A system of risk measurement principles in MNC performance management

Identification of signs of transnational companies. The article examined the main risks. Analysis of the risk management system in the companies "Severstal" and "Norilsk Nickel". The impact of an effective risk management system on the work of TNCs.

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A system of risk measurement principles in MNC performance management

Bryukhanova E.V., Veshkina K.P., Shvets V.A.


3 year, Faculty of International Economic Relations Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation Russia, Moscow


The article is aimed at identifying the feature of transnational companies. It is not always possible to determine the effectiveness of a corporation, since the opinions of scientists on this matter differ. It is difficult to deny the impact of a successful risk management system on the work of TNCs. The main risks were examined in the article. An analysis was made of the risk management system at "Severstal" and "Norilsk Nickel".

Key words: transnational companies, efficiency of transnational companies, risk management.

Брюханова Е.В., Вешкина К.П., Швец В.А.


3 курс, Факультет Международных Экономических Отношений Финансовый Университет при Правительстве Российской Федерации Россия, г. Москва



Статья нацелена на выявление признаков транснациональных компаний. Определить эффективность корпорации не всегда представляется возможным, поскольку мнения ученых на этот счёт расходятся. Сложно отрицать влияние эффективной системы управления рисками на работу ТНК В статье были рассмотрены основные риски. Был проведён анализ системы управления рисками в компаниях "Северсталь" и "Норникель"..

Ключевые слова: транснациональные компании, эффективность транснациональных компаний, управление рисками.

TNCs can be defined as enterprises (financial and industrial associations) that own production or service complexes located outside the country in which these corporations are based. These complexes can only be controlled by a corporation without ownership. Such corporations transform the world economy into international production, ensure the acceleration of scientific and technological progress and actively use the tendencies of the international division of labor. A single decision-making center is located in the home country, while the corporation's branches are also located in other countries (two or more). [3]

In other words, TNCs are corporations that were able to carry out their activities outside the state where the company was located, where it originated.

TNCs are inherent in the relative independence of the international movement of capital from the processes taking place in the home country of the parent company. Also among the features can be identified centralized management. At the same time, each branch has a certain degree of independence.

There is still disagreement in the scientific community about which organizations can be considered TNCs. It is not always possible to establish the fact of using an international approach in managing a company. For this reason, narrower definitions exist. transnational risks management

For example, the UN methodology suggests the following criteria:

Asset structure (the percentage of sales sold outside the country where the parent company is based).

The annual turnover of the company must be more than 100 million dollars, branches must be in at least six countries.

The final version of the criteria provided by the UN Commission on TNCs [4]:

o branches, representative offices, subsidiaries in at least one country other than the country where the parent organization is based; at the same time, the form of organization and the field of its activity in a foreign country does not matter;

o the company operates within a decision-making system that allows for a coherent policy and implementation of a common strategy through one or more command centers;

o individual units of the TNC are connected through ownership or otherwise in such a way that one or more units can have a significant impact on the activities of others, as well as share knowledge, resources and responsibility between the units of the TNC.

Comparing the definitions from the beginning with these criteria, we can conclude that there are no strict rules for classifying an organization as a TNC. It is enough to have a representative office in one country in addition to the state where the head office of the company is based. The leading center of the company may be not one, but several, depending on the organization of activities within the TNC. In other words, a TNC is not necessarily a company with a single center and representative offices in several countries.

Unlike national companies with foreign representative offices, TNCs have special sources of financing for economic activities, including:

* access to natural resources, capital and knowledge, R&D results (as opposed to companies that receive foreign resources through export-import transactions);

• the possibility of locating enterprises, taking into account the size of the domestic market of the country where a separate branch or representative office is located, as well as taking into account the pace of economic development, the state of the labor market, and the development of infrastructure;

• the possibility of competent distribution of capital, including the use of borrowed funds in the countries where branches are located;

• awareness of the conjuncture of commodity, currency and financial markets in various states (allows you to quickly transfer flows to countries where conditions are formed for obtaining maximum profit);

• international management experience;

• production diversification.

