Mutual assistance as a prerequisite for the formation of corporate culture of oil and gas enterprises and organizations in the context of changes and global challenges

The history of the formation of the phenomenon of mutual assistance in the history of economic thought. Analysis of the need to build a corporate culture for modern oil and gas enterprises, which would be based on the principles of mutual assistance.

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Mutual assistance as a prerequisite for the formation of corporate culture of oil and gas enterprises and organizations in the context of changes and global challenges

Tymoshenko Dmytro Vitaliiovych, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of the department of management and administration, Institute of economy and management


The article presents a generalization, analysis and interpretation of the need to build a corporate culture for modern oil and gas enterprises and organizations, which would be based on the principles of mutual assistance. The problem of managing corporate cultures of Ukrainian enterprises and organizations is illustrated, which mostly consists in the fact that corporate culture still continues to be perceived as a kind of tribute to fashion -- Ukrainian enterprises and organizations most often attribute the practice of corporate culture to the HR department, mentioning it only during corporate holidays. Moreover, HR professionals do not always think about business results and are rarely involved in making key management decisions. It is pointed out that it is extremely important to develop corporate cultures of oil and gas enterprises and organizations of Ukraine in the conditions of war, where the latter plays a key role in shaping their effectiveness and stability. The differences of corporate cultures of oil and gas enterprises and organizations from other socio-economic systems of the national economy of the Ukrainian state are presented.

The considerations of foreign scientists regarding the management oil and gas companies corporate cultures are considered. As the core of the corporate culture, the practice of a culture of mutual assistance is proposed from the position of a tool for overcoming the distance between employees, as well as a component of team building to form a general "organizational aura" that motivates employees. So, it was also found that despite the urgency of implementing a mutual assistance culture, organizations still do not realize the benefits of its implementation. For this purpose the history of the formation of the phenomenon of mutual assistance in the history of economic thought and management is investigated. It is identified that, unfortunately, the topic of mutual assistance also does not have sufficient distribution in the works of administrative science -- management. The recommendations for the elimination of crisis phenomena are presented.

Keywords: mutual assistance, corporate culture, team building, values.


Взаємодопомога як передумова формування корпоративної культури нафтогазових підприємств та організації в умовах змін та глобальних викликів

Тимошенко Дмитро Віталійович кандидат економічних наук, доцент кафедри менеджменту та адміністрування, Інститут економіки та менеджменту

У статті подано в узагальнення, аналіз та інтерпретація необхідності побудови такої корпоративної культури для сучасних нафтогазових підприємств та організацій, яка б базувалась на принципах взаємодопомоги. Проілюстровано проблематику управління корпоративними культурами українських підприємств та організацій, яка здебільшого полягає в тому, що корпоративна культура все ще продовжує сприйматись як данина моді -- українські підприємства та організації найчастіше відносять практику корпоративної культури до HR-відомства, згадуючи про останню лише під час корпоративних свят. Більш того кадровики не завжди думають про бізнес-результати та рідко залученні до прийняття ключових управлінських рішень. Вказано на виключній важливості розвитку корпоративних культур нафтогазових підприємств та організацій України в умовах війни, де остання відіграє ключову роль у формуванні їх ефективності та стабільності.

Подано відмінності корпоративних культур нафтогазових підприємств та організацій від інших соціально-економічних систем національного господарства української держави. Розглянуто міркування іноземних науковців щодо управління корпоративними культурами нафтогазових підприємств та організацій. В якості серцевини корпоративної культури запропоновано практику культури взаємодопомоги з позиції інструмента подолання дистанції між працівниками, а також як компоненту тімбілдінгу задля формування загальної «організаційної аури», що мотивує працівників. Надалі виявлено, що попри актуальність впровадження культури взаємодопомоги організації не усвідомлюють переваги її впровадження. З цією метою досліджено історію становлення феномену взаємодопомоги в історії економічної думки та менеджменті. Ідентифіковано, що на жаль тема взаємодопомоги також не має достатнього розповсюдження в працях науки управління -- менеджменті. Подано рекомендації для ліквідації кризових явищ.

Ключові слова: взаємодопомога, корпоративна культура, командоутворення, цінності, дистанція.

