Determination of ways of development of the enterprise of the heat power industry

The strategy of ensuring the economic development of the enterprise. Creation of a system of measures aimed at achieving efficiency parameters of electric power enterprises. Restoration of the technical potential of the CHP and heat supply of the city.

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Dniprovsky state technical university

Department of management of organizations and administration

National university of food technologies

Department of labour economics and management

Determination of ways of development of the enterprise of the heat power industry

Karimov H., PhD in Ec., Ass. Professor

Zienina-Bilichenko A., PhD in Ec., Ass. Professor

Zvonarova K., Postgraduate student

Kyiv, Kamianske


In market conditions, to ensure the economic development of enterprises are forced to constantly monitor and increase the economic efficiency of their activities. The strategy of the enterprises of the electric power industry should provide for the creation of a comprehensive system of measures aimed at achieving promising efficiency parameters.

The level of profitability is most affected by the size of production costs, which indicates significant amount production costs, but the technical potential of CHP is not exhausted, which allows to increase the load on existing equipment of enterprise.

In addition, the market position is not clearly assigned to the enterprise, which allows for the development of a new market niche in the form of the left bank of the city. The results of the restoration of the heating system on the right and left banks will allow the enterprise to become an integral part of the city's infrastructure.

Keywords: heat power, enterprise, CHP, development, heat supply.


Визначення шляхів розвитку підприємства теплоенергетичної галузі

Карімов Г.І., к.е.н., доцент, Звонарьова К.А., аспірант; кафедра менеджменту організацій і адміністрування, Дніпровський державний технічний університет, м. Кам'янське

Зєніна-Біліченко А.С., к.е.н., доцент, кафедра економіки праці та менеджменту, Національний університет харчових технологій, м. Київ

В умовах ринку для забезпечення економічного розвитку підприємства змушені постійно контролювати і підвищувати економічну ефективність своєї діяльності. Стратегія підприємств електроенергетичної галузі має передбачати створення комплексної системи заходів, спрямованих на досягнення перспективних параметрів ефективності, реалізацію головної мети підприємства. Ситуація з енергозбереженням та ефективністю використання паливно-енергетичних ресурсів, що склалася на сьогодні у системі комунальної теплоенергетики (як в регіоні так і в цілому в країні), на всіх рівнях управління визнана проблемно-критичною. Низька конкурентоспроможність підприємств комунальної теплоенергетики гальмує її самостійний розвиток та модернізацію, що визначає актуальність теми дослідження.

Детальний розгляд різних аспектів фінансового стану ПАТ ДТЕЦ вказує на присутність кризових явищ у його діяльності; підприємство не є рентабельним протягом всіх років аналізованого періоду; в цілому фінансово-господарський стан товариства можна вважати незадовільним. На рівень рентабельності більш за все впливає розмір виробничої собівартості, що свідчить про значні витрати на виробництво, але технічний потенціал ТЕЦ не вичерпаний, що дає змогу збільшувати навантаження на існуюче обладнання підприємства. Крім того, позиція на ринку чітко не закріплена за підприємством, що дає змогу для освоєння нової ринкової ніші у вигляді лівобережної частини міста.

Згідно виконаним дослідженням, після повного відновлення системи теплозабезпечення правого і лівого берегу з'явиться можливість відновити гаряче водопостачання і перейти до його цілорічного надання. Це дасть змогу теплоелектроцентралі працювати весь рік без переходу на літній період, що призводить до: зменшення питомих витрат палива на відпуск електричної енергії, збільшення виробітку теплової та електричної енергії, здешевлення вартості виробництва теплової та електричної енергії через повне завантаження існуючого обладнання. Результати розвитку підприємства дозволять йому стати невід'ємною частиною інфраструктури міста.

Ключові слова: теплоенергетика, підприємство, ТЕЦ, розвиток, теплопостачання.

Formulation of the problem

The strategy of the enterprises of the electric power industry should provide for the creation of a comprehensive system of measures aimed at achieving promising efficiency parameters, realization of the main goal of the enterprise. Among the main ways to increase the efficiency of the enterprise allocate directions - organizational, technological and resource [1].

