Development of the onboarding and personnel adaptation concepts

The article attempts to distinguish between the concepts of "adaptation" and "onboarding", which are currently used either together or as identical in the modern scientific literature on HR management. The basis of studying the definitions of adaptation.

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Development of the onboarding and personnel adaptation concepts

Prokhorov Mykhaylo Mykolayovych

candidate for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in specialty 051 "Economics", Poltava University of Economics and Trade, Poltava

Rudych Lesya Vasylivna

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Personnel Management Department, Labor Economics and Economic Theory, Poltava University of Economics and Trade, Poltava

Stepanova Larysa Valentinivna

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Personnel Management, Labor Economics and Economic Theory, Poltava University of Economics and Trade, Poltava


The article attempts to distinguish between the concepts of "adaptation" and "onboarding", which are currently used either together or as identical in the modern scientific literature on HR management. On the basis of studying the definitions of adaptation, an attempt is made to identify its historical origin as a category that involves the adaptation of a person and their activities to the internal or external environment. The author considers the definition of professional adaptation, i.e. the process of adaptation of a new employee to a new position, team, and enterprise. Four stages of professional adaptation of a person are distinguished, in which only the third and fourth stages are directly related to employment at a new enterprise. The third stage involves joining the team, adapting to the work schedule, organization of work, social and psychological relationships in the group; mastering professional skills specific to a particular institution; internalization of the organization's values and norms; the fourth stage involves horizontal and vertical mobility within the enterprise, between enterprises and professions; and the adaptee's entry into the continuous professional growth and professional creativity system. Based on the study of the concept of "onboarding", a conclusion is made that this process is most concerned with the socialization of a new employee, i.e., their onboarding through mastering the norms and rules of the corporate culture. The main tasks of onboarding are defined, which once again confirms the more social role of this process in the enterprise. The author generalizes the conclusion that adaptation and onboarding are not identical concepts, there is a difference between them. The author's opinion is that onboarding can be considered a part of adaptation, which differs in taking into account the personal characteristics and individual qualities of a new employee and is aimed at optimizing the process in psychological terms.

Keywords: adaptation, personnel adaptation, professional adaptation, onboarding, HR management.


Прохоров Михайло Миколайович здобувач ступеню доктора філософії зі спеціальності 051 «Економіка», Полтавський університет економіки і торгівлі, м. Полтава

Рудич Леся Василівна кандидат економічних наук, доцент кафедри управління персоналом, економіки праці та економічної теорії, Полтавський університет економіки і торгівлі, м. Полтава

Степанова Лариса Валентинівна доцент кафедри управління персоналом, економіки праці та економічної теорії, к.е.н., доцент, Полтавський університет економіки і торгівлі, м. Полтава


У статті зроблено спробу розмежувати поняття «адаптація» та «онбординг», які в сучасній науковій літературі з HR-менеджменту наразі вживаються або разом, або як тотожні. На підґрунті вивчення визначень адаптації зроблено спробу виявити її більш давнє походження як категорії, яка передбачає пристосування людини, її діяльності до подразників внутрішнього чи зовнішнього середовища. Розглянуто визначення професійної адаптації, тобто процесу пристосування нового працівника до нової посади, колективу, підприємства. Виокремлено чотири етапи професійної адаптації людини, в якій лише третій і четвертий етапи безпосередньо стосуються входження до нового підприємства. На третьому етапі відбувається входження в колектив, пристосування до режиму, організації праці, соціально-психологічних взаємин у групі; оволодіння професійними навичками, характерними для певної установи; інтеріоризація культур і норм організації; четвертий етап - горизонтальна та вертикальна мобільність усередині підприємства, між підприємствами і професіями; входження адаптанта у систему неперервного професійного зростання та професійної творчості. Ґрунтуючись на дослідженні поняття «онбординг» зроблено висновок, що цей процес найбільше стосується соціалізації нового працівника, тобто його введення в посаду через опанування норм і правил корпоративної культури. Визначено основні завдання онбордингу, що ще раз підтверджують більш соціальну роль цього процесу на підприємстві. Узагальнено висновок про те, що адаптація і онбординг не є тотожними поняттями, між ними існує різниця. Думкою автора є те, що онбординг можна вважати частиною адаптації, який має відмінність у врахування особистісних характеристик та індивідуальних якостей нового працівника, спрямований на оптимізацію процесу в психологічному відношенні.

Ключові слова: адаптація, адаптація персоналу, професійна адаптація, онбординг, HR-менеджмент.