Summing up, there is no universal definition, because the criteria are rather vague. However, a number of mandatory conditions can be identified. The company must have branches in at least two countries. All structural units in other countries must have a certain level of independence, but at the same time be interconnected (decision at one point affects all others). The company should have centralized management, it is possible to have several points for managing the activities of branches and representative offices.

The concept of the effectiveness of TNCs is also not defined, opinions on this matter vary. The approaches of scientists have changed with the development and evolution of transnational corporations.

Different views on the concept of the effectiveness of a TNC: [5]

P. Buckley, M. Kesson, J. McManus (1960s) saw the effectiveness of TNCs as the maximization of the profits of the corporation as a whole, and not its individual links, as well as the presence of a global strategy.

R. Robinson in 1966 thought that efficient TNC operates in the interests of the home country. In the same year the measure of diversification of its production activities was noted as a measure of the effectiveness of TNCs by K. Christensen, B. Scott, E. Lerid, K. Andrius, J. Stopford, W. Guth.

J. Diebold in 1970s constructed the list of features of an effective TNC which is based on the balance of the following points:

1) Access to resource sources; 2) Identification of global economic trends; 3) Gaining access to foreign markets; 4) Prevent competitors from capturing foreign markets and sources of raw materials; 5) Bypassing the national antimonopoly legislation of the home country of the TNC; 6) Minimizing the impact of cyclical fluctuations in the economy in the country; 7) Realizing the benefits of a fully integrated system for conducting large-scale economic transactions.

J. Rosenau, R. Keohan, J. Knight (1972): "An efficient TNC is characterized by a lack of connection with sovereignty." Same year, W. Dumeza: "The effectiveness of TNCs is caused by the special structure of TNCs."

N. Hood and S. Young (1979) believed that the efficiency depends on high level of technology; industrial organization; managerial personnel of a wide profile; access to sources of capital in various financial markets, the ability to profitably maneuver and use fluctuations in exchange rates; access to sources of raw materials.

Moving to the 1980, C. Bartlett, S. Joshal, D. Birkinshaw made association between increase in efficiency and its structure: "The increase in the efficiency of TNCs is associated with an increase in its structure - from multinational to transnational." From point of view of A. Scott, M. Stolper and R. Walker (1988), effective TNC creates the conditions for successful activity by itself. I. van Staveren, 1990: "Efficient TNC minimizes resource use and associated environmental damage."

Based on various definitions of efficiency, a number of conclusions can be drawn. First, attention is paid to completely different aspects of the activities of TNCs. Secondly, scientists focus on some features of the work, losing sight of others. Also, most of them mention the monopolistic nature of corporations and hence the resulting competitive advantage. This is happening due to the lack of an integrated approach in the analysis of the main factors that affect efficiency.

In their activities, transnational corporations (TNCs) face risks more often than companies operating only in national markets. This circumstance makes risk management in the course of international financial management especially relevant. Risk is one of the most complex economic categories. We believe that a clear distinction between uncertainty and probability leads to understanding the essence of risk. Uncertainty is not quantifiable, being immeasurable. On the contrary, probability, which is the possibility of obtaining any result, is measurable. Distinguishing between the concepts of uncertainty and probability allows us to characterize risk as a probabilistic event, that is, a quantifiable probability of a particular outcome.

Transnational corporations in their financial activity face both risks common for all business areas and specific risks typical for international operations.

Industrial safety is the countermeasure of choice at any hazardous facility, such as oil and gas and nuclear power plants. They are used to protect people, industrial plants and the environment in case a process goes beyond the permissible control limits.

Hazards in the workplace and employee safety are always on a plant manager's mind, including what can be done to prevent workplace injury. A significant factor towards enticing employees to work for you is providing a safe environment to work in and the promise of support if something should happen. With OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) conducting random inspections of the workplace, safety and consistent workplace conditions are fundamental for continued employee safety and passed regulations. There are countless situations that can be hazardous for manufacturing companies, following are the top five: falls; machine guarding; Powered Industrial Trucks; electrical hazards; lockout

Shortage of raw materials. Raw materials are important to all companies that have anything to do with converting raw materials into products. For all companies, however, the availability of raw materials is important. If there are problems with the supply of raw materials, the market mechanism can shift demand to other products. These changes can lead to financial damage in any company. Unfortunately, the ex post facto response is limited by the far-reaching impact of resources. It is resources that set the possible structure of the supply chain as well as the appropriate production technology. The magnitude of these effects means that a purely reactive response will be limited and may not be productive.

