Enterprise development strategy in the global environment

Development of tools for assessing the development of an enterprise in a global environment, choosing a strategy for its development. Analysis of methodological support for assessing business systems, the use of management tools during strategic planning.

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Дата добавления 20.07.2024
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Enterprise development strategy in the global environment

Natalia Parkhomenko, Iryna Otenko, Vasyl Otenko, Oleksandra Gron

Enterprises develop and interact with the global environment. Their activities are influenced by various factors, and timely identification of the degree of their influence allows forecasting business development and reasonably choosing development strategies. The puprose of the paper is to develop a toolkit for evaluating an enterprise in a global environment for choosing a development strategy. The ability of enterprises to simultaneously achieve advantages in the domestic and international markets characterizes the expediency of using process and system approaches, as well as the use of competitive advantages. The implementation of the elements of the structural and logical model of ensuring the stable development of enterprises involves the use of methods of comparative and structural analysis, expert assessments, taxonomic method and generalization. Achieving the desired state occurs due to changes in the state of the enterprise, the causes of which are the interaction of a set of conditions of the global environment. To predict changes in the state of enterprises, it is proposed to develop methodological support for evaluating the development of business systems and using management tools in the development and implementation of strategies. The interpretation of metastate indicators allows assessing trends in business systems and developing strategies, as well as priority areas for future development. As a result of the research, a toolkit for assessing enterprise development trends was formed, which will allow business systems to gain additional benefits in the global environment and form a development strategy. The methodology for assessing the development of enterprises can be used in any industry. The paper makes a contribution to the research of the methodology for assessing the development of enterprises that can be applied to other enterprises, not only to the Kharkiv area. In the event of a change in the influence of global environmental factors, the degree of influence should be specified. The work offers an opportunity to develop further research from the point of view of strategic management, the concept of six sigma, and production optimization.

Keywords: strategy, development assessment, enterprise, business system, metastate, global environment

Підприємства розвиваються та безперервно взаємодіють із глобальним середовищем. На діяльність будь-якого підприємства впливають різноманітні фактори глобального та локального середовища. Своєчасне визначення ступеня їхнього впливу дозволяє прогнозувати розвиток бізнесу та обірунтовано обирати стратегії розвитку. Метою дослідження є розробка інструментарію оцінки розвитку підприємства у глобальному середовищі та обґрунтування вибору стратегії його розвитку. Доцільність використання процесного та системного підходів, а також застосування методів оцінки конкурентних переваг дозволяє виявляти можливості підприємства одночасно досягати переваг на внутрішньому та зовнішньому ринках. Використання методів порівняльного та структурного аналізу, експертних оцінок, таксономічного методу та узагальнення сприяє дієвій реалізації елементів структурно-логічної моделі забезпечення стабільного розвитку підприємства в умовах глобального середовища. Досягнення бажаного стану відбувається за рахунок змін у стані підприємства, причинами яких є взаємодія сукупності умов глобального середовища. Для прогнозування змін стану підприємства пропонується розробити методичне забезпечення оцінки розвитку бізнес-систем та використання інструментів управління при розробці та реалізації стратегії. Інтерпретація індикаторів метастану дозволяє оцінити тенденції в бізнес-системах і розробляти стратегії майбутнього розвитку. У результаті дослідження сформовано інструментарій оцінки тенденцій розвитку підприємства, який дозволить бізнес- системам отримати додаткові переваги у глобальному середовищі та сформувати стратегію розвитку. Методика оцінки розвитку підприємств може бути використана в будь-якій галузі. У статті зроблено внесок у дослідження методики оцінки розвитку підприємств. Робота пропонує можливість розвитку подальших досліджень з точки зору стратегічного управління, концепції шести сигм та оптимізації виробництва.

Ключові слова: стратегія, оцінка розвитку, підприємство, бізнес-система, метастан, глобальне середовище


Nataliia Parkhomenko, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Kharkiv (Ukraine).

Iryna Otenko, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Kharkiv (Ukraine).

