The formation of the system of motivation and stimulation of work activity of the personnel of the enterprise
Identifying the presence of "weak elements" in the personnel management structure. Development of additional forms of incentives that will contribute to the elimination and compensation of labor factors of the least satisfied personnel of the company.
Рубрика | Менеджмент и трудовые отношения |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 02.11.2022 |
Размер файла | 142,7 K |
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Shevchenko Viktoriia PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences)
Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Public Administration
The formation of the system of motivation and stimulation of work activity of the personnel of the enterprise
O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv
The degree of satisfaction of the company's staff with wages and working conditions, management policy, socio-psychological climate in the team - affects the work motivation of employees. Analysis and assessment of staff satisfaction helps to identify the presence of "weak elements" in the personnel management structure, to develop additional forms of incentives that will help eliminate and compensate for the factors of work, the least satisfied staff.
The article analyzes the stages of formation of the staff motivation system. At the first stage, the directions of activity and development to which the enterprise aspires are defined. The strategy should reflect the financial, production, marketing, sales and organizational goals, which are formalized through a system of balanced indicators in terms of: finance, market, consumer, production, personnel.
Each goal should be divided into goals of the first, second, third and next level, which will provide an opportunity to form key performance indicators that the owner expects from the staff of each division of the enterprise. Having made generalized conclusions from practice, the employer must turn to theories of motivation, of which there are many. Nor should we underestimate the importance of psychological theories in this matter. Studying the latter will help to avoid some mistakes in choosing the wrong ways of motivation by identifying patterns of psychological behavior of people in certain situations.
It is determined that the degree of satisfaction of the company's staff with wages and working conditions, management policy, socio-psychological climate in the team - affects the work motivation of employees. Analysis and assessment of staff satisfaction helps to identify the presence of "weak elements" in the personnel management structure, to develop additional forms of incentives that will help eliminate and compensate for the factors of work, the least satisfied staff of the organization.
Keywords: labor activity, employee, motivation, key performance indicators, psychological behavior, competitiveness.
Харківський національний університет міського господарства ім. О.М. Бекетова
Ступінь задоволеності персоналу підприємства оплатою праці і умовами роботи, політикою керівництва, соціально-психологічним кліматом в колективі - впливає на трудову мотивацію співробітників підприємства. Аналіз і оцінка ступеня задоволеності трудовою діяльністю персоналу допомагають вчасно виявити наявність «слабких елементів» в структурі управління персоналом, розробити додаткові форми стимулювання, які будуть сприяти усуненню і компенсації факторів трудової діяльності, найменш задоволеного персоналу організації.
В статті проаналізовані етапи формування системи мотивації персоналу. На першому етапі визначаються ті напрямки діяльності та розвитку, до яких прагне підприємство. Стратегія повинна відображати фінансові, виробничі, маркетингові, збутові та організаційні цілі, які формалізуються через систему збалансованих показників в розрізі: фінанси, ринок, споживач, виробництво, персонал. Для формування системи мотивації формування стратегії підприємства є найважливішим.
Кожна мета повинна бути розподілена на цілі першого, другого, третього і наступного рівня, що наддасть можливості сформувати ключові показники результатів, яких чекає власник від персоналу кожного підрозділу підприємства.
Зробивши узагальнені висновки з практики, роботодавцю обов'язково слід звернутися до теорій мотивації, яких безліч. Не варто також недооцінювати значення психологічних теорій в даному питанні. Вивчення останніх допоможе уникнути деяких помилок вибору неправильних способів мотивації за допомогою виявлення закономірностей психологічної поведінки людей в певних ситуаціях.
Визначено, що ступінь задоволеності персоналу підприємства оплатою праці і умовами роботи, політикою керівництва, соціально-психологічним кліматом в колективі - впливає на трудову мотивацію співробітників підприємства. Аналіз і оцінка ступеня задоволеності трудовою діяльністю персоналу допомагають вчасно виявити наявність «слабких елементів» в структурі управління персоналом, розробити додаткові форми стимулювання, які будуть сприяти усуненню і компенсації факторів трудової діяльності, найменш задоволеного персоналу організації.
Ключові слова: трудова діяльність, працівник, мотивація, ключові показники результативності, психологічна поведінка, конкурентоспроможність.
