Identification, classification and measurement of factors of adaptation of personnel of construction industry enterprises to strategic changes

Management of personnel adaptation to strategic changes at enterprises of the construction industry as a component of the personnel management process. Alignment between internal processes and strategy through transformation of organizational culture.

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Дата добавления 16.06.2024
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O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

Department of Management and Public Administration

Identification, classification and measurement of factors of adaptation of personnel of construction industry enterprises to strategic changes

Kalashnikova Kh.I., C. Econ. Sci., Ass. Professor

Shevchenko V.S., C. Econ. Sci., Ass. Professor



The article clarifies the concept of managing personnel adaptation to strategic changes as an integral part of the overall personnel management process. In particular, the article considers how the correspondence between the existing internal organizational processes and the chosen strategy is established by transforming the former. The authors explain the processes of personnel management, which are combined with other organizational and managerial processes, through the prism of several difficulties, namely: maintaining a formalized division of managerial labor and transforming from an administrative and accounting function into a full-fledged personnel management function with the involvement of professionals and sufficient resources. A review of existing concepts of change management and their corresponding approaches to managing the adaptation of personnel to strategic changes in the construction industry is carried out. The opinions of scientists on the studied issues are analyzed in order to determine the most important components of this process: types, sizes, organizational cultures, social phenomena, etc. A classification of the factors of staff adaptation to strategic changes is presented, taking into account the factors that are fully (or partially) or indirectly (or not) influenced by HR management. Particular attention should be paid to the question of what is the "weight" and, accordingly, the impact of each factor on the employee's readiness for change. The groups of factors that counteract the successful adaptation of staff and those that facilitate the adaptation of staff to strategic changes are allocated. Proposals for building an organizational culture at a construction industry enterprise that would facilitate the successful adaptation of staff to strategic changes are provided. Measures for successful adaptation of personnel to strategic changes through the transformation of organizational culture are presented. The principles for the formation of a fundamentally new leadership style are characterized. The basic principles of changing the organizational structure of management at the enterprise of the construction industry are emphasized.

Keywords: strategic changes, personnel of the construction industry company, adaptation, organizational culture, mechanism of personnel adaptation to strategic changes


Виявлення, класифікація та вимірювання факторів адаптації персоналу підприємств будівельної галузі до стратегічних змін

Калашнікова Х.І., Шевченко В.С., к.е.н., доценти кафедри менеджменту і публічного адміністрування, Харківський національний університет міського господарства імені О.М. Бекетова, м. Харків

У статті уточнено поняття управління адаптацією персоналу до стратегічних змін як складової частки загального процесу управління персоналом. Зокрема, розглянуто встановлення відповідності між існуючими внутрішньо-організаційними процесами і вибраною стратегією відбувається шляхом перетворення перших. Роз'яснено процеси управління персоналом, які поєднуються з іншими організаційними і управлінськими процесами, через призму декількох складностей, а саме: збереження формалізованого поділу управлінської праці та перетворення з адміністративно - облікової в повноцінну функцію управління персоналом із залученням професіоналів і достатньої кількості ресурсів. Виконано дослідження існуючих концепцій управління змінами і відповідних їм підходів до управління адаптацією персоналу до стратегічних змін на підприємствах будівельної галузі.

Проаналізовано думки науковців із досліджуваної проблематики з метою визначення найбільш вагомих компонентів цього процесу: видів, розмірів, організаційних культур, соціальних явищ тощо. Подано класифікацію факторів адаптації персоналу до стратегічних змін з урахуванням факторів, на які кадровий менеджмент впливає повністю (або частково) або опосередковано (або не впливає). Особливу увагу заслуговує розгляд питання, якою є «вага» і, відповідно, вплив кожного фактору на готовність працівника до змін. Виокремлено групи факторів, які протидіють успішній адаптації персоналу та які сприяють адаптації персоналу до стратегічних змін. Надано пропозиції щодо побудови такої організаційної культури на підприємстві будівельної галузі, яка б сприяла успішній адаптаціє персоналу до стратегічних змін. Наведено заходи для успішної адаптації персоналу до стратегічних змін через трансформацію організаційної культури. Охарактеризовано засади щодо формування принципово нового стилю керівництва. Підкреслено основні принципи зміни організаційної структури управління на підприємстві будівельної галузі.

