Encouraging hr managers to develop psychological and pedagogical competence within the framework of corporate training

Formation of motivational competence of HR managers within the framework of corporate training. The specifics of implementing organizational forms and training methods and encouraging personnel managers to develop psychological and pedagogical competence.

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Lviv Polytechnic National University

Encouraging hr managers to develop psychological and pedagogical competence within the framework of corporate training

N. Mukan

Fei Gao


The article is devoted to highlighting the problem of encouraging HR managers to develop psychological and pedagogical competence. The aim of the article is as follows: to substantiate the encouraging of HR managers to develop psychological and pedagogical competence as a pedagogical condition within the framework of corporate training.

The role and significance of psychological and pedagogical competence in the professional activity of HR managers is substantiated. An analysis of the scientific literature on the research problem, highlighting various aspects of HR managers' professional competence development, the peculiarities of motivation development, the influence of organized training to encourage HR managers to develop psychological and pedagogical competence, pedagogical conditions, etc., was carried out. The concepts of "pedagogical conditions", "psychological-pedagogical competence", "encouraging HR managers to develop psychological-pedagogical competence" are substantiated, the features and content of its implementation are presented (content, tasks, forms of training organization and methods, features of participants' activities, expected results, indicators of development).

The examples of training organization using the potential of a seminar, training, role-playing and business games, team building and teamwork, etc. are provided. On the basis of the conducted research, the conclusion was formulated that the development of the motivational component of HR managers' psychological and pedagogical competence within the framework of corporate training is possible if its theoretical foundations are substantiated, as well as the specifics of the implementation of such a pedagogical condition as the encouragement of HR managers to develop psychological and pedagogical competence; and the selection of appropriate organizational forms of training and methods is provided.

Key words: HR manager, corporate training, professional competence, psychological and pedagogical competence development, motivational component, pedagogical condition, seminar, training, role-playing and business games, team building and team work activities.


Мукан Н., Гао Феі. Мотивування HR-менеджерів до розвитку психолого-педагогічної компетентності в умовах корпоративного навчання

Стаття присвячена висвітленню проблеми заохочення HR менеджерів до розвитку психолого-педагогічної компетентності. Мета статті полягає в обґрунтуванні мотивування HR менеджерів до розвитку психолого-педагогічної компетентності як педагогічної умови в рамках корпоративного навчання. Обґрунтовано роль і значення психолого-педагогічної компетентності у професійній діяльності HR менеджерів. Виконано аналіз наукової літератури з проблеми дослідження, що висвітлює різноманітні аспекти розвитку професійної компетентності HR менеджерів, особливості розвитку мотивації, впливу організованого навчання для заохочення HR-менеджерів до розвитку психолого-педагогічної компетентності, педагогічні умови тощо.

Обґрунтовано поняття «педагогічні умови», «психолого-педагогічна компетентність», «мотивація HR менеджерів до розвитку психолого-педагогічної компетентності», представлено особливості та зміст її реалізації (зміст, завдання, форми організації навчання та методи, особливості діяльності учасників, очікуваний результат, показники розвиненості). Наведено приклади організації навчання за допомогою використання потенціалу семінару, тренінгу, рольових та бізнес-ігор, тім-білдингу та роботи в команді тощо.

На основі виконаного дослідження сформульовано висновок про те, що розвиток мотиваційного компоненту психолого-педагогічної компетентності HR менеджерів у рамках корпоративного навчання можливий за умови обґрунтування його теоретичних основ, а також специфіки реалізації такої педагогічної умови як заохочення HR менеджерів до розвитку психолого- педагогічної компетентності, а також вибору відповідних організаційних форм навчання та методів.

Ключові слова: HR менеджер, корпоративне навчання, професійна компетентність, розвиток психолого-педагогічної компетентності, мотиваційний компонент, педагогічна умова, семінар, тренінг, рольові та ділові ігри, тім-білдинг та командна робота.


