Multi-channel trade influence in the logistics research context
The trends that have arisen in the model of realization of sales competences by companies-operators of the Ukrainian consumer market. Their impact on the behavior model of these subjects from the point of view of the application of management tools.
Рубрика | Менеджмент и трудовые отношения |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 30.06.2022 |
Размер файла | 35,8 K |
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Kharkiv national university of internal affairs
Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko national technical university of agriculture
Multi-channel trade influence in the logistics research context
Viktoria Fursa,
PhD (economics), associate professor
Tetiana Larina,
D. sc. (economics), professor
Valerii Danylenko,
PhD (economics)
The study presents in general terms the changes and trends that have emerged in the last decade and concerns the implementation of sales model in companies operating on the Ukrainian consumer market. It analyzes how the presented trends influence the above-mentioned entities' behavior model from the perspective of the use of certain operational and strategic management tools. The reasons for shifting priorities in the relations development within the structure of vertically integrated and vertically located entities with an eye to the realities of the consumer market new paradigm are indicated. The demand development features in the new conditions and changes that have occurred in the consumers' actions, as well as the accompanying prospects for the development of the consumer-expected competencies of the seller are highlighted. The facts of brand-new marketing and logistics practice dissemination are presented. This is about such a modern method of implementing sales competencies as sales through multi-channel retail networks and supply chains. The influence of new logistics and marketing tools on the nature of competitive relations within the studied market boundaries is also described. The reasons for the need to include new trade relations development trends in the program of scientific and methodological development of logistics and marketing strategies are revealed. As a result, the necessity of performing the conceptual and categorical apparatus synthesis for further research of e-Commerce practice is revealed and indicated. Based on the results obtained at the current stage, a system of indicators was established in order to identify the differences between the traditional single - channel sales methodology and the features of multi-channel supply chain management. When developing this system, it was decided to divide the indicators by their functional characteristics. To achieve the goal set in this study, the selection of indicators was focused on the logistics component of single - and multi-channel supply chains. The resulting set of indicators was used to perform a comparative analysis of the mentioned supply chains. Along with the direct results presented in the paper, the analysis allowed us to describe in general terms the differences between traditional stationary retail trade and trade using information technology tools. Among other things, the analysis of scientific sources on this topic allowed us to come to some conclusions about the advantages of using multi-channel sales systems.
Keywords: Supply Chain Management, Marketing Strategy, Logistics System, Multi-channel Trade, E-Commerce, Consumer Market.
Вплив багатоканальної торгівлі в контексті логістичних досліджень
Фурса Вікторія Анатоліївна кандидат економічних наук, доцент
Харківський національний університет внутрішніх справ
Ларіна Тетяна Федорівна доктор економічних наук, професор
Даниленко Валерій Володимирович кандидат економічних наук
Харківський національний технічний університет сільського господарства імені Петра Василенка,
У статті подано зміни і тенденції, які виникли в останнє десятиліття в моделі реалізації збутових компетенцій компаніями-операторами українського споживчого ринку. Проаналізо - вано вплив представлених тенденцій на модель поведінки даних суб'єктів з точки зору засто - сування деяких інструментів операційного та стратегічного менеджменту. Вказані причини зміщення пріоритетів при розвитку відносин у структурі вертикально -інтегрованих і вертикально розташованих суб'єктів з оглядкою на реалії нової парадигми споживчого ринку. Поз - начені особливості розвитку попиту в нових умовах і зміни, які відбулися в діях споживачів, а також супутні перспективи розвитку очікуваних споживачем компетенцій продавця. Наве - дено факти поширення практики використання такого сучасного методу реалізації збутових компетенцій як продажу через багатоканальні торговельні мережі та ланцюги поставок. Також охарактеризовано пов'язаний із зазначеними перетвореннями вплив нових інструментів ло - гістики та маркетингу на характер конкурентних відносин в межах досліджуваного ринку. Виявлено причини необхідності вписування нових тенденцій розвитку торговельних відносин у програму науково-методичних розробок логістичних та маркетингових стратегій. В резуль - таті, виявлена і позначена необхідність виконання синтезу понятійно - категоріального апарату для подальших досліджень практики електронної комерції. На основі отриманих на поточному етапі результатів, сформована система показників, покликана виявити відмінності між традиційною одноканальною методикою збуту і особливостями управління багатоканальними ланцюгами поставок. При розробці даної системи було прийнято рішення про поділ показників за їх функціональною ознакою. Для досягнення поставленої в даному дослідженні мети при виборі показників був зроблений акцент на логістичну складову одно - і багатоканальних ланцюгів поставок. Отримана система показників використовувалася для виконання компара - тивного аналізу зазначених ланцюгів поставок. Поряд з представленими в статті безпосередніми результатами, проведений аналіз дозволив у загальних рисах охарактеризувати відмін - ності між традиційною стаціонарною роздрібною торгівлею і торгівлею з використанням ін - струментів інформаційних технологій. До того ж, аналіз наукових джерел з даної тематики дозволив прийти до деяких висновків щодо переваг використання багатоканальних систем збуту.
