Operations management: analysis of cases of successful businesses in improving operational plans and dispatching
The connection between operational management, operational plans, and dispatching lies in the fact that operational management involves the development, implementation, and monitoring of operational plans and utilizes dispatching to execute these plans.
Рубрика | Менеджмент и трудовые отношения |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 19.12.2023 |
Размер файла | 897,2 K |
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Operations management: analysis of cases of successful businesses in improving operational plans and dispatching
N. Biletska,
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor,
Vice-Rector for educational and methodical work,
Private Higher Educational Establishment "Vinnytsia Institute of designing of clothesand entrepreneurship"
O. Halachenko,
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Taxation,
Finance, and Entrepreneurship,
Private Higher Educational Establishment "Vinnytsia Institute of designing of clothesand entrepreneurship"
Н. В. Білецька,
к. е. н., доцент, проректор з навчально-методичної роботи,
ПВНЗ Вінницький інститут конструювання одягу і підприємства
О. О. Галаченко,
д. е. н., професор, професор кафедри оподаткування, фінансів та
ПВНЗ Вінницький інститут конструювання одягу і підприємства
Л. М. Покровщук,
к. пед. наук, доцент оподаткування, фінансів та підприємництва,
ПВНЗ Вінницький інститут конструювання одягу і підприємства
Currently, operational management is a key direction of management responsible for organizing and controlling the operational processes of an enterprise to achieve its strategic and tactical goals. Moreover, since such management encompasses operational planning, production, inventory management, logistics, ongoing quality control, operational plans, and dispatching are its fundamental components. It is important to note that since operational management is a dynamic activity, operational plans and dispatching undergo constant updates and adjustments. Within this framework, it is crucial for managers to maximally consider changes in circumstances, demand, resources, and technologies. Therefore, the successful enterprise case analysis studies in improving operational plans and dispatching becomes highly relevant. In accordance with the research, it provides a comprehensive analysis of case studies of successful companies in improving operational plans and dispatching, aiming to identify the specific features of the outlined improvements. The research results confirm that case studies of enterprises (such as Amazon, Walmart, FedEx, Delta Airlines, Zara, and so on) demonstrate that effective operational plans and dispatching contribute to gaining competitive advantages, ensuring customer satisfaction, and achieving other significant outcomes. It has been demonstrated that the improvement scheme for dispatching can be standardized in terms of its core stages and components. It is noted that such a scheme includes the following elements: analysis of the current state, goal, and objective setting; development of improvement strategy; implementation of changes and new processes; testing and validation; monitoring and analysis of results; making corrections and optimizations; personnel training; implementation and support; evaluation and audit of the improvement. It should be noted that the provided scheme should define the overall direction of the dispatching improvement process within the enterprise. The scheme for improving an enterprise's operational plans can indeed be standardized in terms of a set of general steps, including the assessment of current operational plans and processes, defining key performance indicators, developing an improvement algorithm for operational plans, implementing changes, testing, and validating changes, monitoring the performance of new plans, optimization, and continuous refinement of operational plans.
Ключові слова: моніторинг; аналіз результатів; аналіз поточного стану; внесення коректив; оптимізація планів; розподіл ресурсів; управління.
Наразі операційний менеджмент є ключовим напрямком управління, який відповідає за організацію та контроль операційних процесів підприємства для досягнення його стратегічних та тактичних цілей. При цьому, оскільки такий менеджмент охоплює оперативне планування, виробництво, управління запасами, логістику та поточний контроль якості, то саме оперативні плани й диспетчеризація є його базовими елементами. Важливо відзначити, що оскільки операційний менеджмент є динамічною діяльністю, оперативні плани та диспетчеризація піддаються постійному оновленню і коригуванню, в межах яких для менеджерів важливо максимально враховувати зміни в обставинах, попиті, ресурсах та технологіях. Відтак значної актуальності набуває аналіз кейсів успішних підприємств у вдосконаленні оперативних планів та диспетчеризації. Відповідно до вищенаведеного, дослідження забезпечує загальний аналіз кейсів успішних підприємств із вдосконалення оперативних планів та диспетчеризації та визначення особливостей окреслених удосконалень. За результатами дослідження доведено, що кейси провідних підприємств (таких, як Amazon, Walmart, FedEx, Delta Airlines та Zara та інших), підтверджують, що ефективні операційні плани та диспетчеризація допомагають досягати конкурентних переваг, забезпечують задоволення клієнтів та інші вагомі результати. Доведено, що схема вдосконалення диспетчеризації може бути стандартизованою (щодо основних етапів і компонентів). Звернено увагу на той факт, що така схема включає наступні елементи: аналіз поточного стану, визначення цілей і завдань; розробку стратегії вдосконалення; внесення змін і впровадження нових процесів; тестування і валідацію; моніторинг і аналіз результатів; внесення коректив та оптимізацію; навчання персоналу; імплементацію і підтримку; оцінку та аудит вдосконалення. Слід зазначити, що наведена схема має визначати загальний курс процесу вдосконалення диспетчеризації на підприємстві. Схема вдосконалення операційних планів підприємства може бути стандартизованою лише за сукупністю загальних кроків, серед яких оцінка поточних операційних планів і процесів, визначення ключових показників продуктивності, розробка алгоритму вдосконалення операційних планів, впровадження змін, тестування та валідація змін, моніторинг продуктивності нових планів,оптимізація та постійневдосконалення операційних планів.
