The internal environment of a modern and socially responsible organization: psychological well-being
The theoretical essence of a modern and socially responsible organization. The essence of the organizational environment. Consideration of factors in the work environment of a modern and socially responsible organization that promote well-being.
Рубрика | Менеджмент и трудовые отношения |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 28.07.2023 |
Размер файла | 474,0 K |
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Relevance and novelty. A modem or in other words a modem organization aims to be an open, developing social system. It becomes maximally effective only if it is able to flexibly adapt to changes in the environment - new technologies, consumer needs, changing geopolitical and legal environment and society. Scientists Fayziyev et al. (2022), Abdiyev & Alimardonov (2022), Kudins (2022), Veldman & Willmott (2022), Mireckiene (2021), Linkevicius (2022), Popovic (2020), Peliksiene (2022), etc. those who have studied the modern organization identify that it is a modern, open to change, learning organization that helps a person acquire competences, adopt the traditions and values of humanistic culture. Forms a creative and responsible, able to communicate and cooperate, effective personality in modern society. The organization's ability to develop is directly related to its ability to solve and manage conflict situations. Since conflicts are an integral part of the organization, it is important how organizations react to them, how they are analyzed, and what methods of resolution are chosen. One of the bright trends of the last few years, which has a long-term perspective and fits well with the concept of a modern organization, is the autonomization of management, forming separate work groups - teams (Kazociuniene, 2022; Zymantiene, 2022; Dambrauskiene, 2021, etc.). In this case, stability does not mean constancy or, even more, stagnation, but is focused on stable growth according to possibilities - planned or at least expected. However, the planning and systematicity of activities limit innovativeness, non-triviality, and at the same time, entrepreneurship. On the other hand, such an organization has all the prerequisites to be successful, especially if it operates in areas of activity characterized by a relatively long life cycle. In addition, in such organizations there are favorable conditions for the emergence of atypical strategies offered by individual structural entities. This is due to the fact that not only the strategy determines what structures will be chosen, but the existing structures no less determine the chosen strategy. Research object: the internal environment of a modern and socially responsible organization. The aim. To analyze the internal environment of a modern and socially responsible organization from the aspect of psychological wellbeing. Research tasks: 1. To reveal the theoretical essence of a modern and socially responsible organization; 2. Discuss the internal environment of the organization; 3. To identify the factors of the work environment of a modern and socially responsible organization that promote well-being Methods: Analysis, systematization, summarization and comparison of scientific literature.
Key words: modern organization, internal and external environment, employees, management
БІРУТА, ШВАГЖДЕНЕ - професор, доктор наук кафедри Менеджменту спорту і туризму, Литовський Університет Спорту (Каунас, Литва)
РЕГІНА, АНДРЮКАИТЕНЕ - доктор PhD соціальних наук (менеджмент), лектор кафедри Менеджменту спорту і туризму, Литовського Університету ^орту (Каунас, Литва)
ДОНАТАС, ПАЛЮЛИОНІС - Магістрант Програми Туризму і Спорту, кафедри Менеджменту спорту і туризму, Литовський Університет Спорту (Каунас, Литва)
Актуальність і новизна. Сучасна або іншими словами сучасна організація прагне бути відкритою соціальною системою, що розвивається. Вона стає максимально ефективною лише за умови здатності гнучко адаптуватися до змін у навколишньому середовищі - нових технологій, потреб споживачів, змін геополітичного та правового середовища та суспільства. Вчені Файзієв та ін. (2022), Abdiyev & Alimardonov (2022), Kudins (2022), Veldman & Willmott (2022), Mireckiene (2021), Linkevicius (2022), Popovic (2020), Peliksiene (2022) тощо тих, хто вивчав сучасна організація визначає, що це сучасна, відкрита до змін організація, що навчається, яка допомагає людині набути компетенцій, прийняти традиції та цінності гуманістичної культури. Формує творчу та відповідальну, здатну до спілкування та співпраці, ефективну особистість у сучасному суспільстві. Здатність організації до розвитку безпосередньо пов'язана з її здатністю вирішувати конфліктні ситуації та керувати ними. Оскільки конфлікти є невід'ємною частиною організації, важливо, як організації реагують на них, як вони аналізуються і які методи вирішення обираються. Однією з яскравих тенденцій останніх років, яка має довгострокову перспективу та добре вписується в концепцію сучасної організації, є автономізація управління, формування окремих робочих груп - команд (Kazociuniene, 2022; Zymantiene, 2022; Dambrauskiene, 2021 та ін.). Стабільність у цьому випадку не означає постійність чи, тим більше, застій, а орієнтована на стабільне зростання відповідно до можливостей - запланованих чи принаймні очікуваних. Проте планомірність і системність діяльності обмежують новаторство, нетривіальність і водночас підприємливість. З іншого боку, така організація має всі передумови для успіху, особливо якщо вона працює в сферах діяльності, що характеризуються відносно тривалим життєвим циклом. Крім того, в таких організаціях існують сприятливі умови для появи нетипових стратегій, які пропонують окремі структурні суб'єкти. Це пов'язано з тим, що не тільки стратегія визначає, які структури будуть обрані, але і існуючі структури не меншою мірою визначають обрану стратегію. Об'єкт дослідження: внутрішнє середовище сучасної та соціально відповідальної організації. Мета. Проаналізувати внутрішнє середовище сучасної та соціально відповідальної організації з точки зору психологічного благополуччя. Завдання дослідження: 1. Розкрити теоретичну сутність сучасної та соціально відповідальної організації; 2. Обговорити внутрішнє середовище організації; 3. Визначити фактори робочого середовища сучасної та соціально відповідальної організації, що сприяють добробуту Методи: Аналіз, систематизація, узагальнення та порівняння наукової літератури.