Within the organizational direction, the search for opportunities to improve the efficiency of those processes that take place in the enterprise. Within the technological direction, the main thing is the solution is the problem of technical and technological re-equipment, which has two components: tangible and intangible. The resource direction reflects the urgent need to analyze the efficiency of the use of the existing material base of production and living labor. With it should take into account the level of equipment loading over time, the structure of the cost of production, in terms of the ratio of particles in it: of depreciation, material costs, labor costs. These main directions and determine the ways of development of the enterprises of the heat power industry.

Analysis of the recent researches and publications. Some components factors of the problem of enterprise development, as "qualitative change of the internal aggregate of functionally interconnected elements, connections and dependencies of the object" [2, с. 453] studied by well- known domestic and foreign scientists N.V. Afanasjjev [3], M. Aljbert, O.L. Ghaponenko [4], V.V. Iljjin [5], E.A. Jerokhyna [6], F. Khedoury, I.V. Kononenko [7], E.M. Korotkov [8], Ju.I. Kulaghin, M.O. Kyzym, Ju.S. Maslechenkov [9], M. Meskon [10], A.P. Pakrukhyn, V.S. Ponomarenko [11], A.V. Prakhovnyk, O.V. Rajevnjeva [12], V.D. Roghozhyn, V.I. Rudyka, O.V. Shubravsjka [13], E.A. Smyrnov [14], Snizhko S.V. [1], O.M. Trydid, V.O. Vasylenko [15], L.D. Zabrodsjka [16].

Along with significant scientific of achievements of theoretical and applied research of enterprise development as a of qualitative positive change of the system, outside frontier of the research of remained some of its components, concerning features of development of the enterprises of certain branches.

Formulation of the goals of the article. Determination actual of ways of development of the enterprise of the heat power industry and their justification for the local environment.

Presentation of the main research material

Enterprise JSC „DCHP” is a typical representative of the heat power industry of the country. The main ways activities of the enterprise are the housing-communal and industrial enterprises of the right bank of the city.

The main types of products are production of electricity and heat energy (the structure of production is shown in the fig. 1). The supply of heat energy to consumers is carried out in accordance with the temperature schedule. The main and only supplier of raw materials (natural gas) for the company is PJSC "Naftogaz of Ukraine" [17].

Fig. 1. The structure of production

strategy technical potential electric power enterprise

Analyzing the economic efficiency activities of the enterprise, first of all, consider the main technical-economic indicators (are given in the tabl. 1), for to determine the status and prospects for further development.

After analyzing the main technical-economic indicators activities of the enterprise you can formulate the main problems and ways to solve them [18].

First, a significant problem of activity is the insufficient number of current assets, including cash. This fact takes place for the following reasons: tariffs for thermal energy production are approved National Commission implementing state regulation in the energy and communal services [19] according to previous years, were unprofitable, and significant debt of the buyer - reseller of heat energy - the municipal enterprise of the city council.

Secondly, the main problem is the downtime of equipment, inefficient use of enterprise capacity. To solve this problem, the enterprise needs to increase production. This is possible only through increased consumption, i.e. the familiarization of new markets [20]. This will reduce the cost of production by increasing the load on the equipment, i.e. the enterprise will receive more profit. This and is the main opportunity to improve the financial condition of the enterprise.

