The social-psychological examination of the correlation between intellectual capacities and social perception in management
Conceivable to infer that intellectual metrics play an extraordinary role in the comprehensive expression of social perception and other cognitive processes. Consequently, humans primarily engage in cognitive processes, then experience affective states.
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Дата добавления | 04.09.2024 |
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The social-psychological examination of the correlation between intellectual capacities and social perception in management
Hajamova Z.A.
PhD student in Social Psychology Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan
In the contemporary epoch, humanity confronts various concomitant global challenges, encompassing economic, ecological, social, demographic, and other multifaceted issues. The prevailing circumstances underscore the significance of harnessing the world's economic, scientific-technical, social, and spiritual reservoirs, global experience, and even the individual exertions of each person towards addressing both localized and overarching problems. In this context, intellectual advancement substantially bestows a comprehensive gift to the developmental progression of an individual and the evolution of propelling forces within.
Intellectual development in social psychology, akin to myriad other scholarly domains, undergoes meticulous scrutiny. Each individual imprints a distinct characteristic on the social cohort they participate in, distinguished by unique qualities and individual-psychological traits. The process of apprehension and reciprocal influence unfolds based on extant requisites. Individuals endowed with extensive intellectual aptitudes and opulent spiritual attributes gain a superior footing in these processes. The opulence of an individual's mental development plays a pivotal role in every domain, underscoring the importance of intellectual metrics in the complete manifestation of social perception and other cognitive processes.
As discerned, individuals with profound intellectual capabilities and abundant psychological attributes attain ascendancy in these processes. In every domain, the affluence of a person's mental development showcases its significant role. Hence, it is conceivable to infer that intellectual metrics play an extraordinary role in the comprehensive expression of social perception and other cognitive processes. Consequently, humans primarily engage in cognitive processes, then experience affective states, and the aforementioned intricate process culminates with comprehension and decisionmaking.
Upon comprehending the indications of any object or event, sentiments of unease or contentment may manifest. Functioning as a multidimensional and dynamic construct represented in society, the psychological system disassociates from its indispensable nexus with the perception of time and space. It is during this research that the validation of a person exhibiting diverse nuances of perception upon entering a specific social relationship system has been substantiated.
Key words: management, social perception, intellectual development, personality, values, self-improvement.
У сучасну епоху людство стикається з різними супутніми глобальними викликами, що охоплюють економічні, екологічні, соціальні, демографічні й інші багатогранні проблеми. Обставини, що склалися, підкреслюють важливість використання світових економічних, науково-технічних, соціальних і духовних резервуарів, глобального досвіду і навіть індивідуальних зусиль кожної людини для вирішення як локальних, так і загальних проблем. У цьому контексті інтелектуальний прогрес значною мірою дарує всебічний розвиток особистості й еволюції внутрішніх рушійних сил. Інтелектуальний розвиток у соціальній психології, подібній до безлічі інших наукових областей, піддається ретельному дослідженню. Кожен індивід накладає на соціальну когорту, до якої він входить, особливу характеристику, що виділяється унікальними якостями й індивідуально-психологічними рисами. За наявними реквізитами розгортається процес сприйняття та зворотного впливу. Особи, наділені великими інтелектуальними здібностями та духовними якостями, отримують вищу опору в цих процесах. Розкіш розумового розвитку особистості відіграє ключову роль у кожній сфері, підкреслює важливість інтелектуальних показників у повному прояві соціального сприйняття й інших когнітивних процесів. Як видно, люди із глибокими інтелектуальними здібностями та багатими психологічними якостями досягають переваги в цих процесах. У кожній сфері важливу роль демонструє ступінь розумового розвитку людини. Отже, можна зробити висновок, що інтелектуальні показники відіграють надзвичайну роль у комплексному вираженні соціального сприйняття й інших когнітивних процесів. Люди насамперед беруть участь у когнітивних процесах, потім переживають афективні стани, і вищезгаданий складний процес завершується розумінням й ухваленням рішень. За розуміння вказівок на будь-який об'єкт або подію можуть проявлятися почуття неспокою або задоволення. Функціонуючи як багатовимірна та динамічна конструкція, представлена в суспільстві, психологічна система відокремлюється від свого неодмінного зв'язку зі сприйняттям часу та простору. Саме під час цього дослідження було обґрунтовано валідацію особистості, яка демонструє різноманітні нюанси сприйняття під час входження в систему соціальних відносин.
