Encouraging enterprise managers to manage change as a necessary element for the sustainable development of an industrial enterprise

The essence of change management and the role of management in the course of changes in the sustainable development of an enterprise, tools for its successful implementation. Examples of their successful implementation at an industrial enterprise.

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Дата добавления 15.04.2024
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Encouraging enterprise managers to manage change as a necessary element for the sustainable development of an industrial enterprise

Заохочення керівників підприємства в управління змінами, як необхідний елемент для сталого розвитку промислового підприємства

Riabtsev Vasyl

Postgraduate Student,

Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology

Рябцев Василь Анатолійович аспірант,

Український державний університет науки і технологій

In today's world, where technologies are constantly developing and markets are changing rapidly, industrial enterprises must be ready for changes that are becoming increasingly important to achieve sustainable development. In this context, change management helps businesses adapt to change while maintaining efficiency and competitiveness. Faced with a growing number of challenges and problems, enterprises must implement change management, which is a necessary element of the sustainable development of industrial enterprises. Change management is a complex system of methods and tools that allows you to effectively implement changes in the work of an industrial enterprise, ensuring its sustainable development, which in turn ensures competitiveness on the market. This article will consider the influence of N-1 and N-2 level managers on the management of changes necessary for the sustainable development of an industrial enterprise. And the challenges and obstacles faced by modern industrial enterprises when implementing change management will also be considered. The results of this article should help industrial workers to better understand how important it is to implement change management to achieve sustainable development. The importance of change management in an industrial enterprise is that changes in the operation of an enterprise can occur with different intensity and frequency, and change management helps enterprises to be ready for these changes and to respond quickly to them. This enables the enterprise to maintain its competitiveness and achieve sustainable development in the long term.

Keywords: change management, sustainable development, industrial enterprises, corporate partnership, strategic management, organizational culture, change management tools, change management challenges, successful examples of change management.