Key words: monitoring; results analysis; current state analysis; making corrections; plan optimization; resource allocation; management.
Target setting
Currently, operational management is a key direction in management responsible for organizing and controlling the operational processes of an enterprise to achieve its strategic and tactical goals. Moreover, since such management encompasses operational planning, production, inventory management, logistics, ongoing quality control, operational plans, and dispatching are its fundamental elements. operational management monitoring
The connection between operational management, operational plans, and dispatching lies in the fact that operational management involves the development, implementation, and monitoring of operational plans and utilizes dispatching to execute these plans. Operational plans are formulated based on the strategic objectives of the enterprise, and they define the steps that need to be taken to achieve these goals in the operational aspects of the business. Dispatching implements these plans by allocating resources and tasks among different parts of the organization for their execution. It is important to note that since operational management is a dynamic activity, operational plans and dispatching are subject to constant updates and adjustments, within which managers need to consider changes in circumstances, demand, resources, and technologies to the fullest extent.
Therefore, the analysis of successful company case studies in improving operational plans and dispatching becomes highly relevant.
Analysis of research and publications
Questions of operational management, including those related to adjusting the efficiency of production and other operations, as well as their planning, are discussed in the works of authors such as S.V. Belyaev, D.O. Sarichev, V.A. Deordiyev, A.S. Ilyin, and others. It's important to consider that improving operational plans and dispatching is a complex process that can encompass various aspects, tools, and methods.
However, as per the views outlined above and those of many other researchers, there is a somewhat fragmented approach to improving operational plans and dispatching (as they often focus on specific aspects of these processes rather than considering them in general).
The wording of the purposes of article (problem)
The purpose of the article is to provide a comprehensive analysis of successful company case studies in improving operational plans and dispatching, and to identify the distinctive features of the outlined improvements.
The paper main body with full reasoning of academic results. Improving operational plans (interpreted, within the scope of the study, as detailed action plans for the short and medium term to help achieve the tactical goals of the enterprise) and dispatching (interpreted as the process of resource and task allocation to ensure the effective functioning of operational processes) are important aspects of operational management for any enterprise.
The significance of improvement is determined by the characteristics of the outlined components.
Indeed, the significance of improving dispatching processes is driven by a series of characteristics that assist enterprises in enhancing the efficiency of resource operations, which are crucial factors for achieving success in the market (see Figure 1).
Among such characteristics is the clear direction of the impact of dispatching on the efficiency of resource allocation, dispatching on logistics, the effectiveness of monitoring resource allocation over time, and other aspects of operational activities.
Figure 1. Components determining the importance of improving dispatching
processes in the enterprise
Source: formed based on [1; 3; 5]
The characteristics that determine the importance of improving dispatching processes in the enterprise are as follows:
1. The impact of dispatching on resource allocation efficiency (such as vehicles, personnel, and equipment [5]) allows for precise identification of the resources required for specific tasks or orders and introduces changes in distribution processes to minimize unnecessary costs or delays in task execution.
2. The impact of logistics dispatching. These processes can adjust supply or transportation routes. Essentially, this process helps reduce fuel costs, minimize travel time, and promote fast delivery [3].
3. The impact of dispatching on the timeliness of resource allocation monitoring. Modern dispatching systems allow tracking the movement of vehicles or the execution of resource allocation tasks in real time, including order placement, production operations, and more [1]. It enables operators to quickly respond to changes, address issues, and manage processes in real time.
4. The impact of dispatching on customer satisfaction levels. Dispatching helps create the most accurate and reliable picture of goods delivery or customer service. It makes customers more satisfied and contributes to their loyalty.
