Employee development as an integral component of personnel management strategy
The article is devoted to topical issues of the development of the company's employees as an integral component of the personnel management strategy. The components of the management structure of the professional development of personnel are considered.
Рубрика | Менеджмент и трудовые отношения |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 11.02.2024 |
Размер файла | 1,5 M |
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Employee development as an integral component
of personnel management strategy
candidate of economic sciences senior lecturer of the department of HR-engineering in business economics Khmelnitsky National University
SHELEST Evgeniia
candidate of economic sciences, associate professor associate professor of the department of HR-engineering in business economics Khmelnitsky National University
DANILKOVA Anastasiia
candidate of economic sciences senior lecturer of the department of HR-engineering in business economics Khmelnitsky National University
candidate of economic sciences, associate professor associate professor of the department of HR-engineering in business economics Khmelnitsky National University
The article is devoted to topical issues of the development of the company's employees as an integral component of the personnel management strategy. The definition of personnel development was systematized. The components of the management structure of the professional development of personnel are considered. The task of planning and organization of management of personnel development of enterprises is outlined. The sequence of the organization of the process ofprofessional development ofpersonnel was studied. The main tasks of strategic personnel development are defined. The methods of personnel development and motivation in the system of strategic development of the company's employees are proposed.
Keywords: personnel, personnel development, personnel management, personnel development system, management of professional development of personnel
МАНТУР-ЧУБАТА Олена Сергіївна, ШЕЛЕСТ Євгенія Олександрівна, ДАНІЛКОВА Анастасія Юріївна, ЗЕЛЕНА Марія Іванівна
Розвиток персоналу як невід'ємна частина стратегії управління персоналом
Розвиток особистості, підвищення рівня загальної і моральної культури населення, підвищення професійного і творчого потенціалу, поліпшення добробуту і зміцнення здоров'я населення є найважливішою умовою і водночас потужною рушійною силою науково-технічного та соціально- економічного розвитку, надійної основи стабільності та процвітання суспільства. Розвиток персоналу - систематичний процес, орієнтований на формування працівників, які відповідають потребам підприємства, і водночас на вивчення та розвиток виробничого та освітнього потенціалу працівників підприємства. Проте в умовах обмеженості матеріальних, фінансових та інших ресурсів підприємства, перевагу слід віддавати тому, що сприяє досягненню основних цілей організації, живить діловий дух працівників, що відповідає до підвищення якості трудового життя. Управління розвитком персоналу покликане виявити приховані знання персоналу, розширити межі цих знань, побудувати нові форми спілкування всередині команди і змінити відносини між людьми, отже, збільшити людський капітал і його конкурентоспроможність у зв'язку зі зростанням рівня продуктивності праці. За таких умов одним із найважливіших завдань сучасних систем управління є розвиток і мотивація різноманітних здібностей працівників на основі новітніх ефективних технологій, засобів і методів підвищення кваліфікації персоналу компанії. Стаття присвячена актуальним питанням розвитку персоналу підприємства як невід 'ємної складової стратегії управління персоналом. Проаналізовано визначення розвитку персоналу. Розглянуто складові структури управління професійним розвитком персоналу. Окреслено завдання планування та організації управління розвитком персоналу підприємств. Досліджено послідовність організації процесу підвищення кваліфікації персоналу. Визначено основні завдання стратегічного розвитку персоналу.
Ключові слова: персонал, розвиток персоналу, управління персоналом, система розвитку персоналу, управління професійним розвитком персонал
employee development management strategy
In the modern economic conditions of the functioning of enterprises, which are characterized by uncertainty, riskiness, dynamism and increasing intensity of competition, the strategy of personnel management becomes one of the main ones. In this way, the personnel of the enterprise becomes the basis of ensuring its competitiveness and the main prerequisite for the formation of successful management in the conditions of existing requirements for ensuring the development of enterprises. According to specialists in the field of personnel management, the strategic development of human resources is aimed at creating appropriate conditions for training, development and improvement of professional knowledge, skills, skills and competencies of personnel to perform current and potential tasks in order to increase the level of their organizational, team and individual efficiency. Strategic personnel development is based on a clear vision of the future opportunities and potential of employees and flows within the overall strategic model of the enterprise. Note that the main goal of strategic management is to ensure innovations in the organizational structure in such a way that they guarantee the development of the state authority. Management of the professional development of the company's personnel, taking into account the strategic nature, must meet the goals related, first of all, to the effective introduction of innovations, rapid adaptation of the personnel to changes in the external and internal environment of the company.
