Theoretical prerequisites for forming intercultural competence of future officers of combat and operational support

The article defines the essence of the concepts of language, culture, which are important for the process of intercultural communication of combat and operational support specialists, as well as for the process of forming their intercultural competence.

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Theoretical prerequisites for forming intercultural competence of future officers of combat and operational support

Kukharska Liliia

PhD in Management, Associate Professor, Foreign Languages and Military Translation Department

Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National Army Academy, Lviv, Ukraine


The article defines the essence of the concepts of language and culture, which are important for the process of intercultural communication of combat and operational support specialists, as well as for the process of forming their intercultural competence. Language performs an expressive function and is a universal means for expressing the inner world of a person. Culture preserves certain values and depends on the interpretation of the environment by the participants of communication. Based on the studies of prominent scientists an analysis of theories of language communication, speech acts (the operations that provide them and their main classes) and speech genres (in particular, its linguistic essence and nature). The theory of linguistic personality (its main varieties) and the theory of dialogue of cultures are reflected. The totality of these theories forms the basis for the process of forming intercultural competence in the mentioned specialists. Intercultural competence of future combat and operational support specialists is defined as a set of knowledge abilities and skills that help future military specialists to effectively conduct their professional activities and freely communicate with partners of other cultures under conditions of international integration and mutual understanding and respect. The components of intercultural competence of future specialists of combat operational support appropriate knowledge, abilities, skills, namely: language knowledge: a)lexical, grammar, spelling; multicultural knowledge; knowledge of verbal and nonverbal, communicative rules of behavior; cognitive knowledge and skills; ability to dialogue with representatives of other cultures; ability to control their actions in communication, in particular, the ability to overcome fear; the ability to observe the rules of etiquette. language culture intercultural competence

Keywords: language, culture, theory of language communication, theory of speech acts, theory of speech genres, theory of linguistic personality, theory of dialog of cultures.

Problem statement

The research problem is due to the requirements of the present to the specialists of combat and operational support, as analyzed in the article of the theory of linguistic communication, theory of speech acts, theory of speech genres, theory of linguistic personality and theory of dialogue of cultures constitute the theoretical basis for the formation of these professionals of intercultural competence that will allow them to perform professional functions effectively and role in the process of intercultural communication in conditions of international integration. The components of intercultural competence of future specialists of combat operational support are the relevant knowledge, skills and abilities, namely: language skills: lexical, grammatical, orthographic; multicultural knowledge; knowledge of verbal and non-verbal, communicative behavioral rules; cognitive knowledge and skills; ability to conduct dialogue with representatives of other cultures; the ability to control their actions during communication, in particular, the ability to overcome fear; Ability to adhere to etiquette.

Task statement

The purpose is to analyze the theoretical principles of the formation of intercultural competency of future combat and operational specialists.

Statement of the main material of the study

The relevance of the study is due to the requirements of modern times to the specialists of combat and operational support, as analyzed in the article theories of speech communication, speech acts, speech genres, linguistic personality and dialogue of cultures, constitute the theoretical basis for the formation of intercultural competence of the mentioned specialists, which will allow them to effectively perform professional functions and roles in the process of intercultural communication in terms of international integration.

Covering the problem of the theoretical basis of the formation of intercultural competence is reflected in the works of Byram M. [5], Bakhtin M. [2], Batsevych [3], Pocheptsov H. [16], Kramsch R. [9], Austin J. [1], Selivaniva O. [19], Searle J. [18], Hall S. [6] and others.

The aim of the article is to analyze the theoretical principles of forming intercultural competence of future combat and operational support specialists.

According to the goal we formulate the main tasks:

- to clarify the essence of the concepts of language and culture;

- to analyze the theories, which form the theoretical basis for the formation of intercultural competence of future combat and operational support specialists.

The concept of language and culture are key concepts in the study of intercultural competence. Scolars Byram M., Kramsch R. emphasize the close relationship between language and culture. Hall S. notes that language allows building a dialogue between representatives of different cultures, provides their understanding, as language is a representative system of signs and symbols. Language is the means that provides meaning, as well as the processes of the production and exchange of meanings between the participants of the dialog. Culture, in turn, is directly connected with the exchange of meanings and is a peculiar system of storage of cultural values and meanings, which depends on the correct interpretation by participants of dialogue of the surrounding reality, their perception of the world in the same or different way. [6, pp.1 -2].

