Sports management formation concept in the context of COVID-19 pandemic collections

Sports management as a priority for the activity of the state in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Yogo subject, object that principle. Development of the concept of innovative sports management in Ukraine in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Дата добавления 19.04.2022
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Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol state pedagogical university

Marijampole university of applied sciences

Sports management formation concept in the context of COVID-19 pandemic collections

Bilohur Vlada

Andriukaitiene Regina




sports management pandemic

The relevance of the research in sports management is due to insufficient theoretical development of a particular topic related to praxeological significance growth in the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic, and vectors identification of change in sports development, including the development of grassroots and Olympic sports. The article examines the conditions of sports management formation in the COVID-19 pandemic, which significantly actualize sports development, self-realization in sports, educational policy formation aimed at sports development and sports achievements at all levels, sports management concept in the modern world and Ukraine. According to the analysis, sports resuscitation and sports achievements, the use of its potential directly depend upon management level of sport processes. The purpose of the research: the concept formation of sports management in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic challenges. To achieve this goal, the following tasks are set: 1) to analyze sports management as a priority area of state activity in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic challenges; 2) to clarify the subject, object and principles of sports management in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic challenges; 3) to form an innovative sports management concept in Ukraine in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic challenges. To achieve this goal, the theoretical and methodological principles of sports development in the context of modern sports paradigm in Ukraine in the conditions of COVID-19. At the heart of sports management is the urgent problems solution of sports society, which is due to the need study the axiological, ontological, anthropological, metaphysical sports development principles, improving the sports development of an individual. Sports management formation concept in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic includes an analysis of the problems associated with the deterioration of public health.

Keywords: sports management, COVID-19 pandemic, innovative sports praradigm, nation health, digital technologies


Формування концепції спортивного менеджменту у контексті викликів пандемії COVID-19

Мелітопольський державний педагогічний університет імені Богдана Хмельницького,

Білогур, В.Є. - доктор філософських наук, професор кафедри теорії і методики фізичного виховання та спортивних дисциплін

Мелітопольський державний педагогічний університет імені Богдана Хмельницького (Мелітополь, Запорізька область, Україна)

Андрюкаитене Регіна - доктор PhD соціальних наук (менеджмент), доцент, зав. кафедри бізнесу та економіки

Маряямпольський університет прикладних наук (Маряямполе, Литва), лектор

Литовський університет спорту (Каунас, Литва)

Актуальність наукового дослідження спортивного менеджменту зумовлена як недостатньою теоретичною розробленістю даної теми, пов'язаної зі зростанням її праксеологічного значення у ситуації пандемії COVID-19, так і визначенням векторів змін у спортивному розвитку, включаючи розвиток масового та олімпійського спорту. У статті досліджено умови формування спортивного менеджменту в умовах пандемії COVID-19, які суттєво актуалізують спортивний розвиток, самореалізацію людини у спорті, формування освітньої політики держави, націленої на розвиток спорту та спортивних досягнень на всіх рівнях, формування концепції спортивного інноваційного менеджменту в сучасному світі та Україні. Як показує аналіз, реанімація спорту та спортивних досягнень, використання його потенціалу безпосередньо залежить від рівня управління спортивними процесами. Ціль дослідження: формування концепції спортивного менеджменту в контексті викликів пандемії COVID-19. Для досягнення мети поставлено такі завдання: 1) проаналізувати спортивний менеджмент як пріоритетний напрямок діяльності держави у контексті викликів пандемії COVID-19; 2) з'ясувати предмет, об'єкт та принципи спортивного менеджменту у контексті викликів пандемії COVID-19; 3) сформувати концепцію інноваційного спортивного менеджменту в Україні у контексті викликів пандемії COVID-19. Для досягнення мети виявлено теоре - тико-методологічні засади спортивного розвитку у контексті сучасної спортивної парадигми, вивчено зарубіжний досвід спортивного розвитку у розвинених країнах Заходу в Україні в умовах COVID-19. В основі спортивного мкенеджменту - вирішення нагальних проблем спортивного соціуму, що обумовлюється необхідністю вивчення аксіологічних, онтологічних, антропологічних, метафізичних основ спортивного розвитку, покращення спортивного розвитку кожної особи. Формування концепції спортивного менеджменту в умовах пандемії COVID-19 включає аналіз проблем, пов'язаних з погіршенням стану здоров'я населення, що вимагає формування концецпії спортивного менеджменту.