The management of personnel development is a very popular topic for both foreign and domestic scientists who study various aspects of the use of personnel: Antiptseva O. [1], Vorobey O. [2], Voronina V. [3], Havkalova N. [4], Gulyk T. [5], Kovalska K. [6], Maznyk N. [7], Morozov O. [8], Petrova I. [9].
In the conditions of high competition, the significance of the development and implementation of the company's personnel development strategy increases. Organizational and methodological support for the implementation of the strategy of professional development of personnel should not only be coordinated and correspond to the corporate strategy, but also be based on the needs, opportunities and limitations that the enterprise has at a certain stage of its operation. For the successful implementation of the strategy, it is necessary to apply a comprehensive approach, which involves the use of a set of appropriate tools and methods, which led to the need for this study.
To determine the concepts and main features of the management of personnel development of domestic enterprises, which is a strategic priority for the development of Ukraine, which determines the transition to a human- centered model of social progress and the transformation of human resources (its intellectual, innovative and informational components) into a priority direction of capital investments.
It can be noted that there is a significant diversity of views regarding the interpretation of the concept of "personnel development" - to define its essence, various categories are used, namely: a specific management function, a set of organizational and economic measures, a continuous and systematic process, an approach to improvement of workforce-related knowledge and behavior [9].
Summarizing the definitions of scientists, we will formulate the concept of personnel development as a continuous process of improving the quality characteristics of employees from the standpoint of ensuring their harmonious development, as well as increasing the efficiency of the enterprise in the long term as a whole. Usually, staff development creates an opportunity for employees to acquire new knowledge and skills for more effective performance of assigned tasks, and also increases their motivation in work, commitment to the organization and interest in its affairs.
The analysis of scientific literature allows us to conclude that, as of today, the development and training of personnel are allocated as a separate function of management. Management of personnel development must be effective, as it is the main factor in the future success of any business entity. This is due to the fact that the growth of the role of scientific knowledge in society, the development of knowledgeintensive, intellectual technologies requires flexible and adaptive use of the personnel potential of the forensic institution, increasing the creative and organizational activity of each employee and the formation of a humanized organizational culture of the enterprise as a whole. Taking this into account, the problems of modernizing classic personnel management systems and introducing new management models focused on the continuous development of the intellectual, cultural and creative potential of employees are of particular importance in the modern activity of enterprises [1].
Taking into account the above, we believe that the structure of management of professional development of personnel should consist of the following components, presented in fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Component structures of management of professional development of personnel*
* built by the author based on [8; 1]
It should be noted that the personnel development system is a set of organizational structures, methods, processes, and resources necessary for effective performance of tasks in the field of personnel development, as well as optimal satisfaction of employee requests related to self-realization, professional training, and career. It should meet the needs of employees in obtaining and improving professional training throughout their work at all levels of qualification and responsibility [8]. An important point in the study of this issue is the selection of the subject and the object of the personnel development system. Regarding the first, these are the employees of the enterprise, regarding the object, we believe that these are professional, personal and other important for the organization personnel characteristics. We note that an important issue is the definition of the tasks of planning and organizing the management of the development of personnel of enterprises (Fig. 2).
We believe that the organization of the process of professional development of personnel should be carried out in a certain sequence (Fig. 3). Thus, the implementation of scientific principles of personnel development management of enterprises will allow to reveal the hidden capabilities of their employees, expand the boundaries of their knowledge, change relationships in the team and, thereby, increase human capital, which today is the most valuable resource of any organization, which determines the level of its competitiveness and ensures growth of labor productivity indicators. As mentioned earlier, the process of personnel development at the enterprise should be continuous, and the management of the enterprise should consider the costs of personnel training as investments in fixed capital that allow the most efficient and effective use of existing modern technologies.
