of sport as such, realizing its purpose, improving the athletic skills and sports experience.
The human-centered system of sporting values actualizes the problem of investment in sports, in the development of the sporting potential of the nation, based on the humanistic principles of the whole set of social relations: economic, social, political and cultural. The formation of a human-centered system of sporting values is the identification of the civilizational-humanistic sports management foundations, in the center of which "human as a measure of all things", the definition of such management determinants, contribute to the harmonization of relations on the basis taking into account the interests of the sports man.
The human-centered system of sporting values is based on the principles of new sporting (Olympic) humanism, which counteracts the globalization tendencies of the modern world; promotes the preservation of national sports traditions, counteracting all manifestations of the mass society and mass culture; forms a new sports thinking, which is based on the mechanism of sports management.
State regulation of sports field is a capacity pledge of a society that cultivates human sporting values, facilitating the development of sports management institutions, which requires the state to create a developed sports infrastructure and specialized institutions that can respond the demands of rapidly changing market forces [5].
The human-centered system of sporting values is a new theoretical and ideological generalization of innovative sports management concept in Ukraine, which is based on the formation of human values traditions, on the basis of which the whole system of politics, culture, economy, thinking, life of the sport organism is built as a single holistic system; there is a regulation of sports relations that contribute to the achievement in society of stability, order, harmony through the humanization of relations between different subjects of sports policy.
The regulation of these relations should be exercised by civilized sporting authority, which regulates sports relations, serves as a manifestation of the constructive activity of all sports forces, in order to find those optimal ways for further improvement of society, realization of sports life problems on a humanistic basis [6].
1. The formation of innovative sports management concept in Ukraine includes an educational policy in the field of sports philosophy in today's transformational society, which should be aimed at forming a person capable of achieving high sports results and shaping a healthy lifestyle. The human-creative function of sport, which has universal cultural and objective significance, is realized through such functions as: socio-cultural, evaluative-normative, symbolic, humanistic, axiological, integrative, communicative, hedonistic, socio-emotional, socialization, socialization, socialization.
The functions of sports management are aimed at developing not only the culture of movement, body structure and moral health of the people, but also to the improvement of the emotional and emotional sphere, the development of universal sensuality and spirituality.
The philosophy of sport as a subsystem of vocational education and one of the scientific directions is brought to life by the fact that in the context of understanding the problems of sport in the transformative period, the horizon of socio-philosophical understanding of sport is widening. In our opinion, the educational policy of sport develops in the context, on the one hand, social pedagogy, and on the other, social philosophy, which accumulates social-communicative and existential-personal dimensions [7].
2. Formation of innovative sports management concept in Ukraine analyzes the problems related to the deterioration of the state of health of the population. In terms of competitiveness, the country loses too many of its citizens in the most productive age, and the citizens themselves lose opportunities to improve their welfare through the realization of their education and professional experience.
The decrease in the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the human potential of Ukraine demonstrates the formation of a closed circle: the reduction of sports development narrow levels of the possibilities for structural reforms in the economy; the unreformed economic system narrows the opportunities for the realization of the sports potential, thus contributing to its degradation. Economic transformations, accompanied by crises, have reduced the purchasing power of the population and caused significant structural imbalances in the use of labor potential and a significant increase in the differentiation of income. Ukraine should make each effort to put into practice sports management concept, which would include all sections of the population, at the state level.
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2. Vizitei, N. (1986). Physical culture and sport as a social phenomenon. Chisinau: Shtiintsa, 160.
3. Voronkova, V. H. (2004). Municipal Management: Teaching manual. Kiev: Professional, 254.
6 Gobikas, Mindaugas and Akranglyte, Gintare (2019). Image creation of professional athletes using contemporary social media. Humanities Bulletin of Zaporizhzhe State Engineering Academy, 76, 76-83.
4. Morgan, W. (2003). The Philosophy of Sport: A Historical and Conceptual Overview and a Conjecture regarding its Future. Handbook of Sports Studies, 205-213. doi: https://doi .org/10.4135/9781848608382.n 12
5. Hambrecht, H., (2012). Praise sporting beauty. Kyiv: Spirit and Letter, 216.
6. Edensor, T. (2002). National Identity, Popular Culture and Everyday Life. Oxford-New York. doi:
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9. Olexenko, R. (2017). Formation of the creative personality concept as a factor of the creative knowledge economy in conditions of globalization. Humanities Bulletin of Zaporizhzhe State Engineering Academy, 71, 118-126. doi:
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