Statement of the problem

onboarding personnel adaptation concept

In modern HR-management, the concepts of onboarding and adaptation are simultaneously used, in particular, putting an "equal" sign between them. However these concepts differ in essence and tasks, which causes misunderstandings between practical managers and scientists, creating the problem of establishing a definitional apparatus. Understanding the difference between onboarding and adaptation is becoming increasingly relevant in modern conditions, distinguishing between tools, methods, ways of onboarding and adaptation in practice.

Analysis of recent researches and published papers

Problems of adaptation of personnel at the enterprise and its impact on the efficiency of personnel in various aspects were considered in scientific publications by Yu.V. Myroshnychenko, A.V. Lobenko, V.O. Krushelnytska, B.S. Onopriichuk, A.V. Kyslov, N.G. Nychkalo, A.V. Cherkaskiy, O.V. Kharchyshina, L.V. Balabanova, O.V. Sardak, O.O. Getman, N.V. Petrenchuk and many other authors.

The purpose of the article is to study theoretical approaches to adaptation and onboarding in order to develop concepts to provide effective tools and methods for their practical implementation.

Statement of basic materials

Personnel adaptation according to V.O. Krushelnytska is the process of adapting employees to the conditions of the external and internal environment; mutual adaptation of the employee and the conditions of the organization, based on the gradual development of new professional, social and organizational working conditions [1].

Balabanova L.V. interprets the concept of personnel adaptation as a two-way process. On the one hand, the fact that a person has started working in a new enterprise is their conscious choice based on a certain motivation for the decision made and responsibility for this decision. On the other hand, the enterprise also assumes certain obligations by hiring an employee [2, p. 255].

It should be noted that the category of "adaptation" has been applied to human activities, including professional ones, for quite some time. For the first time, the category of "adaptation" was introduced into the scientific literature by G. Aubert in 1865, which he defined as a change in the sensitivity of analyzers under the influence of external stimuli [3]. However, the idea of adapting a person and their activities to the internal and external environment almost does not change under the influence of time and the emergence of new research.

N. G. Nychkalo considers the professional adaptation of the individual as a kind of social in the unity of value-normative, psychophysiological, activity and socio-psychological aspects, which are interrelated and define four main stages of human adaptation to professional activity, in particular:

Stage 1 - formation of basic psychophysical, moral and intellectual potential necessary for effective professional activity; vocational guidance of students, and youth; pre-professional training;

Stage 2 - search for the most suitable jobs, taking into account personal labour potential and the situation on the labour market; professional selection by employers of applicants for certain jobs; conclusion of an employment agreement regulating working conditions at the workplace.

Stage 3 - joining the team, adapting to the schedule, organizing work, social and psychological relationships in the group; mastering professional skills characteristic of a particular institution; internalization of cultures and norms of the organization;

Stage 4 - horizontal and vertical mobility within the enterprise, between enterprises and professions; the entry of the adaptant into the system of continuous professional growth and professional creativity [4].

As you can see, even professional adaptation, as a term, covers not only the process of adapting an employee to a new workplace but is much broader, starting from the formation of ideas about the future profession, and its search.

The effectiveness of professional adaptation, and in our opinion, its effectiveness lies in optimizing the period of adaptation of the employee to the new workplace, may be affected by the following factors (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Factors influencing the efficiency of adaptation of the enterprises personnel

One of the most important (primary) factors is the correct hiring, that is, the HR managers' search for the optimal candidate for a certain position. This depends on their professional level and shortens the adaptation period. It is equally important to formalize the relationship between the employer and the employee, since in large enterprises, with too formalized adaptation processes, this can take a long time, and in small enterprises, with an informal corporate culture, blurred norms and rules, this also leads to inefficiency of the adaptation process.

Consequently, the effectiveness of adaptation depends on many factors that can be taken into account both at the stage of recruitment and at the stage of direct adaptation of employees.

We consider it appropriate to note that onboarding literally means in English "welcome on board", in our opinion, it is necessary to distinguish between these two concepts, since the name of the onboarding process does not include such an important component as adaptation, but only takes into account the process, boarding, acceptance, hiring an employee into a new team, enterprise. Although the definitions of the concept manifest the characteristics of adaptation: induction into office, acquaintance with a new enterprise and team, which involves the adaptation of both parties to each other, we did not find a clear description in the name and content of the concept.

Onboarding is a process of formal and informal procedures for hiring a new employee, which begins with the signing of a job offer and can last up to 1 year in the company, depending on the corporate culture [5].

Onboarding or organizational socialization is an American term for a mechanism by which new employees gain the necessary knowledge, skills, and behaviours to become effective members of an organization and insiders [6]. In the United States, up to 25% of employees are new to the organization involved in the onboarding process.

