Trainig and development as motivational tool in strategic human resources management
Improvement of professional training of employees. Increase the efficiency of production, quality and competitiveness in the field of service and in the organization of production. Obtaining competitive advantages in the implementation of one's strategy.
Рубрика | Менеджмент и трудовые отношения |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 20.07.2024 |
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Trainig and development as motivational tool in strategic human resources management
Irina Petrova, Ugboga Ogana Kondo
1Doctor of science (Economics), professor, Head of the marketing and behavioral economy department, 2PhD Student
The success or failure of organizations depends basically on the quality of their human resources. Well trained and highly developed employees are considered as key strategic factor for business success of a company. In a modern company training is supposed to be a continuous process which helps employees to learn needed job -related knowledge, skills and abilities and then apply them on the job. Improving significantly employee competence training increases the performance in terms of output, quality and competitiveness, whether in servicing or production organization. Due to training a company can gain competitive advantages in realization of its strategy. Development was traditionally related to learning of top-managers and main specialists of a company. But arguing this point of view, the authors think that in the epoch of innovations development is extremely important for all employees. It facilitates enhancing knowledge, skills and abilities needed for future working activity, much wider than day -to-day tasks, with creative and strategic managerial functions. Training and development provide both professional and personal growth of people in a company. Putting together, they influence on employee motivation ensuring short-term and long term means for employee performance. Their impact on motivation of employees is in the center of the study. The authors conducted research on training and development as a motivational tool, taking case of Dangotte Group Companies, one of the largest conglomerates on the African continent, in particular its manufacturing cement organization located in Lokoja, Kogi State - Nigeria. Sociological research, based on representative structured questionnaire, confirmed, that training and development was truly a motivational tool to employees' performance and productivity and to their loyalty and satisfaction as well. Therefore, it was recommended that effective training programs and carefully set development plans should be provided to all employees to enable them to upgrade their knowledge and enhance their skills both professional and personal. The recommendations for managers were given, which occupy all steps of training and development process and highlight their great motivational role in strategic human resource management of organizations. Finally, foreseeable future research can be conducted to cover other variables like (capabilities, involvement and creativity) which might affect performance and productivity in strategic perspective.
Keywords: Training, Development, Motivation, Strategic Human Resources Managment.
Ірина Петрова1, Угбога Огана Кондо2
1Доктор економічних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри маркетингу та поведінкової економіки, ВНЗ «Університет економіки та права «КРОК», Київ,
2'Аспірант, ВНЗ «Університет економіки та права «КРОК», Київ,
Успіх чи невдача організацій в основному залежить від якості їхніх людських ресурсів. Добре навчені та високорозвинені співробітники вважаються ключовим стратегічним фактором успіху бізнесу компанії. У сучасній компанії навчання має бути безперервним процесом, який допомагає працівникам засвоювати необхідні професійні знання, уміння та навички, а потім застосовувати їх на роботі. Суттєве вдосконалення професійної підготовки співробітників підвищує ефективність виробництва, якості та конкурентоспроможності, як у сфері обслуговування, так і в організації виробництва. Завдяки навчанню компанія може отримати конкурентні переваги в реалізації своєї стратегії. Розвиток традиційно був пов'язаний з навчанням топ-менеджерів і головних спеціалістів компанії. Але, аргументуючи цю точку зору, автори вважають, що в епоху інновацій розвиток надзвичайно важливий для всіх працівників. Це сприяє вдосконаленню знань, умінь і навичок, необхідних для майбутньої трудової діяльності, набагато ширшої, ніж повсякденні завдання, з творчими та стратегічними управлінськими функціями. Навчання та розвиток забезпечують як професійне, так і особистісне зростання людей в компанії. У сукупності вони впливають на мотивацію співробітників, забезпечуючи короткострокові та довгострокові засоби для продуктивності співробітників. У центрі дослідження - їх вплив на мотивацію працівників. Автори провели дослідження щодо навчання та розвитку як мотиваційного інструменту, взявши приклад Dangotte Group Companies, одного з найбільших конгломератів на африканському континенті, зокрема його виробничу компанію з виробництва цементу, розташовану в Локоджі, штат Когі, Нігерія. Соціологічні дослідження, засновані на репрезентативній структурованій анкеті, підтвердили, що навчання та розвиток справді є інструментом мотивації для ефективності та продуктивності працівників, а також для їх лояльності та задоволеності. Тому було рекомендовано надати всім працівникам ефективні навчальні програми та ретельно розроблені плани розвитку, щоб вони могли вдосконалювати свої знання та вдосконалювати професійні та особисті навички. Дано рекомендації для менеджерів, які охоплюють усі етапи процесу навчання та розвитку та висвітлюють їхню велику мотиваційну роль у стратегічному управлінні людськими ресурсами організацій. Нарешт і, у передбачуваному майбутньому можна провести дослідження для охоплення інших змінних, таких як (можливості, участь і креативність), які можуть вплинути на ефективність і продуктивність у стратегічній перспективі.
