Strategic perspectives of the development of the personnel management system in Ukraine’s modern educational institutions
Study of current issues of the development of the modern education system in Ukraine. The process of determining and substantiating strategic prospects for the development of the personnel management system in educational institutions of Ukraine.
Рубрика | Менеджмент и трудовые отношения |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 30.03.2023 |
Размер файла | 244,7 K |
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Strategic perspectives of the development of the personnel management system in Ukraine's modern educational institutions
V.M. Yakubiv,
I.I. Boryshkevich,
I I. Hryhoruk,
Yu.V. Maksimiv,
R.D. Yakubiv
Strategic perspectives of the development of the personnel management system in Ukraine's modern educational institutions
The article deals with the study of current issues regarding the development of the modern education system in Ukraine. The process of defining and substantiating strategic prospects for the development of the personnel management system in educational institutions of Ukraine is complex, as it requires a comprehensive analysis of modern trends and various influencing factors. In order to substantiate the strategic perspectives of the development of the personnel management system in educational institutions of Ukraine, we have developed a comprehensive research methodology. The methodology for determining the strategic prospects for the development of the personnel management system in Ukraine's educational institutions involves the implementation of a system of important tasks within 4 main stages. These 4 stages include 1) quantitative analysis ofmodern trends in the formation of educational institutions ofvarious types; 2) comparative analysis of the qualitative characteristics of the formation of educational institutions of different types; 3) strategic analysis of trends in the development ofeducational institutions of Ukraine according to the methodology ofthe Boston Consulting Group; 4) determination ofstrategic prospects for the development of various educational institutions of Ukraine. According to the results of the quantitative analysis of trends in the development of educational institutions, it was established that over the past 10 years, ambiguous trends have been observed, in particular, regarding the decrease in the number of educational institutions and the demand for educational services of most educational institutions. A comparative analysis of the qualitative characteristics of the formation of educational institutions of different types showed that each of the above types of educational institutions has its strengths and weaknesses, its advantages and disadvantages of functioning. The results of the strategic analysis of the market of educational institutions in Ukraine based on the matrix of the Boston Consulting Group made it possible to divide all public and private educational institutions into 4 groups: "Dogs", "Problem children", "Stars", "Cash Cows". According to the results of the study, the strategic directions and priorities of the improvement and development of the personnel management system in the educational institutions of Ukraine at the current stage are substantiated.
Keywords: strategy, personnel management, management system, educational institutions, education systems.
Якубів В.М., Боришкевич І.І., Григорук І.І., Максимів Ю.В., Якубів Р.Д.
Стратегічні перспективи розвитку системи управління персоналом у сучасних закладах освіти України
Стаття присвячена дослідженню актуальних питань розвитку сучасної системи освіти в Україні. Процес визначення та обґрунтування стратегічних перспектив розвитку системи управління персоналом у закладах освіти України є складним організаційно, оскільки потребує комплексного аналізу сучасних тенденцій і різних чинників впливу. Для обґрунтування стратегічних перспектив розвитку системи управління персоналу в закладах освіти України розроблено комплексну методику дослідження. Методика визначення стратегічних перспектив розвитку системи управління персоналу в закладах освіти України передбачає виконання системи важливих завдань у межах чотирьох основних етапів. До цих етапів належать: 1) кількісний аналіз сучасних тенденцій становлення закладів освіти різних типів; 2) порівняльний аналіз якісних характеристик становлення закладів освіти різних типів; 3) стратегічний аналіз тенденцій розвитку закладів освіти України за методикою Бостонської консалтингової групи; 4) визначення стратегічних перспектив розвитку різних закладів освіти України. За результатами кількісного аналізу тенденцій розвитку закладів освіти встановлено, що впродовж останніх 10років спостерігаються неоднозначні тенденції, зокрема щодо зменшення кількості навчальних закладів та попиту на освітні послуги більшості навчальних закладів. Порівняльний аналіз якісних характеристик становлення закладів освіти різних типів показав, що кожен з наведених типів закладів освіти має свої сильні та слабкі сторони, свої переваги та недоліки функціонування. Результати проведеного стратегічного аналізу ринку закладів освіти в Україні на основі матриці Бостонської консалтингової групи дав змогу розподілити всі державні та приватні навчальні заклади на чотири групи: "Собаки", "Проблемні діти", "Зірки" та "Дійні корови". За результатами дослідження обґрунтовано стратегічні напрями та пріоритети удосконалення та розвитку системи управління персоналом у закладах освіти України на сучасному етапі.