Ключові слова: менеджмент, соціальна перцепція, інтелектуальний розвиток, особистість, цінності, самовдосконалення.
intellectual capacities social management
Intellectual development constitutes the process aimed at ensuring the seamless and appropriate provisioning of elements for functional behavior, concurrently mitigating the misapprehension of objects, events, and individuals in an erroneous direction. Perception, as a cognitive process, delineates the discernment of the differential between the reality of perceived objects, events, and individuals and the actual situation, thereby guaranteeing that any given situation unfolds in alignment with reality and is implemented adeptly. The decisions made by individuals exhibiting a high level of intellectual development are founded upon sagacious determinations. In a broader context, diverse types of intellectual development can be delineated within individuals, classified as follows:
- ascendency of one's memory capabilities vis-a-vis others;
- spiritual development functioning as the motivational impetus of personality;
- a logical approach to problem-solving;
- elevated development of language skills;
- cultivation of an autonomous thinking style.
The interconnection between intellectual development and social perception is predominantly configured through the scrutiny and explication of the prototypical meanings associated with socially oriented characteristics during the analysis of events. Throughout this period, perception is more orientated towards pragmatic details, judicious decisions are formulated, and the resultant outcome serves as a metric for capability and success [8, p. 3]. The nexus between intellectual development and social perception is further determined by the uniqueness and originality characterizing the attitude towards events. The affiliation of intellectual criteria with social perception can be explicated through the comprehensive nature of perceptual and intellectual attributes. Intellectual criteria govern human thoughts, emotions, and activities as a responsive reaction to the surrounding environment. Consequently, a harmonization of emotions with the influence of thoughts ensures the actualization of social perception.
Degree of problem elaboration
According to certain scholars, intellectual maturation does not transpire in early life but is rather a pivotal prerequisite for individual formation during adolescence. This progression influences the articulation of personal attitudes, thoughts, and emotions at a sufficiently advanced level, consciously transitioning into life experiences at a deliberate pace, thereby impacting voluntariness [7-9]. These constituents contribute to shaping an individual from a socio-psychological standpoint, concurrently possessing autonomous signification grounded in both content and man-ifestation degree [2; 3]. These constituents reconcile an individual's cognitive development with their behavior. As societal occurrences that mold an individual unfold in a community, human perception assumes a selective nature and relies on a process of awareness, given the intricate and diverse nature of these public events [9; 10]. Consequently, a systematic examination of the nexus between intellectual criteria in management and social perception with socio-psychological characteristics is advocated.
Objective and Tasks
The principal aim of the research is to scrutinize the alignment system of social perception with intellectual occurrences in human life and socio-psychological characteristics in the system of personality development in management. Thus, the research concentrates on scrutinizing the role of social perception in intellectual development within the framework of management. In management, the interconnection of intellectual criteria with social perception conditions the process of making judicious decisions when social behavior necessitates the proper acceptance of intellect as a phenomenon that facilely unites broad masses and ensures the adaptation of an individual to both material and spiritual realms. Therefore, the interpretation of the relationship between social perception and intellectual criteria and the analysis of intellectual development as an experiential means to eluci-date one's existence are acknowledged as the primary purpose and task of the research. Intellectual development, in this context, is a process of cognitive understanding aimed at acquiring certain levels of insight or specific qualities.
Methods. Throughout the research, pertinent sources were explored, and systematic application of analysis and synthesis methods was employed. Observational and evaluative experiments were implemented. The tasks set during the research mandated the utilization of methods such as a systematic approach, analysis, and synthesis.