The issue of developing and preserving human capital at the beginning of the twenty-first century attracted special attention. Every aspect of life is impacted by globalisation, and as information and communications technology advance to guarantee transparency and access to fresh insights, rivalry in the business and economic spheres will only grow. This means that contemporary businesses must enhance their own operations, tend to the ongoing professional development of their workforce, and develop their workforce's competencies.

HR management is given special importance as a company activity aimed at ensuring the efficiency of the use of employees in order to achieve individual and organizational goals. Since these specialists work with people, it is vital to have a knowledge of psychology and pedagogy, and a practical application of these skills in the professional activities of HR managers. The study of psychology and pedagogy provides an opportunity to effectively perform professional functions, particularly the function of forming a company team. It involves developing employees' professional profiles and predicting employee compatibility based on understanding behaviour mechanisms between individuals and groups, behavioural stereotypes, and taking into account the specific characteristics of specific situations, habits, attitudes, and individual values etc.

The problem of HR managers' professional competence development is studied by modern sciences in various countries (N. Dries, A. Kolot, O. Kravchuk, H. Lopushniak, M. Meyers, J. Paauwe, I. Ryabokon, I. Varis, M. van Woerkom etc.). But less attention is paid to the problem of their psychological and pedagogical competence development, especially the issue of encouraging HR managers to develop their psychological and pedagogical competence. Among the latest studies, we distinguish the significance of those connected with motivation (E. Abakah, E. Deci, A. Javed, F. Khanam, S. Nasreen, S. Pirzada, R. Ryan, I. Shahzadi, G. Williams), the influence and impact of organized training for encouraging HR managers to develop their psychological and pedagogical competence (A. Ameeq, F. Hanif, M. Khan, S. Siddiqui, E. Sugiarti), pedagogical conditions (V. Petrenko, C. Sanz, H. Lin, B. Lado, H. Bowden, C. Stafford) etc.

The aim of the article: to substantiate the encouraging of HR managers to develop psychological and pedagogical competence as the pedagogical condition in the framework of corporate training.

Research results

Among the tasks of our research, dedicated to the problem of HR managers' psychological and pedagogical competence development in the framework of corporate training, is the definition and justification of pedagogical conditions, the implementation of which would ensure positive dynamics in the levels of HR managers' psychological and pedagogical competence development. In our opinion, this task should begin with the interpretation of such a concept as “pedagogical conditions”, which will make it possible to avoid misunderstandings and mistakes.

In modern dictionaries one can find the definition of the concept “conditions” as “the physical situation that someone or something is in and affected by”, “all the particular things that influence someone's living or working environment” (Cambridge Dictionary, 2022). Dictionaries determine “pedagogical” as something “concerning the methods and theory of teaching” (Collins Dictionaries, 2022). The results of the analysis of scientific and educational literature show that researchers are studying special educational conditions whose implementation contributes to the formation of professional competences of modern specialists in general and their individual components. For example, Sanz, Lin, Lado, Bowden, and Stafford (2009) study the pedagogical conditions of foreign language learning; Petrenko (2016) investigates the pedagogical conditions for the development of future managers' intercultural professional interaction competence, etc.

Based on the definitions of the concepts “condition” and “pedagogical”, taking into account the results of the research of modern scientists from different countries, we interpret the pedagogical conditions as a set of circumstances, educational measures within the framework of corporate training, which have an impact on the object of research (in our study - HR managers) and contribute to the achievement of the pedagogical goal - the development of their psychological and pedagogical competence as a pedagogically managed process, the effectiveness of which consists in motivation to master knowledge, the formation of relevant skills. The implementation of pedagogical conditions involves ensuring the unity of goals and objectives, principles, content, organizational forms and teaching methods.