Changes in price. Raw material prices have risen sharply over the past year, mainly due to the global pandemic and the trade policies of the previous administration that threatened the manufacturing sector, which has not reduced the risks associated with rising material prices. This is a very important risk that should not be underestimated. Prices can change because of various events and even because of the highest percentage of growth. Even the largest corporations suffer from high material prices because COGS go up, but you can't raise prices much.

Strategic risks. Strategic risks are the risks that arise from the fundamental decisions directors make about the organization's goals. In essence, strategic risks are the risks of not achieving those business goals. Strategic risks are determined by the board's decisions regarding the goals and direction of the organization. Therefore, the board's strategic planning and decision-making processes must be thorough.

If risk management is to be effective and efficient, the board must understand the major risks that are associated with its strategies and the major challenges that may arise in its operations. Risk and initiative cannot be separated from business decision-making; however, directors can provide a broad view of risk management and thereby limit the trouble that risk can cause.

Legal risk is the likelihood of financial or reputational loss resulting from a lack of knowledge (or misunderstanding) of how the law applies to your business, or operating with a reckless indifference to the law and how it applies.

Legal risk management starts with identifying possible threats, which could cause loss or disruption to your business, enabling you to implement processes to minimize or negate them.

First, compile a list of potential legal risks. Once identified, analyze each risk to determine how likely it is to impact your business, and how severe the impact would be.

Impact is typically measured and prioritized by financial impact, with priority given to the most potentially expensive risks. However, other factors such as reputational damage and cultural impact are also important.

Information security risk is the potential for vulnerabilities in assets to be exploited by a specific threat to cause damage to the organization.

Most data leaks are due to employee misunderstandings of the possible consequences of an IS breach. Example: sending commercial information over an unsecured communication channel. Network attacks are usually deployed to steal business secrets, spy on competitors, disable critical resources for the victim, etc.

The human factor includes not only human error, but also deliberate actions that cause confidential information to spread. An IS incident can severely damage the budget and reputation of a company, up to and including bankruptcy. In order to minimize the likelihood of incidents, a set of preventive measures is taken to reduce risks.

It is worth considering risk management at PJSC Severstal in order to better understand how and for what purpose it is carried out. Severstal is a Soviet and Russian steel and mining company that owns the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant, the second largest steel plant in Russia. Severstal's activities are subject to certain risks. Effective risk control is one of the most important elements of the company's work and strategy. Accurate and timely identification, assessment and risk management support the decision-making process at all levels of management and ensure the achievement of strategic goals and key performance indicators.

Severstal's risk management system is aimed at identifying, managing and reducing the risk of failure to achieve the company's strategic goals. Senior management, managers and employees of the Company at all levels participate in risk management on an ongoing basis and perform the relevant duties assigned to them within the framework of this process. In their work, the Board of Directors and all employees are required to strictly adhere to the Company's risk management policies and standards. The company has implemented a formalized risk management structure that provides for a clear division of functions and responsibilities and an accountability procedure for the Board of Directors, Audit Committee, Executive Committee and Risk Management Service. [1]

Identification and assessment of risks

Severstal takes into account all risks that may affect its business, customers, supply chain and local population. The Company has implemented a formalized risk identification and management process aimed at continuous identification, assessment and, if possible, neutralization of risks associated with the economy as a whole and with the Severstal sector in the course of daily activities. The risk management system works effectively and supports a comprehensive assessment by the Board of Directors of the main risks faced by the company. The main risks are analyzed throughout the year and discussed at meetings of the Board of Directors at least twice a year.

Main risks

Severstal divides the main risks into the following categories: occupational safety, industrial safety and ecology; strategic; market; as well as legal risks associated with changes in legislation and regulation.