Main section
Interpersonal Relationships in Management. Management is the utilization of others' efforts to execute any activity and achieve the respective goal. While the managerial figure may not be the one physically executing tasks, they supervise all performed activities, take responsibility for planning and coordinating, and possess the authority to give orders and make decisions in the field of their activity. Consequently, management is a group effort, and interpersonal relationships within this group are realized initially. Regardless of the quality and volume of task completion, it regulates how individuals perceive one another. Thus, the social character of perception plays a more pronounced role in the success of management.
The research into the connection between intellectual development processes and social perception in management reveals that individuals rely on relevant stereotypes in predicting a range of cognitive and systematic relationships. Additionally, the investigation of cognitive (mental) and systematic classifications ensures the derivation of useful forecasts about individuals' interests and social behaviors. Social adaptation to a social group is one of the fundamental characteristics of social perception in intellectual development. Social perception is manifested reflectively in intellectual development, ensuring an individual's affiliation with a specific social category, awareness of objects and events, and the comprehension of available information and relationships. Social perception determines an individual's commitment to the social environment, anticipates the characteristics of perceived events and objects, and facilitates the regulation of an individual's behavior. Intellectual development is considered one of the essential stages of social development, ensuring individualization. The mutual relationship between social perception and intellectual development influences an individual's formation of personal values by impacting their social behaviors and experiential opportunities.
Mutual comprehension and understanding between individuals start with recognition. In the process of perception, the provision of social responsibility ensures the subjective transformation of objective relationships, material and spiritual assets, and behavioral norms in society. This process covers the entirety of the reciprocal influence of individuals and society, fostering the manifestation of tolerant qualities.
The cultural advancement of an individual's personality in relation to their intellectual stance is actualized based on the subject-activity approach principle. The correlation between intellectual development and social perception encompasses cultural, individual, semantic, and various facets. The attributes in social perception also encompass instances of intellectual conduct alongside physiological and sociological processes. The misapprehension or mis assessment of experiences garnered from events in the external milieu can be associated with intellectual predicaments. In the intellectual domain, the attributes of social perception are scrutinized more comprehensively in terms of cognitive, socio-psychological, and physiological sequences. Let's direct our attention to the ensuing framework:
- cognitive realm: the deliberate manifestation of observations linked to perception in the human cerebral cortex;
- socio-psychological realm: the structure of social roles and relationships perceived and actualized by an individual takes shape in the social domain. Both of these systems wield substantial influence in shaping the general substance of perceptual annotations;
- physiological realm: the fabrication of illusions and hallucinations is deemed a byproduct of the physiological realm.
The Legal Conformities of Intellectual Development to Social Perception
The relationship between the normative regularities of Intellectual Advancement and Social Cognition is notably more discernible within the managerial framework. Management, as a system, finds its foundation in interpersonal relationships grounded in societal objectives. Traits pertinent to intellectual and social domains intricately envelop an individual's multifaceted personal development. Social cognition actualizes intellectual progression within the contours of social values, and the assimilated experiences serve as a tangible mechanism in the course of developmental processes. Professional activities encompass an individual's societal stereotypes, ideas, and perceptions vis-a-vis work. The reciprocal relationship between social cognition and intellect culminates in the realization of a distinct social developmental tier for an individual and fosters preparedness for societal integration. A judicious apprehension of social influences is manifest in its explicit demonstration within interpersonal and professional relationships.