Ключові слова: стратегічні зміни, персонал підприємства будівельної галузі, адаптація, організаційна культура, механізм адаптації персоналу до стратегічних змін

The problem statement

Every company operating in a dynamic external environment makes changes in its activities from time to time (from local ones, i.e. changes in individual actions in a certain process of activity, to large-scale ones, i.e. changes in a product, market or industry), which requires the use of appropriate management methods. Currently, there are a variety of ideas and views on change management, but their implementation in practice is not always effective. According to international consulting agencies, about 75% of changes in the activities of enterprises in various industries failed because the management methods used failed to change the behavior of employees and ensure their adaptation to the requirements of transformation programs. For domestic construction companies, this problem is particularly relevant. High staff turnover, unsatisfactory working conditions, and insufficient attention to employee motivation and development are evidence of ineffective HR management methods. At the same time, an increasing number of managers realize that the survival and development of an enterprise depends not only on its financial and production potential, but also, to a large extent, on its human resources potential, especially since a significant number of employees of Ukrainian construction companies have higher education, i.e. the quality of personnel is quite high. It is possible to increase the efficiency of personnel management in the course of strategic changes in the activities of domestic construction companies through high-quality and rapid adaptation of employees to these changes. That is why managing the adaptation of personnel to strategic changes is one of the most important tasks of personnel management. Despite a significant body of scientific research, it should be noted that most of the known methods of personnel management during the period of transformation are focused only on personal and behavioral aspects, in other words, on managing personnel behavior, while the behavior of an employee in an organization is derived from a number of management actions. Without taking into account the main components of the impact of certain management actions on the formation of employee behavior, it is difficult to achieve a long-term effect in the work of personnel and ensure its adaptation to large-scale strategic changes.

Overview of recent research and publications. In researching the issues of identifying, classifying and measuring the factors of adaptation of personnel of construction industry companies to strategic changes, scientific publications of domestic scientists (N. Afanasieva and Y. Opanasenko [1], T. Volkova [1], O. Guseva [2], V. Korolkov and D. Babenko [3], O. Kuzmin and the team of authors [4], K. Orlova [5], I. Popovichenko [6] and N. Shapa [7]) and foreign researchers in this area (D. Bowen [9] and D. Stone [10]) were considered.

The purpose of the study (task statement). The purpose of the article is justification of measures for building and successful adaptation of personnel to strategic changes through the transformation of organizational culture in the construction industry.

Research results

Strategic changes will be understood as a rethinking and transformation of the strategic orientation of the enterprise caused by objective changes in the external environment and, as a result, transformations in the internal organizational environment that contribute to the implementation of the strategy.

In this sense, management of personnel adaptation to strategic changes as an integral part of the overall process of personnel management can be interpreted as a targeted impact on the formation of the behavior of employees of the enterprise and their functioning in order to ensure the required level of their adaptability to the goals and objectives of strategic changes. Such an interpretation allows forming an idea of the essence and content of the process of personnel adaptation to strategic changes and focuses management's attention on increasing the efficiency of implementation of strategic changes in the company's activities by minimizing (or not) personnel resistance to these changes due to the impact not only on the work of employees, but also on their behavior.

As practice demonstrates, the period of strategic changes is characterized by complexity and unpredictability. In such conditions, the role of personnel increases even more, as effective work on personnel management is often the most important moment of successful transformation processes, finally determining whether strategic changes will be implemented and integration of all activities at the enterprise will be achieved. However, despite the increased attention to HR management issues in the period of strategic changes by many foreign and domestic scholars, this problem remains unresolved.

It should be noted that often HR management processes are combined with other organizational and management processes and are not clearly defined. Undoubtedly, from the perspective of a systemic approach, HR activities permeate almost all processes in an organization and shape its culture and structure. However, the practical application of such theoretical approaches in the activities of domestic companies, in our opinion, is associated with great difficulty.

Firstly, Ukrainian companies retain a formalized division of managerial labor, so there is an objective prerequisite for the formation of a relatively independent methodological approach to managing the adaptation of personnel to strategic changes, while maintaining consistency with general organizational goals and policies.

Secondly, the work on HR management as a management function requires transformation from an administrative and accounting function (where the emphasis was on keeping personnel records, registration of vacations, pensions, etc.) into a full-fledged HR management function involving professionals and sufficient resources.

Considering that the organization's capabilities are primarily the result of the synergy of personnel activities, special attention should be paid to the work on adaptation of the company's employees to these changes. In view of the mentioned above, there is a need to find ways to improve the management of personnel adaptation to strategic changes. To do this, it is necessary to perform an in-depth analysis of existing change management concepts and their corresponding approaches to managing the adaptation of personnel to strategic changes. Managing the adaptation of personnel to strategic changes in the construction industry is a process that is formed under the influence of many components.

