Assessment of the state of personnel safety of agricultural enterprises with the help of relevant performance indicators

Assessment of the success of functioning of agro-industrial enterprises in Ukraine. Creating a system of employees security indicators. Analysis of the influence of external and internal environmental factors on the personnel of agricultural facilities.

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Дата добавления 20.07.2024
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Mykolaiv National Agrarian University

Assessment of the state of personnel safety of agricultural enterprises with the help of relevant performance indicators

Kurepin Viacheslav, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

of the Department of Vocational Training Methodology

Lymar Oleksandr, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,

Associate Professor of the Department of Tractors and

Agricultural Machinery, Operation and Technical Service

Mykolaiv, Ukraine


Introduction. The conditions of the financial economy of the financial and economic activity of agricultural enterprises assume the influence of a number of requirements, which in the conditions of the instability of the martial law often change both in the form of their implementation and according to the scale of the damage caused. agricultural personnel employees security

Countless factors of the external and internal environment can negatively affect the stability of the functioning of the business entity. Taking into account the current unstable conditions of the economy, in our opinion, the imperfection of the legislation, which regulates the balance in the sphere of business activity and causes the implementation of many inconsistencies, in particular, the actions of employees, comes to the fore.

Purpose. The successful functioning of agro-industrial enterprises depends on the actions of employees, which, unfortunately, in one way or another are connected with certain types of violations. Therefore, taking into account their danger, it is necessary to timely detect, warn of threats and analyze the state of the consequences of personnel safety.

Results. The state of personnel security of any enterprise is an important component of its economic activity. Assessing the level and state of personnel security means determining a unified approach to the creation of a complex system of indicators of personnel security of enterprises, determining the structure of its indicators. Unfortunately, due to various circumstances, such an important moment of business activity as a systematized representation of the structure of personnel security and unity in the selection of indicators for its assessment remains outside the attention not only of researchers, but also of most employers. There is also a reluctance and ignoring of the need to study the impact of personnel risks and threats on the part of the responsible persons of the enterprises. In order to solve such a problem, it is necessary to develop a well-formed and effective model of ensuring the safety of personnel at the facilities of agro-industrial production.

Conclusions. To ensure personnel safety of agricultural enterprises it is necessary to develop a set of indicators and their components (production safety, professional, social-motivational and anti-conflict safety). Implementation of indicators and their validity based on the research of scientists. We consider it necessary to define both quantitative and qualitative indicators of personnel security of enterprises and to determine their thresholds for the agricultural sector.

Keywords: stable activity; personnel; threats and risks; personnel security management; agricultural enterprises.


Оцінка стану кадрової безпеки аграрних підприємств за допомогою відповідних індикаторів діяльності

Курепін В. М., кандидат економічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри методики професійного навчання, Миколаївський національний аграрний університет, м. Миколаїв, Україна

Лимар О. О., кандидат фізико-математичних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри тракторів та сільськогосподарських машин, експлуатації і технічного сервісу Миколаївського національного аграрного університету, м. Миколаїв, Україна

Вступ. Умови фінансової економії фінансово-господарської діяльності сільськогосподарських підприємств припускають вплив ряду вимог, які в умовах нестабільності воєнного стану часто змінюються як за формою їх виконання, так і за масштабами завданої шкоди.

Незліченні фактори зовнішнього і внутрішнього середовища можуть негативно позначитися на стабільності функціонування господарюючого суб'єкта. Враховуючи нинішні нестабільні умови економіки, на наш погляд, на перший план виходить недосконалість законодавства, що регулює баланс у сфері підприємницької діяльності і обумовлює реалізацію багатьох нестиковок, зокрема, в діях співробітників.

Мета. Успішне функціонування агропромислових підприємств залежить від дій співробітників, які, на жаль, так чи інакше пов'язані з певними видами порушень. Тому, враховуючи їх небезпеку, необхідно своєчасно виявляти, попереджати про загрози та аналізувати стан наслідків для безпеки персоналу.

