Career orientation of a personality: theoretical aspects
The main psychological features of the development of an individual's professional career. Study of the problems of understanding the inner potential of a person and his motivation, procedural features and results caused by career-oriented development.
Рубрика | Менеджмент и трудовые отношения |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 12.05.2024 |
Размер файла | 22,5 K |
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Psychology chair Mukachevo State University
Career orientation of a personality: theoretical aspects
Barchi B. candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor
The article presents the results of a theoretical analysis of issues related to the psychological features of an individual's career orientation development. The ideas of the scientists related to this phenomenon have been outlined. It has been discussed that career orientations are determined by personal concept, talents, motivations, motives, and values. The peculiarities of the career development of an individual have been characterized in two directions - structural and procedural.
Key words: career; career development; career orientation; psychological changes; personality/individual.
Барчі Б. В. кандидат психологічних наук, доцент кафедри психології Мукачівський державний університет
У статті представлено результати теоретичного аналізу проблематики, що стосуються психологічних особливостей розвитку професійної кар'єри особистості. Викладено уявлення зарубіжних та вітчизняних учених дотичні до даного явища. Охарактеризовано особливості кар'єрного становлення особистості у двох напрямах - структурному та процесуальному.
Головною метою статті є теоретичне обґрунтування особливостей розвитку кар'єрної орієнтації особистості.
Аналіз наукових джерел. Розвиток кар 'єрної орієнтації особистості у психологічній літературі розглядається в контексті проблеми розуміння внутрішнього потенціалу людини та її мотивації, процесуальних особливостей та результатів, зумовлених кар'єрно орієнтованим розвитком. У вітчизняній психології теорії кар'єрного розвитку особистості представлено в працях К. Абульханової-Славської, Є. Клімова, Є. Зеєра, С. Максименка, А. Маркової, Ж. Вірної й ін.
Виклад основного матеріалу. Кар'єрні орієнтації визначаються особистісною концепцією, талантами, спонуканнями, мотивами і цінностями. Визначено, що планування та розвиток кар'єри працівника є організацією його просування по щаблях посадового й кваліфікаційного росту, що допомагає йому розвинути і реалізувати професійні знання і навички в інтересах кар'єри. Кар 'єрні орієнтації постають як більш конкретизована стратегія самореалізації молодої людини. Доведено, одним із важливих аспектів кар'єрного розвитку є свідоме планування кар'єри. Охарактеризовано розподіл кар'єри на професійну і внутрішньо організаційну. Професійна кар'єра характеризується тим, що конкретний співробітник у процесі своєї професійної діяльності проходить різні стадії розвитку. Внутрішньо організаційна кар'єра реалізується в трьох основних напрямках: вертикальний, горизонтальний, доцентровий. Кар'єра вивчається насамперед такими поняттями, як професійне самовизначення, професійна Я-концепція, професійна самореалізація, психологічний супровід кар'єри та кар'єрні процеси в контексті професійної роботи.
Висновки. З'ясовано, що проблема формування кар'єрного розвитку особистості в умовах сучасного ринку праці пов'язана насамперед з системним саморозвитком особистості, що здатна до реалізації кар'єри з високим потенціалом, яка компетентно реагує на будь -які ситуації. Акцентовано увагу на тому, що кар'єрний розвиток сучасної особистості засвідчив низку проблем щодо кар'єрної активності. Це, передусім: суб'єктивне усвідомлення власних суджень працівника про своє трудове майбутнє, очікувані шляхи самовираження і задоволення працею; переважання ідеалістичних уявлень про майбутню професію, професійну діяльність та кар'єру; невпевненість у подальшій трудовій діяльності; низький рівень кар'єрної активності тощо. Охарактеризовано три основні стадії кар'єри: ранню, середню і зрілу. Розглянуто концепцію «кар'єрних якорів». Доведено, що кар'єрний розвиток особистості в умовах сучасного ринку праці повинен враховувати суб'єктивне усвідомлення позиції особистості та її поведінки в сфері трудової діяльності.
Ключові слова: кар'єра; розвиток кар'єри; кар'єрна орієнтація; психологічні зміни; особистість/індивід.