VasylOtenko, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University ofEconomics, Kharkiv (Ukraine).

Oleksandra Gron, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University ofEconomics, Kharkiv (Ukraine).

Keywords: strategy, development assessment, enterprise, business system, metastate, global environment

Enterprises develop and interact with the global environment. Their activities are influenced by various factors, and timely identification of the degree of their influence allows forecasting business development and reasonably choosing development strategies.

The work is based on the hypothesis that in the global environment, under the influence of internal and external factors, tools can be developed for enterprise assessment and business strategy formation.

The puprose of the paper is to develop a toolkit for evaluating an enterprise in a global environment for choosing a development strategy.

In the article, the authors conduct a study of the influence of factors of the global environment on the development of the enterprise, propose a model with the help of which it is expedient to forecast the metastate of the enterprise and put forward proposals for choosing an effective development strategy.

A structural and logical model for ensuring the stable development of business systems has been proposed. In the process of research, the authors developed a system of indicators that form an integral index that characterizes the effectiveness of the development of business systems. The basis of the integral indicator of the metastate of the development of business systems is a set of indicators for assessing the development and changes in the state of business systems in a dynamic global environment. The economic and mathematical model of estimating the metastate of business systems is considered as a reflection and formalization of the main, essential parameters of business systems development (production, technological and property, personnel, social, financial, material and supply, marketing, foreign trade. The integral metastate index of business systems systematically reflects the effectiveness of the Kharkiv machine-building business systems and allows determining strategies for their development.

The selected machine-building enterprises have been grouped by the following types of development strategies: a rapid growth strategy aimed at ensuring the development of enterprises, offensive positions; a strategy of moderate growth and stabilization, characterized by stable parameters of business systems development, adequacy of resources for development, aimed at saving resources and costs, market expansion and development, product upgrades, innovative development; a strategy of curtailment, reduction, which is characterized by negative development trends due to lower profits, reduced assets, reorientation of consumers to other products or markets.

As a result of the research, a methodological approach to the assessment of trends in the development of business systems has been developed, which will allow obtaining additional advantages in the global environment. Determination of benefits becomes a basic characteristic for monitoring information provision regarding the organization of enterprise activities in a global environment.

The paper makes a contribution to the research of the methodology for assessing the development of enterprises that can be applied to other enterprises, not only to the Kharkiv area. In the event of a change in the influence of global environmental factors, the degree of influence should be specified. The work offers an opportunity to develop further research from the point of view of strategic management, the concept of six sigma, and production optimization.


business enterprise management strategy

Given the current global changes, business systems are adapting and transforming their organizational structures, business professions and development strategies. In addition, the needs and purchase motives of customers are transformed, which affects the need to modify goods and services. To meet the demand, enterprises need additional financial resources and investments. Taking into account the relevant changes and transformations, the enterprise must ensure future sustainable development. Such development can be ensured due to the implementation of the principles of flexibility of the business system to current changes, dynamism in taking into account the latest trends in economic development, adaptability to the surrounding international business environment, predictability of development due to timely forecasting of changes, the ability to develop in conditions of shortage of certain resources and to adopt effective management decision.

The international business environment of the enterprise should be evaluated based on the analysis of global and local components, which take into account both general trends and local features. Thus, global components tend towards business standardization, economies of scale, fierce competition, orientation towards consumer behavior and expectations, while local components tend to focus on local preferences and characteristics such as regulatory, cultural and social customs, distribution network and consumption etc.

Coordinating and ensuring the stable development of an enterprise or business system in the global environment is achieved by implementing the following measures: the implementation of standardized business processes, encouraging the transfer of innovations and the exchange of best practices, exchange of information, and introduction of common values and culture into this market. Therefore, taking into account competitive advantages, business systems in the global environment need to quickly and flexibly accept changes, focus on local markets and use innovative potential.