The analyzed concepts of language and culture are key in the theory of speech communication. The main objectives of this theory:

- to study the nature, types and forms of speech communication;

- to simulate communicative situations,

- to describe the units and justify the patterns of language communication,

- to investigate the communicative strategy, tactics and means of their speech impact [14, p.35].

The origins of the theory of speech communication can be found in the theory of speech acts, presented in the works of Austin J., Searle J., Bakhtin M.

Austin J. proposed the concept of the speech act. The researcher noted the activity and teleological nature of language, and speech was considered as a tool for the implementation of the target setting of the speaker in the activity situation of the speech act.

According to Austin J. the unity of the speech act is provided by three operations:

a) locution - speaking in a set of phonetic, phatic (lexicalization and grammaticalization of an utterance) and rhetical (sense-making and referential correlation) components;

b) illocution - intention, purpose, elaborated calculation (for example, informing, order, warning, etc.);

c) perlocution - consequences of achievement of result of the speech act in view of influence of the speaker on consciousness and behavior of the addressee (execution of an order, fear, surprise, etc.).

So, the speech act is a set of three actions: speaking in a set of phonetic, phatic and speech components, intention or purpose and consequences of achievement of the result of the speech act [1, pp.122-130].

Austin J. also distinguished 5 classes of speech acts by their illocutionary power:

1) verdictives - acts of decision, opinion, evaluation, approval;

2) exertives - acts of order, compulsion, warning, advice, appointment;

3) commissions - acts of promise;

4) behabitives - acts of forgiveness, praise, compassion and habit. behave "to lead" and habit "habit") - acts of forgiveness, praise, compassion, quarrel, greeting;

5) expositions (exposition - "interpretation, explanation, description, demonstration") - acts of the speaker's expression role in a conversation.

The theory of "speech acts" proposed by Austin J. was further developed and improved by John Searle. The researcher proposed his division of speech acts depending on the illocutionary purpose, directions of accommodation, expressed by the psychological state of the speaker, into:

- representatives, or asertives, obliging the speaker to answer for the truth of the expression (to praise, to complain);

- directives - acts of inducement, order, request, advice;

- commissions - oblige the speaker to fulfill a promise;

- expressives - convey the psychological, emotional state of the speaker according to etiquette (sympathy, greeting, forgiveness);

- declaratives - establish correspondence between the proposed content of a statement and reality, regulated by social conventions (appointment to office, assigning names, titles, sentencing, etc.)

Searle J. developed the concept of direct and indirect speech acts, defining the latter as such, whose illocutionary type does not coincide with the illocutionary force: the speaker conveys a different content than the one he actually denotes [18,p.197].

The theory of language communication has been developed by such modern researchers as: Batsevych F., Pochepsov H., Selivanova O.

Batsevych F. doubly qualifies the speech act as "a purposeful speech act performed in accordance with the principles and rules of speech behavior accepted in this society", and "as a minimal unit of normative sociocultural behavior,

considered within a pragmatic situation". The researcher notes that the speech act is an integral part of the communicative act along with the additive act and the communicative situation [3,pp.170-171]. According to the linguist, the illocutionary act is the embodiment in the expression of a certain "communicative intention, communicative purpose, which gives the expression a specific direction.

Pochepsov H., based on the ideas of Austin J. and Searle J., builds his classification of speech acts within the framework of the linguistic theory of the sentence, distinguishing in the sentence closely related structural (constructive), semantic and pragmatic aspects. In the communicative-functional aspect, communicative intention (the focus on solving a particular linguistic task of communication) becomes important.

According to Pocheptsov H., the taxonomy of speech acts according to the nature of the pragmatic component is as follows:

a) constative (assertion);

b) promisive (promise), menasil (threat);

c) performative (greeting, gratitude, forgiveness, guarantee, assignment);

d) directive: injunctive (order), requisitive (request);

e) quesitive (interrogative sentence) [16, pp.161 -281].

Selivanova O. believes that: "The speech act is the basic unit of verbal communication; an intentionally and situationally conditioned, grammatically and semantically organized statement accompanied by the speaker's response actions aimed at the addressee and his reaction". Consequently, the researcher notes that the speech act is a speech interaction between the speaker and the listener to achieve certain perlocutionary goals of the speaker by constructing their discursive meaning in the course of communication [19, pp.559-560].

The speech act consists of addressee, addressee, illocutionary, denotative, locutionary, intentional, situational, contextual, metacommunicative aspects and unfolds according to a certain cognitive scenario, taking into account pragmatic press positions [19, p.113].