Сутність управління змінами полягає в тому, щоб забезпечити успішне впровадження змін в діяльності підприємства з метою підтримання сталого розвитку. Це досягається завдяки забезпеченню ефективної комунікації між усіма зацікавленими сторонами, використанню ефективних методик контролю та моніторингу змін, а також оцінці результатів. Управління змінами є необхідним елементом сталого розвитку промислового підприємства, оскільки дозволяє забезпечити адаптацію до змін у зовнішньому середовищі та зберегти конкурентну перевагу. Крім того, управління змінами допомагає підприємству збільшити ефективність та продуктивність, зменшити ризики негативних наслідків змін та забезпечити стабільність фінансових показників. В умовах постійних змін у бізнесі, управління змінами стає необхідним для того, щоб підприємство могло адаптуватися до нових умов та зберегти своє місце на ринку. Отже, управління змінами є необхідним елементом сталого розвитку промислового підприємства, оскільки дозволяє забезпечити адаптацію до змін у зовнішньому середовищі, збільшити ефективність та продуктивність, зменшити ризики негативних наслідків змін та забезпечити стабільність фінансових показників. Для розуміння сутності управління змінами важливо звернути увагу на два аспекти: процес та культуру організації. Процес управління змінами передбачає визначення потреб в змінах, їх планування, розробку стратегії, реалізацію, контроль та оцінку результатів. Культура організації пов'язана зі ставленням працівників до змін, їх готовністю до їх прийняття та сприйнятливістю до нових ідей та технологій. Управління змінами може бути реактивним або проактивним. Реактивне управління змінами відбувається після виникнення проблем або кризової ситуації, коли необхідно швидко прийняти рішення та вжити заходів для відновлення стабільності. Проактивне управління змінами передбачає попереднє визначення потреб у змінах та планування їх реалізації заздалегідь. Управління змінами передбачає роботу зі стейкхолдерами - всіма зацікавленими сторонами, які можуть бути задіяні в процесі змін. Це можуть бути не тільки працівники підприємства, але й його клієнти, постачальники, конкуренти, громадські організації та інші. Управління змінами є динамічним процесом, який вимагає постійної оцінки результатів та внесення коректив в стратегію. Для ефективного управління змінами важливо мати якісну систему моніторингу, що дозволить оперативно виявляти проблеми та негативні наслідки змін. Управління змінами є необхідним елементом сталого розвитку промислового підприємства, оскільки дозволяє зберігати конкурентоспроможність та адаптуватись до змін у зовнішньому середовищі. Інноваційні зміни у технологіях, продукції та організації виробництва дозволяють зменшувати витрати, покращувати якість продукції та підвищувати ефективність роботи підприємства. Управління змінами також допомагає підприємству пристосовуватись до змін на ринку, змінювати свою стратегію відповідно до потреб споживачів та конкурентів. Наприклад, у зв'язку зі збільшенням попиту на екологічно чисті продукти, підприємство може впроваджувати зміни у виробництві, що дозволяє виготовляти продукцію з мінімальним впливом на довкілля. Управління змінами допомагає підприємству відкривати нові можливості, розширювати ринки збуту та залучати нових клієнтів. Наприклад, підприємство може розширити асортимент продукції або відкрити нові напрямки виробництва, що забезпечить розвиток та збільшення обсягів продажів. У сучасному світі, де технології швидко розвиваються, а ринки постійно змінюються, промислові підприємства повинні бути готові до змін, які стають все важливішими для досягнення сталого розвитку. Управління змінами допомагає підприємствам пристосовуватися до змін, забезпечуючи їх ефективність та конкурентоспроможність. Проте, для ефективного впровадження управління змінами необхідно залучати керівників, оскільки вони є ключовими гравцями в цьому процесі. Залучення керівників до процесу управління змінами є важливим, оскільки вони відповідають за керівництво підприємством та прийняття стратегічних рішень. Крім того, керівники мають більш широку перспективу та розуміння ситуації в компанії, що дає їм можливість бачити потреби та можливості для змін. Якщо керівники не залучені до процесу управління змінами, то їх недостатня увага до цього процесу може призвести до невдалого впровадження змін, що в свою чергу може призвести до втрати часу, грошей та ресурсів. У цій статті буде розглянуто вплив керівників рівня Н-1 та Н-2 на управління змінами необхідних для сталого розвитку промислового підприємства. А також будуть розглянуті виклики та перешкоди, з якими зіштовхуються сучасні промислові підприємства при впровадженні управління змінами. Результати цієї статті повинні допомогти працівникам промислових підприємств краще зрозуміти, як важливо впроваджувати управління змінами для досягнення сталого розвитку. Важливість управління змінами на промисловому підприємстві полягає в тому, що зміни в роботі підприємства можуть відбуватися з різною інтенсивністю та частотою, і управління змінами допомагає підприємствам бути готовими до цих змін та швидко реагувати на них. Це дає можливість підприємству зберігати свою конкурентоспроможність та досягати сталого розвитку у довгостроковій перспективі.

Ключові слова: управління змінами, сталий розвиток, промислові підприємства, корпоративне партнерство, стратегічне управління, організаційна культура, інструменти управління змінами, виклики управління змінами, успішні приклади управління змінами.

Formulation of the problem

In the conditions of significant uncertainty in the modern business environment, the problem of the lack of systematic change management becomes important. Ignoring this problem at Ukrainian industrial enterprises leads to a lack of sustainable development and a loss of competitiveness in the markets. Therefore, it is important to consider the essence of change management, its impact on the sustainable development of enterprises, as well as to identify the tools and challenges of change management in order to understand how industrial enterprises can successfully implement changes and achieve their strategic goals. In addition, there is the problem of the lack of a culture of change management in the Ukrainian business culture, which can be the reason for the unsuccessful implementation of innovations at enterprises and a decrease in their efficiency.

Analysis of recent research and publications. Analyzing individual editions and authors, it is possible to understand that they all insist on the need to implement changes to ensure competitiveness. For example, Tied D. and Besnt D. [4] in their book "Innovation Management: Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Changes" believe that effective management of innovative changes should be a basic strategy for enterprises in all industries, because without innovation, sustainable development cannot be achieved. success The authors highlight the importance of integrating technological, market and organizational changes, and provide tools and methods for successfully managing innovation processes. In turn, Jeff Hyatt in his work "A model of change in business, government and our community" [5] insists that for effective change management in the organization, it is necessary to have a clear methodology that allows you to assess readiness and prepare staff for change. In his work, the author considers a model that includes five stages: awareness, desire, knowledge, ability and support. Each of these stages requires an appropriate approach and tools to achieve the goal of change. Hayat D. emphasizes that successful change management requires a clear methodology and psychological readiness of the staff for changes. Kryvoruchko O. analyzed the essence, principles and tools of change management in his work "Management of changes at the enterprise" [8] makes it clear that effective change management is a key factor in the success of a modern enterprise, as it allows to adapt to changes in the competitive environment and ensure sustainable development. The author of the article emphasizes the need for planning and a systematic approach to change management at the enterprise. In turn, Dobrokhotov V. V. in his work "Management of changes in the organization: principles and methods" [13] notes that success in change management depends on the approach to them, the ability of the organization's management to mobilize employees and create favorable conditions for the implementation of changes. The author emphasizes the importance of constant monitoring and analysis of the effectiveness of implemented changes. Tips on choosing an approach to change management depending on the type of organization and the level of complexity of changes were considered by the author O. O. Shutov. in the work "Change management models in the organization" [17]. In her work, the author analyzed various models of change management and gave examples of successful implementation of changes in organizations.