The existing management process should be adapted to the characteristics of business entities, which allows to consistently identify, analyze and use the capabilities of business systems in relevant markets. The process of realizing the capabilities of business systems in the global environment is a set of procedures for its favorable activity. The effectiveness of the enterprise development or business system due to a change in its state (metastate) involves the complexity of the assessment, taking into account the dynamics of changes, visibility of results, ensuring multicriteria, analytical calculations and adjusting activities to study the state and development trends of the global environment.

Literature review

The work is based on the hypothesis that in the global environment, under the influence of internal and external factors, tools can be developed for enterprise assessment and business strategy formation.

In the global environment, under the influence of internal parameters and external factors there is a change in the state and achievement the metastate of manageable business systems [1]. The metastate of business systems should be understood as a state that is characterized by dynamic equilibrium, despite the changes. That is, we will consider the desired state as a metastate. This state is a specific future effective state of the business system. Based on the definition of the global environment [10] and the principles of business systems development, the following conceptual provisions for managing the development of business systems are established. The development of business systems is purposeful, i.e. the purpose of business systems development is to achieve a specific desired state of certain parameters ofthe enterprise through a consistent set of metastates. In the process of achieving metastates, adaptability, stability, mobility, manoeuvrability, efficiency of business processes of business systems development, including production, technological, innovative, marketing, financial and other business processes, must be ensured [8]. Achieving a metastate is a predictable, purposeful, managed and systematic process of transforming the components of business systems in accordance with the defined development goals; therefore, the conceptual provisions of the metastate achievement in business systems development include the inclusion of resource-balanced and time-coordinated parameters. The conceptual provisions are aimed at improving the quality of business process management, increasing competitiveness, efficiency, predictability of business systems development in a global environment [9].

Purpose of the paper is to develop a toolkit for evaluating an enterprise in a global environment for choosing a development strategy.

Methodology and empirical data.

The structural and logical model of ensuring the stable development of business systems is shown in Figure 1.

Based on the assessment of the capabilities of business systems and their potential, the purpose of the activity is formed, which involves monitoring the market situation. The next stage, which is based on the information obtained as a result of monitoring, the market situation and the potential of business systems, is the adoption of management decisions regarding the form of entering the market and the development of an appropriate development strategy.

Fig. 1. Structural and logical model of stable development of business systems Source: developed by the authors

A strategy for the development of business systems in a global environment can be developed for a particular market or market segment, and for a particular product for an appropriate period of time, taking into account the market situation and the potential of business systems [13].

Large business systems form an integrated plan that takes into account all markets and all products of business systems, which can differ significantly for each component. The development strategy in a global environment requires the study of all possible alternatives and their justification in order to make effective management decisions.

The formation, selection and approbation of a strategy for the development of an enterprise or business system in a global environment involves the determination ofthe components that ensure the implementation of each stage, and the tools that will be used in the study of each stage. As for the calculation of the integral indicator of the metastate of the development of business systems, the basis of the calculation of the integral indicator is a set of indicators for assessing the development and change of the state of business systems in a dynamic global environment [7].

The metastate of business systems is a complex characteristic of development. Thus, the result of the assessment covers a set of indicators that affect changes in the state of business systems and serve as a basis for strategic management. Indicators of achievement of metastates reflect changes in the development of business systems, and based on their results, it is advisable to make adjustments. In this regard, based on the identification of the most important indicators that affect the change in the development of business systems, integral assessments are formed.

The method of calculating the integrated assessment of the metastate consists in selecting a system of parameters of the integrated assessment and determining the level of their orientation (stimulators and disincentives for development). When using the evaluation, it is important to determine the minimum and maximum value of each of the selected indicators. The method of assessing the level allows using negative indicators, as well as assigning the business system to the appropriate category according to the level of development of the studied business system, on a certain scale.

To solve the problem of determining the metastate of the development of business systems through an integral indicator, an economic-mathematical model for assessing the metastate of business systems was formed. It is considered as a reflection and formalization of the main, essential parameters of the development of business systems (production-technological and property [2]; personnel, social, financial, logistics, marketing, foreign trade, etc.). be depicted as follows:

where: 4t eg (t) integrated indicator of the state of business systems in a certain period of time, {Yn} generalizing indicators of production, technological and property; personnel, social, financial, material- supplying, marketing, foreign trade status in the period (t).