Результат. Стан кадрової безпеки будь-якого підприємства є важливою складовою його господарської діяльності. Оцінка рівня і стану кадрової безпеки означає визначення єдиного підходу до створення комплексної системи показників кадрової безпеки підприємств, визначення структури її показників. На жаль, в силу різних обставин такий важливий момент підприємницької діяльності, як систематизоване уявлення структури кадрової безпеки і єдність у виборі показників для її оцінки, залишається за межами уваги не тільки дослідників, а й більшості роботодавців. Також спостерігається небажання та ігнорування необхідності вивчення впливу кадрових ризиків та загроз з боку відповідальних осіб підприємств. Для того щоб вирішити таку проблему, необхідно розробити грамотно сформовану і ефективну модель забезпечення безпеки персоналу на об'єктах агропромислового виробництва.

Висновок. Для забезпечення безпеки персоналу сільськогосподарських підприємств необхідно розробити набір показників та їх складових (виробнича безпека, професійна, соціально-мотиваційна та антиконфліктна безпека). Впровадження показників і їх обґрунтованість засновані на дослідженнях вчених. Ми вважаємо за необхідне визначити як кількісні, так і якісні показники кадрової безпеки підприємств та визначити їх порогові значення для аграрного сектору.

Умови ринкової економіки фінансово-господарської діяльності аграрних підприємств припускають вплив цілого ряду загроз, які в умовах нестабільності воєнного стану змінюються як по формі їх реалізації, так і по масштабу завданої мети. На стабільність функціонування господарюючого суб'єкта здатні негативно впливати безліч факторів зовнішнього і внутрішнього середовища. Відносно умов нестабільності економіки у теперішній час, на нашу думку, на перший план виходить недосконалість законодавства, яке регулює відносини в сфері підприємницької діяльності та обумовлює існування багатьох невідповідностей, зокрема дій працівників.

Ключові слова: стабільна діяльність; персонал; загрози та ризики; управління кадровою безпекою; аграрні підприємства.


Formulation of the problem. The development of the national economy, especially in the conditions of martial law, the formation of the export potential of the state and the provision of food security of Ukraine is impossible without the stable activity of agricultural enterprises. In the circumstances of uncertainty and the necessity to solve the problems of food security of the country during the martial law, to increase the volume of production and sales of products, it is necessary to activate the innovation and investment activity of the agrarian production sphere.

The implementation of promising programs for the recovery and development of agricultural enterprises, especially those that felt the impact of the russian military aggression, requires a significant renewal of the capital involved in the functioning of agricultural enterprises and an increase in the level of economic efficiency of their activities.

This is possible only if the appropriate level of economic security is maintained. There is a need for a comprehensive approach to economic relations and their management.

Both the external and internal environment influence the safe state of business activity. Despite the existence of numerous methods, procedures, techniques, means and tools for implementing rational economic behavior and maintaining a safe state of enterprise activity from the dangers of the external environment, we believe that a significant number of threats and risks are still located in the internal environment of enterprises. This source is the personnel.

Threats and risks may arise from the uncertainty and complexity of domestic labor legislation, disparities in the distribution of income between employers and hired personnel, an imperfect system of work motivation and incentives for personnel. Low level of integrity of personnel is a special factor of threats to business activity. Existing risks and threats actualize the need to build effective mechanisms of personnel safety management of agricultural enterprises.

Analysis of recent research and publications. The level and condition of the personnel potential of agricultural enterprises and the conditions for the use of labor resources are given considerable attention, in particular, by domestic and traditional theoreticians and practitioners: O.M. Vishnevska, H.S. Zhydetska, N.V. Hryshchenko, L.D. Garmider, O.Yu. Ermakova, O.I. Kotykova, N.V. Lagodienko, G.I. Nazapova, N.M. Sirenko, A.S. Poltorak, L.S. Kharchevnikova, V.V. Yurchyshyn. Economists understand the importance of problematic issues in the management of personnel safety in agricultural enterprises.

They study these issues scientifically and in detail. Despite the significant contribution of scientists to the development of theoretical, methodological and applied foundations of these problems, we note that the definition of a unified approach to the use of a complex system of indicators and indicators of personnel safety of enterprises remains beyond the attention of researchers.