In the context of the modern socio-economic situation, problems related to the construction and development of a career become relevant for psychological science, since this process gives a person the opportunity to realize own abilities, opportunities and needs. Recently, a lot of attention has been paid to the problem of individual studying career orientations in the works of foreign and state authors.
The tasks of the description, explanation and forecast of choosing a profession, career development, and the peculiarities of its construction are of particular interest in this field. The development of the career inclinations is an actual perspective of selfrealization of the individual and professional formation. This is especially important for student youth. Career orientations appear as a more specific strategy for self-realization of a young person. One of the important aspects of professional development is conscious career planning.
The study of career orientations was initiated in the 70s and 80s of the last century by representatives of the American school of organizational psychology, namely: E. Shane, D. Super, D. Hall. The research of this problem was carried out in both theoretical and practical directions. The specialist's professional career combines the success at work with the stages of personal development, including all areas of life. professional career motivation
In modern scientific discourse, career is positioned as a complex of socio- psychological phenomenon that determines the life activity of a person and foresees constant changes (ups and downs) in his/her professional and personal development. Currently, we consider career as a process by which a person realizes himself/herself and his/her capabilities in the conditions of professional activity. Therefore, individuals with stable career orientations can successfully plan their professional career. At the same time, in practical activities, there are often situations where a specialist intuitively realizes his/her own career orientations, that is, without developing a detailed plan of his/her own actions with predicted results and the goal, defining and realizing the stages of career development.
In scientific psychological literature, the concept of «career» is interpreted as: 1) a type of professional activity at individual stages of a person's career path (Zh. Virna); 2) professional growth and accumulation of skills, professional occupations and an active life position during a person's working life (R. Tkach); 3) types of activities combined with a lifestyle that realize life goals (N. Volyaniuk);
as the professional experience of a specific person, which concerns not only the profession (N. Shelenkova, M. Mishchenko); 5) work, service; position; a profession-vocation with the inclusion of both official and non-official activities, which consciously obeys the achievement of a certain goal (C. Maksymenko, T. Tytarenko).
The purpose of the article is to give theoretical substantiation to the problem of the psychological characteristics of an individual's professional career orientation development.
A theoretical analysis and discussion of psychological characteristics of an individual's professional career orientation development.
Originality. The professional orientation of an individual is also closely related to the position in own life. The American scientist E. Bern put forward the hypothesis that a person forms his/her main life positions by making important decisions regarding himself/herself and other people. These decisions have a fundamental impact on the entire course of the life. According to Bern's typology, a person can be satisfied with himself/herself and consider himself/herself successful (“I'm OK”, “I'm fine”) or, on the contrary, be dissatisfied with himself/herself (“I'm not fine") and perceive himself/herself as a failure. As we have already found out, the importance of selfdevelopment of the individual in the professional sphere is growing every year. To successfully realize your career potential, you need to choose a profession correctly, considering your own interests and expectations. That is why, in recent years, interest in the career orientation of young people has been growing in scientific research.
Career is the main occupation, the activity by means of which the subject participates in the life of society. Psychological studies related to various aspects of the interaction between the individual and the world of professions are always needed and popular.
Career processes became the subject of research by O. Bondarchuk, N. Horcharova, V. Gupalovska, A. Egorishyna, L. Karamushka, A. Lobanova, M. Lukashevich, I. Petrovska, A. Turchynov. O. Bodalov, O. Derkach, A. Guseva, E. Molly made a significant contribution to the coverage of psychological aspects of career study.
Studying the career orientations of an individual, we can claim that career orientations are value orientations in the career itself, which are guided by the individual, choosing, defining, and modelling his/her own professional and, in general, life path. The function of career orientations is that it is an internal source of an individual's career goals, delineating and expressing, accordingly, what is most important to individual and acquires personal significance in professional activity. In this way, the system of career orientations determines the ways for selfdevelopment and personal growth, combining at the same time their direction and methods of their implementation, the orientation of the individual to certain principles and values in the field of career.
In social psychology and the psychology of professional activity, the concept of “career” is considered as the social dynamics of personality development and its behavioural manifestations, which are related to experience and activity in the field of work during human life [8].