The metastate estimation algorithm can be represented as a sequence of such steps as:

1) Formation of a vector of initial factors of parameters [3] that is necessary and sufficient for a complete, comprehensive assessment of the state of business systems:

where: Р vector of initial factors, parameters that characterize the state of business systems, і parameter index (i=1,...,n);

2) Construction of the vector of individual parameters, which are functions of the initial factors that allow quantifying the set of estimated parameters:

where:F(,) the function of the

corresponding parameter, which determines the degree of its impact;

3) Conducting a comprehensive assessment of each parameter that reflects the state of business systems is determined by the formula:

where: Yi comprehensive assessment of each of the parameters of the state of business systems; P evaluation by indicator і, Wi specific weight of the i-th indicator, the weighting factor that determines the relative importance of the parameters determined by experts. In addition, restrictions were adopted on the weighting factor: Wi>0 and EWi=1;

4) Integrated assessment of the metastate of business systems is performed according to the formula:

The integral indicator of the metastate of the development of business systems is calculated as the geometric mean of the values included in its individual indicators. The advantage of this definition is the simplicity of calculations and avoiding the possibility of overloading one component over another of the overall indicator, which cannot be achieved using the arithmetic mean. The disadvantage of the formula is the impossibility of its use in the case when one of the individual state indicators is zero, since in this case the integral coefficient will also have a zero value.

A comprehensive assessment of business system development parameters and their quantitative indicators consists not only in assessing the level of each component, but also in determining the impact of each element on the development of an enterprise or business system. The state of business systems in the global environment is characterized not by a certain advantage, but by their combination. The integral assessment methodology includes indicators that have a special effect in dynamics. At

the same time, in such an assessment, it is appropriate to use coefficients and relative indicators, as they assess the impact and carry additional information. Determination of the impact of each element on the development of the enterprise or business systems based on expert assessments, as well as the impact of global environmental factors is carried out using adjustment factors, taking into account actual changes in the markets.

For the quantitative assessment of the metastate, it is proposed to use the aggregation of individual indicators into a single consolidated indicator, which synthesizes information about the values of individual parameters, as well as provides information about the importance of these parameters [6;11]. When assessing the importance of parameters, expert assessments are used, and point assessments are used to determine the numerical values of the parameters. If the value of the integral metastate index is equal to 1, based on the economic content of the calculation, it means the equilibrium influence of positive and negative factors that determine the level of the integral metastate index. The given method assessing the metastate of business systems is based on a system model of parameters, matrix analysis and expert estimation by experts that gives the chance to carry out the comparative analysis in dynamics on separate business systems.

It is advisable to interpret the integral metastatic indicator of the development of business systems according to the Harrington scale, which provides for five levels of assessment in the general range of the scale from 0 to 1. The Harrington scale is a universal quantitative measure of the

metastatic parameters of the development of business systems, it is divided into five sections, which characterize different levels of desirability, and the value of 0.37 is the critical point of transition from unsatisfactory to satisfactory.

The linguistic and quantitative characteristics of the Harrington scale for the interpretation of the integral indicator of the metastate of the development of business systems are given in Table 1. We will assume that the proposed boundaries of zones of change of a condition are quite stable. Thus, it is important to constantly monitor the integrated indicator, which allows us to draw conclusions about the trajectory of business systems and the improvement or, conversely, deterioration.

Assessing the metastate of the development of business systems in a global environment allows for timely decisionmaking regrading tactics and strategies for prospective development of business systems [5]. Evaluating the metastate of the development of business systems in a global environment can lead to timely decisionmaking regarding tactics and strategies for the future development of business systems [5]. Taking into account all indicators of activity, as well as important factors of global external influence, forms the advantages of a possible diagnosis of business systems in international markets and the development of its strategy, taking into account the capacity of the market and directions of its development, barriers to the market, peculiarities of competition.