Ключові слова: навчання, розвиток, мотивація, стратегічне управління людськими ресурсами.
Human resources are the most valuable assets of any organization, and their role is drastically growing now, under conditions of new stage of information and innovation society. In today's business climate, organizations face with stiff internal and external competition. There are various human resource functions that give an organization a strategic competitive edge, but most scholars argued that human resource functions become operational only when training and development has run through them all. This places training and development (T&D) as an essential function in the existence and growing of any organization. It is known that successful companies spend about 2-10% of their payroll on T&D projects and programs. However, many companies still underestimate the role and significance of training and development, saving their money on expensive programs. It is indeed surprising to note that, most companies put in place training schedules without even demarcating the long and short-term implications such programs would have on the individual employee and the organization as a whole.
Training and development are often used in conjugation, without knowing whether one leads to the other or not. Trainers and managers from various functions, tend to use these terms interchangeably or in conjugation without knowing their relevance and sequencing in the whole scheme of things. Training is defined as the organized activity aimed at imparting knowledge or instructions to improve the recipient's performance. In this study we state that training facilitates the learning of job-related knowledge, skills or behavior by employees. It is valuable because of tangible growth attached to it. Development refers to formal education, assessment of employees, job experience, attitudes and interpersonal relations. All groups of companies' stuff should have training and development.
Managers are to be well aware of the strategic objectives and expected deliverables from training and development programs. They have to create a learning culture, which in turn would be in place, only if growth and development was encouraged. Training and development not only served the purpose of preparing people for future assignments and growth, but also enabled to nurture a culture in the organization, which culminated in employee motivation, satisfaction, loyalty, retention and increased productivity.
An important aspect of studying T&D in managing people of a company is their motivational effect on people in an organization. As usual, training and development, on one hand, and motivation, on the other hand, are referring to different functions of human resource management. However, it should be taken into consideration that training and development as a planned continuous process play very important role in motivating people to perform better, to achieve higher goals of organizational and their professional and personal growth.
Literature Review
Training as defined by Mehrdad 2009 is a process of upgrading an individual's skills, knowledge and competencies. When an employee joins the organization, he/she is given job-related training to ensure satisfactory performance of the tasks and duties assigned, so that the employee can contribute more to the organization. competitiveness competitive strategy
Training involves methods, strategies that ensure employees perform better with great productivity and quality. Ongoing training of employees is one of the best ways of motivation which improves the morale of employees. There are two types of motivation namely: intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation refers to the behavior that is driven by internal rewards, when extrinsic motivation is that which involves engaging in a behavior in order to earn external rewards (bonus, and compensation) or to avoid punishment.
Blanchard and James 2007 opened that, when an organization measures the performance of employees by Actual Organizational Performance and compared it with Expected Organizational performance, the gap is filled by either training the employees or motivating them and giving them appropriate environment for work. All this measure is for the organization to meet up with its objectives, which includes: to increase productivity, raising skilled employees, enhance workers morale for better commitment, to introduce products or change of technology, rewarding employees, reducing labor turnover and others. Employers and managers should therefore understand their employees' needs and capabilities, and design the appropriative type of training, which is a motivational tool to them.
Within an organization, there is a predominant tendency to think of training in terms of courses only and this has been reinforced through the role played to date by the training function. Claire Belilos (2002) says, an effective training program has to be created with the involvement of all members of the management team. With background support, employees can have one day training in the role of department head.
There has been a lot of research carried on Motivation by many scholars. The following are only a few of the research topics that have been researched on motivation: motivation theories, principles of motivation, turning motivation theory into practice, ways of making your organization more exciting, measures of motivation, ways to encourage employee motivation, how to motivate and effectively reward employees, training and motivation as the missing link in strategic performance.
Several research have been carried out by scholars on motivation, but it is a lack of research on a group of employees and managers/supervisors to test what their motives are and put a test to see which incentive program will suit majority of the employees. From the literature review above, one can see that a need for further research becomes necessary.