Having analyzed a number of literary sources [4; 5; 6; 3] we will highlight the main tasks of strategic personnel development (Fig. 4). We believe that the subject of strategic management of the professional development of the enterprise's personnel is the enterprise and the personnel management department. At the stage of strategic analysis (I), the company's management evaluates external factors and the potential of internal resources (personnel, financial) of the organization.
Based on this, goals and tasks in the field of professional development of personnel are determined. At the second stage of the development of strategic solutions, the options of the developed strategies are evaluated, as well as the selection of the most functional strategy for the professional development of the organization's personnel, which lays down the forms and methods of the professional development of the personnel, and clearly outlines the time frame for achieving the set goals and objectives.
In the process of implementing the strategy (the third stage), it is directly implemented [6].
Fig. 2. The task of planning and organizing the management of personnel development of enterprises * *built on the materials given in [7]
Fig. 3. The sequence of organization of the process of professional development of personnel*
*built on the materials given in [7]
In today's conditions of rapid aging of theoretical knowledge, skills and practical skills, the organization's ability to constantly develop its employees is one of the most important factors in ensuring its competitiveness in the market, updating and increasing the volume of production of goods or provision of services.
Fig. 4. Main tasks of strategic personnel development
Considerable experience in the implementation of personnel development has been accumulated in such countries as the USA, Great Britain, France and Japan. Yes, the USA can rightfully be called the country of birth of corporate training in the form in which we are used to seeing it in modern Western companies. It was in this country in 1961 that the McDonalds company opened the first corporate university called Hamburger University.
Corporate training in the USA finds its implementation mainly in large companies, as it requires large investments from organizations. However, other practices are also common, when enterprises, not having their own corporate training systems, unite and create intercompany training centers for internal training of employees. This approach is effective because it enables employees of enterprises of the same market segment to exchange experience and solve business cases that are applied in practice, as well as to minimize training and development costs without losing quality.
In contrast to Japanese and German companies in the USA, staff training is not considered part of the competitive strategy of organizations. The amount of annual expenses for corporate training per capita in the USA is half as much as, for example, in German companies, and during the training of working personnel is 17 times less. If in France, companies receive tax benefits from instilling a culture of corporate training in their employees, then in the US the government establishes flexible policies and strategic recommendations to support personnel development, but does not participate in the management of the personnel development strategy. It is important to note that the practice of applying the project approach to corporate education is emerging in the USA.
It should be noted that the experience of personnel development in Japan is quite interesting and somewhat specific to domestic realities. The approach to staff development has been quite flexible since ancient times in Japan. Even the amount of wages in Japan depends on the professional skills, experience and age of the employee. Accordingly, for each employee, the amount of wages is individual and depends on the three main factors mentioned above. It should be noted that at Japanese enterprises, on average, 36% of the total monthly earnings of Hitachi employees are received in the form of basic payments, 27% - additional payments in accordance with professional development, 29% - additional payments related to the work performed, 7% - various aids As we can see, in Japanese enterprises, salary increases and receiving bonuses are inseparable from the employee's work experience and qualifications, so in Japan such conditions are created so that the worker independently wishes to improve the level of his own qualifications.
Table 1
Methods of personnel development and motivation in the system of strategic development of company employees
Methods of professional training and development |
Methods of motivation |
Intangible |
Material |
Electronic course or training, where they give step-by-step instructions for action |
Show that the group is able to defend and does so |
The salary system and benefits system |
Competitions, contests, workshops, case studies |
Create highly competitive situations in which employees can show their strength |
Provide points that count towards the monthly assessment for books/articles read or passed |
Contractual remuneration |
Mentoring, during which the mentor will often supervise his protege, helping with advice and tips |
Underline the words "must", "obliged" and "obligation", which are part of the system "for everything you have to pay your price" |
Payments and bonuses are tied to loyalty to the company |
Trainings, individual coaching as a way of improving qualifications and status recognition |
Share glory with employees and find prospects for personal recognition |
Link payments to personal performance |
Team trainings, even if they give a small amount of new knowledge, are hackathons |
Define competition as a way to "do it together as a team" |
Payments must be the same across the group |
Find out what the goal is employee, and depending on the answer, organize training |
Provide conditions for selfmotivation |
Put the interests of work before profit |
A practical approach to the strategic management of the professional development of the company's personnel involves the implementation of the strategic management model, which should consist of four main elements, namely: strategic analysis, strategic decision-making, implementation of the strategy and control over the implementation of the strategy of the professional development of the company's personnel, as well as auxiliary elements, such as principles, audit and paradigm [5]. Table 1 suggests methods of employee development and motivation.