Problem statement in general and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks. The work of any enterprise depends entirely on the work of its employees. Today, staff motivation is central to the personnel management system of the organization, as it is essentially the cause of employee behavior. Depending on how motivated employees are, their focus on the company's goals, the desire to achieve them, to provide the desired result. In addition, this, in turn, is the basis for effective work of the organization as a whole.
However, despite the importance of the motivation system in the modern enterprise, active work on this issue both in the field of theoretical research and in their practical application, still there is a problem of the organization of system of motivation and its management at the concrete enterprise.
Overview of recent research and publications. In theoretical terms, the organization of motivation system and its management are developed in detail in both foreign and Ukrainian studies.
The most important developers of the theory of personnel motivation among foreign authors - the founders of two groups of needs: A. Maslow, F. Herzberg, D. McClelland; founders of procedural theories of motivation: W. Vroom, J. Adams, L. Porter and E. Lawler; founders of theories based on the attitude of man to work: J. McGregor, W. Ouchi and others. compensation labor incentive
Some aspects of personnel motivation management in organizations are presented in the works of domestic scientists such as N. Volgina, Yu. Kokin, R. Yakovlev, K. Korolevsky, A. Kibanov, S. Galushka and others.
Objectives of the article. The purpose is to analyze the formation of a system of motivation and incentives for staff of the enterprise.
Research results. The term "motivation" is used in various spheres of society. However, at the heart of each definition, one way or another, are the psychological features of this process. In a broad sense, motivation is the motivation that causes human activity and determine its direction.
In the economic sphere, the term is used as an external or internal motivation of the economic entity to act in the name of achieving any goals, the presence of interest in such activities and ways to initiate, motivate [1, p.85].
In the narrow sense, the motivation of work - is the process of meeting employees' needs and expectations in the course of their chosen work, which is carried out implementation of their goals, consistent with the goals and objectives of the organization, and at the same time - a set of measures used by the management to improve the efficiency of employees.
The process of selecting the right system of staff motivation - a complex and timeconsuming, which requires special knowledge, and in-depth study of employee needs and working conditions.
The development of an effective system of motivation should begin directly with the monitoring of the labor market and the study of applicants' expectations. The labor market also dictates to the organization's management the size of the market wage and the framework in which the organization can vary it. At the same time, a comprehensive analysis from different angles is important: interviews with employees in the company, interviews for vacancies, study of Internet sites of competing companies, research, etc.
Making generalized conclusions from practice, the employer be sure to turn to theories of motivation, of which there are many. Nor should we underestimate the importance of psychological theories in this matter. Studying the latter will help to avoid some mistakes in choosing the wrong ways of motivation by identifying patterns of psychological behavior of people in certain situations. Well, comparing the analysis of the labor market and theoretical material on staff motivation, it is necessary to develop an appropriate personnel policy of the enterprise [2, p.89].
It is also important to note that the company's staff motivation system should be extended to all without exception of employees, it must be comprehensive. Increased motivation is likely to be possible in some areas, but this does not mean that other employees do not need it. In addition, regular changes in the system of staff motivation are mandatory, as the company's work is dynamic and constantly evolving. We should also not forget about the impact of changes in the situation in the country, in market relations, etc., which also affect people's needs.
The formation of a system of motivation should consist of the following stages, which are shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1 - Stages of formation of personnel motivation system
At the first stage, the directions of activity and development to which the enterprise aspires are defined. The strategy should reflect the financial, production, marketing, sales and organizational goals, which are formalized through a system of balanced indicators in terms of: finance, market, consumer, production, personnel.
Each goal should be divided into goals of the first, second, third and next level, which will provide an opportunity to form key performance indicators that the owner expects from the staff of each division of the enterprise. Thus, according to ISO 9000: 2008, the result can be considered as.
Effectiveness is the degree of achievement of planned results and which include absolute indicators; are relative indicators [3, p.107].
Key performance indicators depend on the developed strategy. Indicators related to this group are usually used to determine the effectiveness of administrative staff. In our opinion, performance indicators should be used not only to assess the work of administrative staff, but also to assess employees of production and other departments of enterprises, which will encourage employees to produce better products, increase demand and interest of all in the end with the appropriate system motivation and stimulation.
Key performance indicators are divided into:
Late - reflect the results of activities after the end of the period,
Operational or advanced - allow you to manage the situation within the reporting period in order to achieve the desired results.
Late performance indicators include financial indicators that characterize the financial condition of the enterprise. Financial indicators show the company's ability to generate cash flows, but because they are delayed in time, they cannot measure the current efficiency of units [4, p.146].