5. The impact of dispatching on the safety of logistics operations and personnel work. Through dispatching, managers can identify hazards, prevent accidents, and take measures to prevent them.
6. The impact of dispatching on the efficiency of workforce utilization through realtime planning and task assignment processes for employees.
7. The impact of dispatching on the level of business expenses and profitability. Through dispatching, managers can reduce management and operational costs, thereby increasing the profitability of the enterprise.
8. The impact of dispatching on the scalability of the business. Managers can efficiently scale their business through dispatching by expanding their geographical service coverage.
In general, improving dispatching processes is a critical component of operational management that involves optimizing and enhancing the ways of managing and coordinating the movement of resources in real time. It enables enterprises to provide more accurate and efficient product delivery or service provision, reduce costs, increase customer satisfaction, and enhance competitiveness.
Considering that optimizing dispatching processes is becoming increasingly important for modern enterprises due to constant changes in the business environment and growing competition, it is crucial to systematize the experience of successful companies (to assist other businesses in understanding the specific steps and strategies that have led to positive outcomes [3]) (see Table 1).
Table 1. Analysis of successful enterprises case studies in improving dispatching
Theexperienceof successful enterprises |
A case description of dispatchingprocess improvement |
The results of dispatching process improvement |
Uber Technologies, Inc. (a famous enterprise that revolutionized the transportation industry through its ride-sharing platform) |
Uber experts improved dispatching by developing a mobileapplicationthat provides precise location and real-time access to drivers. |
It allowed for improving business efficiency through the introduction of the concept of carpooling. It allowed for increasing customer satisfaction levels. |
FedEx Corporation (one of the world leaders in logistics and delivery) |
FedEx experts actively utilize dispatching for planning and coordinating the work of their logisticsoperatorsand drivers. |
It allowed for increasing customer satisfaction levels through quick and reliable delivery. Customers appreciate the accuracy and efficiency of FedEx services. |
Amazon.com, Inc. (one of the world's largest online retail giants) |
Amazonexpertsuse dispatching to optimize their freight transportation and warehousemanagement processes. |
It allowed for increasing customer satisfaction levels through fast and reliable order delivery (even during peak periods, such as holiday sales). It allowed for improving business efficiency and creating competitive advantages. |
DHL International GmbH (international delivery and logistics service company) |
DHL experts improved their dispatchingsystemto optimize global routes and delivery services. |
It allowed for the creation of competitive advantages by increasing the efficiency of globaldeliveriesandreducing transportation costs. It allowed for improving business efficiency and creating competitive advantages |
Airbnb, Inc. (online platform for booking accommodations) |
Airbnbexpertsutilize dispatching to coordinate between hosts and guests, ensuringtimelykey handovers and other services. |
It allowed for increasing customer satisfaction levels byproviding consumers with convenient and reliable services during booking and their stay in accommodations. |
Source: formed based on [5]
The cases mentioned above demonstrate that the improvement of dispatching processes shares common characteristics across enterprises as it addresses one or several of the following directions, including:
1. Enhancing business efficiency (by avoiding unnecessary time and resource expenditures, improving asset utilization, and reducing costs).
2. Increasing customer satisfaction (by ensuring timely delivery of goods or services [2]).
3. Creating competitive advantages in various business sectors (such as fast delivery, service accuracy, or cost reduction [6]).
Improving operational plans is a critical element of operational management for enterprises in all industries, as it influences the nature of tasks executed by the operations department to achieve the strategic and tactical goals of the company (see Figure 2).
Figure 2. Components determining the importance of improving operational plans in an enterprise
Source: formed based on [2; 4; 6-7]
The features that determine the importance of improving operational plans in an enterprise are as follows [2; 4; 6-7]:
1. The impact of operational plans on the accuracy of operations execution. Managers use these plans to clearly define the sequence and schemes for performing operations.
2. The impact of operational plans on resource utilization efficiency. Managers use these plans to adjust costs and productivity.
3. The impact of operational plans on algorithms for responding to unforeseen circumstances or crisis, such as supply interruptions, natural disasters, or technical failures (individual algorithms are developed for preparing for unforeseen
4. circumstances, prioritizing critical tasks, conducting checks, and assessing responses to crisis, etc.).
5. The impact of operational plans on the productivity and efficiency of operations. Managers can optimize operational processes and avoid excessive time and resource expenditures through such plans.
6. The impact of operational plans on the level of coordination of actions. Managers can coordinate the actions of different departments and employees through such plans, ensuring a common action plan to support the normal operation of the enterprise.