Problem statement

Being the most important component of the domestic fuel and energy complex, the oil and gas industry significantly affects the quality of life of the Ukrainian nation. This indisputable fact is supported by the cosmically expensive price paid by the Ukrainian state in an unequal confrontation with the aggressor country -- russia. That is why the policy of the Ukrainian state is aimed at long-term provision of the economy with strategic resources, where fuel and energy resources occupy one of the leading places. This state of affairs gives reason to consider the oil and gas industry a critical component of the Ukrainian confrontation. As a result, the proper functioning of such industry strategically important for the state is impossible without ensuring clear and well-coordinated management of human resources, which gives grounds for improving methods and styles of personnel management. Creation and management of organization of a new type with the rejection of old concepts and organizational models with the creation of organizational infrastructure that would make it possible to create collective inspiration and systems thinking in order to release all talents of employees, will contribute to solving not only current problems, but also the challenges of the future. This emphasizes the need for large-scale introduction of innovative methods, technologies and tools to create "a nutrient environment" for modern employees, which we understand as a corporate culture as a guarantee of productivity of Ukrainian organizations.

Analysis of recent researches and publications

The essence of the concept of corporate culture has been considered by many scientists, whose works are currently difficult to classify because of their great diversity. Separately, we note that the issue was considered by such scientists as Bala O., Bobylieva M., Zadykhailo D., Kibenko O., Marushchak T., Mercer D., Nemchenko T., Paleshutskyi K., Spivak A., Khaiet H., Chernyshova T., Yurchenko V. By scientists Palekha Yu., Savchuk L., Otenko I., Schein E., Yachmenova V., where corporate culture was studied as a sphere of influence on socio-economic system. The works by Akoff R., Voronkova A., Greenberg J., Dill T., Drucker P., Cameron K., Cole D., Harrison R., and Handy Ch. are devoted to the classification and typology of corporate culture. Most authors in their scientific research relied on interdisciplinary approach and covered the achievements of not only the management science, but also psychology, philosophy, history, etc. As for the issue of corporate culture development in oil and gas enterprises, the latter was reflected in the works of Janz T., Capello M., Veazey M., Zapukhlyak I., Kinash I., Stan'kovs'ka I. is to summarize, analyze and interpret the need to build a corporate culture for modern organizations based on the principles of mutual assistance.

Statement of basic materials

In the course of realizing the interest of Ukrainian business in interesting Western management technologies, practicing an anthropocentric approach that transfers a person from the category of passive executive element to the category of active creator, there is practically no comprehensive awareness of the functions of corporate culture. The latter often continues to be perceived as a tribute to fashion -- Ukrainian enterprises and organizations most often attribute the practice of corporate culture to HR department, mentioning the latter only during corporate holidays. Quite often, HR specialists do not think about business results and are not always involved in making key management decisions. All work on corporate culture is carried out using a primitive method "to make everyone feel good".

At the same time, the basis of any joint economic activity of people is dominated by several key idea factors, such as the essence of business, brand concept, corporate policy, reputation and culture, market orientation, modern technology and innovation, customer orientation, social responsibility, HR policy and leadership. The success of economic activity is mainly determined not so much by the strategy of socio-economic system as by the practical results of its implementation, which depend on the state of external and internal environment of organization. The modern global market, including Ukrainian social institutions, being in a state of constant turbulence, which economists are trying to explain by the economic theory of great chaos, is neither static nor dynamic. Despite the absence of the main investment asset that would be able to save capital after decades, most progressive and, as a result, successful companies continue to invest in their internal environment - talents, that is, in the development of both individual employees and their group formations, regardless of age and gender, as the main generator of intellectual products and services in the modern intelligence economy.

The importance of culture in the life of modern socio-economic system is unlikely to be overestimated or questioned by anyone, because the expression that "Culture eats strategy for breakfast" is so old that it is now impossible to find its author. A strong culture embraces the beliefs, values of employees, thereby creating the foundation for future change. This requires the management to understand the authenticity of both its internal environment and all target audiences with which the modern oil and gas enterprise interacts. Therefore, the goal of modern management is to create an organic corporate culture that will unite, in its operational interaction, the expectations of operators, service companies, drilling contractors with private and public sectors.