Ключові слова: сучасна організація, внутрішнє та зовнішнє середовище, співробітники, менеджмент
The theoretical essence of a modern and socially responsible organization
Innovations in service sectors encourage managers and employees of leisure organization and public employment companies to continuously learn and acquire new knowledge and skills. Growing competition between organizations motivates managers to review the activities of organizations and pay more attention to employee training (Merkys, Slapsiene, 2013). Increasing breakthroughs in new technologies highlight the growing need for educated skilled, competent workers. The quality of services and the successful operation of the organization depend on the knowledge and qualifications of the employees. In order to remain attractive organizations, leisure service organizations must constantly improve, learn, and become creatively new - modern organizations. According to L. Skrickiene, D. Cepuraite & K. Staras (2018), modern public management means looking ahead, thinking about the future, how to turn from a traditional, today's organization into a constantly learning, developing, changing organization that meets the needs of society.
It is noticeable that investment in the skills of employees that are needed in their current activities, which is practiced more often in Lithuania, contributes to looking into the future when training employees. This is what defines a modern/learning organization and having these features, modem public management provides excellent opportunities to be successful. According to Skrickiene, Cepuraite, Staras (2018), the very approach to managing organizations is important. And this approach must be integral, defining the formula of flawless activity, which combines the theories of quality management and education, management, and health science (Skrickiene, Cepuraite, Staras, 2018).
According to S. Priest (2022), the essence of a modern and socially responsible organization depends on many components and can be imagined as building a house. Building a house requires a team with different competencies, skills, and attitudes. How can the internal environment of a modern and socially responsible organization be formed?
According to S. Priest (2022), the importance of team building has been discussed since the early 1980s, and as the author claims, he has discovered a promising method that can be applied to building many teams. This method is compared to building a house. First, the foundation is laid, and then the walls are framed on this foundation. Next comes the roof to cover everything. The work is completed - by finishing. In this team-building house metaphor, the foundation consists of trust, communication, and collaboration (without these three as a solid foundation, all further development efforts may fail). Walls are elements of a well-functioning team (they can vary depending on the situation), but the foundation is formed, as if showing a good start, and as they say, a good start is half the battle. The roof is a leader with its own characteristics, which can also vary depending on the situation. Final work is a process that allows the team to interpret, grow and develop independently (see Figure 1).
Fig. 1 House of Teamwork covered by leadership based in trust, communication & cooperation (Priest, 2022)
From Fig. 1 we see that building a house, as a team, includes the following stages: 1. Foundation (base); 2. Walls; 3. Roof; 4. Finishing (final works.
Foundation (base). The beginning of the foundation is the creation of the stages of trust and communication. These are mutually interacting elements, and when disagreements arise, "erosion" is felt and the foundation cracks. It is important to note that focusing only on improving one element does not necessarily mean that the situation will improve. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on solving the problem globally and thus identifying it. A solution requires a learning experience where trust and communication reach a functional level and transform a problematic situation into a positive whole. After identifying the problem, it can be said that the first stage is completed, the next step is to look for forms that demonstrate evidence of cooperation. Cooperation is manifested in how team members share certain resources with each other and, acting together, achieve the desired result. Such a transition to cooperation (unconditional sharing of everything and working together) explains that the second stage has been reached - the emergence of sustainable / harmonious cooperation.