Ключові слова: управління ланцюгами поставок, маркетингова стратегія, логістична система, багатоканальна торгівля, електронна комерція, споживчий ринок.
Влияние многоканальной торговли в контексте логистических исследований
Фурса Виктория Анатольевна кандидат экономических наук, доцент
Харьковский национальный университет внутренних дел
доктор экономических наук, профессор
Даниленко Валерий Владимирович кандидат экономических наук
Харьковский национальный технический университет сельского хозяйства имени Петра Василенко,
В статье в общем виде представлены изменения и тенденции, возникшие в последнее десятилетие в модели реализации сбытовых компетенций компаниями-операторами украинского потребительского рынка. Проанализировано влияние представленных тенденций на модель поведения данных субъектов с точки зрения применения некоторых инструментов операционного и стратегического менеджмента. Указаны причины смещения приоритетов при развитии отношений в структуре вертикально-интегрированных и вертикально расположенных субъектов с оглядкой на реалии новой парадигмы потребительского рынка. Обозначены особенности развития спроса в новых условиях и перемены, произошедшие в действиях по-требителей, а также сопутствующие перспективы развития ожидаемых потребителем компетенций продавца. Приведены факты распространения практики использования такого современного метода реализации сбытовых компетенций как продажи через многоканальные торговые сети и цепи поставок. Также охарактеризовано связанное с указанными преобразованиями влияние новых инструментов логистики и маркетинга на характер конкурентных от - ношений в границах изучаемого рынка. Выявлены причины необходимости вписывания новых тенденций развития торговых отношений в программу научно - методических разработок логистических и маркетинговых стратегий. В результате, обнаружена и обозначена необходимость выполнения синтеза понятийно-категориального аппарата для дальнейших исследований практики электронной коммерции. На основе полученных на текущем этапе результатов сформирована система показателей, призванная выявить различия между традиционной одноканальной методикой сбыта и особенностями управления многоканальными цепями поставок. При разработке данной системы было принято решение о разделении показателей по их функциональному признаку. Для достижения поставленной в данном исследовании цели при выборе показателей был сделан упор на логистическую составляющую одно - и многоканальных цепей поставок. Полученная система показателей использовалась для выполнения компаративного анализа упомянутых цепей поставок. На ряду с представленными в статье непосредственными результатами, проведенный анализ позволил в общих чертах охарактеризовать различия между традиционной стационарной розничной торговлей и торговлей с использованием инструментов информационных технологий. Кроме прочего, анализ научных источников по данной тематике позволил прийти к некоторым выводам относительно преимуществ ис - пользования многоканальных систем сбыта.
Ключевые слова: управление цепями поставок, маркетинговая стратегия, логистическая система, многоканальная торговля, электронная коммерция, потребительский рынок.
Main part
Introduction. Despite a long period of market transformation in the Ukrainian economy, there are rather progressive shifts in the supply logistics development when it comes to the consumer market. Since the late 2000s there have been occurring an active development of a new driver for changing the market supply system caused by the preceding change in the sales model. Market practice records the significant appearance and dissemination of such a phenomenon as multi-channel trading.
The emergence of multi-channel supply chains generates a number of significant and radical changes that were not observed in the previous period of institutional «maturation» of the consumer market. Hence, there is a need to create a solid theoretical basis for taking these changes into account while carrying out subsequent scientific research.
The object of this research is multi-channel supply chains of consumer markets goods in Ukraine.
The subject of the study is the fact of the multi-channel trading practices spread and the related determinants and conditions of logistics research.
The purpose of this study is to present a system of indicators used for a comparative analysis of the major economic characteristics involving both consumer market single-channel and multi-channel supply chains. Results of the analysis will be used to find fundamental differences in the principles, models, and mechanisms of the studied supply chains' operation.
The main task is to give recommendations on how to reflect the results obtained in the structure of modern logistics research.
Literature review. A lot of scientific works have been devoted to the development of trade relations both on modern Ukrainian consumer market and worldwide. In particular, the influence of this development on logistics concepts and tools was studied by I.P. Mischuk (2017). The scientist managed to identify the prevalence in modern markets of new logistics development areas related to the globalization of trade, the logistics outsourcing institutionalization, the increasing role and number of logistics providers, and the development of logistics entities based on the cluster model.
