Research of managing intellectual potential of enterprises in the post-war conditions
Analysis of intellectual potential management at the enterprise in post-war Ukraine. Professional, scientific, technical and creative components of intellectual capital. Algorithms of quality management of intellectual potential using innovations.
Рубрика | Менеджмент и трудовые отношения |
Вид | статья |
Язык | украинский |
Дата добавления | 26.12.2023 |
Размер файла | 1013,2 K |
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Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University
Research of managing intellectual potential of enterprises in the post-war conditions
Hirdvainis V., Postgraduate,
Yakymova N., Dr Econ. Sci., Ass. Prof.
The article research of managing intellectual potential of enterprises in the post-war conditions. Scientific approaches to determining the features of intellectual potential management are summarized. It was established that the intellectual potential as a component of the company's activity acquired a significant role in the period of post-industrial development of society - with the advent of digital technologies, significant automation of production and scientific and technical progress. The components of intellectual capital are singled out (professional, scientific, technical and creative knowledge of employees; previous experience of the enterprise; intellectual property; organizational and management structure; innovations and new technologies; information networks). A SWOT analysis of intellectual potential management in post-war conditions was carried out. Scenarios for the generation of intellectual potential (positive and negative) are proposed. It is concluded that the situation of the Ukrainian economy in the context of the future post-war reconstruction is unique for the development of intellectual potential management algorithms, in particular, it is suggested to emphasize the motivation of employees to generate ideas and increase the level of creativity.
Keywords: behavioral models, labor market, conceptual positions, methodology, human models, economic behavior, paradigm. intellectual potential, management of intellectual potential, post-war period, components of intellectual capital, SWOT analysis, scenarios for the generation of intellectual potential, competitiveness of the enterprise.
Дослідження управління інтелектуальним потенціалом підприємств в умовах післявоєнного стану
Гірдвайніс В.А., аспірант; Якимова Н.С., д.е.н., доцент, Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса
У статті проведено дослідження управління інтелектуальним потенціалом підприємств в умовах післявоєнного стану. Узагальнено наукові підходи до визначення особливостей управління інтелектуальним потенціалом. Встановлено, що суттєвої ролі інтелектуальний потенціал як складова діяльності підприємства набув у період постіндустріального розвитку суспільства - з появою цифрових технологій, значною автоматизацією виробництва та науково-технічним прогресом. Виокремлено складові інтелектуального капіталу (професійні, науково-технічні та творчі знання працівників; попередній досвід роботи підприємства; інтелектуальна власність; організаційно- управлінська структура; інновації та нові технології; інформаційні мережі). Здійснено SWOT-аналіз управління інтелектуальним потенціалом в умовах післявоєнного стану. Запропоновано сценарії формування інтелектуального потенціалу (позитивний та негативний). Зроблено висновок, що стан української економіки в контексті майбутньої післявоєнної відбудови є унікальним щодо розробки алгоритмів управління інтелектуальним потенціалом, зокрема, пропонується робити акцент на мотивованість працівників до генерування ідей, а також підвищення рівня їх креативності.
Ключові слова: інтелектуальний потенціал, управління інтелектуальним потенціалом, післявоєнний стан, складові інтелектуального капіталу, SWOT-аналіз, сценарії формування інтелектуального потенціалу, конкурентоспроможність підприємства.
Formulation of the problem
The issue of increasing the management efficiency concerning the intellectual potential of the enterprise becomes especially relevant in the conditions of the war and the future post-war reconstruction. To date, external challenges related to the war have been added to the internal problems of the unstable regime during the transitional development stage of Ukraine's economy, namely, the qualified specialist's outflow, working conditions deterioration due to the economic collapse, and general demotivation in the labor market. It is important to review the outdated economic dogmas regarding the management of the intellectual potential of the enterprise at all levels, as well as to introduce various innovative measures to increase the efficiency of human resources management in complex geopolitical and economic conditions.
Analysis of recent research and publications. Many scientists in the field of HR management and risk management studied the problems in relation to managing the intellectual potential of an enterprise in difficult conditions, but not specifically during post-war reconstruction. Since the topic is quite new and insufficiently researched, it is important to analyze a number of publications in a more universal research area.
