Organizational culture as a motivation factor under the conditions of the martial state

The role of organizational culture in the motivation of enterprises' employees. The analysis of the relationship between the level of satisfaction with material incentives and the factors determining the organizational culture at the enterprise.

Рубрика Менеджмент и трудовые отношения
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 15.04.2024
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Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics


Myronova Olga,

Mazorenko Oksana


organizational culture motivation enterprise

The article is devoted to the study of the relationship between the organizational culture of the enterprise and the motivation of its personnel in military conditions. The role of organizational culture in the motivation of enterprises' employees is analyzed. It is actual now because military actions forced many people to reconsider their values and showed the importance of intangible aspects of people's life. The purpose of the article was to substantiate the importance of the formation of organizational culture at the enterprise as a factor influencing the general motivation of the staff. The conducted survey made it possible to assess the level of organizational culture at the enterprises The analysis of the relationship between the level of satisfaction with material incentives and the factors determining the organizational culture at the enterprise made it possible to prove that the organizational culture really affects the motivation of the enterprises' under the conditions of martial state. The authors proposed the implementation of measures to improve organizational culture at the enterprise to increase the level of employees' motivation.

Keywords: employee motivation, motivation factors, organizational culture, job performance, martial state.



Миронова Ольга Миколаївна кандидат економічних наук, доцент, Харківський національний економічний університет імені Семена Кузнеця

Мазоренко Оксана Володимирівна кандидат економічних наук, доцент, Харківський національний економічний університет імені Семена Кузнеця

Стаття присвячена дослідженню взаємозв'язку організаційної культури підприємства та мотивації його персоналу у військових умовах. Авторами доведено особливу значущість мотивації персоналу в сучасних умовах. Проаналізовано роль організаційної культури в мотивації працівників підприємств, оскільки військові дії змусили багатьох людей переглянути свої цінності та показали значущість нематеріальних аспектів життєдіяльності людей. Обґрунтовано, що формування організаційної культури на підприємстві призведе до підвищення морального духу, згуртованості працівників, покращення психологічного клімату в колективі, зниження плинності кадрів, появи відчуття приналежності організації. Всі ці чинники є ефективними мотиваторами, які дозволять підвищити загальний рівень мотивації персоналу на підприємстві навіть в умовах фінансових ускладнень. Метою статті було обґрунтування важливості формування організаційної культури на підприємстві як фактору впливу на загальну мотивацію персоналу. Для визначення основним мотивуючих та демотивуючих факторів для працівників підприємств агропромислового комплексу східних регіонів України в умовах військового стану було застосовано метод анонімного опитування, яке було здійснено за допомогою онлайнсервісів. Проведено опитування дозволило оцінити рівень організаційної культури на підприємстві за такими елементами: задоволеність роботою, взаємовідносинами в колективі між співробітниками та з керівництвом, системою та стилем управління, рівнем мотивації. Було з'ясовано, що більшість опитаних працівників задоволені роботою в контексті їх очікувань від неї. Проте, певна кількість респондентів вказала на певні демотивуючі фактори. Аналіз взаємозв'язку між рівнем задоволеністю матеріальним заохоченням та чинниками, що визначають організаційну культуру на підприємстві, дозволив довести, що організаційна культура дійсно впливає на мотивацію персоналу підприємств в умовах військового стану. Авторами було запропоновано впровадження заходів з покращення організаційної культури на підприємстві для підвищення рівня мотивації його співробітників.

Ключові слова: мотивація працівників, фактори мотивації, організаційна культура, результативність роботи, військовий стан.

Problem statement

In today's conditions, enterprises have a big challenge - how to motivate personnel. This problem is not new, but in the conditions of military aggression on the territory of Ukraine, this issue is gaining special attention. This is due to several reasons. A significant number of enterprises in conditions of military aggression are unable to motivate their personnel materially. So, management needs to find other methods that would be able to motivate personnel without using additional financial resources. Therefore, companies should implement alternative measures that will improve employee morale, staff cohesiveness and reduce personnel turnover. Enterprises in the Eastern and Southern regions of Ukraine face the problem of high staff turnover, which is an objective consequence of proximity to direct military operations. Workers are looking for jobs in safer areas where they can work and live with their families.

In regions with a better security situation, certain problems also arise in organizations, as new employees appear in the team, who do not always quickly adapt to new conditions and who are not always well accepted by “old” employees. Managers of such enterprises should also pay attention to aspects of employee motivation in both directions - for faster adaptation of new employees and to ensure their acceptance by existing personnel.

One of the factors of personnel motivation that will allow us to achieve the goals of increasing morale, staff cohesion, reducing staff turnover and improving the adaptation of new employees is the formation of an effective organizational culture. Therefore, it is advisable to consider the main elements of organizational culture, which will allow to increase the motivation of employees under the conditions of martial state.

