The theoretical contemporary trends in the management motivation system of personnel in an enterprise

Improvement of management at the enterprise due to adopted working models and trends in meeting the needs of the sensitivity of staff motivation. Creation of a favorable working environment, which will be a prerequisite for sustainable high productivity.

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The theoretical contemporary trends in the management motivation system of personnel in an enterprise

Dashutina Liudmyla



Dashutina Liudmyla

Candidate of Economic Sciences,

Associate Professor,

Associate Professor at the Department of Management named

after Professor L.I. Mykhailova, Sumy National Agrarian University

Joshua Linus Baka

Postgraduate Student

at the Department of Management named after Professor L.I. Mykhailova, Sumy National Agrarian University

This article highlights the issue of improving management at the enterprise through ad opted working models and modern trends in meeting the needs of the sensitivity of staff motivation. This scientific study of modern theoretical trends in personnel motivation involves studying the concept from different directions. Such an interdisciplinary approach allows for a deep understanding of the complex of factors affecting employee motivation. The proposed practical tasks include the development and implementation of motivational strategies that meet the set organizational goals. In the course of the study, it was found that enterprises face the problems of balancing internal and external motivators, adapting strategies to various demographic groups of employees, and adapting to the evolution of the nature of work. This article aims to explore the latest theoretical trends shaping this important part of human resource management.

Key words: motivation, management motivation, theoretical trends, personnel motivation, management system trends, enterprise, organization, management, personnel, development.


Дана стаття висвітлює питання вдосконалення менеджменту на підприємстві через прийняті робочі моделі та сучасні тенденції задоволення потреб в чутливості мотивації персоналу, оскільки це надійний спосіб отримати максимальну продуктивність. Індивідуально кожна людина являє собою закриту систему, що працює в певному режимі та має бажаний результат. Доведено, що у постійно змінюваному середовищі управління людськими ресурсами залишатися в курсі сучасних теоретичних тенденцій є важливим для підприємств, які прагнуть оптимізувати продуктивність і задовольнити персонал. Дане наукове дослідження сучасних теоретичних тенденцій мотивації персоналу передбачає вивчення поняття з різних напрямів, таких як психологія, соціологія, організаційна поведінка та теорія менеджменту. Автор говорить, що такий міждисциплінарний підхід дозволяє глибоко зрозуміти комплекс факторів, що впливають на мотивацію співробітників. Запропоновані практичні завдання, пов'язані з цією проблемою, включають розробку та реалізацію мотиваційних стратегій, які відповідають цілям організації, розуміння різноманітних потреб робочої сили та створення сприятливого робочого середовища, що буде передумовою стійкої високої продуктивності. В ході дослідження з'ясовано, що підприємства стикаються з проблемами збалансування внутрішніх і зовнішніх мотиваторів, пристосування стратегій до різноманітних демографічних груп співробітників і адаптації до еволюції характеру роботи. Наукові дослідження в цій галузі дають ц/нну інформацію, яку можна втілити в практичне застосування, пропонуючи підприємствам дорожню карту для навігації в тонкощах управління мотивованою та залученою робочою силою. Отже, управління система мотивації - це чітке поєднання матеріальних і нематеріальних стимулів, що використовуються для підвищення мотивації персоналу, створення ефективних механізмів взаємозв'язку між ресурсністю персоналу та задоволенням потреб керівників підприємства в мотивації корпоративних інтересів, а також з урахуванням сформованих економічних умов і наявних ресурсів. Розгляд великої' кількості результатів різних наукових досліджень у цій сфері, стає зрозумілим, що управління системами мотивації зазнало суттєвих трансформацій, і ця стаття спрямована на дослідження останніх теоретичних тенденц/й, що формують цю важливу частину управління персоналом. Ключові слова: мотивація, управлінська мотивація, теоретичні напрями, мотивація персоналу, тенденції системи управління, підприємство, організація, управління, персонал, розвиток.