Ключові слова: стратегія, управління персоналом, система менеджменту, навчальні заклади, системи освіти.
Problem statement. The modern education system in Ukraine has been in the process of active reformation changes in recent years. These changes are caused by a number of objective external and subjective internal reasons. The main external factors of change include, first of all, those related to decentralization processes (changes in the operating conditions for preschool, general education, and vocational education institutions), as well as changes in market conditions, legislation in the field of education, requirements for raising the quality of providing educational services. Extraordinary events related to the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic and martial law had a significant impact on changes in the education system of Ukraine recently. At the same time, the emergence of signs of competition between educational institutions necessitates the introduction of additional internal changes to maintain better positions in the educational market. These changes are often associated with organizational and management factors, conditions, and requirements for the personnel of educational institutions. The reaction of various educational institutions to the influence of external and internal factors is different, which will further lead to the formation of differentiated conditions for the functioning of these institutions. Therefore, at this stage, it is important to study the peculiarities of the functioning of various educational institutions in Ukraine to determine the main points of growth and strategic development priorities. education management personnel
Analysis of recent research. Among modern scientists, the issues of problems and prospects for the development of educational institutions in Ukraine are investigated by K. Fomin [1], V. Zhelanova [2], L. Lisohor, V. Nesterenko [3], O. Mohylnyy, N. Patyka, O. Hryshchenko [4], S. Serohin, Ye. Borodin, K. Komarova, N. Lipovska, T. Tarasenko [5]. The majority of researchers focus on the peculiarities of changes in the conditions of functioning of Ukraine's educational institutions in the process of decentralization of power, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and other organizational and management features of the development of human capital according to sustainable development.
Taking into account the development potential of European integration processes in Ukraine, it is also important to study the foreign experience of the organization of the personnel management system in educational institutions and the peculiarities of cross-cultural trends. In this context, the results of scientific research by domestic and foreign scientists were analyzed by M. Denysenko, O. Budyakova, Yu. Voloshchuk [6; 7], A. Kaplin and N. Kyrychenko [8], J. Black, M. Mendenhall [9], A. Laurent [10], K. Muller and T. Minenberger [11], T. Bush [12]. In the process of research, the best practices of other countries were outlined, which can be used in Ukraine, taking into account the current trends in the development of the education system.
According to the results of our previous studies [13; 14], the organizational and economic prerequisites and the methodology for assessing the use of strategic potential in the process of improving the personnel management system of various organizations in the business environment and public administration bodies are substantiated.
The paper purpose is to determine the strategic prospects for the development of the personnel management system in educational institutions of Ukraine at the current stage.
Major research findings. The process of defining and substantiating strategic prospects for the development of the personnel management system in Ukraine's educational institutions is organizationally complex, as it requires a comprehensive analysis of modern trends and various influencing factors.
Fig. 1. Methodology for determining strategic prospects for the development of the personnel management system in educational institutions of Ukraine
Source: author s research.
The developed methodology for determining the strategic prospects of the research object involves the implementation of a system of important tasks within four main stages (Fig. 1).
This research method enables to systematically combine such methods as computational and analytical, comparative, group, generalization and modeling, analysis and synthesis, matrix of the Boston consulting group, and strategic potential.
At the first stage of the study, the development trends of educational institutions in Ukraine were evaluated based on quantitative analysis. The results of the assessment are shown in the table 2.
Table 1
Trends in changes in the number of educational institutions in Ukraine
Years |
Number of educational institutions |
preschools (thousand units) |
comprehensive schools (thousand units) |
vocational schools (units) |
institutions of higher education (units) |
2010 |
70,44 |
15,6 |
976 |
854 |
2011 |
71,02 |
16,1 |
976 |
846 |
2012 |
71,15 |
16,4 |
972 |
823 |
2013 |
71,37 |
16,7 |
968 |
803 |
2014 |
71,37 |
15,0 |
814 |
664 |
2015 |
71,38 |
14,8 |
798 |
659 |
2016 |
71,68 |
14,9 |
787 |
657 |
2017 |
71,98 |
14,9 |
756 |
661 |
2018 |
71,76 |
14,9 |
736 |
661 |
2019 |
71,76 |
14,8 |
723 |
652 |
2020 |
72,01 |
15,3 |
711 |
619 |
Source: [15].