To a large extent, M. Christopher and H. Peck (Christopher & Peck, 2005) are considered to be the authors of the fundamental work about the XXI century markets qualitative transformation and the reorientation of marketing onto the customer relationship management using logistics tools. In their book, the researchers for the first time argumentatively criticized the relevance of traditional marketing «4Ps» and suggested, in their opinion, more competitive «3Rs»: responsiveness, reliability, relationships, as the basis of marketing logistics. Thereby, scientists have represented a conceptual basis for the development of modern logistics, focused on the ways in which customer service is used to achieve a competitive advantage.
Scientific and methodological approaches to the implementation of modern marketing techniques in companies from the point of view of logistics support were explored in detail by N.B. Il'chenko (2016). The scientist managed to represent and organize the main stages of an optimal logistics strategy development. Moreover, he designed a dynamic model of supply chain management and a model for placing an outsourcing based distribution center.
N.G. Mitsenko (2019) studied features of Ukrainian small commercial businesses operation and average parameters of commodity flows in this sector of the economy. The researcher identified factors that shape the logistics flows organization specifics in the retail segment. Those factors are expected to affect the requirements for logistics systems establishment and administration as well as their construction approaches options.
A number of works have also been devoted to the transformation of single-channel trade into the multi-channel and omni-channel ones, especially it concerns the English-speaking segment. B. Keillor (2007) is the author of a detailed theoretical apparatus for marketing multi-channel logistics. In his study, N. Roiter (2019) examines elaborately the advantages and disadvantages of single-channel and multichannel trade from a practical point of view. G. Kokoris (2013) examines the emerging controversial aspects of the implementation of fulfillment operations. M. Chan (2019) examines the operational side of the multi-channel strategy, e.g. automation processes, inventory control, returns and so on.
Research methodology. In order to justify the current research methodology, we consider it necessary to identify and ground the leading features of the supply chain operation both within the consumer market traditional retail setting and the system of multi-channel trade that is actively developing nowadays. In our opinion, this is helpful in terms of our analysis' scope determination.
In contrast to single-channel sales, the modern development of multi-channel supply chains has acted as a response, an effective alternative to traditional stationary retail. Thus, a comparison of single-channel and multi-channel supply chains shows that their development takes place in fundamentally different conditions of the competitive market environment, consumer behavior models, and so on.
All this causes significant differences when designing and operating single-channel and multi-channel supply chains, and hence carrying out the related research. Their comparative analysis is aimed to discover qualities due to which multi-channel sales are regarded to as a modern organizational and technologically more advanced form of sales management. Its development is considered to provide for the ongoing abolition of multi-link wholesale and retail systems that cannot be effectively developed only in an offline mode. For example, electronic and home appliance networks (, etc.) consider mobile sales as their basic priority. At the same time, Ukrainian online retailers also compete with international marketplaces (AliExpress, eBay), which are constantly increasing their market presence in Ukraine.
The catalyst for these changes is the development of Internet technologies, the use of which on the demand side increases the requirements of customers for any retail operator, which must form an equally advanced service both online and offline, eliminating any barriers that prevent the transition from one channel to another.
All of the above allows us to arrange a system of indicators for the single-channel and multi-channel supply chains comparative analysis, which is presented in this study.
Main results. Multi-channel sales are developing as a more efficient form of product supply to the consumer market. Despite the fact that the vast majority of purchases will occur in stationary retail, it is hybrid models of retail sales (multi-channel, integrated (omni-channel) that will create the most significant competitive advantage in the combat for the buyer (Guohe, 2020). The new sales model significantly transforms the loyalty of customers, almost half of whom (45%) are disloyal to the retailer and do not seek to make purchases primarily using the retailer they acquired products last time from.
Researches show (Singh, 2008) that consumers do not wait for sellers to get an offer, instead they invent multi-channel opportunities by themselves. Since most retailers have not yet established effective multi-channel models, consumers decide on their own, using different channels in the most convenient way. In other words, the purchasing behavior model in a multi-channel trade is actually a determinant of marketing and logistics when organizing multichannel sales. In stationary retail, this kind of causality is not visible.
So, as part of single-channel and multichannel supply chains operational and evolutional features' comparative analysis (Table 1, 2), we note the following.
In the period of crisis and the following consumer market destabilization, researchers' vector turned towards the leveling of the macroeconomic imbalance of consumer market retail system, for example in closed retail outlets (shopping malls) (Trishkina, 2017).