Statement of the problem

In the organizational plan of any organization, it is crucial to recognize the importance of the human factor or personnel. This is because the success of an organization is directly proportional to the productiveness of the people within it. If the people are not well motivated to put in the extra input in ensuring the success of an organization, the organization stands the risk of fiasco within no time. It is with no doubt that the experience, knowledge and skills that the people in an organization own are the most effective competitive advantage that any organization that is looking forward to upholding or improving its standing within the marketplace possibly will possess. It is clear that employees are the most essential and most important assets that any organization may possess, and for the organization to be successful, it needs to have the best of the personnel working for the enterprise.

Personnel motivation and valuation has an important designated part in the management of personnel, hence this topic is covered in fairly a lot of scientific papers by researchers in Europe and around the world. Researchers are however exploring this topic in different patterns, methods, focusing on numerous features. Theoretical facets of motivation, motivational practices, value orientations of individuals, the fundamentals of motivation trends.

Literature review

The current models of organizational management necessitate a comprehensive understanding of the motivation systems employed for [8]. The efficiency and effectiveness of an organization heavily rely on the motivation levels of its workforce. The theoretical foundations of the research are the works of scientists engaged in the study of motivational issues. According to Adams, Alderfer, Lawler, Maslow, the factors leading to occupation satisfaction are distinct and different from those that ends in job dissatisfaction. Researchers in Ukraine and around the world, have explored the role of motivation trends in the strategic development of enterprises, they include: O. Gerasymenko, M. Albert, P Armstrong, J.Atkinson, G. Becker, J. Bruner, V. Vilyunas, Y Minser, F. Hedouri, O. Bandurka, N. Bazaliyska, D. Boginya, A. Bovtruk, V. Vitlinsky, V. Voytko, L. Balabanova. motivation working productivity

Formulation of the goals of the article

The purpose of this work is to Identify and optimize theoretical trends in the management motivation system of personnel which pose a critical challenge for organizations seeking to enhance productivity, foster employee satisfaction, and achieve long-term success. Likewise, to find the connection between theoretical exploration and adaptive management motivation system that meets the demands of the contemporary workplace Therefore, managers who pursue to remove factors that create job dissatisfaction can bring about harmony, but not essentially motivation. They will be appeasing their workforce rather than motivation them.

Main research material

The concept of motivation, in the initial moment the word motivation was gotten from the Latin word "movre". Motivation is the reason of behavior (Isahrabiu, 2018). An individual's motivation (consciously or unconsciously) is been driven from his needs. Therefore, when understanding motivation, it can be established that motivation or/and need is an inner state, absence or lack that propels a person to do something. There is compilation of some definition below;

There is compilation of some definition below (Table 1).

There are the earliest theories of motivation which forms the foundation of this work. The Maslow's theory of hierarchy of needs, Herzberg's two factors theory satisfaction and dissatisfaction findings. Years has gone by, and new models and theories have emerged. Hence, there are theoretical trends of management motivation system that we seek out to explore; they are:

Self-Determination Theory (SDT).

This theory Originated from the works of Deci and Ryan in the 1980s, Self-Determination Theory (SDT) and has emerged as a cornerstone in contemporary personnel management. SDT emphasizes the intrinsic motivation of individuals, theorizing that independence, capability, and relatedness are essential psychological needs. Organizations integrating SDT principles into their motivation systems prioritize creating an environment that adopts employee autonomy, provides opportunities for skill development, and fosters a sense of belonging [1-3]. Ryan and Deci (2000) argued that some goals are more consistent with satisfying an individual's basic needs than others. In particular, striving for autonomous goals may lead to greater need satisfaction and better well-being, whereas striving for controlled goals may lead to the thwarting of one's needs and worse well-being. A key finding from research on SDT is that more autonomous methods of motivation are linked to a better performance on exciting or complex responsibilities. However, variances between autonomous and measured motivation are not observed for boring or mundane tasks [5]. Further, autonomous motivation is positively associated with well-being and job attitudes. Thus, both autonomous and controlled forms of motivation may lead individuals to perform a behavior, but autonomous motivation better satisfies psychological needs and leads to greater welfare compared to controlled motivation.