But in order to increase the effectiveness of change management, insufficient attention is paid to the role of N-1 and N-2 level enterprise management.

change management industrial enterprise

The purpose of the article

Consider the essence of change management, explore the roles of enterprise management in change management in the process of sustainable development of an industrial enterprise and tools for its successful implementation. Attention is paid to the consideration of the essence of change management, the impact of change management on sustainable development, change management tools, challenges and obstacles of change management, as well as examples of successful implementation of changes at industrial enterprises where managers played a major role. This article should be useful for managers of industrial enterprises and anyone interested in the topic of change management and sustainable development.

Object of study. Change management system at an industrial enterprise.

Subject of study. Determination of the conceptual foundations of the influence of the company's management on change management and analysis of the impact of such management on the sustainable development of the company. The issue of using change management tools and the challenges that may arise during their implementation are separately investigated.

Research methods:

1. Analysis of scientific literature and documents related to change management and corporate partnership.

2. Empirical research, in particular a survey of managers of industrial enterprises regarding their experience of implementing changes and managing corporate partnerships.

These methods made it possible to identify the key trends and challenges of change management in industrial enterprises and to analyze the effectiveness of the application of corporate partnership in this context.

Presentation of the main research material

Change management is a complex process that includes a number of stages and tasks. The essence of change management is to ensure maximum efficiency and effectiveness of changes, while reducing the impact of negative factors on the enterprise. Four stages of change management are considered.

The first stage of change management is an analysis of the company's needs and an assessment of the possible consequences of changes. At this stage, it is determined what changes are needed, why they are needed and how they can affect the company's activities.

The second stage is the development of a change plan. At this stage, the change implementation strategy is determined, the necessary resources and technologies that will be used to implement the changes are determined.

The third stage is the implementation of changes. At this stage, changes are implemented in the company's activities. At this time, it is important to ensure appropriate communication and cooperation between all stakeholders, and

to use effective change control and monitoring techniques.

The fourth stage is the evaluation of the results. At this stage, the effectiveness of the implemented changes is evaluated. Evaluation of results is an important element of change management because it helps to determine whether the set goals and objectives have been achieved and what the effects of the implementation of the change are.

Therefore,change managementisanecessary element of the sustainable development of an industrial enterprise, which allows maintaining competitiveness and adapting to changes in the external environment.

Change management can significantly influence the sustainable development of an industrial enterprise. Properly directed changes can help an enterprise become more competitive, reduce production costs, improve the quality of products and services, and increase customer satisfaction.

On the other hand, improperly implemented changes can lead to the loss of jobs, the deterioration of the quality of products and services, a drop in customer satisfaction, and even to the bankruptcy of the enterprise.

Therefore, it is important to have a clear plan for change and to implement it correctly, ensuring the support and interaction of employees, as well as to monitor the results and adjust the change plans if necessary.

Regardless of what changes the company is considering, it is important to keep in mind that they should be aimed at achieving a certain goal (in turn, the goal should be clear and morally agreed upon by all participants in the change process) and have a positive impact on all aspects of the company's activities. Change management can help an enterprise achieve a higher level of sustainable development, increase its competitiveness and ensure successful development in the future.

To achieve success in change management at the enterprise, it is important to develop a clear change plan, which should include the following stages:

1. Analysis of needs and opportunities. At this stage, the enterprise must identify the problems to be solved, the goals to be achieved, and the opportunities for business improvement.