According to the scientific directions, three approaches to the study of a career in psychology are distinguished: socio-psychological, represented by B.G. Pochebut, Prokofieva, V.O. Chiker; administrative and managerial (AN Zankovskyi, E. Komarov); socio-economic (N. Lukashevich).
Representatives of the socio- psychological direction define a career as a person's advancement in the organizational hierarchy, a sequence of occupations throughout life and as one of the indicators of a person's individual professional life, the achievement of a desired status and the corresponding standard of living, as well as the achievement of recognition and fame.
Representatives of the managerial direction consider career as a set of positions that the employee occupies at this moment in time (actual career) or can occupy (planned career); consider a career as a link connecting the aspirations of an individual and social systems.
Representatives of the socio-economic direction define a career as the dynamics of the education level and qualification of an employee during working life and job changes, as well as behaviour related to the accumulation and use of human capital during working life.
In the process of professional activity, a person constantly makes a choice in favour of one or another situation, sets some priorities.
When entering a job, a person sets certain goals for himself/herself. But the organization, hiring a person, also pursues certain goals. A person who is hired must realistically evaluate the business qualities, correlate them with the requirements set before a human by the organization and the work. The success of a person's entire career depends on it [3].
The planning and development of an employee's career is the organization of personality promotion through the stages of job and qualification growth, which helps person develop and implement professional knowledge and skills in the interests of own career.
Due to the natural uniqueness of each person, the situations he/she finds himself/herself in and how a person reacts to these situations, there can be countless different careers.
The lack of workplace can cause an unemployment. The joblessness problem legitimately influences each working resident who pays a specific measure of cash from his compensation to the necessary state social protection against unemployment [4].
The pandemic harmed the global economy. “No matter where in the world or in which sector, the crisis is having a dramatic impact on the world's workforce. Hundreds of millions of jobs have been put on hold by coronavirus shutdowns around the world” [5].
But it is customary to single out certain types of careers that more or less fit the criterion of universality and are able to describe most trajectories of a person's movement in the future.
The meaning of the term “career” is rapidly changing. In traditional concepts, a career is understood as the promotion of an employee along the organizational ladder within the scope of the professional activity. As a rule, people stopped their choice on any profession, sometimes after youthful “immature” fluctuations. After that, they tried to find an organization in which their work would be in full demand. In response, the organization had to provide them with the opportunity for career growth. Both in choosing a profession and in choosing a specific company, people tried to do so that they would not have to return to this question again during the rest of their lives. The employee's career was considered as a “stairway” or “path”, “road” [1].
One of the factors of career development is work motivation. It is studied by content- oriented theories and process-oriented theories. The first group of theories scientifically investigates both basic human needs and motives, as well as motives of a higher order, the presence and development of which, according to A. Maslow, presupposes the selfactualization of the individual. Procedural theories or theories of achievement motivation study the process of choosing a line of behaviour related to the individual's expectations, and the subjective assessment of the consequences of one's actions at the workplace. The mechanism of influence of certain needs and motives on the formation of certain behaviour is insufficiently studied. Developments in the theory of motivation allowed scientists to establish the existence of a connection between needs, motives, emotions, on the one hand, and goal setting, self-regulation - on the other, for example, a model of work behaviour that combines motivation and aspirations, assuming the inseparability of the processes of choice, implementation intention and manifestation of will and motivation when evaluating purposeful action. This approach can significantly affect the accuracy of predicting a person's satisfaction with work or the results of work performance [9].
A person builds a career, the trajectory of the movement, by agreeing with the peculiarities inside, with own goals, desires, and attitudes. “The life's space of the personality is the subjective aspect of the sphere of the human lifeworld, which is the most significant, that is, closely related to values, interests, sympathies, and in relation to which the person acts as a subject of selfcreation' [6].
Professional career is the growth of knowledge, abilities, skills. A professional career can follow the line of specialization (deepening in one chosen at the beginning of the professional path, the line of movement) or trans-professionalization (mastery of other areas of human experience, connected, rather, with the expansion of tools and fields of activity) [8].
Career is the subjectively realized own judgments of the employee about his\her working future, expected ways of selfexpression and satisfaction with work. This is a gradual promotion along the career ladder, a change in skills, abilities, qualification opportunities, and the amount of remuneration associated with the activities of employees. A person's life outside of work has a significant impact on a career, it is part of a career. This is moving forward along a once-chosen path of activity.