As noted by A.I. Zimina (2016), the reasons for such opportunities were: increased cost efficiency of supply logistics, as well as the transformation of the rental system in shopping centers and the transition of competition from the retail cluster to the real estate retail market. The aforementioned events are known to generate additional customer traffic and stabilize sales during cyclical fluctuations in demand.
Note that the traditional sales system development is strongly correlated with the development of the consumer market retail and logistics infrastructure, which are important components of the distribution network. In turn, the institutionalization of this network should be correlated with the development of demand, retail and a balanced macroeconomic policy implementation.
Table 1. Comparative analysis of sinlge - and multi-channel chains in terms of their operational features
Comparison indicator |
Single-channel chains |
Multi-channel chains |
Definition |
Refers to the use of one marketing channel to market a company's products and services. |
Refers to the use of more than one channel for a brands marketing and communication |
Organizational complexity |
Is simple to operate in terms of tracking inventory, customer service and shipping inventory. |
Requires good organizational infrastructure and discipline |
Technological complexity |
Low |
High. The chain is more complex, last mile logistics are diverse. Technological connection of the mainline logistics platforms - fulfillment - last mile operations. |
Institutional structure of trade and logistics links |
Prevalence of retail chains. Mainline transportation and supply of goods to retail outlets. |
Diverse: from online stores to marketplaces. Multi-link logistics: last mile, fulfillment, order processing, broadband last mile. |
Role and signify - cance of logistics |
Average |
High. Logistics as a driver and a relevant part of the product and service offer. |
Logistics and marketing interaction in the chain |
The importance of marketing is increasing |
Maintaining the parity of logistics and marketing in a complex system of omnichannel supply chains. Expanding the marketing functionality while gaining customers' loyalty. |
Logistics as part of a sales business model |
Logistics is an auxiliary function and it is not a part of the business model. The growth of added value occurs in numerous links in a chain. |
Logistics is a relevant part of the sales business model. It provides cost reduction, which is necessary for the online retail existence. |
Customer base |
Has a narrow customer reach |
Has a wide customer reach |
Model of consumer behavior |
High level of customer loyalty in offline mode. |
Low level of loyalty to the retailer. The buyer uses from 3 to 7 channels to search for and purchase the product. |
Parity of bargaining power in supply chains |
Low |
Even lower. Trade becomes dominant in the supply chain. |
The presence of such components, especially during a period of intense market growth and expansion, led to an unjustified increase in value added in the chain, a significant part of which was redistributed in favor of the trade and market infrastructure.
Table 2. Comparative analysis of sinlge - and multi-channel chains in terms of their developing features
Comparison indicator |
Single-channel chains |
Multi-channel chains |
Reasons for modern transformation |
The crisis and the contraction in final demand. The impact of e-Commerce. Increased competition. |
Changing the model of purchasing behavior. |
Market resistance |
Low. The margin is unevenly distributed among many links. During a crisis, the added value is reduced, some of the links go out, causing the destruction of the chain (franchise networks, etc.). |
High. The supply chain is short (direct sales system). The added value is optimal. During a crisis, these chains grow even faster due to price advantages and optimal cost levels. |
Innovations and technologies |
Low level of innovations |
High level of innovations |
Depth and speed of technological transformation |
Low |
High. Rapid transition from multichannel to integrated supply chains. |
Economic features of the market cycle of development |
The growth of the market and final demand, an increase in value added in the chain and an asymmetric shift in its accumulation center to trade. Increasing currency and market risks in retail, their translation into the final price of the product. |
Tougher competition, price pressure. Reduced demand, the need to create a highly competitive offer and progressive customer experience. |
Links length |
Long |
Short |
Price level |
High |
Low. Provide a lower price level at the chain output. |
Level of added value |
High |
Low |
Cost-efficiency |
Is cost-efficient as it uses one marketing channel |
Is expensive to operate and maintain. |
The operation efficiency criterion |
Minimum cost |
Maximum economic effect and value proposition. |
Dependence on infrastructure and its role in the supply chain |
High |
Low |
Offline and online influence |
Transition from online retail competition to a more efficient multichannel-integrated sales model. |
Initially, a strong impact on stationary retail. An evolutionary shift to a hybrid multi-channel trading model, and then omnichannel. |
Demand influence |
Low |
High. Demand creates the formats of communication access. |
From our point of view, the evolutionary leap in the development of supply chains and sales models today requires in-depth research on the operational logistics of multi-channel sales. According to I.L. Reshetnikova (2011), the institutional deformation of the consumer market supply system is characterized by a dialectic of contradictions, which is characterized by increased antagonism between trade and production FMCG-companies. We believe that this theoretical conclusion is less acceptable in relation to multi-channel trade and the current stage of supply chains market evolution.