2. Development of a change strategy. At this stage, it is determined what specific steps need to be taken to achieve the goal, a change strategy is selected, and an action plan is developed.

3. Implementation of changes. At this stage, changes are implemented, where planned actions and strategies are implemented. In this process, it is important to ensure the cooperation of all interested parties, as well as to provide support to the company's employees.

4. Evaluation of results. At this stage, an analysis of the results of the implementation of changes and their impact on the company's activities is carried out. The results of the assessment can serve as a basis for adjusting the strategy of changes and their further improvement.

The use of a change management system at the enterprise helps not only to ensure sustainable development, but also to reduce the risks associated with making changes. In addition, it allows you to store information about all changes that have been made at the enterprise, and ensures their proper monitoring and control.

Therefore, change management is a necessary element of the sustainable development of an industrial enterprise. It allows the enterprise to adapt to changes in the market and internal changes taking place in the company, maintaining a competitive advantage and increasing the efficiency of operations.

Application of a change management system in an enterprise helps to reduce the risks associated with changes and ensure their proper implementation. In addition, it contributes to the involvement of employees in the process of change, increases their level of motivation and ensures a higher quality of task performance.

Given the importance of change management, companies must carefully approach its implementation and development. It is necessary to ensure the interest of company managers at the N-1 and N-2 levels, management support is the most important element of success in the implementation of changes, increase the level of knowledge and skills of employees in the field of change management, use modern methods and tools of change management, as well as establish mechanisms for monitoring and evaluation of results.

Therefore, change management is anecessary element of the sustainable development of an industrial enterprise. Its use allows the enterprise to effectively adapt to changes and maintain a competitive advantage in the market. At the same time, it requires the company to carefully work on the implementation and development of the change management system.

The change management system consists of various components that interact with each other to ensure effective change management at the enterprise. Let's consider the main components of the change management system.

1. Analysis of the need for changes. The first stage of change management is determining the need for it. The enterprise must analyze its situation and find problems that need to be solved. This can be a drop in profits, a decrease in product quality, low employee efficiency, etc.

2. Development of a change plan. After identifying the problem, it is necessary to develop a change plan, which includes a description of the problem, setting goals, choosing a change strategy, developing an action plan, and determining the necessary resources.

3. Change management. Change management involves leading the change process, tracking progress and making adjustments to the action plan as necessary.

4. Interaction with interested parties. The business must engage with all stakeholders to ensure the successful implementation of change. These can be customers, partners, employees, regulatory bodies, etc.

5. Communication and involvement of employees. Effective communication and involvement of employees in the change process is an important component of the change management system. Employees must understand the reasons for the changes

Further, a necessary condition for the implementation of changes is the assessment of efficiency and results. Change management should be dynamic and adaptive to various situations arising at an industrial enterprise. Evaluation should be carried out not only at the end of the project, but also at each stage of its implementation. Different methods can be used to evaluate the results, for example, SWOT analysis, balance sheet approach, goal tree, etc.

Additionally, social and environmental aspects must be taken into account. Change management should be aimed at ensuring the sustainable development of the enterprise, increasing its efficiency and competitiveness, reducing the negative impact on the environment and saving resources. To achieve these goals, innovative technologies and methods can be used, such as green management, circular economy, sustainable development, corporate partnership, etc.

Thus, change management is a necessary element of the sustainable development of an industrial enterprise. It helps the enterprise adapt to changes in the external environment, increase efficiency and competitiveness, ensure sustainability and conservation of resources. Change management is a complex and multifaceted process that requires responsibility and a qualified approach.

The first tool for analyzing the results of changes is the SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats - Analysis of strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats). This analysis helps to find out the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, opportunities and threats that arise when making changes.

The second tool is change project planning. Planning change projects helps to define the purpose, scope and timing of changes, to identify the resources and means needed to implement the project, and to ensure the effective use of these resources.

The third tool is communication. Effective communication is a key factor in change management, as it helps to engage with stakeholders, engage them in change, and maintain communication between different parts of the enterprise.

The fourth tool is training and development. Change requires a change in the skills and knowledge of employees, so it is necessary to ensure their training and development. It can be conducting seminars, trainings, courses, providing access to educational materials, etc.

