Ethical issues IN AI use in hr management: russian experience
Tasks in HR management. Sources, nistory and types of artificial intelligence. The pace of introduction of IN AI. Ethical issues in the use of artificial intelligence. Replacing employees with IN AI. Cases of human discrimination by the IN AI system.
Рубрика | Менеджмент и трудовые отношения |
Вид | дипломная работа |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 07.07.2022 |
Размер файла | 59,3 K |
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The third problem is the collection, storage and confidentiality of data. All companies use technical organizational measures to protect data, both in the "cloud" and on servers: data encryption and support for 2-loop deployment, as well as to use the data, you must get access. Some of the data is also stored in an anonymous format. As for privacy, when answering the question about personal data, many employees referred to the law that regulates the storage, use and transfer of personal data of users. Thus, hypothesis 3 was not confirmed: when using AI systems in HR business processes in Russian companies, employees face the problem of data confidentiality. But it is worth noting that some companies collect data from chatlogs and task traker employees. AI systems collect data from employee work correspondence and programs that identify employee tasks. Thus, the system has data that is personal in nature, such as what employees think, how they communicate, with whom they communicate, what tasks they perform or do not perform, how fast they perform tasks, etc. Previous studies have noted that the best data came from data sources such as social media (Tambe, Cappelli and Yakubovich, 2019).
The introduction of many technologies based on artificial intelligence in HR requires special care at each stage of implementation. Predictive technologies should be exclusively advisory in nature, all employees should be informed about the specifics of the work of the artificial intelligence system and then independently decide whether they want to participate, because the personal data of the employee may be at risk.
Control over the development and implementation of artificial intelligence technologies in the HR field should be entrusted to the heads of companies, should also be under public and state control, and, of course, under the control of developers and scientists. Control should be carried out in accordance with different life criteria and have certain goals, and control should also contribute to the development of teamwork skills.
The preservation of value is possible if cultural and universal values, which are usually not subject to scientific standards, have been taken into account. Therefore, it is important that the control of the use of AI in the field of HR is carried out by government agencies. It would make sense for organizations to train employees through ethical courses on working with AI.
Artificial intelligence technologies in the field of HR are a source of improving the capabilities of employees. First, each employee has more free time, which they can spend on more important tasks, because the AI system will perform all the routine tasks for them. Secondly, employees have the opportunity to learn more easily and more easily, because they have access to extensive data. It is very important to note that you also need to monitor the communication processes of employees. Chatbots can help them get an answer to any question, but this weakens the employee's communication skills, therefore, it is necessary to maintain and control the function of social elevators. Another important aspect is to have feedback from the manager and employees to understand how the use of AI affects the emotional state and motivation to perform tasks better. One of the most important problems is the problem of data privacy. You need to set up multiple data access modes for different situations and usage purposes. AI is not perfect and makes mistakes and is responsible for them. AI programs should be equipped with anti-discrimination protections, because the value of human dignity is one of the main criteria for the efficiency and effectiveness of an employee. It is necessary to think carefully about the protection in AI to avoid discrimination on the basis of gender, to exclude racism, bullying and sexism.
It was mentioned above that employees working with AI technologies need to conduct ethical courses. This applies not only to employees of the HR department, but also to developers of AI programs, so that the NCITO of the above is not limited to basic knowledge. Control over this can be entrusted to state bodies and public control.
At the end of this chapter, we want to draw a conclusion about how the information we collect can help companies and employees use artificial intelligence technologies and ethical aspects. First, companies can pay attention to the results of our interviews and these recommendations, as well as to the information that all the ethical problems that exist in the artificial intelligence system are now struggling and trying to find solutions. For example, the problem of discrimination is considered one of the most complex problems that exists at a given time period, discrimination can be embedded in the data from the very beginning. Therefore, it is worth paying more attention to the criteria and factors that the AI model takes into account. Try to eliminate discriminating factors from the program in different ways. This information will be useful both for employees and for candidates who are trying to get a job, because in this work, a very important aspect was highlighted that such AI systems are only advisory in nature and it is up to the specialist to make the decision. Also, companies are now trying to form company standards for regulating internal rules, training personnel in this area and identifying violations.
Secondly, companies in this work should pay attention to the transparency of AI work, so that employees who work with AI technologies have the opportunity to check the criteria of AI systems for correctness and accuracy and, if necessary, eliminate an error in the model, if there is one, to reduce the likelihood of possible discrimination. Transparency is important for everyone, both for employees and for management, because employees must have confidence in the system, in other words, everyone should easily understand what the AI system does.
Third, companies may find useful information regarding data privacy. Each company stores a huge amount of data, both publicly available and confidential, which increases the risk of privacy violations. Companies in our work may point out that there are several options for how to improve data privacy, for example by adding uncertainty to the model so that attackers can't predict exactly what the model will do.
This study will be useful for managers from the point of view that they will be able to find out what systems and programs other companies use to systematize the work of staff, for example, Websoft HCM system, video analytics, which are effective assistants for HR managers. After reading our work, people will immediately be able to understand what shortcomings there are in already used systems, in other words, they will learn about all ethical problems and will approach the matter more responsibly if they decide to use these systems in practice in their companies.
Ethical issues are very important, because if you do not control the ethical spectrum in the work of AI, then the work of systems can only harm society and companies.
This research allowed us to understand how HR management employees relate to ethical issues when using AI systems and describe the AI tools in HR processes used in Russian companies. Based on the results obtained, we were able to give recommendations. In future research, we plan to use cognitive analysis to explore ethical issues when using AI tools in HR management.
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