This state of the problem can be explained by the reluctance and ignorance of the majority of employers to study personnel risks and threats, some of them have no idea about the structure of personnel safety, evaluation of its indicators. In most enterprises of agricultural profile there is no systematized idea of unity in selection of such indicators.

Therefore, it is necessary to generalize the existing scientific and theoretical approaches to aspects of analysis and evaluation of the state of personnel safety in agricultural enterprises.

Formulation of research goals. In order to solve this problem it is necessary to formulate an effective model of ensuring personnel safety in all agro-industrial enterprises. It is necessary to develop a methodical approach to determination of proper training and ensuring of personnel safety in enterprises. The composition of safety must provide for the diagnosis of full personnel safety by components: professional, social, motivational, anti-conflict safety. Therefore, it is important to study the analytical and practical basis for increasing the level of personnel security, taking into account the long-term prospects for the development of agro-industrial enterprises.

The purpose of the article is to study and investigate the integral indicators of the full formation and provision of personnel policy; the presence of different time assessments of the level of personnel security, both of the enterprise and the enterprises of the same branch; logical generalization and systematization - to create a system of indicators used by the structure of personnel security of the enterprise; expert evaluations - to determine the range of indicators that correspond to the full formation and provision of personnel security.

The proposed approach and its application make it possible to determine the level of personnel safety formation and provision at enterprises of the agricultural profile, to make appropriate recommendations on improvement of personnel safety.

Outline of the main research material

Considering the foreign and domestic methods of ensuring the economic security of enterprises, it should be noted that in accordance with the Methodical recommendations for calculation of the full economic security of Ukraine, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Ukraine dated 29.10.2013 p. 1 1277, at the macro level the methods of assessing the level of social security, which is a component of personnel security, are simplified and formalized. In practice, the issue of personnel security assessment was not covered in any normative documents and current instructions for the entire activity of the enterprise.

The conducted analysis and generalization of scientific literature testify to various approaches to the evaluation of the components of personnel security in the activity of enterprises. Such scientists as Vishnevska O.M., Poltorak A.S., Khoma I.V. evaluate the level of personnel security as a component of economic security of the enterprise. In our opinion, such an assessment includes only certain indicators of estimation of the potential of the team, therefore this approach is not able to provide a qualitative analysis of the state of security of the team. In such conditions it is very difficult to determine the current level of personnel safety in the company [1, Р. 519].

It is worth noting that the assessment of the state of personnel security of the enterprise on the basis of the current analysis of its personnel indicators from the economic point of view is quite narrow. From the point of view of practical application of this approach, threats affecting the stability of the functioning of the enterprise as a whole (personnel security of the enterprise) should be taken into account.

Academic scientists, in particular Hryshchenko, L.D., determine the level of personnel safety on the basis of the current assessment of the general state of personnel management and functioning of enterprises. The essence of this approach is that attention is focused on more than one parameter, the study of indicators of income, expenses and financial results of the company's activity, others are also taken into account, for example, personnel evaluation with the use of modern tools and adjustment of optimal personnel management.

The use of tests, as a way of diagnosing the most distinctive qualities and personality traits: applicants for a specific position, working personnel [2, Р. 520], every year bring benefits to a sufficient number of companies. Today, there are the following tools for the assessment of personnel security (the most famous and up-to-date):

- Assessment of customer loyalty and goodwill of the candidate for the position (company tests Midot);

- Determination of individual characteristics of an employee to perform a particular job (computer test program Extended DISC® System);

- Failure of the deception detector (polygraph).

Some companies use the Profiles International test tools for personnel evaluation:

- SOS - initial skills of the candidate;

- PMF - management qualities of both applicants for positions and already working personnel of the company;

- EBC - translation of the employer's information publications;

- PXT - assessment of qualitative indicators of compliance with the law;

- WES - verification of corporate cooperation;

- PPI - assessment of physiological performance indicators (ability to work);

- CSP - assessment of work with clients and potential partners;

- PLP - Loyalty assessment;

- JSA - verification of professional qualities;

- PSA - assessment of sales effectiveness.