The acumen of an individual's personality to exercise governance is similarly actualized contingent upon its intellectual developmental attributes. Social cognition transmutes management into an encompassing system predicated on individualistic managerial conceptions. The objectives delineated by an individual, the thematic content of encountered predicaments, and the internal principles and regulations constituting their managerial concepts are implemented contingent upon the legal regularities of social cognition and psychological traits. The nexus between the management capability of an individual's personality and its intellectual development, alongside the scrutiny of the manifestation traits of social cognition in this domain, is deemed pivotal in both the realms of management and social psychology. It is initially noteworthy that elevated intellectual indices of personality augment the psychological attributes of managerial undertakings and social cognition within the internal processes of the management system, rendering them more efficacious and qualitative. In sum, the role of social cognition in the intellectual evolution of personality within management serves three pivotal functions:
1. Execution of various socio-psychological functions and analytical analyses - involves the management and analysis of human behavior, the analysis of decisions to be made in the future, the implementation of essential processes such as psychological perspectives and correction in collective activities, the study of mechanisms of interpersonal relationships, the analysis of all mechanisms in normal and extreme situations in occupational activities, the provision of methodological support for making decisions in both normal and extreme working conditions, and the investigation of the psychological characteristics of leadership and the development mechanisms of individual leadership.
2. Organization of interpersonal relationships and management through stimulation - the psychological application of interpersonal and professional relationships formed between leaders and executives, management through the reward method when necessary, ensuring the successful performance of work activities, and the proper organization of management through the reward method.
3. Influencing the psyche of individuals with empathy - organizing control over the collective's own activities, demonstrating individual style in managing the work process, organizing psychological application of practical and applicable psychological principles in interpersonal relationships and management, resolving conflicts and demonstrating psychological impact, regulating internal microclimate in the organization, forming psychological stability, setting an example with personal behavior in the collective's professional activities, and fostering a sense of trust in people.
The aforementioned functions can serve as a key indicator of interpersonal relationships in human labor activities and create a sense of psychological satisfaction in individuals.
The characteristics of social perception in the intellectual development of personality shape the application of general goals, interests, ideas, and ideals in management, defend the employee's professional position, and ensure effective control over the collective's activities. In the development of personality in management, social perception ensures the organization of activities based on relevant norms and instructions. Social perception in management is considered as a mutual influence process. In management, an individual develops not only management skills but also development-oriented abilities.
A specific form of social perception in the intellectual development of personality involves understanding and grasping others, the psychological ability to resist interpersonal and professional resistance. Social perception shapes the leadership qualities based on intellectual differentiation in the development of personality. In other words, approaching social perception as a differentiation of intellectual development is also possible. Such differentiation constitutes a mutual relationship and mutual influence process. The role of social perception in the intellectual development of personality in management is realized in the process of an individual influencing others and the reaction of the other party to this influence. Intellectual development in management manifests itself in the role of a leader, and the establishment of the structure of the process legalizes the status of social perception. These processes have a specific character and vary significantly in unstable collectives.
Since a human is a social being, any activity related to them takes on a social character, aligning behavior predictions with the individual's social status as it evolves. Social perception functions as a unifying element in intellectual development and regulates a person's behavior within certain norms. The specified norms include qualities such as managerial skills, punctuality, responsibility, support for ideas, organizing activities for the group's name, implementing proper communication forms, and so on. While the regulation of the social and psychological state of workers under the leader's influence depends on individual management style, it encompasses the development issues of management. The practical possibilities of a leader's managerial qualities are generally contingent on their social status. Social status stimulates mutual relations in leaderexecutive relationships, ensures the purposeful organization of management as a result of personal development, integrates intellectual development into thoughtful control, and subjectively meets several essential expectations from a socio- psychological perspective. The social status of a leader serves as a means of social control in management, linking their development to a reciprocal influence process (page 9, 12).
Analysis of Intellectual Metrics in Social Psychology
During research, the analysis of intellectual metrics in social psychology and its correlation with social perception revealed that the terms “intellectual metrics” or “social metrics” extend beyond their literal meanings and can be divided into at least two aspects, both as a process and as an outcome: moral values. Moral values are determined by an individual's possession of broad knowledge and skills in a particular field, a high scientific potential, respect for existing customs and traditions, the integration of positive characteristic features within oneself, and the demonstration of appropriate behavior based on personal qualities.
At the same time, having values indicates a state where emotional “trust” is gained for the accuracy of the selected thought and action direction. In general, values represent the precise and correct selection of any goal-directed projective actions towards a concept, the evaluation of it in comparison with means to achieve it, the overall direction of the movement, and plans. Values regulate the individual development process by forming, transforming, and integrating several positive components in the individual development stages towards higher integrity.