Different types and sizes of companies have different economic performance and speed of implementation of strategic changes. The size of an enterprise affects its mobility and speed of response to changes in the external environment. It is well known that large companies are more inert than small ones.

Organizational culture is considered to be the strongest motivator, regulator and indicator of staff performance in an organization. Organizational culture is the ideology of management and organization of the socio-economic system. It is aimed at increasing the labor potential of the system and reflects the core values of the organization. As a prerequisite and stereotype, it influences the formation of the company's strategy, decision-making, distribution of power and staff behavior [8].

The ability of employees to adapt to strategic changes in the company's operations is formed under the influence of many factors, the identification and classification of which is the subject of research by many scientists.

The factors that determine the formation of organizational culture (and thus may be "responsible" for the adaptation of employees to changes) are divided into primary and secondary factors. The first group of factors covers the peculiarities of the style, behavior and attitude to work of managers, as well as the criteria for selecting, appointing, promoting and rewarding employees. The group of secondary factors includes the organization's structure, information transfer system, organizational procedures, behavioral philosophy, etc.

Various social phenomena are noted that act as factors that have a stimulating or inhibiting effect. The classification of factors of personnel adaptation to strategic changes should reflect both personal (individual) characteristics of the employee and the influence of personnel management on their formation. The arguments in favor of this opinion are the following considerations. Staff readiness for change depends not only on the personal qualities of employees, but also to a large extent on the forms and methods of working with staff. Managers' activities are aimed at creating the most favorable working conditions that ensure efficient work of the staff, promote the disclosure of human potential and ensure the synergistic effect of collective work. That is why it is logical to group the factors that influence the process, timing and result of adaptation of the personnel of construction industry enterprises to strategic changes by the degree of influence of personnel management (or those managers who have the authority to influence employees). The authors propose their own approach to classifying the factors of staff adaptation to strategic changes:

1. Factors that are fully or partially influenced by HR management:

- "individual characteristics of the employee" (e.g., age, gender, length of service, educational qualification level, employee category; business qualities: activity in work, self-confidence, responsibility for work, attitude to changes; experience in the process of organizational change);

- administrative (for example, management policy (attitude to employees, level of formalization of work - bureaucracy); working conditions, workplace equipment; career development, training at the expense of the company; availability of benefits: health insurance, free vouchers, personal gifts, prizes, priority in vacation planning, participation in company management));

- economic (e.g., remuneration system (earnings, bonuses); additional material benefits, participation in profit distribution));

- organizational and managerial (e.g., management style (formulation of the purpose and essence of changes, clarity of the task; participation of subordinates in decision-making, level of independence of employees in decision-making, leadership qualities of the manager); social and psychological climate (relations in the team, trust of competitors; employees to the manager); management methods; labor regulation (availability and quality of job descriptions); organization of work (distribution of responsibilities, workload); information support of work));

2. Factors that are indirect or no influence by HR management:

- factors of the general state of the company (e.g., the level of innovation activity; general financial condition; funds allocated to finance human resources: recruitment, training, remuneration, etc.);

- market factors (e.g., availability of specialists of the required level in the labor market; quality of human resources work of competitors; level of salaries and incentive systems of competitors).

The question of what is the "weight" and, accordingly, the impact of each factor on the employee's readiness for change, whether there are significant differences in these "weights" for different categories of employees; whether corporate culture and the size of the company affect their composition is worthy of attention. A common method of such research is the "field of forces analysis", which aims to locate the forces that promote or oppose change. However, to date, the problem of identifying and measuring such forces on the part of the company's personnel has not been fully resolved. It should be assumed that the location of the two groups of forces (or the factors that form these forces) and their magnitude can vary both at different hierarchical levels of the enterprise itself (or in different categories of personnel) and have differences in enterprises of different sizes (by the number of employees) and with different types of organizational culture.

Initially, it is necessary to identify the most important factors for different categories of personnel that influence the process of adaptation of a person to strategic changes in the activities of a construction industry company. To solve this problem, the questionnaire method can be used. The questionnaire includes questions in the following areas of research: identifying the attitude of employees to strategic changes (innovations); determining the factors that activate the participation of employees in organizational transformations; identifying the reasons for a negative attitude to change; assessing the level of labor organization at the enterprise; identifying the attitude to task performance; identifying the reasons for dissatisfaction with work at the enterprise; identifying the most important labor incentives. adaptation personnel strategic organizational culture

According to the research of S. Handy [11], different types of organizational culture have different degrees of employee adaptation to change, which leads to the existence of so-called "favorable and unfavorable" types of culture for strategic changes in the company. That is why identifying the factors of employees' adaptation to strategic changes at companies of different sizes will allow identifying the type of organizational culture and determining whether it is favorable for the successful adaptation of personnel to strategic changes.

