Personnel management research methodology: theoretical and scientific aspects
The participation of personnel in the management of the organization can significantly increase the enthusiasm and provide the necessary support for the reform of human resources management, i.e. replacing it with a new modern concept of talent.
Рубрика | Менеджмент и трудовые отношения |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 15.04.2024 |
Размер файла | 22,9 K |
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Personnel management research methodology: theoretical and scientific aspects
Методологія дослідження управління персоналом: теоретичні та наукові аспекти
Stoyanets Nataliya
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Sumy National Agrarian University
Стоянець Наталія Валеріївна
доктор економічних наук, професор, Сумський національний агарний університет
Modern human resource management not only inherits all the functions of previous personnel management, but also strengthens the management of employees with a number of scientific methods, such as job analysis, human resource planning, recruitment and selection, performance appraisal, salary management, personnel training, career development planning. etc. in order to increase labor productivity and achieve the goal of enterprise development. It was determined that the strategic management of human resources is an important factor in achieving the strategic goals of the organization. This is a combination of unity and adaptability in the management of human resources, which must be in accordance with the strategy of the organization and its strategic needs. It is suggested that educational institutions pay special attention to career development and personnel management in the field of human resource management, so that teachers and staff can continuously grow and develop, providing a source of strength for the development of the institution. To motivate employees, management should pay attention to health factors, working conditions and wages, combine material incentives with spiritual potential, stimulate the work of employees, maintain enthusiasm and potential, develop and strengthen abilities, encourage creativity through scientific and rational relationship between staff effort and performance, and the relationship between reward and personal attractiveness. The participation of personnel in the management of the organization can significantly increase the enthusiasm and provide the necessary support for the reform of human resources management, i.e. replacing it with a new concept of talent. participation personnel management
Keywords: management, personnel management theory, human resources, organization, educational institutions.
Стаття присвячена дослідженню та аналізу базових теорій управління персоналом а саме теорії X, Y та теорія Z, теорія мотивації, ієрархії потреб Маслоу, теорії очікування та Теорія людського капіталу. Актуальним питанням залишається адоптація існуючих теорій та впровадження їх в управління закладами освіти так як конкуренція в людських ресурсах є найбільш поширеним і помітним проявом виживання серед соціальних організацій, особливо серед ринково орієнтованих закладів освіти. Сучасне управління людськими ресурсами не тільки успадковує всі функції попереднього управління персоналом, але й посилює управління працівниками за допомогою ряду наукових методів, таких як аналіз роботи, планування людських ресурсів, найм і відбір, оцінка ефективності, управління зарплатою, навчання персоналу, планування розвитку кар'єри з метою підвищення продуктивності праці та досягнення мети розвитку організації. Визначено, що стратегічне управління людськими ресурсами є важливим фактором досягнення стратегічних цілей організації. Це поєднання єдності та адаптивності в управлінні людськими ресурсами, що повинні бути відповідні стратегії організації та її стратегічним потребам. Запропоновано закладам освіти приділяти особливу увагу розвитку кар'єри та управлінню персоналом у сфері управління людськими ресурсами, щоб викладачі та персонал могли постійно рости та розвиватися, забезпечуючи джерело сили для розвитку установи. Щоб мотивувати працівників, керівництво повинно приділяти увагу факторам здоров'я, умовам праці та заробітної плати, поєднувати матеріальні стимули з духовним потенціалом, стимулювати працю працівників, підтримувати ентузіазм та потенціал, розвивати та підсилювати здібності, спонукати до креативності через науково й раціональний взаємозв'язок між зусиллями персоналу і результативністю, а також взаємозв'язок між винагородою та особистою привабливістю. Участь персоналу в управлінні організацією може значно підвищити ентузіазм і забезпечити необхідну підтримку для реформи управління людськими ресурсами тобто замінити її новою концепцією талантів.
Ключові слова: управління, теорія управління персоналом, людські ресурси, організація, заклади освіти.
Formulation of the problem. In the era of knowledge economy, the core element of personnel management is the management of human resources. The competition in human resources is the most common and prominent manifestation of competition among social organizations, especially among market-oriented vocational education institutions. The competition in human resources is becoming increasingly fierce. The advantage of human resources is the foundation of the competitiveness of vocational education institutions, and vocational education institutions with excellent human resources are the key core content of participating in competition.