The last tool is monitoring and evaluation of results. Monitoring and evaluation help track the results of changes and promptly implement corrective actions. There are many tools and methods that can be used to effectively manage change in an industrial enterprise. Below are some examples of such tools:

1. Kotter's model is a seven-step model that allows the organization of an industrial enterprise to effectively implement changes. This model includes steps such as forming a coalition of change makers, creating a vision for change, developing a change strategy, communicating a vision for change, taking action to sustain change, creating short-term wins, and securing the next change.

2. Lean Production methodology - this methodology is based on cost reduction, productivity maximization and production time reduction. This is achieved by implementing a systematic approach to business process management, using improved tools and methods to achieve optimal performance.

3. Agile methodology - this methodology focuses on the development and continuous improvement of the product taking into account

the needs of customers. Agile allows you to quickly respond to changes in requirements, so it is very effective for managing changes in industrial enterprises.

4. Six Sigma methodology - this methodology allows you to reduce the number of defects and improve product quality. This is achieved through statistical analysis and the use of tools that make processes more stable and predictable. It is based on reducing losses and increasing the efficiency of business processes.

In addition, change management tools may include such methods as development of action plans, introduction of new technologies and processes, improvement of staff qualifications, evaluation of the results of implementation of changes and their impact on business processes and enterprise activities. In addition, change management tools may include methods such as risk management, stakeholder engagement, and development of new customer acquisition strategies.

Change management includes many different aspects that must be taken into account when developing strategies for the innovative development of an industrial enterprise. This can be a complex process that requires a lot of time, effort and resources. However, if change management is carried out correctly, it can contribute to the sustainable development of the enterprise, increasing its competitiveness and success. An important aspect of change management is the company's ability to adapt to changes in the external environment, such as changes in the regulatory framework, technological innovations, changing market needs, etc. The company's non-compliance with changes in the external environment can lead to its lagging behind competitors, loss of market position and even its bankruptcy.

One of the effective change management tools is the implementation of a quality management system. The application of ISO 9001 standards can help the enterprise create an effective management system, ensure high quality of products and services, and also increase the trust of customers and partners. The implementation of the quality management system will also allow the enterprise to ensure stability and increase the efficiency of business processes. But I would like to draw your attention to the fact that it is important that the ISO 9001 system is followed by absolutely all participants in the change process, and most importantly, managers of the N-1 and N-2 levels.

In addition, change management tools can include various software tools and technologies, such as ERP systems, CRM systems, production automation systems, etc. Using such tools can help an enterprise manage business processes more efficiently, reduce the time and effort required to perform routine tasks, and increase the accuracy and reliability of business operations.

In addition, for effective change management, it is important to use technologies that help maintain communication between project participants and provide access to information. One of these technologies is a corporate social network, which allows for effective communication between employees, exchange of ideas and data.

Also, change management tools include competence development projects that help prepare staff for change and teach them new skills and tools. In particular, you can organize trainings, seminars, workshops, individual consultations, etc.

Therefore, the use of various change management tools allows you to increase the effectiveness of the change process, reduce risks and costs, as well as prepare personnel for new challenges and tasks.

Despite the importance of change management, the process of implementing change can face various challenges and obstacles. Here are some of them:

1. Staff resistance. It is not uncommon for employees to feel fear, uncertainty or aversion to change, especially if they are already used to the old system. It is important to ensure communication and involvement of personnel in the process of change management, to explain to them the need for changes and to show the advantages of the new system. They (personnel who are not directly involved in the change) may resist new ideas, technologies or processes for various reasons, such as fear of losing their jobs, lack of faith in the effectiveness of changes, dissatisfaction with the lack of involvement in the decision-making process, etc. In this case, it is necessary to conduct additional work with employees, involving them in the change process and providing the necessary support and training.

2. Insufficient resources. Successful implementation of change requires a large amount of resources, which may be limited for the enterprise. For example, it is necessary to have enough finances, human resources, information technology, etc. to implement changes. Their absence will necessarily delay the implementation of changes and create additional obstacles.

3. Insufficient training. If changes are implemented without proper preparation, they may not have the expected effect. It is important to prepare staff for change, provide training and support at various stages of the process.

4. Incorrectly chosen strategy. A wrongly chosen change strategy can lead to failure of change implementation. It is important to define the right strategy and plan its implementation. If the company does not define clear goals and plan for changes, it can lead to a worsening of the situation instead of improvement. Also, there may be problems with determining the necessary resources, responsible persons and control over the process of implementing changes.