Indicators were defined as factors of the global environment for the study of Ukrainian business systems, including: Variable 1 - nominal GDP growth rates in UAH equivalent, %; Variable 2 - nominal GDP growth rate in U.S. dollar equivalent, %; Variable 3 - inflation rates, %; Variable 4 - turnover of external debt, %; Variable 5 - real wage index, %; Variable 6 - unemployment rate, %; Variable 7 - coefficient of coverage of exports by imports, Variable 8 - index of industrial products, %; Variable 9 - direct investment in the economy of Ukraine, in million U.S. dollar; Variable 10 - balance of investment activity in Ukraine, %; Variable 11 - exchange rate of UAH against U.S. dollar (average for period); Variable 12 - exchange rate of UAH against Euro (average for period); Variable 13 - UAH devaluation index; Variable 14 - average world price of BRENT oil, in U.S. dollar per barrel; Variable 15 - producer price index; Variable 16 - specific weight of completed scientific and scientific and technical works in GDP, %; Variable 17 - specific weight of enterprises engaged in innovation, %; Variable 18 - specific weight of unprofitable enterprises of Ukraine, %; Variable 19 - return on assets of Ukrainian banks, %; Variable 20 - return on equity of Ukrainian banks, %; Variable 21 - change in quotations according to the Dow Jones index 30, %; Variable 22 - change in quotations according to the S&P 500 index, %; Variable 23 - change in quotations according to the FTSE 100 index, %.

Empirical results.

We will test the evaluation of business systems development trends on the basis of machine-building enterprises of the Kharkiv region of Ukraine as PJSC “Electric Machine”, PJSC “Pivdenkabel”, PJSC “Turboatom”, PJSC “HARP”, PJS “Turbogaz”, and PJS “Kupyansk MachineBuilding Plant”.

First of all, let's define the list of parameters of the state of business systems. Thus, the group of production parameters includes capital efficiency, capital intensity of production, profitability of production, capital adequacy of labor, labor intensity of products; technological and property parameters include return on assets, turnover ratio of current assets, turnover of equity, return on equity; personnel parameters are revenue per employee, labor productivity;

social parameters are the share of wage costs in the cost structure, profitability of labor costs, wages [12]; financial parameters are revenue, financial autonomy ratios, receivables turnover ratio, total liquidity ratio, current liquidity ratio, absolute liquidity ratio, financial dependency ratio, financial risk ratio; material and supply parameters are the percentage of material costs, inventory turnover; marketing parameters are product rating in terms of its functionality, quality, price characteristics, after-sales service, the share of marketing costs in cost structures, the number of promotions on the site; foreign trade parameter is the share of exports.

Table 2 presents the constituent parameters of the formation of the integral indicator of metastate by the chosen machinebuilding enterprises in 2021.

Table 1 Interpretation of the integral metastate index of business systems

The value of the integrated metastate index

Interpretation of the integrated metastate index

0,8 < Y < 1

The zone is absolutely stable

0,63 < Y < 0,8

Normal state zone

0,37 < Y < 0,63

The zone of unstable state

0,2 < Y < 0,37

The zone of crisis

Y < 0,2

Zone of extreme crisis (catastrophic) state

In order to bring a variety of indicators that characterize different quality status and are multidimensional into a single scale, their normalization (standardization) was carried out. The absolute indicators of the state of business systems were normalized. These indicators characterize the level of deviation from optimal values. At the same time, the level of influence of the parameter is taken into account, both as a stimulator indicator and as a stimulator. Thanks to the normalization of indicators, the parameter values fell into the range [0; 1].

We also consolidated the estimated parameters, which was a determination of the weight of the significance of the parameters. The establishment of weight coefficients was carried out by expert specialists of machinebuilding enterprises of the Kharkiv region within each group of parameters using a score, taking into account the importance and impact of the indicator. It was proposed to select points on a numerical rating scale. First of all, intermediate integral indicators are determined for each of the groups, and then a general integral parameter is formed. Based on the obtained integral indicators, the integral index of the metastan of business systems was determined, systematically reflecting the effectiveness of business systems in the machine-building industry of Kharkov and allowing one to determine strategies for their development.