How do the cultures of oil and gas enterprises and organizations differ from the corporate cultures of other socio-economic systems? We have highlighted at least three points presented to your attention in the form of problems that the corporate culture must overcome and smooth out:

The problem of the dichotomy of business specifics with access to new markets. Oil and gas companies are usually operationally complex and characterized by significant investments in technical equipment, have a high level of industry and technological risks, which in turn affects the degree of conservatism and security within the company. On the other hand, with the inevitable transition of management from technical to managerial roles in new territories -- the future markets of developing countries, cultural differences are becoming increasingly important. Therefore, the example of project management involves not only the supervision of technical aspects, but also the management of the people involved from the developed territories. As an option, personal matters are often discussed in the Middle East before proceeding directly to the so-called business. Also, the emphasis on family values contributes to a smoother transition while adapting the company to new cultures [1]. Energy expert Kapelo M.A. notes the following: "... One of the elements that I, being an outstanding lecturer, researched and realized is the concept of corporate sustainability. It is about how agile a company is, how it looks at its future, and how it is able to organize discussion, embrace new ideas, and challenge leaders." [1].

The problem of the specifics of innovations and technology of the industry. You will be surprised, however, how rarely we think about the fact that consumer goods are more technological than industrial ones, because the "life period" of consumer goods is shorter. Mobile phones, made five years ago, today are considered old-fashioned and technologically backward, which cannot be said about drilling rigs, equipment for power plants, etc., the development of which takes years, if not decades. Therefore, the period of implementation and use of such technological products is much longer. This contributes to the presence of a certain conservatism regarding the development of new technologies according to world- famous quality standards, which also includes their testing, maintenance and repair (in other words, a high level of industry regulation). Other industries are much more flexible because they work through flexible startups and have the opportunity to promote innovations more actively over time, turning them into innovations.

The problem of the specifics of corporate social responsibility and ”green policy”. Oil and gas companies always find themselves under close control of society because of the significant impact on the environment, because their hydrocarbon production activities are associated not only with the present, but also with the future -- for a "happy 'today'" we borrow resources from a "bitter 'tomorrow'". Hence, corporate cultures of oil and gas enterprises and organizations are simply forced to focus on ecological and social responsibility obligations. In other organizations, there is another type of bias in CSR -- charity, philanthropy, etc.

On the one hand, the factors described above are not critically important, but given the very value of oil and gas companies for the real sector of economy and security of the state (including under martial law), it is worth paying attention to the reasoning of Hubbell K., who notes that, firstly, the corporate cultures of oil and gas companies are not universal even within the industry, since they are guided by both technology and their history (!) as part of the formation of oil and gas industry of the state: "... an oil company born during the time of Texas will have different traditions than the one created ten years ago for the exploration of shale oil in North Dakota." [2]. Here, we immediately note that the Ukrainian state has a significant amount of historical data, because "... The first historically confirmed mentions of oil production in Western Ukraine appeared in the XIV century" [3, p. 76]. Also it is worth remembering "Galician California" and "Ukrainian Piedmont", where the Austro-Hungarian emperor Franz Joseph I was greeted with the words: "... “Welcome to the land where salt and oil flow” ..." [4]. That is why the fact of formation, development and future achievements of the scientific and technical potential of oil and gas industry of Ukraine should become anintegral part of the corporate culture of every Ukrainian oil and gas enterprise and organization.

Secondly, Hubbell believes that the culture cannot be formed solely by management, because the best corporate cultures are formed and operated on a bottom-up basis based on the experience of employees. We paraphrase this statement as follows: the corporate culture of the organization is its employees. They form the so-called "general organizational aura" or, as Johnson R. and Phillips B. say, "water in an aquarium" [5, p. 258]. Also "... Culture is described as DNA ..." [6, p. 82], which "... can be considered as a long-term memory of the organization, a form of identity that develops through the actions of different leaders, but also goes beyond individual and ordinary differences between countries and regions." [6, p. 126]. The United States and European countries have long been engaged in the formation of basic universally recognized values (English work ethics), which by default were professed by absolutely everyone who got into this or that organization. It is much easier to build a process of values and communications on such foundation, in contrast to Ukrainian realities, where the lion's share of employees, regardless of their achievements -- education, work experience, may have completely unforeseen values.