From the data in table 1 and some other calculations, several generalizations and conclusions are made:
1) The analysis of trends in the number of preschool institutions over the last decade shows that there is a steady trend towards an increase in their number, in particular by 1,570 institutions over 10 years. This is caused, first of all, by the presence of constant demand from the population. At the same time, it should be noted that the level of preschool enrollment of children of the appropriate age ranged from 75.99% in 2010 to 76.98% in 2020 [15]. That is, the demand for this type of educational service will significantly exceed the supply. It is obvious that during the last 10 years in Ukraine, the market of preschool institutions in the business environment is actively developing. At the current stage, it is very popular for children to visit such private institutions that prepare for school, study foreign languages, and various specialized groups (choreography, theater, fine arts, etc.).
2) The number of comprehensive schools in Ukraine has had an unstable trend over the past 10 years. So, in total, from 15.6 thousand in 2010, their number decreased by 2019 to 14.8 thousand, i.e. by 800 units. However, in 2020, 500 new general education institutions appeared, including many private ones. At the same time, the number of students in schools remained practically unchanged. Thus, in 2010, 1,136,000 students studied in general educational institutions, and in 2020, 1,153,000 students [15]. The number of teachers working in these institutions increased from 53,000 to 58,000. It is obvious that, on the one hand, this is related to the change in legislation in the field of education, in particular, regarding inclusive education, but it is also obvious that the reason is the unsatisfactory state policy of increasing the number of teachers with an unchanged number of students.
3) The number of vocational education institutions in Ukraine decreased from 976 to 711 units over the past 10 years, i.e. by 27%. During the same period, the number of students in vocational education institutions decreased from 566,000 to 345,000, i.e. by 39% [15]. It is quite obvious that despite the significant steps taken by the government to stimulate the development of vocational education and the information popularization of working professions, the demand for educational services has been significantly reduced in recent years. Investigating the main reasons for this phenomenon, it is obvious that, firstly, the material and technical base of vocational education institutions is significantly outdated and does not meet the requirements of the modern labor market; secondly, the lack of prestige among students studying labor professions is widespread; thirdly, employment in labor occupations often does not require a certificate of relevant education.
4) Analysis of the trends of changes in the higher education market shows that over the past 10 years, the number of institutions of all levels has decreased from 854 units to 619 units, i.e. by 28%. The number of students at higher education institutions in Ukraine decreased from 2491.3 thousand people in 2010 to 1439.7 people in 2020, i.e., by 42%. At the same time, out of 619 institutions of higher education that functioned in 2020, 338 colleges, technical schools (i.e., I and II levels of accreditation) and 281 universities or institutes (i.e., III and IV levels of accreditation) were operating. A significant drop in the number of students in institutions of higher education is related to both the demographic decline in Ukraine of this generation and the going of many students to study abroad.
The analysis shows ambiguous trends occurring in the education system of Ukraine. It is quite obvious that the war that is currently ongoing in the country will change the work of educational institutions, but a system of organizing educational institutions needs to be improved to enhance the quality of educational services and the growth of the country's economy in various areas.
In the second stage of the methodology proposed by us, it is important to conduct a comparative analysis of the qualitative characteristics of the formation of educational institutions of different types (Table 2).
Table 2 Comparative analysis of the functioning of educational institutions in Ukraine
Factors of the analysis |
preschools |
comprehensive schools |
vocational schools |
institutions of higher education |
1. The level of coverage of supply and demand for the institution's services |
low |
high |
high |
high |
2. Presence of competition among institutions in the industry |
low |
low |
low |
high |
3. Presence of competition among institutions in the private sector |
medium |
low |
absent |
high |
4. The level of material and technical support of the educational process |
medium |
medium |
low |
medium |
5. The level of use of innovative teaching methods |
medium |
high |
low |
high |
6. The level of financing of the institution's activities |
medium |
medium |
medium |
medium |
7. The level of state support for the development of educational institutions |
low |
high |
high |
low |
8. Availability of qualified workforce |
high |
high |
high |
high |
9. The level of professional development of employees |
medium |
high |
medium |
high |
10. Presence of steady demand from the participants of the educational process |
high |
medium |
low |
medium |
Source: author's research.