Table 1 Author's Compilation from other researchers

Definition of Motivation


Motivation is an activity aimed at activating people working in the organization and encouraging them to work in order to achieve the goals defined in the organization's plans.

Organization management: Textbook, edited by A.G. Porshneva, Z.P. Rumyantseva, and Solomatyna. - 2nd ed. - M.: Infra-M, 1998. - Р. 73.

Motivation is the prompting of personnel to perform effective, conscientious activities to achieve the organization's goals, which consists in determining personnel needs, developing reward systems for work performed, using various forms of remuneration, and applying incentives to the effective interaction of subjects of joint activity.

Sladkevich V.P. Motivational management: a course of lectures. - K.: MAUP, 2001. - 168 p. - Р. 5.

Motivation involves effort, persistence, and purpose. In practice, it turns out because of that. that a person makes efforts in the work process, maintains the necessary pace and tension, directs his own activity to achieve the goal.

Hartlow L. Management and Needs. - New York: Viking, 1985. - P. 4.

Motivation is the incitement of people to active work, which should lead to the satisfaction of both personal and social needs and interests to the extent necessary for extended reproduction.

Kuchynska O.O. It is important, ingredient mechanism activity Regional No. 3-4, 2002. - Р. 84.

Motivation is an influence on human behavior to achieve personal, group and social goals.

Henkyn B.M. Ekonomyka y sotsyolohyia truda. - M.: NORMA-Ynfra, 1998. - Р. 107

Source: created by the author based on the research of scientific literature

In addition to formal theory development, research has utilized SDT in a variety of contexts, including education, organizations, sports and physical exercise, virtual worlds and media, and interpersonal relationships. Across these domains, research has examined how controlling vs autonomy-supportive environments affect functioning, wellbeing, performance, and tenacity. This body of applied research has resulted in significant refinement of methodologies, such as goal structures and communication methods, that have shown effective in creating sustained, volitional motivation.

Various articles by researchers highlight the SDT framework's different sorts of inquiry, as well as its generative power for practical concerns in all types of human organizations. SDT is unique in psychology because it focuses on the fundamental psychological tendencies toward intrinsic motivation and integration, addressing not only the central questions of why people do what they do, but also the costs and benefits of various methods of socially regulating or promoting behavior.

Expectancy Theory.

According to expectancy theory, people are more driven to perform if they know their additional effort will be recognized and rewarded [6]. Companies that use performance-based pay might expect to see benefits. Performance-based pay can tie awards to the number of things staff generate. As such, attraction, retention, productivity, quality, participation, and morale may improve. Victor Vroom's Expectancy Theory continues to shape modern personnel management motivation systems. This theory suggests that individuals are motivated by the expectation that their efforts will bring about desired outcomes. Organizations implementing Expectancy Theory principles strive to bring into line individual and organizational goals, clarify performance expectations, and ensure that rewards are perceived as valuable by employees.

Outstandingly, Vroom's expectancy theory is based on perceptions, thus even if an employer believes they have supplied everything necessary for motivation, and even if this works for the majority of individuals in the professional organization, it does not mean that someone will not notice that it does not work for them.

At first sight expectancy theory would seem most appropriate to a traditional-attitude work condition where how motivated the employee is depending on if they want the reward when offered for doing a good job and whether they believe the more effort will lead to similar reward.

However, it could similarly spread on to any circumstances where someone does something since they expect a certain outcome. Thus, Vroom's expectancy theory of motivation is not about satisfying self interest in rewards but about the connotations people make towards expected outcomes and the contribution they feel they can make towards those outcomes.

Goal-Setting Theory:

The breakthrough work of Locke and Latham has left an indelible mark on personnel management in the Goal-Setting Theory. In the modern context, organizations are leveraging on this theory to set clear and stimulating goals for their employees. By integrating the SMART principles - Specific, Measurable, Achievable/Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound - into their goal-setting developments, establishments aim to boost employee performance. Methodical reaction and credit for goal achievement contribute meaningfully to nonstop motivation.