Most scientists-practitioners in the quantitative assessment of the level of personnel safety use an integral approach, the basis of which is the calculation of a set of coefficients and the determination of their limit values, such as weights. The set of such coefficients is divided into four classification groups: indicators of the number of employees, the characteristics of the motivational system, the quality of employees and the effectiveness of employee evaluation. It is necessary to determine the level of personnel safety of the enterprise.

According to L.S. Kharchevnikova, the integral approach is comprehensive, but we can not consider it as complete. The scientist will propose a methodical approach based on the derivation of a general indicator in which there are six groups of indicators, namely: the characteristics of the system payment system; evaluation of the educational and intellectual level of employees; determination of social security of personnel and safe working conditions [3, p. 50]; criteria of customer stability and loyalty; indicator of effective use of personnel. Indicators of the methodical approach with their indicators allow to obtain a comprehensive quantitative and qualitative determination of full safety.

The assessment of personnel safety on the basis of a group of indicators belongs to the methodical approach, but it can also be considered as indicative, because its basicity is based on the determination of the highest level of personnel safety of enterprises by reaching their thresholds on the basis of indicators. Such an approach, as well as the formation of the concept of assessment of personnel security of the enterprise, is traced in the works of O.M. Vishnevska, H.S. Zhydetska.

From a practical point of view, the approach to personnel safety assessment proposed by the scientist- practitioner Poltorak A.S. is scientifically valid. Special attention should be paid to the step-by-step approach. First of all, the indicators are formed in which the principles of completeness, non-redundancy, information accuracy, measurement and normalization are present. Then the optimal, threshold and critical values of the indicators are determined, the weight coefficients are determined, the integral index is calculated.

According to the scientist, this approach makes it possible to eliminate the main shortcomings of the existing methods of personnel safety assessment, namely [4, p. 134]: weak connection with the company's development strategy; static criteria of personnel safety assessment; attention paid to the imbalance of several indicators.

Analyzing the scientific works of Ermakova O.Yu., Kotykova O.I., Sirenko N.M., it is possible to state that scientists, when measuring the state of personnel security of the enterprise within the framework of the integral approach, propose to use a set of partial indicators of personnel security as the basic parameters of the integral assessment of the state of personnel security of the enterprise. However, scientists Kharchevnikova L.S.,

Zhydetska K.S., Vishnevska O.M. for the assessment of personnel security, companies use the indicative approach, considering it the most acceptable. In their opinion, the indicator approach allows to compare the actual values with the limit values (normative, standard). This supports the procedure of drawing conclusions about the existing level of personnel safety in the enterprise and is an advantage over other approaches to measuring personnel safety [5, Р. 17].

This opinion is shared by other researchers who in their works propose in the economic security system of enterprises an assessment of the current level of personnel safety in the enterprise for the direct determination of the level of personnel safety with the calculation of its indicators and indicators management of personnel at the following stages: recruitment and adaptation, development and control, motivation and formation of loyalty.

In the scientific works of Nazapov G.I. expresses an opinion on the advisability of developing an index approach, which allows inter-industry and inter-regional comparisons and tracking dynamics. This approach is based on the measurement of the state of personnel safety on the daily calculation of the integral index, which facilitates the assessment of the final result.

Taking into account the importance of management activities in the department of personnel management and the presence of a critical analysis of existing approaches to the study of personnel security, it allows us to present a complete determine the views of scientists regarding indicators o rates of personnel security of the enterprise.

According to N.V. Lagodienko, the main directions of the analysis of the level of personnel security of the enterprise are: studying the dynamics of factors influencing the volume of production and sale of products; assessment of the effectiveness of the use of financial and production resources on the basis of the dynamics of the indicators of the enterprise's output [6, p. 82]; assessment of the performance of the business entity; assessment of the dynamics of formation of indicators of financial results of activity (income, expenses); study of the interdependence of social protection parameters and results of activity, their interrelation. In turn, in the works of some scientists the assessment of the level of personnel security of enterprises is determined and monitored in the dynamics of the following indicators: the average number of full-time employees; the turnover rate for dismissal, hiring and average compensation of full-time employees; the effectiveness of the use of overtime and productivity of the personnel of the enterprise. It should be noted that the list of indicators is incomplete, and the analysis of the presented indicators is narrow and imperfect for identifying all internal threats to human safety.