Table 1. Main risks of "Severstal"

Main risks

The nature of the risk

Measures to eliminate risks

Overall change from the previous report

Risks related to

occupational safety,

industrial safety and ecology - safety

Severstal operates in industries with

hazardous production factors, where fire and explosion hazards are among the risks. At some enterprises, there are factors such as a high concentration of methane or the risk of collapses in mines, the risk of injury when moving on foot and an increased risk of injury during routine

maintenance in

metallurgical workshops.

Careful monitoring of compliance with

comprehensive health and safety policies. Regular screening of all employees for

awareness of health and safety risks using a polygraph; Thorough analysis of the root causes of all security problems and the implementation of

appropriate measures to eliminate them;

Continuous training, staff awareness and behavioral training.

There are no changes, the constant focus of management on

improving security

leads to an

improvement in

employee behavior, the LTIFR coefficient and other safety indicators.

Market risk - changes in demand for steel

Domestic demand

depends on the

economic situation in the country.

Investments in fixed assets and industrial production in Russia are still at risk of further decline due to low oil prices and high

uncertainty. There is also a risk of the return of the coronavirus (or its modifications), which may require the

introduction of a stricter quarantine. With a decrease in domestic demand, the need for more exports, which are less profitable, will increase. Demand in international markets has seriously dropped due to the pandemic.

Customer-oriented sales; Optimization of the geographical

structure of sales; Search for new markets for products;

Concentration on the most stable segments with higher added value.

The risk is increasing, the coronavirus

pandemic has

significantly worsened the economic situation in Russia and in the world and has led to a drop in global demand for steel.

Market risk -

fluctuations in steel prices

Export prices and profitability have fallen due to the coronavirus pandemic, the

continuing excess of production capacity on a global scale, the tightening of

protectionist barriers and the deterioration of

Customer orientation; Use of long-term contracts; Interaction with anti-dumping and tariff regulation


The risk increases; the ongoing uncertainty and the risk of other

countries imposing

duties to protect their steel industry as a result of the economic

consequences of the coronavirus.

the economic situation in the world.

Strategic risk --

possible actions of

public authorities

High uncertainty in the global political arena can lead to a significant disruption of "normal" economic activity.

There is also a risk of imposing additional

sanctions against

Russian individuals and enterprises, which may create obstacles to interaction with a wide range of partners.

Interference response and business

sustainability plans;

Regulatory compliance procedures.

The risk is increasing, although in general this risk is not controlled by Severstal, procedures are provided to ensure that the Company complies with all requirements related to sanctions.

Legal risks and risks related to government regulation - taxation

Despite the almost complete codification, the norms of the legislation of the

Russian Federation on taxes and fees are constantly changing. Every year, a whole set of new provisions of tax legislation comes into force, amendments are made to previously existing norms, while some of the changes improve the situation of the taxpayer, and some of them worsen it.

Severstal carries out its activities in strict accordance with the current tax, customs, currency and other legislation, monitors and responds promptly to changes in it, and also strives for a

constructive dialogue with regulatory

authorities in matters of interpretation of legal norms.

There have been no significant changes in the discussions on raising taxes on mining and metallurgical


Assessment of prospects

Severstal uses an annual planning process, which includes the preparation of short-term (for one year) and longer-term (for five years) financial forecasts. These plans and potential risks for their implementation are considered by the Board of Directors as part of the strategy review and budget approval processes. The Board of Directors assesses the sustainability of the business for a three-year period. The assessment considers negative, but probable scenarios, during which the potential impact of each of the main risks that can materialize during the estimated period is established, for example, a prolonged decline in prices and demand for steel, a significant increase in protectionism that hinders the profitable export of Severstal products, as well as a period of instability of the Russian economy that can lead to a fall demand for steel. The main risks directly related to the assessment of business sustainability are noted in the table of main risks above. In the scenarios under consideration, it is assumed that the company's management is acting appropriately. [2]

Based on the above, the Board of Directors confirms its reasonable expectation that the Group will be able to continue operating and fulfill its obligations in a timely manner until December 31, 2024. The Board of Directors makes this statement based on the following assumptions:

1) The Group currently has access to the global debt market and relies on its ability to finance production assets in the required volume. The Group's forecasts for the next 5 years are not designed for long periods of limited access to global debt markets and long periods of negative conditions in these markets.