The group of factors that counteract the successful adaptation of personnel to strategic changes includes:

a) dissatisfaction with earnings;

b) insufficient explanation of the purpose and nature of the changes;

c) lack of trust in management, dissatisfaction with management policy and management methods;

d) fear of the unknown (lack of confidence in one's own capabilities or lack of confidence in job stability).

It was found that a common negative factor for all surveyed employees of companies that hinders their activity and participation in strategic changes is dissatisfaction with wages. This is a completely predictable and understandable reason, as in the face of financial instability and loss-making operations, top management cuts costs, including staff salaries. For domestic companies, this is one of the main reasons for the negative attitude of staff to change, especially when there is a large discrepancy between the incomes of owners and employees, and remuneration is weakly correlated with labor performance. However, economic motives for resistance to change exist even when employees are satisfied with their salaries. This is due to the potential threat of losing income, benefits, position, etc.

The second place among the factors that impede the successful adaptation of staff to strategic changes is the lack of explanation of the purpose and nature of changes by senior management, so it is important to clearly set goals and objectives of transformations. According to the study, this will help at least 70% of department heads, 60% of specialists and at least 58% of employees better understand their nature and necessity, which is the first step towards a positive perception of change. It is the perception of changes as necessary and appropriate that creates favorable conditions for their implementation. In addition to this previously stated opinion, we note that for a better understanding of the goals, nature and necessity of changes at the enterprise, it is necessary to create the effect of a "majority critical mass", i.e. the maximum number of employees who positively perceive changes. This requires that at least 70% of middle managers and 60% of specialists and workers understand the importance of change and have clearly defined tasks.

The group of factors that contribute to the adaptation of personnel to strategic changes includes:

a) increase in wages;

b) provision of additional benefits (health insurance, free vacation vouchers);

c) improvement of workplace equipment;

d) premiums;

e) clearly defined tasks set by the management;

f) leadership qualities of the management, approval and support of the management;

g) the ability to make decisions independently;

h) timeliness and completeness of information about work;

i) professional development, training at the expense of the company (or additional education).

The conducted research allows developing management measures and thus to provide proposals for building such an organizational culture at a construction industry enterprise that would facilitate the successful adaptation of personnel to strategic changes through the transformation of organizational culture (by priority):

I. Explanation of the company's development prospects and strategy, argumentation of the need for strategic changes; clear setting of goals and objectives of transformations (the proposal is aimed at the heads of divisions and departments);

II. Establishment of effective communications, timely and complete provision of information (the proposal is aimed at the heads of divisions and departments);

III. Ensuring supportive working conditions: improving equipment of the workplace, providing the necessary equipment and tools necessary (the proposal is aimed at the specialists);

IV. The use of material incentives and benefits for the development of

V. new ways of working, initiative and ingenuity, and active participation in the implementation of the strategic changes (the proposal is aimed at the employees under the age of 25);

VI. Psychological support: creating an atmosphere of acceptance and positive reinforcement for change (the proposal is aimed at the employees aged 25 to 34);

VII. Organization of training in new knowledge and skills, development of strategic thinking (the proposal is aimed at the employees aged 35 to 44);

VIII. Providing more freedom and independence in work, involvement in management decision-making (the proposal is aimed at the employees aged 45 to 54).

These measures are based on the identified distribution of factors that facilitate or counteract the adaptation to strategic changes of different categories of employees of the enterprise. As we can see, depending on the existing culture at the enterprise, management measures for successful adaptation of personnel to strategic changes and their priority differ somewhat for different categories of employees, while at the same time, it is possible to trace the relationship between them and general recommendations. This allows us to state that successful adaptation of personnel to strategic changes requires transformation of the organizational culture, which should be achieved through the implementation of the following management measures (it is important to observe the priority, i.e. it is desirable that each subsequent measure be applied after the previous one).

Creating an atmosphere of approval and support for changes at the company; developing leadership skills among managers at all levels. Since adapting to strategic changes is a complex and even painful process, employees desperately need psychological support and assistance. In this case, the help of a manager (mentor, supervisor) is very important, especially if he or she is a team leader and is able to inspire employees to change. Examples of successful transformations previously implemented at the company or in other organizations, the experience of individual employees in adapting to changes and the benefits they have gained may be helpful.

