Enhancing enterprise management systems through conflict management technologies
It is proposed to evaluate and consider the importance of communication with five styles of conflict management in the organization according to the TKI model (Thomas Kilman Model). The need for effective communication skills in management is emphasized.
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Дата добавления | 12.05.2024 |
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Enhancing enterprise management systems through conflict management technologies
Lepeyko Tetyana
doctor of economic sciences, professor, Head of Management and Business Department, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Lohinova Kateryna
PhD, Associate Professor of Management and Business Department, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Omarov Elvin
PhD, Lecturer of Management and Business Department,
Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Kharkiv, UkraineEnhancing enterprise management systems through conflict management technologies
Modern communication, both at the level of society and an enterprise, is accompanied by conflicts. The nature of conflict is the incompatibility of the goals of one entity with the goals of another entity, which is a natural inherent feature of human relations. The way a person reacts to a conflict determines the negative or positive outcomes of any conflict. For this reason, it is business leaders who have the opportunity to resolve conflicts with the most significant positive effect if they have complete information about the nature of conflicts, their sources, ways of responding to them, and resolving them. Conflict presents challenges but also presents rich opportunities for improved relationships and problem-solving. Skillful management of conflicts is an invaluable skill for everyone in leadership positions.
For this reason, the study proposes to evaluate and consider the importance of communication with five conflict management styles in an organization according to the TKI model (Thomas Kilman Model). The research emphasizes the need for effective communication skills in managerial situations to resolve conflicts and optimize work. The research was based on a survey of twenty-two employees and managers with long-time experience in different organizations who have had their share of conflict and have a grasp on managing conflicts. The results ofthe investigation demonstrate that out ofthe five proposed conflict resolution styles according to the TKI model, the most significant number of respondents lean towards the collaborative style (working towards a goal), which is appropriate in conflict management, and that for collaboration to be practical, the need for fast and effective communication is critical. However, some organizations may focus less on conflict, which can have negative consequences and affect the morale of all stakeholders, including employees and employers. Based on the survey, the TKI model is the optimal conflict management approach. Consequently, developing practical communication skills is crucial for managers, administrators, and stakeholders to manage conflicts and enhance productivity.
Key words: conflict management, communication, management technology, management system, enterprise.
ЛЕПЕЙКО Тетяна, ЛОГІНОВА Катерина, Ельвін Шахін огли ОМАРОВ
Харківський національний економічний університет імені Семена Кузнеця
Сучасна комунікація як на рівні суспільства, так і на рівні підприємства супроводжується конфліктами. Природа конфлікту полягає у несумісності цілей одного суб'єкта з цілями іншого суб 'єкта і це є природньою невід'ємною рисою відносин між людьми. Від того як людина реагує на конфлікт залежить, які негативні або позитивні можна отримати в результаті будь-якого конфлікту. З цієї причини саме керівники підприємств мають можливість вирішувати конфлікти з найбільшим позитивним ефектом, якщо вони володіють повною інформацією щодо природи конфліктів, їх джерел, способів реагування на них та їх вирішення. Конфлікт - це не лише виклик, але й багаті можливості для покращення стосунків та вирішення проблем. Вміле управління конфліктами є безцінною навичкою для всіх, хто займає керівні посади. Саме тому в дослідженні пропонується оцінити та розглянути значення комунікації з п'ятьма стилями управління конфліктами в організації за моделлю TKI (Модель Томаса Кілмана). Підкреслено необхідність навичок ефективної комунікації в управлінських ситуаціях для вирішення конфліктів та оптимізації роботи. Дослідження здійснено на основі опитування двадцяти двох співробітників та менеджерів з тривалим досвідом роботи в різних організаціях, які мали власний досвід конфліктів і володіють навичками управління конфліктами. Результати дослідження вказують на те, що з п 'яти запропонованих стилів розв 'язання конфліктів за моделлю TKI найбільша кількість респондентів схиляється до стилю співпраці (робота для досягнення мети), який є доречним в управлінні конфліктами, а для того, щоб співпраця була практичною, ключовою є потреба у швидкій та ефективній комунікації. Однак, деякі організації можуть приділяти менше уваги конфліктам, що може мати негативні наслідки і впливати на мораль всіх зацікавлених сторін, включаючи як працівників, так і роботодавців. За результатами опитування, саме модель TKI є оптимальним підходом до управління конфліктами. Отже, розвиток навичок ефективної комунікації має вирішальне значення для менеджерів, адміністраторів і зацікавлених сторін для вирішення конфліктів для підвищення продуктивності. communication conflict management
Ключові слова: управління конфліктами, комунікація, управлінські технології, система управління, підприємство.