2) In 2022, the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant plans to produce about 11.6 million tons of steel. At the same time, taking into account the projected global recession in the domestic and foreign markets associated with the coronavirus pandemic, the distribution between the markets will be based on the current market conditions of metal products and raw materials. Despite this, the priorities for interaction with key consuming industries (automotive industry, pipe enterprises, mechanical engineering and construction) remain unchanged.

3) In case of materialization of several risks and their excessive impact on the Group, such measures as restriction of capital investments and reduction or termination of payment of dividends to shareholders will be taken in a timely manner. The Company assumes that it has processes in place to identify the need for such actions, if necessary.

It is impossible not to take into account the recent events that have greatly affected the Russian economy. There is a considerable probability that PJSC Severstal will lose access to several export markets, but not to all.

Another transnational company that is worth analyzing is "Nornickel"

The Company regularly manages risks that can affect the strategic and operational goals of its activities. This process consists of the following steps: identification of risks that have external and (or) internal sources of occurrence; assessment of risks in terms of their impact on key financial and non-financial indicators; development and implementation of measures to prevent risks and (or) minimize their consequences. [8]

The Company has identified the following main objectives of risk management: increasing the likelihood of achieving the set goals; improving the efficiency of resource allocation; increasing the investment attractiveness and shareholder value of the Company.

In relation to production and infrastructure risks, the Company develops, approves and updates business continuity plans, which, in the event of an emergency, are determined in the following order: the procedure for interaction between departments in order to save people, minimize damage to property, and process stability; a plan to maintain or restore current activities; a plan to restore or reconstruct a damaged asset.

All risks of the Company are inherently related to the strategic and operational goals of development and maintenance of activities. The degree of impact of key risks on the Company's ability to achieve its goals varies for different risks. Also, some risks simultaneously affect the achievement of several goals. A description of the objectives that key risks affect is given in the description of the risks themselves below:

Main risks

Main risk factors

Influence on the development strategy of the company

Measures taken by the company to minimize the risk

Price risk - falling market

prices for

produced metals due to global market conditions

Degree of

influence on

goals: high.

Risk source:


Dynamics in

assessment (compared to the previous year): no change.

Fall in demand for metals produced by the Company. Slowdown in the growth rates of the world economy in general and in the countries that consume metals

produced by the Company, in particular. Imbalance of supply and demand in the metal markets

Strengthening and

monetization of the Company's leading

role in the nickel and palladium markets

Regular analysis and forecast of the dynamics of supply and demand for base metals; providing key consumers with a guarantee of raw material supply by concluding long-term contracts for the supply of metals with a fixed volume of supplies; working with other nickel and platinum group metal (PGM) producers to work with the Nickel Institute and the International PGM Association to protect and expand demand for nickel and PGM.

If the price risk materializes, the Company will consider whether it is appropriate to reduce capital expenditures

Market risk - reducing the

attractiveness of the company's

products on the market

Degree of

influence on

goals: high.

Source of risk: mixed.

Dynamics in

assessment: no


Increasing requirements for product quality from the market. Competition from other manufacturers

producing forms of nickel at a lower cost.

Strengthening and

monetization of the Company's leading

role in the nickel and palladium markets

The company interacts with market participants to monitor changes in market requirements for product quality; provides industry and geographic diversification of sales of steel products; ensures the improvement and diversification of the product range; is considering partnerships with key EV battery manufacturers; provides strategic cooperation with automakers on the basis of guarantees of long-term supplies of palladium; analyzes market requirements for product quality; searches for partners - key manufacturers of batteries for electric vehicles

Information security risks

Degree of

influence on

goals: high.

Source of risk: mixed.