Ключові слова: спортивний менеджмент, пандемія COVID-19, інноваційна спортивна прарадигма, здоров'я нації, цифрові технології


Билогур, В.Е. - доктор философских наук, професор кафедры теории и методики физического воспитания и спортивных дисциплин

Мелитопольский государственный педагогический университет имени Богдана Хмельницкого (Мелитополь, Украина)

Андрюкаитене, регина - доктор PhD социальных наук (менеджмент), доцент, зав. кафедрой бизнеса и экономики

Мариямпольский университет прикладных наук (Маряямполь, Литва), лектор

Литовский университет спорта (Каунас, Литва)

Формирование концепции спортивного менеджмента в контексте вызов пандемии COVID-19

Актуальность научного исследования спортивного менеджмента обусловлена как недостаточной теоретической разработанностью данной темы, связанной с ростом ее праксеологического значения в ситуации пандемии COVID-19, так и определения векторов изменений в спортивном развитии, включая и развитие массового и олимпийского спорта. В статье исследованы условия формирования спортивного менеджмента в условиях пандемии COVID-19, существенно актуализирующих спортивное развитие, самореализацию человека в спорте, формирование образовательной политики государства, нацеленного на развитие спорта и спортивных достижений на всех уровнях, формирование концепции спортивного инновационного менеджмента в современном мире и Украине. Как показывает анализ, реанимация спорта и спортивных достижений, использование его потенциала напрямую зависит от уровня управления спортивными процессами. Цель исследования: формирование концепции спортивного менеджмента в контексте вызовов пандемии COVID-19. Для достижения цели поставлены следующие задачи: 1) проанализировать спортивный менеджмент как приоритетное направление деятельности государства в контексте вызовов пандемии COVID-19; 2) выяснить предмет, объект и принципы спортивного менеджмента в контексте вызовов пандемии COVID-19; 3) сформировать концепцию инновационного спортивного менеджмента в Украине в контексте вызовов пандемии COVID-19. Для достижения цели выявлены теоретико-методологические основы спортивного развития в контексте современной спортивной парадигмы, изучен зарубежный опыт спортивного развития в развитых странах Запада в Украине в условиях COVID-19. В основе спортивного менеджмента - решение неотложных проблем спортивного социума, что обуславливается необходимостью изучения аксиологических, онтологических, антропологических, метафизических основ спортивного развития, улучшение спортивного развития каждой личности. Формирование концепции спортивного менеджмента в условиях пандемии COVID-19 включает в себя анализ проблем, связанных с ухудшением состояния здоровья населения, что требует формирования концецпии спортивного менеджмента.

Ключевые слова: спортивный менеджмент, пандемия COVID-19, инновационная спортивная прарадигма, здоровье нации, цифровые технологии

Main part

Problem statement in general and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks

The urgency of formation concept of sports management in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic challenges is due to the fact that society in the COVID-19 pandemic for a long time requires a way out of the crisis, which requires appropriate scientific theoretical and practical support nation, its survival in sports, the formation of a healthy athletic personality.

Purpose and formation of the goals of the article (task statement)

The purpose of the research: Sports management formation concept in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic challenges.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set: 1) to analyze sports management as a priority state activity area in COVID-19 pandemic challenges context; 2) to clarify the subject, object and sports management principles in the COVID-19 pandemic challenges context; 3) to form an innovative sports management concept in Ukraine in COVID-19 pandemic challenges context. Every leader and specialist of a physical culture and sports organization must study and correctly apply in practice in solving management problems the generally accepted principles, sports management methods and technologies, master scientific management arts of sports activities.

Research methodology.

Highlighting previously unsolved parts of the general problem to which this article is devoted

According to analysis, sports resuscitation and sports achievements, the use of its potential directly depend on the sports processes management level. At the heart of sports management is the solution of sports society urgent problems, which is due to the need to study the axiological, ontological, anthropological, metaphysical sports development principles, improving the sports development individually.