Human interactions inevitably cause conflicts. Hence, conflicting tendencies are most predictable in human relations. Conflicts arise because of interaction within an organization. Conflict management is undoubtedly a veritable tool and approach to salvaging the effects of conflicts, which are inherent in every organization. The significance of this study to managerial sciences is high in the bid to stem the tides of conflicts, thus improving work optimization, cohesion, and employee innovation. This is not unconnected to the human and interaction view of conflict, which centers on work optimization and innovation, a departure from the traditional views. The diversity of individuals who make up an organization, coupled with other behavioral factors and insti tutional tendencies, could result in conflicts within the organization. A series of strategies have been defined to reduce and manage the causal situation of conflicts. Incorporating managerial skills in conflict scenarios would go a long way to nip conflicting situations in the workplace.
Conflict can be grouped into three phases: intrapersonal, interpersonal, and interdepartmental conflict, which is evident in every organization (Anjali Daisy 2020 [4]). It is significant to note that understanding and actions are premised on communication; consequently, misunderstanding and inactions are susceptible to communication. The causal effect of communication on organizational conflicts is an indicator that fuels other dynamic factors that cause conflict in an organization or workplace. Communication plays a vital role in conflict, which is understudied as a central force. Communication is central in all strata or levels of organization from bottom to top and vice versa. Resource scarcity, poor wages, and other causes of conflicts can be linked to p oor dialogue, misunderstanding, and inactions, which are absorbed within the communication sphere. It is imperative to note that well-managed conflicts will end a conflict before they start or lead to verbal, nonverbal, or legal fighting. Research and scholarships have shown that the need and importance of conflict management in our society cannot be over-emphasized.
Also, the need to inculcate good communication skills as a top managerial skill in business science and management of the organization is critical. This purpose is like teamwork and a series of projects in which different organizations work toward work optimization and innovation in the workplace. Meanwhile, managing conflicts has evolved with different approaches to managing conflicts with different authorities. Communication still centers highly on the organization. Proper communication would foster and promote a good interpersonal relationship, reducing tension and motivating the employee to give their best to the organization. It also helps to provide a healthy, competitive working environment. The significance of conflict management in an organization is critical to salvaging and troubleshooting futuristic and present challenges.
Analysis of recent studies
There are ample research papers dedicated to conflict management of organizations. It is pertinent to note that conflict management is significant and key in every organization, no matter its formation, culture, and structure. The significance of conflict and its management in an organization is inevitable and cannot be underestimated. Nicky LaMacro (2018) [7] consequently with its pros and cons (Valamis, 2021) [6]. Conflict amongst employees, employers, and stakeholders in the organization is a feature that occurs in different strata and phases of the workplace. Even though many challenges occur in different organizations, different styles and strategies have been identified and proposed for salvaging conflicts in organizations Nannan and Gobin Wu (2020) [17]; Inge Hutagalang (2017) [5]; Sasikala et al. (2021) [13], Caputo, A. et al. (2019) [3], Barbara Benoliel (2017) [2], Valamis (2021) [16], Gertrude Muthoni and Muathe S.M.A. (2021) [10], Zunrud Nadjafova et al. (2021) [11] highlighted styles and strategies that are key in the structure of the organization, with situational cases.