Table 1

Technical-economic indicators activities of combine heat power plant










Planned generation electric energy

mln kWh



Electric energy delivery tariff

UAH / kWh



The cost of electric energy supplied

mln UAH



Consumption of electric energy the for own needs

mln kWh





Planned specific fuel consumption on delivery electric energy






The amount of fuel used

ths. m3/ ton





Fuel price for delivery electric energy with transportation,

UAH /ths. m3


excluding VAT

UAH / ton



The cost of fuel used for delivery electric energy, excluding VAT

mln UAH



The cost of conditional-fixed costs

mln UAH



Costs generation electric energy

mln UAH



The cost of electric energy

kop/ kWh



Profit from production electric energy

mln UAH




Planned generation heat energy

ths. Gcal



Heat energy delivery tariff

UAH / Gcal



The cost of heat energy supplied

mln UAH


kgce / Gcal



Planned specific fuel consumption on generation heat energy

ton /Gcal


kg /Gcal



The amount of fuel used






Fuel price for delivery heat energy with transportation,

UAH /ths. m3


excluding VAT

UAH / ton



The cost of fuel used for delivery heat energy, excluding VAT

mln UAH



The cost of conditional-fixed costs

mln UAH



Costs generation heat energy

mln UAH



The cost of heat energy

UAH / Gcal



Profit from production heat energy

mln UAH


Based on data [17]

The working hypothesis for solving this issue is to out a new market, i.e. the supply of thermal energy to the left bank of the city. Technical-economic indicators activities of enterprise before and after the connection of the left bank of the city are given in the tabl. 2.

From Tabl. 2 we can conclude that the planned supply of electricity will increase by 49.14 % and will increase the planned supply of heat by 44.4 %. The will increase attached heat capacity, that will allow to use the equipment almost completely, it will allow to reduce production cost of production.

Table 2

Technical-economic indicators activities of combine heat power plant without and taking into account the project



Without into account the project

Taking into account the project

A, +/-







Planned generation electric energy

mln kWh




Consumption of electric energy the for own needs

mln kWh




Planned specific fuel consumption on delivery electric energy













The amount of fuel used

ths. m3/ ton








Fuel price for delivery electric energy with transportation, excluding VAT

UAH /ths. m3




UAH / ton




The cost of fuel used for delivery electric energy, excluding VAT

mln UAH




The cost of conditional-fixed costs

mln UAH




Costs generation electric energy

mln UAH





Planned generation heat energy

ths. Gcal




Planned specific fuel consumption on generation heat energy

kg /Gcal




ton /Gcal




kg /Gcal




The amount of fuel used









Fuel price for delivery heat energy with transportation, excluding VAT

UAH /ths. m3




UAH / ton




The cost of fuel used for delivery heat energy, excluding VAT

mln UAH




The cost of conditional-fixed costs

mln UAH




Costs generation heat energy

mln UAH




Based on data [17]


Connection of the left-bank part of the city to central heating DCHP will allow not only reduce the production cost of production, but also to defend its position in the infrastructure of the city and increases investor interest in the enterprise.

Thanks to the implementation of this project, the enterprise will be able to develop and improve its financial condition, the city will receive new the employments and high-quality heating of houses.


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  • Аналіз конкурентної ситуації в міжнародній галузі. Прогнозування кон’юнктури галузі. Дослідження головних напрямків діяльності МНК "Emerson Electric". Фінансовий аналіз компанії. Визначення і прогнозування її корпоративної та конкурентної стратегії.

    курсовая работа [1,3 M], добавлен 17.11.2011

  • The audience understand the necessity of activity planning and the benefits acquired through budgeting. The role of the economic planning department. The main characteristics of the existing system of planning. The master budget, the budgeting process.

    презентация [1,3 M], добавлен 12.01.2012

  • Analysis of the peculiarities of the mobile applications market. The specifics of the process of mobile application development. Systematization of the main project management methodologies. Decision of the problems of use of the classical methodologies.

    контрольная работа [1,4 M], добавлен 14.02.2016

  • Detection the benefits of Corporate Social Responsibility strategies that would serve as a motivation for managers and shareholders in the context of a classical firm, which possesses monetary preferences. Theoretical framework and hypothesis development.

    курсовая работа [319,5 K], добавлен 14.02.2016

  • Factors that ensure company’s global competitiveness. Definition of mergers and acquisitions and their types. Motives and drawbacks M and A deals. The suggestions on making the Disney’s company the world leader in entertainment market using M&A strategy.

    дипломная работа [353,6 K], добавлен 27.01.2016

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