It should be noted that the use of the proposed methods will ensure an increase in the level of motivation and return from the professional development of specialists and managers, as well as make it possible to implement the last priority task of the company's personnel development strategy [6].
Personality development, raising the level of the general and moral culture of the population, increasing the professional and creative potential, improving the well-being and strengthening the health of the population are the most important conditions and at the same time a powerful driving force of scientific, technical and socioeconomic development, and a reliable basis for the stability and prosperity of society.
Personnel development is a systematic process focused on the formation of employees who meet the needs of the enterprise, and at the same time, on the study and development of the productive and educational potential of the enterprise's employees.
However, with limited material, financial and other resources of the enterprise, as in particular the enterprise studied by us, preference should be given to what contributes to the achievement of the main goals of the organization, nourishes the business spirit of employees, which corresponds to the improvement of the quality of working life.
Therefore, in conditions of high competition, the importance of developing and implementing a company's personnel development strategy increases. Organizational and methodological support for the implementation of the strategy of professional development of personnel should not only be coordinated and correspond to the corporate strategy, but also be based on the needs, opportunities and limitations that the enterprise has at a certain stage of its operation. For the successful implementation of the strategy, it is necessary to apply a comprehensive approach, which involves the use of a set of appropriate tools and methods.
1.Antiptseva O. (2017) Teoretychni aspects rozvytku personalu v umovakh economics znan [Theoretical aspects of personnel development in the conditions of the knowledge economy]. Scientific Bulletin of Kherson State University, Issue 22, Part 1, pp. 77-80.
2.Vorobey O. Rozvytok staff yak especially security yoho konkurentospromozhnosti [Personnel
development as a means of ensuring its competitiveness]. URL:
3.Voronina V. (2021) Stratehiia rozvytku personnel v systemi strategic menedzhmentu [The strategy of personnel development in the strategic management system]. Scientific Bulletin of the Uzhhorod National University. Series: International economic relations and the world economy, Issue 36, pp. 46-50.
4.Havkalova N. (2020) Upravlinnia rozvytkom staff on pidpryiemstvi [Management of personnel development at the enterprise]. Scientific journal "Black Sea Economic Studies", Issue 58, Part 2, pp. 133-137.
5.Gulyk T. Stratehichne upravlinnia rozvytkom staff yak dzherelo pidvyshchennia konkurentospromozhnosti pidpryiemstva [Strategic management of personnel development as a source of increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise]. URL : http://economyandsociety.in.ua.
6.Kovalska K. (2020) Orhanizatsiino-metodychni aspekty realizations strategy rozvytku staff pidpryiemstva [Organizational and methodological aspects of the implementation of the company's personnel development strategy]. Economy and the state, no. 7, pp. 150-154.
7.Mazhnyk N. (2011) Teoretychni basics upravlinnia professional rozvytkom staff pidpryiemstva [Theoretical foundations of managing the professional development of enterprise personnel] . Business Inform, pp. 103-107.
8.Morozov O. Systema upravlinnia rozvytkom personalu pidpryiemstva [The system of managing the development of personnel of the enterprise]. Available at: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/efek_2017_1_3.
9.Petrova I. (2020) Scientists rules upravlinnia rozvytkom personalu sudovo-ekspertnykh ustanov [Scientific principles of management of personnel development of forensic institutions]. Arkhiv kryminolohii she sudovykh nauk , no. 1, pp. 109-119.
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