Walls. Wall building can be done when the first (trust) and second (cooperation) phases are completed. The further stage of execution requires many elements of teamwork, such as: planning, role clarity, shared goals, change, commitment, problem solving, decision making, risk taking, diversity, safe space, co-creation, conflict resolution, creativity, consensus, accountability, respect, encouragement, sharing, ethics and empathy. Working in a group often involves taking on more complex group initiatives, activities, and challenges. Such processes occur during the growth of most teams, when the team is new and does not yet have experiential skills. In difficult situations, employees usually reach a tipping point or tipping point. The breaking point is the disappearance of resistance to change and the achievement of the level of functional activity. This is considered the emergence of the third stage, which indicates that it is time to take leadership.
The roof. The team works well, and most behavioral elements are functional, with leaders emerging for specific tasks. In this way, the team learns to share leadership, building on the strengths of its members. With a functional and well-functioning team, one can begin to explore the components of leadership such as: influence, style (autocratic, democratic, etc.), orientation (task or relationship), and contingent favora- bility (group unity, team competence, leadership experience, judgment), consequence and risk to the environment.
Finishing (finishing works). The fourth stage is the stage of functional leadership, where teams are autonomous and independent. Sometimes this means that members can solve problems on their own and/or continue to improve without help (no helper needed).
In conclusion, it can be said that the construction of the house is an example of modernity and modernity, where the foundation, walls, roof and decoration are the kind of teamwork that is possible in the concept and activity of a modern and socially responsible organization.
The internal environment of a modern and socially responsible organization
In order to talk about a modern organization, one should probably clarify the meaning of the word modern. Thus: modern - 1. meeting today's requirements and taste; 2. corresponding to the latest technical achievements.
A modern organization, or in other words a modern organization, aims to be an open, developing social system. It becomes maximally effective only if it is able to flexibly adapt to changes in the environment - new technologies, consumer needs, changing geopolitical and legal environment and society. According to Paliulis et al. (2003), an organization's ability to develop is directly related to its ability to resolve and manage conflict situations. Since conflicts are an integral part of the organization, it is important how organizations react to them, how they are analyzed, and what methods are chosen to solve them.
Analyzing the literature, it is observed that the modern organization, in order to survive in the competitive environment, must integrate the principles of information and knowledge management into traditional management systems. There is a need to manage intangible resources, therefore a change in information management is being observed, knowledge management is developing, the essence of which is the use, management and improvement of intangible resources.
According to J. Kvedaravicius (2005), a modern organization must pay attention to five main competences: 1) competence of a technological nature - evaluates the interaction of an individual with the world, which is determined by properly used technological abilities; 2) the competence of ambiguity and diversity, which is determined by two traditions: one of them is based on values - tolerance, justice and consideration; the other is based on epistemology, which criticizes our understanding of knowledge; 3) search for and support of community links - in this plane, one of the main competences separates us from cognition and moves us to social and personal areas; 4) management of motivation, emotions and desire. Culture is the identifying interval (gap) between the super-rational, cognitive model of humanity that currently dominates many theories of psychology. The concept of emotional intelligence emerges; 5) Mediation and responsibility - this level focuses on morality, responsibility and citizenship.
In the modern organization, information is the main source of its added value. Successful operation is guaranteed by the organization's ability to effectively manage information assets: information technologies and systems, information specialists, intellectual capital, knowledge of organization members, etc. The responsibility of the head of the organization is to use information resources - data as values - purposefully, optimally, skillfully. For this reason, the manager's information system should be developed.
Features of a modern organization: characteristic proactivity, ability to solve problem situations, general ability to improve, learn, flexible management structure, more focused on the directions of activity, rather than on action procedures (therefore, there are no long-term plans for the detailed achievement of formal performance results); "transparent" boundaries of the organization; pursuit of competitive advantage through cooperation; informal control; stable development; risk tolerance; team and group work culture, people and information are the most important assets of the organization; customer focus; has a clearly expressed philosophy, vision, mission; characterized by social orientation and responsibility. Contemporary organization of Lithuania. In a modern organization, social rather than technical or economic factors determining its success prevail (Jucevicius, 1998, p. 132). A modern Lithuanian organization is considered to be a successfully and ethically operating organization registered in Lithuania, which has a clearly expressed operational strategy and is characterized by entrepreneurship. Features of contemporary Lithuanian organization: active search for new opportunities; ability to solve problem situations; growing and improving organizational competence not only through training, but also through personnel changes; large organizations are dominated by a functional or linear - functional management structure, while in small organizations a hierarchical management structure is clearly visible; more focused on activity directions rather than action procedures (therefore, there are no long-term plans for the detailed achievement of formal performance results); the formation of a new western organizational culture (possible collision of old and new personnel competence subcultures); pursuit of competitive advantage using classical methods of competition; formal control 17; flexibility and resilience; risk tolerance; an unformed team work structure; people and information are not valued as the most important assets of the organization; elements of customer/customer focus are manifested; philosophy, mission, vision are important and understandable to only a small number of managers; a characteristic "secret syndrome"; the organization has a clearly expressed direction of activity.