The value system orchestrates the processes of gathering, preserving, and breaking down the functions of the components of the “self” image hierarchy, regulating hierarchy and integration in the processes of collecting, preserving, and breaking down functions of components of the “self” image. It ensures the future formation of a new structure and the creation of new functions for the social image. In the intellectual development of personality, social perception ensures the realization of crucial tasks such as understanding others, influencing them, establishing effective communication, creating a favorable microclimate in the collective, and developing positive motivations for work and creative activities.
The understanding of long-term internal and external processes in interpersonal relationships is realized based on the cognitive and affective regularities of social perception. The phenomenal characteristic of the level of intellectual development is made possible through the encoding of information in the human brain. Human behavior, language, and management culture are considered internal components of their intellectual level.
The level of a person's intellectual development depends on the internal resources of their professional activity. The professional environment is created through the joint efforts of leaders and executives. When a leader possesses excellent managerial qualities to influence workers under their guidance, the organization becomes capable of efficiently organizing its activities. In this regard, the psychological preparedness of a leader becomes a crucial advantage.
A leader's psychological preparation focuses on understanding one's own and others' psyche, and it involves cognitive, emotional, and volitional readiness in determining and evaluating psychological qualities, situations, personal orientations, and relationships. The manifestation characteristics of social perception in the intellectual development of personality in management encompass the following elements:
- diagnostic and prognostic assessment of professional relationships in management;
- development of an activity program aimed at resolving problematic and crisis situations;
- organization of the implementation of given decisions.
There are three fundamental sources essential for a person's intellectual development, classified by Weber in 1921:
- intellectual development should ensure the individual's rational attitude toward existing norms and standards;
- intellectual development should foster the individual's respectful attitude towards the traditions and constant measures of the community to which they belong;
- intellectual development should create conditions for the formation of the individual's personal-psychological characteristics by establishing a stable relationship.
Thus, intellectual development, categorized as rational, respectful, and enduring, shapes an individual's thinking style and serves as the architect of their future activities.
As an intellectual criterion, values not only manifest synchronously at all stages of social perception development but also create conditions for entering the mechanisms of reality's assimilation in terms of values and accepting oneself as an internal value. Values also allow the components of close, medium, and distant personal perspectives to be clearly highlighted in the social perception process. From the points mentioned, it is possible to conclude that intellectual values constitute an integral structure characterized by specific mutual influence patterns of all mental components, forming a complex and individual development. Furthermore, each of these components becomes independent in the process of manifesting value orientations.
Values with a stable and independent psychological organization can significantly contribute to the formation of social mutual relationships. Sometimes, minor reasons lead to unexpected outcomes. Experience shows that believing in one's own abilities is crucial for making correct decisions. The issues highlighted are considered one of the most significant problems of social perception because an individual who does not properly assess their own capabilities does not present their qualities of interaction with others, i.e., the quality of relationships with others, confidently.
Personality is the most apparent element of the social system. In modern times, social psychology places special importance on the individual and interpersonal characteristics of personality, as well as the social typology, thanks to the approach that has preserved its relevance. Personality is recognized as an active subject of public life. Understanding the meaning of other people's behavior is one of the crucial aspects of this process. The process involves observing and interpreting the actions of people. Determining the intellectual behavioral characteristics of individuals is considered important in both domestic and professional environments, and communication plays a significant role in these activities. The correctness of the given judgments is explored through self-awareness along with perception. The investigation of the accuracy of self-awareness is closely related to self-reflection. Through self-reflection, a person, as a moral being, can develop their behavior under social conditions and engage in mutually beneficial interaction with others. It is possible to conclude that self-reflection is also the most excellent means for an individual to establish relationships between oneself and the world. For this purpose, a person should improve their personal qualities, live as an individual, and engage in activities. Thus, by going through the human-individual-self-reflection-values chain, one can cut the social importance in the mutual influence process [12, p. 42]. In this sense, a person integrates with their internal world and does not face difficulties in performing certain correctional activities to eliminate existing conflicts by knowing oneself.