Analysis of the latest research and publications. The modern meaning of personnel management has developed with the emergence of the Industrial Revolution. In the first half of the 20th century, the basic framework of modern personnel management theory was formed under the guidance of scientific management theory and organizational behavior theory represented by Frederick Winslow Taylor. Taylor's viewpoint of "separating executive and planning functions" has promoted the development of personnel management functions. Scientific management theory suggests that enterprise personnel management should include the following functions: selecting employees; Work quota; Cooperation between labor and management; Differential piece rate wage system. From 1924 to 1932, the results of Hawthorne's experiment led to the extensive application of Behavioural sciences theory in personnel management. Supervisor training, care and support for employees, and communication between employees and management personnel are also included in the functions of personnel management [1].
In the 1950s, Peter F. Drucker first proposed the concept of "human resources". Later, White Buck and Raymond Miles conducted extensive research on numerous issues related to human resource management, advancing the theory and practice of personnel management to a new stage of development - the human resource management stage.
Modern human resource management not only inherits all the functions of previous personnel management, but also strengthens the management of employees through a series of scientific methods such as job analysis, human resource planning, recruitment and selection, performance evaluation, salary management, personnel training, career development
planning, etc, in order to improve labor productivity and ultimately achieve the goal of enterprise development [10].
In 1981, Devana proposed the concept of strategic human resource management in his article "Human Resource Management: A Strategic Perspective". The publication of Bill et al.'s book "Managing Human Capital" in 1984 marked a leap from human resource management to strategic human resource management. Storey believes that the basic function of strategic human resource management is to ensure the efficiency of the organization in terms of "competitiveness, profitability, viability, technological advantages, and resource allocation". Discussing the function of strategic human resource management from the perspective of achieving organizational strategic goals, strategic human resource management is a combination of unity and adaptability in human resource management, which must be consistent with the "organizational strategy" and "strategic needs".
In the 21st century, knowledge and network economy have brought a non-negligible influence and impact on social organizations from all aspects, and human resources, which are the core resources of organizations, are gradually showing a new development trend.
Formulation of the goals of the article (statement of the task) to conduct the concept of human resources can be understood in a broad sense, which can be regarded as people who have working ability or will have working manpower; in a narrow sense, the concept of human resources not only covers quantity, but also pays attention to quality, which refers to the sum of people with physical and intellectual labor that is conducive to promoting organizational progress and social and economic development. Human resource is a very important national economic resource, which possesses the properties of time, space, quality and quantity while possessing natural physiological characteristics. This article selects theories related to the formation of personnel management as a basis, conducts research using a literature review, basic well-known theories of personnel management and effective results of their application in modern activities of organizations.
Presentation of the main research material.
Consider the basic theories of personnel management and their role of implementation in educational institutions. Theory X, Theory Y, and Theory Z. Douglas McGregor proposed Theory X and Theory Y based on different assumptions about human nature. The human nature assumption based on Theory X is that people are lazy and usually evade their responsibilities. If managers want to improve management efficiency, they should take coercive measures to strictly supervise and control employees. Theory Y is the opposite. When personal goals and organizational goals are consistent, work is a human instinct. People will generally actively fulfill their commitments. Under suitable conditions, employees are willing to take responsibility [2]. In fact, McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y show two extremes, because people cannot be pure "economic people" or "social people". The environment in which people live is changeable, and people's needs are not single. Their value orientations are diverse. Now they are "economic people" and may become good "social people" in another period.
William Ouchi conducted research on many enterprises and concluded Z theory. In his book, he pointed out that improving employees' sense of identity and belonging in the enterprise is the key to improving productivity. Therefore, allowing employees to participate in management and implementing democratic management can truly mobilize the enthusiasm of employees. The essential difference between Theory Z and Theory X and Theory Y lies in the different research subjects. Theories X and Y focus on individuals, while Theory Z studies the behavior of groups and organizations. Because people are not just individuals, they are always in certain groups and organizations. Therefore, to improve production efficiency, enterprises should start from the following aspects: establish mutual trust and equal relationships with employees; In this way, Theory Z means that enterprises should adopt a people-centered management model and emphasize improving employee participation [3].
For vocational education institutions, the overall quality of teaching staff is relatively high, and they generally have the need for selfrealization. Most teachers do not work purely for remuneration. They are more eager to gain social respect and realize self-worth. Many teachers in vocational education institutions come from enterprises. They have modern human resource management concepts and rich work experience. If vocational education institutions cannot consider their real needs and lack a scientific and reasonable incentive mechanism, it will be difficult to improve teachers' enthusiasm for work, and they may also face a large loss
of teachers. From this point of view, Theory X is not suitable for the human resource management of vocational education institutions. In comparison, Theory Y is more suitable for guiding the human resource management of vocational education institutions.