Analysis of recent research and publications, which initiated the solution of this problem and on which the author relies

There is terminological uncertainty about the subject of sports management research, as most researchers devote their work to individual elements of sport, or focus on one aspect (usually economic or social), despite other, no less important aspects of this phenomenon.

In the general philosophical sense, Sports management formation concept and the implementation of its goals and objectives in the face of the challenges of the pandemic COVID-19 are analyzed in the works presented by: challenges in the field of sports in connection with the pandemic; affected sports; restoration of significant events; financial assistance and other types of support; sports after a pandemic; e-sports in a pandemic; forecasts of sports development and resuscitation of the «sports spirit of the people». In the world, sport has become an integral part of international relations, as evidenced by a number of important international documents: UNESCO Action Plan for Strengthening Law Enforcement in Sport and Ensuring Its Public Accessibility, UN Human Rights Council Resolution «Promoting Human Rights through Sport and the Ideals of the Olympic Movement»; Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe on the crucial role of sport in security. It should be noted that the outbreak of coronavirus forced the suspension of world sports competitions. In the year when the European Football Championship was to take place in 12 European countries (June - July), and the Olympic Games in Tokyo are scheduled for July - August, the sports calendar is completely revised. Some starts have been canceled, some have been moved to other cities. The pandemic has caused real panic in world sports. The organizers of the competition were not ready to take responsibility and waited for instructions - from the national authorities or from the World Health Organization (WHO).

Presentation of the main research material with substantiation of the obtained scientific results

1. Sports management as a state priority in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic challenges

The relevance of the sports management research and the implementation of its goals and objectives in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic as a previously unresolved part of the overall problem, which is the subject of this article, is to form sports management as a priority.

First of all, the solution to his problems is as follows.

First, in modern world countries, sports management is one of the most important, priority state areas, which is constantly carried out taking into account its capabilities at the political, social, economic, legislative and organizational levels, which requires favorable conditions for sports selfdetermination. Secondly, despite the use of the terms «sports development», «sports policy», «sports activities» that underlie «sports management» in modern literature, sports management at the time of the COVID-19 pandemic challenges has not yet been developed and is currently experiencing a period of its formation, formation and development, based on the preservation of the health of the nation.

Thirdly, the sports management state regulation is caused by praxeological reasons, i. e. large-scale changes in modern global world context, which significantly actualize nation's health problem as a global problem today.

Fourthly, the scientific sports management formation basic concept is that theory can not be created without forming a general civilizational principles that guide its further development and implementation of goals and objectives in the resuscitation field of all sports in a pandemic COVID-19.

Fifthly, sports management formation concept in the COVID-19 pandemic requires state regulation improvement in the sports development field in a crisis, contributing to the formation of its modern innovative concept, sports development strategy implementation, nation survival, unforeseen risks and threats identification, standing in the survival way of sport as a general civilization phenomenon and a dynamic process that requires its development resuscitation.

2. Subject, object and sports management principles in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic challenges

In modern philosophy there is a problem associated with the lack of theoretical and practical sports management research in the context of challenges in the sports field in connection with the pandemic COVID-19, which would be the resuscitation of sports and sports achievements, which requires sports management concept in crisis and uncertainty times.

Public policy should be aimed at the formation of sports management, which is one of the leading factors in solving problems in the field of strategic objectives in the field of sports. State sports policy considers sport as a basic strategic resource of the state and society and economic policy of the state. The state has a leading role in the resuscitation of all sports, which requires rehabilitation, modernization and systematization, provides for the solution of a number of problems that are the result of long-term controversial processes in the context of COVID-19.

The subject of sports management is the activities of sports organizations aimed at solving sports problems in the context of the challenges of the preepidemic COVID-19.

The object of sports management is a set of physical culture and sports organizations of the country, the product of which are physical culture and sports services in terms of COVID-19.

The task of sports management - to provide a holistic view of the industry management system, principles, patterns and technologies of management in organizations in the field of physical culture and sports in today's market conditions of modern society

Sports management principles in physical culture and sports.

Management principles in physical culture and sports are the basic rules, regulations and norms of behavior, which guide the governing bodies and individual leaders in the process of exercising managerial influence. Sports management principles can be described as the initial guidelines, requirements and norms of human behavior, which should be followed by managers of physical culture and sports organizations to ensure effective management.