In an era characterized by the extensive prevalence of reciprocal relationships, it is imperative to undertake significant endeavors aimed at the judicious cultivation of individuals. In this context, the onus is concurrently borne by familial and educational institutions. Consequently, the impact of intellectual faculties on social perceptual acuity and the overarching developmental proclivities of individuals assumes pronounced significance. The aforementioned processes conspicuously manifest themselves in the individual's perceptual comportment. In this juncture, a diverse organizational framework emerges, laying the groundwork for the scrutiny of the influence of intellect on social perception:
- the primary componentisthenormativefacet, denoting the explication of the comprehensive systematic model of intellect in accordance with any pertinent psychological theory;
- the secondary component is descriptive, affording the capacity to ascertain the hierarchical structuring of an individual's value system.
The scrutiny of the above facilitates the formulation of a theoretical model elucidating the interplay between intellectual criteria and social perception. It becomes apparent that intellect serves as a pivotal personal determinant directing an individual's orientation within the social perception milieu.
Social perception and intellectual criteria can be approached from various scholarly perspectives as a procedural framework. The aforementioned procedural framework can be characterized as an objective and subjective evaluative system encompassing the following elements:
- an entity (symbol) toward which the value is directed, the objective facet of the symbol, i.e., the inception and manifestation of the value;
- the subjective facet, i.e., the outcome and correlation of the value with the subject.
Intellectual and social values exhibit intricate, contradictory, and concurrently innate manifestation characteristics within the social perception process. These manifestation characteristics regulate requisite conditions for the subsequent evolution of social mutual relationships and contribute to the progression of the procedural framework in a certain capacity. Prolonged observations and analyses by scholars and researchers in this field have indicated that the intellectual and social values system comprises several discernible stages:
- the initial stage involves the assimilation of societal values by an individual. The term “value” in society functions as a catalyst for shaping an individual's social image. In this context, the formation and development of value orientations transpire across all spheres of an individual's life. Research into the quandaries associated with belief formation assumes a pivotal role in dissecting this stage of the value process;
- the subsequent stage encompasses the metamorphosis of personality predicated on value determinations. It denotes a phase in the developmental trajectory of the value process wherein an individual redirects attention inward, recognizes oneself, and formulates the “self” image. The manifestation of valuable relations towards the world commences at this juncture, concomitantly acquiring novel qualities of a qualitative nature. The values system undergoes scrutiny, leading to the emergence of discernible variances and steadfast positions. Grounded in theoretical tenets enshrined in this stage, harmonization with the psychological theory of “self-awareness” commences;
- the final stage entails goal-setting and task delineation, encompassing the formation of future projections, including prognostications. During this stage, coordination, systemization, and the establishment of a discernible hierarchy within the social mutual influence process ensue. Personal values may undergo alteration contingent upon the scale of personal values and the orientation of personal proclivities. Thus, the process of formulating and deepening an individual's value relationship towards real events in society acquires renewed characteristics. Concurrently, the perception of space-time and the concretization of self-awareness, i.e., life perspectives concerning the future, initiate their formulation.
It is acknowledged that Azerbaijan's ancient and profound spiritual values presently function as a source of national pride and contribute significantly to the nation's intellectual development on the global stage. The state's commitment to this realm is progressively intensifying, and the ongoing endeavors aligned with the implementation of international practices foster optimistic expectations for the nation's future [14, p. 5]. All these processes conspicuously manifest themselves within the socio-psychological domain. It is imperative to note that the efficacy of achieving unity within the country, nation, and individuals primarily hinges on the mutual integration of intellectual development and understanding, necessitating an analysis of their interrelation.
Research findings indicate that the formation of an individual's socio- psychological aspect is facilitated through the assimilation of real events in the surrounding environment. Consequently, social perception systematically evolves within the framework of specific social relationships. It has been discerned that social perception plays a pivotal role in regulating values, demands, and understanding in reciprocal relationships. Additionally, findings reveal that when intellect aligns with the principle of a multifaceted hierarchical structure, the age limit, a salient indicator of personality's socio-psychological development, is also encompassed.