The most famous work in the field of research of corporate cultures of oil and gas enterprises and organizations is the work of Janz T. [7], where the latter complains about the insufficient elaboration of the topic and the skepticism of the then managers who prefer to bypass this topic. In general, it all starts with a frank conversation about motivation as ". the most common managerial question about 'How do we motivate our people to do what needs to be done?'" [7, p. 63]. To answer this question, Yants proposes to use a three-factor graphic model in the form of a questionnaire with the factors "Rules", "Power" and "Values". The "Rules" factor plays the role of ". what Harrison called 'role orientation'". [7, p. 63] (here Janz refers to Harrison's work [8]). The author emphasizes that the rules should be clear to everyone, and if they are not, they should be paraphrased until all employees understand these rules. We believe that this is a very reasonable remark, because the strength of the chain is equal to the strength of the weakest link -- an example that illustrates as vividly as possible what values the employees convey in the organization and outside it.

Yanz considers the "Power" factor more negative than positive because "... 1) abuse of power in the management of departments and people is very often used to promote the career ladder, as well as the factor 2) who exactly you know, and not what kind of specialist you really are -- this also happens". Therefore, both factors -- "Rules" and "Power", -- according to the author, in inept hands are able to do more harm than good: in the end, in such atmosphere, "Power" devours "Rules" and the latter, being systematically violated by employees, become only a scenery in the context of th e corp orate atm o sphere.

The last factor called "Values" or "task orientation" plays the role of "... the core of the 'common cause' among the employees of the organization ..." [7, p. 64]. Values should be oriented inside the organizational machine, from time to time overcoming the negative impact of the "Power" factor. The values themselves are able to combine a strategy with business goals together. It is values that are the foundation of loyalty (which the Meyer-Alain "organizational loyalty" scale makes possible to measure [9]).

Janz's work was not forgotten: other methods were created based on it, including the method for diagnosing the corporate culture of Cameron K. and Quinn R. based on the application of ОСАІ method [10; 11]. This method is the most valid and includes 6 evaluation parameters. In the end, we have the opportunity to learn the dominant type of culture: market, hierarchical, adhocratic or clan. Thus, study in the writing [12] notes that " the enterprises of the oil and gas complex, the dominant type of corporate culture is the market one." [12, p. 105].

In addition to OCAI, we recommend using the "Organization Culture Assessment Questionnaire of the World of Work Project portal" [13], which is mostly useful for organizations going through changes, as indicated in the work [14].

Consequently, the creation of a positive and productive working atmosphere depends largely on the corporate culture of the organization. However, it is not formed solely by management, but grows from below to the mountain on the basis of daily affairs, experience of employees, as well as their values. And although employees profess them here, the process is twofold: they are formed by the corporate culture. Work with the values of employees with the subsequent integration of the latter into the corporate culture usually occurs in the following way: first, the management conducts a strategic meeting, where the values of employees are to be determined. Based on the defined values, the latter are compared with the values of customers and stakeholders. Based on the jointly proclaimed values, the common values of the company and its customers are derived. Through the vision of these values, the postulates of the corporate culture are corrected, the general policy of the company is formed, as well as marketing, HR policy, etc.

After that, we can only guess whether our values will work in the same way as they were depicted in slogans? If there is a distance between employees, the implementation of the values and policies defined by the corporate culture automatically becomes a lower priority. To prevent these negative phenomena, it is recommended to use the policy of mutual assistance as a team building tool that motivates employees.

The prehistory of mutual assistance as an approach to intensification of economic development begins with the works of Antonio Genovesi (Italian Antonio Genovesi, 1719 - 1769), Italian writer and philosopher, and later an economist [15]. Genovesi was primarily remembered for trying to understand the essence of social happiness, first as the son of a priest; then as a philosopher, and later as an economist. In his opinion, the economy served governments, increasing the wealth of countries and the power of nations. The Chair of Political Economy at Bartolomeo Intieri University of Naples was founded specifically for Genovesi [15].