The following most important principles are characteristic of modern sports management:

The principle of scientific management validity implies that management actions should be carried out taking into account the application of scientific approaches and methods. The principle of scientificity involves the study, in-depth knowledge and use of objective patterns and progressive trends in physical culture and sports in specific historical conditions and the application of knowledge to ensure optimal management in physical culture and sports organizations.

Systematization principle in the management development of physical culture and sports determines the need to consider the physical culture and sports organization as a holistic social system, consisting of a number of links and interacting with the external environment. In the work of a sports manager, systematization principle means a comprehensive management decisions study, analysis of all possible options for their implementation, coordination of the efforts of the entire performers team. This principle also provides for a close link between the solution of socio-pedagogical sports management problems and financial, logistical resources.

Of particular concern is the exacerbation of sociosports problems, including - limited access to sports education and employment, problems in providing housing. Every third young person is dissatisfied with their social status and only a third see their own social perspective in Ukraine. The highest level of unemployment prevails among young people, often forced; there is a disproportion between the needs of the labor market and the number of specialists trained by educational institutions.

The need to regulate complex problems in the sports environment, especially relations between large social groups, gives the process management a political character. In this sense, sports management development is a specific type, which is carried out with the use of power in order to improve sports relations. This mean that sports management development essence is streamlining, improvement, development in order to achieve goals in the sports field. Narrowly, the sports management development is understood as an executive and administrative activities type of state bodies.

Management essence in the sports field is the impact on public relations in economic, political, social, spiritual, cultural and other activity spheres, which are carried out through state power use. Sports development management, particularly, is functional, management by functions, which assumes that each functional manager performs a certain set of functions, roles (production, technology, design, financial, information, sales, etc.). The functional approach in the sports development state regulation is a set of methods and mechanisms using the sports management functions in the ruling processes at its various levels in order to achieve the mission and sports development goals in the country. The functional approach in the management of sports development involves the implementation of the following stages: 1) classification of sports development management functions; 2) formation of a interrelations model of various group functions of sports management development; 3) development of a model for building an organization based on the implementation of specific sports development management functions in accordance with the mission and goals.

3. Innovative sports management formation concept in Ukraine in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic challenges

As a European nation by its civilizational affiliation, Ukraine must rely in its development on the European sports value system, which has repeatedly proved its effectiveness. In the European sports worldview, intelligence, education, professional experience, social mobility is recognized as the main component of national wealth and the main resource of socio-economic development (in particular, the practical experience of sports in Germany).

In recent decades, principles such as the ability to innovate in professional activities and social life in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic have been added to these traditional values of the nation's competitiveness.

Based on the European choice, Ukraine begins the process of change, sharing the basic ideas and principles of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and the European Social Charter, basing its further development on human interests, its desire to live and work in harmony with its values and society and nature.

Based on this approach, Ukraine needs to significantly change its vision of the role of man in the country's sports life. The Ukrainian state needs a holistic policy of sports development, adequate to modern challenges.

Sports development of the state is a model of development focused on the maximum disclosure of the potential of each person and society in the world of sports, the creation of decent conditions for the realization of all physical, physiological and spiritual capabilities of man and nation.

In the socio-anthropological dimension, the transition to high sports results implies the achievement of the highest degrees of individual freedom and at the same time its willingness to take responsibility for themselves, for their further sports development.

In the economic dimension, sports development means a constant increase in the share of sports products in the national product, the establishment of the sports ideal of the nation, which has not yet been created.

In the social dimension, sports development means the creation for man, as the main strategic resource, the conditions for the realization of all its capabilities. Based on this approach, a policy of opportunities in sports education, professional implementation, targeted health care and social protection should be formed [4].

The purpose of forming the concept of innovative sports management in Ukraine is to determine the principles and priorities, substantiate the socioeconomic and socio-cultural foundations of sports development of Ukraine as a necessary prerequisite for realizing the potential of every citizen, ensuring the nation's competitiveness in the modern world. In the globalized world of the third millennium, the chance for success for Ukraine is opened by the effective realization of its sports potential.