Motivation was defined by Halls and Hills (2001), as the desire to achieve some goals. It was also defined by Gard, (2001) as everything that drives and sustains human behavior. Motivation as defined by Fisher, C.D. (2000), is generally considered to be an internal state that initiates and maintains goals directed behavior. Weiss, H., & Nicholas, J., & Daus, C. (1999) state, that motivation holds a position in the eyes of scholars. It is a set of energetic forces that originate inside the persons to initiate some behaviors and to determine the direction, and intensity.
It should be mentioned that a lot of Ukrainian scientists contribute to motivational theory, among them A.Kolot, S.Tsymbalyuk, M. Semykina, T. Kostyshina and many others. Besides, the problem of motivation and compensation policy of a company is also highlighted by Belova and Petrova (2020).
Nevertheless, it is quite new to that field to study the impact of training and development process in a company on motivation of its personnel as an important strategic goal of a company.
Aims. The main goal of the study is to analyze the impact of employee training and development on motivation in strategic human resources managment of a company.
The methodology of study was based on the philosophical learning methods. The training and development process in a company was explored with the additional methods of analysis, synthesis, separation and method of statistic.
A quantitative approach is used; relevant data was collected through structured questionnaire. Respondents for the study consisted of 254 employees which constituted 60% of the total target population of 420 people. 254 structured questionnaires were distributed to employees on job location, 212 questionnaires were returned and only 188 were suitable for statistical analysis. SPSS version 16 has been used to for data analysis. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analysis. The statistical tools were aligned with the objective of the research. The data analysis was done using statistical package for Social Sciences (SPSS version). The findings indicated that training and development was truly a motivational tool to employees' performance and productivity. Analysis and interpretations were made at 0.05 level of significance. For the auxiliary method of logic synthesis, the course of the research was secured.
Training and development typically focuses on providing employees with specific skills or helping those correct deficiencies in their performance which results to their motivation. Asare-Bediako, 2002 states that, training refers to a systematic setup where employees are instructed and taught matters of technical knowledge related to their jobs. It focuses on teaching employees how to use particular machines or how to do specific tasks to increase efficiency. Employee business training for personnel will not only equip them, but it can also be an excellent source of employee motivation. Skilled employees have a higher capacity to be empowered and perform with excellence, which also builds their sense of ownership, confidence and willingness - employee motivation. Rewards, based on revealed competences and good work results, lead to a sense of self-realization.
Development refers mostly to studying through job experiences and relates to all employees of a company. It also comprises both professional and personal and interpersonal goalss and strategic organizational goals as well.
Optimizing training and development, managers should think about three aspects of motivation: motivation to learn, motivation to put new skills into job and motivation to get a promotion because an employee obtains valuable competences.
The first type is competence motivation, also known as learning motivation, states that people are motivated more by the process itself rather than by the reward at the end. Those people are literally motivated by the act of learning or getting better as they move towards the completion of a goal or tasks. The second type of motivation is connected with implementation of new things; therefore, managers should create specific conditions to help employee perform more complicated and interesting for him/her tasks. And third type of motivation requires manager's effort to promote an employee on career path.
If managers provide the tools and means to learn, but ignore the motivation, then they are missing half of the requirements for success. The trainee is motivated to get the certification or job they are seeking, and is therefore motivated to do well on the required exams. This kind of inherent motivation does indeed produce a certain level of learning performance, but it misses the real opportunity to harness motivation as a learning tool. Most trainees have a pretty good idea of what will be tested, and to what depth. They know that it is not possible to test everything. Luckily, modern management values training and the benefit it brings to them.
Human Recourse Department has many opportunities to undertake and initialize activities that can be both profitable for personnel and organizational development, according to mission and vision. Training needs should be carefully analyzed and planned, because it probably has the great impact on the employee performance. Properly chosen training leads to successful performance; on the other hand, inadequate one will add no value to organizational development process and can also be considered as the waste of resources. Before thinking about what is suitable, sufficient training, at first it should be realized - who will be trained, which areas need improvement, how they are connected with an organizational strategy, what will be covered during the training and which methods, or resources will be used by the carefully chosen trainer.
In developed countries there are many training opportunities. Business world is moving too fast, it is very difficult to catch up with the innovations, novelties and technological achievements. For every organization it is vital to have highly skilled and motivated employees. There are many organizations, agencies, companies, independent trainers and coaches who are offering various kinds of seminars and trainings. When there is lack of funds, or specific courses, internal training can be an option. It would be mentioned, that it has advantages in ensuring employee involvement and personalization. Of course, internal trainings are not supposed to replace external once. But people are often willing to attend trainings conducted by their colleagues, peer- to-peer training, which motivates them to find out trend of other fields, or get real-life examples and solutions of the problems. They want to hear advices from people, who already achieved a lot in the organization, are more experienced and became successful.