In other words, a career is an individually realized position and behaviour associated with work experience and activities during a person's working life [7].
A successful career, and therefore career growth, depends on the professional “selfconcept”, on the vision of one's own “I” in the profession, on certain purely individual motives for professional growth by profession. The career is considering as growth of a specialist to be an objective indicator of career success, which is accompanied by receiving a better salary, a new status, recognition and respect in the professional community and organizational environment.
The process essence of a career is reflected in most definitions of this concept, which is eloquently evidenced by the terms movement, promotion, growth used in them, and also confirmed by the etymology of the word career (which means running in Italian) job levels, levels of hierarchy; degrees of the qualification fraction and related ranks that differentiate the skills and knowledge of people by the level of mastery; ranks that reflect the value of the worker's contribution to the development of the organization (years of service, unique rational proposals, decisive for the organization), his/her position in the team; levels of power as a degree of influence in the organization (participation in making important decisions, proximity to management).
Research in the field of careers makes it possible to differentiate careers into three main stages: early, medium, and mature. The early stage of the career is expressed in the fact that the main tasks of the employee are to find out the level of his/her professional abilities, the requirements of the organization and prospects. It is important for a person to show own professionalism, skill, level of career growth and become a specialist in the work. Medium describes the situation when a person seeks to work independently, become more visible, work efficiently, self-actualize as much as possible in the interests of the organization. Mature is manifested in creative self-actualization, personal and creative maturity: there is a desire to achieve the maximum result and improve one's experience and skill. There is a need to work more efficiently, to take risks, developing one's creative potential, to maintain one's demand on the labour market and professional competitiveness.
In social psychology and the psychology of professional activity, the term “career” is considered as the social dynamics of personality development and its behavioural manifestations, which are related to experience and activity in the field of work during human life. Career orientations are determined by personal concept, talents, motivations, motives, and values. A person is guided by them when choosing a career [8].
Career orientations of an individual are the requirements of a personality that he/she puts forward to himself/herself as a professional and to own chosen professional activity. The criteria of career orientations are primarily determined by the interests and inclinations of the individual towards one or another type of professional activity. Considering these factors significantly increase the probability of an individual choosing a career that will bring him/her the greatest moral satisfaction and allow a person to realize own personal potential to the maximum.
The author of the “career anchors” concept is Edgar Shane, a professor of management who deals with issues of career and organizational change at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). According to E.Shane, “career anchors” are a set of self-concepts an individual has that determine their career choices. They develop over time and become simpler as life and work experience accumulates. Based on the “anchors”, it is possible to predict which type of career will be the most priority for a person [10].
Career anchors are especially actively formed at the initial stages of career development, performing the functions of management, stabilization, and integration of the career of an individual specialist throughout a professional life. As a result, E. Shein identified 5, and later - 8 main career orientations that, in his opinion, determine the success of career growth: “professional competence”, “management”, “autonomy”, “stability”, “service”, “challenge”, “integration of lifestyles”, “entrepreneurship”. The research carried out by E. Shein allowed him to draw important conclusions that career is a reflection of two aspects of organizational socialization: individual (needs, motives, aspirations for work in a specialty) and social (expectations of performance, reflection of performance in monetary and status terms in the process of building a career); in a career, two sets of "anchors" are combined: the first - job instructions, organizational norms and rules, rights and obligations, the second - individual needs and motives, which are satisfied through work and rewards for its implementation (salary, bonuses, prestige, freedom, organizational membership, etc.) [10].
The many-sidedness and complexity of the career phenomenon is reflected in the variety of their types, the variety of approaches to its typology. Many different grounds, signs, and criteria can be identified for the classification of career types. In addition, several fundamental trajectories of a person's movement within a profession or organization can be identified, which will lead to different types of careers.
Career is traditionally divided into professional and intra-organizational. A professional career is characterized by the fact that a specific employee during a professional activity goes through various stages of development: training, entry to work, professional growth, support of individual abilities, finally, retirement. A specific employee can go through these stages successively in different organizations. Along with the professional career, it is worth highlighting the intra-organizational career. It covers the successive changes in the stages of an employee's development within one organization.