As a European nation by its civilizational affiliation, Ukraine must rely on digital technologies of sports management in its development. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the cancellation and postponement of major sporting events and offline entertainment events led to the majority of audiences and advertising budgets moving online. This can be seen in the growth of online traffic and its redistribution. In the United States, France and other countries, its volumes have increased by 20-30% since March 2020; in Italy there is an increase of 70%.

In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, people became more concerned about their health, more active in sports, which led to an increase in demand for goods and services needed for training. Regarding sports equipment, clothing and footwear, by September 2020, online traffic increased by 23.2%. The attractiveness of real-time bidding in sports is due to the fact that during the crisis, many brands tried to find cheaper options to promote their products, which, in turn, led to reduced competition in the market of sports advertising and lower the cost of a click.

Advertising on social networks became very popular during the pandemic. The time that people have started spending on social media in a pandemic has greatly increased. Sports brands that have actively worked with their customers on social networks have been able to establish close partnerships with customers. One of the most popular marketing tools in the sports industry today is the organization and challenge conduct. In order to sell tickets to competitions, to attract spectators, sports clubs need to create warm relationship with their fans. One way to do this is to communicate in the form of social networks. However, in social networks there is already strong competition in the struggle for the public. In order to attract as many viewers as possible, it is necessary to follow trends and develop new platforms: TikTok, YouTube, Twitter and others.

The coronavirus pandemic has made significant adjustments to the life of the sports community. Widespread isolation has accelerated sports business digitalization and encouraged organizers to implement projects based on online technologies. Digital technologies have been actively introduced into both professional and amateur sports, which motivates citizens to lead a healthy lifestyle. Mobile applications are becoming an integral part of life and help organize the daily routine, proper nutrition, effective individual training and more. The modern generation with «digital thinking» is rapidly mastering new technologies and actively using them for self-improvement. Advanced technologies allow much more efficient collection, processing and transmission of information, qualitatively change the methods and organizational training forms of highly qualified athletes, coaches and judges, as well as conducting physical culture and health work with population.

Digital technology has become widely used by companies involved in sports analytics, professional statistics, match-fixing, scouting and online broadcasting. From the point of sports view, communication process, work in the media space, the formation of new digital products around traditional formats - this is the path that is now the world's largest clubs and federations.

Conclusion of the research and prospects for further exploration in this direction

1. Sports management formation concept in a pandemic COVID-19 includes educational policy in the field of sports philosophy in modern society, which should be aimed at forming a person capable of achieving high sports results and forming a healthy lifestyle, focusing on his health as substantial basis of personality.

2. Sports management formation concept in a pandemic COVID-19 is based on the human sport paradigm, which has a cultural and objective significance, is realized through such functions as: sociocultural, evaluative, symbolic, humanistic, axiological, integrative, integrative hedonistic, socio-emotional, socialization, function of protection, social mobility, socialization, digitalization. Sports management functions are aimed at developing not only movement culture, body structure and moral health, but also the improvement of the sensory-emotional sphere, the development of universal sensuality and spirituality, the development of digital competencies.

3. Sports management formation concept in the face of the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic is one of the scientific areas brought to life by the fact that in its context is expanding socio-philosophical horizons reflection on sports. Educational sport developing policy in the context, on the one hand - social pedagogy, and on the other - social philosophy, which accumulates socio-communicative and existential-personal dimensions, and on the other in the context of risk management, digital management and digital economy, to which includes sports management.

Sports management formation concept in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic includes an analysis of the problems associated with the deterioration of public health. In competitive terms, country loses too many citizens at the most productive age, and the citizens themselves lose opportunities to improve their well-being through the realization of their education and professional experience. The decline in the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of Ukraine's human potential demonstrates the vicious circle formation: the decline in sports development narrows opportunities for structural reforms in the economy, the unreformed economic system narrows opportunities for sporting potential, thus contributing to its degradation. Ukraine should make every effort to implement the sports management concept at the state level, which would include all sports, Olympic and amateur sports, would involve all segments of the population, and actively use digital technologies.


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9. Svagzdiene, Biruta & Pupkis Algirdas, (2020). organizing physical activity problematic events in the work of leisure time organisers: why and how? Humanities Studies: Collection of Scientific Papers. Zaporozhye: Zaporozhye National University. No. 3 (80). Pp. 112-121.