Conceptual statements of research were proved experimentally on the case of Dangotte Group Companies.
The main hypothesis was that motivation leads to better performance and training and development is one of the important strategic motivational tools that provide high motivation in return. In view of this, the researchers used structural questionnaire and got data for further analysis.
The numbers of questionnaires distributed to the respondents is 254, which accounted to 60% of the total target population of 420 people. The total number of returned questionnaire is 212. Returns ones were subjected to a careful checking and 24 questionnaires were excluded and regarded as unsuitable for statistical analyses because they do not meet the conditions and criteria of answering and filling the questionnaire, therefore, the total number of useable returns is 188. None response is 42 and it was assumed that the non-respondents were either unwilling to cooperate or simply not interested in the survey.
Table 1. Summary of Distributed, Returned, Useable, Non responses Questionnaire
Condition |
Distributed Questionnaire |
Returned Questionnaire |
Useable Questionnaire |
Un-useable Questionnaire |
Non-Response Questionnaire |
Number of Employees |
Number |
% |
Number |
% |
Number |
% |
Number |
% |
Number |
% |
254 |
100 |
212 |
83 |
188 |
74 |
24 |
9 |
42 |
17 |
Source:Dangotte Group Companies
The empirical data for the study were collected through structured questionnaires which were distributed among the employees of Dangotte Group Companies located in Lokoja, Kogi State of Nigeria. Simple instructions were given on how to correctly fill in the questionnaire and confidentiality of information was assured.
Table 2. Mean Rating of I |
esponses to Questionnaire items |
Responses Category |
Points |
Bounding Units |
Strongly Agree |
5 |
4.50 - 5.00 |
Agree |
4 |
3.50 - 4.49 |
Undecided |
3 |
2.50 - 3.49 |
Disagree |
2 |
1.50 - 2.49 |
Strongly Disagree |
1 |
1.00 - 1.49 |
Source: Dangotte Group Companies
In order to ensure completeness and consistency of responses, data were edited by the researchers to identify mistakes and data gaps. The data were analyzed using quantitative techniques. The data analysis was done using statistical package for Social Sciences (SPSS version). The use of this package is made to produce both descriptive and inferential statistics. The summary of result was presented applying frequency distribution and percentages, used to determine the proportion of respondents choosing various responses.
Table 3. Rates of Training & Development: A Motivational Tool to Employees' Performance
Description |
Mean |
Standard Deviation |
On job training |
4,68 |
0,563 |
Off job training |
4,42 |
0,524 |
Orientation&Induction |
4,12 |
0,502 |
Technical taining programs |
3,64 |
0,621 |
Refresher training programs |
3,66 |
0,622 |
Foundation training programs |
3,64 |
0,612 |
Health & Safety training programs |
4,26 |
0,512 |
Promotional and Advancement training programs |
4,34 |
0,522 |
Remedial training programs |
3,87 |
0,608 |
Field training programs |
3,14 |
0,688 |
Formal Educational programs |
4,32 |
0,546 |
Behavioural & self assessment programs |
3,99 |
0,602 |
Enrich job Experience |
4,56 |
0,56 |
Schedule Effective Feedback |
4,03 |
0,556 |
Train the Trainers program |
3,65 |
0,61 |
Enhancement & job satisfaction programs |
3,77 |
0,62 |
Simulation & Special assignments |
3,34 |
0,689 |
Job rotation & Challenging jobs Transfers |
4,28 |
0,52 |
Result-Oriented Measures (Employees Feeling to Work) |
4,33 |
0,583 |
Enthusiasism Estacy |
Effectiveness on the work |
Efficiency Belonging |
Predetermined Standards fom Employee |
4,13 |
0,506 |
Accuracy |
Completeness |
Speed |
Source: Dangotte Group Companies
Based on results, regarding impact of training and development on motivating employees to better performance and strategic goals achiving, the following ranking was analyzed:
Independent variable: “Training methods”. Impact of on job training is the highest with a mean of 4.68 and standard deviation of 0.563, while off job training with mean of 4.42 and standard deviation of 0.524, ranked as second. Thirdly, continuous training programs is promotional and advancement with a mean of 4.34 and standard deviation of 0.522. These statistics shows that majority of respondents surveyed do agree on the statement that training is a motivational tool to employees' performance.