One of the primary pedagogical conditions for the development of psychological-pedagogical competence, which is a sort of system of measures intended to solve pedagogical tasks, is, in our opinion, encouraging HR managers to acquire this competency. The development of awareness of the role and significance of psychological and pedagogical competence in professional activity; a system of professional attitudes and beliefs, motives, personal meanings, interests, and goals; the pursuit of self-knowledge, self-improvement, and self-management; and awareness of one's own professional role, which aids in professionalization and contributes to the critical analysis and evaluation of the level of professional tasks, are the anticipated outcomes of encouraging HR managers to acquire psychological and pedagogical competence.

The problem of employee motivation for professional development and participation in corporate training programs is the subject of scientific studies by many researchers (Khan, & Siddiqui, 2023; Abakah, 2023). “Motivation is a set of forces both from within and from outside a person that encourages them to start working behaviour according to a certain format, direction, intensity and time period". Organizations are also required to be able to identify the will of its members that lead to job satisfaction in various ways by meeting the needs of organizational members, both motivators as intrinsic factors and hygiene as extrinsic factors” (Sugiarti, 2022, p. 4). We agree that “it is a learning process that involves the acquisition of knowledge, sharpening of skills, concepts, rules, or changing of attitudes and behaviours to enhance the performance of employees. Training is a continuous process by which employee actually gets the knowledge and get to know how he or she can perform well in the organization” (Hanif, & Ameeq, 2013, p. 69).

Shahzadi, Javed, Pirzada, Nasreen, and Khanam (2014) claim that "employee motivation is a reflection of the level of energy, commitment, and creativity that a company's workers bring to their jobs” (p. 159). In other words, it means that with the help of the formation of motivation for the development of psychological and pedagogical competence, opportunities are created for HR managers not only for mastering knowledge and skills, but also for its transformation into an effective toolkit of personal and professional development, as well as a means of improving professional activity.

A motive is a motivating factor for human behaviour and actions. In other words, motives mean the construction of the goal and the expected result of the activity, which motivate the employee to study in order to satisfy his needs. Considering motivation as a set of motives, it should be emphasized that motives are formed when a person gives a special meaning to a certain phenomenon, activity or behaviour based on the analysis and reflection of the development of his own personality, making a certain decision regarding further development and improvement. In this context, we consider motivation as a set of internal and external driving forces that drive a person to activity, determine behaviour, forms of activity, and give this activity a direction aimed at achieving personal and organizational goals. motivational psychological competence manager personnel

Scientists distinguish intrinsic and extrinsic motivation (Suen, Cheung, Wang, & Hui, 2022). “The most basic distinction is between intrinsic motivation, which refers to doing something because it is inherently interesting or enjoyable, and extrinsic motivation, which refers to doing something because it leads to a separable outcome” (Ryan, & Deci, 2000, p. 55).

Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation have their own specificity according to indicators such as orientation (intrinsic motivation: internal interest of an individual; extrinsic motivation: external influence directed at an individual or a group of individuals); essence (intrinsic motivation: positive, individual character; extrinsic motivation: positive or negative, individual or group character); implementation period (intrinsic motivation: until the moment of full implementation; extrinsic motivation: until the moment of cancellation); goal (intrinsic motivation: satisfying an individual's internal need; extrinsic motivation: influencing a person). We are aware that the development of psychological and pedagogical competence of HR managers must begin with the formation of needs, motives, goals and the desire to self-develop and use one's own potential to improve HR management in the company.

In our research, we consider the need as a necessity for a specialist in the field of HR management, which is the driving force for further educational activity. We agree that “social contexts and individual differences that support satisfaction of the basic needs facilitate natural growth processes including intrinsically motivated behaviour and integration of extrinsic motivations, whereas those that forestall autonomy, competence, or relatedness are associated with poorer motivation, performance, and well-being" (Deci, & Ryan, 2000, p. 227).

A clear definition of goals, as an identification of the expected result, contributes to the direction of educational activities. Deci, Ryan, and Williams (1996) argue, that “a desire or goal reflects a need only if, when satisfied, it promotes effective functioning and well-being and, when not satisfied, it diminishes effectiveness and health" (p. 167).