Operational efficiency indicators are related with the current activities of business units and show possible cash flows in the future, product quality and competitiveness.
When developing a system of key performance indicators for the formation of a system of staff motivation must meet certain requirements:
reality in determining their reach;
the ability to determine the indicator, the availability of the necessary data;
clarity in the planning of performance indicators of departments, the enterprise as a whole;
transparency in calculations;
opportunity to get results from interested parties.
Competently designed and formed a system of staff motivation will allow a modern employer:
Clearly agree on the goals of the individual employee, the department and the company as a whole, as well as ways to achieve them.
Solve staff turnover problems and staff shortages by retaining highly qualified professionals "imprisoned" for a specific company.
Reduce time and financial costs for staff recruitment, selection and adaptation.
To form a cohesive team of like-minded people, to maintain confidence in the professional demand of the employer and the desire to work in this company effectively, with full efficiency, with motivation for the result.
A set of conditions necessary to create positive motivation in the employee:
the results expected by the manager must be clearly defined and known to the performer;
there must be known rewards for achieving these results;
these rewards must be such that they are valuable to the performers;
it is necessary that the team have such informal rules that would determine the status of the employee in it and the attitude of colleagues towards him depending on his attitude to the case;
the control system must provide an objective assessment of the results achieved;
the results of each employee's work must be known to others;
the rewards received must correspond to these results and be distributed fairly;
the tasks must correspond to the individual abilities of the employees and it is necessary that they do not doubt this; the performance of the task should not require excessive stress from the performers;
10. employees need to be confident that there are logistical, organizational and other conditions sufficient to perform the task.
The general mechanism of motivation to work is to give a person the opportunity to get the most positive emotions from their work by satisfying the whole set of their needs, turning the work from a lesson on production to a lesson to realize their own needs. The task of the head in this case is to assess the state of the motivational environment in terms of how it is favorable for the formation of employee interest in productive work in the interests of the enterprise and adjust it in the right direction.
Motivational environment analysis involves conditions do not significantly satisfy what should be.
Staff motivation is the main means of ensuring optimal use of resources, mobilization of existing human resources. The main purpose of the motivation process is to get the maximum return from the use of labor resources, which increases the overall efficiency and profitability of the enterprise [5, p.68].
Motivation includes the internal state of man, called need, and something beyond which is defined as an incentive or task. Human behavior is determined by the need that dominates at a given time.
Yet, it is important to emphasize that there is no universal motivational approach to personnel management. Moreover, the general principles of human factor management give rise to different systems of motivation with their own characteristics, based on the specifics of enterprises. At the same time, managers of large enterprises may well use the existing motivational management schemes that take into account the level of development of the enterprise. At the same time, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that they cannot be constant and need constant improvement, directed on the decision of the concrete problems standing at a certain stage of development of the enterprise, formation of collective.
It is necessary not only to motivate the staff, but also to diagnose the first signs of its demotivation in time, if for some reason they take place, it is always necessary to find new approaches to the organization of work, its payment, stimulation taking into account the whole spectrum
Ultimately, a well-built system of staff motivation is a tool that increases the value of the company - by increasing the efficiency of the team as a whole and significantly reducing the cost of staff selection and adaptation (while reducing staff turnover).
Thus, the degree of satisfaction of the company's staff with wages and working conditions, management policy, socio-psychological climate in the team - affects the work motivation of employees. Analysis and assessment of staff satisfaction helps to identify the presence of "weak elements" in the structure of personnel management, to develop additional forms of incentives that will help eliminate and compensate for the factors of work, the least satisfied staff.
Methods of managing the motivation of staff in the enterprise, include: more thorough systematization of the process of personnel records management; organization of work with the personnel reserve absent at the enterprises; introduction of corporate ethics based on mutual assistance, creativity and self-realization of each employee; regular use of trainings and training seminars to support and improve the skills of employees at the appropriate level.
Thus, we can identify the following features of the system of staff motivation in the enterprise: focus on success, the predominance of material incentives more active position in the management system of the organization.
The practical application of these recommendations will fill the existing gaps in the approach to staff motivation in these structures, increase job satisfaction and wages. This, in turn, will contribute to the achievement of strategic goals of companies, make them more attractive in the services market, reduce staff turnover, and increase the level of service, which will increase the profits of enterprises.
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