Analysis of recent research and publications

The problems of personnel motivation are widely studied in the works of domestic and foreign scientists. Authors pay the greatest attention to the justification of the use of a set of certain forms and methods of motivation and stimulation, which are aimed at increasing the efficiency of the enterprise. Thus, A. Klymchuk and A. Mikhailov in [1] determined that in order to ensure effective management of the enterprise, it is necessary to achieve the correct interaction of motives as a factor of internal influence on the employee and incentives as a factor of external influence on the personnel. A. Sokolov and K. Chernyavskaya in their study [2] emphasized that efficiency in the company's activities can be achieved by creating its own motivation system, which would, if possible, based on the individual characteristics of employees and contain a combination of tangible and intangible methods. Other scientists [3] emphasize that the efficiency of the enterprise depends on the performance of the work, which is influenced by certain motivational factors: the compensation package, job design, and the environment and performance management system.

D. Harmider and L. Gonchar studied [4] that along with an effective motivation system based on a combination of tangible and intangible methods, an important factor in employee motivation is the formation of a positive atmosphere in the team, reducing the number of conflict situations; professional development of employees; revealing the abilities of employees; promoting the preservation and improvement of the health of personnel and the creation of suitable conditions for work. Therefore, it can be concluded that in order to achieve the effectiveness of personnel, the management of enterprises should look for a comprehensive approach. Among such factors of personnel motivation, which would base on all the mentioned and other aspects, is an effective organizational culture. L. Ukrainska also insists on the relationship between organizational culture and personnel motivation in [5]. She proposed intangible measures that positively affect the level of employees' motivation and consist of organizational culture. The significant influence of organizational culture on employee motivation and productivity is also substantiated in the work of M. Taslim [6], where a model of the relationship between organizational culture and personnel motivation was built. Thus, it can be noted that organizational culture is an influential factor in increasing employee motivation.

Identification of previously unresolved parts of the overall problem. The problem of the relationship between the organizational culture and the motivation of the company's personnel is sufficiently widely covered in the studies of domestic and foreign authors. However, today Ukrainian companies face new challenges functioning in the conditions of military operations on the territory of the country. Therefore, the question of determining the factors of employee motivation that are relevant today remains unexplored.

Formulation of the objectives of the article

The purpose of the article is to substantiate the importance of the formation of enterprise's organizational culture as a factor of personnel motivation.

Presentation of the main material

The organizational culture of an enterprise is one of the most influential elements of enterprise management. It is a management factor that is based on the ability of managers to effectively communicate with subordinates and direct their activity to the success of the company [7]. The authors also note that an effective organizational culture performs motivational, informational, and communication functions, supports the values and image of the enterprise, and encourages compliance with high quality work performance. According to the research of T. Lepeyko and K. Barkova [8], it is advisable to focus attention on such aspects as satisfaction with work, existing communications, management system, motivation and morale when assessing the level of organizational culture.

The survey was conducted using online services. They are convenient not only because the automated system allows you to collect data and provide the result much faster, but also because it will provide the necessary conditions for an objective survey. Distributed paper questionnaires, which are supposed to be filled out at the workplace, can cause a decrease in the sincerity of respondents' answers: being next to the object of assessment, their colleague, the respondent will most likely feel discomfort and overestimate the assessment or not tell about certain problems. When far from the workplace and in a less nervous environment, the respondent will be able to answer sincerely. Additionally, some employees may express concerns about de-anonymizing their handwritten questionnaires. In online surveys, reasons for such experiences are excluded. So, this affects the increase in the sincerity of respondents' answers.

In order to study the influence of organizational culture on the personnel motivation under the conditions of martial state, a survey was conducted of employees of agroindustrial enterprises located in the Eastern regions of Ukraine. Today, these enterprises are particularly vulnerable due to the conduct of military operations in the immediate vicinity of their territories (often de-occupied). The questionnaire contained the following questions:

1. How would you estimate the psychological climate in your team?

2. From the listed factors, mark those with which you are most dissatisfied.

3. Does the work in the company meet your expectations?

4. What, in your opinion, needs to be changed at your workplace?

The data obtained during the survey (Figure 1) indicate that 46% of respondents believe that the team works harmoniously, but extra-work relations are poorly developed. 31% of respondents believe that employees feel comfortable, and relations in the team are friendly. Some employees (8%) noted that relations are friendly, but the manager creates tension, and that the team is divided into groups that compete (4%).

The assessment of factors that negatively affect the labor process and relationships in the team, and therefore reduce the level of organizational culture in the organization (Figure 2), showed that the most relevant negative factors, according to employees, are uniformity and monotony at work (22% of respondents), excessive amount of work (16%) and inconvenient work mode (14%).

The analysis showed that most employees (79%) indicated that the job met their expectations from it (Figure 3). However, the fact that 13% are undecided is worrying. This, most likely, is due to a certain danger of agricultural work in the region as a result of military operations.