Therefore, it seems logical to say that the development of HR managers' psychological and pedagogical competence is a complex, step- by-step process that requires the appropriate organization of training. In our study, we consider the motivation of HR managers to develop psychological and pedagogical competence as a set of motivations for mastering relevant knowledge in psychology and pedagogy, forming the skills to apply them in practice.

The features and content of the implementation of such a pedagogical condition as the encouraging of HR managers to develop psychological and pedagogical competence are characterized as follows:

- the content: consulting HR managers on the development of psychological and pedagogical competence and its application in professional activities, which contributes to the development of motivation to master knowledge of psychology and pedagogy, the formation and development of the skills for their use in practice;

- the objectives: to encourage the development of internal motivation for the enhancement of psychological-pedagogical competency and to raise knowledge of the significance and function of psychological-pedagogical competency as a facet of contemporary HR management professional competence; encourage the growth of the HR manager's personal and professional attributes, such as accountability, self-reliance, empathy, and tolerance; expand understanding of how psychological and pedagogical skills are used to foster teamwork and communication as well as for ongoing professional development, particularly in the context of corporate training;

- the forms of learning organisation and teaching methods: the diagnosis of HR managers' psychological and pedagogical competence; planning and execution of training sessions; role-playing games; team building and teamwork;

- the specificity of participants' activity: information and search work, discussion of key concepts; reflection of own experience and presentation of its results with further discussion of advantages and disadvantages (during training, role-playing games);

- the expected outcomes: the dynamics in the levels of motivational component of HR managers' psychological and pedagogical competence development;

- the indicators of motivational component development: manifestation of internal motivation and demonstration of awareness of the importance of HR manager's psychological and pedagogical competence, the desire to master psychological and pedagogical knowledge; acquisition of personal and professional qualities (responsibility, independence, empathy, tolerance) and their demonstration in professional activities and the educational process; willingness to establish communication and cooperation with employees, team work, based on the use of relevant psychological and pedagogical knowledge; awareness of the need for continuous professional development and improvement at the personal and organizational level.

In order to develop the motivational component of HR managers' psychological and pedagogical competence, measures were taken to increase positive motivation. For example, for the development of internal motivation and awareness of the importance of psychological and pedagogical knowledge in HR management, during the seminar “Psychological and pedagogical competence of HR manager: theoretical aspects and practical application”, participants discussed the features of adult learning, clarified the essence of the pedagogy of academic success; pedagogical aspects of corporate training organization, etc.

The training “Encouraging HR managers to develop psychological and pedagogical competence” was designed for 10-15 participants, conducted in an offline format and lasted 6 hours with coffee breaks and lunch organized by companies participating in the pedagogical experiment. This training contributed to encouraging HR managers to develop their psychological and pedagogical competence as well as develop skills of encouraging the company's personnel for professional development. We set the task of organizing and conducting training not only to master psychological and pedagogical knowledge and develop the skills of using it in practice, but also to develop such personal and professional qualities of HR managers as responsibility, independence, empathy, tolerance. For example, after the presentation of learning materials, the participants discussed such issues as social and emotional factors affecting the training of employees; psychological features of encouraging the company's personnel; personal qualities of HR managers, necessary for staff encouraging.

During the training, we used various methods and activities. In particular, using the method of mutual presentation during the introduction of training participants, HR managers had the opportunity to get to know each other better, familiarize themselves with the methods and techniques of organizing the meeting, dividing into pairs, creating a positive atmosphere. With the help of the “Roundabout of Thoughts” method, it was possible to characterize psychological and pedagogical knowledge and skills, get acquainted with the method of ice-braking, division into teams, the “Roundabout of Thoughts” method of cooperative learning, and discuss the effectiveness of these techniques and methods. With the help of a case study related to the organization of corporate training, the participants were able to find out what aspects of the professional environment should be taken into account, how to choose training methods, considering psychological and pedagogical aspects, how to evaluate the effectiveness of the selected training methods, etc.