According to A. Seiliaus (1998), the most important function and purpose of management is to coordinate, organize and link various areas of economic activity and ensure their interaction. It is necessary to maintain both qualitative and quantitative relations of work activities in order to be able to carry them out successfully.
The essence of the organizational environment
The organization's environment is very important. The organization's environment is a set of factors influencing the organization's activities. It covers all aspects related to the outside and inside of the organization. Although the organization's environment is divided into external and internal, these environments are like a "circle", the middle of which is the organization's internal environment, surrounded by the external environment. The organizational environment is described in Figure 2.
Fig. 2 Overview of internal and external factors (Laval & §tefea, 2018; Kupper, Moller & Pampel, 2012)
According to Laval & §tefea (2018), the most obvious factor is the size of the company, because especially the size of the company affects the number of employees, specializations and the organization of the control function. Larger companies have a larger control team in absolute numbers, but the relative number of controllers compared to the total number of employees is decreasing. Firm size positively affects the number of specializations retained and the strategic orientation of the management function (Becker, Ulrich, & Zimmermann, 2012; Littkemann, Reinbacher, & Baranowski, 2012). Other important factors include the expectations of the management and the business area the company is engaged in.
Internal and external factors - what are they
First, we need to understand that there are various internal and external factors that depend on the size, type and status of the business. However, these key factors can be found by analyzing the business environment under the following categories: external and internal.
Internal environmental factors. Internal factors include everything in a company, whether they are tangible or intangible resources. By knowing the factors, it is possible to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the company. If an element has a positive effect on the company, it is considered a strength. On the other hand, if any factor hinders the development of the company, it is a weakness. There are many criteria to consider in a company.
It is important to mention that there are 14 types of internal environmental factors:
1. Plans and policies;
2. Value proposition;
3. Human resources;
4. Financial and marketing resources;
5. Company image and brand;
6. Company buildings/transport/equipment (or physical property);
7. Work management;
8. Interpersonal relations with employees;
9. Internal technology resources and dependencies;
10. Organizational structure or in some cases code of conduct;
11. Infrastructure quality and size;
12. Performance of Tasks or Transactions;
13. Financial forecast;
14. Relations of the founders and their decision-making power.
Factors in the work environment of a modern and socially responsible organization that promote well-being
socially responsible organization environment
When starting to identify the factors of the work environment of a modern and socially responsible organization, which promote the process of establishing well-being, information is needed about the factors of the organization's environment and the quality of their implementation. It is also important to know the satisfaction, needs and expectations of interest groups, strategic insights in the competitive market and other information that is obtained in the stages of evaluating the results and impact of the responsibility of a modern and socially responsible organization. The need for establishing responsibility for the factors of the work environment of a modern and socially responsible organization may be inadequately high compared to the organization's capabilities, therefore, only after determining the organization's real opportunities to realize the means of establishing responsibility, which are selected after evaluating the competitive market and the accumulated position of interest groups, are they integrated into the scope and content of the organization's responsibility, and later realized in the stage of implementation of social responsibility (Seiliute, 2013).
According to D. Soryte & B. Pajarskiene (2014), psychosocial factors are called psychosocial factors in Lithuanian legal acts, which cause mental stress to a working person due to working conditions, work requirements, organization and content, relations between employees or between employer and employee. These factors are extremely important when it comes to creating a healthy workplace, and in turn, the well-being of employees. Creating a healthy workplace requires a conscious, systematic and collaborative effort to increase employee well-being and productivity. This requires well-planned and meaningful work, a supportive social organizational environment, accessible and fair career and work-life balance opportunities. Albrecht writes that in order to motivate and involve working people and thus create their well-being, improve work performance and increase commitment to the workplace, organizations should create an open, supportive and fair organizational and team culture, ensure work that clearly corresponds to the organization's goals, an optimal level of autonomy, support and career opportunities (Soryte, Pajarskiene, 2014). Factors of the psychosocial work environment promoting employee well-being are summarized in Table 1.