As for the works of the outstanding economist, "... The core of Genovesi's economic thought can be observed in the work "Lessons of Commerce and Civil Economy" [16], which was published in 1765 and is one of the first scientific treatises on economics." [15]. Through this work, Genovesi tried to point the way to reforms in some key sectors: education, agriculture, trade, and industry.

However, one of the main merits in the field of political economy is its mediation between the old and new schools and the definition of mutual assistance as follows: "... a sincere will (that is, not instrumental) to help others with the expectation that such actions will entail reciprocity" [17, p. 1045]. At that time, representatives of the classical school of Italian economics were Vico D. [18], Giannone P. [19], Paolo Mattia Doria [20], who professed the Aristotelian tradition according to which the economy is embedded in network of ready-made moral values, where happiness, virtues, and social life are inextricably linked. They were opposed by the views of "the new school" -- Galiani F. [21], Intieri B. [22], where the desire of individuals to realize their own interests was considered the driver of social, economic and political life.

So, it was Genovesi who proposed a solution to this issue: the above- mentioned Italian schools of political economy were made to understand that the development of society was ensured by mutual assistance, which was understood as pure and sincere will. "You should help to help you!"

Other authors who analyze the history of mutual assistance as a tool for solving problems of socio-economic development (including from the Genovesi point of view) are Bruni L. and Sugden R. [23], who focus our attention on the primordial instincts and properties of human nature with the status of natural law, as it includes both the right to help and the mutual duty to help others. Thus, scientists support their reasoning with three properties of human nature:

a) similarity of characters of people in difficult conditions (needs);

b) energy impulse that attracts some people to others, for example, love, friendship, sociability, mercy, pleasure from human communication;

c) "... true and grave utility ..." (the difficult balance between individual and collective interests), which follows from this [ibid., 23 p. 48].

In general, Genovesi's opinion can be traced not in the provision of material goods that society needs to survive, but also in the establishment, maintenance and development of social relations and communications. It can be assumed that social relations are pleasant in themselves and are the key to obtaining a different spectrum of pleasures and benefits. Hence, happiness, according to the Italian thinker, is a combination of individual development of personal talents of a participant in economic relations -- a person and a citizen and mutual prosperity in the context of general well-being. It is here that individual and collective interests arising from mutual assistance will meet.

However, what is the mechanism for balancing the individual and the collective?! Here we come to a completely unexpected conclusion. Let us quote the opinion of the author Nalli F., who argues that kindness and virtue play the role of a mechanism for balancing human passions: "... Virtue is indeed associated with a wide range of intellectual abilities and moral habits. For example, this implies “correct knowledge of sciences and arts” and “correct use of objects”. What is also important is that it relies on the “correct knowledge” of human psychology and moral laws, which is necessary for the formation of “correct judgments” in society. In other words, the existence of virtue is connected with the knowledge of natural moral sciences ..." [17, p. 1048]. The author's "intellectual abilities", "moral habits", "correct knowledge of sciences and arts" combined with the correct knowledge of human psychology and moral laws are nothing more than an attempt by Genovesi to build a global corporate culture of the state in the Enlightenment, combined with elements of corporate social responsibility, the main ”social glue” of which would be mutual assistance.

Thus, the idea of mutual assistance of Antonio Genovesi on the increase of economic prosperity and public goods in our time should be considered, first of all, as a form of team/collective thinking. For our part, when analyzing the work [17], we will try to go the opposite way: determine the influence of the humanities on the formation of the global concept of mutual assistance as an integral part of the corporate culture, which has long been outside the organization, is its external goal for the formation of its reputation capital in business environment:

1 The influence of science of philosophy: "... a form of collective thinking, which implies a general commitment of society to a common goal and one that relies on the relational concept of the human mind." [17, p. 1050].

2 The influence of science of psychology: "... rational and moral predisposition, which instrumentally generates rational behavior, deliberately focused on helping others in all spheres of social life." Italics by the author -- Nalli F.) [17, p. 1050].