As part of the training "Encouraging HR managers to develop psychological and pedagogical competence”, participants were offered roleplaying games: "Ideas for corporate training organization” and "Actors”. These role-playing games aimed to emphasize the attention of HR managers on professional and personal qualities that are important for ensuring the effectiveness of their professional activities. It was important for us to provide the opportunity for game participants to develop effective communication skills, solve problem and conflict situations, expand their own arsenal of "effective solutions” to conflict communication situations.

The organization of activities related to team building and teamwork ("Building Bridges”, "Helium Stick”, "Director, Runner, Builder, Observer”, "Senior Management, Middle Management, and Workers”), role-paying game "Conflict client” contributed to the development of the motivational component of HR managers' psychological and pedagogical competence and cooperation with the company's employees.

It is worth emphasizing the importance of a friendly and constructive atmosphere during the training, which made it possible to increase the interest of HR managers in the problem of developing their psychological and pedagogical competence, as well as active discussion of topical issues not only during the training, but also in informal discussions during breaks, as well as reflection session using the "I-We-Business” technique.


On the basis of the conducted research, we conclude that the development of the motivational component of HR managers' psychological and pedagogical competence in the framework of corporate training is possible, if its theoretical foundations are substantiated, and the specifics of the implementation of such a pedagogical condition as the encouraging of HR managers to develop psychological and pedagogical competence is clearly defined, as well as the appropriate organizational forms of learning and teaching methods are chosen.


1. Abakah, E. (2023). Reframing motivation as 'investment'in teacher continuing professional development. Teacher Development, 27(3), 353-373.

2. Cambridge dictionary. (2022).

3. Collins Dictionaries. (2022). English Dictionary.

4. Deci, E.L., & Ryan, R.M. (2000). The “what” and “why” of goal pursuits: Human needs and the self-determination of behavior. Psychological inquiry, 11(4), 227-268.

5. Deci, E.L., Ryan, R.M., & Williams, G. C. (1996). Need satisfaction and the selfregulation of learning. Learning and individual differences, 8(3), 165-183.

6. Hanif, F., & Ameeq, A. (2013). Impact of training on employee's development and performance in hotel industry of Lahore, Pakistan. Journal of business studies quarterly, 4(4), 68-82.

7. Khan, M.K., & Siddiqui, S. (2023). Continuous Professional Development and SelfDetermination Theory: An Exploratory Study of Pakistani TEFLers' Learning Motivation. Kashmir Journal of Language Research, 26(1), 159-186.

8. Petrenko, V.O. (2016). Implementation of pedagogical conditions of training future managers for intercultural professional interaction competence in the pedagogical system of higher educational establishment. Zbior artykulow naukowych Konferencji Miedzynarodowej Naukowo-Praktycznej "Pedagogika. Badania podstawowe i stosowane: wyzwania i wyniki". (pp. 90-93). Warszawa: Sp. z.o.o. «Diamond trading tour».

9. Ryan R.M., & Deci E.L. (2000). Intrinsic and extrinsic motivations: Classic definitions and new directions. Contemporary educational psychology, 25, 54-67.

10. Sanz, C., Lin, H.J., Lado, B., Bowden, H.W., & Stafford, C.A. (2009). Concurrent verbalizations, pedagogical conditions, and reactivity: Two CALL studies. Language learning, 59(1), 33-71.

11. Shahzadi, I., Javed, A., Pirzada, S.S., Nasreen, S., & Khanam, F. (2014). Impact of employee motivation on employee performance. European Journal of Business and Management, 6(23), 159-166.

12. Suen, T.Y., Cheung, S.K., Wang, F.L., & Hui, J.Y. (2022). Effects of intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors on employee participation in internal crowdsourcing initiatives in China. Sustainability, 14(14), 8878.

13. Sugiarti, E. (2022). The Influence of Training, Work Environment and Career Development on Work Motivation That Has an Impact on Employee Performance at PT. Suryamas Elsindo Primatama In West Jakarta. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 6(1), 1-11.

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