Based on the results obtained, we will formulate development strategies for the business systems under study. Development strategies for machinebuilding enterprises in the Kharkov region (Ukraine) are determined on the basis of reporting information on productivity, calculation of the integral metastate index, and their corporate sites, taking into account the global environment, presented in Table 3.

Table 2 Component parameters of the integral metastate index of machine-building enterprises of Kharkiv region (Ukraine) in 2021


PJSC Electric Machine

PJSC Pivdenkabel

PJSC Turboatom



N C3

<a bo bD о

о rp

x> U Mb,3 i--i 3 H

Рч H »

PJS Kupyansk Machine Building Plant

Integral production parameter







Capital productivity ratio







Capital intensity of production







Capital labor ratio







Profitability of production, %







Labor intensity of products







Integral technological and property parameter







Return on assets, %







Turnover ratio of current assets







Capital turnover







Return on capital, %







Integral personnel parameter







Revenue per employee, thousand UAH














Integral social parameter







Profitability of labor costs







Salary of products







Share of wage costs in the cost structure, %







Integral financial parameter







Revenue, thousand UAH







Coefficients of financial autonomy







Receivables turnover ratio







Current ratio







Absolute liquidity ratio







Financial dependence ratio







Financial risk ratio







Integral material and supply parameter







Share of material costs in the sum of costs, %







Turnover of stocks, in turnover







Integral marketing parameter







Rating of product evaluation, score







Share of marketing costs in cost structures, %







Number of promotions on the site, pcs







Integral foreign trade parameter







Export share, %







General integral indicator







Source: calculations by the authors

Table 3 Development strategies of the machine-building business systems of the Kharkiv region and directions for their implementation

Mechanical engineering business systems



Areas of implementation of the development strategy

Public Joint Stock Company Electric Machine»

Strategy for

sustainable development through moderate internal and external growth

1) energy saving,

2) working capital management,

3) creation of a scientific and technical center in order to concentrate efforts on the development of new products,

4) search for new markets and types of products, design, manufacture and testing of prototypes, as well as support in the development of serial production.

5) development of human resources,

6) maintaining positions in the international market of electrical products

Public Joint

Stock Company «Pivdenkabel»

Growth strategy aimed at ensuring rapid development through constant product renewal and expanding the geography of supply

1) commissioning of the latest cable products,

2) obtaining quality certificates from KEMA high- voltage laboratory (Netherlands), VDE and innogy

SE Eurotest institutes (Germany), IEn energy research institute (Poland), VNDIKP (Russia),

3) expanding the geography of supplies Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Armenia, Georgia, Denmark,

Estonia, Israel, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Netherlands, Germany, Norway, Poland, Russia, Romania,

Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine,

Finland, France, Sweden

4) compliance with product quality standards,

5) staff development

Mechanical engineering business systems



Areas of implementation of the development strategy

Public Joint

Stock Company «Turboatom»

The strategy

of sustainable development (neutral) due to monopoly positions in the market, as well as moderate growth through the expansion of markets, innovation, improving the quality of products of active participation in product promotion

1) leadership positions in the Ukrainian market and the world market,

2) improving activities in the field of quality management,

3) staff development through training, promotion and career growth,

4) cooperation with turbine-building companies «Siemens» (Germany), «Alstom» (France); companies of supply of energy equipment,

5) technical update,

6) the ability to produce a wide range of non-core products

Public Joint

Stock Company «HARP»

The strategy of

rapid growth by ensuring sustainable development through product renewal, expanding markets

1) updating the product range,

2) increasing its presence in the European market, gradually increasing sales and expanding the geography of supply,

3) focus on the production of products to order for individual customer projects,

4) providing full-service support for bearing products,

5) use of high-quality materials from proven suppliers, as well as the use of improved lubricants, strong multiedge seals and high-tech engineering.