Independent variable: “Development methods”. From the calculation, enrich job experience is the highest in the ranking of motivational tools with a mean of 4.56 and SD of 0.566, while formal education programs has a mean of 4.32 and SD of0.546 as second ranked. Job rotation and challenging job transfer has a mean of 4.28 and SD 0.520 and ranked third. The mean of other variables ranges from (3.34 - 3.99) and SD ranges from (0.689 - 0.602). This implies that, majority of the respondents do agree that development equally contributes to motivating employees hence, have increase in their productivity because of high morale gained from the motivation.
. Dependent variable:
“Motivation”. Result - oriented measures, that is, criterion - based with elements (effectiveness, efficiency, and belonging) is the highest with a mean of 4.33 and SD of 0.506. These statistics shows that majority of the respondents surveyed do agree on the statement that training and development is a motivational tool to employees' performance.
Positive Effects of Motivation. Motivation of employee is a process that guides and maintains good behaviors. Motivation encourages employees to work much harder and committed. Motivation actually described why an employee behaves this or that way. Major components of motivation are activation, persistence and intensity. Activation involves decisions to initiate a behavior; persistence is a continuing effort towards a goal. Finally, intensity goes to pursue goals. Motivation is the willingness to exert high levels of effort to reach organizational goals, conditioned by the ability to satisfy some individual needs.
Motivation has a significant importance on the performance of employees. However, it should be mentioned, that if the right person for the right job is not selected, then motivation will have negative effect on employee's job performance. In view of this, employers/managers must keep this factor in mind and seek the guidelines from Human Resource Department in order to have the right person on the right job. When such employees are motivated, their performance will obviously increase and they will play a vital role to the organization strategic goal. To train workers and for ourselves, we enhance our self-discipline, reward ourselves for reaching goals, and challenge ourselves to stretch beyond our perceived limits.
Results of research proved that training effects employee's job performance positively. It also increases the effectiveness and efficiency of work and contributes to the strategic success of organization. By the help of training, employees become proficient on their jobs hence, their productivity improves. If we are responsible for motivating others, we can be motivated in two ways: First, we need to be motivated to continue applying the techniques until we find what works best for the individuals on our team. Secondly, we need to be sure that our motivation is grounded in the right intentions. If managers simply try to force others to achieve organizational goals without considering their own needs and values, they will end up with no motivation. Eventually, they would face turnover, job shirking, and poor attitudes, high cost for training. In the current economy, employees need all the motivation that they can get, especially through training and development. When employers/managers show to employees how committed they are to their success and accomplishments, both will get the same benefit in return. In given company the use of free, printable awards and certificates is a way to boost morale, productivity, learning motivation.
Hence, training and development ensures motivation of employees which further leads to following:
Actively and consciously contributes to the achievement of the strategic organizational objectives and goals;
Get more work done and have more ideas and skills;
Focus their energy on positives rather than the negatives;
Treat clients, co-workers and vendors with more respect and cordial relationship;
Reinforce the organizational culture.
Discussion of findings. The general objective of this research was to assess training and development as a motivational tool to employees' performance and productivity for the case of Dangotte Group Companies. Most of the respondents through their answers confirmed the importance of training and development, as a motivational tool to employees' performance and productivity. According to responses, training and development methods and activities brought new potentials for employees when performing task, which will result in increased performance and productivity. Descriptive statistics in the form of means as listed previously in table 3 provide evidence that training and development are essential key variables that improve motivation and definitely lead to enhancement in performance and increased productivity. Toward a better understanding of the effects of training and development in chosen companies, this research points out the importance of training and development for the workforce, determines the major types of training and development programs, discusses the extent of relationship that exist between training and development and decide the overall impact on employee's performance, productivity, and over all organizational performance. Also offers some guidelines for human resource managers to design effective and diversified programs for training and development. This is in line with the view of Ewuim N. C. and Ubochi l. (2007). They suggested that, methods of training and development of workers include on - the-job-training and off- the-job training such as apprenticeship, demonstration, orientation, coaching and so on. Their study further revealed that job instruction, delegation, special projects, group discussion, programmed instructions, simulation conferences, case study, role playing, lecturing, job rotation and so on, were among the methods of training and development of manpower used by organizations for effective and upgraded organizational performance. Together with it the authors of the article underline, that the most effective training and development methods was on-job-training, peer-to-peer training, and development through job experiences such as job enlargement, job enrichment and job rotation.