10. Akranglyte, Gintare, Andriukaitiene, Regina & Bilohur, Vlada. (2019). Formation of character and sportsman image as a competitive advantage in mass media. Zaporozhye: Zaporozhye National University. 2 (79). Pp. 115-136.

11. Sarnnas, Biciusas (2019). Factors for the preparation of high master athletes in sports organization staff context competences. Humanities Studies: Collection of Scientific Papers. Zaporozhye: Zaporozhye National University. No. 2 (79). Pp. 137-152.

12. Bilohur, Vlada (2019). Formation of innovative sports management concept in Ukraine. Humanities Studies: Collection of Scientific Papers. Zaporozhye: Zaporozhye National University. No. 1 (78). Pp. 27-38.

13. Jaruseviciene, Lina (2019). Development of cultural and sports activities in Lithuanian villages. Humanities Studies: Collection of Scientific Papers. Zaporozhye: Zaporozhye National University. No. 1 (78). Pp. 39-49.

14. Melnik, Victoria (2019). Agile-management 3.0 concept as technological progress development factor in the digital society. Humanities Studies: Collection of Scientific Papers. Zaporozhye: Zaporozhye National University. No. 1 (78). Pp. 130-139.

15. Nesterenko, Olena & Oleksenko, Roman (2020). Social philosophical reflection of an individual legal education philosophy as the basis for the democratic society functioning. Humanities Studies: Collection of Scientific Papers. Zaporozhye: Zaporozhye National University. No. 4 (81). Pp. 165-181.

16. Nikitenko, V. (2019). Digitalization impact on value orientations changes in the modern digital society. Humanities Studies: Collection of Scientific Papers. Zaporozhye: Zaporozhye National University. No. 2 (79). Pp. 80-94.

17. Nikitenko, Vitalina (2020). Evolution and further development in real world in the conditions of technological changes in the context of socio-philosophical discourse. Humanities Studies: Collection of Scientific Papers. Zaporozhye: Zaporozhye National University. No. 4 (81). Pp. 60-73.

18. Nikitenko, Vitalina, Andriukaitiene, Regina & Punchenko, Oleg (2019). Sustainable digital economical conceptual formation: challenges, threats, priorities. Zaporozhye: Zaporozhye National University. 1 (78). Pp. 140-153.

19. Rizhova, I. (2010). Needs' and interests' in design work formation. Humanitarian notice of Zaporozhye State Engineering Academy. No. 42. Pp. 247-258.

20. Cherep, Alla, Voronkova, Valentyna, Muts, Luai & Fursin, Alexander (2019). Information and innovation technologies as a improving the efficiency factor of digital economy and business in the Globalization 4.0. Humanities Studies: Collection of Scientific Papers. Zaporozhye: Zaporozhye National University. No. 1 (78). Pp. 170-181.

Список використаних джерел

1. Воронкова Валентина, Кивлюк Ольга, Романенко Татьяна, Рижова Ирина, Андрюкайтене Регина. Концептуализация smart-общества и smart-технологий в контексте развития современной цивилизации. Журнал Mokslas ir praktika: aktualijos ir perspektyvos Taptautine mokslinи-praktinи konferencija, 2017. С. 249-257.

2. Bilohur Vlada, Andriukaitiene Regina & Makieshyna Yuliia. Educational policy in the field of sport during the COVID-19 pandemic: challenges, threats, development trends. Humanities studies. Запоріжжя: ЗНУ, 2021. Вип. 7 (84). С. 65-74.

3. Bilohur Vlada, Andriukaitiene Regina. Sports culture as a means of improving the integrity of sports personality: philosophicalcultural and anthropological analysis. Humanities studies. Запоріжжя: ЗНУ, 2020.

4. Bilohur Vlada, Andriukaitiene Regina. Theoretical methodological sports reflection as a human dimension area of sports activity and possibilities of its humanization in the society. Humanities studies. Запоріжжя: ЗНУ, 2020. Вип. 5 (82). С. 132-146.

5. Lekavicius, Tomas. Management of human resources in a sports organisation from the point of view of employees (Управління людськими ресурсами в спортивній організації з точки зору співробітників). Humanities studies. Запоріжжя: ЗНУ, 2020. Вип. 5 (82). С. 147-159.