It is pertinent to note that there is no consensus among scholars on the strategies and styles to manage conflict management; there were comparative similarities in some approaches, which influenced a series of recommendations which were based on different dynamics of workplace and organization ranging from a political, business, educational, religious organization and most importantly background from different climes. Inge Huatgalang (2020) [5], and Sasikala et al. (2021) [13] opted for and proposed communication and interpersonal interaction as a means to an end to managing conflict in an organization, advocating effective communication as a veritable tool to avoid and manage conflicts. It centers on the need for better communication to strengthen solid interpersonal relationships among stakeholders from top to bottom and vice versa. At the same time, Nannan Guobin Wu (2020) [17], and John Eke
Akintokunbo (2020) [1] did a comparative literature consideration centered on effective management through apt conflict management, which birthed the recommendation towards proper education and skills in managing conflict. Mustafa S. et al. (2019) [9] corroborated this view in their research, which objectively analyzed individuals' responses based on their education level; the research distinctly shows a more skilled conflict manager of the degree of their education.
This emphasizes the significance of conflict management as a germane topic in managerial science and development stance as the importance must be emphasized. Zumrud Nadjafova et al. (2021) [11] note the importance of research on conflict management during the covid-19 and post covid 19 phases, with the latter situation characterized by economic decline and pay cuts, which is enough to stir conflict in organizations due to the global economic decline, the research centers on conflict in uncertain times most especially on employees reaction to such state and thus recommends managerial skills for the unpredictable future occurrence and Yujie (2019) [18] did note variable factors that stimulate factors in individual and organization situation and the impact of conflict and the importance in future organization culture.
Kuzmin et al. (2020) [6] discourse research on the economic value of conflict management and its effect on economic growth with recommendations to motivate employees for better work optimization. The author highlights strategies for conflict management with their strengths and weaknesses. Laurie Mckibben (2017) [8] researched leadership with primary consideration among nurses on leadership positions and employees' stress and its effect on conflict management. Caputo A. et al. (2019) [3] work on the historical evolution of conflict management between the period of 2007 to 2017 shows the change and significance of the topic of the organization as it considers the central theme of the topic about time and events and also technological development with the ten years. The research opened up the dynamic of work concentration of conflict management to scholarship and organizational importance.
Literature evaluation on conflict management shows the role strength and significance of the skills based on increasing organizational conflict and the present period characterized by uncertainties. The recommendations highlighted by different scholars show the dynamics of conflict situations and management.
Ohaneus M. (2016). [12] notes that effective communication is essential for receiving and giving precise or apt feedback about others' messages. Conflict diagnosis was championed as the primary assignment of managing conflict in the organization. It is believed to be the matrix of demystifying the hard knot of misunderstanding. The author emphasizes the need for organizational communication to incorporate both formal and informal communication; thereby, all levels of an organization are involved from bottom to top and vice versa.
Good communication skills, listening, empathy, and non-threatening verbal and nonverbal actions with conflicting management styles bring effectiveness. While the writers concentrate on elements and styles of conflict management, there is less on skills for managing conflicts as complete research which births research questions to the study:
1. The role and significance of communication as a skill in conflict management of organization. The reason is plausible; statistically, poor communication is an indicator that stirs conflict. The need to examine communication skills as an essential factor for conflict management holistically is a veritable tool to look into communication as a critical element in conflict management would be apt;
2. Communication as a veritable tool for conflict management and improving organizational work performance.
3. This work aims to evaluate and understand the significance of communication with the TKI (Thomas Kilman Model) five conflict management styles in the organization. It also emphasizes the importance of communication skills in managerial situations and the need to inculcate practical communication skills to help salvage conflict and improve work optimization.