The native scientist H. Ostrovska in her research on the management of intellectual potential at the enterprise claims, that the main challenges to the development of innovations in the HRM sphere are insufficient funding of science and education, a low level of introduction into the production of new types [1]. That is why it is important to apply the most modern approaches focused on the individuality and uniqueness of the worker, for example, to evaluate the individual creative component of intellectual and innovative activity. Based on these data, it is possible to conduct full statistics on all employees of the enterprise, from which it is possible to learn about the influence of various factors (personal, psychological, contextual) on their activities, and after analyzing their influence, develop a scheme for changing the values of the parameters of certain factors in order to increase the productivity of individual units the "enterprise" system, which will affect the entire system, and the efficiency of business processes as a whole.
Other native scientists of the modern school of human resources management, namely T. Shkoda, M. Teplik and M. Sagaidak, consider the management of the intellectual potential of the enterprise as a powerful cooperation of science, business, education and the state apparatus - each of the components of the structure plays its own role in creating innovations and their practical involvement in management [2].
Representatives of the Chinese school of business administration, Huang and co-authors, consider it sufficient and necessary to conduct hybridization and combine the theory of human resource management with the theory of risk management, since risks are most often caused by the human factor in any case [3]. According to researchers, the first stage in the management of intellectual potential is the identification of risks and their assessment, for example, there may be risks of hiring an unqualified employee, leakage of corporate secrets and secrets, personal risks of the worker related to health, moral risks, etc. The next stage is the forecasting of risk minimization strategies, conducting relevant experiments, and only then their official implementation in the activities of the organization as a whole.
Formulation of research goals. Tasks setting is to analyze the management of the intellectual potential at the enterprise in several contexts: in general, in the context of difficult conditions, and in a specific situation in the context of the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine, designing algorithms for qualitative management of intellectual potential.
Outline of the main research material
The effectiveness of any modern enterprise directly depends on the concept of intellectual potential. Researcher Nosova T.I. intellectual potential means the tetrocentric core of the enterprise, which is aimed at the effective application of management knowledge, skills, and professional abilities with the aim of increasing the effectiveness of the enterprise's activities by creating an intellectual opportunity to win over its competitors in the long term under the conditions of a changing external environment [4].
Ukrainian scientist Dyba L.M. interprets the concept of intellectual potential as certain opportunities of an economic entity to create, accumulate and effectively use intellectual resources in order to ensure a high level of its development and competitiveness [5].
According to Moiseienko I.P., intellectual potential is an opportunity that can be revealed or often not revealed, but actually exists to perform specific actions [6]. management intellectual capital postwar ukraine
Thus, intellectual potential is responsible for the most important components of labour organization, and the competitiveness of a certain enterprise on the market is directly correlated with the level of this parameter. It should be noted, that the importance of intellectual potential as a component of the enterprise's activity was acquired in the period of post-industrial development of society - with the advent of digital technologies, significant automation of production and scientific and technical progress. In most cases, the employee has already ceased to be an insignificant unit that performed a set of certain simple functions, instead, the bar for the set of necessary personal skills has been raised significantly, while social skills, critical thinking and a non-standard approach to solving a number of problems have also begun to play more important role.
Moreover, not all rules are formed by the management, before the organization of work - on the contrary, in some cases, the such rules are formed by employees, as a result of their symbiosis and exchange of knowledge, so certain information types become relevant. The exchange of information often means not only the accumulation of knowledge, but also its systematization, generation of new ideas and emergence of constructive or destructive business conflicts.
In general, the concept of intellectual capital includes several components, namely: professional, scientific, technical and creative knowledge of employees; previous experience of the enterprise; intellectual property; organizational and management structure; innovations and new technologies; information networks - everything that forms the business and image of the company as a whole [7].
Figure 1 shows the diagram of the components of intellectual capital in detail.
Figure 1. Intellectual capital components' diagram. Source: built by the authors based on materials [7]
Now, after clearly delineating the concept of intellectual capital, it is necessary to pay attention to the main processes within this concept. The main source of intellectual capital is the knowledge that a qualified employee is ready to turn into ideas if he has certain personal qualities. The generation of ideas from the point of view of economics is a process that has zero cost, so it is absolutely profitable. Such an opinion is not entirely correct and demonstrates a conservative, inhumane and irrational approach to the management of human resources at the enterprise, since in order to generate high-quality ideas, certain conditions are needed to ensure the motivation of employees for self-development and creativity, as well as loyalty to innovation and a favourable working atmosphere.