In the table 2, the main qualitative characteristics of the functioning of educational institutions of various types in Ukraine are analyzed. Each of the above types of educational institutions has its strengths and weaknesses, its advantages and disadvantages of functioning. All educational institutions have different sources of funding. The decentralization of power led to the complete transition of preschool institutions, general education and vocational institutions to local budgets, while higher education institutions remained partially financed from the state budget and self-financed. However, a common feature of all educational institutions at the current stage is that, in modern conditions, they are forced to look for new ways of development, optimize their activities and improve the internal organizational and management system, including Personnel Management. With each subsequent year, the developing personnel management system in educational institutions resembles a flexible HR management system from the business sphere. And this process is irreversible.
In order to determine the strategic prospects for the development of the personnel management system in the educational institutions of Ukraine, a strategic analysis of the development trends of the educational institutions of Ukraine was carried out using the methodology of the Boston Consulting Group (Fig. 2).
Fig. 2. Strategic analysis of the education market in Ukraine based on the BCG method Source: author s research.
The results of the strategic analysis of the market of educational institutions in Ukraine show that at this stage it is important to substantiate various strategic directions and priorities of their development and to improve their personnel management system.
And the group of educational institutions that belong to the "Dogs" category includes private general educational institutions and private institutions of higher education. They are just entering the market of Ukraine. They still have low growth rates and a small market share. It is important to pay maximum attention to ensuring the high quality of educational services and creating better conditions for pupils and students. The strategic direction is the creation and maintenance of sustainable competitive advantages associated with a high-quality material and technical base, a high professional level of teachers, the use of innovative teaching methods, and the satisfaction of stakeholder requests.
The II group of educational institutions belonging to the category "Problem children" includes private preschool educational institutions. They have experienced high growth rates over the last decade, gradually increasing their performance and gradually increasing their market share. However, the market share is not growing at a high rate due to the difficulty of completely replacing the entire functionality of state preschool institutions, in particular, it is about the possibility of organizing a full-fledged institution with an 8-hour work schedule and meals. The strategic prospects of this category of institutions are precisely overcoming the main limitation regarding a full-fledged institution for children and compliance with all licensing requirements for this type of activity. At the same time, it is important to maintain a focus on results and use a motivational system of remuneration for employees.
The III group of educational institutions belonging to the "Stars" category includes state preschool institutions. At this stage in Ukraine, the demand for places in these institutions will significantly exceed the available supply. At the same time, according to all norms, they fulfill all license conditions of activity and are financed by local authorities. High rates of growth are due to the positive demographic situation that has developed in the country in recent years. However, at the same time, it is obvious that their situation is not easy due to the growing competition from private institutions, as well as the fact that the growth rate of their development and share is not due to internal improvement, but due to external demand for services. Therefore, the strategic directions of the development of the institutions of this group are the internal improvement of the organizational and management system with a departure from bureaucratic schemes to optimization and orientation towards high-quality services.
The IV group of educational institutions - "Cash Cows" - is the most numerous. It includes the majority of state general education institutions, state vocational schools, and state institutions of higher education. Due to the long-term lack of competition in the market, this category of institutions has formed a large market share, but the pace of their development is decreasing every year. The strategic tasks for this category of institutions are the active creation of sustainable competitive advantages in their activities, the maximum use of the available potential with innovative technologies, the maximum orientation to the needs of the employer and cooperation with him, and the improvement of the personnel management system to form highly professional personnel motivated for radical changes.
Therefore, the comprehensive analysis of the trends of the peculiarities and prospects of the development of educational institutions shows ambiguous trends occurring in the education system of Ukraine. At the current stage, it is important to rethink one of the functions of educational institutions - education. Today, it is important to study for the sake of creating new jobs, forming the GDP, and restoring the economy of our country, and not for the sake of providing a document on education and preserving the existing working conditions for teachers. An important task in compliance with the requirements of stakeholders: employers, pupils, students, and their parents. Therefore, reforms in the education system of Ukraine are extremely urgent and in demand. The main modern challenges are to create a reliable platform for the development of new strategic priorities to increase the competitiveness of Ukraine's education system in the world.
The strategic directions of development and priorities are different for different groups of educational institutions in Ukraine depending on their current state and cover the main ways of improving the existing situation in the personnel management system of educational institutions of Ukraine.
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