Professionals who created the Ukrainian product for HR-management, HURMA, argue that onboarding is the process of getting acquainted with the corporate culture, the approaches adopted in the company to solve problems and build effective interaction with the team [7].

In our opinion, even from such a short list of the concepts definitions of "adaptation" and "onboarding", it can be concluded that adaptation is a more significant process, which includes not only acquaintance, the introduction of a new employee into the team, but onboarding is rather a socio-professional adaptation, that is, part of the professional adaptation of the enterprise's personnel.

Considering the tasks of onboarding, one can again notice the focus of this process on the development of the corporate culture of the enterprise, its internal rules and regulations, formal and informal, by the new employee.

The main tasks of onboarding include:

- providing the newcomer with all the necessary document templates and conducting enrollment in the staff in accordance with the law and without stress for the new employee;

- providing the newcomer with all the necessary information about their new position, job description, and documents from the knowledge base directly related to him;

- familiarization with the work of theirs department and with colleagues;

- creation of conditions for easy passage of the probationary period, if any;

- attracting a new employee to work and setting goals for the near future;

- foundation for trusting working relationships, strengthening the employer's brand;

- acquaintance with the corporate culture and values of the company.


The study of the theoretical foundations of the processes of adaptation and onboarding makes it possible to assert the need to distinguish between these two concepts. First, based on a chronological factor, which gives grounds to consider adaptation as a more ancient term, and onboarding as a newer, modern, but still not identical one. Secondly, the scale of adaptation has been proven to be deeper, since it includes not only organizational and social components but also some others. Thirdly, onboarding, as can be seen from its definitions, tasks and stages, is mostly aimed at introducing a new employee to the essence of the position, explaining the corporate culture, and taking into account their personal characteristics and qualities. It can even be argued that adaptation is a more formal process of adapting a new employee to the enterprise, and onboarding is aimed at the least stressful and taking into account individual characteristics, the way of admitting a new employee to the enterprise team.

Understanding the differences in these two concepts gives grounds for HR managers to apply adaptation or onboarding tools, naming them accordingly, which will lead to more effective business communication and increase the efficiency of enterprises.


1. Krushelnytska O.V. (2008). Menedzhment personalu: navchalnyi posibnyk. [Personnel management: a training manual]. K. : Znannia Ukrainy, 299 p.

2. Balabanova L.V, Sardak O.V. (2011). Upravlinnia personalom: pidruchnyk. [Personnel management: a textbook]. K. : Tsentr navchalnoi literatury. 468 p.

3. Aubert H. Physiologie der Netzhout. Breslau, 1865. 113 p.

4. Nychkalo N. G. (2001). Adaptatsiia profesiina. Entsyklopediia suchasnoi Ukrainy. [Professional adaptation. Encyclopedia of Modern Ukraine]. K.: Derzh. holov. pidpryiemstvo resp. VO. T. 1: «A». S. 179-180.

5. Onbordynh pratsivnykiv: [elektronne dzherelo]. [Employee onboarding: [electronic source]. URL:

6. Bauer, Talya N.; Erdogan, Benin (2011). "Organizational socialization: The effective onboarding of new employees". APA handbook of industrial and organizational psychology, Vol 3: Maintaining, expanding, and contracting the organization. pp. 51-64

7. Osnovy HR: onbordynh/adaptatsiia personalu. [elektronne dzherelo]. [HR Basics: Onboarding/Personnel adaptation. [electronic source]. URL: onbording-adaptacziya-personalu/.


1. Крушельницька О.В. Менеджмент персоналу : навчальний посібник. К. : Знання України, 2008. 299 с.

2. Балабанова Л. В., Сардак О.В. Управління персоналом: підручник. К. : Центр навчальної літератури, 2011. 468 с.

3. Aubert H. Physiologie der Netzhout. Breslau, 1865. 113 p.

4. Ничкало Н. Г. Адаптація професійна. Енциклопедія сучасної України. К.: Держ. голов. підприємство респ. ВО, 2001. Т. 1: «А». С. 179-180/

5. Онбординг працівників: [електронне джерело]. URL: ] glossary/onboarding-process

6. Bauer, Talya N.; Erdogan, Berrin (2011). "Organizational socialization: The effective onboarding of new employees". APA handbook of industrial and organizational psychology, Vol 3: Maintaining, expanding, and contracting the organization. pp. 51-64.

7. Основи HR: онбординг/адаптація персоналу. [електронне джерело]. URL:

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