In addition, from the generation of an idea or the acquisition of knowledge to its implementation, a long-life cycle passes, and only then does the intellectual resource turn into intellectual potential. In the conditions of post-war reconstruction, the management of intellectual potential at enterprises in Ukraine will of course have many new features, which are best presented in the form of the SWOT analysis (figure 2).
Figure 2. The SWOT-analysis of the post-war intellectual potential management. Source: built by the authors
The intellectual capital of the enterprise in post-war Ukraine should be built mainly on the basis of motivating employees to brainstorm and fully implement all possible ideas. The algorithm for handling human resources and transforming them into intellectual capital should, by default, apply mostly to conscious, motivated and trained employees. Provided such employees are selected and correctly guided, any of their intellectual activity and generation of ideas will only contribute to the accumulation of intellectual potential [8-11].
Let's consider two cases. In the first, the employee or employees accumulate information, generate an idea, then implement the method, introduce the product to the market and benefit the company in the form of accumulation of intellectual potential (in the form of copyright for new developments, computer programs, etc.). In the second case, everything happens in the first two stages similarly, but the idea undergoes criticism and rejection, as a result of which experience is accumulated, and thus, the enterprise still receives a benefit in the form of intellectual potential. At this stage, it is important to note that criticism should be constructive and contribute to the desire of the employee to continue to be ideological (provided there are no professional offenses). Schemes 3 and 4 illustrate the developed scenarios for the generation of intellectual potential.
Figure 3. The positive scenario of idea generation. Source: built by the authors
Figure 4. The negative scenario of idea generation. Source: built by the authors
The intellectual potential of an enterprise, as a concept, is a fairly recent term in economics. Vast number of scientists have contributed to the research and outlining of this concept, but there is a significant lack of research in the field of intellectual potential management in complex crisis conditions.
The problems of managing the intellectual potential of enterprises in post-war conditions are associated with a significant outflow of personnel abroad, a decrease in motivation for general self-development, a deterioration of corporate culture due to a decrease in the quality of life, as well as less social activity due to the transition of a large number of employees to the online format of work interaction. Therefore, the issues of effective implementation of the processes of managing the intellectual potential of domestic enterprises to ensure a high level of their competitiveness are becoming relevant, which require further research to build a model of managing the intellectual potential of enterprises in post-war conditions.
The situation of the Ukrainian economy in the context of the future post-war reconstruction is unique for the development of intellectual potential management algorithms, in particular the motivation of employees to generate ideas and increase the level of creativity. An important conclusion is that any experience, even a negative one, can significantly help the formation of the enterprise's intellectual potential, and therefore, increase its competitiveness in the market.
1. Ostrovska H. (2018) Management by intellectual potential of enterprise. Galician economic journal (Tern.), vol. 55, no 2, pp. 88-97.
2. Shkoda T., Tepliuk M., Sahaidak M. (2020). Intellectual potential management in forming strategic partnership of science-business-education. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 6(5), 221-232.
3. Huang W. (2018). Human Resource Risk Identification and Prevention. Control and Systems Engineering, 1 (1), 16-21.
4. Nosova T. (2014) The economic essence of the category of «intellectual potential». Mechanism of Economic Regulation, 2, 159-166.
5. Dyba L.M. (2011) The essence of the concepts of intellectual potential and intellectual capital as economic categories. Economic Bulletin, 17/1, 124-129.
6. Moiseienko I.P. (2007) Problems of structural analysis of intellectual potential of enterprises. Current Problems of Economics, 10, 165-170.
7. Pererva P., Marchuk L. (2018). Intellectual potential as an economic category.
Bulletin of the National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» (economic sciences), 15 (1291), 53-63.
8. Kimbrough R.L., Componation P.J. (2009). The relationship between organizational culture and enterprise risk management. Engineering Management Journal, 21(2), 18-26.
9. Acharyya M., Mutenga S. (2013). The benefits of implementing enterprise risk management: Evidence from the non-life insurance industry. Enterprise Risk Management, 6 (1), 22-24.
10. Bertinetti G.S., Cavezzali E., Gardenal G. (2013). The effect of the enterprise risk management implementation on the firm value of European companies. Working Paper (10). Department of Management, Universita Ca'Foscari Venezia.
11. Sekaran U., Bougie R. (2016). Research methods for business: A skill building approach. John Wiley & Sons.
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