The theory of speech genres of Bakhtin M. is formed the basis of modern genre concepts. The basis theory of speech genres was the doctrine of utterances as the only real unit of communication, inseparable unities of their thematic content, style and compositional construction, which are determined by the specifics of the sphere of communication and have a number of common structural features. He regarded the speech act as a dialogue in the understanding of the unity of several replicas of interlocutors, and replicas, in turn, as elementary units of speech, equated with the original speech genre. In addition, the researcher proposed the category of "speech genre. Bakhtin M. wrote that: "speech genres organize our speech practically in the same way that grammatical forms organize it. Speech genres are formed historically in the process of communicative activity of people, are used by them as ready-made creations". The key characteristic of speech genre Bakhtin M. considered the mechanism of realization of speech genre, according to the theory of which first there is a speech intention, which determines the subject and subject of speech act, as well as its volume and time frame. According to the mentioned mechanism, it is the intention that first determines the choice of genre form, and later the speaker adapts his intention to the chosen genre. Thus, the intention is realized in speech and develops in a certain genre form [3, pp. 270-272]. M. Bakhtin refers to speech

genres as all types of oral and written statements, for example, conversation, novel, order, protocol, business documents.

The modern researcher of speech genres Selivanova O. interprets them as "...units of speech of a systematically organized language, a discursive invariant, a pattern of ideal nature, characterized by certain thematic content, compositional structure, the selection of phonetic, lexical-phraseological, grammatical, stylistic".

Batsevych F. distinguishes four types of approaches to understanding of linguistic nature and essence of speech genre:

a) speech genre as stylistic phenomenon;

b) speech genre as a type of expression;

c) speech genre as textual phenomenon;

d) speech genre as communicative phenomenon [3, pp.49-52]. The scientist interprets speech genre as established those messages within speech acts, united by the purpose of communication, speech intention in thematic, compositional and stylistic plans, taking into account the addressee's personality, context and situation. According to Batsevych F., "genre is formed within a particular functional style; the latter sets the basic coordinates of speech genre" [3, p.96]. Let us analyze another theory derived from the theory of language communication, namely the theory of linguistic personality. In the theory of speech communication language personality is defined as "an immanent feature of a personality - a native speaker and communicator, characterizing his language and communicative competence and their implementation in the processes of production, perception, understanding and interpretation of verbal messages, texts and communicative interaction".

The problem of linguistic personality in linguistics, psycholinguistics and linguodidactics is not new. Selivanova O. [19, p.107] notes that this concept emerges in the 80-90s of the 20th century. The development of the problem of linguistic personality is connected with the name of Bohin H. and others. Theoretical understanding of this phenomenon occurred only in the 1980s, in particular, in the works of Bohin H. The researcher considered the concept of linguistic personality as the central concept of linguodidactics and understood it as "the person considered from the point of view of his readiness to produce speech acts, create and perceive works of speech" [4, p.24].

In the "Educational Concept of Learning Ukrainian (State) Language" (1994) Yermolenko S. [22] and Matsko L. [12] state that "a linguistic personality is a native speaker who not only owns the sum of linguistic, but also has skills of active work with the word.

Krasnykh V. with the purpose of theoretical comprehension of this phenomenon considers it expedient to allocate four varieties of the personality possessing a certain language:

1) "speaking person" - a personality, one of the types of activity of which is speech activity, including both the process of generation and the process of perception of speech works;

2) a linguistic person - a person, which manifests itself in the speech activity, possessing a certain set of knowledge and notions;

3) speech personality - a person who realizes himself in communication, choosing and implementing a particular communication strategy and tactics, as well as choosing and using a particular repertoire of means (both purely linguistic and extralinguistic);

4) communicative person - a specific participant in the communicative act, acting in real communication [10, pp.50-51].

Thus, we can state that in communicative studies, the linguistic personality is presented primarily as a communicative personality, that is, as a "communicator endowed with a set of individual qualities and characteristics determined by his communicative needs, cognitive range, and communicative competence and manifested in the process of communication" [21, p.179]. Since an effective modern combat and operational support specialist, who carries out professional activities both in combat and peaceful conditions, implements active communication with representatives of other cultures and countries, we consider him as a communicative person, who has a sufficiently high level of intercultural competence.

Another significant theory for analyzing the theoretical and methodological foundations for forming intercultural competence of future combat and operational support specialists is the theory of "dialogue of cultures". The foundations of dialogue of cultures are covered in the works of Bakhtin M., Horshkova V. [8], Pelypenko A. [15], Sadokhin O. [17], etc.