In the research process, a questionnaire was issued to survey conflict management styles and communication from different employees to have input on the dynamic of conflict scenarios and better ways to prosecute conflicts in the workplace and organization. The Thomas Kilman model was a template for understanding the best approach to conflict styles among employees and employers. This approach allows us to determine the reaction to a conflict based on five main models: avoidance, competition, compromise, adaptation, and cooperation (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1 shows a coordinate system in which the X-axis is the characteristic of cooperativeness, and the Y-axis is assertiveness [15]. Within the coordinate system are five main models, which are formed by a combination of characteristics:
• high assertiveness and cooperativeness are realized through the Collaboration style;
• high assertiveness but low cooperativeness are realized through the Competition style;
• low assertiveness and cooperativeness are realized through the Avoidance style;
• Low assertiveness but high cooperativeness are realized through the Adjustment style.
At the center of the model is the Compromise style. It is based on the fact that an employee is equally assertive and cooperative and can gain more by giving in. Thomas Kilman's five ways of handling conflict are apt: competing, collaboration, compromising, avoidance, and accommodation, for conflict management these styles. There are no single ways to handle conflict, but the combination of this strategy. Concentrating on effective human communication in organizational culture could help preclude conflicts while applying these strategies, which need to be connected to healthy and unhealthy communication.
Fig. 1. Thomas Kilman Model
The survey respondents were made of employees and managers in different organizations with long-time experiences, who had no doubt had their own share of conflict in their different organizations and consequently had a grasp on managing conflicts. 22 respondents attended the survey. The respondents were asked questions about the value of conflicts in the enterprise, the need for conflict management, the factors that most often influence conflicts, the level of conflict occurrence, and conflict resolution strategies. Below are the answers to the main questions (fig. 2-6).
Fig. 2. Result of answering question "Is conflict valued in your organization?"According to these findings, slightly more than half of the respondents believe that the presence of conflict in an organisation does not play an important role in the functioning of the organisation (54.50%). It should be noted that the survey shows that in some organisations (45,50% of respondents), conflicts have a lower value, which can be detrimental and affect the morale of the organisation's stakeholders, both employees and employers. Less value of conflicts could lead to more conflicts as conflict management aims towards the human and interaction view of conflict.
Fig. 3. Result of answering question "Does conflict management opportunity for change?"
According to the results of the answers (fig. 3), it can be concluded that 90.90% of respondents agree that conflict management provides an opportunity for change within the organisation. That is, the need for conflict management technology plays a key role in ensuring the effective performance of staff. The first two questions justify the need to adapt the Thomas Kilman Model.
Fig. 4. Result of answering question "What factors account most for conflicts in workplace and organization?"
According to Fig. 4, 81.10% of respondents rate poor communication, defined as misunderstandings and inaccurate dialogue, as a critical negative factor affecting teamwork and project success in many situations. Poor communication is a significant factor that causes conflict, while a poor reward system was another factor for conflict (13,60% according to the survey); limited resources could make actors in an organization conflict with each other. The level of education could be a factor (4,60% of respondents), as well as conflict studies in academia and inclusion in the curriculum. Most importantly, the human resource department should include and indoctrinate education on conflict management and skills in the workplace.
Fig. 5. Result of answering question "What level or strata does conflict happen in your organization?"
Particularly significant are the answers to the question about the level at which conflicts occur (Fig. 5). The survey shows that conflicts occur at all levels or between organizational levels (50%). However, if we look at it in detail, it is at the middle level where the most significant conflicts occur (36.40%, according to the respondents). In this case, managers can use the tools of the TKI model to resolve conflicts.
Fig. 6. Result of answering question "Which of the five strategies do you believe is suitable to solve conflict?"