It should be noted that there are scientists who use the following indicators as the main indicators of personnel security of the company The number of personnel (related to the ratio of the degree of complexity of the performed work to the total turnover of personnel and the adequacy of their qualifications (turnover and staffing)); determination of the motivational system (coefficients of the ratio of the average salary to the average industry level, salary providers, the level of profitability of paying employees); the quality of employees (coefficients of the average length of service, the share of employees with higher education and the most productive age) [7, p. 105]; efficiency of personnel production (coefficients of the ratio of employee productivity to the average level of the industry, estimates of the level of automation and mechanization of work processes in the enterprise, loss of overtime due to violations of work discipline and due to employee illness). Garmider L.D. and some other researchers-practitioners use in their research indicators of personnel safety of enterprises according to its components:

- professional safety - coefficients determining the level of education of employees, qualification of personnel [8, Р. 1079]; intellectual level and inventiveness; fault-free personnel; the share of employees who received training during the period and employees who increased their qualifications during the period; availability of information resources; information security;

- social and motivational safety - coefficients determining personnel turnover, personnel indicators; age structure of personnel; specialization of personnel; ratio of the average monthly maintenance fee at the enterprise to the average monthly maintenance fee in the industry; indicators of motivation of remuneration; the share of employees who received the minimum wage in the past [9, p. 107]; social protection of the population;

- anti-conflict safety - coefficients that determine the level of development of corporate culture and regulation of social and labor relations; the level of value-opinion unity of the team and the degree of employee satisfaction with the entrepreneurial style; the degree of employee satisfaction with work and the degree of employee satisfaction with the work of the personnel management service; the ratio of the level of conflicts in the enterprise to the average level of the industry; the share of resolved destructive conflicts enterprise and the level of customer loyalty;

- safety of life activity - coefficients determining training discipline; reduction of the number of employees who do not meet the requirements of normative acts on industrial safety; reduction of the number of employees who work in conditions that do not meet the requirements of national standards; reduction of occupational morbidity and injuries.

Yurchyshyn V.V. proposed a sufficiently weighted approach, which brings out subsystems of indicators of personnel security in connection with the stages of management by personnel at enterprises, namely:

- indicators of personnel safety during recruitment and adaptation of personnel - the share of employees who did not meet the requirements of the position for which they applied during the application period; the share of employees who resigned of their own accord during the probationary period after being hired; the share of employees who allowed violations of labor discipline during the probationary period; the specific weight of the costs of recruitment in the total amount of the costs of ensuring personnel safety;

- indicators of ensuring personnel safety in the process of recruitment and personnel management - the share of employees who did not pass the attestation test; the share of employees who improved their qualifications through the training program and personnel development; the share of employees who applied for a career in the company; the share of employees who have violations or abuses that pose a threat to the personnel safety of the enterprise [10, p. 14]; the total amount of expenses for ensuring personnel safety (the weight of expenses for training and personnel development);

- indicators of personnel safety in the process of motivation and formation of employee loyalty - the share of employees who have been fired or dismissed for any reason; the level of employee satisfaction; the level of employee loyalty; the level of employee participation; the specific weight of the premium and bonus parts in the structure of the salary fund.

There are still some questions concerning the availability of available information for calculation of some indicators [11, Р. 93]. So, for example, in order to calculate the complexity of the use of evaluation technologies in the process of hiring personnel, information from enterprises on the absolute number of evaluation procedures of various purposes is necessary, which in any case is not available statistically for with work.

There is an interesting approach of G.I. Nazapov regarding the ease of calculation of personnel safety indicators. He proposes the use of the analysis table of personal safety indicators, which compares the actual or predicted parameters of the indicators with the normative values. This will allow timely detection and localization of "obvious" symptoms or even very weak signals of the emergence of a crisis situation (the appearance of a significant deviation in at least one indicator indicates the presence of danger).