Growing external threats. Unfair competition. High rates of development of the Company's IT infrastructure and automation of

technological and business processes. Illegal actions by employees of the Company and/or third parties

Reducing the risks of information security and cyber attacks on the Company's

automated process

control systems


The Company ensures compliance with the requirements of the current legislation and regulators regarding the protection of personal data, trade secrets, insider information, critical information

infrastructure; classification of information assets and assessment of information security risks; raising awareness in the field of information security of employees; protection of assets by technical means of

Dynamics in

assessment: no


information security and management of access to information assets; information security of process control systems;

monitoring threats to information security and the operation of technical means of protection, including vulnerability analysis, penetration testing, cryptographic protection of communication channels, access control to alienated devices, protection against leaks of confidential information, mobile device management; development of a regulatory framework for information security;

organization and certification of the information security management system of the Company

Technical and

production risk

Degree of

influence on

goals: medium. Source of risk:


Dynamics in

assessment: risk


Difficult natural and climatic conditions, such as low temperature, storm wind, snow load. Unscheduled shutdowns of the main equipment due to

depreciation of fixed assets. Release of explosive gases and flooding of mines. Collapse of structures of buildings and structures. Failure of infrastructure facilities


implementation of the program for the

production of finished products (metals).

Timely delivery of products to consumers

The company ensures the correct and safe operation of assets; development of a system for ranking and assessing the criticality of the main industrial assets; timely renewal of fixed assets in order to maintain a given level of production reliability; introduction of automated control systems for the technological parameters of equipment operation, the use of modern engineering controls; improvement of the maintenance and repair system; systematic work to identify and assess technical and production risks, implementation of a program of organizational and technical measures to reduce these risks.

Summing up, for the effective operation of TNCs, regardless of the vision of the concept of "efficiency", it is necessary to be able to manage risks and at least try to minimize their impact on the work of a company. Since many transnational companies have been on the market for years, they have well-established schemes for dealing with emerging difficulties, the main ones of which have been developed above.


1. Severstal Annual Report 2017 [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: https://reports.severstal.com/2017/rus/strategic_report/at_glance/index.phtml

2. Severstal annual report 2020 [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: https://e-disclosure.ru/portal/files.aspx?id=30&type=2

3. Goncharov V. V. The concept of a transnational company // Moscow Economic Journal. 2021. №5 (407)

4. Report on World Investments. 2005. Transnational Corporations and the Internationalization of R&D / United Nations, New York; Geneva. 2005.

5. Kondratiev N.I. Efficiency of transnational corporations: evolution of views of domestic and foreign researchers // Bulletin of Chelyabinsk State University. 2014. №5 (334)

6. Mamedov A.O. Financial Risks of Transnational Corporations // Siberian Financial School. 2006. №4

7. Novikova D.A., Vorobyeva N.V. Activity of foreign transnational corporations in Russia // Kant. 2013. №3 (9)

8. Risk Management Nornickel [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: https://ar2019.nornickel.ru/risks-and-control/risk-management

9. Romashkin T.V. Formation and development of TNCs in the conditions of globalization // Publishing Center "Nauka" LLC. 2016.

10. Transnational corporations. Vol. 14, no. 3, December 2005 / United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Division of Investment, Technology and Enterprise Development [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: http s://digitallibrary. un .org/record/565637

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  • Сущность понятия healthcare management, опыт его использования в зарубежных компаниях. Применяемые в данной системе методы и приемы, условия и возможности их использования в отечественных реалиях. Разработка и внедрение программы управления здоровьем.

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  • The concept and features of bankruptcy. Methods prevent bankruptcy of Russian small businesses. General characteristics of crisis management. Calculating the probability of bankruptcy discriminant function in the example of "Kirov Plant "Mayak".

    курсовая работа [74,5 K], добавлен 18.05.2015

  • Organizational structure of the company. Analysis of the external and internal environment. Assessment of the company's competitive strength. Company strategy proposal. Structure of implementation and creation of organizational structure of management.

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  • Improving the business processes of customer relationship management through automation. Solutions the problem of the absence of automation of customer related business processes. Develop templates to support ongoing processes of customer relationships.

    реферат [173,6 K], добавлен 14.02.2016

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