The results of the study are shown in Fig. 6 clearly (59,10%) that collaboration (working to achieve a goal) in the TKI model is apt for managing conflict, and, no doubt, for collaboration to be practicable, swift and effective communication is critical. Also, according to the survey, respondents highlighted a compromise (18.20%) - finding common ground. Such communication in the TKI model is optimal for resolving acute conflicts efficiently. In contrast, the smallest share of answers was given to the competition style (believing together that your goals are incompatible), which was only 4.50%. Such results can be positive since competitive communication does not yield positive results in resolving conflicts in the workplace. In general, the excessive use of this conflict resolution style can lead to irreversible negative consequences.
The survey clearly shows that organizational conflict management is an essential study for managerial and business science. The unarguable fact of conflicts in organizations signifies the infinity of conflict, as conflict remains endemic in our society. Therefore, the management of conflict scenarios will always be a continual discussion. The relevance of communication in conflict remains a central force in conflicts, and in most scenarios, it remains a premise that spurs other factors to cause conflicts. The survey generally accepts that conflict management could be enhanced through effective communication, clarifying many issues.
Communication plays a significant role in conflict management; thus, the study of effective communication should be emphasized in the organization's conflict management. All stakeholders should be equipped with conflict management skills, thus stepping up the ante of innovation and work optimization. It should be noted that conflict management will play a significant role in the economic situation and affect the output of economic values. Conflict should always be viewed as good, like the traditional definition, but rather as a positive situation that can enhance productivity and cohesion. Conflicts are omnipresent. Therefore, according to the study, the TKI model is the most optimal conflict management technology. Managers, administrators of the organizations, and their stakeholders must aim towards practical managerial skills for conflict management through effective communication, which would enhance maximized productivity.
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2. Benoliel, B. (2017). What's Your Conflict Management Style. Walden News, May 30. Available at: https://www.waldenu.edu/news-and-events/walden-news/2017/0530-whats-your-conflict-management-style
3. Caputo, A. et al (2019). Ten years of conflict management research 2007-2017: An update on themes, concepts and relationships. International Journal of Conflict Management, Vol. 30 No. 1, pp. 87-110. doi: https://doi.org/10.1108/IJCMA-06-2018-0078
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7. LaMacro, N. (2018). Ways of Managing Conflict In Organization, November 27. Available at: https://smallbusiness.chron.com/ways- managing-conflict-organizations-265 5 .html
8. Mckibben, L. (2017). Conflict management;importance and Implications. British Journal of Nursing, Vol 26, No 2. doi: http://doi.org/10.12968/bjon.2017.26.2.100
9. Mustafa, S., Berani, F., Berisha, H. (2019). Managing Organizational Conflicts: A Study among Organizations in Kosovo. Journal of Educational and Social Research, Vol 9 No 1 January, pp 29-35. doi: http://doi.org/10.2478/jesr-2019-0003
10. Muthoni, G. M., Muathe, S. M. A. (2021). Organizational Conflict Management: The All Important Public Universities Performance Strategy Under Neglect in Kenya. European Scientific Journal, ESJ, 7 7(12), 181. doi: https://doi.org/10.19044/esj.2021.v17n12p181
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реферат [30,9 K], добавлен 12.01.2011Рассмотрение концепции Customer Relationship Management по управлению взаимоотношениями с клиентами. Возможности CRM-систем, их влияние на эффективность бизнеса. Разработка, реализация и стоимость проекта внедрения CRM-системы для ЗАО "Сибтехнология".
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курсовая работа [1,7 M], добавлен 15.06.2013Суть, цели, задачи Total Quality Management. Принцип фактической обоснованности решений. Цепочка взаимосвязанных процессов, характерная для принятия решения. История формирования и развития философии TQM, его отражение в пунктах стандарта ISO 9001-2011.
курсовая работа [548,2 K], добавлен 10.12.2013Определение всеобщего управления качеством. Основные положения концепции Total Quality Management (TQM). Определение коэффициента весомости показателей качества экспертным методом. Расчёт затрат и экономического эффекта от повышения качества продукции.
контрольная работа [54,4 K], добавлен 14.04.2013