5. Insufficient management support, the main problem of the failure of most changes. Successful implementation of changes requires the support of top management at the N-1 and N-2 levels. If the management does not act as an active participant in the process, then the changes will fail, the staff will not make the changes unless they see the interest of the top management. This is one of the most compelling reasons for implementation.

6. One of the most common obstacles in the implementation of change management is insufficient understanding of the very essence of changes and their impact on the enterprise. This can lead to rejection of changes, underestimation of their importance or incorrect choice of the direction of changes. To unite the change team, it is very important that all change participants equally understand the need for change, they must understand what these changes will bring to them.

7. Lack of an internal culture that supports change. Even if the company's management understands the need for change, it may face resistance from employees who do not want to change their usual way of working. It is worth noting the challenges associated with changes in the company's culture. This can be quite a challenge, as corporate culture consists of customs, values and norms that reflect the approaches and practices adopted within the organization. Changing culture takes time and effort, as well as support from all levels of management. Changing the culture requires the establishment of strict parameters that will separate the personnel involved in the changes from the personnel who do not participate. Such separation will increase the level of proactivity of all participants and reduce the influence of negatively disposed colleagues.

8. External factors, such as market conditions, competition and legislation, which can affect the success of change management.

In general, change management can be complex and require considerable effort, but it is a necessary element of the sustainable development of an industrial enterprise. To successfully implement change, you need to have a clear strategy, use effective tools, and involve employees in the change process along with active support from top management. It is important that all participants of the enterprise understand the need for changes and are ready to cooperate. Inadequate use of communication tools can lead to change failure.

Also, most of the changes are related to financial costs that may be needed to purchase new equipment or conduct employee training. This can create difficulties for management, especially in difficult economic conditions.

Thanks to the persistence and unification of the company's top management, it is possible to overcome the lack of experience in change management or the insufficient training of personnel participating in the change process. Persistence, monitoring of implementation and a clear understanding of the final goals of implementing changes will help minimize unexpected consequences and possible losses for the enterprise.

It is also necessary to take into account the various cultural, ethical and political challenges that may arise in the process of change. Change management must take into account all possible scenarios and challenges to ensure successful implementation of changes and sustainable development of the enterprise.

Therefore, change management is anecessary element of the sustainable development of an industrial enterprise that allows the company to adapt to changes in the economic environment and ensures its competitiveness. The development and implementation of an effective change management strategy will be a key factor in the success of the enterprise.

Let's consider several examples of successful implementation of changes at industrial enterprises, which as a result of changes were able to ensure sustainable development and increase business efficiency.

1. General Electric (GE) successfully implements the concept of Lean Six Sigma, which helps to avoid unnecessary costs and optimize business processes. With this concept, GE was able to reduce production costs by $15 billion, as well as improve product quality and reduce delivery times to customers.

2. The Toyota company has successfully implemented the Toyota Production System (TPS), which allows efficient production management and ensures high product quality. With the help of this system, the company was able to reduce production costs, improve product quality and reduce delivery time to customers.

3. Procter & Gamble has successfully implemented an innovation management system that has allowed it to ensure sustainable competitiveness in the market and take a leading position in the industry. With the help of this system, the company was able to quickly respond to changes in consumer demand and introduce innovative products on the market.

4. The company "Dniprometiz TAS" analyzed the experience of the most successful enterprises and introduced its own production system from 2021, which combined the elements of Lean Six Sigma, TPS, Agile and TOS (theory of system constraints). The main difference when implementing the changes was the refusal to create separate teams that should be responsible for the changes, in contrast to this decision, a decision was made to involve the company's managers more in the changes, through the establishment of frequent system reports.

To achieve a sustainable result, the following goals were set for each of the change processes (Table 1).

For the implementation of changes, clear tasks of each of the participants in the change process were prescribed.

Before starting the work, the "Technical Limit" of the production lines was analyzed. The technical limit is an indicator of the maximum possible level of production under ideal operating conditions.

The difference between the Technical Limit and the actual production level achieved is the potential for improvement. The indicator specified by the manufacturer of the production lines or the best global practices can be used as a technical limit.

Thanks to this implementation and systematic analysis of the achieved results, the team of the enterprise secured the status of the largest producer of wire on the Ukrainian market, and also secured the status of the largest exporter of hardware products from Ukraine.