Regarding the assessment of the necessary changes in work (Figure 4), most of the interviewed employees (34%) noted that it is necessary to carry out work on changing working conditions - demining territories, ensuring security. Also, a significant share of employees (21%) spoke in favor of a salary increase, and 15% of respondents noted the importance of improving relationships in the team.

The relationship between answers regarding the level of motivation (satisfaction with wages, working conditions, job in general) and the level of organizational culture (the need to improve relationships in the team and between the manager and subordinates, the level of conflict, the presence of mutual assistance and mutual understanding) was also investigated. It was determined that enterprises with a lower level of organizational culture have less motivated personnel and vice versa. So, the hypothesis that organizational culture is a factor in motivating personnel during martial state is proven.

Figure 1 Assessment of the moral climate at enterprises of the agro-industrial complex

Source: constructed by authors

Figure 3 Correspondence of the work to the expectations of employees

Source: constructed by authors

Figure 4 Assessment of necessary changes in the work at the enterprises

Source: constructed by authors

Based on the analysis carried out, it is possible to propose certain measures that will improve the organizational culture of enterprises under martial state, which will lead to an increase in personnel motivation:

1. Form team values.

2. Clearly assign roles in the team.

3. Create an internal comfort zone.

4. Create conditions for mutual assistance and friendly relations.

5. Develop a conflict management plan.

To reduce the tension associated with the remoteness of work from home. This is especially characteristic of agricultural (and other) enterprises in the conditions of martial state, when overcoming the distance between the place of residence and the territories of the enterprise is a problem, because due to the war, many workers have taken their families away from hostilities and are forced to overcome distances constantly, or live far from their families. Workers who work in the field (or far from their families) need to arrange comfortable living and domestic conditions, and, if possible, change their work schedule so that they can go to their families.

Conclusions from this study and further prospects in this direction

The motivation of the enterprise's personnel depends on many factors. One of the most significant factors of motivation is the organizational culture of the enterprise. A survey of the enterprises' personnel in the agroindustrial complex made it possible to determine that, despite the military actions, most employees are satisfied with their work. However, they face certain problems at work, which are elements of organizational culture, and negatively affect the level of employee motivation. Based on this, measures to improve the organizational culture were proposed, the implementation of which, considering the peculiarities of functioning in the current conditions, will increase the personnel motivation. In the further studying, it is advisable to investigate the relationship between different types of organizational culture and the most effective methods of motivation.


1. Klymchuk A. O., Mikhailov A. N. (2018). Motyvatsiia ta stymuliuvannia personalu v efektyvnomu upravlinni pidpryiemstvom ta pidvyschenni innovatsijnoi diial'nosti [The motivation and stimulation of personnel in effective enterprise management and innovation activity improving]. Marketynh i menedzhment innovatsij, 1, 218-234. DOI: (in Ukrainian)

2. Sokolov A. V., Chernyavskaya E. V. (2015). Vplyv material'noy ta nematerial'noy motyvatsiy personalu na efektyvnist' diyal'nosti pidpryyemstva [The influence of material and intangible motivation of the personnel to efficiency enterprise activity] Zhurnal Naukovyj ohliad, 9 (19). Available at: (in Ukrainian)

3. Forson, J. A., Ofosu-Dwamena, E., Opoku, R. A. et al. (2021). Employee motivation and job performance: a study of basic school teachers in Ghana. Futur Bus J 7, 30. DOI:

4. Harmider L. D., Gonchar L. A. (2019). Motyvatsijni faktory rezul'tatyvnosti personalu pidpryyemstva [Motivation factors of performance of personnel of the enterprise]. Review of transport economics and management, 1(17), 127-132. DOI: (in Ukrainian)

5. Ukrainska L. (2021). Vplyv motyvatsiy na orhanizatsijnu kul'turu [Influence of motivation on organizational culture]. Economy and society, 28. DOI: (in Ukrainian)

6. Taslim M. (2011). Organisation culture and employee motivation: an empirical study on impact of organization culture on employee extrinsic & intrinsic motivation at SBI. Summer Internship Society, 3, 1. Available at: cGRm.

7. Yuskevych А. I., Lehkyy О. А. (2020). Teoretychni aspekty orhanizatsijnoy kul'tury ta yy mistse v systemi menedzhmentu pidpryyemstva [Theoretical aspects of organizational culture and its place in the enterprise management system]. Pryazovs'kyj ekonomichnyj visnyk, 2(19). DOI: (in Ukrainian)

8. Lepeyko Т. I., Barkova К. О. (2020). Vyznachennia rivnia orhanizatsijnoi kul'tury pidpryiemstva za dopomohoiu metodu opytuvannia [Determining the Level of Organizational Culture of Enterprise Using the Survey Method]. Business Inform, 2, 473-479. DOI: (in Ukrainian)

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