In particular, after summarizing and systematizing the scientific literature, we can draw the following conclusions Firstly, the formation of a comprehensive and effective system of indicators of personnel safety assessment is a complex methodical problem, because in order to warn in time about the destabilizing impact of dangers on the enterprise, a system of indicators is necessary, which will provide the most complete and reliable analysis; secondly, the set of indicators should ensure the possibility of quickly obtaining information for their calculation; thirdly, the calculation of indicators should be carried out according to the components of personnel safety on the basis of accounting and financial reporting data of the enterprise [12, Р. 67].

In Fig. 1 we have presented the author's generalization of the set of indicators for assessment of personnel safety of enterprises according to its components. This aggregate is formed on the basis of on-the-spot evaluation of indicators on the basis of their validity and frequency of occurrence in the researched works of scientists. It is necessary to determine the indicators and their thresholds for the agro-industrial production sector in order to clarify their connection with personnel safety. This is essential for the formulation of conclusions on the state of personnel safety at the investigated enterprises and for the correct explanation of its observed indicators.

Such a generalized system of indicators of personnel safety assessment can be considered as balanced. It takes into account both quantitative and qualitative indicators of evaluation of personnel management systems in the context of creation of necessary conditions for ensuring personnel safety..

The generalized system of indicators of personnel safety assessment allows to determine the level of protection of all employees by creating favorable conditions for their work. Such conditions are achieved on the condition of thorough study and definition of four components of personnel safety - life safety, social- motivational, professional and anti-conflict safety.

Figure 1 - The author's generalization of the set of indicators for assessing the personnel security of enterprises and its components, respectively

Source: created by the author on the basis of reference materials [1, 3, 4, 7, 8,12].

Moreover, favorable working conditions for employees also indicate the level of protection of the company against risks, threats and dangers related to employees.

Most of the indicators and criteria for the admissible level of their values can be established by the enterprise in accordance with the implicit production conditions and performance results [13, Р. 85]. In addition, the analysis of each of the indicators in dynamics can be used as a basis for substantiating the necessary measures to ensure personnel safety in the enterprise for its specific component.

In order to receive a comprehensive assessment of the level of safety of life activities, it is necessary to analyze such indicators as: the coefficient of frequency of injuries, the rate of recovery of the coefficient of occupational morbidity of personnel, the share of employees whose work does not meet sanitary and hygienic standards.

Life safety indicators allow to determine the real threat to the life and health of employees and characterize the level of safe working conditions in the enterprise. There is a certain relationship between them, for example, with the increase of personnel turnover and the general dissatisfaction of employees; between the presence of traumatism and professional complaints in the enterprise and the increase of financial expenses of the enterprise and the decrease of stability of the personnel base.

The study of safety of life activity as a component of personnel safety should be carried out within the framework of the analysis of the state of labor discipline in the enterprise. It is important to take into account the coefficient of labor discipline of the personnel [14, Р. 147]. It measures the degree of observance of the internal order by the employees and is calculated by the ratio of the number of hours of absence from work without valid reasons to the actually worked overtime.

Table 1 Analysis of the coefficient of training discipline and the percentage of absenteeism due to illness in the studied enterprises


Labor factor disciplines

Losses work time due to illness







LLC «Porichcha»







LLC «PAC «Svit-Agro»»







LLC «Golden Colossus»







ALLC «Beam»







CE «Agro-Koblevo»







LLC «House warming»







LLC «AE «Gold of Tavria»»







PAE «Nova Zorya»







ASPE «Yug Service»







Source: Created and supplemented by author on the basis of reference materials [2, 3, 6,11,19].

There is another important coefficient of training discipline, it is the loss of time due to illness, it takes into account the loss of temporary disability. These are seasonal, chronic diseases, decadent vacations, etc. In the Table 1 we have made an analysis of the dynamics of the coefficient of training discipline and the amount of sick leave in the studied enterprises. .