Table 1
Factors of the psychosocial work environment promoting employee well-being (Soryte, Pajarskiene, 2014)
Work environment factors |
Employee welfare |
Job requirements and controls |
- Compilation of opportunities to control one's work - to solve work-related issues, to feel the power of decision-making; - Optimum, mobilizing work requirements (not exceeding the employee's capabilities, allowing to feel a challenge, not causing boredom). |
Interpersonal relationships at work |
- Relationships with colleagues and managers based on trust and justice; - Cooperation; - Organizational justice. |
Leadership |
- Social support and assistance to employees; - Staff empowerment, involvement in creating a common work vision; - Promotion of open team communication; - Encouraging employees, positive evaluation, providing feedback. |
Work organization and content |
- Creating opportunities for continuous learning and skill development; - Adequate salary that allows meeting needs; - Sufficient resources of personnel and tools are ensured; - Clear job role and understandable job tasks; - Interesting and meaningful work. |
Interaction between work and personal life |
- Opportunities are created to combine work and personal life, to successfully fulfill obligations to family and work; - Formation of organizational policies favorable to employees and their families |
The internal environment of any business refers to the company's employees, which include management, as well as direct and indirect employees.
Mission and vision are the focus of the organization, encouraging its members to work together towards common goals. It allows people to be assigned one specific mission.
The formal structure of a company is a ranked structure of workplaces and communities. The core values of companies differ from each other and this is always a factor in their success.
Most companies aim to motivate employees to achieve better results. A great result is always guaranteed when the customers are satisfied. There are several ways to maintain a good indoor environment. With a positive environment, chances are the people running the business will be happy and satisfied. Motivation can be intrinsic or extrinsic, but it plays an important role in business. Be it stock value or brand image, the internal environment must always be healthy (Yadav, 2022), only then such an organization can present itself as modern and socially responsible.
If the behavior of the organization has prominent features of a modern, intelligent, agile, entrepreneurial and modern organization and is basically in line with the trends of the modern organization:
• active search for new opportunities (new ideas, creativity are tolerated in the organization),
• the ability to solve problem situations,
• the organization is dominated by a hierarchical management structure,
• the activity is characterized by effective formal control,
• while strengthening and protecting public health, the organization basically focuses on the areas of activity,
• is characterized by attention to the customer, flexibility and resilience (is sensitive to changes in the environment and quickly adapts to them),
• it is characterized by risk tolerance, the goals are important for the members of the organization (the absolute majority participates in their implementation).
1. Knowing the environment helps managers determine the direction they should go. They will travel together with a different way to change direction when needed. Without an understanding of the environment, guides are like a bicycle without a steering wheel - there is no way to maneuver on the street. Managers can isolate those factors, especially in the external environment, that are of particular interest to the organization. Managers can make preparations to deal with an anticipated crisis in any environmental factor. They can create crisis plans to deal with crises that affect the organization. Understanding the environment in which the company operates is key to achieving organizational effectiveness. Lack of or insufficient knowledge is likely to make managers ineffective because they "run the wrong way to achieve goals." The environment, regardless of its external or internal nature, must be clearly understood by the manager. Normally, you wouldn't go for a walk in the rain without an umbrella, because you understand the environment and know that you might get wet when it rains. Similarly, if a leader does not know and understand the organizational environment, he or she will ultimately be wet or dry, and so will the organization in today's fast-paced and changing organizational environment.
2. Every organization that wants to operate successfully and profitably needs to know its environment. For the head of a successfully functioning organization, it is the main goal of the company - to find out the changes taking place in the environment in a timely manner, to identify trends. The organization does not have a direct impact on the macro environment, and managers cannot influence these changes, they can only use them, and the factors of the micro environment can be adjusted in favor of the company. Every organization that wants to be successful has the most important thing to know its environment and influence it. However, the impact is not only on the organization, but also on the people working in it. The behavior of each person depends on the circumstances, so the environment has a greater impact on his behavior than the characteristics of the person. Therefore, it is not enough to gather people with the necessary traits for work, it is also necessary to create an environment that supports and strengthens these traits. The environment around them can be internal and external. The internal environment is more determined by what happens in the internal life of the organization, while the external environment determines what happens outside the organization.
3. The key difference between internal and external environment is the effect they both create in business, internal environment is the root of an organization's brand as it directly affects the growth of the organization while external environment indirectly affects the growth of the organization. It must be understood that the internal environment has certain factors that are directly related to the growth of the company in the market, while the external environment has many factors that are directly and indirectly related to the growth or decline of the entire organization. The success of a company depends on many factors and they can be divided into two important brackets; internal and external. It is very important to constantly monitor external and internal distress signals. Therefore, the continuous study of internal and external factors is a promising opportunity for successful business operations. In fact, success depends on cooperation, and cooperation is in both of these factors. A company or organization will have to work together with the factors of internal environment and external environment and work on areas of improvement that will help the company to improve in business.
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