Improvement of the management mechanism of the strategy of innovative activities of enterprises

The article is concerned with the interpretation of the essence of the innovation strategy concept given the impact of environmental factors in order to meet the interests of all parties concerned, with the author's definition of this concept suggested.

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Дата добавления 04.09.2024
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In practice, the majority of enterprises use several strategies of innovation activity for comprehensive development, consolidation of competitive positions, and rapid transition from one type of strategy to another, since each type of strategy has a number of characteristics, advantages, features of operation, which enables organizing the enterprise's activities and promoting innovative changes in all units.

In the conditions of the negative influence of external factors, the implementation of the strategy of innovative activity at industrial enterprises will contribute to economic growth, development, stability of financial and economic activity, and increase in competitiveness, which, in turn, will ensure the recovery of the country's economy.

Taking into account the systematization of the approaches of domestic and foreign scientists, a definition was formed strategy of the enterprise's innovation activity is a set of interrelated actions to introduce innovations, attract investment resources, and promote economic growth, which are aimed at choosing an effective strategy of activity, ensuring the smooth operation of the enterprise, leveling the threats of the market environment, introducing innovative technologies. In contrast to the existing definitions, we considered the aspect of the industrial enterprise's activities, included in our interpretation all areas of the enterprise and peculiarities of its economic, investment and innovative development in the long term, took into account the need to attract investment, without which it is not possible to implement the strategy of innovation activities.

Approaches to the classification of innovation strategy were systematized and the main elements of different types of innovation strategies were analyzed, which made it possible to find out their role in the company's activities, identify threats to the market environment, determine the features of the development of the innovation strategy, outline advantages and disadvantages. The importance of the implementation of the innovation strategy and its management has been determined, which will allow to activate the innovative activity of enterprises and contribute to the improvement of financial and economic activity.

The mechanism for managing the strategy of innovative activity of industrial enterprises formed during the research by using a comprehensive approach will allow to establish the process of using the strategy, to successfully organize the implementation of the chosen strategy, to achieve a long-term effect, to take into account the influence of factors of the market environment, to determine the need for the introduction of innovations.

The results of the study of indicators of innovative activity of industrial enterprises, and the results of the forecast, which reflect the downward dynamics, are presented. The obtained data confirmed the need to implement a management mechanism for the strategy of innovative activity at industrial enterprises, which will form the prerequisites for the effective use of the strategy of innovative activity, and innovative development.

Further research will be aimed at implementing the established mechanism for managing the strategy of innovative activity at industrial enterprises, evaluating its effectiveness and forming directions for the activation of innovative activity.


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