Inferential statistics, on the other hand generated tabulated statistics that shows the results of correlations, coefficients and regressions on the data collected from 188 respondents through questionnaire. After applying the linear regression on the collected data to check the cause-and-effect relationship between training and development (independent variable) and employee's motivation (dependent variables) the above- mentioned result has been drawn. The probability off-statistic shows the significance level of the research. According to the standard if the p value is < 0.05 so than it is significant. In this study the above given tables demonstrate the p value is 0.000 which is < 0.05 thus the model of the research is statistically significant. Finally, the standardized values of the tables illustrate obviously that independent variable training and development have a positive relationship to motivating employee's performance and productivity.
The findings of this study is supporting to other research papers on training and development. In line with this study is W. Dabale, N. Jagero and M. Nyauchi (2014), it was established from their study that there is a strong positive relationship between training and motivation. From the findings most respondents strongly agreed that training develops skills and competences to improve performance, it reduces learning time for employees starting new jobs on appointment, transfer or promotion and training helps to reconcile the gap between what should happen and what is happening to increase the level of performance, which are product of motivation.
According to U. Hafeez and W. Akbar (2015), training and development have significant relationship with employee motivation. From the above discussion, training is considered as most important practice that cannot be discarded form an organization because the more the employee gets training, the more he/she will be motivated and the more efficient his/her performance would be. Study results of Raja Khan, Furqan Khan, and Muhammad Khan (2011) show that training and development, on - job -training, training design and delivery style have significant effects on employee performance and organizational performance. They concluded that effective and careful provision of training and development increases the overall organizational performance because the employees will be motivated. In line with above research are A. Asfaw, M. Argaw and L. Bayissa (2015). Here, the main finding of this research shows that training and development serves as motivational tool to employees and has a positive correlation on the outputs of employee's performance and effectiveness. This relationship was tested for causality using linear regression statistical model and found out employee effectiveness has a direct cause and effect relationship with employee motivation, and training and development.
H. Falola, A. Osibaanjo and S.Ojo (2014), confirmed that the relationships proposed among the variables in the research model were tested and it was found that relationship exists amongst the variables having subjected the collected data to empirical analysis with the use of descriptive statistics. The results of the findings indicated that training and development is a motivational tool to employees which affects their performance and organizational effectiveness. This implies that, effort must be made to ensure that employees' skills and knowledge are fully underutilized through adequate and timely training design and implementation. The researchers concluded that, training is importation for effective performance of employees, enhancement of employees' ability to adapt to the changing and challenging business environment and technology for better performance, increase employees' knowledge to develop creative and problem solving skills. In a similar view of S. Aigbepue and E. Mammud (2012), the results of the study show that, organizational performance depends largely on manpower training and development.
In view of this, the researchers recommend that, organizations should have regular and well-thought-out training and development programs for their employees. Such programs should be capable of raising the motivation, skills and productivity of employees, and their impact on strategic goals achievement.
Training is an internal engine, and its benefits show up over a long period of time. The ultimate reward in personal growth is motivation and a trained motivated employee is a strategic asset for an organization. One of the ways to motivate an employee is to give him/her a challenging work. Human motivation has a lot of strategies and successful management must include theoretical and practical education about the types of motivation, their sources and their effects on performance. Motivated people will be eager to work, feel themselves as a part of the organization; they will not like to change jobs to another organization. The desire to learn is a character trait which varies according to the personality of the individual trainee. In addition, motivational potential of T&D includes desire to apply the training received and desire to be promoted and continue professional and personal growth.
This study states that, training is seen as a motivation for personnel development, in return leads to organizational development. It becomes obvious that, organization benefits significantly when it encourages employees to learn, acquire and apply knowledge and skills. It creates atmosphere, where people can grow, be a part of society and at the same time keep their individuality. It promotes learning culture, helps employees challenge themselves, and stimulates enthusiasm and increases workplace skills gain recognition. The outcome result is job satisfaction, increased level of performance and organizational growth. Hence employee training and development is a reliable motivational tool for company's strategy realization.
Training should be a circular process that begins with needs identification and after a number of steps ends with the provision of effective feedback. The researchers confirm that if the following steps are followed systematically and patiently then, end results would be satisfactory to participants and to organization as well. Employers and managers are supposed to unveil a great motivational potential of training and development process, focusing on learning motivation, motivation to apply gained skills and motivation to be promoted. It is a matter of important significance to develop practically oriented
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