An internal organizational career is realized in three main directions:
vertical - it is with this direction that the very concept of career is often associated, since in this case career advancement is most visible. Vertical career direction literally means climbing to a higher level of the structural hierarchy;
horizontal - refers to either moving to another functional area of activity, or performing a certain official role at a level that does not have a rigid formal anchoring in the organizational structure (for example, performing the role of head of a temporary target group, program, etc.) To horizontal career it can also be attributed to the expansion or complication of tasks within the degree (as a rule, by an adequate change in remuneration);
centripetal - this direction is less obvious, although in many cases it is quite attractive for employees. The centripetal career means the movement towards the core, the leadership of the organization. For example, inviting an employee to previously inaccessible meetings, meetings of both a formal and informal nature, obtaining access to informal sources of information, trust appeals, and certain important management assignments.
Scientist O. Borysenko emphasizes that career development processes are quite dynamic and consist of mini stages (career cycles). Career growth itself, according to O.Borysenko, should be considered in several aspects: personal, social, and organizational, which lead to the construction of a complete “self-image” of a specialist with a high level of competence [2].
The personal aspect of career growth involves the possibility of explaining this process from the perspective of the subject itself, the vision of the development of own career, professional future, ways of professional self-expression, and career success. The social aspect explains the specialist's attitude to the career from the point of view of social groups. This is expressed in historically formed career routes, ways of achieving career success, ideas about the method and speed, methods, and ways of promotion career growth paths of a specific specialist, the trajectory of career growth in a specific field. The organizational aspect includes the perception of a career as a specially organized professional growth, movement on the career ladder, improvement of professional opportunities and remuneration.
Significant geosocial transformations increase the requirements for such personal qualities of graduates of higher education institutions as high adaptability, competitiveness, social activity, the ability to mobilize oneself to solve professional tasks, readiness to build a professional career. In the current Ukrainian realities, finding a job is not just complicated, but is a real art and requires qualified help in learning about one's own career potential and ways to realize it.
Strong competition in the modern labour market has led to the need for employees with a high level of professional activity to develop strategies and programs to ensure the competitiveness of products and services. Professional development of the individual in the conditions of the modern labour market involves taking into account the results of socio-economic changes and challenges, building an open society of knowledge, the need for its systematic professional self-development.
Career development of an individual in the conditions of the modern labour market involves considering the results of socioeconomic changes and challenges, building an open knowledge society, and the need for systematic professional self-development. The ability to professionally analyse work results is important.
We see the prospects of our further research in the selection methodological tools for the study of the individual career orientations. We consider it is important to develop and introduce the programs of the career development training into the educational process with the aim at cognitive and behavioral changes in participants that are only possible for careful preparation.
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презентация [7,8 M], добавлен 26.05.2015Value and probability weighting function. Tournament games as special settings for a competition between individuals. Model: competitive environment, application of prospect theory. Experiment: design, conducting. Analysis of experiment results.
курсовая работа [1,9 M], добавлен 20.03.2016The ecological tourism agency in Lithuania which would provide sustainable tours within the country, individual and group travel tours to eco tourists, professional service and consultation. Mission and vision. Company ownership. Legal establishment.
курсовая работа [781,7 K], добавлен 11.04.2013The concept of transnational companies. Finding ways to improve production efficiency. International money and capital markets. The difference between Eurodollar deposits and ordinary deposit in the United States. The budget in multinational companies.
курсовая работа [34,2 K], добавлен 13.04.2013Selected aspects of stimulation of scientific thinking. Meta-skills. Methods of critical and creative thinking. Analysis of the decision-making methods without use of numerical values of probability (exemplificative of the investment projects).
аттестационная работа [196,7 K], добавлен 15.10.2008The impact of management and leadership styles on strategic decisions. Creating a leadership strategy that supports organizational direction. Appropriate methods to review current leadership requirements. Plan for the development of future situations.
курсовая работа [36,2 K], добавлен 20.05.2015Evaluation of urban public transport system in Indonesia, the possibility of its effective development. Analysis of influence factors by using the Ishikawa Cause and Effect diagram and also the use of Pareto analysis. Using business process reengineering.
контрольная работа [398,2 K], добавлен 21.04.2014