The enlightenment of theory Z for the human resource management of vocational education institutions lies in the fact that the most suitable human resource development strategy can be adopted according to the characteristics of different faculty members, different teaching periods, and different work natures. For example, give opportunities for promotion to teachers with excellent performance, if not, then also need to arrange opportunities for them to fully display their talents. Teachers with mediocre performance should not only be punished, but their characteristics should be considered to allow them to try other jobs and give them opportunities to find their positions. Therefore, according to Z theory, vocational education institutions should pay special attention to the career development and management of faculty and staff in human resource management, so that faculty and staff can grow and develop continuously, thus providing the source of power for the development of the institutions.
Motivation-hygiene theory. Frederick Herzberg believes that the decisive factor for employees to complete a job is their attitude towards work, and based on this point of view, he puts forward the motivation-hygiene theory. According to the motivation-hygiene theory, there are differences between the factors that bring employees satisfaction and dissatisfaction. Hygiene factors do not produce employee satisfaction, but their absence can create dissatisfaction. Lack of motivating factors will not make employees dissatisfied, but increasing them will bring satisfaction to employees. Therefore, improving the hygiene factors that lead to employee dissatisfaction can only eliminate employee dissatisfaction, but cannot bring about motivation. Paying attention to and improving incentive factors will increase employee satisfaction and truly achieve the purpose of motivating employees [4]. Motivation-hygiene theory has also become a two-factor motivation theory, which urges enterprise managers to pay attention to the motivation factor-job content, because the enrichment of job content has a positive impact on employees' job satisfaction. To motivate employees, managers should, on the basis of paying attention to health factors such as working conditions and wages, improve the richness of employees' work content, use according to their ability, and combine material incentives with spiritual incentives to stimulate employees' work enthusiasm and potential. In addition, what managers need to pay attention to is that different motivating factors and hygienic factors will produce different results when they act on employees of different classes and occupations. Some scholars believe that the motivational effect of hygiene factors and motivating factors on employees will also depend on the environment and the psychological conditions of employees.
According to the theory of two-factor management, managers should realize that hygiene factors must be guaranteed, but they must pay full attention to motivation factors in order to achieve the goal of motivating employees. Specifically, if the hygienic factor cannot be guaranteed, it will not only make the staff dissatisfied, but also have a negative impact on the enthusiasm of the staff, and will also lead to the lack of a basis for mobilizing the enthusiasm of teachers. In addition, the incentive effects caused by satisfying different types of needs are different, and the effect of satisfying material needs is limited, and the effect is not long-lasting. Therefore, in order to mobilize the enthusiasm of teaching staff, vocational education institutions should pay great attention to the combination of material incentives and work incentives, pay attention to the job arrangement and job matching for teaching staff, and pay attention to the comprehensive training of their abilities, giving them opportunities to continue to grow and develop and platform.
Managers of vocational education institutions should not only focus on health factors such as material incentives, but should create an environment for teachers and staff to turn their work into a process of pursuing and enjoying life, and pay attention to their interests and families, so that They can complete the teaching work well, tap their potential, and let the teaching staff get satisfaction from the work itself. This kind of work incentive is obviously different from reward incentives. It can not only motivate employees from the inside, but also form a virtuous circle to improve the overall teaching quality of the institution, improve work efficiency, and promote the development of vocational education institutions. However, there are differences in the internal demand structure of different levels of teaching staff. For some people, it is a motivating factor, and for another level of staff, it may only be a hygienic factor. Therefore, managers of vocational education institutions should motivate faculty members with different structure according to their needs, and improve their human resource incentive system [8-10].
Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Human needs present hierarchical characteristics, and develop from low-level needs to high- level needs. This is the basic point of view of Maslow's need hierarchy theory. Specifically, Maslow divided human needs from bottom to top into: physiological needs, safety needs, social interaction needs, respected needs, and self-actualization needs. Higher-level needs emerge only when lower-level needs are satisfied. But it should be noted that not every need is 100% satisfied before another level of need can be displayed. In fact, the basic needs of many people can only be partially met. People usually see the intensity of one need gradually bottoming out, and then another high-level need rises. In addition, each person's specific situation is different, which will affect their level of needs. According to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory, managers can recognize that in human resource management, employees need to be motivated according to their specific needs, and they must treat people's various needs in a random way, so that employees can respond to their needs. The unit creates a sense of belonging and unifies the goals of the organization with the goals of individuals [5].