Given the research's focal point on the management system, the analysis of the manifestation characteristics of social perception in the intellectual development of personality is predominantly conducted in the leader's behavior, choice of management methods, and attitude towards individuals under their authority. Consequently, it can be asserted that social perception in the intellectual development of personality in management is regulated based on the following characteristic features:
- the leader exerts intellectual-emotional influence as the moral-emotional center of the management process;
- the leader facilitates the accurate identification of thegroup's structure, atmosphere, and ideology, as well as the advancement of its interests;
- the leader exemplifies personal qualities in the role of a leader and adeptly assimilates group understandings;
- the leader's optimal position for personal characteristics in management is determined;
- the leader's ability to achieve consensus and resolve conflicts by representing the interests of individuals under their authority is facilitated;
- collaboration opportunities increase under the leader's guidance;
- the leader's activities and behavior serve as a model, stimulating and regulating the group's pertinent activities for enhanced outcomes (task distribution, promotion, and criticism).
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презентация [7,8 M], добавлен 26.05.2015The concept of transnational companies. Finding ways to improve production efficiency. International money and capital markets. The difference between Eurodollar deposits and ordinary deposit in the United States. The budget in multinational companies.
курсовая работа [34,2 K], добавлен 13.04.2013The impact of management and leadership styles on strategic decisions. Creating a leadership strategy that supports organizational direction. Appropriate methods to review current leadership requirements. Plan for the development of future situations.
курсовая работа [36,2 K], добавлен 20.05.2015Company’s representative of small business. Development a project management system in the small business, considering its specifics and promoting its development. Specifics of project management. Problems and structure of the enterprises of business.
реферат [120,6 K], добавлен 14.02.2016The audience understand the necessity of activity planning and the benefits acquired through budgeting. The role of the economic planning department. The main characteristics of the existing system of planning. The master budget, the budgeting process.
презентация [1,3 M], добавлен 12.01.2012Сущность понятия healthcare management, опыт его использования в зарубежных компаниях. Применяемые в данной системе методы и приемы, условия и возможности их использования в отечественных реалиях. Разработка и внедрение программы управления здоровьем.
контрольная работа [32,5 K], добавлен 26.01.2016The concept and features of bankruptcy. Methods prevent bankruptcy of Russian small businesses. General characteristics of crisis management. Calculating the probability of bankruptcy discriminant function in the example of "Kirov Plant "Mayak".
курсовая работа [74,5 K], добавлен 18.05.2015Types of the software for project management. The reasonability for usage of outsourcing in the implementation of information systems. The efficiency of outsourcing during the process of creating basic project plan of information system implementation.
реферат [566,4 K], добавлен 14.02.2016Leaders are those who can make others perform tasks without being coerced through force or formal authority. Conflict Management Styles. Teambuilding is essential in the workplace and highly desirable skills to possess when seeking a new job, promotion.
реферат [23,7 K], добавлен 04.01.2016Составление проекта по методологии Oracle (комплекс методологий "Oracle Method") и по стандарту PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge). Сравнение проектов, выявление их достоинств и недостатков, преимущественные сферы использования каждого.
контрольная работа [2,8 M], добавлен 28.05.2014Сущность CRM-систем - Customer Relationship Management. Преимущества клиенториентированного подхода к бизнесу. Формы функционирования и классификация CRM-систем. Основные инструменты, которые включает в себя технология управления отношениями с клиентами.
реферат [30,9 K], добавлен 12.01.2011Рассмотрение концепции Customer Relationship Management по управлению взаимоотношениями с клиентами. Возможности CRM-систем, их влияние на эффективность бизнеса. Разработка, реализация и стоимость проекта внедрения CRM-системы для ЗАО "Сибтехнология".
дипломная работа [5,5 M], добавлен 15.09.2012