3 The influence of science of government -- management: "... the standard of universal and team thinking, since the latter advocates the pursuit of a single common understanding of good, considering all humanity as one global team" [17, p. 1050].

Therefore, by combining all three components, we will get a modern corporate culture that contains a component of corporate social responsibility in its structure and includes ethical behavior and dialogue with all stakeholders.

What do we know about mutual assistance in management? The work [24] focuses on prosocial behavior, which is actions performed by one person for another and for his/her benefit [24, p. 185]. This kind of behavior can mostly be manifested through kindness and altruism, that is, without expecting an obvious reward. The problem of prosocial behavior became relevant in Western psychology during the 20-30 years of the twentieth century. Today, it takes forms of participation in non-profit social projects, volunteering, donation, charity and mercy. The study of motives and the identification of forms of this behavior can be carried out by analyzing the evolutionary psychological aspects, where assistance is provided in order to protect one's own kind and promote mutual exchange [25].

How does mutual aid work and what incentives encourage us to help others? It is no secret that we are most willing to help those we like. In other words, we help those we feel empathy for. This is confirmed by "the empathy-altruism hypothesis" [26].

The level of altruism is not only determined by the external environment, such as the rules of society, attitudes, cultural and religious characteristics, but also depends on the personal qualities of the individual, such as his will, emotional stability and courage. On the contrary, the research of Kattel R. and Petrenko M. V. indicates that increased anxiety, ergo tension and excessive suspicion significantly reduce the manifestation of altruism [24, p. 188].

It is also obvious that mutual assistance does not exist in isolation: where there is "a donor", there is necessarily "a recipient". From this point of view, it is possible to consider the phenomenon of mutual assistance as a manifestation of team reasoning [27], which is considered in the works of Gold N. and Sugden R. [28]. This study is interesting because scientists are trying to establish a link between social relations and individual responsibility. A similar point of view was expressed by another group of authors (Latane B. and Darley J.) [29], whose study appeared earlier: the probability of intervention or involvement in the process of mutual assistance is proportional to the number of observers (or other participants). Attention is also focused on minimizing the responsibility of group members, when responsibility is distributed among all.

The relationship between mutual assistance and team thinking can be traced in the works of Hodgson [30], Reagan D. [31], Gilbert M. [32], Hurley S. [33], Searle J. [34], Bratman M. [35], Tuomela R. [36], Sugden R. [37; 38], Bacharach M. [27]. Particularly interesting is the opinion of Nalli F. [17], which highlights the concept of "emotional team thinking" [17, p. 1042] and interprets it as follows: "The main idea of groupthink is that, with regard to a specific problem of decision-making, agents can perceive themselves not as isolated individuals, but as team members, each of whom plays a role in collective action" [17, p. 1042]. On the part of Ukrainian scientists, the field of group thinking and decision-making in a group is represented by the works of Kryvoshein V. [39], Chashechnikova O. [40], Krymova N. [41], Korobanova O. L. [42], Toba M. [43].

Regarding the definition of group thinking, most of the scholars mentioned above view it as a kind of descriptive model, an abstraction representing the lines of thought that people often use in most real-life situations, sometimes even unconsciously. This is noted in the works of Sugden R. The scientist also emphasizes the fact that the form of team thinking is often activated, when coordination with others can lead to a more satisfactory result compared to chaotic social maneuvers.

Particular attention should be paid to the emotional aspect of team building, since decisions made by a team can often be emotionally charged. This is expressed in the joint emotional state of team members: "... a lively awareness by one person of a certain affective state of another person, if the consciousness of the latter has similar affective qualities, is pleasant..." [44, p. 71]. That is, what is meant here is that people influence each other with their emotions -- some "emotionally infect" others. Thus, it is emphasized that people may be motivated to support group judgments and actions based solely on the position of emotional satisfaction associated with fusion with the majority. These reasonings are reinforced by the definition of "emotional contagion", which, according to Nalli F., defines team thinking.