The enlightenment of Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory to human resource management is that managers need to understand and clarify the needs of different employees at different times, and carry out targeted management work. If you want to really motivate employees, you must know which level of demand is currently dominant and which type of demand will emerge in the future, and try to provide conditions to meet their needs. For newly recruited personnel in vocational education institutions, they need to get familiar with the working environment as soon as possible and get started with work. At this time, survival, safety and social needs are dominant. Managers should arrange their work content reasonably, starting with basic and cooperative work, and provide work guidance. If some difficult and challenging tasks are arranged at this time, it will not only fail to guarantee the effective completion of the tasks, but also undermine their self-confidence. But for those backbone teachers with rich experience and high qualifications, the need for respect and self-realization dominates. If they are still
allowed to do some simple, low-tech repetitive tasks, it will not only have a negative impact on their emotions, but also a waste of resources for the institution. If at this time managers should arrange some high-tech, difficult and challenging tasks according to their abilities and development needs, and fully tap their potential, then they will be motivated to work, which will help them realize their self-worth and at the same time improve the overall work performance of the department. When vocational education institutions reform their human resource management, they should pay special attention to the great differences among the three groups of teachers, administrators, and support staff, and their needs are also at different levels and have different characteristics. Senior leaders should pay special attention to adapting to the "group" conditions [10-11].
Expectation Theory. Expectation theory is a process motivation theory, proposed by Froome, who believes that only when people think that their actions are conducive to achieving a certain goal of their own, their enthusiasm will be stimulated, so as to take certain behaviors to achieve the goal. Expressed in a formula, the power of motivation is equal to X valence multiplied by expected value. Valence refers to the value of a job or goal for satisfying an individual's needs, and expectation refers to an individual's estimate of the probability that a goal can be achieved. There are three linkages manifested in this process:
Effort and performance, that is, the possibility that an individual believes that he can achieve a certain level of performance through his own efforts.
Performance and rewards, that is, whether the individual judges whether he or she can get a corresponding reward after reaching a certain performance level.
Attractiveness refers to the individual's preference for a certain result or reward after completing the work.
People's motivation to engage in a certain action will depend on the expected value of his (or her) action results, and the degree to which the results are expected to achieve the required goals. Expectation theory believes that people will choose the performance level with the highest probability of realization [6]. Although expectation theory is based on the fairness point of view, in reality, people often overestimate their own efforts and investment, and underestimate their own wages and rewards, and the opposite is true in the estimation of others' efforts and
rewards. Therefore, when using this theory, managers should pay full attention to whether the actual work performance and remuneration are reasonable or not.
Expectation theory is mainly to study a kind of general law contained between needs and goals, focusing on analyzing the conditions under which incentive factors can play a greater role. Simply put, the degree to which people adopt a certain behavioral tendency is determined by the expected intensity of a certain result brought about by this behavior and the attractiveness of the result to the actor. However, because different individuals have different expectations for rewards, managers need to pay special attention to incentive diversification during the incentive process [12-14].
Introducing Froome's expectation theory into the human resource management of vocational education institutions, managers can get the following enlightenment. In order to effectively stimulate the potential, work enthusiasm and creativity of teachers, managers of vocational education institutions should scientifically and rationally deal with the relationship between teachers' efforts and performance, and the relationship between rewards and personal attractiveness. Some teachers are particularly interested in teaching research and education reform, so we can provide them with some theoretical learning and training on teaching research and reform, so as to improve their work ability and work performance in the field of interest. Then, in addition to rewards, teachers also expect to be affirmed after their hard work. This requires institutions to ensure the fairness of performance appraisals and provide opportunities for professional titles and job promotions. These are far more attractive to teachers than material rewards. Therefore, in order to retain excellent teachers and improve the overall quality of teachers, vocational education institutions should assign them reasonable tasks and at the same time pay attention to providing attractive rewards for teachers.
Human Capital Theory. Human resources usually refer to the sum of the knowledge and skills that laborers acquire through education, training and other channels, and are also called intangible capital [8]. Its concept was first proposed in Fisher's "The Nature and Income of Capital", and was later incorporated into the theoretical framework of economic analysis. Schultz [7; 9] expounded the human capital theory systematically for the first time at the American Economic Annual Conference [7].