6. Skirmantas Sinkevicius, Svagzdiene, Biruta. Sustainability evaluation of sports events organized in lithuania (Оцінка стійкості спортивних засад, організованих у Литві). Humanities studies. Запоріжжя: ЗНУ, 2020. Вип. 5 (82). С. 160-171.

7. Bilohur Vlada, Andriukaitiene Regina. Philosophy of sports as a substance basis for the development of personality and expression of the general essence of competition (Філософія спорту як субстанційна основа розвитку особистості і вираження родової сутності змагальності). Humanities studies. Запоріжжя: ЗНУ 2020. Вип. 4 (81). С. 145-164.

8. Akranglyte Gintare, Andriukaitiene Regina, Bilohur Vlada. Formation of character and image of sportsman as a competitive advantage in mass media (continuation of the article №2, 2019). Humanities studies. Запоріжжя: ЗНУ. Вип. 3 (80). С. 92-111.

9. Svagzdiene Biruta, Pupkis, Algirdas. Problems of organizing physical activity events in the work of leisure time organisers: why and how? (Проблеми організації заходів з фізичної активності у роботі сфери дозвілля: чому і як?). Humanities studies. Запоріжжя: ЗНУ Вип. 3 (80). С. 112-121.

10. Akranglyte Gintare, Andriukaitiene Regina, Bilohur Vlada. Formation of character and image of sportsman as a competitive advantage in mass media. (Формування образу та іміджу спортсмена як конкурентної переваги у засобах масової інформації). Humanities studies. Запоріжжя: ЗНУ, 2019. Вип. 2 (79). С. 115-136.

11. Sarьnas, Biciusas. Factors for the preparation of high master athletes in the context of sports organization staff competences (Чинники підготовки спортсменів вищої майстерності в контексті компетенцій персоналу спортивних організацій). Humanities studies. Запоріжжя: ЗНУ, 2019. Вип. 2 (79). С. 137-152.

12. Bilohur Vlada. Formation of the concept of innovative sports management in Ukraine. (Формування концепції інноваційного спортивного менеджменту в Україні). Humanities studies. Запоріжжя: ЗНУ, 2019. Вип. 1 (78). С. 27-38.

13. JaruseviCienе Lina. Development of cultural and sporting activities in villages of Lithuania (Розвиток культурних і спортивних дій у селах Литви). Humanities studies. Запоріжжя: ЗНУ, 2019. Вип. 1 (78). С. 39-49.

14. Melnik Victoria. Agile-management 3.0 concept as a factor of technological progress development in the digital society. Humanities studies. Запоріжжя: ЗНУ, 2019. Вип. 1 (78). С. 130-139.

15. Nesterenko Olena, Oleksenko Roman. Social philosophical reflection of the individual legal education philosophy as the basis for the democratic society functioning (Соціально-філософська рефлексія філософії правового виховання особистості як основи функціонування демократичного суспільства). Humanities studies. Запоріжжя: ЗНУ, 2020. Вип. 4 (81). С. 165-181.

16. Nikitenko V. The impact of digitalization on value orientations changes in the modern digital society (Вплив цифровізції на зміни ціннісних орієнтацій у сучасному цифровому суспільстві). Humanities studies. Запоріжжя: ЗНУ, 2019. Вип. 2 (79). С. 80-94.

17. Nikitenko Vitalina. Evolution and further development of the real world in the conditions of technological changes in the context of socio-philosophical discourse. Humanities studies. Запоріжжя: ЗНУ, 2020. Вип 4 (81). С. 60-73.

18. Nikitenko Vitalina, Andriukaitiene Regina, Punchenko Oleg. Formation of sustainable digital economical concept: challenges, threats, priorities. Запоріжжя: ЗНУ 2019. Вип. 1 (78). С. 140-153.

19. Рижова І. С. Формування потреб та інтересів в дизайнерській діяльності. Гуманітарний вісник Запорізької державної інженерної академії. Запоріжжя, 2010. Вип. 42. С. 247-258.

20. Cherep Alla, Voronkova Valentyna, Muts Luai Faisal, Fursin Alexander. Information and innovation technologies as a factor of improving the efficiency of digital economy and business in the Globalization 4.0. Humanities studies. Запоріжжя: ЗНУ, 2019. Вип. 1 (78). С. 170-181.

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