Private Joint- Stock Company «Turbogaz»

Strategy of moderate

growth in domestic and foreign markets in the production of equipment for the oil and gas industry

1) ensuring high quality, reliability and timely fulfillment of contractual obligations,

2) product upgrades and product range expansion,

3) expansion of markets,

4) mutually beneficial cooperation with all participants in the oil and gas market

Private Joint- Stock Company «Kupyansk Machine-Building Plant»

Curtailment strategy aimed at reducing and terminating activities

1) Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company decided to voluntarily terminate the Company by liquidating it due to the inexpediency of its continued existence.

The studied machine-building enterprises of the Kharkiv region can be grouped according to the following types of development strategies:

- a strategy of rapid growth aimed at ensuring the development of enterprises, offensive positions. Enterprises of the machine-building industry that implement the following development strategy: PJSC “Kharkiv Bearing Plant”, PJSC “Pivdenkabel”;

- a strategy of moderate growth and stabilization, characterized by stable parameters of business systems development, adequacy of resources for development, aimed at saving resources and costs, market expansion and development, product upgrades, innovative development. The enterprises implementing this strategy are PJSC Turboatom, PJSC Electric Machine, PJSC Pivdenkabel, PJSC Turbogaz;

- a strategy of curtailment, reduction, which is characterized by negative development trends due to lower profits, reduced assets, reorientation of consumers to other products or markets. The company implementing this strategy is the Kupyansk Machine-Building Plant Private Joint- Stock Company, which is in the process of liquidation.


Taking into account the unstable and unpredictable conditions of today, the assessment of the global conditions of business development and their impact on the final result is a priority area of applied research. Timely consideration of the impact on business development of the specified factors and relevant trends will allow maximizing income and minimizing the risks of partner international economic relations.

Modern conditions of integration and disintegration require timely diagnosis and assessment of the trajectory of development of business systems. The business entity must assess its position in detail and urgently take advantage of the available preference. The consequences of a timely assessment allow the management of business systems not only to develop and implement a strategy, but also to adjust it in a timely manner in connection with changing conditions ofthe global environment. The integral indicator of the development of the enterprise in the international business environment is the basis for the formation ofthe vector ofsustainable development. The availability of calculations of the integral indicator of advantages allows for tactical management, development and implementation of development strategies, building the potential of business systems.

As a result of the research, a methodological approach to the assessment of trends in the development of business systems has been developed, which will allow obtaining additional advantages in the global environment. Minor advantages, such as low-cost labor or materials, may simply be captured by competitors. Such significant advantages as technology patents, uniqueness of goods or services, image due to an active marketing policy or communication strategy in relation to customers are associated with detailed calculations and additional resources. Determination of benefits becomes a basic characteristic for monitoring information provision regarding the organization of enterprise activities in a global environment.

Competition in international markets forces business systems to quickly adapt to the relevant conditions, monitor, analyze and evaluate the components of the global environment, determine development trends, therefore the development and implementation of a strategy is always relevant. Most enterprises choose a strategy spontaneously, taking into account current events and processes, without using the tools of strategic management and analysis. For this, it is sometimes necessary to change the direction and means of achieving goals. As a result of unfounded steps, business systems become unprofitable, unable to achieve planned results, improve dynamic performance. The lack of a sound development strategy in the global environment can lead to bankruptcy, loss of competitive positions, and losses.

The formation of the overall strategy for the development of the enterprise is the basis for choosing an organizational strategy in the business system, which covers various processes that take place in the business system in the process of entering new markets, growth or expansion, mergers and acquisitions, restructuring, reorganization, modernization, opening ofdepartments, branches, development of integration, associations, etc.

The paper provides a contribution to the research of the methodology for assessing the development of enterprises that can be applied to other enterprises, not only to the Kharkiv area. The work offers the possibility to develop further research from the point of view of strategic management, the concept of six sigma, machine industry and production optimization.


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