The idea of "dialogue of cultures" is not new. M. Bakhtin understands culture as a form of dialogue and communication between people of different cultures; a mechanism of personal self-determination; a form of perception of the world. The researcher was of the opinion that "another culture reveals itself more deeply only in the eyes of another culture" [2, p.272].The communication of personalities in dialogue takes place through a text, which the scientist considered an "atom of communication". The forms of text representation are: oral, as the "live" speech of people, and written, as the language of the sign system reflected on paper.


Interpretation of the concept of "dialogue of cultures"



Holovanov O.

Interaction of different cultures with each other [7].

Horoshkova V.,Sadokhin O.

An exchange of values and meanings, aimed at the cultural crossfertilization of personalities [8], [17].

Lytvynenko O.

Cultural synthesis, in the process of which the individual not only defines his existential space, but can sometimes go beyond it [11].

According to Pelypenko A., the main criterion of dialogue is subjectivity, because dialogue cannot take place without subjects [15, pp.64-82].

From the analysis of the theory of dialog of cultures follows the concept of intercultural dialog. The Council of Europe offers a definition of intercultural dialogue as an exchange between people, groups with different ethnic, cultural, religious, and linguistic bases on the basis of mutual understanding and respect [20,p. 9].

The term intercultural dialogue is a polysubjective phenomenon because it can bring together several participants, among whom can be individuals, public associations, etc. [13, p.227].

Therefore, the specialist of combat and operational support in the process of faithful service to the Ukrainian people, as well as conscientious and honest performance of military duties, including orders of the commander; compliance with

the rules of military regulations; perseverance in combat; respect for combat and military traditions; polite behavior; increasing the level of military professional knowledge, skills and abilities, having intercultural competence will be able to successfully exchange views with specialists - representatives of other countries and cultures on the basis of mutual understanding and respect.

In turn, we interpret intercultural competence of a combat and operational support specialist as a set of relevant knowledge, skills and abilities that help a person to effectively solve professional tasks, interact and communicate with representatives of other cultures, successfully avoiding communicative failures. Future combat and operational support specialists' intercultural competence includes:

a) mastering knowledge: linguistic (lexical, grammatical, phonetic,

orthographic; knowledge of communicative strategies); multicultural; culture of the country whose language is studied; rules of verbal and nonverbal communicative behavior, norms of etiquette; ethnic and cultural stereotypes;

b) speech skills and abilities in receptive and productive types of speech activities, including the ability to engage in dialogue with representatives of other cultures;

c) ability to analyze a communicative situation, control their actions during communication, including overcoming fear and demonstrating tolerant communicative behavior.

By examining intercultural competence, we can conclude that the concept of "language" and "culture" are key to the process of intercultural communication of combat and operational support specialists, and then to the formation of intercultural competence in them. The proper level of intercultural competence will allow this specialist to successfully exchange information with specialists - representatives of other countries and cultures.


We define intercultural competence of a combat and operational support specialist as a set of knowledge, abilities and skills that help to effectively solve professional tasks, interact and communicate with representatives of other countries and cultures. It was found that the theoretical basis for the formation of intercultural competence of future combat and operational support specialists are theories of speech communication, speech acts, speech genres, dialogue of cultures and linguistic personality.

The mentioned concepts of language and culture are the key concepts of the theory of speech communication. Language performs the functions of expression of meanings, production and exchange of opinions, building a dialogue between the participants of the act of communication. Culture performs the function of preserving cultural values and meanings. It is directly related to language through the exchange of opinions and meanings, and depends on the correct interpretation of the participants of the dialogue of the surrounding reality, as well as the way they perceive the world.

The theory of speech act emphasizes that speech acts consist of three actions: locution, illocution, and perlocution.

The theory of speech genres is based on the concept of speech genre, which

organizes speech and is characterized by the trinity of thematic content, style and composition of statements.

The theory of "dialogue of cultures" is based on the concept of dialogue, which brings together representatives of different cultures and allows to solve professional problems, to communicate, to exchange opinions.

The theory of linguistic personality is based on the construct of linguistic personality as a native speaker and communicant with linguistic and speech competencies, qualities and characteristics determined by his communicative needs and manifested in the process of communication.

The study of theoretical prerequisites for forming intercultural competence of future combat and operational support specialists exhausts all aspects of the scientific problem of forming intercultural competence of future combat and operational support specialists. The content of forming intercultural competence of future combat and operational support specialists will be the subject of our further research.


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