The optimal value of the study discipline coefficient is equal to one. Such an indicator was not reached in the enterprises we studied. This indicates the practice of absenteeism from work without valid reasons; to suffer side effects due to illness. The value of the corresponding coefficient, which does not exceed 0.1 for all enterprises, indicates the positive dynamics of the level of safety of vital activity of enterprises. This confirms the low level of injuries and occupational diseases in the investigated enterprises.

In order to support the improvement of productivity of employees at the enterprise, it is necessary to pay attention to the protection of employees and the full organization of the workforce from year to year increased and corresponded to the planned measures for occupational safety and hygiene.

It should be noted that the planned expenses for employee protection (make up at least 0.5% of the fund for payment of employees in the previous period [15, p. 175]) reduce the probability of large financial losses of the enterprise due to accidents at work.

During the study of the organization of the workforce for 2021 it was found out that the studied indicator has reached its optimal value (equal to 1). However, in order to form a certain picture of creation of certain conditions for employees and to avoid disappointments in the investigated enterprises, it is necessary to calculate other indicators - indicators of assessment of safety of life activity. This is an indicator of the actual implementation of measures to prevent violations of safety rules.

An important indicator of the analysis of the professional safety of the enterprise is the profitability of personnel costs. It allows to determine not only the efficiency of the company's operation, but also the effectiveness of investments in the development of the sales force.

Some scientists-practitioners think that the indicator of negative profitability has practically no value [16, Р. 171]. They note that if the profitability of personnel costs is close to zero, it is already a very bad indicator. It indicates low efficiency of work of the enterprise. However, the analysis of the state of personnel safety requires careful consideration of the influence of this indicator.

Investment in personnel development has always been important for the company. Therefore, such an indicator as the personnel development rate and the share of employees who have completed professional training or increased their qualifications are also important indicators for the analysis of professional security. The analysis of their dynamics allows us to interpret the possibility of professional qualification and gradual promotion of personnel, the existence of gaps in production cooperation and commercialization on the sidelines.

This will indicate the appropriate amount of investment in personnel, which will allow to improve the level of professional knowledge, skills, abilities and skills of personnel.

Nowadays it is important to analyze the employee turnover rate. Taking into account the current trends of uncertainty, the majority of companies, due to the complex financial situation, begin to pay for personnel.

Social and motivational component of personnel safety is a part of professional safety analysis [17, Р. 70]. Increasing the employee's interest in constant development of his business and personal qualities, professional knowledge, skills and abilities is supported by rational motivation and stimulation to improve the performance of employees. An important indicator of the analysis of social and motivational security is the determination of the effectiveness of the sales promotion process in the enterprise by calculating the ratio of the rate of return of the salary fund and the profit of the enterprise.

At the investigated enterprises, where the ratio of the rates of repayment of the fund of salary payment and profit is more than one, the necessary balance between the economic interests of the company's customers (in the growth of full payment) and the interests of the company (in the growth of profit and ensuring the financial conditions of co-financing of projects). At the studied enterprises, where the ratio of the rate of repayment of the fund of payment of wages and profit is less than one, the system of stimulating the sales force ensures savings in current expenses and the repayment of the enterprise's profit.

Productivity is the most common technical indicator for analysis of full utilization of personnel. Its fulfillment is an important condition for increasing the volume of production, the main reason for effective functioning of the enterprise and its economic fulfillment.

Tables 2 and 3 show the dynamics of labor productivity in the investigated enterprises.

Table 2 Analysis of the profitability of agro-industrial personnel costs


The probability of spending on personnel, %

Absolute deviation










LLC «Porichcha»







LLC «PAC «Svit-Agro»»







LLC «Golden Colossus»







ALLC «Beam»







CE «Agro-Koblevo»







LLC «House warming»







LLC «AE «Gold of Tavria»»







PAE «Nova Zorya»







ASPE «Yug Service»







Source: Compiled and supplemented by author on the basis of reference materials [2, 3, 6,11,19].