Job Characteristics Model (JCM)

The Job Characteristics Model (JCM) is a work design theory that seeks to identify the key factors that make a job motivating, satisfying, and engaging for employees. This model was developed by Richard Hackman and Greg Oldham in 1976 and has since become a widely used framework for job analysis and job design research. The model highlights key factors such as skill variety, task identity, task importance, autonomy, and feedback that contribute to job satisfaction and motivation. Establishments embracing JCM principles focus on inspiring and redesigning jobs to enhance the intrinsic motivational aspects of employees' roles.

Figure 1. Self-Determination theory

Figure 2. Vroom's theory of expectancy

There are 5 ways satisfying a job is can be measured according to these five dimensions:

Skill variety - This specifies the kind of abilities and behaviors required to execute the job. The more an individual is forced to apply a diverse set of abilities, the more fulfilling the job is likely to be. Jobs that ask workers to make decisions and solve problems will frequently become more satisfying than jobs with tasks that are routine and predictable.

Task identity - This dimension quantifies the degree to which an individual can complete an activity or job in full. Personnel who are able to take an action from beginning to end are typically more satisfied.

Task significance - This examines the impact and influence of an occupation. Jobs are more satisfying if personnel who believe that he/she can make a positive change, and are adding real value to co-workers, the organization, or the larger community. For example, if a worker is interested in sports, constructing signs for the cycling would be more satisfying than constructing signs for a new business park.

Autonomy - This determines the level of individual choice and discretion in a profession. More autonomy leads to greater fulfilment. For example, a job might be more fulfilling if people are involved in decision-making rather than merely being told what to do.

Feedback - This dimension assesses the amount of information a worker receives regarding his or her performance, as well as his or her ability to see the impact of the task. The more people are informed about their performance, the more motivated they will be to accomplish a good job.


The contemporary theoretical trends in personnel management motivation systems underscore the importance of understanding and catering to the diverse motivational needs of employees. By integrating theories such as SDT, Goal-Setting, JCM and Expectancy organizations can create suitable and effective motivation systems that determine the personnel productivity, satisfaction, and overall organizational success. implementing these theories affords a roadmap for navigating the intricacies of the modern trends in workplace and ensuring a motivated and engaged workforce. Theoretical motivation of personnel is based on the principles of objectivity, accuracy, comprehensiveness, accessibility, timeliness, flexibility, which remain relevant today.


1. Deci, E.L. and Ryan, R.M. (1985). Human conduct is driven by intrinsic motivation and self-determination. New York, NY: Plenum.

2. Deci, E.L. and Ryan, R.M. (2000). The "what" and "why" of goal pursuit: Human needs and behavioral selfdetermination. Psychological Inquiry, 11, 227-268.

3. Ryan, R.M., & Deci, E.L. (2000). Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and well-being. American Psychologist, 55, 68-78.

4. Shumakova I. (2010) Human Resources Potencial and its Impact on the Organizations Efficiency. Visnyk NTU “KPI”. No. 22. P. 12-20.

5. Koestner R., Losier G.F. (2002). Distinguishing three types of high motivation: introjection, identification, and intrinsic motivation. In E.L. Deci and R.M. Ryan (eds.), Handbook of Self-Determination Research (pp. 101-121). University of Rochester Press.

6. Vroom, V.H. (1964). Work and Motivation. New York: Wiley.

7. Locke, E.A. and Latham, G.P. (2002). A 35-year journey toward developing a realistic theory of goal planning and task motivation. American Psychologist, 57(9):705-717.

8. Lipych L., Pustyulha L. (20100 The Genesis of Labour Motivation Theories. Science and Economics. No. 1. P. 114-117.

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10. Chernenko V. (2007) Innovative Work and Motivational Bases Of Its Development. Ukraine: Aspects of Labor. No. 6. P. 30-34.

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