First, the organizational and technological complexity of multi-channel sales brings to the fore issues of operational convergence of suppliers and multi-channel trade.
Second, trade is gaining market strength multiple times. Therefore, previous estimates of the disparity between the commodity producer's and trade operator's negotiating positions concerning the process of commodity and sales cooperation require revision. We believe that the development of online Commerce, international marketplaces and various trading platforms create the disposition of even less parity inter - action between the manufacturer and the trading company (Danylenko, 2020). When working with national online stores, domestic producers may have a stronger strategic positioning, but this example does not negate the resulting inference logic.
Third, the overall perception of trade business in the supply chain integration theory context changed. Not only is it understood now to be a focus company as a link that coordinates sales, but also as an operator providing end-to - end management of longer and more complex logistics. These are last-mile logistics, end-user delivery schemes, channel inventory management, connecting mainline and last-mile logistics platforms, fulfillment, and return logistics (Chukhraj, 2009).
In a multi-channel sales system, the supplier is not able to solve such complex logistics tasks independently. Moreover, changes in the logistics tasks of managing the production cycle occur directly under the influence of the sales operator that organizes multi-channel sales.
From our perspective, in online retail, supply chains have a higher level of market stability, added value is generated by a smaller number of links, and the main competitive advantage of such chains is a low exit price, which eliminates the practice of unjustifiably increasing profits.
A priori, we can assume that the development of online trading in the future will solve the problems of an increased level of added value in chains. These chains appeared on the market as a competitive alternative, an organizational counterweight to the traditional sales system. Whereas, the driver of their growth was precisely cost reduction through the development of a direct sales system, the elimination of links and optimization of logistics costs (Tarakanov & Makoveiev, 2015).
It can be stated that in the current phase of development, there is an increase in competitive tension in the system of commodity supply of the consumer market, where various sales channels and supply chains compete. In our opinion, this forms the specifics of the current phase of the market evolution of sales (Larina & Danylenko, 2018).
The comparison results show that multi - channel chains represent a functionally and organizationally more advanced type of supply chains that meet the requirements of the modern market as much as possible and allow operators to form an adequate product offer in the network of relevant sales channels.
Note that in the stationary system of wholesale and retail distribution recently, logistics no longer plays a key role and acts as its supporting component. In a more progressive and rap - idly growing practice of multi-channel sales, logistics is considered to be a driver of development, building new institutional and market shapes of logistics business, especially in the service of e-Commerce and last-mile logistics (Burdiak, 2018).
The role and importance of innovations in the logistics business, which are one of the basic conditions for development and market entry, for example, in the field of last-mile logistics, is multiplying. A similar trend, less pronounced in terms of innovation, has spread in the stationary commodity supply system, where overproduction of warehouse facilities coexists with a shortage of real providers who can effectively organize and manage commodity and distribution logistics (Ryzhikova, 2014; Hirzheva et al., 2019).
In general, we can summarize that in the real market practice today is undergoing a radical transformation of trade, diversification of sales model which entails a fundamental change in the consumer market supply system. In theory, this system is known to shape new configuration of supply chains, the offline and online sales components frameworks, and the commercial and logistics offline ratios.
Conclusion. From the logistics perspective, such factors as marketing, chain configuration, commodity operational management level and information flows, end-to-end management of the supply chain and inventory in sales channels, interaction with producers, multi-channel sales, in fact, represent a new evolutionary stage in the consumer market supply system development.
Thus, we can state that there has been a powerful shift in the consumer market supply chains evolution, which brings logistics to a new level of institutional, operational and technological development.
This main trend should be reflected in the structure of modern logistics research, the basic directions of which should be:
- analysis of conditions and opportunities for launching cost-effective models of multichannel trade services (fulfillment, last mile);
- development of systems for integrating online stores and logistics services, integration with delivery services, integration of mainline logistics platforms and last-mile logistics;
- development of new tools for logistics management of multi-channel sales, rationing and inventory accounting.
management sale competence consumer
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21. Chopra, S. (2018). The Evolution of Omni-Channel Retailing and its Impact on Supply Chains. Transportation Research Procedia, 30, 4-13. doi:
22. Forman, C., Ghose, A., & Goldfarb, A. (2009). Competition between local and electronic markets: how the benefit of buying online depends on where you live. Management Science, 55, 47-57. doi: https:/ / mnsc.1080.0932.
23. Neslin, S., & Shankar, V. (2009). Key Issues in Multichannel Customer Management: Current Knowledge and Future Directions. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 23, 70-81. doi: https:/ / 10.1016/j.intmar.2008.10.005.
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