He pointed out that the main content of human capital theory includes five aspects: human resources occupy the most important position in all resources, and human capital theory is also a very core issue in the field of economics; human capital investment and national income show a positive correlation, and its growth rate is faster than material resources; in economic growth, the role of human capital is greater than material capital; education investment is the main body of human investment, and the key to improving human capital is to improve the quality of population; human capital reproduction is not just consumption, but equal to investment; The investment in education should take the market supply and demand as the basis and basis, and the fluctuation of labor price as the index. The traditional theory of capital as physical capital is broken by the theory of human capital. Capital is divided into physical capital and human capital, and human beings are regarded as the sum of various knowledge and skill stocks. However, managers need to pay attention in practice, and cannot use academic qualifications and degrees as the determinants of their performance.
In vocational education institutions, the concept of management occupies a dominant position, so the concept of human resource management of the management directly affects the improvement of the human resource management level of the entire institution. The top managers of many vocational education institutions are not clearly aware of the importance of human capital, and are still stuck in the concept stage that capital injection is the driving force for the development of the institution. In fact, human resource management can bring real productivity to the institution. Outdated management concepts lead to imperfect and non-standard human resource management systems, which constrain the long-term development of the institution. Teachers are the foundation of the development of vocational education institutions. Teachers' participation in the management of vocational education institutions can greatly improve the enthusiasm of teachers and provide the necessary support for the reform of human resource management. The transformation of the concept of human resource management is the first step to improve the human resource management of vocational education institutions. It is necessary to completely remove the original concept of personnel and replace it with a new concept of talents. Human capital theory is used to guide the human resource management of vocational education institutions, and the output of vocational education institutions can be promoted by improving the quality of human capital.
The development of vocational education institutions is inseparable from the performance of human resources. High-quality human capital is the core driving force for the development of vocational education institutions and the fundamental guarantee for vocational education institutions to cultivate talents. Therefore, the first step in the reform of human resources in vocational education institutions must start from the ideological point of view. We must deeply understand the importance of human capital, earnestly implement the "people- oriented" thinking, and recognize the important role of talents in development in order to better strengthen the development and management of human resources. At the same time, this kind of understanding cannot only stay at the level of managers. It is necessary for all faculty and staff to fully accept the latest human resource ideas and implement them at every level. Finally, a specific atmosphere will be formed to lay a solid foundation for cultivating outstanding talents.
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реферат [23,7 K], добавлен 04.01.2016Составление проекта по методологии Oracle (комплекс методологий "Oracle Method") и по стандарту PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge). Сравнение проектов, выявление их достоинств и недостатков, преимущественные сферы использования каждого.
контрольная работа [2,8 M], добавлен 28.05.2014Сущность CRM-систем - Customer Relationship Management. Преимущества клиенториентированного подхода к бизнесу. Формы функционирования и классификация CRM-систем. Основные инструменты, которые включает в себя технология управления отношениями с клиентами.
реферат [30,9 K], добавлен 12.01.2011Рассмотрение концепции Customer Relationship Management по управлению взаимоотношениями с клиентами. Возможности CRM-систем, их влияние на эффективность бизнеса. Разработка, реализация и стоимость проекта внедрения CRM-системы для ЗАО "Сибтехнология".
дипломная работа [5,5 M], добавлен 15.09.2012Logistics as a part of the supply chain process and storage of goods, services. Logistics software from enterprise resource planning. Physical distribution of transportation management systems. Real-time system with leading-edge proprietary technology.
контрольная работа [15,1 K], добавлен 18.07.2009Organizational legal form. Full-time workers and out of staff workers. SWOT analyze of the company. Ways of motivation of employees. The planned market share. Discount and advertizing. Potential buyers. Name and logo of the company, the Mission.
курсовая работа [1,7 M], добавлен 15.06.2013Суть, цели, задачи Total Quality Management. Принцип фактической обоснованности решений. Цепочка взаимосвязанных процессов, характерная для принятия решения. История формирования и развития философии TQM, его отражение в пунктах стандарта ISO 9001-2011.
курсовая работа [548,2 K], добавлен 10.12.2013Определение всеобщего управления качеством. Основные положения концепции Total Quality Management (TQM). Определение коэффициента весомости показателей качества экспертным методом. Расчёт затрат и экономического эффекта от повышения качества продукции.
контрольная работа [54,4 K], добавлен 14.04.2013