7. The impact of operational plans on the level of product or service quality: Managers can create or transform quality control and standardization processes through such plans, improving the quality of products or services.
8. The impact of operational plans on adaptation to new business conditions: Managers can quickly update the business format to adapt to changes in demand, technology, or competitive factors.
9. The impact of operational plans on competitiveness: Managers can adjust the competitiveness of the enterprise in the market by modifying the quality of products or services and pricing policies.
In general, improving operational plans helps businesses become more efficient, adaptive, and competitive, as evidenced by the analysis of successful companies' experiences (see Table 2).
It's important to note that operational plans are tailored to the needs of each enterprise and changes in the external environment. Therefore, the cases mentioned above demonstrate that improving operational plans helps companies achieve specific and individualized results, such as:
1. Overall cost minimization in response to changes in the external environment.
2. Improved customer service.
3. Minimizing production downtime in response to changes in the external environment.
4. Increasing productivity in specific operations.
5. Quickly adapting product assortments and production plans to changes in the external environment.
Indeed, the customization of improvements to operational plans, and their focus on achieving specific goals, helps companies become more adaptable and effective in the face of a changing external environment and competition.
Analyzing successful business cases in improving operational plans and dispatching reveals that the optimization scheme for dispatching can be generic (encompassing standard processes and requirements [2]), while the improvement scheme for operational plans is unique (though it may be standardized by a combination of common steps [3]). The optimization scheme for dispatching can be standardized regarding its main stages and components (see Figure 3).
Figure 3. General dispatch improvement scheme in enterprises
1. Evaluation of current dispatch processes to identify weaknesses and potential improvements.
2. Setting specific dispatch improvement goals, such as reducing delivery times, optimizing routes, or improving resource utilization.
3. Developing a strategy and improvement plan, including the selection of technologies, methods, and tools that will help achieve the set goals.
4. Implementation of new dispatch processes, including updated software solutions, staff training, and the creation of new procedures.
5. Testing of new processes and systems, as well as verifying their effectiveness and alignment with the set goals.
6. Continuous monitoring of new processes and data collection for results analysis. Identifying key performance indicators and tracking their dynamics.
7. Error correction, adjustments, and optimization of new processes based on monitoring results.
8. Ongoing support and maintenance of improved dispatch processes to ensure consistent efficiency.
9. Evaluation of improvement results and auditing to verify compliance with standards and the effectiveness of new processes.
Source: formed based on [1; 4; 6-7]
Table 2. Analysis of successful companies' cases in improving operational plans.
The experience of successful enterprises |
A case description of operational plans improvement |
The results of operational plans improvement |
Toyota (one of the largest automobile manufacturers in the world) |
Actively improves operational plans by implementing the "Just-In-Time" production concept, which means that components and materials are supplied to production now they are needed for manufacturing automobiles. |
Maintaining low inventory levels, reducing carrying costs, and optimizing production. |
Amazon (one of the world's largest online retail giants) |
Actively improves operational plans to ensure fast and efficient delivery using technology for warehouse management automation and logistics optimization. |
Reducing delivery times and logistics costs, improving customer service. |
Walmart (one of the largest retail store chains operating in many countries around the world) |
Actively enhances its operational plans through advanced inventory management systems and real-time inventory tracking technologies. |
Minimizing losses through inventory optimization, ensuring product availability on store shelves. |
FedEx (one of the world leaders in logistics and delivery) |
Utilizes technology to optimize delivery routes and minimize travel time. |
Reducing delivery times and fuelcosts,increasing operational efficiency. |
Delta Airlines (one of the largest American airlines) |
Improves flight schedules and optimizes aircraft assignments to maximize fleet utilization. |
Effective aircraft utilization and minimizing production downtime. |
Zara (Spanish clothing and footwear brand) |
Utilizes technologies to optimize operational plans through the "Fast Fashion" system, allowing for rapid adaptation of assortments and production plans to changes in the fashion industry. |
Quick release of new collections and avoiding losses from residual inventory. |
Source: formed based on [5]
In fact, such a scheme includes the following elements: analysis of the current state, setting goals and objectives; development of improvement strategy; making changes and implementing new processes; testing and validation; monitoring and analysis of results; making corrections and optimizations; staff training; implementation and support; assessment and audit of improvements.
The scheme for improving enterprise operational plans can only be standardized in terms of a set of general steps (Figure 4), which include evaluating current operational plans and processes, determining key performance indicators, developing an improvement algorithm for operational plans, implementing changes, testing, and validating changes, monitoring the performance of new plans, optimization, and continuous improvement of operational plans.