Thanks to the reduction of production costs and the reduction of product delivery costs, the company was able to accumulate funds and implement the largest investment program among all hardware enterprises of Ukraine, and significantly modernized its production during 2022 and 2023.

Table 1Stages of changes and their goals

№ п/п

The stage of changes introduced in Dniprometiz

purpose of stages of change



1. Introduce mandatory reports

At the precinct level - daily

At the plant level - every week

At the level of the Supervisory Board - once a month

2. Determine the priority of losses.

3. To develop the corporate culture of change, which should become one of the main tasks of the HR department.



1. Continuous measurement of production indicators

2. Introduce the term "Technical limit" in order to objectively use the results of measurements of production indicators

3. To provide digital indicators to all losses in production in order to establish a systematic measurement of them.

4. Determine the size of the influence of each participant

of the changes on the final result


To improve

1. Constantly, on the basis of measurements of production indicators, initiate and develop measures to improve the indicators of the change process

2. Make changes to the system of motivation of employees involved in change management based on their ability to influence the result

3. Implementation of a systematic approach in the training of personnel involved in change management



1. Constantly record achievements. Due to a change in production standards.

Table 2Tasks of shift participants





Implementation of changes



Organization of implementation of changes according to tasks


The head of the station

- Operational change management at the site level

- Organization of work on finding and implementing improvements at the site

- Daily analysis of indicators for achieving change results


Head of the Workshop

- Methodological support for change implementation groups

- Control and coordination of groups involved in changes

- Operational control and analysis of key performance indicators of the workshop

- Organization of improvement programs at the workshop level

- Involves all workshop workers in change management


Head of the enterprise

- Responsible for change management at the enterprise

- Responsible for annual goals for implementing changes at the enterprise

- I perform weekly monitoring of the achievement of indicators that characterize the level of implementation of changes

- Provides resources necessary to implement changes


Implementation mentor

- Methodological support for the implementation of changes

- Coordination of relations between the management of the enterprise and heads of departments, as well as between the management of the enterprise and the Supervisory Board.

- Involvement of the company's management in constant participation in the change process

- Development and organization of training for all participants involved in the implementation of changes

- Management of the budget of expenses necessary for the implementation of changes


Supervisory Board

Approves and agrees the results of change management.

Approves the budget for implementation of changes

The success of these companies shows that properly implemented changes can help businesses achieve sustainable development and increase their efficiency. However, it is worth remembering that each business has its own characteristics and strategy. These examples demonstrate that successful implementation of changes in an industrial enterprise is possible if a proper analysis is done, an effective change management strategy is developed and all challenges and obstacles that may arise are taken into account.

Conclusions and prospects for further research

Change management is a necessary element of the sustainable development of an industrial enterprise. It allows the organization to be flexible and adaptable to changes in the economic and technological environment, which is important for successful competition in the market. The essence of change management is understanding the need for change, establishing a change goal and strategy, managing risks, and communicating with stakeholders. Change management helps industrial enterprises to ensure sustainable development by increasing production efficiency, reducing costs, improving product quality and providing convenience for customers.

Change management tools, such as internal and external environment analysis, change impact assessment, strategy development, change planning and implementation, allow effective implementation of changes in industrial enterprises.

The implementation of change management can face a number of challenges and obstacles, such as insufficient training of personnel, insufficient management support, resistance from employees. To overcome these challenges, it is necessary to create the right conditions for effective implementation of changes, in particular, to develop strategies that take into account possible risks and impacts on employees and the environment. However, the right corporate partnership strategy is an approach that will help overcome these challenges and achieve success in implementing changes.

Therefore, change management is a key element for achieving sustainable development in industrial enterprises, and it should be considered as a strategic tool to support changes in the organization.

In addition, it should be noted that change management has a significant impact on the development of corporate partnerships. Companies that effectively implement changes and ensure flexibility in their business strategy are better able to adapt to changes in the market and cooperate with other companies. This provides the enterprise with the opportunity to be more competitive and stable in the long term, which is a key element of sustainable development. Thus, change management and corporate partnership can complement each other and contribute to the successful development of the enterprise.


change management industrial enterprise

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2. Carnall, C. (2007). Managing Change in Organizations. Prentice Hall., Gosport GB.

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4. Tidd, J., & Bessant, J. (2018). Managing innovation: integrating technological, market and organizational change. John Wiley & Sons, Great Britain.

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