To build an adequate culture of mutual assistance, it is necessary to balance the seemingly antagonistic functions of management: motivation (in the foreign version -- leadership) and control. For convenience, we will call the "motivation- leadership" function "the flexibility". This balance is often disturbed in a significant number of companies that have not made the transition from the stage of entrepreneurship to professional management. Usually, any changes in many companies are often perceived coolly: the thing is that the CEO focuses on increasing the company's profits, and the lion's share of employees focuses on the market share. Therefore, it is difficult to transfer the enterprise from one state to another. Hence, the right environment would be one in which motivated employees focused on maintaining an efficient and optimized system interact, and the control function would not resist creativity.

The next stage is the creation of a system of guiding functions as a guarantee of healthy atmosphere. The atmosphere of this kind is guided by instructions, rules and principles. The first are recommendations and best practices that have been tested over time in the organization. The second should be considered a guide to action and something that should not be violated. The third and last are the basis of values and laws that are not violated under any circumstances, because the price for "bold behavior" will be very high. If we talk about Ukrainian socio-economic systems, then everything is often simplified and reduced to "cast-iron principles", ignoring the instructions and rules. It is because of this that organizations lose flexibility.

The third stage is the implementation of the annual staff assessment. In general, superiors should ask themselves the following: first, whether staff are assessed regularly and whether there is an assessment for groups of employees, and not just for individuals. It is also worth considering whether there are clear characteristics for each position (transparency). And the last question is as follows: how and where the achievements and failures of employees are recorded, and whether the management of enterprise forgets about them. The assessment is recommended to be carried out using the following methods: methods for assessing the level of sociability according to Riakhovskyi V. F. [45, pp. 231-234], as well as methods of Q-sorting according to Stefansson V. [45, pp. 128-131]. The first method proposed will provide an opportunity to determine the level of communicability of the individual, which can help to conclude about the ability of groups of employees to communicate in general, because without proper communication, the process of mutual assistance will not be able to build. The "Q-sort" methodology refers to the study of employee's self-image, as well as an understanding of how the latter behaves in the group.

Increasingly, most managers come to the conclusion that the time of singles has passed -- in complex projects both for demanding customers and to ensure the proper quality of products and services, everyone's work is improved through a dynamic process of searching, providing feedback, proposing new ideas and helping. Businesses have also realized that in a world with ultra-high talent mobility, it is important to create an environment where work is done as well as possible. Therefore, an example is the study of cultural studies of the phenomenon of mutual assistance in North Situraja Village located on the island of West Java [46]. Among the reference groups -- villagers, the author of the work Karsam K., Erfiansyah E. analyze such indicators of mutual assistance as cohesion, intimacy, readiness for self-sacrifice, assistance to each other, socialization and responsibility [46, p. 452] while accentuating such qualities as care, sincerity of intentions, social interaction, unity and responsibility [46, p. 452].

The authors of the study called the results of the study a synergy of mutual assistance and issued in the form of recommendations for strengthening corporate sustainability based on mutual assistance, because such environment will attract the attention of talented people and make them love their workplace. The benefit of mutual assistance lies in the fact that the team spirit grows in the project teams, the perception and understanding of each other by employees, including their managers and the organization as a whole, improves. So, where mutual assistance is valued, there is low staff turnover, high job satisfaction and high profitability.

corporate culture mutual assistance


Mutual assistance is the dissemination and search for people's experiences and relevant information among related employees or their groups. The most important thing is the knowledge of employees and their interaction: exchange of ideas, solutions and relevant information when trying to create new solutions. The basis for successful implementation of all knowledge management strategies is the use of method that allows you to store, view, search, retrieve and disseminate what is already known. Organizations that are able to disseminate their information quickly and easily through their existing infrastructure can begin to manage their stock of knowledge. It is also necessary that the information infrastructure of the organization allows the effective and reusable use of knowledge reserves.

The main goal of mutual assistance is to deliver the necessary knowledge to employees within the group at the right time. Hence, the purpose of governance is to help people work better together, using and managing growing amounts of information. The result of successfully operating system of mutual assistance should be "a smart organization". In this regard, the corporate culture of oil and gas enterprises can have a significant impact on the stability and productivity of this industry in conditions of war. Further research in this area should concern the development of a motivational mechanism on the basis of mutual assistance, which will help to solve the motivational and communication tasks of modern employees with the unyielding increase of the intellectual portfolio of a modern organization.


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