Organization of training in new knowledge and skills, development of strategic thinking among the company's employees. Understanding of new ideas and the need for changes in the company's activities from the top management level should spread like an avalanche to the lower hierarchical level, "washing away" old traditional ways of thinking, methods of routine work and "myopic" actions. Solving new problems requires mastering new methods of work and introducing them into standard technical and organizational instructions.

Providing more freedom and independence in work, involving employees in decision-making on changes in work. By delegating authority, decentralizing responsibility, and allowing for independent decision-making, it is possible to achieve greater involvement of employees in active participation in strategic transformations at the company. This is reflected in the postulate that "the person at the head of change becomes the driving force behind these changes" [2]. It is about the formation of a fundamentally new style of leadership based on the following principles: coordination of performance goals; delegation of authority; objective and timely performance evaluation and stimulation of innovators; encouragement of initiative and creativity in work, granting a certain freedom in the performance of duties; order, self-control, discipline, and accuracy of tasks.

It is possible to increase the overall level of staff adaptation to strategic changes by creating a change management service that will include teams of employees of different hierarchical levels. It is advisable to form these teams, especially at the lower management level, from the most authoritative, professionally competent and positive employees who are committed to change. Such teams should be the brain trust for conceiving and implementing strategic changes and should be authorized to monitor their progress.

An important component of building a mechanism for staff adaptation to strategic changes is the choice of an organizational management structure that would facilitate the implementation of changes. The following considerations will serve as evidence of the need to find such a management structure.

The organizational structure of any company reflects the constant accumulation of "past labor", which is embodied in equipment, technology and other material forms. This process leads not only to an increase in "mass" but also to a complication of interconnections, increased dependence between different parts of the organizational structure, i.e. its "density". As a result, the implementation of each innovation causes an increasing range of secondary, derivative phenomena (e.g., the creation of new departments, the emergence of additional functions, training programs, etc.). The sheer volume of secondary innovations increases the actual labor intensity and may even exceed the usefulness of the original innovation. Moreover, some of them may be unacceptable. Hence, the growing complexity of strategic changes, increased risk and responsibility, which manifests itself in various forms of avoidance or even resistance to change.

Based on this, let us determine how the organizational management structure at a construction company should be changed:

1. the principle of forming units (teams) - focus on identifying and solving problems;

2. the nature of the interaction links - flexible, situational (specialists from one team can temporarily move to other teams, provided that the level of competence is appropriate);

3. quick response to changes in the environment (differences in the way buildings are reconstructed are quickly analyzed, a project is developed and teams are formed);

4. the object of orientation should be not only the internal environment (already mastered technological solutions), but also the external environment (market analysis, identification of new opportunities, development of new technologies for construction, reconstruction and repair of buildings);

5. functional responsibilities are not strictly defined by instructions, but are based on the definition of the purpose of work and its main directions;

6. centralization of management is weakened by delegation of authority;

7. the manager should be the initiator of changes.

Запропоновані зміни в організаційній структурі управління підприємства будівельної галузі, на нашу думку, щонайкраще сприятимуть реалізації цілей програми адаптації персоналу до освоєння нового виду будівельних робіт.


The problems of human resources management in the context of strategic changes are caused by the fact that both managers and ordinary employees need to make a lot of efforts to orient the organization's activities towards the implementation of the chosen strategy, i.e. to adapt to strategic changes. The alignment between the existing internal organizational processes and the chosen strategy is achieved by transforming the former. The necessity and scale of such transformations depend on the extent to which the organization is ready to implement the strategy effectively. If there is a match between the chosen strategy and the internal organizational processes, no changes are required. When there is no such match, the task arises to ensure that all the necessary resources and processes are ready to meet the requirements of the chosen strategy, which is the main idea of strategic change management.

In this case, the problems (areas of non-compliance) of the organization's development are clearly identified and a program of changes in the internal environment is developed, which is detailed by various functional areas, one of which is human resources management in general and management of personnel adaptation to strategic changes in particular. Thus, the main task of organizational change is to bring the organization to a qualitatively new, more efficient level, which is more responsive to the external environment than the initial level and contributes to the achievement of long-term goals. This can be achieved, first and foremost, through rational human resources management.

This task is very popular today, as it is necessary to manage changes in different conditions: during the restructuring of the organization's activities, implementation of projects or programs, quality systems, etc. For this purpose, appropriate organizational strategies are developed. However, even a well-developed strategy is not a guarantee of success, as its implementation often encounters difficulties due to unforeseen actions of the external environment or due to poor implementation of the strategy itself. There is a need to adapt all processes within the organization (including HR management) and bring them in line with the developed strategy.


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