Figure 4. Enterprise operational plans improvement scheme
1 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are an essential tool for measuring the success of enterprise operational plans improvement. They help determine whether the set goals have been achieved and whether the improvement process is progressing successfully.
Source: formed based on [1; 3]
It should be noted that the overall scheme for improving dispatching at an enterprise should define the general direction of this process, which is evident according to research [1; 3; 6-7]. The scheme for improving operational plans should help enterprises systematically address their unique operational needs and requirements that need to be considered within the framework of relevant plans, ensuring their relevance, effectiveness, and alignment with strategic goals, which is evident according to research [2; 3; 5].
Conclusions from this study and prospects for further exploration in this area
Based on the analysis of successful companies' cases in improving operational plans and dispatching, the following conclusions can be drawn:
1. The research results confirm that case studies of enterprises (such as Amazon, Walmart, FedEx, Delta Airlines, Zara, and so on) demonstrate that effective operational plans and dispatching contribute to gaining competitive advantages, ensuring customer satisfaction, and achieving other significant outcomes.
2. The dispatching improvement scheme can be standardized concerning its main stages and components. In fact, this scheme includes the following elements: analysis of the current state, setting goals and objectives, development of improvement strategy, implementing changes and new processes, testing and validation, monitoring, and analysis of results, making corrections and optimizations, employee training, implementation and support, evaluation, and audit of improvements. It should be noted that this scheme should define the general direction of the dispatching improvement process within the enterprise.
3. The scheme for improving the operational plans of an enterprise can only be standardized in terms of a set of general steps, including evaluating current operational plans and processes, defining key performance indicators, developing an algorithm for improving operational plans, implementing changes, testing, and validating changes, monitoring the performance of new plans, optimization, and continuous improvement of operational plans. It should be noted that this scheme is intended to systematically address the unique operational needs and requirements of the enterprise.
The obtained results create opportunities for further research in the outlined field, aimed at determining how the use of modern technologies impacts the improvement of operational plans and dispatching.
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реферат [173,6 K], добавлен 14.02.2016Сущность понятия healthcare management, опыт его использования в зарубежных компаниях. Применяемые в данной системе методы и приемы, условия и возможности их использования в отечественных реалиях. Разработка и внедрение программы управления здоровьем.
контрольная работа [32,5 K], добавлен 26.01.2016Leaders are those who can make others perform tasks without being coerced through force or formal authority. Conflict Management Styles. Teambuilding is essential in the workplace and highly desirable skills to possess when seeking a new job, promotion.
реферат [23,7 K], добавлен 04.01.2016Составление проекта по методологии Oracle (комплекс методологий "Oracle Method") и по стандарту PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge). Сравнение проектов, выявление их достоинств и недостатков, преимущественные сферы использования каждого.
контрольная работа [2,8 M], добавлен 28.05.2014Сущность CRM-систем - Customer Relationship Management. Преимущества клиенториентированного подхода к бизнесу. Формы функционирования и классификация CRM-систем. Основные инструменты, которые включает в себя технология управления отношениями с клиентами.
реферат [30,9 K], добавлен 12.01.2011Рассмотрение концепции Customer Relationship Management по управлению взаимоотношениями с клиентами. Возможности CRM-систем, их влияние на эффективность бизнеса. Разработка, реализация и стоимость проекта внедрения CRM-системы для ЗАО "Сибтехнология".
дипломная работа [5,5 M], добавлен 15.09.2012Logistics as a part of the supply chain process and storage of goods, services. Logistics software from enterprise resource planning. Physical distribution of transportation management systems. Real-time system with leading-edge proprietary technology.
контрольная работа [15,1 K], добавлен 18.07.2009Organizational legal form. Full-time workers and out of staff workers. SWOT analyze of the company. Ways of motivation of employees. The planned market share. Discount and advertizing. Potential buyers. Name and logo of the company, the Mission.
курсовая работа [1,7 M], добавлен 15.06.2013Суть, цели, задачи Total Quality Management. Принцип фактической обоснованности решений. Цепочка взаимосвязанных процессов, характерная для принятия решения. История формирования и развития философии TQM, его отражение в пунктах стандарта ISO 9001-2011.
курсовая работа [548,2 K], добавлен 10.12.2013Определение всеобщего управления качеством. Основные положения концепции Total Quality Management (TQM). Определение коэффициента весомости показателей качества экспертным методом. Расчёт затрат и экономического эффекта от повышения качества продукции.
контрольная работа [54,4 K], добавлен 14.04.2013