Table 3 Analysis of employee productivity in the studied enterprises


Productivity work, thousand hryvnias/ person

Growth rate,












LLC «Porichcha»








LLC «PAC «Svit-Agro»»








LLC «Golden Colossus»








ALLC «Beam»








CE «Agro-Koblevo»








LLC «House warming»








LLC «AE «Gold of Tavria»»








PAE «Nova Zorya»








ASPE «Yug Service»








Source: Compiled and supplemented by author based on materials [2, 3, 6,11,19].

Investigating personnel security in the social- motivational component of the risk, we note that the economic analysis of the cost of paying wages occupies an important place in the risk of identifying internal opportunities, not only more and for the payment of wages, but also for the promotion of personal finance.

The economic elements of operational expenses are expenses for payment of wages and social measures. Their indicators require a more detailed analysis. These are indicators of: rate of recovery of labor productivity and welfare pay; the coefficient of the ratio of the average salary to the average salary by industry and the share of the additional salary in the daily salary. We note that the optimal value of the coefficient of the ratio of the average salary to the average salary in the industry should be at least 1, and from the point of view of stimulation (this indicator is also called the motivation coefficient), in general, should be greater than one. This may lead to possible layoffs and a corresponding reduction in staff security due to employee dissatisfaction with the level of welfare pay, which is lower than the average in the industry. It is necessary to emphasize that the general indicator of the effectiveness of work with personnel is the ratio of the rates of meeting the productivity of the employee and the maintenance fee, thanks to its analysis, it is possible to determine the latent reserves of maintaining high performance of the personnel. We note that the optimal value of this indicator in the context of guaranteeing the economic efficiency of the enterprise's functioning should be more than one. That is, it is important to ensure that the company anticipates the rates of recovery of labor productivity [18, P. 89], which determine the need for the implementation of the fund for the payment of labor in order not to lose the stimulating effect of the welfare fee. The results of the calculation of this coefficient in the dynamics and determination of the presence of the leading rates of recovery of the productivity of the plant are presented in Table 4.

Table 4 Analysis of the ratio of labor productivity growth rates and maintenance fees


Ratio growth rates of labor productivity and maintenance fees

Provision of anticipatory rates of recovery of labor productivity









LLC «Porichcha»









LLC «PAC «Svit-Agro»»









LLC «Golden Colossus»









ALLC «Beam»









CE «Agro-Koblevo»









LLC «House warming»









LLC «AE «Gold of Tavria»»









PAE «Nova Zorya»









ASPE «Yug Service»









Source: Compiled and supplemented by author based on materials [2, 3, 6,11,19].

In order to assess the anti-conflict security of the enterprise, it is necessary to conduct researches on online questionnaires of the sales force and interviews with entrepreneurs in the enterprises [19, Р. 118]. Thus, one of the most important indicators of the analysis of the anticonflict security of the company is the level of loyalty of employees, because a loyal employee has a strong desire to be an honest and sincere member of the company he works for, he always performs his work to the best of his ability, etc.

Generalizing the information, the following results were obtained: the main reason for staff turnover, according to a panel of companies, is the dissatisfaction of workers with reasonable wages (34% of respondents think so, this indicates the need for more detailed monitoring of the full amount of maintenance fees); 28% of respondents noted the lack of career prospects; among the other reasons for staff turnover, the following were named Lack of satisfaction with the work performed (17%); unsatisfactory relations in the team with the management (12%); dissatisfaction of employees with their position (6%); inability to perform assigned tasks (3%).

Formation and development of organizational culture is the basis of effective activity of the company, which affects not only the justification of strategic directions of development of the company, but also the guarantee of personnel security, because it supports the unification of personnel around common goals and tasks. In order to determine the level of development of the organizational culture, the P. Dafta test was used for interviewing the personnel, which allows to determine the influence of a strong or weak culture in the company.


Thus, in order to ensure anti-conflict safety, the company must create a favorable climate in the team, based on a positive attitude towards the company and ensuring conflict-free communication. Thus, a detailed analysis of the current state of personnel safety within the framework of evaluation of its components allows to identify the shortcomings of personnel safety management, to determine the negative consequences of unfavorable dynamics of indicators and to consider the presence of the company in a safe or dangerous zone.


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